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HARTMANN GROUP 21“This allows clinicians to rely ona simple mechanism of action intheir practices while we continueto optimize the product for theirwork.”Prof. Dr. Hans Smola, Head of the MedicalCompetence Center of HARTMANNOur high-performance products, consultation, and training programs helpusers to implement efficient and reliable hygiene management. With ourresearch we also participate in the development of international standards.Paradigm change in hand disinfectionBased on a study conducted by BODE, the contact time in surgical handdisinfection was reduced from 3 to 1.5 minutes in 2004. With the approvalof the German Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (Bundesinstitutfür Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte, BfArM), the reduced contacttime was established as a new standard.A study on hygienic hand disinfection also set new standards. Tests showedthat proper use of hand disinfectants provides far better results than in thepreviously recommended practice. The latter is a procedure of six stepsbased on a European test method. The results of this BODE study wereincluded into the national Clean Hands Campaign promoted by the GermanFederal Ministry for Health, which paved the way for a new standard in handhygiene, improving staff and patient safety. “Nurses too regard the selfdependenttechnique as an improvement and are highly motivated,” stressedProf. Dr. Günter Kampf, Scientific Affairs.Mechanism of action of superabsorber identifiedThe superior effectiveness of the TenderWet active wound dressing fromHARTMANN in the moist therapy of chronic wounds has long been confirmedin clinical studies. Laboratory tests now show that the wound dressinginactivates up to 87 percent of specific endogenous enzymes that inhibitwound healing. Prof. Dr. Hans Smola, Head of our Medical CompetenceCenter in Heidenheim, identified the mechanism of action together withresearchers from the University of Cologne: the polyacrylate superabsorberembedded in the pad actively binds part of the endogenous matrix metalloproteinases(MMPs), enzymes whose pathological hyperactivity can retardthe formation of new tissue. At the same time, it reduces the activity of theremaining MMPs. “This allows clinicians to rely on a simple mechanism ofaction in their practices while we continue to optimize the product for theirwork,” said Hans Smola.Opposite page Staphylococcus aureus bacteria do not causeany problems on the skin of healthy people. But if they enterwounds they can cause life-threatening inflammation.Above The effectiveness of TenderWet, the pad with anabsorbent and rinsing effect, has long been confirmed in manystudies. HARTMANN has now also identified the precisemechanism of action.Below Hand disinfection is an important measure to protectpatients and medical staff from pathogens.

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