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TRTA-IIInternational Trade Centre -TRTA-IIUnited Nations Industrial Development Organization - UNIDOWorld Intellectual Property Organization - WIPOITCITRTA IIii

578Safeguard Measures(Single Administrative Document)(Labeling)24(phytosanitary)(sanitary)iii

(Labeling)32(Organic Producer)(phytosanitary)(sanitary)(Labeling)BAiv

F0F1F21Generalized Scheme of Preferences)GSP preferential arrangments)Beneficiaries1971Enabling Clause)1979General Arrangement[‘Everything But Arms’ - EBA]Special Arrangement)Combined Nomenclature - CN)V266II3✤[Overseas Territories]✤System of Tariff Modulation)3.52030- - -26122013301421 2013I3IVII I2012-1

217.514.517201220142016F34F45✤VIIF56✤VIII27ad valorem)F672013F72201413IIIF892013III10III34201212131720122012-59[a]36non-diversification criterion75import-share criterion271704.10.9016201412013III201220141

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F61F51F41Tracking)15162016✤Origin✤1727VIIICompliance Officer)22I7066Asbestos)Apparel)- - -41314151617

F81F71F91Tariff Classification)19A2166-16-13a-d245493origin')2023Common Customs TariffEEC)Integrated Tariffxiean Community195

6✤✤F0221✤Bilateral Cumulation✤F1222F223III✤✤✤✤✤✤✤F3224Normal2093245421993922913- -2010106320109324549229132113a9324542293245423extended cumulationCross-regional Cumulation1-2424i24241516iiex-15506313aI613aIII932454213a

F42F52A✤✤A✤A201792245493✤25✤The European Union’s rules of origin for the Generalised System of26Preferences. A guide for users22VICommon Customs Tariff12454 93902520141420147-26

[]IIVI2909.19.10 2207.20.00 2207.10.00ba1291213.514.550-63✤✤6SingleTreatmentconsumption)Packaging)✤✤✤✤'incoterms'✤✤✤✤Value-Added Tax8

F82F92F62F727Certificate of Origin – )A –Commercial Invoice)✤✤)✤✤)✤)✤EE✤✤✤1270.25f.o.b.-board)29301001627929

F03F13F43F3F23F533132cumulation'33AA34resellers35)- EMEArue du Gouverneur Général Eboué 24 22Issy-les-Moulineaux -92130E- info@theconsumergoodsforum.com361101CC Amsterdam Zuid-OostE-3031323334353610

F63F7337non-EUbusinesses1040 Brussels - Belgium-E-My export3711

Europedrop-PakistanProducing CountryIdentify30Trade Related Technical Assistance (TRTA II)ProgrammeProgramme Management Office (PMO) 7th Floor,Serena Business ComplexKhayaban-e-SuharwardySector G-5/1Islamabad, PakistanTelephone: +92 51 8354 810Fax: + 92 51 2600 124E-mail: info@trtapakistan.orgG-124info@trtapakistan.org2013Calibration-Brochure.pdf13


knitted tostaple fiber)shape products-knitted to shape7products-413326-digit sub-headings6digit headings3‘qualification operations’)‘qualification operations’3109 7footnotes67)[…]79)710)761036.16.16.2III13a245493][16

F04yarn made of )206.35mmstrip consisting of a core of aluminum foil or of a core6.430Ex-37.16350)7.37.2slide fastener635063507.31007 2001customized products41)10072001semi-semi-manufacturedsemi-manufactured))made-upmade-up2011271007 201141-17

sunshade covering)✤✤✤mechanized processing codes42 V 1007 2001VI10072001allpure100%✤Other fibres5I10072001✤27'anti-static'✤✤Contains non-textileparts of animal origin'unspecified textile composition‘mixed fibres’✤✤cotton linen union'cotton'40embroideredIVIV 1007 2011etch-printed textiles)corsetry productsCore)Yarn)textiles18

F14F24F34Eco-labelInterior Textiles)42)Yarn))4366201044-dibromopropyl) phosphate✤Polybrominated biphenylsTo impregnate leather✤✤✤✤Aromatic AminesAzodyes✤✤2009942- -20092560 201043-)20061907 20064494793 93- -19

F54F4nonylphenol ethoxylatesNonylphenol✤European Chemicals AgencyP.O. Box 400-9--contact-formCITES459797C B A46CITES97A1996 997- - -CITESCITES204546


F7464640664064-dibromopropyl) phosphate✤Polybrominated biphenylsTo impregnate leather✤✤✤✤Aromatic AminesAzodyes✤✤nonylphenol ethoxylatesNonylphenol✤European Chemicals AgencyP.O. Box 400-9--contact-form)94793 9320061907 2006- -23

F05F94F8497CITESConvention on International Trade in Endangered Specie4997C B A50CITESA9751246200620064II200649- - -CITESCITES2006 172006- - -245051


0421mandarin4Chestnuts00Macadamia NutsPine Nuts313126

6013a245493II-Edible fruit and nuts; peel of citrus fruits )or melons401sugar-)64132specific 4-digit headings or 6-digit sub-headings3qualifying operations3qualifying operationsugar404.214.21702sucrose) 1701residue27

F45F2552F31 5193✤✤1325320063 2 1✤Mycotoxin)54F396532005ICereals)IV55III II0.01IVV3962005IIVII1993- - -2006 19- - -2005 23 396 2005315 932006525354- -2855

F556FGenetically modified food and novel food✤✤✤✤Standardised format‘high fibre’5657Generic Name✤smokedconcentrateddeep-frozenfreeze-driedIngredients)irradiated)✤contains)use bybest before endbest before✤✤✤✤✤Acquired alcoholic strength1.2✤✤✤19902456- -approximation20002057- -296.5.2000

F7561FFF9585This2003Genetically-modified additives and)Genetically Modified Organisms592003product contains genetically modified organismsflavoringsanti-oxidantscolour60preservative)1333for food61F1935602004contact62✤2003- - -Traceability and labeling of genetically modified2003 222003- - -16 1333- - -2004 27 1935 2004- -59organisms606113.11.2004200062- -30

F26✤✤✤IIIIII II IOrganisms)✤Protected Zones63BV-exportPhytosanitary Certificate14quarantine pestsBV✤✤✤V31BIVBIIIBIIBI63

F56F4664F12356365200766✤✤✤✤1235✤- -rules-on- -- -1235642092 912007- - -VIII3220076566


622Undenatured Ethanol)2207.2062207.1019.210.212 2224b220422222204 30 1010 11220245393222207222009 69 2009 61-44140160--22072009.69 2009.61-404-6041-1702sucrose) 1701Invert Sugar Isoglucose MaltoseGlucose34

35III42207III220722376F667F51467III.M20071234III12207 1000I11221002207 2000I112210091I11221006737623- -514920037695143920012452001253520031342200323362005134520052014200695120062007341200710022007791119-

F96F0710022 11I991)---)51469F233 682003376✤Intervention Agency100✤5070nt of Pakistan71670 20032003302336 200369- - -367071

Biocides✤✤✤300 291312454932207.20.00.200end-use37


F17472ad44S-1a12 1valorem)0403 10 510403 10 53040403 10 590403 10 910403 10 930403 10 990403 90 71)0403 90 730403 90 790403 90 910403 90 930403 90 9975390405 20 10Edible products of)but not exceeding 75%)than of poultary)))or included30 0405 200407 19 900407 29 900404 90 900409 00 000410 00 002106.90.511702.19.0072392309

F27II13a24549344401sugar4--63sugar4213specific 4-digit headings or 6-digit sub-headingsqualifying operations3qualifying operation404.224.21702sucrose) 170173116920112011119✤✤1924 2006402011 25 1169 20111925 20062004-lex.euro - -2014021973

41✤Processing AidIIIIIntolerance)✤✤✤minimum durability'use by✤1✤26✤✤1.2✤20111169132014201111692011116920111169212640211IIIIII7)Alcoholic distillates)21119c26132014bc4019110ion

F87F57F67F7F4774F60573201075200676773159320066153 279colostrums20102605 201074- - -201403262002 1675- -315 93- - -20062006- - -20140602767719962979- - -2013070142

F37979IIIF514804104062117230422 110100040122 11010075040522 1101000406- -23376- -2337643

22 110100anhydrous lactose991702 190022 122 11010010100colored lactose syrup)2106 902309511234200716672006II22 1410100anhydrous lactose991702 190022 110100colored lactose syrup)2106 905122 11010023091234200716672006II51444

376✤IF2535812001✤1255 19992001 14 2535 2001-341 22.12.2001- - -2014042545

A PPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATEOF ORIGINFORM BThe undersigned, being the exporter of the goods described overleaf. DECLARES that these goods were produced in…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(country)SPECIFIES as follows the grounds on which the goods are claimed to comply with GSP origin requirements')..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................SUBMITS the following supportingdocuments...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................UNDERTAKES to submit, at the request of the appropriate authorities of the exporting country any additional supportingevidence which these authorities may require for the purpose of issuing a certificate of origin. and undertakes. If required toagree to any inspection of his accounts and any check on the processes of manufacture of the above goods, carried out bythe said authorities .Place anddate…………………………………………………………………………………….signature of authorized signatoryREQUEST the issue of a certificate of origin forthese goods1 ) To be completed if materials or components originating in another country have been used in the manufacture of thegoods in question. Indicate the materials or components used. their CCC Nomanclature tariff heading, their country oforigin and, where appropriate, the manufacturing process qualifying the goods as originating in the country ofmanufacture (application of list B or of the special conditions laid down in list A ), the goods produced and their CCCNomanclature tariff heading.Where the origin criteria involve a percentage value, give information enabling this percentage to be verified forexample the value of imported material s and components and those of undetermined origin and the ex-factory price ofthe exported good where applicable.2) For example, import documents, invoices. etc , relating to the materials or components usedNOTESA . Procedure for claiming preference. A declaration on the certificate of origin form must be prepared by the exporter of thegoods and submitted in duplicate, together with a GSP application form to the certifying authority of the country ofexportation which will if satisfied, certify the top copy of the certificate of origin and return 11 to the exporter fortransmission to the importer in the country of destination. The certifying authority will at the same time return to theexporter for his retention the duplicate copy of the certificate of origin. but will itself retain the GSP application form dulycompleted and signed by the exporter.B. Sanctions, Persons who furnish, or cause to be furnished, information which relates to origin or consignments and whichis untrue in a material particular are liable to legal penalties and to the suspension of facilities for their goods toobtain preference.46

3956161. Goods consigned from (Exporter's business name. Addresscountry)2. Goods consigned to (consignee's name. address. country)Reference No.GENERALIZED S YSTEM OF PREFERENCESCERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN(Combined Declaration and Certificate)Form AIssued in(country)See notes overleaf3. Means of transport and route (as far as known) 4. For official Use5. Item number 6. Marks andnumbers ofpackages7. Number and kind ofpackages: descnpt1on of goods8. Origin criterion(see Notesoverleaf)9. Gross weight orother quantity10. Number anddate of invoices11. CertificationIt is hereby certified on the basis of control carried out that thedeclaration by the exporter is correct12. Declaration by the exporterThe unders1gned hereby declares that the above detailsand statements are correct. that all the goods wereproduced in …………………………………………………………(country)and that they comply with the origin requirements specified for thosegoods in the Generalized System of Preferences for goodsexported to…………………………………………………………………………………(importing country)Place and date, signature and stamp of certifying authorityPlace and date, signature of authorized signatoryTrade Development Authority of Pakistan, Government of Pakistan47

Annexure - IGOVERNMENT OF PAKISTANMINISTRY OF FINANCE, ECONOMIC AFFAIRS, STATISTICS AND REVENUE(REVENUE DIVISION)Islamabad, the 4 th January, 2003NOTIFICATION(CUSTOMS)SRO 10 (1)/2003 – In exercise of the powers, conferred by section 21 A of the CustomsAct, 1969 (IV of 1969), read with section 11 of the Finance Act, 1991 (XII of 1991), the Central Board ofRevenue is pleased to direct that the Export Development Surcharge shall be levied, on exportation of allgoods, except the goods exempted from the Export Development Surcharge as notified by the FederalGovernment from time to time, at the rate of 0.25% of the value of the said goods, as determined undersection 25, or as the case may be, under section 25B of the Custom Act, 1969 (IV of 1969), and collectedby State Bank of Pakistan or any other bank duly authorized by the State Bank of Pakistan, upon therealization of the export proceeds in accordance with such rules and procedures as the State Bank ofPakistan may, by notification in official Gazette, specify.………………………………………………………………………………………………………{C. No.5(8)EP.2002.Vol-I]Sd/-(Mumtaz Haider Rizvi)Additional Secretary/Member48

Annexure - IISCHEDULE TO BE SUBMITTED BY THE BANKS AT THE TIME OF DEPOSITINGTHE EDS IN NATIONAL BANK OF PAKISTAN COLLECTION ACCOUNTName and Address of the Bank/Branches depositing EDS:DatedThe details of EDS Collections made at our bank/branch offices are shown below:Name of the ExporterS.No.No. & Date ofB/L or AirwayBillFOB value of thegoods shipped (inFCY)mount Realized in FCYwhether full orpartial/shortrealization.rrency mount urrency mountDate ofrealization ofexport proceed(whether full orfirst partial)Rate ofconversionapplicable on thedate of firstrealization i.e atColumn 6Amount Realized inPak .Rupees(5 x7).(Rs.)Pak Rupees equivalentof FOB Value of goodsshipped at the ExchangeRate at column ‘7’(4 x7). (Rs.)EDS collected @0.25% of column -91 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 100.25 x column -9100(Rs.)Total amount of Rs. has been collected as above and enclosed payment order/draft dated drawn on for thecredittoFederal Government under sub-head - 0213300 – Export Development Surcharge account maintained with NBP, FTC Branch, Shahrae Faisal, Karachi in terms ofRevenueDivision’s Notification No. 10/(1) 2003 dated the 4 th January 200349Authorized Signature(Bank /Branch Name with Stamp

Annexure - IIIBank’s letter headSCHEDULE TO BE SUBMITTED BY THE BANK TO THECUSTOMS AUTHORITIES IN RESPECT OF NON -COLLECTION OF EDS DUE TONON -REALIZATION OF EXPORT PROCEEDSTo,The Collector of Customs,We advise that the Export Proceeds amounting to. …(amount in FCY)…….. being the FOBvalue of the goods shipped of the exporter M/s. (Name of the exporters)_ against theExport Bill No.----------- dated ----------------Bill of Lading/Airway Bill No. (B/L or Airway BillNumber)________________ dated _(Date)_______ , have not been realized on the due date in terms of thesale contract or within 180 days from the date of shipment, whichever is earlier.(Signature & Seal) (Bank)50

EUGSP-99206461A-1293-444-111tdap@tdap.gov.pk-AA021- -3info@prgmea.org-1021-3454377475200-021-6 37-021-info@phmaonline.com-2PAKSEA6--31016 1015 1014-021) 34544039 -021) 34544035-6-7paksea@cyber.net.pk info@paksea.com51

IIIB-III 326--1021-340129431B-info@pfva.net-1051-20102216-1G--303051-2102213-15051-2274153-2042-35752309330-042-042-042-021-24-051--152

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