pipe clamps - heavy series

pipe clamps - heavy series

pipe clamps - heavy series

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Pi.Effe.Ci.Over 35 yearsof experiencePI.EFFE.CI. offers its clients over 35 years experiencein the market of TUBE FITTING CLAMPS to fix the <strong>pipe</strong>s,used in many industries.A productive capacity characterized by high technologicalstandards, a wide range of products with excellent valuefor money and customer service, high professionalism,these are the strengths of PI.EFFE.CI.ENGINEERINGThe continuous technological innovation, aimed to increaseefficiency of production and expanding the range of applications,is provided by highly qualified personnel.RANGEThe focus always on the market and its trends, allowsPI.EFFE.CI. to understand the specific needs of differentsectors: industrial, mobile and marine industries and oil,from offshore to industrial piping, mining industry to thepetrochemical sector <strong>pipe</strong>lines and pneumatics.SERVICEThe long experience enables PI.EFFE.CI. to satisfy its customersby using computer supports pre-and post-sale, usingthe web tool and interactive CDs for technical communicationtimely and constantly updated.Research and experimentation are essential prerequisites forbeing able to optimally satisfy the increasingly demandingrequirements of a market in continuous innovation.PRODUCTIONThe high efficiency of plants, combined with the optimizationand automation of production processes, allowsPI.EFFE.CI. to ensure good quality standards for bothlarge and small numbers.

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