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THE VISQUEEN Specifier's GUIDEThe <strong>Visqueen</strong> Specifier's Guide is theperfect introduction to <strong>Visqueen</strong>'scomprehensive support service.The guide provides an overview of ourcomplete range and details installationinstructions for all our products. It isdesigned to be closely used inassociation with our websitevisqueenbuilding.co.ukELECTRONIC NBS SPECIFICATIONSTo assist with preparing specifications,<strong>Visqueen</strong>’s products are available inNBS format. These can be downloadedfrom our website or emailed to you uponrequest.INTERACTIVE WEBSITEvisqueenbuilding.co.uk provides detailedproduct and technical information. Thesite contains downloadable informationincluding product technical datasheetsand standard details from our extensivelibrary covering typical DPC, tankingand gas protection applications.CAD SUPPORT SERVICEOur computer aided design departmentwill assist in the design of PreformedUnits to ensure 100% protection atcomplex three dimensional damp proofand gas proof detailing.TECHNICAL SITE SUPPORT SERVICE<strong>Visqueen</strong>’s national team of TechnicalSupport Managers provide comprehensivebackup to specifiers and end userswhich includes assistance with productselection, system design and on siteinstallation training. The service is freeand is provided by support personnelwith extensive experience in theconstruction industry.CPD TRAINING SEMINARSTo encourage the widespread use ofgood practice, <strong>Visqueen</strong> offers a rangeof Continuing Professional DevelopmentSeminars for specifiers such asProtection of <strong>Building</strong>s on GasContaminated Land. During these onehour approved seminars, presentersprovide key learning and criticalup-to-date information for those involvedin new-build construction orrefurbishment.COMPLETERANGECOMPLETESERVICEfii c ati o ntC e rLi mB R Eit e d4CUSTOMER SERVICEtfii c ati o nC e rLi m

Above: <strong>Visqueen</strong> CPD Seminar on gas contaminatedland including new guidanceWWW.VISQUEENBUILDING.CO.UK | 0845 302 4758 5


08 <strong>Visqueen</strong> Zedex CPT DPC12 <strong>Visqueen</strong> Zedex High Bond DPC14 <strong>Visqueen</strong> Preformed Unit16 <strong>Visqueen</strong> Zedex Housing Grade DPC18 <strong>Visqueen</strong> Polyethylene DPC20 <strong>Visqueen</strong> GX Hydrocarbon DPC21 <strong>Visqueen</strong> Gas Resistant DPCDAMPPROOFcourses<strong>Visqueen</strong> Zedex High Performance DPC is thinner than traditional damp proofcourses without compromising performance. This helps reduce material usage,manufacturing energy and lowers transportation miles.

DAMP PROOF COURSES<strong>Visqueen</strong> Zedex CPT DAMP PROOF COURSE——Excellent peformance under high compressive loads.——Out performs all other high performance flexible DPC and cavity tray systems.——Contains no hazardous pitch or PVC plasticizers making it safe and clean to handle.——System components for all applications including standard and bespoke Preformedcavity tray (cloak) units.——Low permeability to Radon and Carbon Dioxide gas.DESCRIPTION<strong>Visqueen</strong> Zedex CPT High PerformanceDamp Proof Course (DPC) and cavitytray system is manufactured from copolymerthermoplastic (CPT) providingall the characteristics necessary for itto perform effectively for the lifetime ofthe building in which it is incorporated.<strong>Visqueen</strong> Zedex CPT DPC providessuperior strength, tear resistance andflexibility and is compatible with all other<strong>Visqueen</strong> damp proofing, gas proofingand tanking protection systems.APPLICATION<strong>Visqueen</strong> Zedex CPT DPC is suitablefor use as a DPC in all types of buildingconstruction and can be used in vertical,horizontal, stepped and cavity trayapplications.On siteHigh tear and puncture resistantcharacteristics help avoid the failurescaused by damage during installation,such as clearing mortar droppings out ofthe cavity, general manhandling on siteand during transport. Independent testingshows the tear strength of <strong>Visqueen</strong>Zedex CPT DPC to be many times that oftraditional pitch polymer DPCs.Aesthetics<strong>Visqueen</strong> Zedex CPT DPC is alsoavailable in a range of colours tomatch the mortar or outer leaf. Themost popular colours are white andsandstone. Our technical departmentwill be happy to assist you with productspecifications.mortar adhesion<strong>Visqueen</strong> <strong>Building</strong> <strong>Products</strong>commissioned Ceram <strong>Building</strong>Technology to test <strong>Visqueen</strong> ZedexCPT DPC under BSI’s DD86 Part 11983 for flexural bond strength andshear strength. These independenttests show that <strong>Visqueen</strong> Zedex CPTDPC has excellent mortar adhesioncharacteristics. With DPCs being usedextensively outside the original groundlevel applications, understanding theeffect of a damp proof course onwall strength becomes increasinglyimportant.Compatibility<strong>Visqueen</strong> Zedex CPT DPC avoids therisks of any incompatibility betweenthe damp proof course and other dampor waterproofing materials. It can beused with a wide range of productssuch as silicon mastics without causingdiscolouration, and bituminous liquidDPMs. Such compatibility is essential toensure a continuous waterproof barrierfor the lifetime of the building.Clean and safe to handle, the materialsused in <strong>Visqueen</strong> Zedex CPT DPC arechemically stable and inert, free of bothsolvents and aggressive chemicals.<strong>Visqueen</strong> Zedex CPT DPC is also cleanand safe to use, requiring no specialconditions for storage, transportation,handling, usage or recycling.——Fully recyclable.——Strong and flexible.——Robust and puncture resistant.——High tear strength.——Excellent workability in winterconditions.importantFull technical informationis available atwww.visqueenbuilding.co.uk/dpc8

P14P87REQUIRED COMPONENTSAvailable as a download fromvisqueenbuilding.co.uk/DPC<strong>Visqueen</strong> Zedex jointing system<strong>Visqueen</strong> HP TANKING PRIMER<strong>Visqueen</strong> Zedex Preformed Cavity Tray Units<strong>Visqueen</strong> Zedex FIXING STRIPs/pinsSPECIFICATION SUPPORTThe following items are availableto View Online or TO <strong>Download</strong> fromVISQUEENBUILDING.CO.UK/DPCCPDH&SCPD H&S NBSTECHNICAL DATASHEETSTYPICAL INSTALLATION CAD DETAILSHEALTH & SAFETY DATAH&SH&S NBSMANUFACTUREDIN THE UKINSTALLATIONGuidelinesInstallation must follow normal goodpractice as per BS 5628 3:2005 andmust be in accordance with BS 8215revised edition.——<strong>Visqueen</strong> Zedex High Bond DPCmust extend through the fullthickness of the wall leaf, includingpointing, applied rendering or othermaterials.——It is to be laid on a wet, even bed ofmortar and perforations in adjacentcourses of block work must becompletely filled with mortar.——All lap joints in <strong>Visqueen</strong> Zedex HighBond DPC must have a minimum100mm overlap.——<strong>Visqueen</strong> Zedex High Bond DPC siteformed cloaks must be used at stopends and all corners or changes inlevel of cavity trays must not bedamaged by cavity cleaning afterinstallation.——A sharp knife is necessary to cutthe material.——Work can be carried out underall weather conditions normal tothe construction of the wall and<strong>Visqueen</strong> Zedex High Bond DPCmaintains sufficient flexibility to beinstalled at low temperatures.Full technical datasheets, including hotbonding installation, are availablefrom our websitewww.visqueenbuilding.co.uk/dpcTECHNICAL DATATypical PropertiesTensile Strength(BS EN12311-1)675N/50mmElongation Control (BS EN12311-1) 34%Water Vapour Permeability (BS 3177)0.06g/m 2 /dayNail Tear (BS EN 12310-1)156NMethane Gas Permeability0.06 ml/m 2 /dayTransverse 17.4Accelerated WeatheringTensile Strength(BS EN12311-1)675N/50mmElongation Control (BS EN12311-1) 34%Roll DimensionsNominal Thickness3mmNominal Weight 3.8kg/m 2Roll Length8mAvailable Widths450mm, 600mm, 1mWWW.VISQUEENBUILDING.CO.UK | 0845 302 4758 13

DAMP PROOF COURSES<strong>Visqueen</strong> Preformed cavity tray UNITsPREFORMEDUNIT——Manufactured in the UK from specially formulated, flexible co-polymer material.——Designed to simplify the damp proofing of complex cavity tray junctions.——Speeds up cavity tray installation and eliminates leakage paths.——Ensures compliance with industry recommendations and standards.——Built-in and surface fixed units available.——Free on-site service for design of project specific Preformed units.MANUFACTUREDIN THE UKIntroductionBritish Standard 5628: Part 3 codeof practice for the use of masonry(materials and components, designand workmanship) offers guidance andrecommendations on the damp proofingof structures. It recognises that thepenetration of water into the fabric of abuilding has serious consequences forthe health of the occupants and for thelong term serviceability of the structure.The numerous bridges of the cavitywall commonly require damp proofingprotection in the form of a cavity trayand where a flexible damp proof coursematerial is used, the British Standardrecognises that many common detailscannot be satisfactorily formed on siteand that preformed units should bespecified for these complex junctions.DescriptionAn integral part of the <strong>Visqueen</strong> ZedexDamp Proofing System is the range of<strong>Visqueen</strong> Preformed Cavity Tray Units.The units simplify cavity tray detailingat columns, corners, windposts, changeof levels, etc, and so greatly reduce thetime required on site to install a cavitytray at these complex junctions.<strong>Visqueen</strong> Preformed Cavity TrayUnits are factory manufactured fromspecially formulated, tough, co-polymermaterial, which is sufficiently flexibleto accommodate normal constructiontolerances. The units can be producedfor any width of cavity and in formatssuitable to be either built-in or surfacefixed to the inner leaf.Application<strong>Visqueen</strong> Preformed Cavity Tray Units aregenerally installed prior to the main runof <strong>Visqueen</strong> Zedex DPC Cavity Tray. The<strong>Visqueen</strong> Zedex DPC Cavity Tray shouldoverlap the Preformed Unit by minimum100mm, the lap being bonded with<strong>Visqueen</strong> Zedex DPC Jointing Tape.When surface fixing, the Preformed Unitshould be bonded and then mechanicallyfixed to the inner leaf using the sametaping/fixing system as the <strong>Visqueen</strong>Zedex DPC Cavity Tray.In accordance with industryrecommendations and guidance,<strong>Visqueen</strong> Zedex DPC Joint SupportBoards should be positioned beneathunsupported laps in order to providesupport for the initial formation of thebonded lap and its long term integrity.FIXING PINS FOR Masonry (SF-01)KEY: 1) <strong>Visqueen</strong> Zedex CPT DPC (preformed cloaksto suit). 2) <strong>Visqueen</strong> Fixing Strip (25x2mm, pre-drilledwith 8mm Ø holes). 3) <strong>Visqueen</strong> Zedex 100mmJointing Tape on primed, flush inner skin.4) Weepholes at 900mm centres (min 2no. peropening). 5) <strong>Visqueen</strong> HP Tanking Primer.FIXING PINS FOR INSULATION (SF-02)KEY: 1) <strong>Visqueen</strong> Zedex CPT DPC (preformedcloaks to suit). 2) <strong>Visqueen</strong> Fixing Strip (25x2mm,pre-drilled with 8mm Ø holes) <strong>Visqueen</strong> Fixing Pins at150mm centres. 3) <strong>Visqueen</strong> Zedex 100mm JointingTape. 4) Weepholes at 900mm centres (min 2 no. peropening). 5) Metal frame construction by specialist.6) Rigid insulation board. 7) <strong>Visqueen</strong> No.2 Fixings.14

PREFORMEDUNITDesign support<strong>Visqueen</strong> Technical Support Managershave specialist knowledge and experiencein designing and producing isometricdrawings of the complex shapes requiredto allow continuity of cavity trays inbuildings. The incorporation of these unitsinto the cavity tray system ensures thatcommon leakage paths are sealed,thereby eliminating both potential dampproblems and the resulting costly remedialworks on site.The design support service is available freeof charge to both specifiers and end-users.The following table lists some typicalapplications for <strong>Visqueen</strong> Preformed CavityTray Units. Please contact yourlocal <strong>Visqueen</strong> Technical Support Managerfor assistance in the design of projectspecific units.TECHNICAL DATAPreformed Unit Built-in Surface fixedLintel stop end PFU-100 PFU-100Stop end PFU-101 PFU-102Jambs PFU-104 PFU-104Change of level PFU-107 PFU-108Internal/ external corner PFU-109 PFU-110Windpost PFU-125 PFU-125Column PFU-128 PFU-130External corner column PFU-129 PFU-131Arched window PFU-145 PFU-145surface fixed & Built-in applicationsPFU-108(LH)PFU-110PFU-108(RH)PFU-110IMPORTANTDuring installation DPC mustoverlap Preformed Unit by 100mmand be fully sealed with <strong>Visqueen</strong>Zedex DPC Jointing Tape.PFU-101(LH)PFU-100PFU-109PFU-101(RH)PFU-100PFU-128DPC to be fully lapped andsealed during installationprocess.WWW.VISQUEENBUILDING.CO.UK | 0845 302 4758 15

DAMP PROOF COURSES<strong>Visqueen</strong> Zedex HOUSING GRADE DPC——Suitable for housing constructions up to three storeys.——Out performs all other housing grade flexible DPCs.——Contains no hazardous pitch or PVC plasticizers making it safe and clean to handle.——A superior alternative to British Standard DPCs.——Strong, puncture resistant with excellent workability in winter conditions.——British Board of Agrément (BBA) approved.DESCRIPTION<strong>Visqueen</strong> Zedex Housing Grade DPC isbased on the same polymer technologyas <strong>Visqueen</strong> Zedex CPT DPC. It isdesigned to provide housebuilderswith a robust, higher performing andcost effective alternative to traditionalBritish Standard DPCs.<strong>Visqueen</strong> Zedex Housing Grade DPC isstrong and flexible remaining workablethroughout the seasons. It can be usedwith a wide range of products suchas silicon mastics without causingdiscolouration, and bituminous liquidDPMs. Such compatibility is essential toensure a continuous waterproof barrierfor the lifetime of the building.APPLICATION<strong>Visqueen</strong> Zedex Housing Grade DPC issuitable for use as a DPC in domesticand residential construction in vertical,stepped and horizontal applications.The DPC may be used in conjunctionwith beam and block flooring and ifused as a cavity tray, the DPC shouldbe fully supported along its lengthi.e. supported by the lintel. For otherapplications use <strong>Visqueen</strong> Zedex CPTDPC. Installed in accordance with ourinstructions,<strong>Visqueen</strong> Zedex HousingGrade DPC provides an effective barrieragainst the passage of moisture.Standard detail - typical ground bearing slab edge detail (SW-30)KEY:1) <strong>Visqueen</strong> Housing Grade DPC.2) <strong>Visqueen</strong> Ecomembrane 500µm.3) <strong>Visqueen</strong> Lap Tape.4) <strong>Visqueen</strong> Jointing Tape (50mm x 10m)5) Smooth Sand Blinding Layer.All laps must be fully sealed.16

CPDBBAP14BRITISHBOARD OFAGREMENTASSESSMENT OF PRODUCTS FOR CONSTRUCTIONCERTIFICATE No. 94/3059P87REQUIRED COMPONENTSAvailable as a download fromvisqueenbuilding.co.uk/DPC<strong>Visqueen</strong> Zedex jointing system<strong>Visqueen</strong> HP TANKING PRIMER<strong>Visqueen</strong> Zedex Preformed Cavity Tray Units<strong>Visqueen</strong> Zedex FIXING STRIPs/pinsSPECIFICATION SUPPORTThe following items are availableto View Online or TO <strong>Download</strong> fromVISQUEENBUILDING.CO.UK/DPCCPDH&SCPD H&S NBSTECHNICAL DATASHEETSTYPICAL INSTALLATION CAD DETAILSHEALTH & SAFETY DATAAgrément CertificateH&SCPDNBSH&SBBA BRITISHBOARD OFAGREMENTASSESSMENT OF PRODUCTS FOR CONSTRUCTIONCERTIFICATE No. 94/3059MANUFACTUREDIN THE UKH&S NBSINSTALLATIONInstallation must be in accordancewith BS5628-3:2005, BS8000-3:2001,BS8215:1991, BRE Digest 380 DampProof Course and the procedures set outin BBA 94/3059 Detail Sheet 3.Co-polymer thermoplastic is now widelyrecognised for its ease of use on site,due to its flexibility even in cold weatherconditions.Installation Steps——The DPC must extend through thefull thickness of the wall, includingpointing, applied rendering or otherfacing materials.——The DPC must be laid on an even bedof wet mortar, and perforations inadjacent courses of brickwork mustbe completely filled with mortar.——The DPC must not be damaged bycavity cleaning after installation.——All laps in the DPC must be aminimum of 100mm and sealedusing <strong>Visqueen</strong> Zedex DPC JointingTape. For further information refer tothe BBA Certificate (94/3059).STORAGE AND HANDLINGThe materials used in <strong>Visqueen</strong> ZedexHousing Grade DPC are chemically stableand inert and are free of both solventsand aggressive chemicals. The DPC isalso clean and safe to use and containsno volatiles to 'leach' out. Due to itsrobust nature, the DPC requires nospecial conditions for storage, transport,handling, usage and recycling.TECHNICAL DATATensile Strength BS 2782:320A 20.4 N/mm 2Elongation at Break BS 2782:320A 515%Tear Strength BS 2782 360B 135N/mm 2Water Vapour Permeability BS 3177 25OC/75% RH0.3g/m 2 /dayRoll DimensionsNominal Thickness 600µmNominal Weight 0.6kg/m 2Roll Length20mAvailable Widths100mm to 1400mmWWW.VISQUEENBUILDING.CO.UK | 0845 302 4758 17

DAMP PROOF COURSES<strong>Visqueen</strong> POLYETHYLENE DPC——Conforms to the requirements of BS 6515.——Cost effective damp proof course for domestic construction.——Embossed to assist mortar adhesion.——Proven performance over many years.——Manufactured from highest quality reprocessed materials.——Safe and clean to handle.DESCRIPTION<strong>Visqueen</strong> Polyethylene DPC is designedto prevent the passage of moisturein brick and block work from externalsources. <strong>Visqueen</strong> Polyethylene DPCis manufactured from high qualityreprocessed materials to provide acost effective and durable domesticgrade DPC.APPLICATION<strong>Visqueen</strong> Polyethylene DPC is suitable foruse in vertical and horizontal applicationsthroughout two storey domesticconstructions. <strong>Visqueen</strong> PolyethyleneDPC is produced to stringent performancestandards and includes a pronouncedemboss to improve mortar adhesion.(Note: in minimal stress applications<strong>Visqueen</strong> Zedex High Bond DPC shouldbe used.) <strong>Visqueen</strong> PolyethyleneDPC has good cold weather flexibilityproperties, remaining workable at lowtemperatures. <strong>Visqueen</strong> Polyethylene DPCis manufactured to the requirements ofBS 6515.IMPORTANTBS6515 states Polyethylene DPCis not suitable for water movementdownwards eg. above lintels in cavitywalls. Please use <strong>Visqueen</strong> ZedexCPT DPC or <strong>Visqueen</strong> High Bond DPCfor this application.18

CPDREQUIRED COMPONENTSAvailable as a download fromvisqueenbuilding.co.uk/DPC<strong>Visqueen</strong> Zedex jointing systemSPECIFICATION SUPPORTThe following items are availableto View Online or TO <strong>Download</strong> fromVISQUEENBUILDING.CO.UK/DPCCPDH&STECHNICAL DATASHEETSHEALTH & SAFETY DATAH&S NBSH&SH&S NBSINSTALLATIONInstallation should be in accordancewith Code of Practice CP102:1973 asamended. Normal good practice anddamp proof course detailing shouldbe followed as described in BS 5628:Part 3. Work may be carried out in allweathers normal to the constructionof walls.JointingAll laps and joints in discontinuouslengths of DPC should be fully lapped byat least 100mm and fully sealed using<strong>Visqueen</strong> Zedex DPC Jointing Tape.STORAGE AND HANDLING<strong>Visqueen</strong> Polyethylene DPC is classifiednon-hazardous, and is chemically inert.The product requires no special storageconditions, although measures should bemade to keep it clean and dry.TECHNICAL DATATensile Strength BS2782 (320A) Long: 20.3N/mm 2 Trans: 11.2N/mm 2Elongation BS2782 (320A) Long: 301% Trans: 274%Tear Strength MOAT 27:5:4.1Long: 169N Trans: 145NWater Vapour Permeability0.28g/m 2 /dayDimensional DetailsLength (m) 30Available Widths100mm – 1200mmWWW.VISQUEENBUILDING.CO.UK | 0845 302 4758 19

DAMP PROOF COURSES<strong>Visqueen</strong> GX HYDROCARBON DPC——Suitable for use on hydrocarbon contaminated sites.——High puncture and tear resistance.——Excellent chemical resistance.P36REQUIRED COMPONENTSAvailable as a download fromvisqueenbuilding.co.uk/dpc<strong>Visqueen</strong> Gx geomembrane<strong>Visqueen</strong> Gx Jointing SystemDESCRIPTION<strong>Visqueen</strong> GX DPC is a blend of ethyleneco-polymers suitable for use onbrownfield sites that require protectionfrom dangerous contaminants such ashydrocarbons and methane, togetherwith excellent damp proofing properties.GX DPC is available in 30m lengths andin two widths, 645mm or 970mm.APPLICATION<strong>Visqueen</strong> GX DPC has a proven trackrecord as a barrier membrane ongas contaminated and hydrocarboncontaminated brownfield sites. <strong>Visqueen</strong>GX DPC combines high strength withflexibility.SPECIFICATION SUPPORTThe following items are availableto View Online or TO <strong>Download</strong> fromVISQUEENBUILDING.CO.UK/dpcCPDH&SCPD H&S NBSH&SH&S NBSTECHNICAL DATASHEETSTYPICAL INSTALLATION CAD DETAILSHEALTH & SAFETY DATAINSTALLATIONAll joints in lengths of DPC must bea minimum of 100mm lapped andsealed with <strong>Visqueen</strong> GX Jointing Tape.<strong>Visqueen</strong> GX DPC should be installed inaccordance with BS 8215: 1991,BS 8000: Part 3, 2001 and BS 5628:Part 3: 2005. <strong>Visqueen</strong> GX DPC must bebedded on both sides with fresh mortarTECHNICAL DATAand must project through the full width ofthe wall, including any externally appliedrendering and project 5mm beyond thefinished external face.STORAGE AND HANDLING<strong>Visqueen</strong> GX DPC is classified as nonhazardouswhen used in accordance withthe relevant British Standards.The product is chemically inert and is notaffected by acids and alkalis that may bepresent in the sub-soils.Thickness (ASTM D5199)1.15mmDensity (ASTM D792) >1000 kg/m 3Puncture Resistance (FTMS 101C Method 2031)1340NTear Resistance (ASTM D751 Method B)289NBreak Strength/Reinforcement (ASTM D751 Method A) 1000NLow Temperature Flexibility (ASTM D2136) - 40°CHydrostatic Resistance (ASTM D751 Method A)PassWater Absorption (ASTM D471)

DAMP PROOF COURSES<strong>Visqueen</strong> Gas Resistant DPCGR DPC——Integral aluminium foil for resistance to methane, radon,CO 2and low levels of hydrocarbon vapours.——Easy to apply using traditional methods.——Use as part of an integral Gas Protection System.——Independently assessed.DESCRIPTION<strong>Visqueen</strong> Gas Resistant (GR) DampProof Course is a flexible polyethyleneDPC with an aluminium foil designedto prevent the transmission of carbondioxide, radon, methane and low levelhydrocarbon vapours. This is in additionto the product's usage as a damp proofcourse. Resistance to harmful gases isachieved by an integral aluminium film.Good Practice TipTo avoid slip or shear planes it is notrecommended to take membranesthrough the wall. In order to provide acontinuous barrier across the cavity<strong>Visqueen</strong> Gas Resistant DPC shouldbe sealed to the membrane, takenthrough the blockwork, up the wall andincorporated below the damp proofcourse on the cavity tray outer leaf.APPLICATION<strong>Visqueen</strong> Gas Resistant (GR) DPCshould be used on any site where carbondioxide, radon, methane or low levelhydrocarbon vapours are a problem.Methane can occur on any constructionon any site previously used for landfill.Such conditions can exist on household,commercial and industrial sites. <strong>Visqueen</strong>Gas Resistant (GR) DPC has excellentphysical characteristics and good coldflexibility performance. It is suitable forvertical, horizontal, stepped and cavitytray applications.IMPORTANTWhere the DPC may be indirect contact with hydrocarboncontamination the use of <strong>Visqueen</strong>GX DPC must be considered.P31P60CPD H&S NBSH&SH&S NBSREQUIRED COMPONENTSAvailable as a download fromvisqueenbuilding.co.uk/dpc<strong>Visqueen</strong> Top Hat Units<strong>Visqueen</strong> detailing strip<strong>Visqueen</strong> Gas BarrierJointing System<strong>Visqueen</strong> Gas membranes<strong>Visqueen</strong> Gas ResistantSelf Adhesive DPMSPECIFICATION SUPPORTThe following items are availableto View Online or TO <strong>Download</strong> fromVISQUEENBUILDING.CO.UK/dpcCPDH&STECHNICAL DATASHEETSTYPICAL INSTALLATION CAD DETAILSHEALTH & SAFETY DATAINSTALLATION<strong>Visqueen</strong> Gas Resistant (GR) DPCshould be installed in accordancewith BS 8215:1991, BS 8000: Part 3,2001 and BS 5628: Part 3, 2005. Allhorizontal DPCs must be bedded on bothsides with fresh mortar. All DPCs mustproject through the full width of the wall,including any externally applied renderingand project 5mm beyond the finishedTECHNICAL DATAexternal face. All cavities must be keptclear of mortar droppings and otherdebris. Any mortar droppings reachingthe DPCs must be removed before theyharden, avoiding the use of sharp objectsfor removal. Reference should also bemade to NHBC guidance notes and BREReport BR211.STORAGE AND HANDLING<strong>Visqueen</strong> Gas Resistant (GR) DPC isclassified as non-hazardous when usedin accordance with the relevant BritishStandards. The product is chemicallyinert and is not affected by acids andalkalis that may be present in the subsoils.Dimensional DetailsRoll Length30mAvailable Widths500mm - 1000mmWeight 0.5kg/m 2Thickness0.5mmPhysical CharacteristicsTensile Strength (BS2782:320A)Transverse 17.4N/mm 2Longitudinal 19.0N/mm 2Elongation at Break% (BS2782:320A) Longitudinal 262%Elongation at Break % Foil 58.4%Methane Gas Resistance ml/m 2 /24hr

26 <strong>Visqueen</strong> 100% Recycled Ecomembrane28 <strong>Visqueen</strong> DPM To Pifa StandardDAMPPROOFmembraneS<strong>Visqueen</strong> Ecomembrane ® is a BRE certified DPM manufactured from 100% recycledpolythene. This ensures valuable reusable material is retained in the economy andreduces waste going to landfill.

SUSTAINABILITY IN THECONSTRUCTION SECTORSustainability has become the buzzword in the construction industry. Notonly has it become the main focus ofgovernment policy in the constructionsector, but it is increasingly on clients’agendas as a result of being asked toexplain their approach to sustainabilityby investors, employees or suppliers.64ktesOF WASTE PLASTIC ISREPROCESSED IN OURUK PLANTSThe Largest PolyethyleneRecycler in Europe<strong>Visqueen</strong> <strong>Building</strong> <strong>Products</strong>, part of bpiPLC Recycled <strong>Products</strong> Division, hasan enviable reputation as the leader inthe field of polyethylene recycling. Eachyear we recycle over 64,000 tonnesof low density polyethylene across ourEnvironment Agency Accredited sites.Why Recycle?Increasing the use of recycled productshas an enormous impact on theenvironment; independent studiesshow that compared to using virginpolyethylene it is estimated that eachtonne of polyethylene bpi recycles:——Prevents the release of 1.5 tonnesof CO 2into the atmosphere.——Cuts sulphur dioxide emissionsby 33%.——Cuts nitrous oxide emissionsby 50%.——Saves 1.8 tonnes of crude oil.——Reduces water usage by 90%.——Reduces energy use by two thirds.*SUSTAINABILITYIN THECONSTRUCTIONSECTOR*www.wasteonline.org.uk**DEFRA.24

Innovation and Investmentin RecyclingWith our unrivalled experience andexpertise, we are uniquely positioned tomanage all plastic waste requirements.Through investment in our recyclingoperations we can reprocess varyingtypes of plastic materials, from industrialwaste to heavily contaminated agriculturalwaste to even old wheelie bins. We turnthis waste plastic into building films andour recycled plastic street furniture range.Carbon FootprintMost UK waste polythene is actuallyshipped overseas for sorting andreprocessing. In marked contrast, allof our recycling actually takes place inthe UK. This ensures the green benefitsof recycling in the first place aren'toffset by remanufactured products withunacceptable 'product miles'.70% **of the plastic that can berecycled in the UK is actuallyexported overseas.SUSTAINABLE PRODUCT DEVELOPMENTFrom concept to disposal, we arecreating new products that reduce ouroverall environmental impact.<strong>Visqueen</strong> Zedex High PerformanceDPC is thinner than traditional dampproof courses without compromisingperformance. This helps reduce materialusage, manufacturing energy and cuttingtransportation miles.<strong>Visqueen</strong> Ecomembrane is a BREcertified DPM manufactured from100% recycled polythene. This ensuresvaluable reusable material is retained inthe economy and reduces waste goingto landfill.virgin productreprocessfeedstock100% recycled membranePost-use waste explainedPost-use: "Materials collected from outside the individual manufacturing industry after it has been used for its primarypurpose. This can include material from agricultural use, commercial, industrial, retailing, distribution and domesticoutlets, but in all cases the material will have been used for the purpose for which it was manufactured."(British Polythene Industries 1994)WWW.VISQUEENBUILDING.CO.UK | 0845 302 4758 25

DAMP PROOF MEMBRANE<strong>Visqueen</strong> ECOMEMBRANE ®——Independently accredited by BRE Certification Ltd, Certification No.112/04.——Manufactured from 100% post-use polyethylene, diverting more waste from landfill.——High tear resistance helps reduce damage during installation.——Does not compromise on traditional DPM performance.——Comprehensive range to satisfy most site conditions.Description<strong>Visqueen</strong> EcoMembrane ® DPM is ablown film of extruded low-densitypolyethylene for use as a Type “A” dampproof membrane as defined by BS EN13967: 2004. It is manufactured from100% post-use waste, is black in colourand available in 250μm, 300μm and500μm thicknesses. EcoMembrane ®has been independently accredited byBRE Certification Ltd (Certificate No.112/04).Applications and use<strong>Visqueen</strong> EcoMembrane ® DPM issuitable for use in concrete floors, inaccordance with clause 11 of CP 102:1973, where there may be capillaryrise of moisture but not where it maybe subject to hydrostatic pressure. Insuch a circumstance, <strong>Visqueen</strong> TankingMembranes should be used.Where there is a risk that the groundmay be waterlogged, sub-soil drainage inaccordance with CP 102 and BS 8102should be provided.The effectiveness of EcoMembrane ® willbe reduced if it is exposed to sunlighteither during storage or when in use.Under normal operating conditions,<strong>Visqueen</strong> EcoMembrane ® DPM can beused in conjunction with underfloorheating, although follow the advice of<strong>Visqueen</strong>’s Technical Support Service.As indicated in paragraph 4.8 of <strong>Building</strong>Regulations Approved Document C, jointsin the membrane are sealed using the<strong>Visqueen</strong> DPM Jointing System.INSTALLATIONInstallation guideLines<strong>Visqueen</strong> EcoMembrane ® DPM mustbe installed in accordance with BRECertificate No.112/04 and thefollowing guidelines.Preparation for layingthe membraneEven though <strong>Visqueen</strong> EcoMembrane ®has a high puncture resistance to normalfoot and site traffic, care should be takento avoid accidental damage on site.Similarly, where the base is uneven, ablinding of soft sand of a thickness thatwill cover all sharp projections should beused to avoid damage to the membranewhen it is being installed, and when theconcrete or screed is being laid.Jointing the EcoMembrane ®Adjacent sheets of the membrane shouldbe overlapped by at least 150mm andbonded using <strong>Visqueen</strong> Double SidedJointing Tape. The joint should then besealed using 100mm wide <strong>Visqueen</strong> GirthTape. The membrane should be clean anddry at the time of jointing.26FOR MAINTAINING CONTINUITY,PUNCTURES AND SERVICE PIPEPENETRATIONS, PLEASE SEE OURINSTALLATION SECTION P83.Covering<strong>Visqueen</strong> EcoMembrane ® should becovered by a protective layer (such as<strong>Visqueen</strong> Protection Boards) as soon aspossible after installation.The membrane should be sufficientlyloosely laid against upstands to ensurethat the membrane is not stretched ordisplaced when applying the screed orconcrete. A minimum thickness of 50mmscreed is recommended.When reinforced concrete is to belaid over the membrane, the wirereinforcements or spacers mustbe prevented from contacting themembrane. It is recommended that themembrane be covered with <strong>Visqueen</strong>Protection Board or 50mm screed priorto placing the reinforcements.When underfloor heating is to beinstalled, <strong>Visqueen</strong> recommend that thebarrier is positioned between the blindedhardcore and the insulation to protectthe installation from moisture and toavoid any risk of overheatingthe membrane.

P8REQUIRED COMPONENTSAvailable as a download fromvisqueenbuilding.co.uk/dpM<strong>Visqueen</strong> top hat units<strong>Visqueen</strong> DPM Jointing System<strong>Visqueen</strong> Zedex CPT DPCSPECIFICATION SUPPORTThe following items are availableto View Online or TO <strong>Download</strong> fromVISQUEENBUILDING.CO.UK/dpmCPDH&SCPD H&S NBSTECHNICAL DATASHEETSTYPICAL INSTALLATION CAD DETAILSHEALTH & SAFETY DATABRE Certificatefii c ati o nH&SCPDtC e rB R ELi miNBSH&SH&S NBSt e dCertificate No.112/04fii c ati o ntTECHNICAL DATAC e rB R Et e dLi miDimension PropertiesThickness (µm) 250 300 500Roll Width (m) 4 4 4Roll Length (m) 25 25 12.5Colour Black Black BlackFULL TECHNICAL INFORMATIONIS AVAILABLE ATWWW.VISQUEENBUILDING.CO.UK/DPMPHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICSNominal Thickness of sheets (µm)Property Test Description 250µm 300µm 500µmResistance to Tearing(Nail shank) in Machine DirectionResistance to Tearing(Nail shank) in Cross DirectionMax Tensile Stress in MachineDirectionElongationMax Tensile Stress inCross DirectionElongationBS EN12310 -1 165 N 205 N 310 NBS EN170 N 215 N 315 N12310 -1BS EN19.4 N/mm 2 24.9 N/mm 2 18.5 N/mm 212311 -2 370%390%370%BS EN23.2 N/mm 2 23.7 N/mm 2 19.9 N/mm 212311 -1 430%430%380%Standard detail -jointing detail (JD-01)Standard detail -typical ground bearing slab edge detail (SW-30)KEY:1) <strong>Visqueen</strong> Zedex CPT DPC.2) <strong>Visqueen</strong> Ecomembrane 500mu.3) <strong>Visqueen</strong> Lap Tape.4) <strong>Visqueen</strong> Jointing Tape (50mm x 10m).5) Smooth Sand Blinding Layer.Ensure laps are a minimum of150mm and fully sealed.KEY:1) <strong>Visqueen</strong> Ecomembrane - Laid on smooth slab or blinding.2) <strong>Visqueen</strong> 100mm x 33m Girth Tape.3) <strong>Visqueen</strong> 50mm x 10m Jointing Tape.4) <strong>Visqueen</strong> Protection Board.Ensure laps are a minimum of150mm and fully sealed.WWW.VISQUEENBUILDING.CO.UK | 0845 302 4758 27

DAMP PROOF MEMBRANE<strong>Visqueen</strong> DPM TO PIFA STANDARD——Conforms to PIFA standard 6/83A:1995.——High puncture resistance.——Proven performance over many years.——Withstands rough site handling.——Comprehensive range to satisfy most site conditions.——Manufactured from the highest quality reprocessed materials.Description<strong>Visqueen</strong> Damp Proof Membranes are ahigh quality range of polyethylene dampproof membranes, available in blue orblack and produced to PIFA Standard6/83A:1995. Manufactured from highquality reprocessed low densitypolyethylene (LDPE) <strong>Visqueen</strong> DampProof Membranes have successfullyprevented moisture penetration fromfloors for many years. A strict selectiveraw material policy ensures aconsistently high quality DPM. <strong>Visqueen</strong>DPMs comply with the relevant <strong>Building</strong>Regulations and should be used inconjunction with the <strong>Visqueen</strong> JointingSystem to ensure complete integrityof joints.To maintain compatibility between dampproofing components and avoid issuessuch as polymer plasticizer migration,<strong>Visqueen</strong> strongly recommend the use of<strong>Visqueen</strong> DPCs.ApplicationThe extensive range of <strong>Visqueen</strong> DampProof Membranes means that they aresuitable for use in floors in most siteconditions, not subject to hydrostaticpressure. If hydrostatic pressure existsuse <strong>Visqueen</strong> Tanking Membranes.For jointing adjacent sheets of <strong>Visqueen</strong>DPM, DPM to DPC and DPC to DPC,<strong>Visqueen</strong> Jointing System should be used.To complete the system <strong>Visqueen</strong>strongly advise the use of the followingcomponents when installing themembrane;——<strong>Visqueen</strong> Double SidedJointing Tape.——<strong>Visqueen</strong> Girth Jointing Tape.——<strong>Visqueen</strong> Top Hat Units.IMPORTANTBased on BRE and CIRIA guidelines,<strong>Visqueen</strong> <strong>Building</strong> <strong>Products</strong>recommend the use of special gasprotection membranes (rather thantraditional polythene DPMs) assuitable protection against groundgases. On brownfield sites or wherethere is ground contamination pleaseseek further advice from <strong>Visqueen</strong><strong>Building</strong> <strong>Products</strong> as use of specialist<strong>Visqueen</strong> Gas Protection maybe necessary.TECHNICAL DATAThickness (μm)250 300 500Nominal Weight (g/m²) 232 279 465Roll Length (m) 25 25 12.5Roll Width (m) 4 4 4Water Vapour Transmission (g/m2/day) max 1 0.8 0.5Tensile Strength BS2782:320A 90N/25mm (min), 14.4MPa (min)Elongation at Break BS2782:320A*(56 days @ 80OC)Tear Resistance MOAT 500% (min)aged* 250% (min)10N (min) 40N/mm(min)108N/25mm (min),14.4 MPa (min)unaged 500% (min)aged* 250% (min)12N (min) 40N/mm(min)Impact Strength Body (f50,g) 500 600 1000180N/25mm (min),14.4 MPa (min)unaged 500% (min)aged* 250% (min)20N (min) 40N/mm(min)28

P8REQUIRED COMPONENTSAvailable as a download fromvisqueenbuilding.co.uk/dpM<strong>Visqueen</strong> top hat units<strong>Visqueen</strong> DPM Jointing System<strong>Visqueen</strong> Zedex CPT DPCSPECIFICATION SUPPORTThe following items are availableto View Online or TO <strong>Download</strong> fromVISQUEENBUILDING.CO.UK/dpmCPDH&STECHNICAL DATASHEETSTYPICAL INSTALLATION CAD DETAILSHEALTH & SAFETY DATACPD H&S NBSH&SH&S NBSINSTALLATIONWhen used in accordance with the PIFACertificate and the relevant clausesof CP 102: 1973 in concrete floorsnot subject to hydrostatic pressure,<strong>Visqueen</strong> Damp Proof Membranes forman effective barrier to the passage ofmoisture from the ground. The DPMmust be continuous with the DPC in thesurrounding walls.The membrane should be installed ona compacted sand blinding layer orsmooth concrete float finish. The DPMmust be covered by a screed or otherprotective layer as soon as possibleafter installation. Care should be takento ensure that the membrane is notstretched or displaced when placing theconcrete or screed over the membrane.Sufficient allowance should be madeto avoid bridging (i.e. creating areasof unsupported membrane) duringscreeding operations at internal angles.JOINTING PROCEDURES——Always ensure that the membrane isclean, dust free and dry at the timeof jointing.——Adjacent sheets must be overlappedby a minimum of 150mm.——Bond together using <strong>Visqueen</strong>Double Sided Jointing Tape.——The joint should then be sealedusing <strong>Visqueen</strong> Single SidedGirth Tape.Where the sheets have been perforatedthey should be patched with sheetsof identical thickness lapped at least150mm beyond the limits of thepuncture and bonded with <strong>Visqueen</strong>Double Sided Jointing Tape and sealedwith <strong>Visqueen</strong> Single Sided GirthJointing Tape.IMPORTANTFor more information on jointingplease see our installationsection P83.ALSO CONSIDER<strong>Visqueen</strong> ecomembraneFor further details see P26.<strong>Visqueen</strong> GX Pre AppliedmembraneFor further details see P64.<strong>Visqueen</strong> highperformance dpm<strong>Visqueen</strong> High Performance DPMis manufactured from co-polymerthermoplastics giving superiorstrength and tear resistance. Fulldetails available on request or visitvisqueenbuilding.co.uk/dpm<strong>Visqueen</strong> BBA DPM<strong>Visqueen</strong> <strong>Building</strong> <strong>Products</strong>also produce a DPM with BBAAccreditation, certificate number94/3009. Further details areavailable upon request or visitvisqueenbuilding.co.uk/dpmWWW.VISQUEENBUILDING.CO.UK | 0845 302 4758 29

32 Introduction to Gas Protection36 <strong>Visqueen</strong> GX Geomembrane System38 <strong>Visqueen</strong> Gas Barrier System42 <strong>Visqueen</strong> Low Permeability Gas Membrane44 <strong>Visqueen</strong> CO 2Gas Membrane46 <strong>Visqueen</strong> Radon Membrane49 <strong>Visqueen</strong> Radon Sump50 <strong>Visqueen</strong> Gas Venting System53 <strong>Visqueen</strong> Gas Venting Matground GASPROTECTION<strong>Visqueen</strong>’s Gas Membranes and Venting Systems allow construction to build on gascontaminated land such as disused petrol stations and post industrial sites. This ensuresreclamation of land and eases political pressure of building on green fields.

What gases andcontaminants are involved?HydrocarbonsHydrocarbons can be highly toxic and arederivative of the petrol chemical industry.Hydrocarbons are prevalent in areas such asdisused petrol stations and post industrial sites,most hydrocarbons are carcinogenic.MethaneAn odourless flammable gas that is explosivewhen released to the atmosphere at levels aslow as 5% and exposed to a source of ignition.Methane is formed wherever there is below-grounddegradation of organic substances e.g. landfillsites, sewage treatment areas, mining localitiesand peat bogs.Carbon dioxideCarbon Dioxide is a colourless gas that in highconcentrations can result in asphyxiation.The gas is formed by the oxidation of carboncompounds such as in landfill sites. When carbondioxide levels reach concentrations of 3%,symptoms of headaches and shortness of breathwill occur, becoming severe at 5%, with loss ofconsciousness at 10%. It’s fatal at 22%.RadonRadon is a naturally occurring radioactive gasthat is odourless and colourless. It is formedwhere uranium and radium are present. Itmigrates into any building that is built overthe source. If it accumulates in a building atunacceptably high concentrations it will increasethe risk of lung cancer.32

Protectionof <strong>Building</strong>son GasContaminatedlandIdentifying the RiskWhen identifying risk from contaminatedland up-to-date published guidancerelating to the risk assessment shouldbe used. Detailed historical mapping isthe principal starting point for any sitespecific environmental assessment.The historical maps provide a powerfulinsight into past activity and help identifyany historically contaminated land andprevious uses of the land e.g. disusedfilling station. The Health ProtectionAgency (HPA) produce a map whichshows the estimated percentage ofhomes above the radon Action Level, alevel set by the Health Protection Agencyat 200 becquerels per cubic metre.The provision of gas protectionmeasures should include measurementof borehole flow rates. This will helpidentify ground conditions, potentialsource(s) of gas, migration pathwaysand general potential. The level ofrisk may then be assessed and anappropriate gas protection systemdesigned. Account should be taken ofthe sensitivity of the proposed end use.Regulation and GuidanceThe assessment of risk from contaminated ground is a requirement ofPlanning Policy Statement PPS23 and <strong>Building</strong> Regulations ApprovedDocument C. The assessment needs to be carried out to supportany proposed development whether or not the development is near arecognised gas emission source i.e. landfill. If the development is atrisk from contamination then the developer’s consultant must submita risk assessment to the local planning authority. The risk assessmentmust include information about the source(s) of contamination, the keyproperties of the contamination and the proposed remediation strategiesto deal with any contamination. Where a proposed development is within250m of a landfill the Environment Agency Policy (2003c) on developmentwithin 250m landfill should be used. The policy states the proposals shouldinclude detailed risk management actions to deal with any risks. Failing todeal with the risks the LPA will refuse the application.Useful ReferencesThe <strong>Building</strong> Regulations Approved Document Part C 2004, CP 102: 1973Code of practice for the protection of buildings against water fromthe ground.BS 8102: 1990 Code of practice for the protection of structures againstwater from the ground.BS 8215: 1991 Code of practice for the design and installation of dampproof courses in masonry construction.BS 8000: Part 4:1989 Workmanship on <strong>Building</strong> Sites. Code of practice forwaterproofing.<strong>Building</strong> Research Establishment BRE 414 "Protective measures forhousing on gas contaminated land".CIRIA C665 Ground Gas Handbook 2009.<strong>Building</strong> Research Establishment BRE 211 "Radon Guidance onProtective Measures".CIRIA C682 The VOCs Handbook 2009.GASPROTECTIONWWW.VISQUEENBUILDING.CO.UK | 0845 302 4758 33

The Complete Solution– <strong>Visqueen</strong>’s GasProtection SystemProtection of buildingsand occupiersThe main methods of protecting buildingsfrom gas ingress are the provision of arobust floor slab and gas resistant barrieracross the floor slab combined with anunderfloor passive venting system.At <strong>Visqueen</strong> we offer a comprehensiverange of gas barriers (a traditionaldamp proof membrane is NOT suitablefor protection on gas contaminatedland) and ventilation systems to protectagainst all the aforementioned gasesand contaminants. When installed inaccordance with the relevant codesof practice, <strong>Visqueen</strong>’s Gas Systemsare essential components to provide aprotective barrier to gas ingress. Also,all <strong>Visqueen</strong> gas barrier products act asdamp proof membranes.Gas BarriersThe impermeable gas membrane providesa barrier to gas ingress and should becontinuous beneath the full ground floorplan of the building. <strong>Visqueen</strong> offers fullprotection against the ingress of harmfulmethane, radon, CO 2and hydrocarbongases. Used in conjunction with <strong>Visqueen</strong>Gas Resistant DPCs, Gas BarrierJointing Systems and Gas Resistant SelfAdhesive Membrane, these systems offersuperior protection.To ease specification issues,<strong>Visqueen</strong> has produced a productselector that responds to the variousand complex design challenges on gascontaminated lands.gas Product selector<strong>Visqueen</strong> ProductGases involvedRadon CO 2Methane Hydrocarbons Page RefGX Geomembrane 36Gas Barrier 38Low Permeable Gas Membrane * 42CO 244Radon 46*Low Levels34

GAS PROTECTION SYSTEMS<strong>Visqueen</strong> HYDROCARBONPROTECTION SYSTEM——Low Permeability to Hydrocarbon substances and vapours.——High quality single layer HDPE.——Excellent puncture and tear resistance.——Complies with current codes of practice.——Also acts as a DPM.DESCRIPTION<strong>Visqueen</strong> GX Geomembrane is a highquality single layer HDPE membrane andis suitable for use as a barrier membraneon brownfield sites that require protectionfrom dangerous contaminants suchas hydrocarbons and methane. Dueto the membrane's high puncture andimpact resistance the <strong>Visqueen</strong> GXGeomembrane generally requires noprotective screed or boarding whenlaying reinforced concrete above it. The<strong>Visqueen</strong> GX is also suitable as a highperformance damp proof membrane.APPLICATION<strong>Visqueen</strong> GX Geomembrane offers a safesolution for the protection of buildings andoccupiers against all levels ofhydrocarbons, methane, carbon dioxideand radon ingress. Typically these are sitespreviously used as petrol stations,coalfields, landfill sites or arecontaminated industrial sites.Technical SupportDue to the wide variety ofhydrocarbon contaminants found, westrongly recommend the use of the<strong>Visqueen</strong> <strong>Building</strong> <strong>Products</strong> TechnicalSupport Team at an early designstage so that the most appropriatedetailing and material specificationsare adopted. A full technicaldatasheet is available onlinewww.visqueenbuiding.co.uk/gasInstallation Guidelines<strong>Visqueen</strong> GX and ancillary componentsmust be installed in accordance withthe recommendations of <strong>Building</strong>Research Establishment BRE 414“Protective measures for housing ongas contaminated land” and CIRIAC665 “Assessing risks posed byhazardous ground gases to buildings”,NHBC guidelines, Chartered Instituteof Environmental Health Ground GasHandbook and CIRIA C682 the VOCHandbook.The <strong>Visqueen</strong> GX system is suitablewhere hydrostatic pressure is present,however in this application the jointsmust be welded and not taped. Themembrane should be installed on ablinded or smooth surface allowingadequate overlap for jointing betweenthe sheets and avoiding bridging (i.e.areas of unsupported membrane).In areas where high levels ofunsupported membrane occur it isrecommended that <strong>Visqueen</strong> GX PreApplied Membrane is used. To avoidlinear expansion due to temperaturechange the membrane should NOTbe taken through any masonry wall.In order to provide a continuousbarrier across the cavity <strong>Visqueen</strong>GX DPC should be taken through theblockwork and incorporated below thedamp proof course cavity tray in theouter leaf.When a welded joint system is beingused, punctures to the membrane canonly be repaired by welding a patchof membrane with identical thicknessand lapped at least 150mm beyondthe limits of the puncture. Wherethis is not possible and the threedimensional shapes are complex itis recommended a preformed unitis used.To avoid high linear expansionwhen installed in hot weather,the membrane should be coveredimmediately after installation withconcrete or screed.VentilationWhen medium to high levels ofground gases are present or whenthe generation of gases still occurs,then an open void beneath theground floor should be constructed asventilation beneath the ground floorwill dilute and disperse the gases toatmosphere. Open voids are normallyrestricted to beam and block floors orother precast concrete floor systems.An alternative for providing ventilationto in situ concrete floor slabs is toinstall a <strong>Visqueen</strong> Ventilation System.See page 50 for further details.36

CPDP53P20REQUIRED COMPONENTSAVAILABLE AS A DOWNLOAD FROMVISQUEENBUILDING.CO.UK/GASVISQUEEN GX JOINTING SYSTEMVISQUEEN GEOCOMPOSITE VENTING SYSTEMVISQUEEN GX DPCSPECIFICATION SUPPORTTHE FOLLOWING ITEMS ARE AVAILABLETO VIEW ONLINE OR TO DOWNLOAD FROMVISQUEENBUILDING.CO.UK/GASCPDH&STECHNICAL DATASHEETSTYPICAL INSTALLATION CAD DETAILSHEALTH & SAFETY DATACPD H&S NBSH&SH&S NBSMANUFACTUREDIN THE UKDIMENSIONSGX GeomembraneGX GeomembraneGX Jointing SystemGX Geocomposite Venting SystemPreformed Top Hat UnitsGX DPCPreformed DPC Internal & External Corner Units1.0mm x 2.95m x 30m (88.50m 2 ) Standard Roll1.5mm x 2.95m x 25m (73.75m 2 ) Standard RollTwo part jointing system25mm & 50mm venting matsFor sealing around service pipe penetrations645mm / 970mm x 30m Roll A flexible reinforced DPCdesigned to prevent the transmission of hydrocarbon gasesthrough the cavityTo form an effective seal at cornersTECHNICAL DATA1mm1.5mmDensity (ASTM D1505) 941kg/m 3 +/- 1% 941kg/m 3 +/- 1%Thickness (BS2782-630A) +/- 5% +/- 5%Melt Flow Index (ASTM D1238)

GAS PROTECTION SYSTEMS<strong>Visqueen</strong> GAS BARRIER——Low permeability to methane, radon and carbon dioxide.——High quality multi-layer reinforced LDPE membrane withaluminium core with high levels of tear and impact resistance.——High resistance to puncture.——Complies with relevant codes of practice such as BRE and CIRIA.——Also acts as a damp proof membrane.BBA BRITISHBOARD OFAGREMENTASSESSMENT OF PRODUCTS FOR CONSTRUCTIONCERTIFICATE No. 10/4754BBA BRITISHBOARD OFAGREMENTASSESSMENT OF PRODUCTS FOR CONSTRUCTIONCERTIFICATE No. 10/4754DESCRIPTIONThe <strong>Building</strong> Regulations require thatproper precautions be taken to preventdanger to health and safety whenbuilding on contaminated land. <strong>Visqueen</strong>Gas Barrier offers a safe solution for theprotection of buildings against methane,radon and carbon dioxide, when installedin accordance with the relevant codesof practice such as BRE, CIRIA and theChartered Institute of EnvironmentalHealth Ground Gas Handbook. <strong>Visqueen</strong>Gas Barrier is a multi-layer reinforcedpolyethylene membrane with an integralaluminium foil. For ease of identificationon site <strong>Visqueen</strong> Gas Barrier is colouredblue on one side and silver on thereverse. The barrier combines strengthand performance with flexibility and easyinstallation. <strong>Visqueen</strong> Gas Barrier alsoacts as a damp proof membrane.Multi-Layer Protection<strong>Visqueen</strong> Gas Barrier utilises advancedmulti-layer lamination process tocreate an impenetrable and lastingprotection whilst retaining flexibility foreasy installation. A 0.4mm membranecomprising of five precision co-extrudedfilm layers, it is made from high qualityvirgin LDPE laminating films, asthickness tolerance is critical for theheat bonding process. The <strong>Visqueen</strong> GasBarrier provides a one piece barrier forsafety, security, flexibility and durability.Application<strong>Visqueen</strong> Gas Barrier offers a safesolution for the protection of buildingsand occupiers against methane, carbondioxide and radon ingress. Typically theseare sites previously used as coalfields,landfill or are contaminatedindustrial sites.Installation Guidelines<strong>Visqueen</strong> Gas Barrier and ancillarycomponents must be installed inaccordance with the recommendationsof <strong>Building</strong> Research EstablishmentBRE 414 “Protective measures forhousing on gas contaminated land” andCIRIA C665 “Assessing risks posed byhazardous ground gases to buildings”,NHBC guidelines, and the CharteredInstitute of Environmental Health GroundGas Handbook. The product is notintended for use where there is a riskof hydrostatic pressure. The membraneshould be installed blue side up. Themembrane should be installed on acompacted sand blinding layer or smoothconcrete float finish. In areas where highlevels of unsupported membrane occurit is recommended that <strong>Visqueen</strong> PreApplied Membrane is used. To avoid slipor shear planes and high compressiveloadings it is not recommended to takethe membrane through the wall. In orderto provide a continuous barrier acrossthe cavity <strong>Visqueen</strong> Gas Resistant DPCshould be taken through the blockworkand incorporated below the damp proofcourse cavity tray in the outer leaf.Laps can be joined together by eitherusing the <strong>Visqueen</strong> Gas Barrier jointingsystem or welded by our specialiston-site contractors.NB. In demanding site conditions use<strong>Visqueen</strong> GR Lap Tape as a highperformance alternative to <strong>Visqueen</strong>Foil Jointing Tape.IMPORTANTFor lapping, jointing and puncturerepair, please see ourInstallation section P83For more information on the <strong>Building</strong>Regulations on gas contaminatedlands see P32Jointing Detail<strong>Visqueen</strong> Gas Barrier<strong>Visqueen</strong> GR Lap TapeLDPETough polyethylene outer layerprovides absolute protectionagainst moisture ingress.<strong>Visqueen</strong> Blue LDPEAluminium FoilCentral shield layer of aluminiumprovides impenetrable gasreflectingproperties.Split Yarn HDPEAdhesive split yarn woven matrixprovides 3-D tear resistance.LDPEProtective polyethylene outerlayer confers additional tensileand tear strength properties.<strong>Visqueen</strong> DoubleSided Jointing TapeSplit Yarn HDPE<strong>Visqueen</strong> GR DPC38

GAS PROTECTION SYSTEMS<strong>Visqueen</strong> Gas Barrier Pre-Weld——65% time saving over traditional tape and roll sealing methods.——Fast track installation on site.——Reduced wastage through off-site fabrication.——<strong>Visqueen</strong>'s pre-welding technology ensures high Integrity to gas membrane joints.Recent building techniques have seena tendency towards the use of offsitefabrication in many sectors ofthe building process. It seems logicaltherefore, that <strong>Visqueen</strong> <strong>Building</strong><strong>Products</strong> should, in recognising thistrend, provide an economical and timesaving solution to the needs of themodern developer who requires a provengas barrier system.With increasing numbers of housing andindustrial developments taking placeon gas contaminated sites, developersmust ensure that a high integrity gasprotection membrane is installed, yetcontinue to operate under the timerelated pressures of today’s fast trackbuilding programmes.Welding technology for joiningmembranes is well established but haspreviously only been available whenspecialist on-site contractors have beenused. It is widely recognised that joiningsheets of membranes on site is oftenthe most vulnerable element in theinstallation of a gas protection system.By working closely with the designerin early project stages, <strong>Visqueen</strong> canproduce a complete gas protectionpackage that is delivered direct to sitewhen required.The use of pre-welded sheets means thatthe designer can now have increasedlevels of confidence as all joints areconstructed in factory conditionsand have been rigorously tested forairtightness before reaching site.Additionally, as there are fewer tapedjoints to be performed on site, thegas barrier installation is less affectedby adverse weather conditions (to beeffective, taped joints must be formed indry conditions).<strong>Visqueen</strong> Gas Barrier is pre-welded inthe factory to the exact dimensions ofthe footprint to the building and can bedispatched with the correct quantities ofancillary components as required to forma high integrity gas barrier system.Factory fabrication helps reduce wastageon site and <strong>Visqueen</strong>’s factory weldedjoints ensure that a high integrity airtightbarrier is always achieved. The reducedtime for on-site jointing ensures thatfor each footprint the installation timeis significantly reduced. Each footprintcan be identified by a unique reference,thereby, ensuring that on-site ordering isstraightforward.Technical Properties - <strong>Visqueen</strong> Pre-Weld Gas Barrier JoinTensile Strength MOAT 27 1983 5.5.2Resistance to Water PressureM.O.A.T 27 983 5.1.4Resistance to 6m head of water pressure35.3 daN/50mmPass, No leaksWWW.VISQUEENBUILDING.CO.UK | 0845 302 4758 41

GAS PROTECTION SYSTEMS<strong>Visqueen</strong> LOW PERMEABILITY(LP) GAS MEMBRANELOW PERMEABILITYGAS MEMBRANE——Low permeability to carbon dioxide radon and low levels of methane.——High quality robust Co-Polymer Thermoplastic Membrane.——High resistance to puncture.——Complies with relevant codes of practice such as current BRE and CIRIA documentation.——Also acts as a damp proof membrane.MANUFACTUREDIN THE UKDESCRIPTIONThe <strong>Building</strong> Regulations require thatproper precautions be taken to preventdanger to health and safety when buildingon contaminated land. <strong>Visqueen</strong> LowPermeability Gas Membrane offers a safesolution for the protection of buildingsagainst low levels of methane and carbondioxide, when installed in accordancewith the relevant codes of practicesuch as BRE, CIRIA and the CharteredInstitute of Environmental Health GroundGas Handbook. For more informationon the <strong>Building</strong> Regulations on gascontaminated lands see P32. <strong>Visqueen</strong>Low Permeability Gas Membrane isa robust co-polymer thermoplasticmembrane; for ease of identification onsite the membrane is coloured yellow.The membrane is supplied in 4m x 12.5mroll and has a centre fold. It is flexibleand is easy to install, and is also suitablefor use as a damp proof membrane.Application<strong>Visqueen</strong> Low Permeability GasMembrane offers a safe solution for theprotection of buildings and occupiersagainst low levels of methane, carbondioxide and radon ingress. Typicallythese are sites previously used ascoalfields, landfill or are contaminatedindustrial sites.Installation<strong>Visqueen</strong> Low Permeability GasMembrane and ancillary componentsmust be installed in accordance withthe recommendations of <strong>Building</strong>Research Establishment BRE 414"Protective measures for housing on gascontaminated land", and CIRIA C665“Assessing risks posed by hazardousground gases to buildings”, NHBCguidelines and the Chartered Instituteof Environmental Health Ground GasHandbook. The product is not intendedfor use where there is the risk ofhydrostatic pressure.The membrane should be installed on acompacted sand blinding layer or smoothconcrete float finish allowing adequateoverlap for jointing between the sheetsand avoiding bridging (i.e. areas ofunsupported membrane). In areas wherehigh levels of unsupported membraneoccur it is recommended that <strong>Visqueen</strong>Pre Applied Membrane is used. To avoidslip or shear planes and high compressiveloadings it is not recommended to takethe membrane through the wall. In orderto provide a continuous barrier acrossthe cavity <strong>Visqueen</strong> Zedex CPT DPCshould be taken through the blockworkand incorporated below the damp proofcourse cavity tray in the outer leaf.Laps can be joined together by eitherusing the <strong>Visqueen</strong> Gas Barrier jointingsystem or welded by our specialiston-site contractors.VentilationBS8485 recommends ventilationlayers on open voids may be requiredbeneath the floor slab in order to diluteand disperse ground gases to theatmosphere. Open voids are normallyrestricted to beam and block floors orother precast concrete floor systems. Analternative for providing ventilation to insitu concrete floor slabs is to install a<strong>Visqueen</strong> Ventilation System. See page50 for further details.NB. In demanding site conditionsuse <strong>Visqueen</strong> GR Lap Tape as a highperformance alternative to <strong>Visqueen</strong>Foil Jointing Tape.IMPORTANTFor lapping, jointing andpuncture repair, please see ourInstallation section P83.A full technical datasheet isavailable onlinewww.visqueenbuilding.co.uk/gas42

CPDP53P88P8P60REQUIRED COMPONENTSAVAILABLE AS A DOWNLOAD FROMVISQUEENBUILDING.CO.UK/GAS<strong>Visqueen</strong> Gas Barrier Jointing System<strong>Visqueen</strong> detailing strip<strong>Visqueen</strong> Top Hat Units<strong>Visqueen</strong> geocomposite drainage & venting maT<strong>Visqueen</strong> heavy duty protection board<strong>Visqueen</strong> Zedex CPT DPC<strong>Visqueen</strong> Gas Resistant Self Adhesive membraneSPECIFICATION SUPPORTTHE FOLLOWING ITEMS ARE AVAILABLETO VIEW ONLINE OR TO DOWNLOAD FROMVISQUEENBUILDING.CO.UK/GASCPDH&SCPD H&S NBSH&SH&S NBSTECHNICAL DATASHEETSTYPICAL INSTALLATION CAD DETAILSHEALTH & SAFETY DATACoveringCovering<strong>Visqueen</strong> CO 2Gas Membrane should becovered by a protective layer as soon aspossible after installation. Care shouldbe taken to ensure that the membraneis not punctured, stretched or displacedwhen applying a screed or final floorcovering. A minimum thickness of 50mmscreed is recommended.When reinforced concrete is to be laidover the barrier the wire reinforcementsand spacers must be prevented fromcontacting the barrier. It is recommendedthat the barrier is covered with <strong>Visqueen</strong>Protection Boards or screed beforepositioning the reinforcement. Whenunderfloor heating is being installed,it is recommended that the barrier ispositioned between the blinded hardcoreand insulation. This will protect theinsulation from moisture and avoid anyrisk of overheating the membrane.Storage and Handling<strong>Visqueen</strong> CO 2Gas Barrier is classified asnon-hazardous when used in accordancewith the relevant Code of Practice (CP102:1973). The product is chemicallyinert and is not affected by acids andalkalis that may be present in the subsoils.The material is not recommendedfor uses where it will be exposed tolong periods of outdoor weathering asexposure to ultraviolet light will embrittlethe product. Weathering will not occurwhen the membrane is installed inaccordance with CP 102:1973. Careshould be taken to avoid accidentaldamage when handling the membrane onsite. When the weather is cold all jointingtapes should be kept in a warm and dryplace until needed. Installation is notrecommended below 5°C.TECHNICAL DATANominal Thickness (μm) 500Nominal Weight (g/m²) 465Roll Length (m) 12.5Roll Width (m) 4Carbon Dioxide Gas PermeabilityISO 27822.80 x 10 -17 m²/sec/PaWWW.VISQUEENBUILDING.CO.UK | 0845 302 4758 45

iGAS PROTECTION SYSTEMS<strong>Visqueen</strong> RADON MEMBRANE——Independently tested for radon resistance.——BRE Certified.——High resistance to puncture.——Also acts as a damp proof membrane.——Complies with CIRIA C665.C e rtB R Efii c ati o nt e dLi miCertificate No.083/01fii c ati o nMANUFACTUREDIN THE UKtC e rLi mAssessing The Risk For Your AreaBecause the level of risk differs acrossthe country according to local geology,the risk depends on where your site issituated.The main source of guidance on the risksand solutions is BRE Report BR 211.It includes maps for determining the needfor radon protection, as well as detailedinformation on construction solutions.The maps are used as the basis fordetermining in general terms the requireddegree of radon protection (“basic” or“full”) in your area. Essentially, “basic”protection means you need to lay aground floor radon membrane and “full”protection means that, in addition, youneed to make provision for underfloordepressurisation.Your local authority <strong>Building</strong> ControlOfficer or a local Approved Inspectorshould also be able to help you determinethe broad level of risk in your area but,like the maps, they can only give a broadindication. Ultimately, if you are in anarea that is potentially at risk, there isno substitute for an assessment close toyour actual site – you may be in a pocketwhere the geology is different from theregion as a whole, allowing the requiredprotection to be downgraded from“full” to “basic”, or even making radonprotection unnecessary.Determining The Risk ForYour SiteIf you are in an area where the mapsindicate that no protection is required,there is no need to take further action.However, if the maps indicate theneed for “full” protection, it is worthconfirming this by requesting a detailedassessment from the British GeologicalSurvey (BGS), which focuses moreaccurately on your location. This mayshow that only “basic” protection isnecessary on your particular site.Construction SolutionsRadon ProtectionOnce you have determined whether youneed “basic” or “full” protection, youmust check that your preferred groundfloor construction gives you the right levelof protection. The options are as follows:Basic Radon ProtectionFor “basic” protection, you need toprovide an airtight barrier coveringthe entire ground floor of the building,linked to the damp proof course usingcavity trays which prevent radon movingthrough the wall cavity and into thebuilding.All junctions between the floor membraneand cavity trays should be sealed. Youcan achieve “basic” protection withboth ground supported and suspended(ventilated) concrete ground floorsby installing a radon-proof membranesystem. With a suspended concrete slab,the space beneath the floor is availableto ventilate radon safely away should“full” protection be required.Full Radon ProtectionFor “full” protection, you not only needto provide a radon-proof floor membrane,but also an underfloor depressurisationsystem. Depressurisation can beachieved by natural or mechanicalunderfloor ventilation through thesubfloor space, or from a radon sumpif there is no underfloor space. If youprefer to use an in situ slab in contactwith the ground, the slab should besupported on the inner leaf. The fullsystem consists of;——<strong>Visqueen</strong> Radon Jointing System,prevents radon ingress at joints,——<strong>Visqueen</strong> Top Hat Units preventsradon ingress at pipe penetrations,——<strong>Visqueen</strong> Radon Sumps, wheresubfloor depressurisation may berequired.B R EIMPORTANTFor more information on the <strong>Building</strong>Regulations on gas contaminatedlands see P32A full technical datasheetis available onlinewww.visqueenbuilding.co.uk/gasBelow: <strong>Visqueen</strong>'s RadonSystem Componentst e d46

GAS PROTECTION SYSTEMSVISQUEEN RADON MEMBRANEINSTALLATION & JOINTINGInstallation<strong>Visqueen</strong> Radon Gas Membrane andancillary components must be installedin accordance with the recommendationsof <strong>Building</strong> Research EstablishmentBRE 414 "Protective measures forhousing on gas contaminated land" andCIRIA C665 “Assessing risks posed byhazardous ground gases to buildings”,NHBC guidelines and the CharteredInstitute of Environmental Health GroundGas Handbook. The product is notintended for use where there is the riskof hydrostatic pressure.The membrane should be installed ona compacted sand blinding layer orsmooth concrete float finish allowingadequate overlap for jointing betweenthe sheets and avoiding bridging (i.e.areas of unsupported membrane). Inareas where high levels of unsupportedmembrane occur it is recommendedthat <strong>Visqueen</strong> Pre Applied Membraneis used. To avoid slip or shear planesand high compressive loadings it is notrecommended to take the membranethrough the wall. In order to provide acontinuous barrier across the cavity<strong>Visqueen</strong> Zedex CPT DPC should betaken through the blockwork andincorporated below the damp proofcourse cavity tray in the outer leaf.Laps can be joined together by eitherusing the <strong>Visqueen</strong> Gas Barrier JointingSystem or welded by our specialist onsitecontractors.If the membrane is punctured orperforated then a patch of material withidentical thickness should be lappedat least 150mm beyond the limits ofthe puncture and bonded with <strong>Visqueen</strong>Double Sided Jointing Tape and sealedwith <strong>Visqueen</strong> Single Sided Girth Tape.Alternatively a patch can be formedusing <strong>Visqueen</strong> Detailing Strip and lappedat least 150mm beyond the limits of thepuncture. External and internal cornersshould be round and reinforced with<strong>Visqueen</strong> Detailing Strip. Where this isnot possible and the three dimensionalshapes are complex it is recommendeda preformed unit is used.Covering<strong>Visqueen</strong> Radon Membrane should becovered by a protective layer as soon aspossible after installation. Care should betaken to ensure that the membrane is notpunctured, stretched or displaced whenapplying a screed or final floor covering.A minimum thickness of 50mm screed isrecommended. When reinforced concreteis to be laid over the barrier the wirereinforcements and spacers must beprevented from contacting the barrier.It is recommended that the barrieris covered with <strong>Visqueen</strong> ProtectionBoards or screed before positioningthe reinforcement. When underfloorheating is being installed, it isrecommended that the barrier ispositioned between the blinded hardcoreand insulation. This will protect theinsulation from moisture and avoid anyrisk of overheating the membrane.Storage and Handling<strong>Visqueen</strong> Radon Gas Barrier is classifiedas non-hazardous when used inaccordance with the relevant Code ofPractice (CP 102:1973). The product ischemically inert and is not affected byacids and alkalis that may be presentin the sub-soils. The material is notrecommended for uses where it willbe exposed to long periods of outdoorweathering as exposure to ultravioletlight will embrittle the product.Weathering will not occur when themembrane is installed in accordance withCP 102:1973. Care should be taken toavoid accidental damage when handlingthe membrane on site. When the weatheris cold all jointing tapes should be keptin a warm and dry place until needed.Installation is not recommendedbelow 5°C.sealing method around universal column penetration(SLAB JUNCTIONS ONLY) (rad - 19)IMPORTANTFor lapping, jointing and puncturerepair, please see ourInstallation section P83.A full technical datasheet isavailable onlinewww.visqueenbuilding.co.uk/gas48

GAS PROTECTION SYSTEMS<strong>Visqueen</strong> RADON SUMPSUMPHow to install a proprietary radon sump and exhaust pipe at the external wall123Excavate a pit for the sump, ensuringthat, for maximum depressurisation,any fill used beneath the slab does notcontain excessive fines.4Remove the blanking piece from theproprietary sump and connect a 110mmdiameter PVC-U pipe to one outlet of thesump.5Extend the pipe horizontally so that itpasses through the external wall. Ensurethat all joints and couplings are airtight.6Backfill using a clean permeable materialwithout excessive fines.<strong>Visqueen</strong> Radon SumpColourLengthWidthHeightMaterial CompositionTerminate the pipe just above groundlevel, and cap it. It will then be ready forextension to form a vent if necessary.Various Colours: White, Black, or Green430mm430mm220mmPolyethyleneSumps For Use With Full ProtectionWhere subfloor depressurisation is required, a <strong>Visqueen</strong> Radon Sump should beused. This is a prefabricated plastic sump, to which pipework is connected, withthe joints fully sealed using the <strong>Visqueen</strong> Radon Membrane Jointing System.A venting pipe should be connected to the sump, pass through the external walland brought out above ground level about 100mm from the face of the externalwall. The pipe is then capped until such time as a fan is installed.Position the capped section of pipe sothat it is about 100mm from the face ofthe external wall. This will allow space toaccommodate a fan if necessary. Provide aplate on the wall to indicate the presenceof the radon exhaust pipe.IMPORTANTA sump is only installed as a fallbackmeasure and does not provide anyradon removal until a fan is installedor, if the sump is located centrally,the pipe is connected to a passivestack system. Typically sumps areinstalled at one unit per dwelling orevery 15m radius.WWW.VISQUEENBUILDING.CO.UK | 0845 302 4758 49

visqueen Gasventing systemBackgroundThe hazards of ground gases must betaken into account when designing andconstructing new developments.Ground gas can be drawn into a buildingby the pressure difference that existsbetween the inside and outside of thebuilding (warm indoor air is less densethan cold outdoor air). Ground gasescan enter buildings through:——Gaps around service pipes.——Construction joints.——Wall cavities.——Cracks in walls and ground slabs.Having entered buildings, ground gasmay accumulate in confined spacessuch as:——Subfloor voids / voids created bysettlement beneath floor slabs.——Cupboards.——Drains and soakaways.Methods of ProtectionCurrent UK construction practice adoptsthe concept of multiple gas protectionmeasures to form a gas control system,typically, protection measures increase innumber and robustness as the potentialrisk increases.The main methods of protecting buildingsfrom gas ingress are the provision ofa robust floor slab and gas resistantbarrier across the floor slab which maybe combined with an underfloor passiveventing system.In most buildings passive gas protectivemeasures are constructed either ator just below the ground floor level.The protection consists of a number ofindividual elements, which combine toform an integrated gas protection system.The most commonly used components ina passive gas protection system are:——Ground floor construction.——Gas resistant membrane/Gas DPC.——Open void or GeocompositesVentformers with associatedpipework and perimeter vents.——Sealed service entries.Passive VentingIn a passive venting system gas risesto the underside of the building and isdiluted to safe concentrations belowthe slab by the introduction of fresh airthrough predetermined inlets and outletswhich typically provide 2000mm 2 permetre run of perimeter wall. The ventsare placed on opposite sides of thebuilding which allows sufficient air toenter the void below the building andthe diluted gas is then released out toatmosphere at safe concentration.The required air changes per hour to theunderside of the building are calculatedto ensure that the gas emanating fromthe ground is safely diluted.<strong>Visqueen</strong> Geocomposite Venting Matsare available in both 25mm and 50mmthicknesses and both have beenthoroughly tested as per the DETRPartners In Technology Research Report(Passive Venting of Soil Gases Beneath<strong>Building</strong>s 1997).50

<strong>Visqueen</strong> Geocomposite Venting Matscan be laid in a blanket under the entirefloor area on more heavily gassing sitesor alternatively can be laid in strips atpredetermined centres to suit the gasregime on site.It is however important to note thatwhere <strong>Visqueen</strong> Geocomposite VentingMat is laid in strips that a gas collectionpipe running perpendicular to the ventsmust be provided. Furthermore it isimportant to recognise that the strips ofventing mat alone will not be adequate interms of providing the venting capacityrequired unless they are laid in a 150mmthick layer of course granular materiale.g 4/20 that must extend under theentire footprint of the building.Laying strips of geocomposite in MOTtype 1 is a common mistake and bothDETR Partners In Technology ResearchReport (Passive Venting of Soil GasesBeneath <strong>Building</strong>s 1997) and CharteredInstitute of Environmental Health “Thelocal authority guide to ground gas”stipulate that it is not acceptable tolay perforated pipes or geocompositesventing strips in low permeabilitysubstrates.Both documents also state that whereventing mat or pipes are laid in stripsthey must be interleaved to avoid shortcircuiting.On more heavily gassing sites it may benecessary to provide a full blanket ofeither <strong>Visqueen</strong> 25mm or 50mm VentingMat in order to facilitate the required airflow under the building.Table 28 of the DETR Partners InTechnology Research Report (PassiveVenting of Soil Gases Beneath <strong>Building</strong>s1997) gives performance data onthe performance of venting mat onbuildings up to 30m widths based on thecharacteristic situation of the site.On wider buildings that fall outside of thescope of Table 28 of the DETR report,<strong>Visqueen</strong> can provide calculations toprove that the gas emanating from theground will be kept below the requiredtarget concentrations for the site.The introduction of high level ventswith rotating cowls can further enhancethe performance of the <strong>Visqueen</strong>Geocomposite Venting Mat which meansthat it can be used to safely dilute gaseson problematic sites without the need forenvironmentally unfriendly electric fans.The Chartered Institute of EnvironmentalHealth report “The local authorityguide to ground gas” recommends thatactive systems that extract or positivelypressurise subfloor voids should only beused when passive measures have beenproven to be unsuitable.At <strong>Visqueen</strong> <strong>Building</strong> <strong>Products</strong> we havea range of gas membranes and ventinglayers with accessories for selection andspecification for different constructiontypes and gas regimes.The products and systems have beenspecifically developed to reduce therisk of harm to building occupants.Please contact our technical servicesdepartment for further information.WWW.VISQUEENBUILDING.CO.UK | 0845 302 4758 51

GAS PROTECTION SYSTEMSSystem DesignVENTING SYSTEM<strong>Visqueen</strong> <strong>Building</strong> <strong>Products</strong> offer anunparalleled nationwide site supportservice. Our experienced RegionalTechnical Managers provide design,specification and installation adviceat every step of the project.After receiving the site investigation datawhich includes bore hole flow rates andgas concentrations, we can make sitespecific recommendations.Please see below some examples of ourdesigns which are also available atwww.visqueenbuilding.co.ukInterleaved Strips of <strong>Visqueen</strong> Gas Venting Mat stop short of the collector pipe onopposite sides of the building.4/20 Gravel Blanket allows air/gas to migrate into <strong>Visqueen</strong> Venting Mat.Substrates such as Type1 trap gas and stop it reaching the geocomposite strips.<strong>Visqueen</strong> 110mm diameter Gas Collection PipeENGINEERS GROUND FLOOR PLANTYPICAL GAS PROTECTIONEDGE DETAILS0.915m visqueengasflow 25visqueen zr-44 periscopeair brick set or visqueenground vent box52

GAS PROTECTION SYSTEMS<strong>Visqueen</strong> GEOCOMPOSITEDRAINAGE AND VENTING MATVENTING MAT——Rapid installation in both drainage and venting applications.——High flow capacity to alleviate hydrostatic pressure on below ground structures.——Serves as protection to externally applied tanking or gas protection membranes.——Creates a depressurisation zone for collection of ground gases.——Cost effective compared to traditional below slab perforated pipework and fill.MANUFACTUREDIN THE UKDescription<strong>Visqueen</strong> Geocomposite Drainage andVenting Mat is a UK manufacturedpreformed drainage and venting layersupplied in roll form. It comprisesa cuspated HDPE (High DensityPolyethylene) core bonded to a nonwovenpolypropylene geotextile filtermembrane. <strong>Visqueen</strong> GeocompositeDrainage and Venting Mat is 25mm thickand supplied in rolls 985mm x 50m.ApplicationWhen laid the product forms a void tocollect and transmit water and/or gasinto adjacent drainage outlets or collectorpipes. Typical applications includedrainage for externally applied tanking,drainage behind retaining walls, gasventing below ground bearing slabs, etc.The product can be applied horizontallyor vertically.Installation<strong>Visqueen</strong> Geocomposite Drainage andVenting Mat is designed to be installedwith the geotextile filter side of theproduct facing the direction of the wateror gas flow. Rolls can be cut to lengthwith a sharp knife.In drainage applications, the product isbutted together to create a blanket. Inventing applications, the product can belaid as single widths beneath a groundbearing slab or raft foundation to createa strip effect, or butted together tocreate a blanket. When laying in stripformat, careful consideration should begiven to the slab layout and any availabledata regarding gas concentration andflow rate. Refer to <strong>Visqueen</strong> TechnicalSupport for system design advice.When laid as strips, the ends of theGeocomposite Mat are inserted into<strong>Visqueen</strong> Tee Manifold Connectorswhich are commonly joined to <strong>Visqueen</strong>Periscope Vents via <strong>Visqueen</strong> PeriscopeVent Adapters, thereby allowing thecollected gases to exhaust to externalair. Other exhaust systems e.g. groundvent boxes, venting bollards, etc arealso available.When installing the product oververtically applied tanking membranesor gas protection membranes, it alsoserves as protection against backfill. TheGeocomposite Mat can be bonded to themembrane with <strong>Visqueen</strong> Double SidedJointing Tape.JointingWhere a blanket is required, unroll themat into position. The next roll shouldbe placed in a similar way to the firstso the dimpled cores butt together.The geotextile filter membrane extendsbeyond the width of the dimpled HDPEcore at one side; this creates an overlapflap. Continue laying further rolls in asimilar manner to create the blanket.TECHNICAL DATAMat DimensionsRoll WeightPrecautionsBefore backfilling or gas membraneapplication, inspect the installation ofthe product to ensure that gaps, openends or sides where soil, aggregate,etc can enter the core are wrapped withgeotextile filter membrane and securedwith <strong>Visqueen</strong> DPM Girth Lap Tape.25mm thick, 985mm x 50m74kgRoll Diameter 1.3mGeotextile Water Flow Rate(BS EN ISO 11058)120 l/m²/sCompressive StrengthMaximum In-Plane Water FlowCapacity (EN ISO 12958)Shear Strength (EN ISO 13426-2)Chemical ResistanceAlso consider...<strong>Visqueen</strong> High-Flow Geocomposite Ventformer 50mmFor more information on this product please visit:www.visqueenbuilding.co.uk/gas180 kN/m²20 l/s per metre width1kNHighly resistantWWW.VISQUEENBUILDING.CO.UK | 0845 302 4758 53

GAS PROTECTION SYSTEMSGEOCOMPOSITE VISQUEEN’S GAS DRAINAGE DISPERSALAND SYSTEM VENTING & GAS MAT FLOW FITTINGSVENTING SYSTEM——Rapid installation in both drainage and venting applications——High flow capacity to alleviate hydrostatic pressure on below ground structures——Serves as protection to externally applied tanking or gas protection membranes——Creates a depressurisation zone for collection of – Cost effective compared to traditional belowslab perforated pipework and fillVT001 ‘T’ Fitting ▼VT002 90º Bend ▼I.D. ——Also 100mm, available length 87mm, in a 50mm I.D. thickness 100mm, length 80mm,to ——fit Manufactured VT005,VT006 & in VT007 the UK to fit VT005,VT006 & VT007(no coupling required). (no coupling required).VT003 Coupling ▼To connect VT005, VT006or VT007 pipework.VT004 End CapTo suit VT005, VT006and VT007.VT005 Solid Carrier PipeI.D. 100mm, standardlength 6m.VT006 SlottedCarrier PipeI.D. 100mm, standardlength 1.5m, standard slot30mm (50mm slot alsoavailable).VT007 SlittedCarrier PipeI.D. 100mm, length 6m,standard slit 30mm fulllength (10, 20 or 50mmslit also available).VT008 Gas Vent Pipe53mm I.D pipe, length 6m(flexible twin wall).VT009 Gas Vent OutletVT009/25 (Width 915mm,connector length 350mm)to fit Gasflow 25 and VT015or VT017.VT010 Gas Vent OutletWidth 990mm, connectorlength 150mm to fit VT006100mm I.D pipe.VT011 Gas Vent OutletVT011/25 (Width 915mm,connector length 190mm)to fit Gasflow 25 and VT006100mm I.D pipe.VT012 Gas Vent BoxTo suit VT006 (standardstainless steel slottedlid, optional plastic lid)412x412x400mm (openarea 65,000mm 2 ).VT013 Gas Vent BollardO/D 110mm (3.5mm wall).Length 800mm, black,open area 25,000 mm 2.VT014 Air BrickStandard size 70mm x215mm, Black standard(also Terracotta, Anthracite& White) (open area6,500mm 2 ). To suit VT015.VT015 AdjustablePeriscope VentThe adjustment rangesbetween 3 and 4 brickcourses. May be sealed withtape. To suit VT011, VT014,VT016 and VT017.VT016 Vent PipeAdaptorWill allow standard I.D.100mm pipe (VT005) to beconnected to VT015.VT017 Extension SleeveWill increase the adjustmentof VT015 to 6 brick courses.May be sealed with tape.Standard length 550mm.To fit VT015.VT018 FlexibleConnector PipeI.D. 100mm, standardlength 1.5m to fit VT005.All buried fittings and pipes HDPE(High Density Polyethylene)Twin wall Smooth ▼Supplied with seals54

VENTING SYSTEMTypical Gas Dispersal details using Gas Venting BoxKEY: 1) <strong>Visqueen</strong> Gas BarrierDPM. 2) <strong>Visqueen</strong> GR DPC.3) <strong>Visqueen</strong> Zedex CPT DPC.4) <strong>Visqueen</strong> 50mm Jointing Tape.5) <strong>Visqueen</strong> GR Lap TapeNB: All laps must be fully sealedKEY TO FINESSE GASFLOW OUTLET VT8:1) Gas Vent Box + Lid VT012.2) Solid Carrier Pipe (100 0.6m standard length) VT005.3) Gas Vent Outlet VT011/25 (or VT011/50 for Gas Flow 50).4) Gasflow 25 (or Gasflow 50).WWW.VISQUEENBUILDING.CO.UK | 0845 302 4758 55


58 <strong>Visqueen</strong> Self Adhesive DampProof Membrane60 <strong>Visqueen</strong> Gas Resistant Self AdhesiveDamp Proof Membrane62 <strong>Visqueen</strong> Torchon Tanking Membrane64 <strong>Visqueen</strong> GX Pre Applied Membrane66 <strong>Visqueen</strong> Protect&DrainTankingMEMBRANESWinter applications require a robust material for bonding. <strong>Visqueen</strong> TorchOn Tanking Membraneprovides an effective waterproof barrier and can be torch bonded to both vertical and horizontalapplications.

tanking<strong>Visqueen</strong> Self Adhesivedamp proof MembraneBBA BRITISHBOARD OFAGREMENTASSESSMENT OF PRODUCTS FOR CONSTRUCTIONCERTIFICATE No. 01/3820——Self Adhesive waterproofing membrane for above and below ground applications.——Tough high performance high density polyethylene membrane providesresistance to puncture and tearing.——Use with unique <strong>Visqueen</strong> HP Tanking Primer to obtain best adhesion.BBA BRITISHBOARD OFAGREMENTASSESSMENT OF PRODUCTS FOR CONSTRUCTIONCERTIFICATE No. 01/3820DESCRIPTION<strong>Visqueen</strong> Self Adhesive Membrane isa self adhesive waterproofing system.It can be used as a tanking or dampproof membrane for both horizontal andvertical applications.<strong>Visqueen</strong> Self Adhesive Membrane hasBBA Accreditation, Certificate No.01/3820.<strong>Visqueen</strong> Self Adhesive Membraneprevents the ingress of water andassociated water-borne alkalis present insome mortar and concrete.<strong>Visqueen</strong> Self Adhesive Membrane shouldbe used along with <strong>Visqueen</strong> HP TankingPrimer for application on touch dryconcrete or masonry. Substrates shouldbe primed with <strong>Visqueen</strong> HP TankingPrimer prior to application.Application<strong>Visqueen</strong> Self Adhesive Membrane isfor use in vertical tanking or horizontalself adhesive applications, such asunderground basements, lift pitsor retaining walls when installed inaccordance with BS8102:2009. It isrecommended that substrates are alwaysprimed with <strong>Visqueen</strong> HP Tanking Primer,concrete, masonry or steel at or belowground level. Adequate ventilation mustbe ensured at all times during applicationin accordance with our health & safetydatasheet.Storage & Handling<strong>Visqueen</strong> Self Adhesive Membrane shouldbe stored in cartons, on end and kept dryabove 10ºC at all times. <strong>Visqueen</strong> SelfAdhesive Membrane is classified as nonhazardouswhen used in accordance withthe relevant British Standards.<strong>Visqueen</strong> HP Tanking Primer to be storedin original unopened containers in a cooldry area. Suitable protective clothingshould be worn during use. See healthand safety datasheets atwww.visqueenbuilding.co.uk.typical rc slab edge detail (sw-08)58

P88P14P8P66REQUIRED COMPONENTSAVAILABLE AS A DOWNLOAD FROMVISQUEENBUILDING.CO.UK/TANKINGvisqueen HP tanking primer<strong>Visqueen</strong> detailing stripvisqueen top hat units<strong>Visqueen</strong> protection board<strong>Visqueen</strong> Zedex Preformed Cavity Tray Units<strong>Visqueen</strong> Zedex CPT DPCvisqueen Protect&DrainSPECIFICATION SUPPORTTHE FOLLOWING ITEMS ARE AVAILABLETO VIEW ONLINE OR TO DOWNLOAD FROMVISQUEENBUILDING.CO.UK/TANKINGCPDH&SCPD H&S NBSH&SCPDNBSH&SH&S NBSTECHNICAL DATASHEETSTYPICAL INSTALLATION CAD DETAILSHEALTH & SAFETY DATAAgrément CertificateInstallation InstructionsInstallation GuidelinesInstallation should be in accordance withBBA Certificate No. 01/3820, BS Codeof Practice 102 and BS 8102:2009.All surfaces to which the membranesare to be applied should have a smoothfinish, be dry and free from dust,loose particles and frost. The surfaceshould then be sealed using <strong>Visqueen</strong>HP Tanking Primer and allowed to drythoroughly.Vertical surfaces of brickwork andblockwork should be dry and renderedto give an even surface. Brickworkand blockwork not rendered should bepointed to give a smooth surface withoutsudden changes in level.All lap joints should be a minimum of150mm and must be pressed and rolledto form a continuous bond and ensurewatertightness.A suitable drainage system should bedesigned and incorporated in accordancewith the requirements of BS8102:2009.The membrane can be installed innormal site conditions provided the airtemperature is not below 5°C.On external applications the membranemust be protected against punctureduring backfilling, or subsequently bythe backfill by using <strong>Visqueen</strong> ProtectionBoard or <strong>Visqueen</strong> Protect&Drainwhich reduces the risk of leaks fromhydrostatic water pressure.For internal angles, fillets and detailingstrips must be used (see typical detailsfor more information).<strong>Visqueen</strong> Detailing Strip should be usedto reinforce all angles and corners.Alternatively strips can be cut from themembrane.After installation the membrane shouldbe covered as soon as possible with asand/cement screed or other protectivelayer. <strong>Visqueen</strong> Self Adhesive Membranemust be continuous with the DPC insurrounding walls.Do not apply the <strong>Visqueen</strong> HP TankingPrimer below 5°C, during rain and snowor when fog or mist are present. Veryporous surfaces will require two coats.Typical details showing good installationpractice are available from our website.IMPORTANTA full technical datasheetis available onlinewww.visqueenbuilding.co.uk/tankingTECHNICAL DATARoll LengthWidth20m1mArea per Roll 20m 2Weight32kgOverall Thickness1.5mm<strong>Visqueen</strong> Detailing Strip300mm x 10m Gas Resistant Two-Ply Self Adhesive Membrane.<strong>Visqueen</strong> HP Tanking PrimerDry Time 1 - 5 hours at normal temperatureApplication Rate - Concrete 6 - 8m 2 /lAvailability 5L<strong>Visqueen</strong> Heavy Duty Protection BoardThickness 3mmDimensions 1m x 2mWWW.VISQUEENBUILDING.CO.UK | 0845 302 4758 59

tanking<strong>Visqueen</strong> torchon tanking MembraneTORCHON TANKING——Robust waterproofing membrane for above & below ground waterproofing applications.——Torch bonded laps provide a homogenously sealed junction.——Ideal for cold weather application.——Used to waterproof basements, lift pits, reinforced concrete Slabs, retaining walls.DESCRIPTION<strong>Visqueen</strong> TorchOn Tanking Membraneis a robust waterproofing membrane,used for heavy duty tanking applications.<strong>Visqueen</strong> TorchOn Tanking Membrane canbe used both vertically and horizontallyabove and below ground level to preventthe ingress of water. <strong>Visqueen</strong> TorchOnTanking Membrane should be used alongwith <strong>Visqueen</strong> HP Tanking Primer ontouch dry concrete. Substrates should beprimed with <strong>Visqueen</strong> HP Tanking Primerprior to application. <strong>Visqueen</strong> HeavyDuty Protection Board should be usedhorizontally or <strong>Visqueen</strong> Protect&Drainfor external vertical applications whichprotects the membrane from backfill orsite traffic.IMPORTANTFor more information on test resultssee visqueenbuilding.co.uk/tankingApplication<strong>Visqueen</strong> TorchOn Tanking Membraneshould be applied as a two layer systemwhen used as a tanking system forbelow ground structures where mediumor high levels of hydrostatic (water)pressure exist. <strong>Visqueen</strong> TorchOnTanking Membrane can be used as asingle layer system when used as ahorizontal damp proofing membrane.In this application all laps should beminimum 150mm. The loading screedor floor slab which is laid on top of themembrane should be adequate to resistany hydrostatic water pressure.Additional System Components——<strong>Visqueen</strong> HP Tanking Primer (5Ltin) – for preparation of touchdry concrete and masonrysurfaces prior to application of themembrane. Please use <strong>Visqueen</strong>High Performance Primer for dampsurfaces. Coverage rate on concreteis about 6 - 8m² per litre. Dryingtime is 1 - 5 hours depending ontemperature and ventilation.——<strong>Visqueen</strong> Heavy Duty ProtectionBoard (3mm thick, 1m x 2m board)– for protecting the membrane fromdamage during backfilling, etc.——<strong>Visqueen</strong> Zedex DPC Jointing Tape(100mm x 15m roll) for bonding<strong>Visqueen</strong> Heavy Duty ProtectionBoards to <strong>Visqueen</strong> TorchOn TankingMembrane.TECHNICAL DATANominal Thickness (mm) 4Roll Length (m) 8Roll Width (m) 1Weight BS EN 1849 –1 (Kg/m 2 ) 4.5Water Vapour PermeabilityBS 3177 (g/m²/day)1.93** Temperature Conditions (25ºC / 0 / 75%RH)Peel AdhesionMOAT 27 : 5.1.3 (Nmm –1 )2.61<strong>Visqueen</strong> HP Tanking PrimerDry Time1 - 5 hours at normal temperatureApplication Rate - Concrete 6 - 8 m 2 /LAvailability5L62

p66P88REQUIRED COMPONENTSAVAILABLE AS A DOWNLOAD FROMVISQUEENBUILDING.CO.UK/TANKINGvisqueen ZEDEX DPC JOINTING TAPEvisqueen top hat units<strong>Visqueen</strong> HP TANKING PRIMERvisqueen Protect&Drainvisqueen HEAVY DUTY PROTECTION BOARDSPECIFICATION SUPPORTTHE FOLLOWING ITEMS ARE AVAILABLETO VIEW ONLINE OR TO DOWNLOAD FROMVISQUEENBUILDING.CO.UK/TANKINGCPDH&SCPD H&S NBSH&STECHNICAL DATASHEETSTYPICAL INSTALLATION CAD DETAILSHEALTH & SAFETY DATAH&S NBSInstallationPreparationEnsure that the surface to be treatedis smooth, clean, dry, free from looseparticles and is frost free. Concreteand renders should be completelycured. Unrendered masonry must beflush pointed. Installation should be inaccordance with the recommendation ofBS 8102:2009.A suitable drainage system should bedesigned and incorporated in accordancewith the requirements of BS8102:2009.PrimingAll surfaces should be sealed using<strong>Visqueen</strong> HP Tanking Primer appliedby brush, broom or roller. On concreteor masonry surfaces, coverage rateis about 6 - 8m² per litre. Ensure theprimer is fully dry before applicationof the membrane. Drying time is 1 - 5hours depending on temperature andventilation. The newly applied primershould be protected from contamination.Angles and cornersProvide a 50mm – 75mm sand/cementfillet. Reinforce all changes of directionwith a 350mm strip of <strong>Visqueen</strong> TorchOnTanking Membrane applied equidistantacross the junction.Setting outWhen applying a two layer system,the membrane should be set out withstaggered laps between first and secondlayers.Lap jointsSide lap joints to be minimum 100mmand end lap joints to be 150mm. Alllap joints to be fully bonded; a bead ofbitumen should extrude from the joint.Equipment and bondingThe membrane must be fully bonded tothe prepared substrate using the gastorch-on technique. For horizontal work,an approximate 500mm neck tube and50mm diameter propane gas burner isused and for vertical and detailing work,an approximate 200mm neck tube and35mm diameter propane gas burner isappropriate. During bonding, ensure thata constant flow of bitumen is maintainedacross the full width of the roll and thata bead of bitumen is extruded from eachedge demonstrating that a correct sealhas been obtained.Horizontal bondingUnroll and position the membrane.Roll back half way and starting fromthe middle of the roll, progressively rollforward whilst activating the coatingon the underside of the roll. Repeat forthe second half of the roll. Subsequentrolls should be set out with staggeredend laps.Vertical bondingCut the membrane to the appropriatelength and position at the base of thewall. Progressively torch apply to thesubstrate working up the wall. Completethe vertical application by torch bondingthe remainder of the membrane to thehorizontally bonded membrane.Protection and supportIn external tanking situations or wherethere is a risk of damage, <strong>Visqueen</strong>Heavy Duty Protection Boards shouldbe positioned over the membrane. Whenbonding of the boards is required, attachwith strips of <strong>Visqueen</strong> Zedex DPCJointing Tape. Internal vertical tankingrequires the construction of an internalleaf of masonry to provide support for themembrane. A cavity of 50mm minimummust be left which is progressivelyfilled with sand/cement mortar as workproceeds. When the vertical membraneterminates, the uppermost end shouldbe batten fixed or sealed into a chase.Internal horizontal tanking requiresloading with sand/cement screedsufficient to resist hydrostatic waterpressure.ContinuityInstallation must ensure continuity ofthe tanking system around obstructionssuch as stanchions and pile caps and theformation of a minimum 100mm bondedlap with the damp proofing system aboveground level.Storage and handling<strong>Visqueen</strong> TorchOn Tanking Membranemust be stored on end and kept dry.The membrane is classified asnon-hazardous when used in accordancewith the relevant British StandardCode of Practice. <strong>Visqueen</strong> HP TankingPrimer should be stored in its originalunopened container in a cool, dry area.Suitable Personal Protective Equipment(PPE) should be worn when using thesematerials and suitable fire fightingequipment must be available. Adequateventilation must be ensured at all timesduring application. See health & safetydatasheets available atwww.visqueenbuilding.co.uk.WWW.VISQUEENBUILDING.CO.UK | 0845 302 4758 63

tanking<strong>Visqueen</strong> GX Pre Applied Membrane——Heavy duty, high performance membrane.——Joints can be tape bonded or welded.——Suitable for both damp proofing and tanking applications.——Barrier to hazardous ground gases.——Barrier to hydrocarbon contamination.——Specified for major projects throughout the UK.DESCRIPTION<strong>Visqueen</strong> GX Pre Applied Membrane isan advanced high performance, flexibleHDPE geomembrane. The membrane hasa textured face on one side designedto aid adhesion to cast concrete. Themembrane is 1.5mm thick and suppliedin roll form 2.95m x 25m.Application<strong>Building</strong> Regulations require that theground floors of a building shouldadequately protect the building, andpeople who use the building, fromthe harmful effects caused by groundmoisture. The instances of traditionaldamp proof membranes being damagedby following trades or the process ofpositioning spacers and reinforcementprior to laying a reinforced concreteslab, has resulted in the need for arobust membrane system that greatlyreduces the risks of future damp ingressdue to mechanical damage during theconstruction phase.STANDARD DETAIL: TYPICAL EDGE CONDITION (GXPA-02)On many developments, ground gasand hydrocarbon contamination pose avery serious risk of causing explosion,asphyxiation or harm. Current industryguidance recommend that gasmembranes are specified on the basis ofthe need to survive construction;durability, survivability and robustnessbeing critical membrane properties.<strong>Visqueen</strong> GX Pre Applied Membrane isdesigned to provide a robust solution topreventing the ingress of damp, groundgas or hydrocarbon contamination.Unlike the smooth surfaced traditionaldamp proof membranes, the texturedsurface of <strong>Visqueen</strong> GX Pre AppliedMembrane aids adhesion to castconcrete. The membrane can withstandnormal on-site foot traffic and theactivities associated with the laying of areinforced concrete slab without the needfor additional membrane protection. Inaddition, when applied with welded jointsthe membrane can provide protectionagainst hydrostatic water pressure.<strong>Visqueen</strong> GX Pre Applied Membranecan be used in a variety of applicationsincluding:——Gas contaminated land.——Hydrocarbon contaminatedbrownfield sites.——Heavy duty reinforced concreteslabs.——Slab edges and permanentshutter work.——Tanking below ground structurese.g. lift pits.TECHNICAL DATAThicknessRoll Dimensions1.5mm2.95m x 25mDensity0.94g/m³Tensile Strength atBreak40N/mmElongation at Break 700%Puncture Resistance 480NTear Resistance 187NMethane Permeability(cc/m²/hr)1.9564

REQUIRED COMPONENTSAVAILABLE AS A DOWNLOAD FROMVISQUEENBUILDING.CO.UK/TANKING<strong>Visqueen</strong> GX Double Sided Jointing Tape<strong>Visqueen</strong> GR Single Sided Lap Tape<strong>Visqueen</strong> GX Preformed Units<strong>Visqueen</strong> GX Preformed Top Hat Unit<strong>Visqueen</strong> GX Retaining Discs<strong>Visqueen</strong> Detailing Strip<strong>Visqueen</strong> HP Tanking Primer (5L)SPECIFICATION SUPPORTTHE FOLLOWING ITEMS ARE AVAILABLETO VIEW ONLINE OR TO DOWNLOAD FROMVISQUEENBUILDING.CO.UK/TANKINGCPDH&SCPD H&S NBSH&SH&S NBSTECHNICAL DATASHEETSTYPICAL INSTALLATION CAD DETAILSHEALTH & SAFETY DATAInstallationGeneral<strong>Visqueen</strong> GX Pre Applied Membrane andsystem components should be installedin accordance with the recommendationsof the relevant codes of practice andindustry guidance, such as CP102:1973,BS8102:2009, BRE414:2001,CIRIA C665:2007, BR211:2007 andBS8485:2007.A suitable drainage system should bedesigned and incorporated in accordancewith the requirements of BS8102:2009.To avoid linear expansion due totemperature change the membraneshould not be taken through any masonrywall. The relevant <strong>Visqueen</strong> damp proofor gas proof course should be takenthrough and extended beyond the wallby a minimum of 250mm where it can bejointed to the membrane.When installed horizontally, themembrane should be applied to a smoothcontinuous surface of preferably floatfinished concrete blinding or alternativelysand blinding. The surface should be freefrom loose aggregates or other sharpprotrusions. Any standing water shouldbe removed to prevent potential lap jointcontamination. The membrane shouldbe laid with the textured surface facingaway from the blinding.When installed vertically, <strong>Visqueen</strong>GX Pre Applied Membrane should bepre applied to permanent formwork orthe adjoining structure. <strong>Visqueen</strong> GXRetaining Discs are available to providea means for securing the leading edgeof the membrane to shuttering. Themembrane should be installed with thetextured surface facing away from theshuttering.Using oval nails, <strong>Visqueen</strong> GX RetainingDiscs should be mechanically fixed,at maximum 400mm centres, to theinternal face of the shuttering. Usinga suitable power tool and 6mm drill bitto create a pilot hole in the membrane,the <strong>Visqueen</strong> GX Pre Applied Membraneshould be secured over the protrudingsection of the retaining disc. The topedge of the membrane should be trimmedto approximately 20mm below the topedge of the slab.Once the concrete has set, the oval nailsshould be removed by pulling throughfrom the external face of the shuttering.When the shuttering is removed the<strong>Visqueen</strong> Retaining Discs should bevisible on the external (smooth) faceof the membrane. Continuity of themembrane system with the damp orgas proof course is maintained using<strong>Visqueen</strong> GR Self Adhesive Membrane(see <strong>Visqueen</strong> Typical Details).Lap joints<strong>Visqueen</strong> GX Pre Applied Membranehas been designed to exhibit superiorwelding properties using hot edge, hotair, or extrusion welding. Therefore onsitewelding of membrane lap joints isrecommended for all applications andmust be employed when hydrostaticwater pressure or hydrocarboncontamination is present. Whererequired, <strong>Visqueen</strong>’s network of preferredinstallers can install the membrane andoffer the client a fully warranted system.Alternatively, when <strong>Visqueen</strong> GX PreApplied Membrane is used for dampproofing, ground gas protection and siteswhere hydrostatic water pressure orhydrocarbon contamination is of low risk,lap joints can be bonded with <strong>Visqueen</strong>GX Double Sided Jointing Tape and thensealed with <strong>Visqueen</strong> GR Single SidedLap Tape.When using tapes to secure laps, theoverlap should be minimum 150mmand the membrane surfaces to bejointed should be dry and free fromcontamination such as dust or sand.Once the tapes are applied, the lapshould be well rolled with firm pressure toensure complete adhesion and continuity.Service penetrations,corners and junctionsAll service pipe penetrations should befully sealed using welded membrane or<strong>Visqueen</strong> Preformed Top Hat Units. Thebase and collar of the preformed unitshould be bonded using <strong>Visqueen</strong> GXDouble Sided Jointing Tape and sealedwith <strong>Visqueen</strong> GR Single Sided Lap Tape.The collar should be secured with amechanical fastening.To ensure system integrity, all internaland external corners should be providedwith either welded corners or <strong>Visqueen</strong>GX Preformed Units bonded to themembrane using <strong>Visqueen</strong> GX DoubleSided Jointing Tape and sealed with<strong>Visqueen</strong> GR Single Sided Lap Tape.Complex or awkward junctions should besealed using either welded membrane or<strong>Visqueen</strong> Detailing Strip.Precautions<strong>Visqueen</strong> GX Pre Applied Membrane isclassified as non-hazardous when usedin accordance with the relevant codes ofpractice and industry guidance.When the weather is cold, <strong>Visqueen</strong>jointing tapes and self adhesivematerials should be kept in a warm,dry place until needed. Unlesswelded, membrane installation is notrecommended below 5°C.To avoid high linear expansion wheninstalled in hot weather, the membraneshould be covered immediately afterinstallation with concrete or screed.WWW.VISQUEENBUILDING.CO.UK | 0845 302 4758 65

PROTECTA-DRAINtanking<strong>Visqueen</strong> Protect&DrainPROTECT &DRAIN——Rapid installation.——High puncture resistance protection.——High flow capacity to alleviate hydrostatic pressure on below ground structures.MANUFACTUREDIN THE UKDescription<strong>Visqueen</strong> Protect&Drain consists of ageotextile filter membrane thermallybonded to a cuspated HDPE core. Theproduct is 6mm thick and supplied inrolls 1.1m x 50m.Application<strong>Visqueen</strong> Protect&Drain acts as a heavyduty protection medium for <strong>Visqueen</strong>damp proofing, gas proofing and tankingmembranes. In addition, when usedin external tanking applications, theproduct forms a void to collect andtransmit water into adjacent drainageoutlets or collector pipes. Typicalapplications include drainage forexternally applied tanking and drainagebehind retaining walls.Installation<strong>Visqueen</strong> Protect&Drain is designed tobe installed with the geotextile filterside (white face) of the product facingthe direction of the water flow, backfillmedium or slab. Rolls can be cut tolength with a sharp knife.Unroll into position. Adjacent rolls shouldbe placed in a similar way to the firstso the dimpled cores butt together.The geotextile filter membrane extendsbeyond the width of the dimpled HDPEcore at one side; this creates an overlapflap which should be secured to theadjacent roll with <strong>Visqueen</strong> DPM GirthLap Tape. Continue laying further rollsuntil the membrane is protected over itsentire area.<strong>Visqueen</strong> Protect&Drain can be stripbonded to membranes with <strong>Visqueen</strong>Zedex DPC Jointing Tape.In external tanking applications, whenlinking to perforated land drains, extend<strong>Visqueen</strong> Protect&Drain at the baseof the retaining wall sufficiently toallow wrapping of the drainage pipe.The product should be covered withbackfill as soon as is practicable. Beforecovering, inspect the installation ofthe product to ensure that gaps, openend or sides where soil, aggregate, etccan enter the core are wrapped withgeotextile filter membrane and securedwith <strong>Visqueen</strong> DPM Girth Lap Tape.CPD H&S NBSH&SH&S NBSREQUIRED COMPONENTSAvailable as a download fromvisqueenbuilding.co.uk/dpc<strong>Visqueen</strong> Girth jointing Tape<strong>Visqueen</strong> Zedex Jointing TapeSPECIFICATION SUPPORTThe following items are availableto View Online or TO <strong>Download</strong> fromVISQUEENBUILDING.CO.UK/dpcCPDH&STECHNICAL DATASHEETSTYPICAL INSTALLATION CAD DETAILSHEALTH & SAFETY DATATECHNICAL DATASTANDARD DETAIL: EXTERNALLY TANKED LIFT PIT (HIGH RISK OF WATER PENETRATION)Roll DimensionsRoll WeightPuncture ResistanceMaximum In-PlaneWater Flow Capacity(EN ISO 12958)Chemical Resistance1.1m x 50m x6mm thick39kg2000N1.4 l/s permetre widthHighlyresistant66


70 <strong>Visqueen</strong> Urban Drainage Geomembrane70 <strong>Visqueen</strong> High Performance UrbanDrainage Geomembrane70 <strong>Visqueen</strong> GX Geomembrane UDG73 Hanson Aquaflow SC MembraneStormwaterprotectionA fully integrated stormwater management system provides relief for overburdenedwater sewer systems and reduces the risk of flooding.

STORMWATER PROTECTION<strong>Visqueen</strong> URBAN DRAINAGE GEOMEMBRANE——A comprehensive system for use with Stormwater Management Attenuation systems.——Various installation options allow for faster installation times.——<strong>Visqueen</strong> UDG Taping System allows for flexibility of on-site fabrication forsmall domestic applications.——Meets with the requirements of Wavin Plastics Ltd when installed in accordancewith <strong>Visqueen</strong> <strong>Building</strong> <strong>Products</strong>' instructions.MANUFACTUREDIN THE UKThe visqueen urban drainagesystem consists of:HIGHPERFORMANCEUDGbackgroundEvery potential major developmentin the UK is examined for the riskof flooding following storm events.Sustainable drainage systems (knownas SUDS) offer an alternative approachto traditional drainage. SUDS effectivelymanage drainage at source and aim todetain run-off and release it slowly intowatercourses.The “Code for Sustainable Homes 2006”(a code of practice for sustainable homebuilding) uses a sustainable rating systemthat helps designers' and builders' choiceof development and also aids home buyers'selection of home. Category 4 “surfacewater run off” mentions that addedpoints will be scored if an attenuationsystem is used. The <strong>Visqueen</strong> UDG,used in conjunction with an undergroundstormwater system, increases thedevelopment's sustainable rating.DescriptionThe <strong>Visqueen</strong> Urban DrainageGeomembrane System has beenspecially designed and tested for usewith underground stormwater storagesystems. Wavin has accepted it foruse with their AquaCell ® StormwaterManagement System when installedin accordance with <strong>Visqueen</strong> <strong>Building</strong><strong>Products</strong>' instructions.Impermeable geomembranes usedin stormwater storage systems aresubjected to very high hydrostaticpressures during the lifetime of thesystem. To avoid geomembrane failure inthese demanding applications <strong>Visqueen</strong><strong>Building</strong> <strong>Products</strong> has designed a highperformance geomembrane system.The <strong>Visqueen</strong> Urban DrainageGeomembrane System has beencomprehensively tested to ensurethat it is capable of withstanding thehydrostatic pressures anticipatedwith underground stormwater storagefacilities thereby providing an effectiveimpermeable barrier for most stormwatermanagement applications (when installedin accordance with our instructions).System<strong>Visqueen</strong> Urban Drainage Geomembranecan be supplied as either a taped systemto be fabricated on site or partiallyfabricated as factory welded panels.Where an installation necessitateson-site welding other <strong>Visqueen</strong>Geomembranes will be supplied.Product and Installation SelectorSpecification conditions<strong>Visqueen</strong>'s recommendationsInstallation options (Full installationdescriptions are given below)No more than 2 storage units high All products suitable A, B, C and DOver 2 storage units high All products suitable B, C and DHigh water table sites High Performance UDG C and DContaminated land GX Geomembrane UDG D onlyInstallation optionsOption A – Roll and tapeFor small attenuation storagetanks no more than 2 unitshigh.Option B – Factory pre-weldedwrap sheetsFor larger attenuationschemes where there area greater number of jointsminimising the amount ofworkmanship required on siteduring installation.Option C – Factory pre-weldedshoe boxThe shoe box option furthereases the installationand jointing procedure asillustrated at the bottomof P71.Option D – On-site weldingThe fully welded on-site optionis where there are irregularand varying storage tankshapes and also for use oncontaminated land.70

REQUIRED COMPONENTSAVAILABLE AS A DOWNLOAD FROMVISQUEENBUILDING.CO.UK/UDG<strong>Visqueen</strong> UDG JoINTING TAPE<strong>Visqueen</strong> GX JoINTING TAPE<strong>Visqueen</strong> udg CORNER PROTECTION UNITS<strong>Visqueen</strong> UDG PROtECTION BOARD<strong>Visqueen</strong> TOP HAT unitsSPECIFICATION SUPPORTTHE FOLLOWING ITEMS ARE AVAILABLETO VIEW ONLINE OR TO DOWNLOAD FROMVISQUEENBUILDING.CO.UK/UDGCPDH&SCPD H&S NBSH&STECHNICAL DATASHEETSTYPICAL INSTALLATION CAD DETAILSHEALTH & SAFETY DATAH&S NBSINSTALLATION AND JOINTINGFactory weldedpanel installationsFactory welded panels of <strong>Visqueen</strong>Urban Drainage Geomembrane arerecommended for larger attenuationschemes where there are a greaternumber of joints. <strong>Visqueen</strong> UrbanDrainage Geomembrane can be preweldedto suit tank dimensions,minimising the amount of workmanshiprequired on site during installation.The benefits of factory welded panelsare pre-tested high integrity joints aswell as allowing for a faster installationtime. Factory welded panels may then betape jointed on site using the installationprocedures detailed in the previoussection. Under certain site conditionstaped joints may not be suitable. Pleaserefer to the earlier adverse groundconditions section for more information.On-Site Jointing ProceduresWhen taped joints are used on site the<strong>Visqueen</strong> Urban Drainage System canbe used on any attenuation or storageinstallation (not more than two unitsdeep) other than those which are:——In contaminated ground.——In high water table.All laps must be a minimum of 150mmwide. <strong>Visqueen</strong> UDG Jointing Tape shouldbe applied approximately 50mm fromthe edge. The next width of <strong>Visqueen</strong>Urban Drainage Geomembrane shouldthen be overlapped. Ensure that thegeomembrane is clean, dust free anddry at the time of joining. The use of<strong>Visqueen</strong> UDG Protection Board providesadditional support to taped joins as wellas eliminating the risk of puncture frombackfill.<strong>Visqueen</strong> Urban Drainage Geomembranetaped joints have been extensively testedfor durability under hydrostatic pressureand have been proved to be highlyeffective.Geomembrane InstallationProcedures——Ensure that the base of the trenchis a structurally sound, smooth,level surface cleared of any looseparticles.——This surface must then be coveredby 100mm sand blinding, levelledand compacted.——Cover the bed with a suitablegeotextile fleece to ensure that thegeomembrane is not punctured.——Lay <strong>Visqueen</strong> Urban DrainageGeomembrane over the geotextileand up the sides of the trench,detailing around corners using<strong>Visqueen</strong> UDG Corner Units.——Take the geomembrane around thestructure ensuring that corner unitsare positioned at all corners andthat the tank is completely sealed.——Protect the geomembrane frombackfill by using <strong>Visqueen</strong> UDGProtection Board.Installation Instructions: 1) Place theAquaCell within the <strong>Visqueen</strong> AttenuationTank. 2) Fold the 300mm upstand neatlyover the AquaCell & firmly secure lid with<strong>Visqueen</strong> UDG Jointing Tape.1) Wavin AquaCell——Lay a 100mm sand bed betweenthe trench walls and <strong>Visqueen</strong> UDGProtection Boards.——The geomembrane laid on top of theunits should be protected as soonas possible after installation with<strong>Visqueen</strong> UDG Protection Boardand 100mm sand blinding.——The integrity of the <strong>Visqueen</strong>Urban Drainage Geomembranesheet must be maintainedduring installation. <strong>Visqueen</strong>Urban Drainage Geomembrane isresistant to puncturing and tearinghowever, where tears or puncturesoccur, these should be coveredwith another part of the sheet,overlapped by at least 150mm andsealed with <strong>Visqueen</strong> UDG JointingTape. Installations should be carriedout above 5°C.——For applications outside of theseconditions please contact <strong>Visqueen</strong><strong>Building</strong> <strong>Products</strong> for advice.2) <strong>Visqueen</strong> Box-WeldedAttenuation Tank3) Fold top upstandneatly down overAquaCell & tape lidin position.WWW.VISQUEENBUILDING.CO.UK | 0845 302 4758 71

STORMWATER PROTECTION<strong>Visqueen</strong> URBAN DRAINAGE GEOMEMBRANEStorage and Handling<strong>Visqueen</strong> Urban Drainage Geomembraneis classified as non-hazardous when usedin accordance with our instructions.The product is chemically inert and is notgenerally affected by acids and alkalisthat may be present in the sub-soils.The material is not recommended foruse where it will be exposed to longperiods of outdoor weathering. However,weathering will not occur when themembrane is installed in accordance withour instructions. Care should be taken toavoid accidental damage when handling<strong>Visqueen</strong> Urban Drainage Geomembraneon site.When the weather is cold <strong>Visqueen</strong> UDGJointing Tape should be kept in a warm,dry place until needed. Installation isnot recommended to be carried outbelow 5°C.TECHNICAL INFORMATIONproduct ROLL informationCOMPONENTS technical data<strong>Visqueen</strong> UDG Corner Protection UnitsThickness1.1mmWidth150mmLength150mmHeight150mmColourBlack<strong>Visqueen</strong> UDG Protection BoardThickness3.0mmWidth 1.22mLength 2.44mColourBlack<strong>Visqueen</strong> UDG Taped JointTensile Strength:31.0 daN/50mmMOAT 27 1983 5.5.2Resistance to Water Pressure:60kPa @ 24hrs240 kPa @ 24hrsUDG HP UDG GX UDGMass per unit area 460g/m 2 880 g/m 2 1410 g/m 2Material LDPE PP HDPEThickness 0.5mm 1mm 1.5mmDimensions 4m x 12.5mm 2.85m x 30m 2.95 x 25m*Colour Black Black BlackALSO AVAILABLE: *5.9mx135mNo leaksNo leaks72

Aquaflow SC Membrane Aquaflow SC Membrane Part of the Hanson Formpave Aquaflow system High resistance to puncture Restricts water entering the sub-grade Preserves sub-grade structural integrity——Part of the Hanson Formpave Tape Aquaflow bonded or system. welded joints——High resistance to puncture. Manufactured in the UKREQUIRED COMPONENTSAquaflow Available as SCa Membrane download from is a UK manufacoloured visqueenbuilding.co.uk/UDGgreen, 500 microns thick (2000 ga——Restricts water entering the sub-grade.VISQUEEN UDG JOINTING TAPEDescription——Preserves sub-grade structural integrity.VISQUEEN GX JOINTING TAPESustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SU——Tape bonded or welded Aquaflow joints. SC Membrane is a UK manufactured VISQUEEN CORNERMANUFACTURED co-polymer thermoplastic used to membrane. prevent run-off The and product flooding, is and aIN THE UKPROTECTION UNITScoloured green, 500 microns thick (2000 gauge) and supplied in rolls cleaning 4m x 12.5m. storm water.VISQUEEN UDGApplicationSUDS PROtECTION allow heavy BOARD rain fall to infiltrate thrblock VISQUEEN paved PFU surface TOP HAT into a sub-base bDescriptionSustainable Urban basement Drainage structures, Systems the (SUDS) membrane are increasingly being controlled manner into sewers or water couAquaflow SC Membrane is a UK used to prevent should run-off be and laid flooding, with welded and joints. as a method For of collecting and Aquaflow SC Membrane provides anmanufactured co-polymer thermoplastic cleaning storm advice water. on which jointing option should beattenuation of the collected storm water. ISPECIFICATIONmembrane. The product is coloured used, contact Hanson Formpave designsub-gradeSUPPORTand preserves sub-grade structuThe following items are availablegreen, 500 microns thick (2000 SUDS gauge) allow heavy team on rain 01594 fall to 836999. infiltrate through a permeable concreteto View Online or TO <strong>Download</strong> fromand supplied in rolls 4m x 12.5m.block paved surface into a sub-base before being released VISQUEENBUILDING.CO.UK/UDGin Installationacontrolled manner Taped into joints sewers or water courses.ApplicationAquaflow SC Ensure Membrane that the provides membrane an is impervious clean layer ensuring Sub-gradeSustainable Urban Drainage Systems attenuation of and the dry collected at the storm time of water. jointing. It restricts The water entering TECHNICAL the DATASHEETS(SUDS) are increasingly being used sub-grade to and membrane preserves should sub-grade be overlapped structural integrity.CPDby atTYPICALThe sub-gradeINSTALLATIONshouldCAD DETAILSbe free from sharprevent run-off and flooding, and as a least 300mm and bonded with AquaflowH&S HEALTH Hanson & SAFETY Formpave DATA Aquaflow literature for dmethod of collecting and cleaning Installation storm SC Double Sided Jointing Tape positionedCPD H&S NBSwater. SUDS allow heavy rainfall to approximately 50mm into the overlap.Membrane jointingH&Sinfiltrate through a permeable concrete Sub-grade Pressure should be applied to the bondedH&S NBSblock paved surface into a sub-base area of the lap to ensure waterproofingFor most application, tape-bonded joints abefore being released in a controlled The sub-grade integrity. should Perforations be free from or sharp punctures protrusions in likely to puncture waterproofing the membrane. integrity is Refer required, to such amanner into sewers or watercourses.Hanson Formpavethe membraneAquaflow literatureshould beforcovereddetailswithof sub-grade specification structures, and the preparation. membrane should be laidanother sheet of membrane, have anshould be used, contact Hanson FormpaveAquaflow SC Membrane provides Membrane jointingoverlap of at least 300mm and the lapsimpervious layer ensuring attenuationsealed with Aquaflow SC Double Sided Storage Taped and joints Handlingof the collected stormwater. It restricts For most application, tape-bonded joints are suitable. However, in applications where a high level ofJointing Tape.Aquaflow SC Membrane is classified aswater entering the sub-grade and waterproofing integrity is required, such as sites with high waternon-hazardousEnsure tables orwhenthat areasusedthe aboveinmembrane basementaccordanceis clean andpreserves sub-grade structural structures, integrity. the Welded membrane joints should be laid with welded joints. Forwith theoverlappedadvice onmanufacturer'sbywhichatinstructions.leastjointing300mmoptionand bondedshould be used,ForcontactdetailsHansonof contractorsFormpavewhodesign team on 01594 836999.approximately 50mm into the overlap. PreInstallationThe membrane is chemically inert and isundertake on-site welding ofensure waterproofing integrity.Sub-gradeTaped jointsnot affected by acids or alkalis that mayAquaflow SC MembraneThe sub-grade should be free from , contactbe present in the sub-base or sub-grade.Hanson Formpave design team onPerforations or punctures in the membranesharp protrusions likely to puncture Ensure the that the membrane is clean and dry at the time The of product jointing. is not The intended membrane for use should where be01594 836999.an overlap of at least 300mm and the lapsmembrane. Refer to Hanson Formpave overlapped by at least 300mm and bonded with Aquaflow SC it will Double be exposed Sided for Jointing long periods Tape positioned ofAquaflow literature for details ofapproximatelysubgradespecification and preparation. The membrane should be covered as cold, Aquaflow SC Double Sided JointingCovering50mm into the overlap. Pressure should be outdoor applied weathering. to bondedWelded joints When area the weather of lap is toensure waterproofing integrity.soon as possible after installation. Tape should For be details kept in of a warm, contractors dry place who undertakeMembrane jointingPerforations or punctures in the membrane should be covered with another sheet of membrane, haveCare should be taken to ensure that the until needed. Hanson Membrane Formpave installation design team is not on 01594 8For most applications, tape-bonded an overlap joints of at least 300mm and the laps sealed with Aquaflow SC Double Sided Jointing Tape.membrane is not punctured, stretched recommended below 5°C.are suitable. However, in applicationsor displaced when applying the sub-base.where a high level of waterproofingWelded jointsintegrity is required, such as sitesFor details of contractors who undertake on-site welding of Aquaflow SC Membrane, contactwith high water tables or areas aboveHanson Formpave design team on 01594 836999.Part of the Hanson Formpave AquaHigh resistance to punctureRestricts water entering the sub-graPreserves sub-grade structural inteTape bonded or welded jointsManufactured in the UKDescriptionApplicationtechnical dataThickness500µm (2000 gauge)ColourGreenRoll Dimensions 4m x 12.5mRoll Weight23kgResistance to Water Pressure - Taped Joint24hrs @ 60kPaPass2hrs @ 240kPaPassWWW.VISQUEENBUILDING.CO.UK | 0845 302 4758 73

76 <strong>Visqueen</strong> Vapour Check76 <strong>Visqueen</strong> Vapour Barrier76 <strong>Visqueen</strong> HP Vapour Barrier76 <strong>Visqueen</strong> FB Vapour BarriervapourcontrollayersIf moisture is not properly controlled or ventilated and comes into contact with the colderair, condensation occurs. The resulting effects of condensation within buildings can bedevastating. Timber can rot, causing severe structural weakening, reducing life of the structureand the thermal effectiveness of insulation can be reduced if moisture is prevalent.<strong>Visqueen</strong>’s Vapour Control System provides an effective barrier against condensation.

VAPOUR CONTROL LAYERS<strong>Visqueen</strong> VAPOUR BARRIERS——Range suitable for all internal building conditions.——Used within roof, wall and floor constructions.——Reduces the likelihood of interstitial condensation.——Loose laid or self adhesive options.——Also used as separation layers above rigid urethane foam insulations.——provides protection against air leakage.MANUFACTUREDIN THE UKThe <strong>Visqueen</strong> VAPOUR controllayer System consists of:Developed To Reduce The Risk OfInterstitial Condensation AndImprove Energy Efficiency.BackgroundToday there is greater emphasis on theenvironment and the need to significantlyreduce CO 2 emissions. It has been anaccepted fact that buildings in theUnited Kingdom account for 46% of CO 2emissions. The Government is committedto reducing greenhouse gases thatcontribute towards global warming forthe benefit of future generations. Thisis reflected in the revision of <strong>Building</strong>Regulations Approved Document PartL and the ongoing increased energyefficiency and air tightness requirements.The improvement in energy efficiencydramatically increases the risk ofinterstitial condensation and decisionsshould be taken to avoid this at thedesign stage. The designer should takeinto account water incorporated duringthe building process and water vapourarising from the occupants and theirongoing activities.A good design and appropriatespecification of materials are necessaryto comply with building regulationrequirements to ensure condensationis kept to a minimum and to achieveeffective air tightness in new buildingsand dwellings. <strong>Visqueen</strong> <strong>Building</strong><strong>Products</strong> supply a range of Vapour ControlLayers which can help achieve this.The consequences of increased levels ofcondensation will result in damage to thebuilding structure and failure to reduceair leakage will result in increased heatloss and poorer performing buildings.RegulationsThe <strong>Building</strong> Regulations ApprovedDocument C for England & Wales statesthat the floors, walls and roof of abuilding should adequately protect thebuilding and its users from the harmfuleffects caused by interstitial and surfacecondensation. In Scotland, TechnicalStandard 3.15 states that every buildingmust be designed and constructedin such a way that there will not be athreat to the building or the health of theoccupants as a result of moisture causedby surface or interstitial condensation.The British Standard BS5250 is the'Code of practice for the control ofcondensation in buildings and dwellings'.The risk of interstitial condensation for afloor, wall or roof should be assessed orconstructed in accordance with Section8 and Annex D of BS5250 2002. Theanalysis uses the calculation methodcontained in BS EN ISO 1378. The risk ofcondensation in a building depends on anumber of factors which should be takeninto consideration at the design stage.Description<strong>Visqueen</strong> Vapour Control Layers are arange of loose laid and self adhesiveelastomer membranes. They are designedto prevent the occurrence of interstitialcondensation in the fabric of a buildingby protecting the thermal insulationincorporated in the building structure.<strong>Visqueen</strong> High Performance FullyBonded Vapour Barrier should beused in any situation where a fullybonded vapour control layer isrequired.76

REQUIRED COMPONENTSAVAILABLE AS A DOWNLOAD FROMVISQUEENBUILDING.CO.UK/VCL<strong>Visqueen</strong> Vapour Tape<strong>Visqueen</strong> Vapour Edge Tape<strong>Visqueen</strong> Preformed Top Hat Unit<strong>Visqueen</strong> HP Tanking Primer (5L tin)<strong>Visqueen</strong> double sided jointing tapeSPECIFICATION SUPPORTTHE FOLLOWING ITEMS ARE AVAILABLETO VIEW ONLINE OR TO DOWNLOAD FROMVISQUEENBUILDING.CO.UK/VCLCPDH&SCPD H&S NBSH&STECHNICAL DATASHEETSTYPICAL INSTALLATION CAD DETAILSHEALTH & SAFETY DATAH&S NBSProduct selectionThe following is a guide to product suitability depending on building type.<strong>Building</strong> Type Condensation Risk <strong>Visqueen</strong> VapourCheck<strong>Visqueen</strong> VapourBarrier<strong>Visqueen</strong> HPVapour BarrierFactories Low ✓Warehouses Low ✓Industrial Units Low ✓Storage Areas Low ✓Domestic Dwellings Medium ✓Apartment Blocks Medium ✓Offices Medium ✓Schools Medium ✓Textile Factories High ✓Paper Mills High ✓Swimming Pools High ✓Laundries High ✓Communal Shower Blocks High ✓Canteens High ✓Sports Halls High ✓Wet Industrial Processes High ✓ApplicationThe control of condensation to within safe limits is animportant consideration in the design and constructionof buildings.The occupants of a building and their associated activitiesproduce water vapour which, if unmanaged, can condensewithin or between building elements; a process referred to asinterstitial condensation. This condensation can have seriousdetrimental effects upon the fabric of the building such ascausing the decay of timber elements and corrosion of metalcomponents, and reducing the thermal effectiveness ofinsulating materials.With the progressive increases in thermal efficiencies ofbuildings in order to reduce energy usage, any reduction inthe effectiveness of the installed insulation can have longterm financial implications. The negative effect upon thefabric of the building increases the incidence of moulds andmildews, which in turn can have a harmful effect upon thehealth of the building's occupants.<strong>Visqueen</strong> Vapour Control Layers provide a means of protectingthe warm side of the thermal insulation incorporated in abuilding by creating a barrier to the movement of warm, moistair. The Vapour Control range, which provides suitability for allinternal building conditions, consists of the following systems:——<strong>Visqueen</strong> Vapour Check——<strong>Visqueen</strong> Vapour Barrier——<strong>Visqueen</strong> High Performance Vapour Barrier——<strong>Visqueen</strong> High Performance Fully Bonded Vapour BarrierWWW.VISQUEENBUILDING.CO.UK | 0845 302 4758 77

VAPOUR CONTROL LAYERS<strong>Visqueen</strong> VAPOUR BARRIERS——Range suitable for all internal building conditions.——Used within roof, wall and floor constructions.——Reduces the likelihood of interstitial condensation.——Loose laid or Self Adhesive options.——Also used as separation layers above rigid urethane foam insulations.——provides protection against air leakage.MANUFACTUREDIN THE UKDesignTo avoid harmful condensation, carefulconsideration should be given to thedesign of the thermal insulating elementsand particular attention given toventilation and the appropriate level ofvapour control required.It is recommended that the risk ofinterstitial condensation be assessedby calculation method (undertaken bythe insulation manufacturer) in orderto determine where it is likely to takeplace, whether it will be harmful and theoptimum level of vapour control for thatpart of the structure.Penetrations of the vapour control layerwill downgrade performance and as suchshould be avoided wherever possible.Where penetrations occur, vapour tightseals should be formed.Selection of the appropriate vapourcontrol layer is by reference to thebuildings internal humidity conditions,as follows:——<strong>Visqueen</strong> Vapour Check is a looselaid membrane designed for use inroofs, walls and floors subjectedto humidity levels less than 50%at 15 0 C or less than 35% at 20 0 C(BS5250: 2002 class 1 condition)e.g. warehouses, industrial units andstorage areas.——<strong>Visqueen</strong> Vapour Barrier is a looselaid membrane designed for use inroofs, walls and floors subjectedto humidity levels less than 60%at 20 0 C (BS5250: 2002 class2 and 3 conditions) e.g. officesand domestic dwellings with lowoccupancy.——<strong>Visqueen</strong> High Performance VapourBarrier is a loose laid membranedesigned for use in roofs, wallsand floors subject to humiditylevels greater than 60% at 20 0 C orgreater than 45% at 25 0 C (BS5250:2002 class 4 and 5 conditions)e.g. domestic dwellings with highoccupancy, sports halls, swimmingpools, communal shower areas,laundries, canteens and buildingswith wet industrial processes.——<strong>Visqueen</strong> High Performance FullyBonded Vapour Barrier is a selfadhesive membrane designed foruse in roofs, walls and floors subjectto humidity levels greater than 60%at 20 0 C or greater than 45% at25 0 C (BS5250: 2002 class 4 and5 conditions) where a fully bondedvapour control layer is required.When designing buildings used as serviceand retail outlets where specific use, andhence humidity levels, may be unknownat design stage, the likelihood is thatthere will be a high degree of variabilityin the vapour protection requirements.In these instances, the choice of vapourcontrol layer should err on the side ofcaution and include for an adequatemargin of safety.When designing the system in whichthe vapour control layer is to beincorporated, careful considerationshould be given to compatibility withthe other components or their methodof application e.g. thermoplasticmembranes are suitable for use withmechanically fixed polymeric single plyflat roofing systems, and unsuitable foruse with bitumen bonded flat roofingsystems due to the high temperaturesinvolved during application.For cold storage areas, contact<strong>Visqueen</strong> Technical Support for specificdesign advice.The following design considerations arenot exhaustive but are offered to providegeneral guidance for typical applications.78

REQUIRED COMPONENTSAVAILABLE AS A DOWNLOAD FROMVISQUEENBUILDING.CO.UK/VCL<strong>Visqueen</strong> Vapour Tape<strong>Visqueen</strong> Vapour Edge Tape<strong>Visqueen</strong> Preformed Top Hat Unit<strong>Visqueen</strong> HP Tanking Primer (5L tin)<strong>Visqueen</strong> douBLe sided jointing tapeSPECIFICATION SUPPORTTHE FOLLOWING ITEMS ARE AVAILABLETO VIEW ONLINE OR TO DOWNLOAD FROMVISQUEENBUILDING.CO.UK/VCLCPDH&SCPD H&S NBSH&STECHNICAL DATASHEETSTYPICAL INSTALLATION CAD DETAILSHEALTH & SAFETY DATAH&S NBSDesign consideration – roofsIncorporated between the insulationand internal lining in pitched roofs withinclined insulation and ceilings, thevapour control layer should be sealed atall roof details e.g. hips, valleys, ridges,abutments and fire walls.With cold deck flat roof constructions, thevapour control layer is included betweenthe insulation and ceiling. Perimeterdetailing should be effectively sealed.When incorporated in warm deck flat roofconstructions, the vapour control layershould be secured in position between thestructural deck and insulation ensuringthat it envelopes the insulation atupstands, abutments and penetrations.Design consideration – wallsCommonly incorporated in masonrycavity walls and solid walls with internalinsulation, timber framed walls, metalframed walls where the frame is withinthe main insulation layer and siteassembled twin skin wall systems, thevapour control layer should be securedin position between the insulation andthe internal lining. All fixings penetratingthe layer should be sealed with <strong>Visqueen</strong>Double Sided Jointing Tape and detailingaround window and door openings shouldbe sealed with <strong>Visqueen</strong> Vapour Tape.Design consideration – floorsWith precast concrete floors or groundbearing floors, a vapour control layershould be provided on the warm sideof the insulation when insulationis positioned above the structuralfloor. Perimeter detailing should beeffectively sealed. Vapour control layersalso function as separating layers insolid floor construction. Commonlyincorporated between rigid urethanefoam insulations and the floor screed,they prevent contamination of theinsulation by the screed and minimisecracking should movement occur belowthe screed.<strong>Visqueen</strong> Vapour Control LayersVapour Check Vapour Barrier HP Vapour Barrier HP FB Vapour BarrierBS5250 Conditions Class 1 Class 2&3 Class 4&5 Class 4 & 5Application Method Loose laid Loose laid Loose laid Self AdhesiveRoll Dimensions (m) 2.45 or 4x50 2x50 1.6x30 or 60 1x20Water Vapour Min. Resistance (MNs/g) 260 530 1100 2000WWW.VISQUEENBUILDING.CO.UK | 0845 302 4758 79

VAPOUR CONTROL LAYERS<strong>Visqueen</strong> VAPOUR BARRIERS——Range suitable for all internal building conditions.——Used within roof, wall and floor constructions.——Reduces the likelihood of interstitial condensation.——Loose laid or Self Adhesive options.——Also used as separation layers above rigid urethane foam insulations.——provides protection against air leakage.MANUFACTUREDIN THE UKtimber frame standard detail - ventilated sole plate / visqueen vapour barrier80

REQUIRED COMPONENTSAVAILABLE AS A DOWNLOAD FROMVISQUEENBUILDING.CO.UK/VCL<strong>Visqueen</strong> Vapour Tape<strong>Visqueen</strong> Vapour Edge Tape<strong>Visqueen</strong> Preformed Top Hat Unit<strong>Visqueen</strong> HP Tanking Primer (5L tin)<strong>Visqueen</strong> douBLe sided jointing tapeSPECIFICATION SUPPORTTHE FOLLOWING ITEMS ARE AVAILABLETO VIEW ONLINE OR TO DOWNLOAD FROMVISQUEENBUILDING.CO.UK/VCLCPDH&SCPD H&S NBSH&STECHNICAL DATASHEETSTYPICAL INSTALLATION CAD DETAILSHEALTH & SAFETY DATAH&S NBSInstallation<strong>Visqueen</strong> Vapour Control Layersshould be installed in accordance withthe recommendations of BS5250:2002 ‘Code of practice for control ofcondensation in buildings’.The vapour control layer should be ofthe appropriate vapour resistance andshould be situated on the warm side ofthe insulation.The laps of the vapour control layerand junctions with metal, timber, glass,cementitious boarding and plastic buildingelements should be sealed with <strong>Visqueen</strong>Vapour Tape. Abutments to masonry unitsor junctions where structural movementis anticipated should be sealed with<strong>Visqueen</strong> Vapour Edge Tape. Failure tosuitably connect the vapour control layerto other building elements will seriouslyreduce performance.Where fixings penetrate through thevapour control layer e.g applicationof mechanically fixed plaster board, avapour seal should be formed using a<strong>Visqueen</strong> Double Sided Jointing Tapeapplied to the surface of the vapourcontrol layer along the line of thesubstrate for the fixings.Loose Laid Vapour Control LayersAll joints in the vapour control layershould be lapped by minimum 75mm,and sealed with <strong>Visqueen</strong> Vapour Tapeapplied equidistant over the lap. To aidformation, laps should be made over asolid substrate. Where possible, reducethe number of laps to a minimum byusing full rolls of membrane. The headsof any mechanical fixings penetratingthrough the membrane should be sealedwith <strong>Visqueen</strong> Vapour Tape.Tears, cuts or holes should be repairedwith <strong>Visqueen</strong> Vapour Edge Tapeextending minimum 75mm beyond thedamaged area. Vapour tight seals shouldbe formed around all service entrypoints. <strong>Visqueen</strong> Preformed Top Hat Unitsare available for sealing around pipepenetrations. The base and collar of thepreformed unit should be sealed using<strong>Visqueen</strong> Vapour Tape and the collarsecured with a mechanical fastening.Other penetrations through themembrane such as electrical cablingshould be kept to a minimum and sealedduring construction with <strong>Visqueen</strong>Vapour Tape.The perimeter of the installationshould be sealed to ensure full vapourprotection. Where perimeter detailinginvolves sealing to masonry units suchas brickwork, blockwork, etc ensurevapour proof continuity by sealing with<strong>Visqueen</strong> Vapour Edge Tape appliedequidistant over the junction.Ensure all surfaces are clean, smoothand dry prior to the application of<strong>Visqueen</strong> Vapour Tape or <strong>Visqueen</strong>Vapour Edge Tape. Surfaces do notrequire priming prior to tape application.Self Adhesive Vapour Control LayerAll surfaces to which the membrane is tobe bonded should have a smooth finish,be dry and free from dust and looseparticles.When bonding to porous surfaces,adhesion can be improved by primingthe substrate with <strong>Visqueen</strong> HP TankingPrimer which should be allowed to dry.However, compatibility should be ensuredbetween primer and substrate beforeapplication. If in doubt, contact <strong>Visqueen</strong>Technical Support before application.<strong>Visqueen</strong> High Performance FullyBonded Vapour Barrier should be laidby peeling back the protective releasepaper and applying the adhesive faceonto the prepared surface.All lap joints should be a minimum of75mm and well rolled with firm pressure,using a lap roller to ensure completeadhesion and continuity.Damaged areas should be repaired bypatching with an oversize piece of thesame material. Ensure the surface isclean and dry prior to application of thepatch. Extend minimum 75mm beyondthe damaged area and roll firmly with alap roller to ensure complete adhesionand continuity.Vapour tight seals should be formedaround all service entry points.<strong>Visqueen</strong> Preformed Top Hat Unitsare available for sealing around pipepenetration. The base and collar of thepreformed unit should be sealed using<strong>Visqueen</strong> Vapour Tape and the collarsecured with a mechanical fastening.Other penetrations through themembrane such as electrical cablingshould be kept to a minimum and sealedduring construction with <strong>Visqueen</strong>Vapour Tape.The perimeter of the installationshould be sealed to ensure full vapourprotection. Where perimeter detailinginvolves sealing to masonry units suchas brickwork, blockwork, etc ensurevapour proof continuity by sealing with<strong>Visqueen</strong> Vapour Edge Tape appliedequidistant over the junction.Ensure all surfaces are clean, smoothand dry prior to the application of<strong>Visqueen</strong> Vapour Tape or <strong>Visqueen</strong>Vapour Edge Tape. Surfaces do notrequire priming prior to tape application.Precautions<strong>Visqueen</strong> Vapour Control Layers areclassified as non-hazardous when usedin accordance with BS5250: 2002.Care should be taken to avoid accidentaldamage when handling the membraneson site. Membrane installation is notrecommended below 5 0 C.<strong>Visqueen</strong> Vapour Control Layers arenot intended for use where they willbe exposed for long periods of outdoorweathering.WWW.VISQUEENBUILDING.CO.UK | 0845 302 4758 81

84 Lapping & Jointing86 Service Pipe Penetrations87 Sealing to Cavity WallConstructions88 Protecting Membranes90 System Componentsinstallation/SYSTEMCOMPONENTS

INSTALLATION ADVICEService Pipe PenetrationsDamp proof and airtight seals should beformed around all service entry points.<strong>Visqueen</strong> Top Hat Units are available forsealing around pipe units. The full systemconsists of;——Rigid preformed pipe sleeve (tophat) unit – available for either110mm, 135mm or 160mm externaldiameter pipes.——Flexible preformed pipe sleeve (TopHat) unit – supplied to suit pipeexternal diameter as required.——Double sided jointing tape.——Girth lap tape.——Foil lap tape – for gas applications.<strong>Visqueen</strong> Double Sided TapeJubilee Tape<strong>Visqueen</strong> Gas Barrier<strong>Visqueen</strong> Jointing TapeIMPORTANTThe illustrations shown are forguideline installation purposes only.For the relevant system componentsfor your application, please refer tothe products “system components”table on p90a typical Top Hat detail100mm150mmHow to make a gas-tight seal when a pipe passes through the membrane<strong>Visqueen</strong> Radon (red) membrane used for illustrative purposes only.1 2 3 4Cut a circular hole in themembrane as close as possible tothe pipe, or pipe socket. Ensurethat pipe penetrations do notoccur at joints in the membrane.With the pipe in position, slide the<strong>Visqueen</strong> Preformed Top Hat Unitover the pipe (various diametersare available – 110mm being themost common).Mark the extent of the squarehorizontal skirt over themembrane and also mark theline of the top of the top hat unitaround the pipe.Raise the top hat unit and cut fourlengths of <strong>Visqueen</strong> Double SidedJointing Tape, one for each side ofthe horizontal skirt. Allowing foran overlap at each corner. Cut onelength to go round the pipe.5 6 7 8Start to remove the protectivepaper from the double sided tapearound the pipe and raise it upat an angle so that it will projectabove the top hat unit when it isstuck to the membrane.Release the protective paper fromeach of the four lengths of doublesided tape. Lower the top hatunit, ensuring that the free end ofthe protective paper around thepipe is reachable, and seal thehorizontal skirt to the membrane.Gradually remove the remainderof the protective paper from thedouble sided tape around the pipe.Seal the junction of the horizontalskirt and the membrane with theappropriate sealing tape and securethe top hat unit to the pipe with ajubilee clip.86

INSTALLATION ADVICESealing to cavitywall constructions<strong>Visqueen</strong> supply various components to secure the DPC (tray and preformed units) to cavity wallconstructions. The most common surface fix or face fixed applications are shown below.<strong>Visqueen</strong> Zedex DPC Fixing Strip and Pinsfor masonryDESCRIPTIONThe fixing strip is a semi-flexible black plastic strip whichis pre-drilled at approx. 150mm centres. The fixing pinis robust and strong incorporating a central nail. Byhammering the central nail into the body of the fixing, itexpands the fixing and secures it in the drilled hole.APPLICATIONFor securing surface (face) fixed DPC cavity trays toblockwork, cast concrete, etc, inner leaves of cavitywall constructions.INSTALLATION——Bond the vertical portion of the cavity tray to theinner leaf with <strong>Visqueen</strong> Zedex DPC Jointing Tape.——At one end of the fixing strip, drill a 6mm diameterhole (through the DPC and tape) into the inner leafof the cavity wall, to a depth of 55mm, using thehole in the fixing strip as a guide.——Insert the fixing pin through the fixing strip into thedrilled hole and secure in position.——Repeat for each hole of the fixing strip.<strong>Visqueen</strong> Zedex DPC Fixing strip and Pinsfor InsulationDESCRIPTIONThe fixing strip is a semi-flexible black plastic strip whichis pre-drilled at approx. 150mm centres. A strong androbust fixing pin with the purpose of securing the fixingstrip and cavity tray in position.APPLICATIONFor securing surface (face) fixed DPC cavity traysto the rigid urethane foam facing of composite innerleaves in cavity wall constructions.INSTALLATION——Bond the vertical portion of the cavity tray to theinner leaf with <strong>Visqueen</strong> Zedex DPC Jointing Tape.——At one end of the fixing strip, use a bradawl to forma pilot hole (through the DPC and tape) into theinsulation, using the hole in the fixing strip as aguide.——Push the fixing pin through the fixing stripinto the pilot hole.——Repeat for each hole of the fixing strip.A typical standard surface fixing detail formasonry is shown below (sf-01)KEY: 1) <strong>Visqueen</strong> Zedex CPT DPC (preformed cloaks to suit). 2) <strong>Visqueen</strong>Fixing Strip (25x2mm, pre-drilled with 8mm Ø holes). 3) <strong>Visqueen</strong> Zedex100mm Jointing Tape on primed, flush inner skin. 4) Weepholes at 900mmcentres (min 2no. per opening). 5) <strong>Visqueen</strong> HP Tanking Primer.A typical standard surface fixing detail formetal frame is shown below (sf-02)KEY: 1) <strong>Visqueen</strong> Zedex CPT DPC (preformed cloaks to suit).2) <strong>Visqueen</strong> Fixing Strip (25x2mm, pre-drilled with 8mm Ø holes) <strong>Visqueen</strong>Fixing Pins at 150mm centres. 3) <strong>Visqueen</strong> Zedex 100mm Jointing Tape.4) Weepholes at 900mm centres (min 2no. per opening). 5) Metal frameconstruction by specialist. 6) Rigid insulation board. 7) <strong>Visqueen</strong> No.2 Fixings.WWW.VISQUEENBUILDING.CO.UK | 0845 302 4758 87

SYSTEM COMPONENTS/INSTALLATION ADVICEProtectingmembranes<strong>Visqueen</strong> offer three different protection boards to suit a variety of applications. From a bitumencomposition to a reinforced LDPE blend, the varying boards are all;——Light and easy to handle: allows ease of storage and transferring on site.——Easy to install – can be cut and shaped on site.VISQUEEN PROTECTION BOARDsHeavy Duty – a tough, durable and rot resistant bituminousboard that protects DPMs and tanking DPMs againstmechanical damage, pedestrian or vehicular traffic and puncturefrom backfilling. Available in 1m x 2m x 3mm board.An example detail shows where protection boardsare used.externally tanked lift pitsuspended floor (sw-03)Light Duty – a strong corrugated plastic board that protectsStormwater, UDG, membranes from backfill. Also protects looselaid membranes from following trades. Available in 1.22mm x2.44mm x 3mm board.High Impact – a reinforced PE compound board that protectsDPMs and tanking DPMs against mechanical damage,pedestrian or vehicular traffic and puncture from backfilling.Available in 1.22mm x 2.44mm x 1mm board.Protect&Drain – acts as a heavy duty protection medium for<strong>Visqueen</strong> damp proofing, gas proofing and tanking membranes.The product is 6mm thick and supplied in rolls 1.1m x 50m.INSTALLATIONBoards are loose laid and butt jointed. Where necessary thejoints can be over taped with <strong>Visqueen</strong> Girth Jointing Tapeapplied equidistant over the junction. Ensure surfaces are cleanand dry prior to application of tape. Apply pressure to the tapeto ensure adhesion.88


VISQUEEN WATERPROOFING & GAS PROTECTION SYSTEM COMPONENTSThe table below details the various components required to ensure effective jointing, continuity and protection.100mmx15m 100mmx15m 75mmx15m*150mmx15m**50mmx10m 100mmx33m 100mmx33m75mmx50m 75mmx50m 150mmx10m 150mmx10m 100mmx15m 100mmx15m 100mmx15m 100mmx15m 300mmx10m75mmx15m*75mmx15m*150mmx15m**150mmx15m**50mm5DoubleSidedBondingtapeGirthSealingtapeFoilSealingtapeGasResistantLap TapeDPCJointingtapeSURFACEDPC FIXINGSYSTEMDetailingstripDampproofcoursesZedex CPT DPCZedex High BondZedex Housing gradePolyethylene DPCGX DPCGR DPC● ● ●●●● ● ●● ● ●● ● ●● ● ●DampproofmembranesGround GasProtectionEcomembraneDPM to PIFARadonCO 2LP gas membraneGas BarrierGX geomembrane● ● ●● ● ●● ● ● ● ●● ● ● ● ●● ● ● ● ●● ● ● ● ●●●TankingSelf AdhesiveGR Self AdhesivemembraneTorchOnGX Pre AppliedMembrane●●StormwaterUrban DrainageGeomembraneHP Urban DrainageGeomembraneGX Geomembrane UDGHanson Aquaflow●●VapourControllayersVapour CheckVapour BarrierHP Vapour BarrierHP FB Vapour Barrier●●●●90

mmx50m mmx33m 100mmx33m 150mmx10m 75mmx50m 100mmx15m 150mmx10m 75mmx50m 100mmx15m 150mmx10m 75mmx15m*100mmx15m 100mmx15m 75mmx15m* 50mmx10m 75mmx15m* 50mmx10m150mmx15m** 150mmx15m**1m 1m 1m150mmx15m**2m 2m 2m2.44m 2.44m 2.44m2.44m 2.44m 2.44m3mm 3mm 3mm3mm 3mm 3mm1mm 1mm 1mm50mmx10m1.22m 1.22m 1.22m1.22m 1.22m 1.22m1.1mHP TankingPrimer 5LTop Hat(Rigid andFlexible)Various SizesGX DoubleSidedBondingtapeUDG DoubleSidedBondingtapeVapour Tape*Edge Tape**Heavy DutyProtectionBoardLight DutyProtectionBoardHIGH IMPACTPROTECTIONBOARDPROTECTAnD dRAIN●●● ● ● ●● ● ● ●● ● ● ●● ● ● ●● ● ● ●● ● ● ●●●● ● ●● ● ●● ● ●●●● ● ●● ● ●● ● ●● ● ●●●●●WWW.VISQUEENBUILDING.CO.UK | 0845 302 4758 91

FLOOR PROTECTION94 <strong>Visqueen</strong> Megafilm Floor Protection96 <strong>Visqueen</strong> Megaboard Vertical Protection96 <strong>Visqueen</strong> Megatac Floor ProtectionFLOORPROTECTION

FLOOR PROTECTIONwww.visqueenmegafilm.co.ukcompleteflameretardantfloorprotection——Comprehensive range of grades to suit most floor applications and surfaces.——Unique moulded and embossed sheeting offering enhanced protection and safety.——Anti-slip and high impact characteristics across all ranges.——Custom printing available for projection of corporate image.94

DESCRIPTION<strong>Visqueen</strong> Megafilm® Flame Retardantrange has accreditation to LPS 1207.LPS 1207 is the performance standardfor protective materials that are usedinternally whilst buildings undergorefurbishment or construction.The unique pyramid structure allowsair flow whilst <strong>Visqueen</strong> Megafilm HighPerformance offers both additional antislipand impact cushioning benefits.It is durable, tear resistant and containsdirt and any spillages. <strong>Visqueen</strong>Megafilm ® is easy to tailor fit as it onlyneeds to be cut into shape.APPLICATION<strong>Visqueen</strong> Megafilm ® Floor ProtectionSystems are a range of embossed andmoulded plastic sheeting designed tosuit a variety of floor applications; toease specification we have created aProduct Selector.FLOOR PROTECTIONFor further information and fulldatasheet on each of our productsplease visitwww.visqueenmegafilm.co.ukPRODUCT APPLICATION SELECTORLight Grade Carpet ProtectionThe use of non-certificatedLPS 1207 materials could resultin the withdrawal of insurancecover in the event of fire.ProductCodeThickness Roll Size Application FlameRetardantE1 65µm 1.5m x 167m Dust Covering ✓E2 120µm 1.5m x 134m Light Carpet Protection ✓High Performance Carpet ProtectionHLS 120µm 1.82m x 55m Light Duty CarpetProtection6LS-FR 175µm 1.82m x 55m Medium Duty CarpetProtection10LS-FR 300µm 1.82m x 55m Heavy Duty CarpetProtection✓✓✓Hard Floor Protection3SF 175µm 1.82m x 55m Medium Duty Hard FloorProtection4SF 300µm 1.82m x 55m Heavy Duty Hard FloorProtection✓✓<strong>Visqueen</strong> Megafilm ® Protection SystemTable 1: Product tests in compliance with loss prevention standard LPS 1207PropertyTestIgnitability by DirectBS 476: Part 12:1991 Source C, 20 secondsFlame ImpingementSmoke Emissions Test EN 2825Toxic Gas Emission Test EN 2826Critical Oxygen Index BS 2782: Part 1: Method 141: 1986 (ISO 4589)VISQUEEN JOINTING TAPESDimensional DataMedium Duty Tape: 77mm x 66mT600 Tape: 50mm x 50mSuitable for carpetsSuitable for most surfaces except carpetsWWW.VISQUEENMEGAFILM.CO.UK | 0845 302 4758 95

www.visqueenmegafilm.co.ukMEGABOARDPROTECTIONDESCRIPTION<strong>Visqueen</strong> Megaboard ® is a lightweightcorrugated twin wall plastic boardaccredited to LPS 1207. <strong>Visqueen</strong>Megaboard ® offers protection forvertical applications such as walls,pillars, columns and doors and protectsceramic, timber, marble and tiledapplication.Installation<strong>Visqueen</strong> Megaboard ® is easy to handleand can be cut, scored or bent tosuit any application's requirements.<strong>Visqueen</strong> Megaboard ® can simply becut to shape and size, scored or bentto fit corners and held in place using<strong>Visqueen</strong> Jointing Tapes.Storage & Handling<strong>Visqueen</strong> Megaboard ® is available in sheetformat and requires careful handlingand storage to avoid damage duringinstallation, it is recommended that<strong>Visqueen</strong> Megaboard ® be stored flat.ProductCodeThickness Board Size Application FlameRetardantMegaboard 2mm 2.44m x1.22m x 2mmVertical Applications– walls pillars andcolumns✓MEGATACFLOOR PROTECTIONDescription<strong>Visqueen</strong> Megatac is a self adhesivefilm used during refurbishment andredecoration available as standard orflame retardant. <strong>Visqueen</strong> Megatacprovides a tight bond with the surfacewhich is easy to remove and leavesbehind no residue.Application— Suitable only for use on carpets.— Ideal for stairways, hallways androom perimeters. Can also be usedas a temporary internal walkway.— <strong>Visqueen</strong> Megatac is for temporaryuse only and must be removed within45 days.Do not apply to wet or damp carpets.Allow 72 hours before applying to newlylaid carpets.Installation— Peel back the edge of the protectivefilm and unroll it slightly. Press theedge onto the surface of the carpetso that it adheres firmly.— Continue to unroll the film applyingpressure and smoothing the filmacross the surface.— Once the desired length has beenachieved, carefully cut the end witha knife or box cutter.— To make it easy to find the edge ofthe roll ready for the next length offilm, fold the edge back againstthe roll.ProductCodeMegatacTradeMegatacFRThickness Roll Size Application FlameRetardant75µm 600mm x 100m Self Adhesive CarpetProtection✓75µm 900mm x 100m Self Adhesive CarpetProtection✓For further information and full datasheet on each of ourproducts please visit www.visqueenmegafilm.co.uk96



www.whyusewood.comEnvironmentalLandscaping SolutionsRecycled Plastic FurniturePlaswood is an award winning longlife environmental alternative totraditional materials. Produced using100% recycled polythene, Plaswoodis used widely by many organisationsin both the public and private sector.Plaswood versatility of design meansit can be fabricated into furniture,fencing, walkways and many moreproducts to enhance any park,garden, town centre, school, leisure orplay area.The EnvironmentallyResponsible Alternative– Ecofriendly; produced using100% recycled polythenediverting valuable waste fromlandfill.– Long Lasting; Plaswood hasa lifespan at least four timesthat of timber alternatives.– Low Maintenance; being rotproof and resistant to algaethere is little or no requirementfor maintenance, painting orpreservatives avoiding the useof CCA preservatives.– Fully Recyclable; can be fullyrecycled at the end of its use.– Completely Inert; Plaswoodwill not leach any chemicalsinto the ground, orsurrounding environment.Features and Benefits– Tough, Durable & Strong;Plaswood will not crack or dryout and is resistant to attackby insects.– Splinter Free; Plaswood canbe moulded or finished in arange of shapes.– Vandal-resistant; Plaswood ismore resistant to graffiti due toits surface.– Versatile; Plaswood can beeasily designed to be usedin conjunction with othertraditional materials.100

Key Sectors;LandscapingUsed widely by many organisations both in theprivate and public sectors, Plaswood’s versatility ofdesign means it can be fabricated into furniture, fencing,gates, walkways, signage, access ramps, and many other productsthat will enhance any park, garden, town centre, leisure or play area.SchoolsLandscapingWhen you require maintenance free outdoor furniture for your schoolor playground, Plaswood has the answers. Our range of outdoorfurniture is low maintenance, weatherproof, safe and designed to meetthe most demanding applications. Commonly specified by architects,including through the <strong>Building</strong> Schools for the Future (BSF) programme,Plaswood will help reduce the carbon footprint of the project.HighwaysPlaswood manufacture a versatile and adaptable range of highwayproducts that can offer a solution to a multitude of retail, forecourt andhighway applications. Plaswood highway products include bollards,signage, street name plates, barriers and access ramps.SchoolsDecking & WaterwaysPlaswood can be used to replace traditional wooden products in manydecking and waterway applications. It is cost effective, labour savingand particularly suited to the harsh wet environments they are placed in.Installation details are found on our technical datasheets and give a step bystep guide for connecting the various systems. Our products include decking,boardwalks, pontoons, staging & platforms and bank revetment protection.HighwaysDecking & WaterwaysWWW.VISQUEENBUILDING.CO.UK WWW.WHYUSEWOOD.COM | 0845 302 4758 101

www.whyusewood.comThe leading supplier of plastic furniture to largescale public and private sector projects.The many benefits of recycled plastic street furniture help reduce the carbon footprint of anyproject. For example, Plaswood is produced using 100% recycled polythene diverting valuablewaste from landfill. Plaswood has been specified to projects throughout the UK, including <strong>Building</strong>Schools for the Future programmes, and we have some case study examples below.Project:Lancaster EnvironmentalImprovementsLocation:Langridge Estate,Morecambe.Value:£200,000<strong>Products</strong>:Fencing and GatesProject SolutionTo deliver greater long term efficiencyand returns on investment, specifiersdecided to introduce a maintenancefree fencing system. This was installedin three phases over a period runningfrom 2005 to 2008. It consisted of:Plaswood Fencing and GatesIt was decided that there would beonly one colour of fencing post (green)and one colour for all rail and palepanel fencing (black). To complimentthis, all new gates also match thenew fencing heights and colour.PlantingProject Benefits• Minimal future maintenancerequirements.• Savings in cost and resourcesover the long term.• Improved aesthetics and quality ofenvironment for local residents.• Enhanced green credentialsthrough use of materials thatdivert waste from landfill.The ChallengeWhen the project was instigated, thelandscaping of the Langridge Estatecomprised large areas of stainedsoftwood timber boundary fencing andabundant shrub planting. Due to theirage, both features were demandingincreasing amounts of maintenance– such as painting, staining andrepair of the timber fencing plus theintensive pruning, mulching and restockingof the planting areas.Low level protective Plaswood fencingsurrounds planting areas and employsmaterials and colour choices thatmatch the post, rail and pale fencingused elsewhere on the estate.A low maintenance, long lasting andecofriendly option was sought.102

Project:Prendergast CP NewSchool 2008–AmphitheatreLocation:Haverfordwest,PembrokeshireCost:£5.8million (totalcost of project)<strong>Products</strong>:CSR Bollards, and Sectionsfor Tiered Seating.The Challenge:The new school and day care centre iscommitted to reduce carbon emissionsfrom schools with all buildings makingthe most of sustainable features to helpprotect the environment and reduceoverheads. A large sports field withgrassed amphitheatre encompassingtiered seating was to be constructedusing environmentally friendly material.Project SolutionPlaswood profiles, a low maintenance,long lasting and ecofriendly option, werespecified. Due to the versatility of thePlaswood profile, a number of designscan be achieved to suit surroundings.The profile sections were to be prefabricatedon site to the specificationillustrated by the images above.Project Benefits• Reduced the carbon footprintof the project, material useddiverted from landfill.• Low maintenance requirements.• Savings in cost and resourcesover the long term.• Improved aesthetics.WWW.WHYUSEWOOD.COM | 0845 302 4758 103

product INDEXP8 <strong>Visqueen</strong> Zedex cptdamp proof courseBba accredited; madefrom modern Cpt andoutperforms all otherflexible dpcs.P12 <strong>Visqueen</strong> ZedexHigh BondA high performancebitumen DPC suitablefor specialist loadingconditions.P14 <strong>Visqueen</strong>Preformed unitDesigned to simplifythe damp proofing ofcomplex cavity trayjunctions. Speeds upcavity tray installationand eliminates leakagepaths.P16 <strong>Visqueen</strong> Zedexhousing grade dpcHigh performanceDPC for domesticapplications; contains nopitch or bitumen.P18 <strong>Visqueen</strong>polythene dpcEconomical polyethyleneDPC, conforms tobs6515.P20 <strong>Visqueen</strong> GX DPCA high performanceDPC suitable foruse on hydrocarboncontaminated sites.P21 <strong>Visqueen</strong> GR DPCIntegral aluminium foilprovides resistanceagainst gas ingress inthe cavity.P26 <strong>Visqueen</strong>EcomembraneA 100% UK recycledmembrane certifiedto BRE, certificateNo.112/04.P28 <strong>Visqueen</strong> DPMto PIFA STANDARDThe UKs leading DPM,produced in blue andblack to PIFA standard6/83A:1995.P36 <strong>Visqueen</strong> GXGEOMEMBRANESYSTEMHdpe membrane suitablewhere hydrocarbons arepresent on site.P38 <strong>Visqueen</strong> Gas Barrier5 Layer reinforcedgas membrane withaluminium foil. Lowpermeability to methane.P42 <strong>Visqueen</strong> LowPermeability GasMembraneHigh quality robust copolymerthermoplasticmembrane protectingbuildings from low levelsof methane.P44 <strong>Visqueen</strong> CO 2GasMembraneMade from an enhancedblend of polymers, themembrane protectsbuildings from carbondioxide.P46 <strong>Visqueen</strong> RADONMEMBRANEUnreinforced ldpemembrane with higherradon resistanceaccredited by bre.P49 <strong>Visqueen</strong> Radon SumpAn underfloordepressurisation systemfor venting in “full” radonprotection areas.P52 <strong>Visqueen</strong> GasVenting SystemGas dispersal systemand gas flow fittings.P53 <strong>Visqueen</strong> GasVenting Mat<strong>Visqueen</strong> GeocompositeDrainage and VentingMat is a preformeddrainage and ventinglayer supplied in rollform.P58 <strong>Visqueen</strong> selfadhesive Damp ProofMembraneBba accredited coldapplied modified bitumentanking membrane.P60 <strong>Visqueen</strong> GR SamA tough HDPEpolyethylene andbitumen self adhesivemembrane designed toprevent the transmissionof gas in tankingapplications.P62 <strong>Visqueen</strong> TorchonTanking MembraneRobust waterproofingmembrane for heavy dutytanking applications.P64 <strong>Visqueen</strong> GX PreApplied MembraneA robust highperformance HDPEgeomembrane witha textured surface toaid adhesion to castconcrete.P66 <strong>Visqueen</strong>Protect&DrainActs as a heavy dutydrainage membranefor damp proofing, gasproofing and tankingmembranes.104

P70 <strong>Visqueen</strong> URBANDRAINAGEGEOMEMBRANEA comprehensive systemfor use with stormwatermanagement attenuationsystems.P70 <strong>Visqueen</strong> HIGHPERFORMANCE UDGA comprehensive systemfor use with stormwatermanagement attenuationsystems in high watertable sites.P70 <strong>Visqueen</strong> GXGEOMEMBRANE UDGA comprehensivesystem for use withstormwater managementattenuation systems oncontaminated land.P73 HANSON AQUAFLOWSC MEMBRANECo-polymerthermoplasticmembrane. Part ofthe Hanson FormpaveAquaflow system.P76 <strong>Visqueen</strong>Vapour checkA loose laid vapourcontrol layer suitable forhumidity levels less than50% at 15 o C :BS5250Class 1 condition.P76 <strong>Visqueen</strong>Vapour BarrierA loose laid membranesuitable for humiditylevels less than 60% at20 o C : BS5250 Classes2 and 3 conditions.P76 <strong>Visqueen</strong> hPvapour barrierA loose laid membranesuitable for humiditylevels greater than60% at 20 o C: BS5250 Classes 4 and 5conditions.P76 <strong>Visqueen</strong> fbvapour barrierA self adhesivemembrane suitablefor humidity levelsgreater than 60% at20 o C: BS5250 Classes4 and 5 conditions,requiring a fully bondedvapour control layer.P94 <strong>Visqueen</strong> MegafilmFloor protection<strong>Visqueen</strong> Megafilm is arange of embossed flameretardant floor protectionfilms to suit both carpetand hard floor applications,including wooden, vinyl andstone floors.P96 <strong>Visqueen</strong> Megaboardprotection<strong>Visqueen</strong> Megaboard is alightweight board suitablefor protecting verticalapplications such as wallsduring refurbishment andredecoration.P96 <strong>Visqueen</strong> megatacfloor protection<strong>Visqueen</strong> Megatac is aself adhesive film on a rollideal for carpet protectionavailable in both flameretardant and non-flameretardant.P99 ENVIRONMENTALLANDSCAPINGSOLUTIONSThe award winning rangeof maintenance freerecycled plastic outdoorfurniture for your schoolor playground. Commonlyspecified by architects,including through the<strong>Building</strong> Schools for theFuture (BSF) programme,Plaswood will help toreduce the carbon footprintof the project.Useful References– The <strong>Building</strong> RegulationsApproved Document Part C2004, CP 102: 1973 Codeof practice for the protectionof buildings against waterfrom the ground.– BS 8102: 1990 Code ofpractice for the protectionof structures against waterfrom the ground.– BS 8215: 1991 Code ofpractice for the designand installation of DampProof Courses in Masonryconstruction.– BS 8000: Part 4:1989Workmanship on <strong>Building</strong>Sites. Code of practice forwaterproofing.– <strong>Building</strong> ResearchEstablishment BRE 414"Protective measuresfor housing on gascontaminated land".– CIRIA C665 Ground GasHandbook 2009.– <strong>Building</strong> ResearchEstablishment BRE 211"Radon Guidanceon Protective Measures".– CIRIA C682 The VOCsHandbook 2009.

<strong>Visqueen</strong> <strong>Building</strong> <strong>Products</strong>Heanor GateHeanorDerbyshireDE75 7RGT 0845 302 4758F 0845 017 8663www.visqueenbuilding.co.uk106CUSTOMER SERVICE

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