2008 Annual Report - College of Pharmacy - The Ohio State University

2008 Annual Report - College of Pharmacy - The Ohio State University

2008 Annual Report - College of Pharmacy - The Ohio State University


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WelcomeWe are pleased to present this annual report for the 2007-<strong>2008</strong>academic year. <strong>The</strong> exceptional accomplishments described here resultfrom our strong and robust academic, educational, research, andoutreach programs.In the 2007-<strong>2008</strong> academic year, a total <strong>of</strong> 468 students were enrolledin our entry-level Doctor <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong> (PharmD) program, and thenontraditional PharmD (NTPD) program had 86 students enrolled.Following graduation, the graduates accepted positions in communitypharmacy or ambulatory care practices, in hospital pharmacy practice,and in residencies to continue their education and specialization viapostgraduate opportunities. At the undergraduate level, the BS inPharmaceutical Sciences program graduated 103 students, the largest ata single commencement. Our graduate programs in the <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Pharmacy</strong> continue the tradition <strong>of</strong> excellence, with approximately 90students enrolled this fall in the areas <strong>of</strong> medicinal chemistry andpharmacognosy, pharmaceutics, pharmacology, and pharmaceuticaladministration. In 2007-08, 14 PhD degrees and 19 MS degrees wereawarded. <strong>The</strong> high quality and the maturity <strong>of</strong> our students extend wellDean Robert W. Brueggemeierbeyond their academic accomplishmentsin the classrooms. Involvementin student pr<strong>of</strong>essional organizations, engagement in researchexperiences, and participation in national meetings are excellent opportunities for students to develop“outside” the classroom and to network with other students, faculty, and pharmacy colleagues from aroundthe nation.Faculty and students perform excellent disciplinary research and exciting interdisciplinary research indrug discovery, drug action, drug delivery, drug development, medication safety, and therapeutic outcomes.Faculty, PharmD students, and residents engage in training and delivery <strong>of</strong> therapeutic services in variousarea hospitals, clinics, ambulatory/community practice settings, and exciting innovative practice models <strong>of</strong>medication therapy management. Stimulating outreach and engagement activitiesby faculty, students, andstaff occur at the regional, national, and international levels. Our Alumni Society continues its outstandingwork to support the <strong>College</strong>’s students and faculty, and the advisory groups provide important feedback onthe <strong>College</strong>’s initiatives and directions. Our alumni preceptors mentor our pharmacy students throughclerkship rotations, internships, and participation in pr<strong>of</strong>essional organizations. In 2007-08, manyaccomplishments and continued excellence have been attained by the alumni and friends <strong>of</strong> our <strong>College</strong>,and the breadth and depth <strong>of</strong> engagement in a wide variety <strong>of</strong> areas in pharmacy <strong>of</strong> greater than 6,300alumni <strong>of</strong> the <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong> are exceptional.<strong>The</strong> strong academic programs in pr<strong>of</strong>essional, graduate, and undergraduate education and the excellentresearch and scholarship are a reflection <strong>of</strong> the high quality faculty, students, researchers and staff <strong>of</strong> the<strong>College</strong>. We celebrate many “Points <strong>of</strong> Buckeye Pride.” <strong>The</strong>se include our PharmD program obtaining aranking <strong>of</strong> 5th in the <strong>2008</strong> US News & World <strong>Report</strong>, our PhD program obtaining the “high quality” ratingin the OSU Graduate School review in <strong>2008</strong>, and a faculty productivity ranking <strong>of</strong> 2nd in <strong>Pharmacy</strong> in2007 by an independent organization. Our collective efforts maintain <strong>The</strong> <strong>Ohio</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>College</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong> among the top pharmacy schools in the nation.This issue <strong>of</strong> our <strong>College</strong> annual reporthighlights this past year’s accomplishmentsand I hope you find the report to beinteresting and insightful.Sincerely,Robert W. Brueggemeier, Ph.D.Dean and Pr<strong>of</strong>essor

Education and AcademicsDoctor <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong> Programs<strong>The</strong> outstanding academic programs in the <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong> experiencedcontinued growth and enhancement during the 2007-<strong>2008</strong> academic year. <strong>The</strong>sedegree programs include the graduate pr<strong>of</strong>essional Doctor <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong> (Pharm.D.)programs, the undergraduate B.S. in Pharmaceutical Sciences, and graduate M.S. andPh.D. programs.Entry-level PharmD (ELPD) – prepares students forpharmacist licensure, embracing a patient-focused mission. Threeyears <strong>of</strong> didactic course work covering principles <strong>of</strong> pharmaceutical,administrative and clinical sciences and some pharmacy practiceexperience, followed by a full year <strong>of</strong> full-time pr<strong>of</strong>essionalexperience, complete the program.Non-Traditional Doctor <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong> Program (NTPD) –distance learning program for BS prepared pharmacists leading toDoctor <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong> degree. Having admitted our final class inJanuary 2007, our remaining students (66 as <strong>of</strong> June <strong>2008</strong>) areworking on completing their courses and required rotations. Todate 98 non-traditional students have graduated from the program.This dedication and time commitment are equipping them to meetSylvan Frankthe clinical challenges <strong>of</strong> present and future pharmacy practice.Associate DeanPharmD/Master in Business Administration (PharmD/MBA)and the PharmD/Master in Public Health (PharmD/MPH) – Combined degreeprograms give students the opportunity to complete both degree requirementsin a shorter timeframe.Graduation in June saw 111 entry-levelPharmD students earn a Doctor <strong>of</strong><strong>Pharmacy</strong> Degree (25 cum laude,17 magna cum laude and 4summa cum laude). <strong>The</strong>sestudents have indicatedthat they are headed tocareers in communitypharmacy (62%),hospitals (15%),industry (2%), managedcare (2%) and otherdynamic pharmacy relatedfields, i.e., consulting,research and/or teaching (2%).Figure 1: Positions accepted by<strong>2008</strong> PharmD Graduates2

A new class <strong>of</strong> bright, energetic pharmacy students came to campus Autumn2007 (126 PharmD students) to begin their journey to becoming our nextgeneration <strong>of</strong> pharmacists, well-prepared to meet the health-care challenges <strong>of</strong>the future. Coming from a recruitment class <strong>of</strong> 908 applications, our Autumn’07 entering class boasts a GPA <strong>of</strong> 3.54; an overall mean PCAT score at 84thpercentile and over 80% entering with a Bachelor’s degree.Together with these new students, our Entry-Level PharmD class counted159 <strong>of</strong> their number on the Dean’s Honor roll for the 2007-<strong>2008</strong> academicyear; twenty-three were initiated into Rho Chi,the national <strong>Pharmacy</strong> Honor Society; andmany received individual and studentorganization awards at the university andnational levels.As in the past, our retention <strong>of</strong> studentsremains strong (97% since 2000) and ourgraduates continue to excel in the NAPLEXand MPJE examinations (98.9% and 100%first-attempt pass rate). We are pleased that ourstudent financial aid increased by 12.79% in2007. Scholarship support, a criticalHeather DetersDirector <strong>of</strong> Student Affairscomponent <strong>of</strong> financial aid, also increased thisyear and was celebrated at our 4th <strong>Annual</strong>Endowed Scholarship Reception.We also admitted the seventh class <strong>of</strong> 25Early-Admissions Pathway students. Many <strong>of</strong> these students matriculate intothe PharmD Program, while others go on to complete the BSPS program.Because we value a diverse student population we continue to fosterrelationships with the institutions <strong>of</strong> the Atlanta <strong>University</strong> Center and the<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Puerto Rico toward the goal <strong>of</strong> minority student recruitment.<strong>The</strong>se efforts, combinedwith our outstanding,competitive reputation, arereflected in the 17.5%minority-presence studentsin the PharmD program.Brett Perlberg, PharmD StudentPresident <strong>of</strong> his pharmacy classand <strong>of</strong> Kappa Psi, Brett, a thirdyear PharmD student, clearly hasthe leadership qualitiesnecessary to succeed in anycareer path he chooses. On anAir Force scholarship at OSU,Brett may decide to make themilitary his pr<strong>of</strong>ession. In anycase, he will take away importantlessons from his time here atOSU.Brett grew up in Michigan (butwe wont hold that against him!)and earned his undergraduatedegree in Zoology (Miami<strong>University</strong>). Now that he is atOSU he sees the difference that amajor research institution canmake in one’s education. “<strong>The</strong>whole state is behind OSU. It is apowerhouse in more than justfootball”, says Brett.Working at Krogers as anintern and on experientialrotations has reinforcedconcepts he is learning in theclassroom and the necessity <strong>of</strong>clear communication skills. Heunderstands and values theinteraction between pharmacists,physicians and patients; the allimportanthealth team approach.In January this year Brett wascommissioned as 2nd Lieutenantin the United <strong>State</strong>s Air Force andin 2010 will earn his Doctor <strong>of</strong><strong>Pharmacy</strong> degree.3

Experiential education is critical to the comprehensive education <strong>of</strong> ourpharmacy students. <strong>The</strong> mentoring and teaching efforts <strong>of</strong> our educationalpartners is an immeasurable part <strong>of</strong> their education. We placed 350 studentsin 1,424 pharmacy practice experiences this past year. <strong>The</strong> distribution <strong>of</strong>these students is shown in Figure 2.Nnenna Anekwe, PharmDStudent – Born into a very largefamily (9 children) in Lagos,Nigeria, Nnenna (second-yearPharmD student) came to the US(Indiana), with her brother to livewith an uncle and complete highschool in 1998. Because manyfamily members were in themedical field and because <strong>of</strong>Nnenna’s interest and strength inscience and math, she was onthe path to medical school. Whilecompleting her BS in Chemistry atan Indiana community college,Nnenna had an opportunity towork at an uncle’s medical clinicwhere she discovered she foundthe pharmacy at the clinicinterested her more.By this time Nnenna’s familyhad emigrated to the US. ButNnenna was anxious to beindependent and make her ownway in life. It was this desire thatled her to apply to OSU.After completing her PharmDdegree, Nnenna plans to work ina patient-centered environment.Her rotations are telling Nnennathat this is the best fit for herpersonality. She found OSU awelcoming environment and hasbecome very involved in studentleadership activities. Nnenna is arepresentative on the PharmDCommittee, Vice President forSNAPhA and Secretary for PhiLambda Sigma.Figure 2. PharmD Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Experience SitesShannon Hendricks PharmDStudent – Shannon, third-yearPharmD student, has always hadan interest in, and excelled in,science. But, when given thechance to work in a reallaboratory, discovered this wasnot her passion. She was meantto be a teacher. <strong>The</strong> journey tothis end has not been a straightline for Shannon.After a first year at CarnegieMellon, Shannon earned twodegrees, Electrical Engineeringand Chemistry, from Wright <strong>State</strong><strong>University</strong>. She discovered that alink between science andteaching could be found in thepr<strong>of</strong>ession <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong> andapplied here at <strong>Ohio</strong> <strong>State</strong>. Now,in her third year, she has foundher niche.Shannon looks forward to theday when she will be able toimprove patients’ lives bycounseling them on their healthissues and medication questions.In the meantime she enjoyshelping her classmates with theirschool work and volunteering hertime and efforts in the community.4

<strong>The</strong> experiential program is based on the philosophy and process <strong>of</strong>pharmaceutical care; therefore, the program fosters the development <strong>of</strong> skillsrelated to the provision <strong>of</strong> direct patient care and medication therapymanagement, in the context <strong>of</strong> both dispensing and non-dispensing practicesites. In recognition <strong>of</strong> the importance <strong>of</strong> preceptors skilled in human and fiscalresources, we honored our valued preceptors this year:Excellence in Experiential Education Award (recognizing innovation, excellencein practice and teaching, excellent student evaluations and engaging students inpharmacy practice):❖ Kroger <strong>Pharmacy</strong>Preceptor Mentors <strong>of</strong> the Year (Introductory <strong>Pharmacy</strong> Practice Experience):❖ Cynthia H<strong>of</strong>fman, RPh, Kroger❖ Megan Roberts, RPh, Giant Eagle❖ Tom Wiley, RPh, CVSPreceptors <strong>of</strong> the Year (Advanced <strong>Pharmacy</strong> Practice Experience):❖ Elizabeth Kuschner, RPh, Progressive Medical Inc.❖ James McAuley, PharmD, Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong><strong>Pharmacy</strong> Practice & Neurology, OSU <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Pharmacy</strong>❖ Jennifer Rodis, PharmD, Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor –Clinical, OSU, <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong>❖ Jill Westbrook, PharmD, Giant EagleAt our Preceptor AppreciationBreakfast, June <strong>2008</strong>, wepresented the Excellence inExperiential Education Award toBill Sheridan and Doug Cornelius(above), representatives <strong>of</strong> theKroger Company. Along withKristin Casper, Tara Green andKroger pharmacists, they wereinstrumental in forming apartnership between the KrogerCompany and the college toprovide new rotation sites forfourth-year PharmD students.One example is the Kroger PatientCare Center (KPCC). Studentsengaging in the KPCC areencouraged to think about howpharmacy practice may change inthe future and how we can workto secure the pharmacist's role asa vital member <strong>of</strong> the healthcareteam.This partnership opened thedoor for multiple opportunities towork on pilot projects and newactivities at many Kroger sitesthat can advance the pr<strong>of</strong>ession<strong>of</strong> pharmacy and highlight theefforts <strong>of</strong> each partner.In addition to receiving theExcellence in ExperientialEducation Award, the AmericanAssociation <strong>of</strong> <strong>College</strong>s <strong>of</strong><strong>Pharmacy</strong> presented the CrystalApple Award to the KrogerCompany in recognition <strong>of</strong> theircontributions to excellence inexperiential education.5

Doctor <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong> Graduates (2007-<strong>2008</strong>)Name Hometown Honors AwardsAbouzaid, Safiya Rabat, Morocco Cum LaudeAhmed, UrejiColumbus, OHAllison, Cody LOdessa, TXBalase, Huglyn DSchaumburg, ILBar, Yulia BDnepropetrovsk, UkraineBarr, Erin DeniseFairborn, OHBendinelli, Linda A Columbus, OH Cum LaudeBilinovich, Deanna Lyn New Franklin, OHBlack, Christine A Milwaukee, WI Magna Cum LaudeBlaine, Marjorie Rose Seattle, WA Cum LaudeBlount, Anita MarieLouisville, KYBoakye-Dankwah Jr, James Dublin, OH Magna Cum Laude SNPHA AwardBradley, Nicholas AChassell, MIBrandle, Christopher E Cleveland, OH Cum LaudeBremer, Catherine Marie Granville,OH Cum Laude Phi Lambda SigmaLeadership AwardBromfield, Lisa Elaine Kingston, Jamaica Cum LaudeBrown, Megan Marie Morral, OHBuckley-Hall, Kimberly Ann Mentor, OH Magna Cum Laude Benjamin BalshoneStudent AwardBush, Erin CathleenDelafield, WIByrd, Jennifer Nicole Jackson Center, OHCasey, Jynel Ann Pickerington, OH Cum LaudeCerny, Christopher M Kirtland, OHCheung, Philip Wai-nang Hong Kong, ChinaChihara, Rika JuneCarmel, INChoi, Michelle Jung Flushing, NY Magna Cum Laude Merck AwardCieckiewicz, Anita AParma, OHClark, Laura Lynn Austintown, OH Roche <strong>Pharmacy</strong>Communications AwardCollins, Carol AnneDayton, OHDell'Omo, Jessica L Independence, OH George B. Kauffman<strong>Annual</strong> Memorial AwardDigges, Jennifer Louise Belpre, OH Magna Cum LaudeDorozenski, Tia Denise Troy, MIDuchemin, Marcus Noel Salem, IN Cum LaudeEffinger, Steven Matthew Louisville, KYEndicott, Elizabeth Ashley Inez, KYEppley, Melody ASidney, OHEspinas, Sebastian Samson Dover, OHFan, Shuang Beijing, China Magna Cum LaudeFinnegan, William M Dublin, OH Cum LaudeGantt, Tracy CarleenSparta, OHGiallourakis, Ted George North Olmsted, OHGoodman, Jason Robert Tampa, FLGreenfield, Marcia Jeanne Marietta, OH Cum LaudeGregor, James Walter Celina, OH Cum LaudeGrillon, Brandon James Brewster, OHGronauer, Erin Jeanine Cincinnati, OHGuenther, Sara Jo Fairfield, OH Magna Cum LaudeHa, Yoosook LeeProctorville, OHHaile, Yonatan Merhu Oakland, CAHargrove, Bradley Steven Pickerington, OHHeinrichs, Melisa Josephine Cincinnati, OH Magna Cum Laude Merck Award6

Name Hometown Honors AwardsHenry, Carlese Yvette Nassau, BahamasHenshaw, Megan Ann Marietta, OHHenslee, Anneliesa Adele Medina, OHHermansen, Matthew D West Jordan, UTHernandez, Julie Anne Casa Grande, AZ Magna Cum LaudeHildebrand, April Jo New Philadelphia, OH Magna Cum Laude APHA-ASP Mortar & PestlePr<strong>of</strong>essionalism Award/Faculty Award for the OutstandingGraduating Doctor <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong>Student <strong>of</strong> the YearHimmeger, Larissa Marie Jackson Center, OHHirsch, Andrea Elizabeth Maumee, OH Cum Laude GlaxoSmithKline PatientCare AwardHopkins, Rachel KayReynoldsburg,OHHradesky, Jamie Ann Eastlake, OHInman, Kristin RMcConnelsville, OHJawara, Salimatou Dharan, Saudi Arabia/ Cum LaudeUnited KindgomKahl, Katharine Elizabeth Hartford, OH Cum Laude Anne L. Burns AwardKinkaid, Karah Jean Maumee, OH Cum LaudeKoon, Kelli Jo Marietta, OH Magna Cum LaudeKostelnick, Julia Elizabeth Wadsworth, OH Cum LaudeKramer, Jessica Nicole Kettering, OHKremeier, Jessica H Ruston, LA Magna Cum LaudeKuli, Lori Beth Dayton, OH Magna Cum LaudeKusick, Karissa Nicole Chicora, PA Cum Laude Stephen W. BirdwellStudent AwardLattanzio, Sara Lynn Boardman, OH Cum LaudeLau, Albert KahangNorthwood, OHLim, HannahEllicott City, MDLoy, Shelli A New Washington, OH Magna Cum LaudeLuca, Lynne Ann Cincinnati, OH Magna Cum LaudeMaciuleviciute, Evelina Bay Village, OHMayer, Jonathan S Hamilton, OH Magna Cum LaudeMazzamuto, Antonino Carlisle, PAMcKenzie, Cameon Antoinette Houston, TXCum LaudeMcKenzie, Marva AJamaicaMcKillip, Katie JoGahanna, OHMiller, Britannie Nichole Dublin, OHMiller, Marjorie Ann Perrysburg, OH Cum Laude Marvin & Geraldine GaegesMemorial AwardMolnar, Erinn Elizabeth Hilliard, OH Cum LaudeMoore, Jennifer Marie Alexandria, OHMori, Sherry Lynn Seven Hills, OH Cum LaudeMoser, Alison LynnColumbia Station, OHMosier, Michelle Renee Toledo, OHMurphy, David Robert North Olmsted, OHMusitano, Anne Christine Fairlawn, OH Cum LaudeNakhla, Michael Ezzat EL Minya, EgyptNarsinghani, Michele Prem Columbus, INNelson, Erica E Chicago, IL Magna Cum Laude Facts & Comparisons Award<strong>of</strong> Excellence in ClinicalCommunication7

Undergraduate Program:Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science in the Pharmaceutical Sciences:<strong>The</strong> undergraduate program in pharmaceutical sciences introducesstudents to the exciting areas <strong>of</strong> drug discovery, drug delivery, drug action,drug distribution and pharmacoeconomics. <strong>The</strong> 4-year program builds astrong science foundation, develops essential laboratory skills, and providesthe experience and training necessary for graduate education, graduatepr<strong>of</strong>essional education, or a health-related career. Our BSPS graduates willfill positions as skilled researchers and pr<strong>of</strong>essionals in marketing,economics, regulations, and clinical affairs.Our recruitment efforts are producing outstanding classes with GPAs atthe end <strong>of</strong> first quarter averaging 3.01 (28.2% with GPA >3.5) and aretention rate <strong>of</strong> 87.5%. At the end <strong>of</strong> Spring Quarter ’08, our BSPSprogram could be summed up with these impressive descriptors: 66%GPA > 3.0; mean cumulative grade-point average <strong>of</strong> 3.17; 33% had<strong>University</strong> Honors status upon entry into the <strong>College</strong>; Female/male ratio(55/45); 21% from minority-presence groups.BSPS students are excited about research, as evidenced by theirparticipation in undergraduate research projects (18 students), competitions(6 students in the Denman Undergraduate Research Competition) andposter presentations (6 students posters in our 2nd <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>College</strong>Research Day). Since the start <strong>of</strong> the BSPS Program, <strong>of</strong> the 1198 studentswho enrolled, 435 graduated with BSPS degrees, 85 transferred intoPharmD program (57 Early Admissions Pathway matriculators), 472 arestill enrolled in the BSPS program, and 149 left the program.We graduated 80 students in the BSPS program and 25 in the EAPprogram in 2007. Of this group, 47 students graduated with honors and/ordistinction.Linda Tran, BSPS Student –Linda is a unique young lady inmany ways. Her enthusiasm forlife, eagerness for learning andlove <strong>of</strong> OSU are abundantlyapparent when you meet her. Ata young age, Linda learned thathard work and perseverancewere going to be the keys tosuccess and that she wanted tocontribute to society in ameaningful way.Growing up in Cleveland, Lindaknew she wanted to go tocollege. While visiting her cousin,Nancy, at <strong>Ohio</strong> <strong>State</strong>, she wasintroduced to the pr<strong>of</strong>ession <strong>of</strong>pharmacy. Linda recognized thiswas the career that matched hergoals in life.If Nancy was a familyinfluence, Dr. Jim Dalton (formerChair <strong>of</strong> Pharmaceutics) was apr<strong>of</strong>essional influence. Workingin his lab (studying flavopiridol,an anti-cancer drug) gave Lindavaluable research experienceand she credits Dr. Dalton withgiving her the opportunity to besuccessful inside and outside <strong>of</strong>didactic work. Her selfdetermination allowed her tograduate with a BS degree inPharmaceutical Sciences, summacum laude with distinction andhonors, and receive the FacultyAward in <strong>2008</strong>.Cory Vela, BSPS Student –Cory knew he wanted to studypharmacy while still in high schoolin Chicago. His decision to cometo OSU was influenced by thereputation <strong>of</strong> the BSPS Program,which will be his path to thePharmD. He has spent most <strong>of</strong> histime at OSU working in the lab <strong>of</strong>Dr. A. Douglas Kinghorn, studyingnew natural productantileishmanial agents found intropical plants. One day, thesenovel agents may prove to beuseful drugs for the treatment orprevention <strong>of</strong> this tropical disease.<strong>The</strong> only undergraduate studentpresently in the lab, Cory worksalongside graduate students andother researchers. His interactionswith them, and with Dr. Kinghorn,will serve him well in his futurepr<strong>of</strong>essional life.In this academic environmentCory has discovered theemerging discipline,translational science (translatingresearch from the laboratorybench to the patient and backagain to the lab). It is Cory’s hopeto earn his PharmD/PhD and finda rewarding position in this field,helping to bridge the gapbetween the patient and theirhealth and the scienceoccurring in the laboratory.9

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences Graduates (2007-<strong>2008</strong>)Name Hometown HonorsAbdi, Dahir AbdillahiMogadishu, SomaliaAlbright, Joseph Andrew Powell,OHAllen, Samuel RobertZanesville, OHAlwattar, Raghad Dublin, OH Magna Cum LaudeAmendolara, Mallory Ann Canfield, OH Cum LaudeAmornyard, Melinda Newark, OH Summa Cum Laude withDistinction & HonorsBackie, Katrice MCanton, OHBarnela, Vishal SatishChapel Hill, NCBauer, Julie Erin Wilmington, OH Cum LaudeBeaucage, Catlin Elizabeth Woodville,OHBentley, Taylor EliseGrove City, OHBexfield, Cory E Mt. Sterling, OH Cum LaudeBierbaum, Chad Michael Cincinnati, OH Magma Cum LaudeBok, JoshuaDover, OHBonfiglio, Molly SNorth Olmsted, OHBonsell, Renee Catherine Mount Vernon, OH Magna Cum LaudeBoyko, Alena VGalloway,OHBray, Whitney Michelle Plano, TXBrew, EmmaColumbus, OHBui, Annah MPickerington, OHCline, Jessica Ren'ee Westerville, OH Magna Cum LaudeClose, Joshua ThomasNorth Canton, OHCondra, Benjamin T Bellbrook, OH Magna Cum LaudeCook, Catherine EWarren, OHDalton, Dwan AllenWashington, D.C.Darling, Jerome Alexander Lyndhurst, OHDeJovine, Thomas Joseph Aurora, OH Magna Cum LaudeD'Epiro, Giselle Dublin, OH Cum LaudeDovyak, Sara Catherine Gallipolis, OHDrabick, Zachary Ross McClure East Sparta, OHFarrell, Mathew DavidRavenna, OHFilicky, Kristin NicoleCanton, OHFitz, Katherine RNorthville, MIFlinn, Nicole Elizabeth Kenton, OH Magna Cum LaudeFrangopoulos, Christ<strong>of</strong>oros M Youngstown, OH Cum LaudeGalica, Ryan Joseph Canal Fulton, OH Magna Cum LaudeGallow, Brian BurdfieldWest Chester, OHGarrison, Kimberly AnnDublin, OHGatton, Andrew Douglas Nashport, OH Cum LaudeGonzalez, Allison Marie Mentor, OHGordon, Amanda MWeirton, WVGraff, Heather LNashport, OHHackett, Ryan PatrickYoungstown,OHHan, Helen LSandusky, OHHayes, Christopher Dale Delaware, OHHeglas, Kimberly Diane Strongsville, OH Magna Cum LaudeHeine, Alexander Robert Berea, OH Cum LaudeHill, Chennel ShawnteToledo,OHHipsher, Amanda Nichole Fostoria, OH Cum LaudeHobson, Benjamin TJeromesville, OHH<strong>of</strong>fman, Rachel Marie Aurora, OH Cum LaudeH<strong>of</strong>fmann, Ashley Susanne Logan, OHHughes, Rachel M Grafton, OH Cum Laude with DistinctionHunt, Julie AinneNorth Branch, MIJayadeva, Taniya Jeewani Kandy, Sri Lanka With DistinctionJohnson, Christina NCanton, OHJones, Callie Ann Kirtland, OH Cum LaudeJoy, Maria Dublin, OH Cum Laude10

Name Hometown Honors AwardsKemp, Ryan CharlesSt.Clairsville, OHKim, Miha ChristinaSeoul, South KoreaKrebs, Scott MichaelSagamore Hills, OHLao, Louis Gahanna,OH Cum LaudeLapp, Aaron B Beaver, OH Cum LaudeLim, TaeheeSeoul, South KoreaLin, Daniel Beavercreek, OH Cum LaudeLiu, DanielColumbus, OHMa, Zhixian Jinhua, Zhejiang, Magna Cum LaudeP.R. ChinaMalloy, JeffreyBroadview Heights, OHManley, Joshua Clark Galloway, OH Magna Cum Laudewith DistinctionMarshall, Heidi LynnUniontown, OHMaschke, AndrewMt. Gilead, OHMason Jr., Keith JColumbus, OHMatsko, Jessica E Chesterland, OH Cum LaudeMcAlexander, Jonathon Joseph Columbus, OHMcFadden, Linsey Sue Springboro, OH Magna Cum Laudewith DistinctionMcNaughton, Maren Elizabeth Columbus, OHMehta, Neeraj Centerville, OH Magna Cum LaudeMunch, Kyle AGeneva, ILMurrell, Rashida KGahanna, OHMuteithia, Ivy N Nairobi, Kenya With DistinctionNguyen, Ann Anh DaoWest Chester, OHNguyen, NancyNewark, OHNguyen, Trang Thixuan Columbus, OH Cum LaudeNwaneri, Stanley Okechukwu New Carrollton, MDNzongi, Caroline Mutheu Nairobi, KenyaOsborne, Azzie ColeWaverly, OHPanning, David Michael Akron, OHPark, Hae NaSeoul, South KoreaPatankar, Chetana St. Mary's, PA With Distinctionand HonorsPatel, Niti Columbus, OH Magna Cum LaudePatel, Prachi Shirish Vadodara, Gujarat/India Cum Laudewith DistinctionPeprah, Akwasi BAccra, GhanaPham, Marie ThiBrunswick, OHPierpont, Jennifer Elizabeth Xenia, OHPopelka, Thomas C Dublin, OH Cum LaudeRichmond, Jessica Jaye Loveland, OHRussell, Heather MMedina, OHSalvaggio, SamanthaBrecksville, OHSandin, Jessica Lynne Brunswick, OH Magna Cum LaudeSchaad, Angela FayMansfield, OHSchaeff, Alyssa MCenterville, OHSchenck, JessicaKettering, OHSchmidt, Brittany Marie West Chester, OH Magna Cum Laude AIHP AwardSens, Anthony Michael Lewis Center, OHSevern, Vincent A Lyndhurst, OH Magna Cum LaudeShin, Tiffany R Cincinnati, OH Summa Cun LaudeSkomrock, Lindsay K Painesville, OH With Distinction &HonorsSmith, Robert Vincent Greenfield, OH Magna Cum LaudeStanford, Dion DAkron, OHSteichen, Lindsey Avon, IN Cum Laude11

Name Hometown Honors AwardsSuntay, Mark ACincinnati, OHTraeger, Jessica Sharon Beachwood, OH Magna Cumn LaudeTran, Linda Cleveland, OH Summa Cum Laude Faculty Awardwith Distinction &HonorsValentine, Michelle Nicole Temperance, MIVanderman, Adam J Cincinnatti, OH Magna Cum LaudeVang, Jonathan Tuan Columbus, OH Cum LaudeVelt, Doreen MarieHilliard, OHVishnepolsky, DanaSylvania,OHVon Schwarz, Amy Lynn Austintown, OHWall, Kati L Dublin, OH Cum LaudeWalters, Janet North Royalton, OH Cum LaudeWang, Mary MengqiuGrove City, OHWhitacre, Leslie MBethel, OHWhitlock, Ambrea PBowling Green, OHWilkerson, Kelsi Leanna Granville, OHYoung, Mallory ErinUpper Arlington, OHZemanek, Melissa Marie Highlands Hts, OHSummary <strong>of</strong> Student Enrollment and GraduatesCurrent Enrollments (Autumn 2007) :Residential PharmD program 467Non-Traditional PharmD (NTPD) 61Graduate Programs 98BS Pharmaceutical Sciences 489TOTAL 1,115Student Enrollment TrendsGraduates (includes Autumn ’07 – Summer ’08 ) :Residential PharmD program 112Non-Traditional PharmD (NTPD) 24Graduate Programs 30BS Pharmaceutical Sciences 127TOTAL 29312

Graduate Programs in <strong>Pharmacy</strong>:<strong>The</strong> Graduate School devoted considerable effort in evaluation <strong>of</strong> thecollege’s Ph.D. program during autumn quarter. This evaluation wasrequested by the Graduate School as part <strong>of</strong> its university-wide assessment <strong>of</strong>doctoral programs at <strong>The</strong> <strong>Ohio</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>. Data related to the size andquality <strong>of</strong> the program for the 2002–2007 period were evaluated by a 13-member committee appointed by the Graduate School.<strong>The</strong> Graduate School judged the doctoral program in <strong>Pharmacy</strong> to be“High Quality”, the highest rating possible on a six-item rating scale. Only12 <strong>of</strong> the <strong>University</strong>’s 90 doctoral programs received the highest rating.<strong>The</strong> main findings <strong>of</strong> the Graduate School response to the <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Pharmacy</strong>’s Doctoral Program Assessment and Plan were:❖ All measures <strong>of</strong> student and faculty quality provide evidence <strong>of</strong> ahigh quality doctoral program in the <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong>.❖ <strong>The</strong> Graduate School believes that the college’s efforts to increasethe diversity <strong>of</strong> its student body are a model for other units toemulate.❖ Plans for a new Translational Science track in the <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Pharmacy</strong>’s doctoral program address emerging opportunities inpharmacy and tie in nicely with the university’s Clinical andTranslational Science Award Program efforts.William HaytonAssociate DeanProductivity metrics includedpublications, degrees awarded, andsponsored research funding. Pharmaceuticsand medicinal chemistry/pharmacognosy,showed the highest activity in publicationsby faculty and Ph.D. graduates, degreesawarded, Ph.D. enrollment and sponsoredresearch funding.We are very proud <strong>of</strong> this distinction andcredit our exceptional faculty, our qualitystudents and our diligent staff for all theircontributions to our graduate program.Jia (Jackie) Ji, PhD Student, ishard at work now in Bejing,China, working on completingthe NIH/Fogarty InternationalClinical Research ScholarsFellowship, a one-year clinicalresearch training experiencefor graduate-level U.S. studentsin the health pr<strong>of</strong>essions. Thisis an opportunity for highlymotivated individuals toexperience mentored researchtraining at top-ranked NIHfundedresearch centers inChina.Jia’s strong interest inbiopharmaceutics andpharmacokinetics led her toOSU and her skills andacademic strength in this fieldmade her competitive for thisprestigious award.Trained in <strong>Pharmacy</strong> inBejing, Jia has alreadyauthored six research papers inrefereed journals, quite anaccomplishment for a graduatestudent. In addition Jiareceived numerous academichonors and awards during her<strong>Pharmacy</strong> degree program atBejing Medical <strong>University</strong>.13

MS and PhD Graduates (2007-<strong>2008</strong>)Master <strong>of</strong> Science (MS)Name Specialization AdvisorAhn, Sunjoo Pharmaceutics James T. DaltonBeyer, Andrew Paul Pharmaceutical Administration Sheryl L. SzeinbachChang, Elizabeth H Pharmaceutical Administration Craig A. PedersenDeMarco, Leigh Brooke Health-System <strong>Pharmacy</strong> Administration Craig A. PedersenEl-Hajj, Raed Pharmacology Dennis B. McKayGarg, Vivek Pharmacology Keli HuHolley, Michelle Health-System <strong>Pharmacy</strong> Administration Craig A. PedersenKawchak, Brook Smith Health-System <strong>Pharmacy</strong> Administration Craig A. PedersenLi, Chien-Ming Pharmaceutics James T. DaltonMukherjee, Mitali Smarajit Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacognosy Karl A. WerbovetzNorman, Christy M Health-System <strong>Pharmacy</strong> Administration Craig A. PedersenPatel, Binita Health-System <strong>Pharmacy</strong> Administration Sheryl L. SzeinbachPorteus, Michael D Pharmaceutical Administration Craig A. PedersenSchaefer, Kevin Frederick Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacognosy Pui-Kai (Tom) LiTiwari, Ruchi Health-System <strong>Pharmacy</strong> Administration Craig A. PedersenWang, Yu-Chieh (Jack) Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacognosy Ching-Shih ChenWilliams, Jonathan Paul Health-System <strong>Pharmacy</strong> Administration Craig A. PedersenXiong, Lianjie Pharmaceutics Sylvan G. FrankYang, Liuqing Pharmaceutics Tom D. SchmittgenPh.D.Name Specialization AdvisorBhosle, Monali Pharmaceutical Administration Rajesh BalkrishnanGibbs, Seth Thomas Pharmaceutics Duxin SunHan, Bing Pharmacology John A. BauerHuang, Yongcheng Pharmacology Lakhu M. KeshvaraJayawant, Sujata Satish Pharmaceutical Administration Rajesh BalkrishnanLai, Ju-Ping Pharmaceutics James T. Dalton/Daren L. KnoellMa, Thong Pharmacology Kari HoytPandit, Bulbul Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacognosy Pui-Kai (Tom) LiPawaskar, Manjiri Pharmaceutical Administration Rajesh BalkrishnanYakovich, Adam J Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacognosy Karl A. WerbovetzZhao, Zhuojun Pharmaceutics Mamuka KvaratskheliaFellowships and Scholarly Awards14StudentGibbs, SethMao, YichengRegan, Nicholas/Richard, JulianRich, Wendy,/Schneider, RyanRozewski, DarleneSchneider, RyanVisaria, JayWeng, Shu-Chuan (Nicole)Xiong, LianjieYang, XiaojuanYe, DengStudentBellebaum, KatherineCarrier, RaeannJi, Jia (Jackie)Stoudmire, JaketaTiwari, RohitWang, Yu-Chieh (Jack)Weng, Shu-Chuan (Nicole)FellowshipCancer Drug Discovery & Development FellowshipNanoscale Sci & Engineering (NSEC)CBI FellowshipAFPE FellowshipsNanoscale Sci & Engineering (NSEC)Popat Patil Fellowship for Graduate Research in PharmacologyDev Pathak Drug Distribution & Public Policy FundChih-Ming & Jane Chen FellowshipSylvan G. Frank FellowshipNanoscale Sci & Engineering (NSEC)Novartis FellowshipRaymond Doskotch Graduate Student FellowshipAwardAgency for Healthcare Research and Quality (DHHS)Popat Patil Fellowship for Graduate Research in PharmacologyFogarty International Clinical Research ScholarNIH/NIAID FellowshipMAGSS 2007 “Best Poster Presentation Award”NIH National Graduate Student Research FestivalAAPS Graduate Student Symposium Drug Design and Discovery

Faculty<strong>The</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong> faculty are truly outstanding, providing excellent teaching and learningopportunities to students in both large lectures and small group settings. <strong>The</strong>y are engaged in excitingscholarship and state-<strong>of</strong>-the-art research in pharmacy and the pharmaceutical sciences. Our faculty andstaff serve the <strong>University</strong> and pr<strong>of</strong>ession at regional and national levels and are involved in stimulatingoutreach and engagement activities. <strong>The</strong> high quality <strong>of</strong> our faculty is reflected in this impressivestatistic: two-thirds <strong>of</strong> our <strong>Pharmacy</strong> senior faculty have been honored by their peers and elected asFellows <strong>of</strong> scientific organizations or pr<strong>of</strong>essional pharmacy organizations.<strong>The</strong> number <strong>of</strong> tenure-track faculty, regular clinical faculty, and instructional staff in Autumn 2007totaled 60.James R. Fuchs joined our <strong>College</strong> (Division <strong>of</strong> Medicinal Chemistry andPharmacognosy) this past year looking for a collaborative work environment.He believes he has found just that at <strong>Ohio</strong> <strong>State</strong>. He finds the expertise here inthe <strong>College</strong> and the Medical Center complements his work. You need them andthey need you, says Jim <strong>of</strong> the colleagues he has found at OSU.BS in Chemistry (<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Toledo) and PhD in Chemistry (Penn <strong>State</strong>)prepared Jim for a two-year stint as a Research Associate in SyntheticOrganic/Medicinal Chemistry at <strong>The</strong> Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA.Jim’s research focuses on drug design and synthesis. He <strong>of</strong>ten finds inspirationfor his projects in the form <strong>of</strong> natural products, potentially useful compoundsisolated from natural sources that have already shown interesting anti-cancer or antibiotic activity. For hisresearch group <strong>of</strong> five (2 undergraduates, 2 graduate students and a post-doc) the ultimate goal is not simplyto prepare these natural products, but to prepare new synthetic drugs with improved biological activity andpharmacological pr<strong>of</strong>iles through changes in their structures.Jim, his wife, Andrea, and 1 year-old Sophie are happy to be back home in <strong>Ohio</strong> and are settling in totheir new home in Columbus.We said good-bye this summer to Philip J. Schneider whosedistinguished history with our <strong>College</strong> spans 33 years <strong>of</strong> exceptional service.Director <strong>of</strong> the Latiolais Leadership Program and clinical pr<strong>of</strong>essor at <strong>The</strong> <strong>Ohio</strong><strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong>, Phil’s teaching and research focused onimproving the medication use process and medication-use safety. He developed anationally recognized program for the reporting and analysis <strong>of</strong> adverse drugevents that led to improvements in the medication use process at the <strong>Ohio</strong> <strong>State</strong><strong>University</strong> Medical Center.Phil is a past president <strong>of</strong> the American Society <strong>of</strong> Health-System Pharmacists(AHSP) and the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, a widelypublished author and sought-after speaker. Phil was the <strong>2008</strong> recipient <strong>of</strong> the ASHP Harvey WhitneyAward, the highest award in health-system pharmacy. He received the 2006 ASHP Donald E. FranckeMedal for significant contributions to international pharmacy practice and is active in leadership roles inthe International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP).In his new position at the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Arizona Phil is responsible for implementing new academicprograms at the college’s Biomedical Campus in Phoenix, including a PharmD program, innovativehealthcare delivery services that include pharmacists, and translation <strong>of</strong> research discoveries into practice.15

Faculty Awards and RecognitionsNational RecognitionsRobert A. BrueggemeierAPhA Tyler Prize for Stimulation <strong>of</strong> Research in the Pharmaceutical Sciences,March <strong>2008</strong>Gerald L. Cable AACP Crystal APPLE Award, July 2007Cynthia A. Carnes Fellow, Heart Rhythm Society, May <strong>2008</strong>Kristen A. Casper AACP Crystal APPLE Award, July 2007Kenneth K. ChanFellow, American Association for Advancement <strong>of</strong> Science.George H. Hinkle, Jr APhA Daniel B. Smith Practice Excellence Award, March <strong>2008</strong>A. Douglas Kinghorn Fellow, American Society <strong>of</strong> Pharmacognosy (ASP), in recognition <strong>of</strong> “continuing highlevel contributions in the field <strong>of</strong> natural products and a record <strong>of</strong> sustainedachievement”, July, 2007.A. Douglas Kinghorn Ole Grisvold Award, Department <strong>of</strong> Medicinal Chemistry, <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong>, <strong>University</strong><strong>of</strong> Minnesota, “in recognition <strong>of</strong> outstanding contributions in the field <strong>of</strong> natural productschemistry”, November, 2007Mamuka KvaratskheliaDennis B. McKayNIH Career Development AwardFellow, American Association for the Advancement <strong>of</strong> ScienceMilap C. Nahata ACCP Model Practice in Clinical <strong>Pharmacy</strong> Education, April <strong>2008</strong>Maria C. Pruchnicki ACCP New Educator Award, April <strong>2008</strong>Jennifer L. Rodis APhA Merit Award, March <strong>2008</strong>Philip J. Schneider ASHP Harvey Whitney Lecture Award, June <strong>2008</strong><strong>College</strong>/<strong>State</strong> AwardsRajesh BalkrishnanBest Research Paper Award (Student Poster Presentation Ala Iaconi). InternationalSociety <strong>of</strong> Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research <strong>Annual</strong> Meeting, May <strong>2008</strong>Kristen A. Casper Merit Award for poster presentation, APhA, March <strong>2008</strong>James A. Coyle Distinguished Paper Presentation, Society <strong>of</strong> Teachers <strong>of</strong> Family Medicine, May <strong>2008</strong>Louis W. Marcy Distinguished Alumnus Award, OSU <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong>, May <strong>2008</strong>James W. McAuley Preceptor <strong>of</strong> the Year Award, OSU <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong>, June <strong>2008</strong>Milap C. Nahata Miriam V. Balshone Award for Distinguished Teaching, June <strong>2008</strong>Vinita B. PaiBest Original Paper, Pediatric <strong>Pharmacy</strong> Advocacy Group (PPAG) <strong>Annual</strong> Meeting,September 2007Craig A. Pedersen Ralph V. Foster Friend <strong>of</strong> APhA-ASP Award, OSU <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong>, May <strong>2008</strong>Jennifer L. Rodis Preceptor <strong>of</strong> the Year Award, OSU <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong>, June <strong>2008</strong>16

Faculty, National Honors11 faculty Fellows, American Association for the Advancement <strong>of</strong> Science (AAAS)Jessie L.-S. AuRobert W. BrueggemeierKenneth K. ChanChing-Shih ChenA. Douglas KinghornDennis B. McKayMilap C. NahataM. Guillaume WientjesJohn M. Cassady (emeritus)Popat N. Patil (emeritus)Albert H. Soloway (emeritus)15 faculty Fellows, American Association <strong>of</strong> Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS)Jessie L.-S. AuRobert W. BrueggemeierKenneth K.-H. ChanJames T. DaltonSylvan G. FrankWilliam L. HaytonA. Douglas KinghornM. Guillaume WientjesJohn M. Cassady (emeritus)Louis Malspeis (emeritus)Robert E. Notari (emeritus)Dev S. Pathak (emeritus)Richard H. Reuning (emeritus)<strong>The</strong>odore D. Sokoloski (emeritus)Albert H. Soloway (emeritus)3 faculty Fellows, American <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> Clinical <strong>Pharmacy</strong> (ACCP)Joseph F. DastaDaren L. KnoellMilap C. Nahata1 faculty Fellow, American <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> Clinical Pharmacology (ACCP)Milap C. Nahata5 faculty Fellows, American Pharmacists Association (APhA)Marialice S. BennettGerald L. CableGeorge H. HinkleMilap C. NahataCraig A. Pedersen4 faculty Fellows, American Society <strong>of</strong> Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP)George H. HinkleMilap C. NahataPhilip J. SchneiderJerry Siegel1 faculty Member, Académie Internationale d’Histoire de la <strong>Pharmacy</strong> (AIHP)Robert A. Buerki17

Academic DivisionsA. Douglas Kinghorn arrivedat OSU in 2004 as the inauguralJack L. Beal Pr<strong>of</strong>essor andChair in Natural ProductsChemistry and Pharmacognosy.Previously, he served on thefaculty <strong>of</strong> the <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Pharmacy</strong>, <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Illinoisat Chicago for over 27 years. Hetrained originally in the UnitedKingdom and obtained a Ph.D.in Pharmacognosy and a D.Sc.in <strong>Pharmacy</strong> in 1975 and 1990,respectively, both from theSchool <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong>, <strong>University</strong><strong>of</strong> London.In addition to his researchand teaching, Doug keeps verybusy as the Editor <strong>of</strong> theJournal <strong>of</strong> Natural Productsand as Series Editor in Chief <strong>of</strong>the long-established bookseries, Progress in theChemistry <strong>of</strong> Organic NaturalProducts. Next June, he will beinducted as an HonoraryMember <strong>of</strong> the AmericanSociety <strong>of</strong> Pharmacognosy atits 50th annual meeting inHawaii.Doug lives in the Miranovacondominium in downtownColumbus with his wife, Helen,a graduate in pharmacy fromSt. John’s <strong>University</strong>. Helen alsoworked for many years inseveral Chicago law firmsbefore retiring.Division <strong>of</strong> Medicinal Chemistry and PharmacognosyLi, Pui-KaiBrueggemeier, Robert W.Carcache de-Blanco, EsperanzaChen, Ching-ShihCurley, Robert W.Kinghorn, A DouglasLi, ChenglongTjarks, WernerWerbovetz, Karl A.Fuchs, James R.Cassady, John M.Doskotch, RaymondJagadeesh, JogikalOlson, CarterRobertson, LarrySoloway, AlbertAssociate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor and Interim ChairPr<strong>of</strong>essor and DeanAssistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor(joint, <strong>Pharmacy</strong> Practice and Administration)Pr<strong>of</strong>essorPr<strong>of</strong>essorPr<strong>of</strong>essor and Jack L. Beal ChairAssistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essorAssociate Pr<strong>of</strong>essorAssociate Pr<strong>of</strong>essorAssistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essorEmeritus Pr<strong>of</strong>essor and DeanPr<strong>of</strong>essor EmeritusPr<strong>of</strong>essor EmeritusPr<strong>of</strong>essor EmeritusPr<strong>of</strong>essor EmeritusEmeritus Pr<strong>of</strong>essor and DeanWe take for granted our cold and flu medicines, our headachetablets and our antibiotics. But safe and effective medications don’tgrow on trees—or do they? Scientists are returning to nature as theinspiration for new drugs. For thousands <strong>of</strong> years, natural productshave played an important role in developing safe effectivemedications to treat and prevent human diseases. Scientists havefound that organic compounds from natural materials includingterrestrial plants, microorganisms, marine and terrestrial organismsare <strong>of</strong> interest both in their natural form and as templates forsynthetic modification. <strong>The</strong>se approved substances, representative<strong>of</strong> very wide chemical diversity, together with several other naturalproducts or their analogsundergoing clinical trials,continue to demonstratethe importance <strong>of</strong>Pui-Kai (Tom) LiChaircompounds from natural sources in modern drugdiscovery efforts.Virtually every pharmacological class <strong>of</strong> drugsincludes a natural product prototype. <strong>The</strong> future <strong>of</strong>higher plants as sources <strong>of</strong> medicinal agents for use ininvestigation, prevention, and treatment <strong>of</strong> diseases isvery promising. Over 20 new drugs from naturalproducts have been launched on the market in westerncountries since 2000 .18

Division <strong>of</strong> PharmaceuticsHayton, William L.Au, Jessie L.-S.Chan, Kenneth K.-H.Dalton, James T.Frank, Sylvan G.Johnston, Jeffrey S.Kvaratskhelia, MamukaLee, Robert J.Schmittgen, Thomas D.Sun, DuxinWientjes, M. GuillaumeMalspeis, LouisNotari, Robert E.Sokoloski, <strong>The</strong>odore D.Staubus, AlfredPr<strong>of</strong>essor, Associate Dean andInterim ChairDistinguished <strong>University</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong>essorPr<strong>of</strong>essorPr<strong>of</strong>essorPr<strong>of</strong>essor and Associate DeanSenior LecturerAssociate Pr<strong>of</strong>essorAssociate Pr<strong>of</strong>essorAssociate Pr<strong>of</strong>essorAssistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essorPr<strong>of</strong>essorPr<strong>of</strong>essor EmeritusPr<strong>of</strong>essor EmeritusPr<strong>of</strong>essor EmeritusAssociate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor EmeritusOne feature that distinguishes ourprogram from most national programs is ourbalanced involvement in both major areas <strong>of</strong>pharmaceutics: pharmacokineticspharmacodynamicsand drug delivery. Ourfaculty is internationally known for cancer drugpharmacokinetics-pharmacodynamics and iscritical to the cancer program on campus.Expertise in drug discovery and development,mass spectrometry, and proteomics within thedivision are other areas <strong>of</strong> strength that serve asadditional conduits for research collaborationand recognition with campus and nationalpeers.William HaytonInterim ChairEmployment prospects for graduatinggraduate students remain outstanding, withrecent graduates accepting positions in major pharmaceutical companiesimmediately after graduation.Thomas Schmittgen, AssociatePr<strong>of</strong>essor – After earning hisPhD in Pharmaceutics here atOSU, Tom headed <strong>of</strong>f to Californiafor a post-doctoral position at the<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Southern California.After ten years on the west coast,Tom decided he wanted to becloser to a comprehensivemedical center where he wouldfind more resources andexpertise to continue hisresearch interests.He found what he was lookingfor at OSU. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Ohio</strong> <strong>State</strong><strong>University</strong> Medical Center is one<strong>of</strong> the largest and most diverseacademic medical centers in thecountry and one <strong>of</strong> the nation’spreeminent biomedical researchcenters. Here Tom found acollegial research environment,easy access to patients in aclinical setting and top-notchscientists as colleagues.Tom’s research focus is on therole <strong>of</strong> microRNA in cancer. Incollaboration with surgeons atMemorial Sloan Kettering CancerCenter (NYC), Tom is working todevelop new diagnostics forpancreatic cancer.Tom’s family includes wife,Janet, a Walgreens pharmacistand OSU alum, and two sons, Erik(<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Cincinnati) andEvan (Granville High School).19

Division <strong>of</strong> PharmacologyWallace, Lane J.Elton, Terry S.Hoyt, Dale G.Hoyt, Kari R.Hu, KeliKeshvara, Lakhu M.Kwiek, NicoleMcKay, Dennis B.Young, Anthony P.Pr<strong>of</strong>essor and ChairPr<strong>of</strong>essorAssociate Pr<strong>of</strong>essorAssociate Pr<strong>of</strong>essorAssistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essorAssistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essorClinical Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor/Assistant Director for EducationalOutreachPr<strong>of</strong>essorPr<strong>of</strong>essorDennis McKay, Pr<strong>of</strong>essor.Honored in 2007 as a AAASfellow, Dr. Dennis McKay holdsthe distinction <strong>of</strong> beingrecognized by AAAS for bothresearch and teaching. Hisstudents will tell you that histeaching style brings science tolife for them.After 25 years at OSU, Dennis’enthusiasm for his research hasnot waned. He is currentlystudying a novel class <strong>of</strong> drugsthat target nicotine receptorsused in smoking cessation.<strong>The</strong>se receptors have beenassociated with a variety <strong>of</strong>disease states includingAlzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’sDisease, schizophrenia, anxietyand depression. Dennis’ group isstudying drug discovery, whichcoupled with pharmacologicalapproaches, they hope willproduce new treatmentstrategies for nicotine-relateddiseases.Every morning Dennis and hiswife, Susan, arrive on campustogether (Susan is a ResearchAssociate at the OSU MedicalCenter). A daughter in LawSchool at OSU, one son anengineer at GE and another ajunior at Arlington High School,complete the McKay family.Burkman, AllanFeller, DennisGerald, MichaelPatil, Popat N.Uretsky, Norman J.Pr<strong>of</strong>essor EmeritusPr<strong>of</strong>essor EmeritusPr<strong>of</strong>essor EmeritusPr<strong>of</strong>essor EmeritusPr<strong>of</strong>essor EmeritusAmong the discoveries made by our pharmacology faculty this year was a veryinteresting research finding by Terry Elton that suggests a potential cause for somekinds <strong>of</strong> mental retardation. As <strong>of</strong>ten happens in research, this work evolved from adifferent project when Terry began looking at whether findings from hiscardiovascular studies had a correlation in other organ systems. This led Terry toexplore a possible relationship between Down syndrome and miRNAs.Bioinformatics analyses showed that the human chromosome causing Downsyndrome harbors five miRNA genes. Studies <strong>of</strong>brain tissue demonstrated that all <strong>of</strong> these miRNAsare over-expressed in human fetal Down syndromebrain samples. Furthermore, methyl CpG bindingprotein (MeCP2), a protein linked to a spectrum <strong>of</strong>neurocognitive diseases, is under-expressed inhuman fetal Down syndrome brain samples. <strong>The</strong>group found that miR-155 inhibits expression <strong>of</strong>MeCP2, resulting in cognitive deficiencies.Thus, the extragenes for miR-155in Down syndromemay produce extraLance WallaceChairmiR-155 which inturn decreasesMeCP2 to levelsbelow thosenecessary for normalcognitive function.Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Terry Elton20

Division <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong> Practice and AdministrationNahata, Milap C.Balkrishnan, RajeshBeatty, StuartBennett, Marialice S.Brackett, Carolyn C.Buerki, Robert A.Cable, Gerald L.Carnes, Cynthia A.Casper, Kristin A.Clark, ColleenCoyle, James D.Emptage, Ruth E.Hale, Kenneth M.Hall, Laura E.Hinkle, Jr., George H.Huston, Jeffery L.Lacombe, VeroniquePr<strong>of</strong>essorKelley, Katherine A.Knoell, Daren L.Legg, Julie E.Mehta, Bella H.McAuley, James W.Murphy, Christine C.Pai, Vinita B.Pedersen, Craig A.Pruchnicki, Maria C.Rodis, Jennifer L.Schneider, Philip J.Seoane-Vazquez, Enrique C.Siegel, JerrySzeinbach, Sheryl L.Dasta, Joseph F.Pathak, Dev S.Reuning, Richard H.Visconti, James A.Pr<strong>of</strong>essor and ChairAssociate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor and Merrell Dow Pr<strong>of</strong>essorAssistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Clinical <strong>Pharmacy</strong>Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Clinical <strong>Pharmacy</strong>Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Clinical <strong>Pharmacy</strong>Pr<strong>of</strong>essorClinical Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor and Director, Experientialand Outreach ProgramsAssociate Pr<strong>of</strong>essorAssociate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Clinical <strong>Pharmacy</strong>Clinical AssistantPr<strong>of</strong>essorAssociate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong>Clinical <strong>Pharmacy</strong>Clinical AssistantPr<strong>of</strong>essorClinical AssociatePr<strong>of</strong>essor and AssistantDeanClinical AssistantPr<strong>of</strong>essorAssociate Pr<strong>of</strong>essorClinical AssistantPr<strong>of</strong>essorMilap C. NahataResearch AssistantChairClinical AssistantPr<strong>of</strong>essor and Assistant Dean for AccreditationAssociate Pr<strong>of</strong>essorClinical Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essorAssistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Clinical <strong>Pharmacy</strong>Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essorClinical Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essorAssistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Clinical <strong>Pharmacy</strong>Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essorAssistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Clinical <strong>Pharmacy</strong>Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Clinical <strong>Pharmacy</strong>Clinical Pr<strong>of</strong>essor and Director, Latiolais LeadershipProgramAssistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essorClinical Pr<strong>of</strong>essor and Assistant Dean,Medical Center AffairsPr<strong>of</strong>essorEmeritus Pr<strong>of</strong>essorEmeritus Pr<strong>of</strong>essorEmeritus Pr<strong>of</strong>essorEmeritus Pr<strong>of</strong>essorJames Coyle, AssociatePr<strong>of</strong>essor, can reallycall OSU his home. After earningBS and PharmD degrees andcompleting a post-doctoralfellowship in clinicalpharmacokinetics at OSU, Jimjoined the faculty at the<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Iowa. Returning toOSU in 1986, Jim joined theDivision <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong> Practiceand Administration and iscurrently an Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor<strong>of</strong> Clinical <strong>Pharmacy</strong>.Jim's expertise in the areas<strong>of</strong> clinical pharmacokinetics andcardiovascular disease and itsrisk factors are put to good usein his practice setting, RardinFamily Practice Center, thelargest <strong>of</strong> the OSU Department <strong>of</strong>Family Medicine's primary carecenters. He currently serves asDirector <strong>of</strong> the CollaborativeAntithrombotic ManagementProgram and runs the CAMPAnticoagulation Clinic at Rardin.Jim teaches a variety <strong>of</strong> topicsin the OSU Pharm.D. program,including physical assessment,principles <strong>of</strong> pharmacotherapy,valvular heart disease and itstreatment, stroke and itstreatment, and P4 experientialrotations at his practice site.Jim, his wife (Cynthia Carnes,also a pharmacy pr<strong>of</strong>essor atOSU), and their son, Michael,live in Upper Arlington. Jim'sdaughter, Christen, son-in-law,Jason, and granddaughter,Audrey, live in Worthington.21

Vision and Strategy GroupTwenty-nine faculty in three academic tracks (tenure track, with primaryfocus on teaching and research; regular clinical track, with primary focus onteaching and practice; and auxiliary track, with primary focus in any areae.g., teaching, practice or administrative work) comprise our division.In 2007, in response to recommendations from a division-wideassessment, our division engaged in a process <strong>of</strong> revising and renewing itsvision and strategic plan. In order to achieve this task, the division formed aVision and Strategy Group (VSG) that would help to vividlyarticulate the direction <strong>of</strong> the Division and guide theallocation <strong>of</strong> energy and resources. Nine juniorand senior faculty and the Division Chair led this effort withthe help <strong>of</strong> a <strong>University</strong> human resources consultant.<strong>The</strong> newly created vision will be used to enhancestrategic faculty hiring,improve facultyretention andencourage acollaborativeenvironment.This vision aligns thework <strong>of</strong> the Division withOSU Medical Center’s clinicaland translation science award fromNIH and will be used as thefoundation to create anoptimal administrativestructure.New Vision and Strategic Priorities22

Department <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong>, OSU Medical Center Roster<strong>The</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong> and OSU Medical Center, Department <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong>, work closely to achieve our mission andgoals related to PharmD and Graduate Programs. We collaborate in teaching, research, practice and outreach activities.<strong>The</strong> OSU Medical Center is the primary site for the advanced pharmacy practice experiences in the PharmD Program.Many pharmacy residents from the medical center complete a teaching certificate at the <strong>College</strong>. <strong>The</strong> collaboration isfacilitated by Jerry Siegel, Senior Director <strong>of</strong> the Department <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong> (and Assistant Dean at the <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Pharmacy</strong>) and Milap Nahata, Chair <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Pharmacy</strong> Practice and Adminstration Division (and Associate Director,OSU Medical Center, Department <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong>).Siegel, JerryGriffith, NieshaSmeenk, DavidHaas, DanJordan, TrishaTubbs, CrystalHafford, AmandaEskander, NatoshaForrey, RyanPrier, BethKeating, EllenSeth, Shiv K.Winters, HolliGerlach, AnthonyMurphy, ClaireTschampel, Marva M.Parbhoo, RupalMirtallo, Jay M.Shirk, Mary BethPickworth, Kerry K.Blais, DanielleAbel, ErikBoyd, MikeHevezi, MargieSnider, MelissaVotolato, NicholasPell, Lindsay J.Doepker, BruceSenior Director, PharmaceuticalServices, Clinical AssociatePr<strong>of</strong>essor, Assistant Dean <strong>College</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong>Associate Director, ResidencyProgram CoordinatorAssociate Director <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong>Associate Director <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong>Associate Director, ResidencyCoordinatorAssistant Director, ResidencyCoordinatorAssistant DirectorAssistant DirectorAssistant DirectorAssistant DirectorSpecialty Practice Pharmacist,Medication Utilization EvaluationSpecialty Practice Pharmacist,Internal Medicine/NephrologySpecialty Practice Pharmacist,Solid Organ TransplantSpecialty Practice Pharmacist,Critical CareSpecialty Practice Pharmacist,Critical CareSpecialty Practice Pharmacist,Drug InformationSpecialty Practice Pharmacist,Drug InformationSpecialty Practice Pharmacist,Nutrition Support/Surgery,Specialty Practice Pharmacist,Emergency MedicineSpecialty Practice Pharmacist,CardiologySpecialty Practice Pharmacist,Cardiothoracic SurgerySpecialty Practice Pharmacist,Cardiothoracic SurgerySpecialty Practice Pharmacist,ElectrophysiologySpecialty Practice Pharmacist,Cardiology (Outpatient)Specialty Practice Pharmacist,Cardiology (Outpatient)Specialty Practice Pharmacist,NeuropsychiatrySpecialty Practice Pharmacist,Critical CareSpecialty Practice Pharmacist,Critical CareVoth, LauraSpecialty Practice Pharmacist,Progressive CareGanio, Michael C. Staff Pharmacist, RehabilitationEdwards, Cowan Specialty Practice Pharmacist,Nuclear <strong>Pharmacy</strong>Fudge, Robert Specialty Practice Pharmacist,Investigational DrugsHawksworth, Kim Specialty Practice Pharmacist,Web Manager/DeveloperGardner, Debra K. Specialty Practice Pharmacist,Women and InfantsLehman, Katherine Joy Specialty Practice Pharmacist,Critical CareTurowski, Robert Specialty Practice Pharmacist,Hematology/OncologyG<strong>of</strong>f, DebraSpecialty Practice Pharmacist,Infectious DiseasesTaylor, Jeremy Specialty Practice Pharmacist,Infectious DiseasesBauer, KarriSpecialty Practice Pharmacist,Infectious DiseasesRoddy, Julianna Specialty Practice Pharmacist,Hematology/OncologyLi, QuanSpecialty Practice Pharmacist,Hematology/OncologyHanje, Jennifer Specialty Practice Pharmacist,Hematology/OncologyHartman, Amber Specialty Practice Pharmacist,Pain/Palliative MedicineBechtel, Thomas Specialty Practice Pharmacist,Hematology/OncologyBerger, Michael Specialty Practice Pharmacist,Hematology/OncologyMcPherson, Elizabeth Clinical Generalist, James CancerHospitalMcNulty, Robert Specialty Practice Pharmacist,Clinical InformativePultz, Jr., Andrew J. Specialty Practice Pharmacist,James Cancer HospitalChalupa, Donald L. Specialty Practice Pharmacist,Investigational DrugsSchieber, Ariane Specialty Practice Pharmacist,Internal MedicineGoodman, Erin Specialty Practice Pharmacist,Critical CareVenn, JeanStaff Pharmacist, <strong>University</strong>Hospitals EastBlazer, Marlo Specialty Practice Pharmacist,Hematology/OncologyPoirier, Jessica Specialty Practice Pharmacist,Hematology/OncologyKemper, Dorothy Office Associate23

Administrative and Pr<strong>of</strong>essional StaffOffice <strong>of</strong> the DeanBrueggemeier, Robert W.Eshbaugh, Susan B.Frank, Sylvan G.Hayton, William L.Hale, Kenneth M.Kelley, Katherine A.Siegel, JerryTaylor, RoriPr<strong>of</strong>essor and DeanOffice AssociateAssociate Dean, Pr<strong>of</strong>essional ProgramsAssociate Dean, Graduate and Research StudiesAssistant Dean, Pr<strong>of</strong>essional & External AffairsAssistant Dean, Assessment & AccreditationAssistant Dean, Medical Center AffairsAssistant to the DeanBetsy Bulgrin, DivisionCoordinator for Pharmacology,and husband, Dick, live innorthwest Columbus. Betsy hasbeen at OSU for 9 years andreally enjoys working with thefaculty and staff here in the<strong>College</strong>. Apparently, the feelingis mutual, as Betsy received theOutstanding Staff Award in <strong>2008</strong>.Said one <strong>of</strong> her nominees aboutBetsy, “Without Betsy'sefficiency and excellent workethic, the Pharmacology Divisionwould not be nearly asproductive as it is today.” and“Her dependability is a byword inthe department and we can relyon her to finish anything that weask”.<strong>The</strong> <strong>Ohio</strong> Stadium is visiblefrom Betsy’s <strong>of</strong>fice window andgives her a clear view <strong>of</strong> the OSUMarching Band at practice.Betsy and Dick enjoy biking theColumbus paths and ‘raised-bed’gardening at their home inWorthington. <strong>The</strong>ir oldestdaughter graduated from OSUwith a BS in Human Ecology/Nutrition in June, <strong>2008</strong> and theiryoungest daughter is at Kent<strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>, majoring infashion.Because <strong>of</strong> the small size <strong>of</strong>our college, Betsy is grateful toget to know the faculty andgraduate students in her divisionand is always sorry to see thestudents leave upon graduation.Office <strong>of</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong>essional ProgramsFrank, Sylvan G.Hegler, Barbara A.Office <strong>of</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Experience ProgramsCable, Gerald L.Blight, ThalliaMakarich, JosephMurphy, ChristineOffice <strong>of</strong> Graduate and Research StudiesHayton, William L.Brooks, Kathleen I.Eshbaugh, Susan B.Wray, Dawn A.Office <strong>of</strong> Student AffairsDeters, Heather S.Draudt, LaurelEvans, JuneHerbert, NikkiMiller, JulieOrozco, JoeCentral Business OfficeDelffs, ErinBlakemore, BrianEmmenegger, Linda S.G<strong>of</strong>f, AmandaVornholt, GailAssociate Dean, Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Programs and InterimDirector, Non-Traditional Doctor <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong>ProgramProgram Manager, Non-Traditional Doctor <strong>of</strong><strong>Pharmacy</strong>, Continuing EducationDirector, Experiential and Outreach ProgramsProgram CoordinatorCoordinator, Introductory Practice ExperiencesIntermediate Practice ExperiencesAssociate Dean, Graduate and Research StudiesGraduate Program CoordinatorOffice AssociateLaboratory SupervisorDirector <strong>of</strong> Student ServicesAcademic Counselor and Staff Assistant<strong>College</strong> RegistrarAcademic Counselor and Staff AssistantProgram AssistantAcademic Counselor and Staff Assistant<strong>College</strong> Fiscal/Personnel OfficerBuilding Coordinator<strong>College</strong> Procurement CoordinatorGrants ManagerHuman Resources Manager24

Development and Alumni AffairsWeiher, ShannonMarcy, Louis W.McDay, Tanya R.Director <strong>of</strong> Development and External AffairsDirector <strong>of</strong> Alumni AffairsDevelopment and Alumni Affairs CoordinatorComputers and InstrumentationFowble, John W.Beranek, EdwardGladden, Jonathan E.Hoerig, CaseyKhurma, AnandLogan, JamesPosey, Bruce C.Stansell, BradDirector, Senior Systems ManagerSystems Developer/EngineerSystems Developer/EngineerSystems SpecialistSystems Developer/EngineerSystems Developer/EngineerSystems ManagerSystems SpecialistDivision Coordinators and StaffBulgrin, BetsyCamm, Carol A.Daniels, AliceScott, Joy E.Turner, SaraWarren, JoniDivision <strong>of</strong> PharmacologyDivision <strong>of</strong> PharmaceuticsDivision <strong>of</strong> Medicinal Chemistry andPharmacognosyDivision <strong>of</strong> PharmaceuticsDivision <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong> Practice and AdministrationDivision <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong> Practice and Administration25

<strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong>Administrative Organization26

Research and Scholarship<strong>The</strong> research program in the <strong>College</strong> remains robust.Faculty authored or co-authored 240 peer-reviewedjournal articles and book chapters. Research expenditures(7/1/06 – 6/30/07) topped $5.4 M and new awards(7/1/07 – 6/30/08) totaled over $8 M for 54 projects.William HaytonAsociate DeanFigure 4. Distribution <strong>of</strong> Research Funding by SourceFrom ‘Bench’ to ‘Marketplace’…Did you ever wonder how an ‘idea’ generated in the laboratory makes its way from thatscience bench to your medicine chest as a life-saving, safe, medication? Technology transfer,moving novel ideas and technologies from the laboratory to the marketplace, guaranteesthat <strong>Ohio</strong>’s citizens not only have access to the latest technology, but also reap theeconomic benefits from the commercialization <strong>of</strong> new ideas.It happens here all the time. One promising new cancer therapy created in a pharmacylaboratory is now on an accelerated pace toward testing thanks to a new licensingagreement between <strong>Ohio</strong> <strong>State</strong> and a New Jersey-based drug development firm, Arno<strong>The</strong>rapeutics Inc.<strong>The</strong> agents are two small molecules that are considered to have powerful cancer-fightingproperties. <strong>The</strong>y were developed by Dr. Ching-Shih Chen, the holder <strong>of</strong> the Lucius A.Wing Chair <strong>of</strong> Cancer Research and <strong>The</strong>rapy in <strong>Ohio</strong> <strong>State</strong>’s Comprehensive CancerCenter and pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> pharmacy and internal medicine. <strong>The</strong> molecules trigger cancer cellsto self-destruct by blocking the transmission <strong>of</strong> key informationfrom the cell surface into the cell interior. In laboratory studiesthese agents also were shown to interact with existing cancertherapies in promising ways.<strong>The</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong> ranks #2 among all colleges at OSUin dollars generated in licensing fees and royalties for patents.<strong>The</strong>se funds are shared among the Technology Licensing andCommercialization Office, the <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong> and theinventor. <strong>The</strong> <strong>College</strong> channels its portion into researchprograms in the college, supporting researchers and shoring upinfrastructure.Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Ching-Shih Chen27

<strong>College</strong> Research Day <strong>2008</strong>“Pharmaceutics in the New Millennium: If Only Drugs Could Fly”On May 19, <strong>2008</strong>, faculty, staff, students, researchers and colleagues <strong>of</strong> Dr.Sylvan Frank gathered at the Biomedical Research Tower to honor him andshowcase the research activities <strong>of</strong> the <strong>College</strong>. <strong>The</strong> day-long event included 80poster displays <strong>of</strong> faculty and student research and a symposium in the area <strong>of</strong>pharmaceutics research. This year, the symposium recognized Sylvan Frank,Associate Dean for Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Programs and Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Pharmaceutics.During his distinguished career in pharmaceutics education and research,Dr. Frank advised 32 graduate students and 8 postdoctorals. Many returned onthis day to honor him and speak at the symposium. A reception followed thesymposium allowing for informal interactions among students, researchers,faculty and invited guests.Dean Brueggemeier opened the symposium and introduced Dr. JosephAlutto, Executive Vice-President and Provost <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ohio</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>, whose talk “Partnerships in Academiaand Industry” kicked <strong>of</strong>f the event.Other featured speakers:Marialice Bennett, RPh, FAPhA, Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Clinical <strong>Pharmacy</strong>,<strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong>,<strong>The</strong> <strong>Ohio</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>“Clinical Issues with Drug Delivery and Patient Adherence”Shirley Ng, PhD, Director, Formulation Development,Johnson & Johnson Consumer Group.“Challenges in Product Development “Jessica Miller, PhD, Senior Scientist, Product Development,AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals“Opportunities and Challenges in the Pharmaceutical Sciences: An AstraZeneca Perspective”Yong Cui, PhD, Formulation Scientist,Genentech, Inc.“<strong>The</strong> Role <strong>of</strong> a Formulator in Drug Discovery/Development and New Trends”James Lee, PhD, Helen C. Kurtz Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering,<strong>The</strong> <strong>Ohio</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>“Engineering Perspectives <strong>of</strong> Next Generation Drug Delivery and Devices”❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖Sylvan G. Frank, PhD,Associate Dean for Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Programs and Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Pharmaceutics,<strong>The</strong> <strong>Ohio</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>“Pharmaceutics: A Personal Journey”28

Distinguished Lecture SeriesFor the third consecutive year the <strong>College</strong> brought prominent speakers to campus as part <strong>of</strong> itsDistinguished Lecture Series. <strong>The</strong>se lecturers are nominated by the divisions, approved by the Graduateand Research Committee and the Executive Committee, and invited and hosted by the divisions.Dr. Yuichi Sugiyama, Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Molecular Pharmacokinetics, <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong>Tokyo, presented "Drug Transporters in New Drug Discovery and Development,"on Thursday, November 8, 2007. Dr. Sugiyama is the president <strong>of</strong> both the"International Society for the Study <strong>of</strong> Xenobiotics (ISSX)" and the "JapaneseSociety for Xenobiotic Metabolism and Disposition (JSSX)”. He is the most-citedauthor in Pharmacology & Toxicology for 1997-2007.Dr. Glen R. Hanson, Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Pharmacology and Toxicology, <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Utah,presented "<strong>The</strong> Neurobiology <strong>of</strong> Drug Addiction: A Disease Model," on Thursday,March 6, <strong>2008</strong>. Dr. Hanson is Director <strong>of</strong> the Utah Addiction Center and SeniorAdvisor to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. His research aims to elucidate thebasis for neurological and psychiatric disorders, with emphasis on themonoamines and neuropeptides.<strong>The</strong> Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship Program Recipients:Undergraduate students, interested in research, discovery, use,or mechanisms <strong>of</strong> action <strong>of</strong> drugs/medicines may apply for thissummer fellowship program and earn $4,000 for a ten-week fulltimeexperience. Research activities can be directed by any facultymember in the <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong> who is willing to mentor astudent for the summer.❖ Damian Hruszkewycz (Chemistry/OSU)❖ Kwan Leung (Pharmaceutical Sciences/OSU)❖ Diamond Ling (Neuroscience/Rochester)❖ Bruce Ware (Pharmaceutical Sciences/OSU)❖ Matthew Welsch (Biochemistry/<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Toledo)❖ Bryan Zorko (Pharmaceutical Sciences/OSU)29

<strong>College</strong> PublicationsDivision <strong>of</strong> Medicinal Chemistry and PharmacognosyJ. Hackett, Z. Xiao, X.P. Zang, M.L. Lerner, D.J. Brackett, R.W. Brueggemeier, P.K. Li, and J.T. Pento,Development <strong>of</strong> keratinocyte growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors for the treatment <strong>of</strong> cancer.Anticancer Res., 27, 3801-3806 (2007).B. Su, E.S. Díaz-Cruz, S. Landini, and R.W. Brueggemeier, Suppression <strong>of</strong> aromatase expression in human breastcells by novel sulfonanilides occurs via inhibition <strong>of</strong> intracellular signaling pathways. Steroids, 73, 104-111 (<strong>2008</strong>).D.D. Davis, E.S. Díaz-Cruz, S. Landini, Y.-W. Kim, and R.W. Brueggemeier, Evaluation <strong>of</strong> synthetic is<strong>of</strong>lavoneson cell proliferation, estrogen receptor affinity, and apoptosis in breast cancer cells, J. Steroid Biochem. Molec. Biol.,108, 23-31 (<strong>2008</strong>).B. Su, R. Tian, M.V. Darby, and R.W. Brueggemeier, Novel sulfonanilide analogs decrease aromatase activity inbreast cancer cells: Synthesis, biological evaluation and pharmacophore identification. J. Med. Chem., 51, 1126-1135 (<strong>2008</strong>).B. Su, S.M. Mershon, L.A. Stonerock, R.W. Curley, Jr. and R.W. Brueggemeier, 4-Hydroxyphenylretinamide(4HPR) derivatives regulate aromatase activity and expression in breast cancer cells. J. Steroid Biochem. Molec.Biol., 109, 40-46 (<strong>2008</strong>).B. Su, M.V. Darby, and R.W. Brueggemeier, Synthesis and biological evaluation <strong>of</strong> novel sulfonanilides asantiproliferative agents for breast cancer. J. Comb Chem., 10, 475-483 (<strong>2008</strong>).S.C. Weng, Y. Kashida, S.K. Kulp, D. Wang, R.W. Brueggemeier, C.L. Shapiro, and C.S. Chen. Sensitizingestrogen receptor-negative breast cancer cells to tamoxifen with OSU-03012, a novel celecoxib-derivedphosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase-1/Akt signaling inhibitor. Mol. Cancer <strong>The</strong>r., 7, 800-808 (<strong>2008</strong>).R.W. Brueggemeier, B. Su, Y. Sugimoto, E.S. Díaz-Cruz, and D.D. Davis, Aromatase and COX in breast cancer:Enzyme inhibitors and beyond. J. Steroid Biochem. Molec. Biol., 106, 16-23 (2007).D.D. Miller, R.W. Brueggemeier, and J.T. Dalton, "Adrenocorticoids" in Principles <strong>of</strong> Medicinal Chemistry, 6thEdition, T.L. Lemke and D.A. Williams, Eds., Williams & Wilkens, Baltimore, 877-912, (2007).D.D. Miller, R.W. Brueggemeier, and J.T. Dalton, "Men’s Health" in Principles <strong>of</strong> Medicinal Chemistry, 6thEdition, T.L. Lemke and D.A. Williams, Eds., Williams & Wilkens, Baltimore, 1265-1300 (2007).J.-R. Weng, C.-H. Tsai, S. K. Kulp. D. Wang, C.-H. Lin, H.-C. Yang, Y. Ma, A. Sargeant, C.-F. Chiu, M.-H. Tsai,and C.-S. Chen, A potent indole-3-carbinol-derived antitumor agent with pleotropic effects on multiple signalingpathways in prostate cancer cells. Cancer Res, 67, 7815-7824 (2007).Y.-S. Lu, Y. Kashida, S.K. Kulp, J.-H. Hung, D. Wang, Z.-Z. Lin, T.-J. Chen, A.-L. Cheng, and C.-S. Chen,Efficacy <strong>of</strong> OSU-HDAC42, a novel phenylbutyrate-based histone deacetylase inhibitor, in murine models <strong>of</strong>hepatocellular carcinoma. Hepatology, 46, 1119-1130 (2007).M. Sargeant, R.D. Klein, R.C. Rengel, S.K. Clinton, S.K. Kulp, Y. Kashida, M. Yamaguchi, and C.-S. Chen,Chemopreventive and bioenergetic signaling effects <strong>of</strong> PDK1/Akt pathway inhibition in a transgenic mouse model<strong>of</strong> prostate cancer. Toxicol. Pathol., 35, 549-561 (2007).S. Wei, L.-F. Lin, C.-C. Yang, C.-H. Tsai, Y.-C. Wang, G.-D. Chang, H. Chen, and C.-S. Chen,Thiazolidineiones modulate the expression <strong>of</strong> b-catenin and other cell-cycle regulatory proteins by targeting the F-box proteins <strong>of</strong> SCF E3 ubiquitin ligase independently <strong>of</strong> PPARg. Mol. Pharmacol., 72, 725-733 (2007).L. M. Porchia, M. Guerra, Y. C. Wang, Y. Zhang, A. V. Espinosa, M. Shinohara, S. K. Kulp, L. S. Kirschner, M.Saji, C.-S. Chen, and M. D. Ringel 2-amino-N-{4-[5-(2-phenanthrenyl)-3-(trifluoromethyl)-1H-pyrazol-1-yl]-phenyl}acetamide (OSU-03012), a celecoxib derivative, directly targets p21-activated kinase. Mol. Pharmacol.,72(5):1124-1131 (2007).B. J. Dewar, O. S. Gardner, C.-S. Chen, H. D. Earp, J. M. Samet, and L. M. Graves Capacitative calcium entrycontributes to the differential transactivation <strong>of</strong> the epidermal growth factor receptor in response tothiazolidinediones. Mol. Pharmacol., 72:1146-1156 (2007).30

P. Neviani, R. Santhanam, J. J. Oaks, A. M. Eiring, M. Notari, B. W. Blaser, S. Liu, R. Trotta, N. Muthusamy,C. Gambacorti-Passerini, B. J. Druker, J. Cortes, G. Marcucci, C.-S. Chen, N. M. Verrills, D. C. Roy, M. A.Caligiuri, C. D. Bloomfield, J. C. Byrd, and D. Perrotti, FTY720, a new alternative for treating blast crisischronic myelogenous leukemia and Philadelphia chromosome-positive acute lymphocytic leukemia. J. Clin.Invest., 117(9):2408-2421 (2007).Y.-C. Wang, S. K. Kulp, D. Wang, C.-C Yang, A. M. Sargeant, Y. Kashida, M. Yamaguchi, G.-D. Chang, andC.-S. Chen. Targeting ER-stress and Akt signaling with OSU-03012 and gefitinib or erlotinib to overcomeepidermal growth factor receptor inhibitor-resistance in non-small cell lung cancer cells with activated Akt.Cancer Res., 68, 2820-2830 (<strong>2008</strong>).J.-H. Hung, Y.-S. Lu, Y.-C. Wang, Y.-H. Ma, D. Wang, S. K. Kulp, N. Muthusamy, J. C. Byrd, A.-L. Cheng,and C.-S. Chen FTY720 induces apoptosis in hepatocellular carcinoma cells in part through activation <strong>of</strong>reactive oxygen species-protein kinase C-delta signaling. Cancer Res., 68, 1204-1212 (<strong>2008</strong>).Q. Liu, X. Zhao, F. Frissora, Y. Ma, R. Santhanam, D. Jarjoura, A. Lehman, D. Perrotti, C.-S. Chen, J. T.Dalton, N. Muthusamy, and J.C. Byrd. FTY720 demonstrates promising preclinical activity for chroniclymphocytic leukemia and lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma. Blood, 111(1):275-284 (<strong>2008</strong>).J. Yang, S. Wei, D.-S. Wang, Y.-C. Wang, S. K. Kulp, and C.-S. Chen. Pharmacological exploitation <strong>of</strong> theperoxisome proliferator-activated receptor g agonist ciglitazone to develop a novel class <strong>of</strong> androgen receptorablativeagents. J. Med. Chem., 51, 2100-2107 (<strong>2008</strong>).J.-R. Weng, C.-H. Tsai, S. K. Kulp, and C.-S. Chen. Indole-3-carbinol as a chemopreventive and anti-canceragent. Cancer Lett., 262, 153-163 (<strong>2008</strong>).S.-C. Weng, Y. Kashida, S. K. Kulp. D. Wang, R. W. Brueggemeier, C. L. Shapiro, and C.-S. Chen. Sensitizingestrogen receptor-negative cancer cells to tamoxifen with OSU-03012, a novel celecoxib-derived PDK-1/Aktsignaling inhibitor. Mol. Cancer <strong>The</strong>r., 7, 800-808 (<strong>2008</strong>).A.M. Sargeant, R. C. Ringel, S. K. Kulp, R. D. Klein, S. K. Clinton, Y.-C. Wang, and C.-S. Chen. DietaryIntake <strong>of</strong> OSU-HDAC42, a histone deacetylase inhibitor, blocks prostate tumor progression in the TRAMPmodel. Cancer Res., 68, 3999-4009 (<strong>2008</strong>).M.A. Park, A. Yacoub, M. Rahmani, G. Zhang, L. Hart, M. P. Hagan, S. K. Calderwood, M. Y. Sherman, C.Koumenis, S. Spiegel, C.-S. Chen, M. Graf, D. T. Curiel, P. B. Fisher, S. Grant and P. Dent. OSU-03012stimulates PKR-like endoplasmic reticulum-dependent increases in 70-kDa heat shock protein expression,attenuating its lethal actions in transformed cells. Mol Pharmacol., 73(4):1168-1184 (<strong>2008</strong>).Anding, A.L., Chapman, J.S., Barnett, D.W., Curley, R.W., Jr., Clagett-Dame, M. <strong>The</strong> UnhydrolyzableFenretinide Analog 4-Hydroxybenzylretinone Induces the Proapoptotic Genes GADD153 (CHOP) andBBC3(PUMA) and Apoptosis that is Caspase-Dependent and Independent <strong>of</strong> the Retinoic Acid Receptor.Cancer Res., 67, 6270-6277 (2007).Su, B., Mershon, S.M., Stonerock, L.A., Curley, R.W., Jr., Brueggemeier, R.W. 4-Hydroxyphenylretinamide(4-HPR) Derivatives Regulate Aromatase Activity and Expression in Breast Cancer Cells. J. Steroid Biochem. Mol.Biol., 109, 40-46.Carcache de-Blanco, E. J., Pandit, B., Hu, Z., Shi, J., Lewis, A., Li, P. K. Inhibitors <strong>of</strong> NF-kappaB derivedfrom thalidomide. Bioorg Med Chem. Lett., 17, (21), 6031-5 (2007).Pento, JT., Li, P.K., Keratinocyte growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase antagonists for the prevention <strong>of</strong>metastatic cancer progression. Drug <strong>of</strong> the Future, 32(11), 965-72 (2007).Bhasin, D., Cisek, K., Pandharkar, T., Regan, N., Li, C., Pandit, B., Lin, J., Li, P. K. Design, synthesis, andstudies <strong>of</strong> small molecule STAT3 inhibitors. Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett., 18, (1), 391-5 (<strong>2008</strong>).Bandyopadhyaya, A. K., Narayanasamy, S., Barth, R.F., Tjarks, W. Synthesis <strong>of</strong> novel texaphyrins containinglanthanides and boron; Tetrahedron Lett., 48, 4467-4469 (2007).Tjarks, W., Tiwari, R., Byun, Y., Narayanasamy, S., Barth, R.F., Carboranyl thymidine analogues for neutroncapture therapy; Chem. Commun., 4978-4991 (2007).31

Chandra, S., Tjarks, W., Lorey, D.R., II, Barth, R. F. Quantitative subcellular imaging <strong>of</strong> boron from BNCTagents in individual mitotic and interphase human glioblastoma cells with SIMS. J. Microsc., 229, 92–103 (<strong>2008</strong>).Yang, Y., Wu, G., Barth, R.F., Swindall, M.R., Bandyopadhyaya, A.K., Tjarks, W., Tord<strong>of</strong>f, K., Moeschberger, M.,Sferra, T.J., Binns, P.J., Riley, K.J., Ciesielski, M.J., Fenstermaker, R.A., Wikstrand. C.J., Molecular targeting andtreatment <strong>of</strong> composite EGFR wildtype and EGFRIII gliomas using boronated monoclonal antibiodies. Clin.Cancer Res., 14, 883-91 (<strong>2008</strong>).Byun, Y., Vogel, S.R., Phipps, A.J., Carnrot, C., Eriksson, S., Tiwari, R., Tjarks, W., Synthesis and biologicalevaluation <strong>of</strong> inhibitors <strong>of</strong> thymidine monophosphate kinase from Bacillus Anthracis. Nucleosides, Nucleotides, andNucleic Acids, 27, 244-260 (<strong>2008</strong>).Wu, G., Barth, R.F., Yang, W., Lee, R.J., Tjarks, W., Backer, M.V., Joseph M. Backer, J.M. Neutron capturetherapy <strong>of</strong> cancer: Nanoparticles and high molecular weight boron delivery agents. Nanotechnology for Cancer<strong>The</strong>rapy, Amiji, M.M.Eds, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 77-103 (2007).S. M. Bakunova, S. A. Bakunov, T. Wenzler, T. Barszcz, K. Werbovetz, R. Brun, J. Hall, and R. Tidwell. Synthesisand in vitro antiprotozoal activity <strong>of</strong> bisbenz<strong>of</strong>uran cations. J. Med. Chem., 50: 5807-5823 (2007).L. Hu, R. Arafa, M. Ismail, T. Wenzler, R. Brun, M. Munde, W. Wilson, S. Nzimiro, S. Samyesudhas, K.Werbovetz, and D. Boykin. Azaterphenyl diamidines as antileishmanial agents. Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett., 18: 247-251 (<strong>2008</strong>).T. George, J. Richard, T. Barszcz, J. Capers and K. Werbovetz. Flavylium salts as precursors <strong>of</strong> biologically activechalcones. Letters in Drug Design & Discovery, 5: 69-73 (<strong>2008</strong>).R. Morgan and K. Werbovetz. Selective lead compounds against kinetoplastid tubulin. Advances in ExperimentalMedicine and Biology, 625: 33-47 (<strong>2008</strong>).S.S. Phifer, D. Lee, E.-K. Seo, N.-C. Kim, T.N. Graf, D.J. Kroll, H.A. Navarro, R.A. Izydone, F.Jiminez, R.Garcia, W.C. Rose, C.R. Fairchild, R. Wild, D.D. Soejarto, N.R. Farnsworth, A.D. Kinghorn, N.H. Oberlies,M.E. Wall, and M.C. Wani, Alvaradoins E-N, new antitumor and cytotoxic anthracenone C-glycosides from theleaves <strong>of</strong> Alvaradoa haitensis, J. Nat. Prod., 70, 954-961 (2007).G. Murillo, W.H. Hirschelman, A. Ito, R.M. Moriarty, A.D. Kinghorn, J.M. Pezzuto, and R.G. Mehta, Zapotin, aphytochemical present in a Mexican fruit, prevents colon carcinogenesis, Nutr. Cancer, 57, 28-37 (2007).S. Kim, B.Y. Hwang, B.-N. Su, H. Chai, Q. Mi, A.D. Kinghorn, R. Wild, and S.M. Swanson, Silvestrol, apotential anticancer rocaglate derivative from Aglaia foveolata, induces apoptosis in LNCaP cells through themitochondrial/apoptosomal pathway without activation <strong>of</strong> executioner caspase-3 or -7, Anticancer Res., 27, 2175-2184 (2007).A.A. Salim, H.-B. Chai, I. Rachman, S. Riswan, L.B.S. Kardono, N.R. Farnsworth, E.J. Carcache-Blanco, andA.D. Kinghorn, Constituents <strong>of</strong> the leaves and stem bark <strong>of</strong> Aglaia foveolata, Tetrahedron, 63, 7926-7934 (2007).Y.-W. Chin, A.D. Kinghorn, and P. Patil, Evaluation <strong>of</strong> the cholinergic and adrenergic effects <strong>of</strong> two tropanealkaloids from Erythroxlum pervillei, Phytother. Res., 21, 1002-1005 (2007).Y. Deng, Y.-W. Chin, H. Chai, W.J. Keller, and A.D. Kinghorn, Anthaquinones with quinone reductase-inducingactivity and benzophenones from Morinda citrifolia (noni) fruits, J. Nat. Prod., 70, 2049-2052 (2007).Y.-W. Chin, H.A. Jung, H. Chai, W.J. Keller, and A.D. Kinghorn, Xanthones with quinone reductase-inducingactivity from the fruits <strong>of</strong> Garcinia mangostana (Mangosteen), Phytochemistry, 69, 754-758 (<strong>2008</strong>).Y.-W. Chin, A.A. Salim, B.-N. Su, Q. Mi, H.-B. Chai, S. Riswan, L.B.S. Kardono, A. Ruskandi, N.R. Farnsworth,S.M. Swanson, and A.D. Kinghorn Potential anticancer activity <strong>of</strong> naturally occurring and semi-syntheticderivatives <strong>of</strong> aculeatins A and B from Amomum aculeatum, J. Nat. Prod., 71, 390-395 (Special issue in honor <strong>of</strong>Dr. G. Robert Pettit), (<strong>2008</strong>).A.D. Kinghorn, “Drug discovery from natural products”, in Foye’s Principles <strong>of</strong> Medicinal Chemistry, 6th Edition, T.Lemke and D.A. Williams, Eds. J Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Willliams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, PA, pp. 12-25(<strong>2008</strong>).32

M. Bahar, Y. Deng, J.N. Fletcher, and A.D. Kinghorn, “Plant-derived natural products in drug discoveryand development: an overview, in Selected Topics in the Chemistry <strong>of</strong> Natural Products, R. Ikan, Ed. World ScientificPublications, Singapore, pp. 11-48 (<strong>2008</strong>).A.A. Salim, Y.-W. Chin, and A.D. Kinghorn, “Drug discovery from plants”, in Bioactive Molecules and MedicinalPlants, K. Ramawat and J.M. Merillon, Eds. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 1-24 (<strong>2008</strong>).Ding, H., Y.-W. Chin, A.D. Kinghorn, and S. D’Ambrosio, Chemopreventive characteristics <strong>of</strong> avocado fruit,Sem. Cancer Biol., 17, 386-394 (2007).Pawlus, A.D. and A.D. Kinghorn, Review <strong>of</strong> the ethnobotany, chemistry, biological activity and safety <strong>of</strong> thebotanical dietary supplement Morinda citrifolia (noni), J. Pharm. Pharmacol., 59, 1587-1609 (2007).Bhasin, D., Cisek, K., Pandharkar, T., Li, C., Lin, J. and Li, P.-K. Design, synthesis and studies <strong>of</strong> small moleculeSTAT3 inhibitors, Bioorg. Medicinal. Chem. Lett., 18, 391-395 (<strong>2008</strong>).Patil, P. N.;Li, C.; Kumari, V. and Hieble, J. P. “Analysis <strong>of</strong> efficacy <strong>of</strong> chiral adrenergic agonists”. Chirality, 20,529-543 (<strong>2008</strong>).George, T. G.; Endeshaw, M. M.; Morgan, R. E.; Mahasenan, K. V.; Delfín, D. A.; Mukherjee, M. S.; Yakovich, A.J.; Li, C. and Werbovetz, K. A. Synthesis, biological evaluation and molecular modeling <strong>of</strong> 3,5-substituted-N1-phenyl-N4, N4-di-n-butylsulfanilamides as antikinetoplastid antimicrotubule agents. Bioorg. Medicinal. Chem.,15(18), 6071-6079 (2007).Salim AA, Chai H-B, Rachman I, Riswan S, Kardono LBS, Farnsworth NR, Carcache-Blanco EJ, Kinghorn AD.Constituents <strong>of</strong> the leaves and stem bark <strong>of</strong> Aglaia foveolata. Tetrahedron, 63:7926-7934 (2007).Kim JA, Tay D, Carcache-Blanco EJ. NF-kB inhibitory activity <strong>of</strong> compounds isolated from Cantharelluscibarius. Phytopher. Res., 22:1104-1106 (<strong>2008</strong>).Division <strong>of</strong> PharmaceuticsHu, L., Au, J.L., and Wientjes, M.G. Computational modeling to predict effect <strong>of</strong> treatment schedule on drugdelivery to prostate in humans. Clin. Cancer Res, 13:1278-1287 (2007).Lu, D., Wientjes, M.G., Lu, Z., and Au, J.L. Tumor priming enhances delivery and efficacy <strong>of</strong> nanomedicines.J. Pharmacol. Exp. <strong>The</strong>r., 322:80-88 (2007).Tsai, M., Lu, Z., Wang, J., Yeh, T.K., Wientjes, M.G., and Au, J.L. Effects <strong>of</strong> carrier on disposition and antitumoractivity <strong>of</strong> intraperitoneal Paclitaxel. Pharm. Res, 24:1691-1701 (2007).Ortiz, R., Au, J.L.-S., Lu, Z., Gan, Y. and Wientjes, M.G. Biodegradable intraprostatic doxorubicin implants.AAPS J., 9:E241-E250 (2007).Shen, Z., Shen, T., Wientjes, M.G., O'Donnell, M.A., and Au, J. L. Intravesical treatments <strong>of</strong> bladder cancer:review. Pharm. Res., 25 (7):1500-1510 (<strong>2008</strong>).Liu Z, Fan-Havard P, Xie Z, Chen Ren, and Chan KK. A Liquid Chromatography/atmospheric PressureIonization Tandem Mass Spectrometry Quantitation Method for Nevirapine and its Two Oxidative Metabolites, 2-hydroxynevirapine and Nevirapine 4-carboxylic Acid, and Pharmacokinetics in Baboons. Rapid Communications inMass Spectrometry, 21(16): 2734-2742 (2007).Fabbri M, Garzon R, Cimmino A, Liu Z, Zanesi N, Callegari E, Liu S, Alder H, Costinean S, Fernandez-Cymering C, Volinia S, Guler G, Morrison CD, Chan KK, Marcucci G, Calin GA, Huebner K and Croce CM*.MicroRNA-29 Family Reverts Aberrant Methylation in Lung Cancer by Targeting DNA Methyltransferases 3Aand 3B. PNAS, 104(40) 15805-15810 (2007).Eyles A, Jones W, Riedl K, Cipollini D, Schwartz S, Chan K, Herms DA, and Bonello P. Comparative PhloemChemistry <strong>of</strong> Manchurian (Fraxinus mandshurica) and Two North American Ash Species (Fraxinus americana andFraxinus pennslvanica). J. Chem. Ecol., 33:1430-1448 (2007).33

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NIH Grants Awarded FY2007NIH, Principal Investigator:Name Institute Project Title AwardChan, Kenneth K National Cancer Institute Preclinical pharmacological study $536,968<strong>of</strong> antitumor and other therapeutic agents.Chen, Ching-Shih National Cancer Institute Targeting Akt and Bcl-2 in prostate $279,963cancer prevention.Curley, Robert W Jr National Cancer Institute Analog studies <strong>of</strong> 4-HPR and its glucuronide. $282,094Dalton, James T Nat Inst Diabetes, Digestive, Pharmacology <strong>of</strong> nonsteriodal androgen $327,609& Kidney Diseasesreceptor ligands.Elton, Terry S National Heart, Lung, and Human angiotensin II receptor gene $262,500Blood Instituteregulation.Knoell, Daren L National Heart, Lung, and <strong>The</strong> cytoprotective role <strong>of</strong> zinc transporters $371,807Blood Institutein human lung epithelia.Kvaratskhelia, Mamuka Nat Inst <strong>of</strong> Allergy Structural studies <strong>of</strong> HIV-1 integration. $229,173& Infectious DiseasesKvaratskhelia, Mamuka Nat Inst <strong>of</strong> Allergy HIV-1 gag structure as a therapeutic target. $254,038& Infectious DiseasesLee, Robert J National Cancer Institute Targeted liposomal doxorubicin $571,446delivery to leukemia.Schmittgen, Thomas D National Cancer Institute Real-time PCR expression pr<strong>of</strong>iling $210,183<strong>of</strong> microRNA.Werbovetz, Karl A Nat Inst <strong>of</strong> Allergy Simple, selective antimitotic antiparasitic $298,763& Infectious Diseases agents.Wientjes, M Guillaume National Cancer Institute Enhanced chemosensitivity <strong>of</strong> $258,035pancreatic cancer.NIH via subprojects and subcontracts:Name Institute Project Title AwardDalton, James T National Institutes <strong>of</strong> Health Novel irreversible SARMs for $123,309prostate cancer.Other Federal Agencies, Associations, Foundations:Name Agency Project Title AwardChen, Ching-Shih Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Sensitizing ER-negative breast cancer $125,000Foundationcells to tamoxifen-induced apoptosisby a pdk-1 inhibitor.Dalton, James T Army Medical Research Tubulin-Destabilizing Bis-Indoles $449,085Acquisitionfor advanced prostate cancer.Hayton, William L National Science Foundation Modeling the salmonid hypothalamus- $350,086pituitary-gonad axis.Hoyt, Dale G Army Medical Research Effects <strong>of</strong> synthetic disintegrins on $106,000Acquisitionbreast cancer in mice.Hoyt, Kari R American Parkinson Disease Chronic biguanide exposure as a new $50,000Associationmouse model <strong>of</strong> Parkinson's disease.Lacombe, Veronique A American Heart Association Common mechanisms <strong>of</strong> diastolic $65,000dysfunction and arrhythmias in diabetes.Schmittgen, Thomas D Army Medical Res & Material Aptamer drug conjugates for prostate $79,365Commandcancer therapy.Werbovetz, Karl A Univ <strong>of</strong> North Carolina Development <strong>of</strong> new drugs to treat $83,293(Gates Foundation)Leishmaniasis and late stage human Africantrypanosomiasis.43

NIH Grants Awarded FY<strong>2008</strong>NIH, Principal Investigator:Name Institute Project Title AwardAu, Jessie L National Cancer Institute Chemoresistance in renal cell cancer. $261,855Au, Jessie L National Cancer Institute Telomeres, telomerase and chemotherapy: $312,217Bench to bedside.Carnes, Cynthia A National Heart, Lung, and Heart failure and atrial fibrillation $379,208Blood InstituteChan, Kenneth K National Cancer Institute Preclinical pharmacological study $601,163<strong>of</strong> antitumor and other therapeutic agents.Chen, Ching-Shih National Cancer Institute Targeting Akt and Bcl-2 in prostate... $279,963Dalton, James T Nat Inst Diabetes, Digestive, Pharmacology <strong>of</strong> nonsteriodal androgen $327,067& Kidney Diseasesreceptor ligands.Elton, Terry S National Heart, Lung, and Human angiotensin II receptor gene $254,888Blood Instituteregulation.Kinghorn, A Douglas National Cancer Institute Discovery <strong>of</strong> Anti-Cancer Agents <strong>of</strong> $1,365,636Diverse Natural Origin.Knoell, Daren L National Heart, Lung, and <strong>The</strong> cytoprotective role <strong>of</strong> zinc $375,000Blood Institutetransporters in human lung epitheliaKvaratskhelia, Mamuka Nat Inst <strong>of</strong> Allergy & HIV-1 integrase structure and function $98,798Infectious Diseasesas a therapeutic target.Kvaratskhelia, Mamuka Nat Inst <strong>of</strong> Allergy & Structural studies <strong>of</strong> HIV-1 integration. $396,484Infectious DiseasesLacombe, Veronique A Nat Center for Research Impaired myocardial glucose transport $253,800Resourcesduring diabetes: the novel role...Lee, Robert J National Cancer Institute Micr<strong>of</strong>luidic synthesis <strong>of</strong> nanoparticles... $159,422Schmittgen, Thomas D National Cancer Institute Real-time PCR expression pr<strong>of</strong>iling <strong>of</strong> $209,172microRNA.Sun, Duxin National Cancer Institute An integrated system for tumor detection... $570,000Wientjes, M Guillaume National Cancer Institute Enhanced chemosensitivity <strong>of</strong> pancreatic $258,035cancer.NIH via subprojects and subcontracts:Name Institute Project Title AwardChen, Ching-Shih NIH via <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Chicago Development <strong>of</strong> Small-Molecule $150,000Autophagy-Inducing Agents Against...Lee, Robert J Lynntech, Inc Targeted gene therapy using synthetic... $20,000Other Federal Agencies, Associations, Foundations:Name Agency Project Title AwardBalkrishnan, Rajesh Wake Forest Univ Health Sci Center for dermatology research. $42,000Bellebaum, Katherine L Agency for Healthcare Res <strong>The</strong> Relationship between Nurses' Work $37,124& QualityHours, Fatigue, and Medication...Hayton, William L National Science Foundation Modeling the salmonid hypothalamus- $347,663pituitary-gonad axis.Lacombe, Veronique A American Heart Association Common mechanisms <strong>of</strong> diastolic... $65,000McAuley, James W Epilepsy Foundation <strong>of</strong> America Impact <strong>of</strong> AED Reduction on Economic, $3,000Clinical and Humanistic Outcomes in...Werbovetz, Karl A Univ <strong>of</strong> North Carolina Development <strong>of</strong> new drugs to treat $124,940(Gates Foundation)Leishmaniasis and late stage human...Werbovetz, Karl A World Health Organization Synthetic/medicinal chemistry... $102,28944

Alumni AffairsA lumni are proud <strong>of</strong> the high ranking <strong>of</strong> their alma mater and support the mission <strong>of</strong> the <strong>College</strong>with their talents, time and resources. Many serve as preceptors in the <strong>College</strong> experiential programsand are dedicated to quality educational interaction with students. Alumni also serve on the alumniboard and committees, prospective student interviews, and as <strong>College</strong> recruiters.<strong>The</strong> OSU <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong> Alumni Society Awards Banquet and 25th <strong>Annual</strong> Meeting was heldon May 9, <strong>2008</strong> at the Blackwell Hotel and Conference Center on campus. <strong>The</strong> banquet was attendedby faculty, alumni, students and their guests. Another group <strong>of</strong> dedicated alumni were selected byPr<strong>of</strong>essor Kristin Casper and the Alumni Relations Committee.Distinguished Alumni Award recipients must have a pr<strong>of</strong>essional degree (BS, MS, PharmD) from theOSU <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong>, have made distinguished contributions in the fields <strong>of</strong> public health andpublic service, have performed outstanding activities in the interest <strong>of</strong>the <strong>College</strong> and its students, and have an outstanding record in thepr<strong>of</strong>ession <strong>of</strong> pharmacy.Lou MarcyDirector, Alumni AffairsDistinguished Alumni Awards:❖ Louis W. Marcy, RPh, Alumni Affairs Director, <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Pharmacy</strong>, <strong>The</strong> <strong>Ohio</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>❖ Laura A. Shaw, RPh, Vice President <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong> Acquisitions,Rite Aid Corporation, Appointed to Michigan Board <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong>❖ Jerry Siegel, PharmD, FASHP, Senior Director <strong>of</strong> PharmaceuticalServices, <strong>Ohio</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong> Medical Center, Clinical AssociatePr<strong>of</strong>essor and Assistant Dean, <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong>, <strong>The</strong> <strong>Ohio</strong> <strong>State</strong><strong>University</strong><strong>The</strong> Jack L. Beal Postbaccalaureate Alumni Award is named in honor <strong>of</strong> the late Jack L. Beal, PhD,1952, Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Emeritus <strong>of</strong> Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacognosy at <strong>The</strong> <strong>Ohio</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>.<strong>The</strong> recipient <strong>of</strong> the Jack Beal Award must have a postbaccalaureate degree (MS, PhD, or PharmD)from <strong>The</strong> <strong>Ohio</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong> and shall have contributed significantly toresearch and scholarships in the pharmaceutical sciences and/or contributed outstanding service to thepr<strong>of</strong>essional practice <strong>of</strong> pharmacy.Jack L. Beal Postbaccalaureate Alumni Award Recipients:❖ Russel Allinson, MS, <strong>The</strong>rigy, LLC❖ Steven L. Bramer, PhD, Vice President, Angiotech Pharmaceuticals❖ Joseph F. Dasta, PharmD, Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Emeritus, <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong>,<strong>The</strong> <strong>Ohio</strong> Sate <strong>University</strong>❖ Robert L. Stephens, Jr, PhD, Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, Department <strong>of</strong> Physiology,<strong>The</strong> <strong>Ohio</strong> Sate <strong>University</strong><strong>The</strong> Josephine Sitterle Failer Alumni Award recipient is named in honor <strong>of</strong> Josephine Sitterle Failer,BS, 1939 (d. 1987), a long-time <strong>College</strong> benefactor who contributed service to the <strong>College</strong> for nearlyfive decades. <strong>The</strong> award recognizes an alumnus who has received a pr<strong>of</strong>essional degree from the <strong>College</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong> within the past ten years and has made outstanding contributions to community orpr<strong>of</strong>essional service.Josephine Sitterle Failer Award Recipient:❖ Michael B. Doherty, PharmD, Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Clinical <strong>Pharmacy</strong> Practice, Director<strong>of</strong> Experiential Training, <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong>, <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> CincinnatiDon Bennett, our new President<strong>of</strong> the Alumni Society, describeshis pr<strong>of</strong>ession in a very simpleway. “At the heart <strong>of</strong> it’, he says,“we simply take care <strong>of</strong> people”.But the pr<strong>of</strong>ession is varied, thereare many different ways toaccomplish this; ambulatorysettings, long-term care, diseasemanagement, research, etc. Hewould like to see his colleaguesconcentrate more on what ties usall together rather than ourdifferences.He sees this more than ever inthe activities <strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essionalorganizations like the AlumniSociety. Here is our chance tonetwork, pick up importantinformation from others andcollaborate to bring improvementsto our pr<strong>of</strong>ession, and in the end,to our patients. <strong>The</strong> Society isfocussed now on strategicplanning that will dove-tail withthe OSU Alumni Society strategicplan. <strong>The</strong> presence <strong>of</strong> OSU alumniin the US, and internationally, isastounding. We can stayconnected with students asmentors and preceptors andtogether contribute our time andskills to promote our pr<strong>of</strong>ession inthe health care arena.Don’s wife, Amy, is apharmacist and is the AssistantExecutive Director for the <strong>Ohio</strong>Pharmacist Association.45

THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE <strong>of</strong> PHARMACYALUMNI SOCIETY GOVERNING BOARD ROSTEROfficer Name Degree, Year Location <strong>Pharmacy</strong> Practice SitePresident Donald L. Bennett, B.S. '70 Westerville, OH HospitalPresident-Elect Larry C. Schieber, B.S. '81 Circleville, OH CommunityVice President Kathy Nameth B.S. '80Secretary Kimberly L. McDevitt B.S. '81 Columbus, OH CommunityTreasurer Col. John J. Coughlin B.S. '56 Westerville, OH Community (retired)ImmediatePast President Linda F. Bendinelli, B.S. '80 Columbus, OH HospitalAlumni Thomas P. Sherrin B.S. '65, M.S. '67 Powell, OH Health Care OrgRepresentativeto the OSUAAAlumni AdvisoryBoardRepresentative Name Degree, Year Location <strong>Pharmacy</strong> Practice SiteDistrict 1(2007-2011) Dale A. Bertke B.S. '85 Minster, OH Long Term CareDistrict 2(2005-2009) Cecilia "Ceil" Canestraro B.S. '81 Urbana, OH HospitalDistrict 3(2007-2011) Michael Scott Ferriell B.S. '76 Brookville, OH HospitalDistrict 4(2005-2009) Mark P. Mershon B.S. '89 Cincinnati, OH CommunityDistrict 5(2003-2007) Creg F. Stockwell B.S. '77 Washington C.H., OH HospitalDistrict 6(2005-2009) Lorrie L. Burns Pharm.D. '03 Blacklick, <strong>Ohio</strong> HospitalShirlyn Chaffin B.S. '59 Westerville, OH CommunityAmira E. Del Tosto B.S. '93 Columbus, OH CommunityNiesha Griffith M.S. '96 Columbus, OH HospitalRobert S. Hayman B.S. '64 Grove City, OH CommunityMary Beth Kanatas B.S. '80 Columbus, OH CommunityGregory D. Kuck Pharm.D., '00 Columbus, OH Federal <strong>Pharmacy</strong>David H. "Doc" Lamberjack B.S. '93 Dublin, OH CommunityJohn A. Lince B.S. '64 Columbus, OH CommunityDale C. Lucas B.S. ’67 Gahanna, OH CommunityJanet Senek Robertson B.S. '84 Columbus, OH Nuclear <strong>Pharmacy</strong>Bonnie Croce Spiers B.S. '71 Westerville, OH IndustryMarilyn Keish Wollett B.S. '65 Columbus, OH Mail Order RxDistrict 7(2007-2011) Susan Brown B.S. '76 Morral, OH CommunityDistrict 8(2005-2009) Christopher L. Hirt B.S. '95 Fremont, OH HospitalDistrict 9(2007-2011) Dr. Brian Frank George B.S. '96, Pharm.D.'98 Lexington, OH HospitalDistrict 10(2005-2009) Eric M. Hals B.S. '89 Pataskala, OH CommunityBenjamin A. “Andy” Black B.S. '94 Pickerington, OH ClinicalDistrict 11(2007-2011) Kenneth Lee Warman B.S. '78 Portsmouth, OH CommunityDistrict 12(2005-2009) Kenneth D. Crist B.S. '80, Pharm.D. '83 Zanesville, OH Res/Clinical PracticeDistrict 13(2007-2011) Jerry S. Marlowe B.S. '61 Dover, OH Long Term Care/CompoundingDistrict 14(2005-2009) John A. Nees B.S. '51 Louisville, OH CommunityDistrict 15(2007-2011) Kathleen D. Donley B.S. '77, MBA Hudson, OH Health SystemDistrict 16(2005-2009) Virginia Lynn Beaty B.S. '96 North Olmsted, OH CommunityInga Becker-Gutarts B.S. '98 Solon, OH CommunityScott G. Jamieson B.S. '82 Lexington, OH HospitalJeffrey M. Ketz, PharmD ’97, BS ’88 Cleveland, OH HospitalDistrict 17(2007-2011) Gary Lee Kabetso, Jr. B.S. '94 Canfield, OH Health SystemDistrict 18(2005-2009) Brent J. Swipas B.S. '90 Warren, OH Community46

Out-<strong>of</strong>-<strong>State</strong> Name Degree, Year Location <strong>Pharmacy</strong> Practice SiteRepresentatives(2003-2007) Robert P. Henderson B.S. '81, Birmingham, AL EducationPharm.D., UT '03Andrew J. Irons B.S. '98, Leola, PA Clinical CommunityPharm.D. '00(2005-2009) Douglas A. Miller B.S. '72 Plymouth, MI HospitalLaura Matchett Shaw B.S. ‘87 Waterford, MI Chain ExecutiveKaren Balcerzak B.S. '80 Red Bank, NJ Oncology Sales Rep.Board Appointees(2004-<strong>2008</strong>) A. Joel Arnold B.S. ’58 Cleveland, OH Chain management(Retired)(2005-2009) Phyllis Grauer B.S. '77 Plain City, OH Palliative Care(2005-2009) Robert J. Dupont Sr. B.S. '62 Columbus, OH Community(2005-2009) Terry Light Fraker B.S. '69 Perrysburg, OH LT Care/ Infusion(2005-2009) Paul E. Herring B.S. '68 Reynoldsburg, OH Consultant <strong>Pharmacy</strong>(2005-2007) Jeffrey R. Legg B.S. '91, M.S. '92 Westerville, OH Health Care Org(2004-<strong>2008</strong>) J David Luckhaupt B.S. '50 Powell, OH Retired HS Admin(2007-2011) Frank Sainato B.S. '58 Westerville, OH Chain management(2005-2009) Military Col. Jerry F. Pierson BS '80, Ph.D. '97 Frederick, MD US Army/Research(2003-2007) James W. Staker B.S. '56 Portsmouth, OH Community(2005-2009) Sara New St. Angelo B.S. '76 Indianapolis, IN HospitalLifetime Member Name Degree, Yearin Memoriam Jack L. Beal Ph.D.'52Robert W. Jones B.S. '48Josephine S. Failer B.S. '39Richard I. Wells B.S. '56Lifetime Member Name Degree, Year Location <strong>Pharmacy</strong> Practice SiteCharles W. “Bill” Ague B.S. '50 N.E. <strong>Ohio</strong> RetiredLt. Col. Ralph V. Foster B.S. '56 Columbus, OH Industry (ret.)Daniel B. Waitzman B.S. '43 Columbus, OH Community (ret.)Alumni Affairs Lou Marcy B.S. '65 Columbus, OH Clinical PartnersDirector47

Outreach and EngagementThis has been an exciting year for Outreach and Engagementactivities <strong>of</strong> the students and faculty at OSU <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong>.Partnership expansion and innovation have been hallmarks <strong>of</strong> the year.<strong>The</strong> leadership provided by faculty and student leaders has beenexceptional. In addition to the continued excellent outreach andengagement efforts by students (immunizations, health screenings,diabetes and asthma education, to name a few), there has beenexpansion <strong>of</strong> existing outreach programs with many new initiatives.“Pills, Potions, and Poisons”High School Students DiscoverPharmacologyGerald CableDirector, Outreach andEngagementThis summer at the <strong>College</strong> fourteen high school studentsparticipated in a science-oriented, first <strong>of</strong> its kind, summer studies course for local highschool students, aimed at sparking an academic interest in science and future careers in thepharmaceutical sciences. “Pills, Potions, and Poisons” gave students an overview <strong>of</strong> the field<strong>of</strong> pharmacology and its relationship to health, disease, and society, under the closedirection <strong>of</strong> Dr. Nicole Kwiek, Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor in Medicinal Chemistry andPharmacolognosy and Assistant Director for Educational Outreach.Students explored pharmacology through lab experiments, debate, team projects, andfield trips around OSU. Guided by questions such as: How do drugs work? What are thedifferences (or similarities) between “good drugs” that cure disease and “bad drugs” that areused recreationally? How do drugs treat pain, cancer, or infectious diseases? Why do onlysome drugs work in thebrain? How do we discovernew drugs?Dr. Kwiek assessed theprogram with pre- and postcoursesurveys, showing thatstudents made significantlearning gains in basicbiology and chemistry.Furthermore, afterparticipating in the program,students were more likely toindicate heightened interestin biomedical careers.What the numbers do nottell us can only be gleanedfrom the smiles on their facesin this group photo.48

OSU/OU Educational Collaboration<strong>The</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong> at the <strong>Ohio</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong> and Department <strong>of</strong>Chemistry and Biochemistry at <strong>Ohio</strong> <strong>University</strong> have a long history <strong>of</strong> cooperationrelated to admissions information in regards to our graduate-pr<strong>of</strong>essional andgraduate-research programs in pharmacy. This inter-institutional collaboration wasenhanced through a Course Development Grant from OSU’s Office <strong>of</strong> ContinuingEducation for a teleconferenced “Introduction to <strong>Pharmacy</strong>” course <strong>of</strong>fered SpringQuarter <strong>2008</strong>. <strong>The</strong> course was designed to expose students to the history,development, current scope <strong>of</strong> practice, educational requirements, ethicalfoundations, regulation, contemporary issues and career opportunities in thepr<strong>of</strong>ession <strong>of</strong> pharmacy. An innovative “Introduction to <strong>Pharmacy</strong>” web site wasdeveloped for use in the course including digital “Pharmacists’ Stories” to helpstudents learn more about pr<strong>of</strong>essional practice. Twenty-eight students at OU’sAthens campus engaged in this course along with several OSU students. Positiveoutcomes are leading to discussions <strong>of</strong> future partnerships and outreachcollaborations.<strong>Pharmacy</strong> StudentsVisit the UnitedKingdomThis summer twenty-seven students, facultyand staff, from the <strong>College</strong> journeyed “acrossthe pond” for a visit to London, England toexplore the practice <strong>of</strong> pharmacy in the UK.<strong>The</strong> BSPS and PharmD students learnedeverything from English history to proper teaetiquette and engaged in student-ledpresentations about various facets <strong>of</strong> pharmacyin the UK. Topics ranged from the Englishsocialized medicine system to education and licensure<strong>of</strong> pharmacists in the UK.Our students came away with a much betterunderstanding <strong>of</strong> socialized medicine. <strong>The</strong>y observedthat in Great Britain, a pharmacist’s practice scope ismuch broader. Aside from the ability to prescribe, UKpharmacists place an emphasis on their clinical roles,regardless <strong>of</strong> the practice setting. Recently, the Britishgovernment outlined plans to extend healthcareservices available through community pharmacies. <strong>The</strong>class agreed that this visit to England opened theireyes to the healthcare systems in other countries andthat, as new pharmacists, they might become involvedin revolutionizing the healthcare system in the US.49

<strong>The</strong> Generation Rx InitiativeNo matter what your age, you belong to “Generation Rx.” We all takemedications at unprecedented rates, and <strong>of</strong>ten expect “quick fixes” throughpharmaceuticals as opposed to behavioral changes to solve our problems – we livein a drug-taking culture. <strong>The</strong> pharmaceuticalization <strong>of</strong> our society has providedmany benefits. We are living longer, and many previously fatal diseases havebecome chronic conditions. But our use <strong>of</strong> prescription and nonprescriptionmedications presents problems as well, in the form <strong>of</strong> adverse drug events and theincreasing abuse <strong>of</strong> these substances.<strong>The</strong> Generation Rx Initiative is a learning community established at the<strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong> in 2007. Students, faculty and staff are learning more aboutmedication safety issues in our society under the leadership <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong>Pr<strong>of</strong>essoprs Jerry Cable, Ken Hale, Nocole Kwiek and Lane Wallace. <strong>The</strong> group isparticularly concerned about the pervasive abuse <strong>of</strong> prescription andnonprescription medications, and is developing resources and programs to combatthis rising trend. <strong>The</strong> initiative developed a website to provide links and usefulinformation for the public.<strong>The</strong> Generation Rx Initiative focuses on educational outreach to students at alllevels (“K through <strong>College</strong>”) as well as in our communities. Many <strong>of</strong> these effortsare developed and presented by our undergraduate or pr<strong>of</strong>essional students. A fewexamples <strong>of</strong> programming initiated by Generation Rx Initiative:❖ “Medication Safety Patrol” – a collection <strong>of</strong>resources/programs for elementary students andteachers❖ OTC programming for middle schools based on theFDA’s “Medications in My Home” program❖ A high-school based program currently beingdeveloped in collaboration with a student at NewAlbany High SchoolJerry CableKen Hale❖ “Generation Rx and the Abuse <strong>of</strong> Medications in aDrug-Taking Society” – a discussion-basedworkshop for students at <strong>Ohio</strong> <strong>State</strong> being <strong>of</strong>feredthrough the <strong>University</strong>’s First-Year Success Series❖ “Pharming to Get By?: <strong>The</strong> Truth About AbusingPrescription Stimulants” – a skit & discussion-basedworkshop for students at <strong>Ohio</strong> <strong>State</strong> being <strong>of</strong>feredthrough the <strong>University</strong>’s First-Year Success Series❖ <strong>The</strong> development <strong>of</strong> a partnership with Columbus’Center <strong>of</strong> Science and Industry (COSI) to provideeducational outreach relating to medications (e.g.,“Electronic Experts” and parent educationalprograms)Nicole KwiekLane Wallace50

Global <strong>Pharmacy</strong> Initiatives<strong>The</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong> is actively engaged in faculty exchanges, studentexchanges, and international collaborations with the schools/colleges <strong>of</strong> pharmacyaround the world. Official agreements on research, teaching and practice-relatedcollaborations have been initiated with five schools/colleges <strong>of</strong> pharmacy in Taiwan.<strong>Ohio</strong> <strong>State</strong> faculty participated in scientific and practice symposia in Taiwan, metwith faculty and students, and toured research and practice facilities. Facultymembers and pharmacy students from National Taiwan <strong>University</strong> (NTU) andChina Medical <strong>University</strong> (CMU) visited <strong>Ohio</strong> <strong>State</strong> in 2007-08 for research andpharmacy practice training. Two M.S. pharmacy students from NTU visited OSU insummer <strong>2008</strong> for experiences in hospital and community pharmacy settings. Also,several faculty and pharmacy students from CMU were involved in research studies insummer 2007 and <strong>2008</strong>. Subsequent discussions are focusing on new distanceeducational opportunities for Taiwan pharmacy students and faculty in clinicalpharmacy.Members in the US-Thailand Consortium <strong>of</strong> Schools/<strong>College</strong>s <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong>,formed in 1993, we focus on advanced degree opportunities for Thai students. Thisagreement was extended in July <strong>2008</strong> by the US and Thailandschools/colleges for another 15 years and expanded to includeadvanced training in clinical pharmacy areas as well as graduateeducation in the pharmaceutical sciences. Additionalinternational pharmacy exchanges include the student trip toLondon in June <strong>2008</strong>, P-4 pharmacy student clerkships at St.Thomas Hospital (London), and pharmacology faculty andstudent exchanges with the <strong>University</strong> Central <strong>of</strong> VenezuelaFaculty <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong>. Finally, the <strong>College</strong> is an activeparticipant in the newly established Fogarty Center for GlobalHealth at <strong>The</strong> <strong>Ohio</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong> Health Sciences.Ya-Ting Kuan (CMU), Wan-TsengHsu (NTU), Yea Harn Yang (NTU),Chen Fang Weng (CMU)Delegation from China Medical <strong>University</strong>, Taiwan, visits <strong>Ohio</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong>51

DevelopmentDr. Betty-ann Hoener (74 PhD),emeritus faculty <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong>California San Francisco inBiopharmaceutical Sciences,endowed a fund to supportstudents in the <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Pharmacy</strong> graduate program. Aspriority for <strong>Ohio</strong> <strong>State</strong>, studentsupport is paramount to the<strong>College</strong>s ability to recruit thebest and brightest students.Dr. Hoener provided this giftbecause, "I wanted to be able tosay thank you to the <strong>College</strong> forgiving me the skills I needed todo the work I love to do. Iparticularly wanted to give abonus to a graduate student at atime when I know I would havemost appreciated it."Her named fund, the Betty-annHoener Graduate Endowed Fundin Pharmaceutics, providesfunding for an outstanding seniorgraduate student inPharmaceutics. <strong>The</strong> <strong>College</strong>recognized Dr. Hoener at the<strong>College</strong> Research Day, May 19,<strong>2008</strong>.<strong>The</strong> first graduate to receivethe Hoener Graduate award,Chien-Ming Li, received both hisBS and MS in Chemistry fromNational Cheng Kung <strong>University</strong>in Taiwan. His research focus ison In Vitro Pharmacology andMetabolism <strong>of</strong> 2-Arylthiazolidine-4-carboxylic acid Amides.It was an exciting year in development forthe <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong>. Two endowmentsthat support students reached full endowedstatus this year. Both funds provide muchneeded support for the graduate program.<strong>The</strong> Timothy D. Moore Award recognizesthe accomplishments <strong>of</strong> a student in thehealth systems pharmacy program and theBetty-ann Hoener graduate award rewards astudent in pharmaceutics. <strong>The</strong> <strong>College</strong> alsoreceived a generous gift from Eli Lilly for afellowship supported on an annual basis forthree years. A special gift from alumnus Dr.Robert Ruffalo and wife, Stephany, namedthe newly renovated lecture hall, Room103,the Ruffalo Lecture Hall.Fiscal year <strong>2008</strong>, the <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Pharmacy</strong> raised $1,808,470 inprivate support in the form <strong>of</strong>cash, securities, plannedgifts, and gifts-in-kindand $392,496 in nongovernmentgrants fora total <strong>of</strong>$2,200,966. Inprivate supportalone, the <strong>College</strong>realized a 105%increase over last year.Moreover, the <strong>College</strong>more than doubled thenumber <strong>of</strong> donors whocontributed to enhancingeducation and advancing thepr<strong>of</strong>ession <strong>of</strong> pharmacy.Shannon WeiherDirector <strong>of</strong> DevelopmentRuffalo Room Dedication. LectureHall 103 in Parks Hall received acomplete renovation this summer.This project was made possiblethanks to the generous support <strong>of</strong>Robert ('73 BS, '76 PhD) andStephany Ruffolo <strong>of</strong> Spring City, PA.<strong>The</strong> <strong>College</strong> dedicated the RuffoloLecture Hall on October 10, <strong>2008</strong>.Said Dr. Ruffolo (left), "I spent nearly10 years in the <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong>,both as an undergraduate andgraduate student in Pharmacology.<strong>The</strong> success that I haveexperienced is founded in theeducation I obtained from OSU. Sowhen I had the opportunity andthe financial means to give back, Idecided to give to the institutionthat played such an important rolein my career. <strong>The</strong> decision torenovate lecture room 103 wasbased on the fact that I had, as astudent, spent so very many hoursin that room at a time when theroom and its facilities were brandnew. I wanted to provide that samebenefit to today’s students.Stephany and I are thrilled to beable to make this happen"<strong>The</strong> Ruffolo Lecture Hall will beequipped to handle videoconferencing;lecture capturetechnology and emerging wirelesstechnology for student participationin class discussions. We are allexcited for the new teachingenvironment made possible by theRuffolo gift.52

<strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong> Honor Roll for Fiscal Year <strong>2008</strong>We are very grateful to the many generous benefactors who continued to support all areas <strong>of</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>Ohio</strong><strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong> during the fiscal year <strong>2008</strong> (July 1, 2007 through June 30, <strong>2008</strong>).Although every effort was made to insure the following list is complete and accurate, errors may bepresent. We would appreciate a note from you if you find an error.$5000 and aboveAmerican Foundation forPharmaceutical EducationAnonymousAvatar FoundationFloyd G and Betsy P BenderHoward N andKathleen G BockbraderPamela L BonerCardinal Health FoundationChih-Ming J and Virginia C ChenCommunity Fdns Inc - Cyril FundMichael F and Sharon M CurtinEnlyton LtdGiant Eagle IncBetty-ann HoenerGerald J and Jody HudecDavid K JonesKroger CompanyLawrence D andMaryann Z KennedyLilly Grant Office <strong>of</strong> Eli Lilly& CompanyMedco Health Solutions Inc& Medco Health AffiliatesNature's Sunshine Products IncNuclear <strong>Pharmacy</strong> CertificateProgramOles & Associates LLC CPA'sOSU <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong>Alumni SocietyDavid A and Sandra L SmeenkJames W and Sally A StakerAlfred E and Angela P Staubus<strong>The</strong> Sherrington GroupJeannette T ThouveninAllan K and Linda VrableWalgreen CorporationMarilyn K WollettJinn and Diana Wu$1,000 - $4999Academy <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong><strong>of</strong> Central <strong>Ohio</strong> ScholarshipACCP Research InstituteAmerican Association <strong>of</strong> <strong>College</strong>s<strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong>American Pharmacists AssociationAmerican Pharmacists AssociationFoundationAmgen IncRobert L and Roberta M ArmstrongDonald L and Amy BennettJon W and Marialice S BennettStephen W BirdwellRafik BisharaRobert W andSusan Y BrueggemeierCancer Association <strong>of</strong> Darke CountyJohn M and Nancy L CassadyJoseph A and Mary S CusmaJames P and Anita P Di CelloBruce L DowneyShaaban F and Leticia J El NaggarJohn E FedynaFoundation for Managed Care<strong>Pharmacy</strong>Maria C FowlerKenneth M and Karen N HaleKim D and Judy L HawksworthDonald E and Saundra D HillJohnson & JohnsonAlan S and Sandra T KatzAmol S and Vaishali KetkarBarry E and Ann M KleinDonald O and Nancy D LamportBrandon S and Kelly D LutzMichael A and Livia L ManbeckLouis W and Carol J MarcyJerry S and Mary MarloweGlen M and Donna C MelickCheryl L MooreJennifer MyerbergMylan Pharmaceuticals IncNACDS FoundationMilap C and Suchitra K NahataMichael A NamethRandall W and Kathleen M NamethNeoprobe CorporationMarcia I NusgartJames A and Patricia A Odom<strong>Ohio</strong> Northern <strong>University</strong>Chris PaapJames E PaolettiMichael J PcolinskiTiffany Moore PeoplesPharmacists Mutual InsuranceCompanyNicholas S and Erika P RagajiGreg L and Patricia A ReamGeorge D and Betty W RichardsThomas J and Madonna M RimeleShirley C RobertsonLarry C and Kim M SchieberJerry SiegelMark A SirgoMark D and Stephanie J Szewczyk<strong>The</strong> J M Long Foundation<strong>The</strong> Kroger Company -Columbus<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> CincinnatiFoundationUptown <strong>Pharmacy</strong> LLC RetailManagement Products LTD LLPWal-Mart Stores IncLisa B WebsterKarol S WellsThomas E WhistonChristopher G and Suzanne M WidingScott E and Teresa K WilcoxPaul L and Mary N WitkowskiJohn F Wolfe and Ann I WolfeWyethJan H and Antoinette S Zimmerman$1 - $999Abbott Laboratories FundStephen P and Kathy W AbfallAllen E AchbachSteven E AckermanAdeboye AdejareCraig S AdieBarbara Jo AgueCharles W and Elma H AgueJoseph M and Peggy A AlbrechtJames L and Koula P AlexStephen T and Joan E AlguireRussel R AllinsonAlpha Medica IncAustin AltenburgAllrepsAmgen FoundationWilliam J and Nancy B AnderiesNinna W AndersonJerry AndryJack W AngermanPaul W and Martha B AnthonyHenry T ArmbrusterMarjorie M ArnoldJohn H ArtinoDouglas A AuerbachRoger P AustinAlbert T AwadDavid S and Jennifer L AzzolinaTimothy A BaileyWilliam T BainbridgeErica L BakerMichael L BakerThomas E and E J BakerCathy Balshone-Becze53

Robert J and Melanie A BangertBank <strong>of</strong> America Foundation &Charitable FoundationGladys H BannanKathleen G BarileJoel A and Diane P BaringerEric J and Lori C BarnhouseDarlene L BaronBarr Pharmaceuticals IncEleanor BarstowNicole T BartlettJohn F and Peggy R BaylinAlbert S and Katherine K BaumanStuart J BeattyKatherine L BellebaumMichael G and Patricia T BendinelliDoris W BennettRosemary R BerardiRichard I and Carol S BernardoCarolyn D BerryKirk F BetteridgeStephanie BieloskiBenjamin A BlackBrian C BlakemoreBenjamin A BlackfordJames M and Susan W BlackfordJames E BleadingheiserNicholas D and Melinda T BlosserAllison K BlozyJohn L and Barbara G BoggsJeffrey P BonnerHugh E and Catherine B BonnorontBrian Borders and Cherie B BordersJoseph L BorowitzKathryn A BowdenStasia V BowlingGary D and Sandra G BowmanMark E and Kristina S BoyeGarry D and Ellen D BoydJames E BradenNeil A and Christina W BragueBradley K andMichele Balint BrammerRoger D BraunEdward A BraytenbahJoanne C BricknerEric E BrightBristol-Myers Squibb Fdn -Matching Gift ProgramKathleen I BrooksWilliam R BrownThomas F and Susie S BrownThomas E Bruderly andValerie E TaylorRinaldo A BrusadinE C BuchananMary A BuckinghamMichael BuckleyStephen J BueningRichard and Elizabeth G BulgrinRobert J and Deborah P BurgerThomas J and Anne L BurnsAeron P and Jennifer J BurnsJohn G and Gunta E BurtJennifer L BurchettGerald A and Patricia G BurchHarold B and Beverly K BushmanRobert W and Judith D ButlerGerald L and Judith S CableJohn C and Cecilia T CanestraroThomas A and Carol CammDiane M CappellettyDennis L CareyCynthia A CarnesMark K and Lisa A CarrollSteve D and Susan B CarrBrian C CarsonCindy G CashPatrick J and Jennifer O CavanaghCedarville <strong>Pharmacy</strong> LLCCephalon Matching GiftsShirlyn K ChaffinAppavu and Thilagavathi SChandrasekaranRobert L ChapmanChing-Shih ChenJoyce CheungDonald H ChmielewskiJennifer T ClarkRichard E and Patricia B ClappAnn T ClarkJohn B ClarkJoseph C and Paula D ClarkSherry D ClaytonRichard R and Heidi K ClineNicole D CochranBradley A CollinsThomas J and Anne D ComstockCarolyn L ConnorJohn C and Miranda N CookChasity M CooperJay R and Barbara A CrabtreeLouis R and Kathryn P CraddockRichard T CranstonOtis L and Lois B CrawfordMargaret CremonaKenneth D and Martha K CristC M and Coleen K CrostonMark D and Angela G CroweTed M CrumStephen V and Gayle T CrumeCarol B CurryYong Cui and Yongmei ZhouElaine H CutlerKevin N DaleyJames V and Laura E DamiconeAlice DanielsBrenda S DavisHillary C DavisJames L DayRichard J and Leanna B De NealeLouis M and Rosanna L De SantisErin DelffsNancy R De WeeseLeonard M DembskiValerie A D’EramoHeather DetersSara M DeyoEdward A DiMicheleMary E DimuzioGuy A DiPasquaMark S and Jane M DominikJean C DrexlerMark W DorianThomas W and Linda DowlingJulie L DragojevicMichael J and <strong>The</strong>resa K DrexlerJoseph B and Barbara T D’SilvaRobert R DuffyCarmela V DuvaDaniel J and Mary Ann R DzurecEdwin A and Linda G EarhartThomas L EaslySuzanne R EastmanFrederick M EckelRobert H and Dorothy A EhlersLester G and Eleanor EinhornBarbara S EisensteinEli Lilly & Co FoundationRobert J ElliottAugust L and Crescentia L ElsenerJason C and Angela ElversTron A and Ruth E EmptageLaura D EnlowStephanie L EnzTerrilyn J EstellJune EvansExxon Mobil Foundation54

Jay M and Susan A EzzoneJudith Z FinnWilliam and Jeannie FaganBeverly A FairBetty L FarwickBarbara N FavreauLee A FederanichMyron FeinbergStephen J FerenchaDennis R and Grace L FellerEmil J FerraraFidelity Char Gift Fund -Witcher-Bush Family FundJoseph L and Maureen M FinkWilliam B and Karen F FisherA L and Naomi G FisherSuzanne S FitzpatrickHarold E FletcherRoberta FletcherWilliam J FlynnFMC Foundation MatchingGift ProgramStephen W and Sandra L FogtHarry H FongAngela T ForemanRyan A ForreyJohn W and Ann B FowbleRonald D FowlerKristine E FrankRobert E and Debra L FranzAlan F FriedmanMichael A and Nikki M FosterTamara M FoxEric FungRocco L and Sylvia Z FumiRenae R GaerkeElaine F GalantiMichael C GanioXiang Gao and Anh-Quynh TranPatrick M and Kim G GarmanChris A and Angela M GasserE K and Betty S GavinM S GavinLinda L GaydosMike and Katie GecewichCharles M and Ava R GegenheimerGeneral Guiness BandSteven G and Anne F GentryRobert E GeorgeJohn J GermaineJoel A and Terri D GhitmanMark E GiangardellaW D and Brenda P GibsonGordon V GiffinMartin R and Michelle A GiannamoreFrederick W and Joanne W GiesslerJeffery D and Amy C GivensGlaxoSmithKline FoundationSusan H GlazerGlobal Impact -TellabsGiving ProgramOumou K GnangMerna B GoettCalvin R Jr and Amanda J G<strong>of</strong>fTad A and Kerry H GomezAndrew D GonsMildred D GordonSuzanne E GrabanDonna J GroveDwain E GracyMichael D and Amy L GrahamBarbara E GrajzlPhilip P GramlichDennis W and Sharlyn A GrauerPhilip D GresselYale and Beverly GresselNiesha L GriffithEric W and Erin C GriffinRichard A and Terri L Marcus-GroverSteven E GubaPaul G and Sandra B GundlerGene L GunselmanSamir M and Elora GuptaH & R Block FoundationDaniel P and Amy S HaasSherry C HaberkernCarmen M HadleyMark A and Michelle HadleyEric M HalsThomas C HallEman H HammadMichael H HaneyJack B HannaPeggy E HannaRonald W HanningCharles J and Rachel S HarchaJames H HarrisEllen M HarrisonRussell W HarchaMarc W HarroldPeter J HartGary B and Patsy A HasemeierZaffar S HashmiLisa A HattenPhyllis A HavenerRamona M HawkinsTerry G HawkinsDonald D and Bernadine MHawksworthRobert S HaymanSheryl J HaysWilliam L HaytonJames V HeckmanBarbara S HeglerJacob H HendershotDaniel A and Wendy M HerbJohn C and Nicole T HerbertPaul E and Jo Ann HerringRobert G and Donna K HerrinBradford R and Erinne C HessFred D and Karen T HensleySidney R and Karen B HickmanThomas F and Evelyn HippleW D and Tamara O HippChristopher L and Denice M HirtPeter and Mrs Deanna R HirschAmy W HochMark H and Tina S HoewelerMichael H and Jodi M H<strong>of</strong>fmanJ T and Mary Kay F H<strong>of</strong>fmannPaul S H<strong>of</strong>fmannTimothy R H<strong>of</strong>fmanWilliam H and Donna N HohmanRobin V HoldermanMichael J Holley and Ina F HolleyAlvin J HomanAllen T HopperKrista R HopperLouis J HorvathDonald E and Karen K HostlerJames R HostlerDavid E and Susan C HowsonHarold E HuberPamela H HughesRobert C and Michelle M HughesD S HulkaMichael D and Kris HurdFu-Lian HsuMargaret A HuwerIBM International FoundationBrian L IhlenfeldJoel K ItoKristin Y IzenstarkAdam C and Sheila MThomas-JacksonLaura L JacksonMarie N JacquesHoward E and Ralph G JakwerthRobert M and Donna B James55

Scott G and Susan C JamiesonStephen W JanningJames R JansenYun Chi and Nancy M JaoEdward F Jirik JrJohnson & Johnson -MatchingGifts ProgMolly R JohnsonJohn J and Julie A JohnsonR M JohnsonShawn E and Michelle L JohnsonCraig T Johnston SrEileen B JohnstonRichard P Jones IIJack Lince PhotographyRebecca H JonesTrisha A JordanJohn S and Heather C JudinConnie T JungKenneth G and Susan L JozefczykBarbara B KlinkerPeter F KadorTiffany E KaiserDavid J KalisFrank W Kapronica JrBrad J and Patricia A Joynt-KarnsRachetta K KaseffJohn D and Karen S KaskewskyDalia Kavaliunas-BitenasMartha M KayJoanne S KaysRobert T KelleyPatrick R and <strong>The</strong>resa C KellyCarol L KernJacqueline Z KesslerJeffrey M and Maureen C KetzKnot Fibb'nRobert W KidstonGrace M KilbaneJames L KingKing Dodson ArmstrongFinancial IncStephen J and Lisa Orr-KingeryMichelle M KingsburyDuane M and Marilyn H KirkingJoseph M and Karol A KirkLaura R KleinThomas J KlostermanKara S KniskaDaren L and Karen R KnoellThomas A KocarekPhilip R KochMarc W and Zieva D KonvisserTimothy E KostyBeth B KrauseGerald L and Elizabeth A Pressler-KremerVirginia B KrinnMelvin W KrootGail D KrugRobert J KuhnWilliam J and Carolyn W KuehnleAmit S KulkarniDavid A KvanczGregory A LaineJanet L LallathinJohn R Lange IIIKimberly C LarkinsBilly L and Susan E LattaClaudia H LauerTerry L LaurilaJames and Sue J LawlerRonald E LayDonald R LeachKaren D LeaverWilliam K and Nancy L LecainFred S LeftonJeff and Julie F LeggGary D LeggettJack LemanowiczMary Ann S LemkeS F LemonPaul E and Alice I LenkerEdward J and Alice C LeoneAllen J LetsomeKarl F LeupoldJames P and Barbara D LeydaRoger H and Susan A L'HommedieuJ L and Beverly C LichtinJohn A LinceEleanor G LieptzStephen J LinderScott LindsayKathleen S LippPaul S Liu and Barbara H Liu<strong>The</strong> Susan & Leonard LodishCharitable FoundationSusan F LodishJames J LoganVictor N and Mary R LombardiVictor/Mary LombardiRevocable TrustJack R LoweLowell R LowaryMatthias C LuWilliam C and Charlotte K LubawyJune A LuddenNicholas A LungociuMichelle A MaguireWilliam* and Georgiana MangelsLaura L ManzeyMark A and Pamela B ManfrescaDaniel S and Jacqueline A MarowitzSteven G MarshThomas M and Claire J MarshallLawrence L and Arlene S MartinNouri Y MaryRichard and Mary L MasonDonald M and Kimberley W MassieKayoshi MasuokaJean M MathewsCharles A and Alice Jean B MatuszakVincent F and Laurie S MauroBilly W Maxwell JrMichael R and Barbara L MayerJon R MayFrank J MazzuccoMBR <strong>Pharmacy</strong>Phillip J McAteerKim H McBethJesse E and Denise E McCalebRobert H McClanahanRonald J McCulleyTanya R McDayKimberly L McDevittJulie A McGloneKatie McGuirePatrick L McKercherFrank M McLainDavid J and Laura K McLeanCarmen M McKinneyRobert J McLoughlinKristine J McQueenMichael J and Cathy McQuoneJohn A and Kerri S MeansMed Central Health SystemMedical Arts <strong>Pharmacy</strong>Medco Health SolutionsCharitable Match FundMelissa D MeekinsDavid J and Catherine L MeierPatrick E and Sally A MelragonWalter A Mendyka JrMerck Partnership for GivingMatching Gift ProgramDavid M and Jody R MeredithGregory R and Dr Debra S MerrillCarol H MeyerKaren E Miley56

Janet G MillerLaura J MillerNatosha Miller-EskanderDavid C and Julie S MoellerBarry A and Ramona R MoenterMarcia A Mohrfield-FerryRussell S and Ann K MolinarMomentum Capital CorporationStacy MoranHouston R MorganMichelle D MorrisAnn N MotticeRobert H and Lisbeth B MoyerJames W and Beverly B MunsonCynthia A MurnyackChristine C MurphyRalph L MusgraveMylan Laboratories IncAlvin & Louise Myerberg FamilyFoundation IncNat'l Heritage Fdn Char Trust-Leyda Family FoundationStephen S Navran Jr andMary F DemellierTodd W Nesbit andSuzanne A NesbitStephen E NesterDeborah H NewmanBetty S NicholCraig B NielsenDavid A NikulaTimothy L NisleyJoseph T N<strong>of</strong>elNovo Rx Holding Company IncCathy M NydickWilliam G OakleySusan D O'BrienThomas J and Jill G O'BrienThomas O OesterlingAdam G Ogden<strong>Ohio</strong> Pharmacists Association<strong>Ohio</strong> Pharmacists FoundationMichael A and Deanna H OlexiaJeanette P O'NealEdward M O'MaraJose A and Nicole C OrozcoJohn E PabstWilla L PantojaKeith A and Corlis M PappaCecelia S PariseEllis H and Kimberly B ParishDavid E Christine M ParkerRichard H Parrish IIPopat N and Betty B PatilCharles T and Pamela H PattonMichael T and Jenai S PaulRobert C and Diana PaxtonCraig A PedersenAlice J PenroseTracy R PenroseTodd O and Allyson A PerryLawrence J and Jean S PeskoBrian N PetersRobert J PetrikCarl T and Patty J PetersonMatthew L and Beth S PfeifferPfizer Foundation - MatchingGifts ProgramPharmacia Matching Gift -A Program <strong>of</strong> the Pfizer FdnPhilips PACE - Personal AccessCenter for EmployeesMichael and Mary PiascikJohn J Piecoro JrKerry P PierceMichael E and Carrie W PittScott W PlayleMary K PolumboChester P and Louise M PorembskiGary R and Debra T PolingRonald G and Diana S PolingLloyd E PorterRenita J PorterAndrew P PrestonProgressive Medical IncShawn A and Maria S PruchnickiWilliam H and Janice S PuckettAndrew J and Vanessa P PultzAnil RalhanJoyce S ReeseJoseph D and Judith S ReichertKarl A and Mary H RennerMichael V and Barbara RestainoMichael K and Tenna E RhonemusPeter J RiceJon P and Mary B RiegleCharles P RiffleJames D RiggsGeorge B RingsSteven W and Laura A RingsRite Aid Headquarters CorpChristine L RitzmanRobert E MatthewsFamily FoundationRobert T Webster Living TrustMartin S RobinsEdward B RocheRoche Matching Gifts ProgramJennifer L RodisEliezer Rodriguez-Cosme andJaninah S Barreto-HernandezLori C RogersDouglas W RoseBarbara M RossJames F RundoCurtis J RudeRobert R and Stephany B RuffoloJoshua and Belinda B RussellS & A RealtyShawn D SalkowL E SalserCynthia A SanoskiJohn M and Marylou Ebbert-SauerMarie E SaviniRobert M and Kathleen H SchaffnerDouglas J and Cheri M Hada-Scheckelh<strong>of</strong>fAriane K SchieberPaul L Schiff JrRalph and Tiffany A SchmittTodd and Toni M SchmittThomas D and Janet W SchmittgenJay W SchneiderRudolph SchorBill and Cheryl J SchottJudy B SchultzSchwieterman's Drug Store IncDavid A SchumannThomas E and Frances C SconoJill I SeckelMs Mary K SeegerKobi M SethnaJoseph R and Kathy N SeverinskiCorinne Shaevitz CovelShari L Shafron JacobsonSuzanne W SharpMs Sue N ShaunessyLaura M ShawThomas J SheaJeffrey T ShererDavid G ShipperTom SherrinBarry H ShickYangmee ShinDavid L ShonkSonya M ShultzSonya M Shultz TrustBruce E Sill and Linda W SillJames O Simmons Jr57

Michael W SillmanWarren E SinkhornStephanie A SinkovichKenneth A and Kathleen C SkauFadi R Smiley and Fatima A BarberDouglas F SmithGregory C SmithScott B Smith and Karen WetzFadi R Smiley and Fatima A BarberKevin J and Lori D SnyderKhristene SonDi Song and Juan WangRobert E and Beth K SparksJennifer S SpidleLouis P and Roberta W SposatoSara N St AngeloMary D StarkeyCarolyn L StangMichael B StebeltonMichael A SteeleBrian E and Andrea L StegerHoward S and Lenore H SternJames R StevensonJames A and Barbara E SterchelePaul and Suzanne C StivisonGerard A Stock JrCreg F StockwellRobert C StoutKurt A and Stacey S StricklerJo Ann S StubbingsJames H StewartLaura V StewartJorja K SturekMeghan M SullivanSara M SutherlandJason L and Lisa B SwartzLynn M SweeneyTodd A and Alicia A TackageGabriel and Susan G TannenbaumPaul T TavanoSai-Chiu M TangHarry and Cynthia P K TaubmanJames R TaylorThomas N TaylorWilliam J TaylorJoanne TaverasFrederick J and Beth A <strong>The</strong>issBruce A ThomasDonald A ThompsonCarl F ThorntonChristopher U TicknorNicholas C TrauschDouglas W and Wanda F TremblayJoan M TrentJames P and Ellen J TresselMarcia R TriskaPete C and Gaylene S TsipisW K Van TyleTween Brands IncWilliam and Barbara T TzagournisUB Foundation Activities IncGreg S and Carlene M UmsteadThomas G UrchekG A VassVrable Health Care ServicesKathleen J ViesonMark A Villers andTricia D Smith-VillersRoger J VowellKristin W VitouDarko J Vodopich and <strong>The</strong>resa J RuizJohn Vrontos JrJohn L and Maria I Papouras-VolakisPatricia G VornholtLaura A VothAmy M VyhnalekDaniel B and Rita F WaitzmanJeffrey A and Elizabeth W WallaceWilliam R WallaceLane J and Rhonda WallaceDavid L WantzMichael D and Carol T WarmuthWilbur J WardJames R and Ida A WarnerWhittie O and Jean M WeaverAlan K WebsterWellington R and Stephanie LPainter-WebbShannon WeiherJennifer L WeisburnKevin L WeissWellpoint Foundation AssociateGiving CampaignWells Living TrustBryan W and Jane B WengerJ B and Gloria P WengerBev G WestonCarl H and Jacquelin H WheelerPaul A Wherry *Whiston FoundationWHP-RX Consulting-Speaking LLCRoger L and Paula D WhiteJohn K and Mary J WhiteRobert R and Dianne S WhittenMark T Widman andKatherine A KelleyMichele G WillisJeffrey R WisemanClifford C WilliamsJames L and Jacquelyn L WilliamsJohn C and Linda C WilsonJean G WindesheimNorman A WinstonMark F Witcher and Margaret A BushWolters Kluwer HealthNancy T WoodWolfe Associates IncKaren H WootenDavid W and Paula B WorthWyeth Matching GiftsMamdoh S YaakobTerrence D YoderJohn C and Jane B YoungJacqueline A YoungRichard T and Kathryn M YowlerRuth A ZellmerDavid P ZgarrickTimothy M ZgoncJason T and Angela J ZielinskiMichael F and Jean A ZorkoRichard A and Heidi P Zoyh<strong>of</strong>ski* Deceased58

Dean’s Corporate Council<strong>The</strong> Dean’s Corporate Council under the leadership <strong>of</strong> chair, Mark Sirgo, continues to increase its engagementwith the <strong>College</strong>. <strong>The</strong> group focused on pharmacy practice and opportunities for students beyond the classroom.Presentations on the Doctor <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong> program, Partners for Promotion, and our model with Kroger Food &Drug led to new sites with Wal-Mart and renewed interest in finding internships within members’ corporations.We successfully recruited key alumni and contacts from sectors that were lacking in representation on the Council.Dean’s Corporate Council, 2007Name Title Affiliation City, <strong>State</strong>Russel R. Allinson, RPh, MS Principal <strong>The</strong>rigy, LLC Longwood, FLRoger W. Anderson, Dr.PH Senior Vice President Medco Health Solutions, Inc. Franklin Lakes, NJPamela Bernadella, RPh Manager Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Target <strong>Pharmacy</strong> Minneapolis, MNServicesPaul Blower, PhD Chief Scientific Officer Leadscope Inc. Columbus, OHArne F. Brodin, PhD Director, Special Projects AstraZeneca SwedenEd Cohen, PharmD Director, Clinical Services Walgreens Health Initiative Deerfield, ILAndrew Dahlem, PhD Chief, Research Operations Eli Lilly Indianapolis, INBruce L. Downey Chairman and CEO Barr Laboratories, Inc. Woodcliff Lake,Arnie Fox <strong>Pharmacy</strong> Regional Manager Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Bentonville, ARHarold N. Godwin, MS, RPh Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, Chair, and <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Kansas Kansas City, KSAssociate Dean <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong>for Medical Ctr AffairsMaryann Kennedy Director, Medical Liaisons Roche Laboratories, Inc Nutley, NJStephen B. Krinke, RPh Director, <strong>Pharmacy</strong> Affairs Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc Morgantown, WVandTrade DevelopmentJohn Long, MBA Senior Vice President Emdeon Twinsburg, OHJohn A. MacDonald Consultant Yarmouth Port, MARob Mains Vice President Cardinal Health, Inc. Stow, OHRobert E. Martini Retired Chairman AmerisourceBergen Corp Orange, CALarry Moore Retired American Red Cross Columbus, OHMichael A. Nameth Executive Vice President Medmark, Inc. Carnegie, PAMarcia I. Nusgart President Nusgart Consulting Bethesda, MDPatrick O’Neill, PhD Industry Advisor Avista Capital Holdings Doylestown, PARobert R. Ruffolo, Jr., PhD President, R&D Wyeth <strong>College</strong>ville, PASenior Vice PresidentWilliam F. Sheridan <strong>Pharmacy</strong> Merchandiser Kroger Food & Drug Westerville, OHMark A. Sirgo, PharmD President & CEO BioDelivery Sciences Intl Morrisville, NCCouncil ChairJames Staker Retired Staker Drugs Portsmouth, <strong>Ohio</strong>Allan K. Vrable Owner Vrable Healthcare Powell, OHMary Ann Wagner Vice President NACDS Alexandria, VAJinn Wu, PhD President XenoBiotic Laboratories Inc Plainsboro, NJ59

Financial <strong>Report</strong><strong>The</strong> financial outlook for the <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong> remainspositive. <strong>The</strong> decreased funds available from state instructionalsupport for higher education are counterbalanced by revenues fromincreases in student enrollment, tuition, extramural researchfunding, and development. <strong>The</strong> collegeexpects steady growth over thecoming years as enrollment,tuition, and statesupport stabilize.Gail Vornholt is well-known inour <strong>College</strong>. You can find herdressed in Buckeye colorsencouraging all <strong>of</strong> us to supportour university AND ourcommunity. As Human ResourceAdministrator Gail is responsiblefor all faculty, staff and visitingscholar HR functions (hiring,performance evaluation,compensation issues, benefits,etc). Her welcoming andpersonable demeanor areimportant characteristics for ahuman resource manager as sheis <strong>of</strong>ten the link between anemployee and the sometimescumbersome universitybureaucracy.Most fall weekends you willfind Gail at <strong>Ohio</strong> Stadium as she isan avid Buckeye fan. But, if youcannot find Gail at the <strong>College</strong>, orat the Stadium, you might checkout the roulette wheel at PlanetHollywood in Las Vegas. Gail andher new husband, Ryan, spend asmuch <strong>of</strong> their free time aspossible in Las Vegas. “Vegas ismy beach!”, says Gail. She andRyan were married in a smallchapel at the Aladdin ResortCasino now known as PlanetHollywood Resort and Casino inVegas just three years ago.Gail has been at OSU for twelveyears, Radiology (Hospital) for tenyears and <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong>for three. <strong>The</strong> smaller and moreintimate environment in<strong>Pharmacy</strong> appeals to her moresocial personality.more text tocome?60

Vision and Mission <strong>State</strong>mentsOur Mission:<strong>The</strong> overall mission <strong>of</strong> the <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong> is to improvemedications and medication-related health outcomes for thepeople <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ohio</strong> and the global community through our teaching,through our research and through our service. <strong>The</strong> <strong>College</strong> willprovide high quality education in the pharmaceutical sciencesand pharmacy practice to pr<strong>of</strong>essional, undergraduate, graduateand postgraduate students through teaching, research, practiceand related service activitys including outreach and engagement.Our Core Values:We value innovation, teaching, learning and the advancementand sharing <strong>of</strong> knowledge.We value research and its application toward improving the use <strong>of</strong>medications in society.We value patient-centered pharmacy services and pr<strong>of</strong>essionalism.We value our students, faculty, staff, alumni and friends.We value diversity in all <strong>of</strong> its forms.Our Overarching Goal:<strong>The</strong> <strong>Ohio</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong> will be amongthe world’s truly great institutions <strong>of</strong> pharmacy education.

In “Block O” formation, student leaders 2007-<strong>2008</strong>: Patrick Owcarz, Taylor Bentley, Kristin Filicky, Issifu Tenii, Megan Harns, AndreaReynolds, Brittany Lincoln, Jillian Elliott, Josh Close, Laura Connell, Negin Soufi, Lindsey CorbettNonpr<strong>of</strong>it Org.U.S. PostageP A I DColumbus, <strong>Ohio</strong>Permit No. 711<strong>The</strong> <strong>Ohio</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong><strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong>500 West 12th AvenueColumbus,<strong>Ohio</strong> 43210-1291

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