MAGIC WAVE _ November 2009

MAGIC WAVE _ November 2009

MAGIC WAVE _ November 2009

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<strong>MAGIC</strong> <strong>WAVE</strong> _<strong>November</strong> <strong>2009</strong> <strong>MAGIC</strong> <strong>WAVE</strong> _ <strong>November</strong> <strong>2009</strong>

Name : Gentry AmaloSex : MaleBirthday : May 24Hometown : Denpasar, IndonesiaRelationship status : Single (??!!)Looking for : Friendship & NetworkingPria pecinta musik jaman bahula (jaman dulu.red) ini mempunyai pemikiran yang sangatnasionalis, dan memiliki kepedulian terhadap lingkungan di darat ataupun laut. Hal itu dibuktikannya dengan membuat portal web, www.indosmarin .com dimana isi dari website ituadalah semua yang berhubungan dengan laut, seperti diving, surfing, dll. Tujuan pembuatanportal web ini adalah memberikan informasi kepada masyarakat Indonesia mengenai perihalkelautan, contohnya info spot diving dan surfing (wow oke juga ya…).Inilah alasan diplomatisnya mengenai pemilihan web sebagai media dari pada majalah, “Kitagak boleh bikin hutan kita jadi tambah botak lagi cuma gara- gara penggunaan kertas” . Ehmmz...om satu ini pokoknya peduli banget lah sama lingkungan sekitarnya. Sepak terjang priabertubuh atletis ini tidak perlu diragukan lagi, Ia pernah menjadi jurnalis beberapa stastiun tvnasional, seperi dalam program acara Jejak Petualang di salah satu station tv swasta . Mungkinjuga karena om Gentry ini seorang arkeolog, jadi senang sekali mempelajari keberagamanbudaya di Indonesia.Ditanya tentang surfing, dia bilang kalo pemerintah Indonesia seharusnya mendukung olahraga surfing dan menjadikannya sebagai olah raga resmi KONI. Kenapa? Karena baginya,kita harus meracuni anak- anak muda untuk tidak hanya mencintai daratan saja tapi harusmencintai laut dengan hoby mereka masing-masing, mengingat negara kita negara bahari ygdikelilingi oleh lautan luas jadi kita harus benar- benar memanfaatkannya secara positif.Maka dari itu dia berharap Bali harus lebih gencar melakukan promosi wisata dan mengajakpemerintah untuk membuat event-event Internasional seperti diving, surfing dan lainnya karenabelum ada event Indonesia yang mandiri, supaya bisa masuk ke dalam calendar event duniayang nantinya membawa nama dan citra baik Indonesia ke dunia Internasional.This guy loves old music, is very nationalistic and cares for the environment, both land and sea.Check out his website www.indosmarin.com which is devoted to the ocean with diving, surfing and everything todo with the ocean. His purpose for creating this web portal is to provide information to the Indonesian publicabout the ocean, such as information about diving and surfing spots. (Wow that’s great…).His diplomatic reason for using the web as his media rather than a magazine is, “We can’t strip our forests oftrees just to make paper for us to use”. Ehmmz…Gentry has great concern for the environment. He’s been ajournalist on several national TV stations such as the program Jejak Petualang on one of the private TV channels.Maybe because he is an archeologist he is happy to study the different cultures of Indonesia.When we asked him about surfing he said the Indonesian government should support surfing and make it an officialnational sport. Why? Because for him we shouldn’t influence our children to just love the land but also teachthem to love the ocean through their hobbies, such as surfing, remembering that our country is a maritime countrysurrounded by the ocean, and we should make use of it in a positive way.So Gentry hopes that Bali will be more proactive in promoting tourism and inviting the government to stage internationalevents such as diving, surfing and others, because there has not been an independent Indonesian event asyet. If these events could go onto the world events calendar it would promote Indonesia in the eyes of the world.Text : CindyPhoto : Courtesy of Gentry16 <strong>MAGIC</strong> <strong>WAVE</strong> _<strong>November</strong> <strong>2009</strong> <strong>MAGIC</strong> <strong>WAVE</strong> _ <strong>November</strong> <strong>2009</strong> 17

MSC #5Halfway-Kuta, Minggu (11/10), Sejak diselenggarakanseri pertama <strong>2009</strong> ini, “Magic WaveSurfing Championship” atau yang lebih dikenaldengan MSC memang tidak pernah sepi peserta.Total ada sekitar 71 peserta pada MSC serikelima ini yang terbagi dari divisi 14 & under (33peserta), 10 & under (20 peserta), pushing division(14 peserta), dan girl division (4 peserta).Cuaca yang sempat mendung dipagi hari tidakmenghalangi para peserta untuk tetap antusiaspada kontes ini. Masih diramaikan oleh lombamewarnai, kali ini MSC menambahkan bodypainting untuk para anak-anak, tapi tetap tidakmenghalangi para orang tua juga ikut menggoreskantinta dibadan mereka juga. Selain itudiakhir acara sebuah atraksi sulap dari Arif jugamenghibur semua pengunjung.Jalannya KontesKontes yang dimulai sejak pukul 08.30 pagi inilangsung dimulai oleh divisi 14&under. Mansur,surfer yang berasal dari Sumbawa sejak roundpertama bermain dengan powerful, sehinggatidak heran jika akhirnya ia berhasil menyingkirkanlawan-lawannya. Walaupun di Final terjadipersaingan ketat antara Mansur dengan Lempogsurfer asal pantai Lebih. Sebelumnya disemifinalsecara mengejutkan Lempog dan Hendrawan(surfer lokal Serangan) berhasil mengalahkanJeren yang sudah merajai MSC tahun ini. Tetapi,Mansur yang tampakanya memang sedangpanas tidak tertahankan hari ini. Dengan totalpoin 31.5, ia menyingkirkan Lempog yang hanyamendapat poin 28.1 dari judge MSC. Selain itukejutan juga datang dari Adam, surfer asal NewZealand yang sedang berlibur di Bali ini berhasilmenempati posisi 4.Sedangkan pada 10 & under division, nyarisseperti prediksi. Raju dan Ryo Waeda yang sejakround pertama membuat para penonton bergemuruhakhirnya berhasil masuk ke final. Saat finalRaju seperti tidak memberi kesempatanbuat lawan-lawannya, poinnya jauh diataslawan-lawannya. Yaitu Ryo Waeda, IvanSudena dan Komang Satriawan.Kian, surfer lokal Canggu yang mendapatjuara pertama pada seri sebelumnya, masihjuga merajai kelas pushing division. Tampaknyaia mulai tak terkalahkan. Jika Kiantetap konsisten mungkin pada MSC 2010 iabisa merajai divisi 10 & under mengingatusianya yang masih sangat muda.Sebuah sejarah baru tercatat pada MSCkali ini. Komang Julika, surfer asal Seranganmembuat sejarah sebagai surfer pertamayang menjurai ‘Girl Division’. Sejaksirkuit MSC yang pertama kali yaitu tahun2008, baru kali ini MSC membuat divisi untukpara surfer wanita. Julika mengalahkansaingannya Leta. Untuk kedepannya MSCmemang berencana untuk terus membuat‘Girl Division’.Halfway, Kuta, Sunday (11/10), since <strong>2009</strong>held the first series this, “Magic Wave SurfingChampionship” or known as the MSCwas never quite. Total there were about 71participants at MSC This fifth series whichis divided from the division 14 & under (33participants), 10 & under (20 participants),pushing division (14 participants), and thegirl division (4 participants).The weather is cloudy in the morning couldnot prevent the participants to remain enthusiasticabout this contest. Still rang by racecoloring, this time adding the MSC bodypainting for the children, but still does notprevent the parents also carve ink on theirbody. Also at the end of the show a magicalattraction of Arif also entertain all visitors.The ContestThe contest which began at 08.30 am startedby division 14 & under. Mansur, a surferfrom Sumbawa since the first round play withColoring Games1. Bradman2. Matius3. Ketut SathyaBody Painting1. Michael2. Teshi3. YukiGirlz Division1. Julika (20.9pts)2. Leta (18.4pts)3. Hayanna (13.6pts)4. Maya (12.7pts)powerful, so do not be surprised if he eventuallymanaged to eliminate his opponents.Despite the tight competition finals betweenMansur with Lempog surfers from Lebih.Previous at semifinal surprisingly Lempogand Hendrawan (local surfer Serangan) beatJeren who has already ruled MSC this year.However, Mansur looked heat today andcouldn’t bear. With a total of 31.5 points,he removed the only Lempog received 28.1points from the judge MSC. Also a surprisealso came from Adam, a surfer from NewZealand who was on holiday in Bali is successfullyoccupy positions 4.While the 10 & under division, almost like aprediction. Raju and Ryo Waeda that sincethe first round to make the audience roaredfinally made it into the final. As such finalRaju did not give a chance for its opponents,the point is well above his opponents. NamelyRyo Waeda, Ivan Sudena and KomangSatriawan.Kian, Canggu local surfer who got first prizein the previous series, was also ruled pushingclass division. Apparently he started invincible.If Kian remained consistent as possibleat the MSC in 2010 he could rule the 10 &under division for his age, still very young.A new history is recorded in the MSC thistime. Komang Julika, surfers from Seranganmade history as the first surfer to dangle ‘GirlDivision’. Since the circuit of the first MSC ofthe year 2008, this new division for the MSCmakes surfer Girls, and Julika Beat her rivalLeta . For MSC’s future plans to continue tomake ‘Girl Division’.14 & Under Division1. Mansur (31.5pts)2. Lempog (28.1pts)3. Hendra (22.7pts)4. Adam (21.2pts)10 & Under Division1. Raju (31.1pts)2. Ryo Waida (23.3pts)3. Ivan Sudena (27.7pts)4. Komang Satriawan (19.9pts)Girlz Division1. Julika (20.9pts)2. Leta (18.4pts)3. Hayanna (13.6pts)4. Maya (12.7pts)Pushing Division1. Kian (27.0pts)2. Dani (24.5pts)3. Tenshi (22.9pts)4. Angga (17.6pts).MSC thank’s to:All The Judge:Made Wick aka Uuuuwwwiiikkkk thehead judge, Mr.Gachong, Kadek Juliarta,Mr.DevisAll the crew:Hill made the ever-present in each MSC,thanks for Putri Ombak for coloring andbody Painting also who had learned ajudge may be able to help a judge ineach MSC.Our Lovely MC:Ribut WahyudiAll the Supporter:Mr. Michael Odysey who took time forcoming, Mr.Cookie, my friends in theLife Guard, Saiful Ahmad & Tika (ratherthan Saiful Jamil .. hehee for Sponge BobCar), July Surfer Girl, David Martin forthe transfer of the gift, for all the peopledeliver faithful old for kids ... The MagicianARIF ... We thank you very much ...Black Edy thank’s’ve come though justflash your presence makes the day morecheerful (hehehe) ...All Sponsors:Surf Odysey School, Rusty, Quiksilver,Billabong, Surfer Girl, Dahui, CULT, ESS,Spice Village, Fresh Air Waves (GUS),Toza juice, Kuta Beach Task ForcePS: Make Berto Obrigado, get well soonya om ... MSC without you as Krisdayantiwithout Anang. Wakakakaka ...Congratulations for the winners, and forthe others .. do not be discouraged keepthe spirit of progress and the MSC is theplace for you to learn and have fun ..See you on next series ..!!!!!!!!18 <strong>MAGIC</strong> <strong>WAVE</strong> _<strong>November</strong> <strong>2009</strong> <strong>MAGIC</strong> <strong>WAVE</strong> _ <strong>November</strong> <strong>2009</strong> 19

MEGAPhoto : meQWayan Susianaa.K.A RoboTD.o.B : Lembongan 1 April 1989Sponsor : OakleyLoCal : Nusa LembonganStyle : RegularBoard size : 5.8/5.9ROBOT LOOKING FOR LOVE…!!!!!!!!!!!Susi alias Robot isn’t a new toy for the MW crew, now he’s here with a new title, team rider for Oakley and his glasses caused a commotion in the office.Hahahaha. While he promised he would buy us pizza he told us about a girl surfer he’s interested in..hahahahah. He wouldn’t tell us her name but we know who he’s talkingabout!!! Robot’s promised that if we bring that girl to Lembongan he’ll put us up at his place for free…!!! hooray…!!!Under threat from the MW crew Robot answered our questions one by one…here isthe result of the interview which gave Robot a headache, though he was still able to charm the girls at the MW office…!!!Gimana rasanya dapet sponsor baru? Pasti kamu punya banyak kacamata yasekarang?Hehehe.Rasanya seneng banget..bahagia..pokoknya gak bisa terucapkan dengan kata2..Boleh MW minta kacamatamu?Mmmm..kalo saat ini ntar dulu deh..mungkin klo udah banyak, mau aku kasih ama temen2yang udah bantu aku…5 bulan lagi deh buat MW (hore..banyak saksinya nih)Sebelumnya ceritain donk, perjalanan kamu sampai akhirnya bisa dapet sponsor?Pokoknya waktu itu giat surfing, ikut setiap kontes..menunjukan yang terbaik..Dari kontesdi canggu, waktu itu aku masuk ampe semifinal. Terus ada yg nanyain ‘ini anak kecil bagusmainnya’, terus aku disuruh bawa profil ke kantor oakley trus langsung diterima.Pas trial kemarin kamu kan kalah ya, kok bisa sih?!!Ya gimana..mungkin gak beruntung…Kamu kan namanya Robot nih, kira-kira kamu kuat gak paddle dari Sanur Reef sampaiLembongan?Mmmmm, enggak..keburu capek tanganku…ya kalo di serangan bisa dari pantai..tapisampe tengah aja..HahahaSebagi seorang robot, kapan terakhir kali kamu diservis?mmm..kapan ya..udah lama…gak diservis cewek, kalo dibelai rambut aja sih udah. Tapisekarang udah gak ada yg servis..udah jomblo..!!Kamu lebih suka makan baut dan minum oli atau makan lawar dan minum arak?Mmmm..minum oli aja deh…klo gak ada oli gak bisa gerak akuMW udah tau kok, kalau kamu dipanggil Robot gara2 jatuh dari pohon dan kamubaik-baik aja. MW pengen tahu apa kamu baik-baik aja kalau sedang jatuh cinta?Kalo jatuh cinta…aduhh..rasanya bahagia banget..klo jatuh cinta kan lain..bisa bikincengar-cengir dikamar..sambil menghayal..hahaha.Ok, kita agak serius dikit. Sebenarnya apakah kamu waktu kecil pernah bermimpiuntuk menjadi seorang surfer seperti sekarang?Gak..waktu kecil kan cuma main dipantai aja..gak kepikiran bisa ampe sekarang..Siapa orang yang paling berjasa dalam karier surfingmu?Banyak sih, hampIr semua temanku tapi yang paling berjasa kayaknya..Lairun samaSachang, mereka selalu kasih aku support dan masukanTerus seberapa berjasanya Magic Wave dalam karier surfingmu?Haha. Pokoknya banyak..haha..berjasa banget..membantuku untuk mempromosikan aku.Terus, kalo gitu kapan kamu mau kasih kacamata buat kita??!! Hahahahaha..Duh..gimana ya..6 bulanan lagi deh..Berarti hari ini traktir pizza ya…!!!!!Mmmmmm…teh anget aja..ato mi goreng aja deh hari ini..hahahha..Ok deh Bung Robot..bisa kasi last word buat MW dan pembaca..!!Duh gak tau aku…gini aja deh..Terima kasih buat Oakley sudah kasih kepercayaan buatjadi team rider dan aku akan berusaha berbuat yang terbaik untuk team ini. SUKSES..!!!Buat para cewek…aku jomblo loh….!!!How does it feel to have a new sponsor? You must have lots of sunglasses now?It feels really good…I’m happy…I can’t tell you in words…..Can we have your glasses?Mmmm..not right now…maybe when I have a few more pairs I can give them to myfriends who have helped me…in 5 months I’ll have some for MW (hooray..we have witnesses!)Tell us about your journey to get a sponsor?It started by being active surfing, entering every contest…trying my best….from thecontest in Canggu when I got to the semi final. Then there were people saying ‘this kidsurfs well’, then Oakley asked me to bring my profile to their office and they offered mesponsorship right away.In the recent trials you lost yeah, what happened?I don’t know..maybe just not lucky…Your nickname is Robot right, do you think you could paddle from Sanur Reef to Lembongan?Mmmmm, no ..my arms would get tired…from Serangan I could paddle to the beach…but just to the middle..HahahaAs a human robot when was the last time you were serviced?mmm..when yeah…a long time…not serviced by a girl, if you’re just talking about myhair, yeah, already. I’m single now anyway…!!Do you prefer eating bolts and drinking oil or eating lawar and drinking arak?Mmmm..I just drink oil…if there’s no oil I can’t move.MW already knows that you’re called Robot because you fell out of a tree and weren’thurt but we want to know whether you get hurt when you fall in love?Falling in love…yeah, that feels so happy....when you fall in love it’s different… you smileto yourself in your room, it’s like you’re floating..hahaha.Ok, let’s be serious. When you were small did you ever dream of being a pro surfer likeyou are now?No,when I was small I would just play on the beach. I never thought I would get this far…Who has helped you the most in your surfing career?Lots of people, almost all my friends, probably the most would be..Lairun and Sachang,they always give me support and advice.How much has Magic Wave helped your surfing career?Hahaha…heaps..hahahha..lots of help promoting me.So…when are you going to give us some glasses??!! Hahahahaha..Ha..when yeah…in about 6 months OK..So today you’re buying us pizza right…!!!!Mmmmmm…just hot tea …or fried noodles today..hahahha..Ok Robot.. last word for MW and readers..!!I don’t know…ok.. thanks to Oakley for believing in me and making me a team rider andI will do my best for the team. SUCCESS…!!! For the girls…I’m single…!!!Text & Photo : meQGENE @ Padang226 <strong>MAGIC</strong> <strong>WAVE</strong> _<strong>November</strong> <strong>2009</strong> Photo : Billy Thiel<strong>MAGIC</strong> <strong>WAVE</strong> _ <strong>November</strong> <strong>2009</strong> 27

lombok sectionKawai Lindo@ Desert PointA total of 62 groms entered the competition, a whopping 40 in the Under14 division and 22 in the Under 16 division, coming from Medewi, Uluwatu,Sanur, Nusa Dua, Kuta, Legian, Seminyak, Canggu, Nusa Lembongan, andeven a couple of kids from Australia.The conditions went from a rising tide in the morning then down to a deadlow tide for the finals, making for a wide variety of surfing conditionsthroughout the day. According to Head Judge Mark “Boonga” Clift, “Therewere some very challenging conditions out there today for these groms,especially on the low tide later on in the day. But even so these kids sortedit out and posted some very good scores. It was really fun to watch, andgreat to see how high the level of grom surfing has gotten here over in thelast 5 years.”Clift was assisted in the judging duties by Rip Curl Team Riders GarutWidiarta, Wayan “Gobleg” Suyadnya, and Oney Anwar, as well as byPeter and Pete from the Medewi Boardriders Club and Ado from the BukitBoardriders Club.At the end of the day it was 11-year-old Jeren Kiring from Canggu thatclaimed victory in the Under 14 division with an impressive display of forehandsurfing, throwing out big turns and floating over long sections on hisway to racking up big scores. He was the first surfer of the day to post a 9point wave during his round 2 heat, but had to fight off the constant chargeof Koko Misuantara from Nusa Dua, who put on his own grom clinic withdeep bottom turns and aggressive re-entry’s, taking 2nd place.In the Under 16 division it was local knowledge coupled with a talentedforehand attack that saw Medewi localAhmad Kamal surf to the top spot onthe podium and come away with his “Ticket to Final” entry into the NationalFinals. He charged into the lead early and staved off the repeated attacksof charging Rip Curl Team Rider Putra Hermawan from Nusa Lembongan,who was the only natural footed surfer in the final. From the podium, thebeaming Kamal said, “I’m so happy to win here at my home break, andthat now I can compete in Kuta for the trip to Australia. Thank you Rip Curlfor coming here and having the GromSearch, and thank you to my friendsand family who support me for surfing. Thanks so much, and see you inKuta!Then as is customary at all Rip Curl GromSearch events, so that even thenon-surfers get a chance to participate, MC (Dede Gun) and Events Manager(Dhanny) gathered everyone around for games like trash collecting, musicalchairs, quizzes and more until all the goodies including mobile phonesfrom Fren, stickers, hats, wallets and more from Rip Curl were all gone.Also taking to the podium to receive a goody bag from Rip Curl andcool Skull Candy headphones were the winners of the Expression Session.Mukhlis Anwar was awarded Best Trick honors for his aerial, andHermanreceived his awards for having the Best Wave.richard @ alang alangThen it was time for the Rip Curl crew to pack it up and head home, so theycould start preparing for the Rip Curl Surf and Music Festival and Rip CurlGromSearch National Finals that will take place at Kuta Beach on the 24thand 25th of October.Just before heading back to Kuta, Rip Curl’s Marketing Manager JamesHendy had this to say; ‘I’m really impressed with the level of surfing theseyoung groms displayed out there today, they are surfed incredibly well.And when it came time for the games and giveaways, the kids back hereon the beach are also very competitive when playing for prizes and vyingfor their share of the free goodies. They went crazy! Everybody had sucha good time, it was awesome. Thanks to all the kids and the Medewi localsthat helped make it such a great GromSearch!”Ochong w/ new double stringerboard from outer island -mitchel rae. a gift from RexMagic delivery in lombokBlacky @ Senggigi leftmason ho@ Desert Pointby bokahGrom’sGo Madat Medewi in Rip Curl GromSearch 55 October <strong>2009</strong>, Kuta-Bali: At 7 am on Sunday morning October 5th at the scenic fishing village ofMedewi in Northwest Bali, dozens of groms who had traveled from all over Bali and Nusa Lembonganlined up together with the local Medewi groms to sign up and compete in the fifth regional Rip CurlGromsearch event of <strong>2009</strong>.Looking out over the 2-3 foot waves peeling off the point at the cobblestone lefthander of MedewiBeach in Northwest Bali, the energy was high and the vibe was electric as the kids all knew what wasat stake in today’s competition.For the Under 16 division, today’s winner and runner up would be stepping up to the podium to acceptthe grand prize of a “Ticket to Final”, the exclusive entry into the National Grand Final to be held atKuta Beach on October 25th. Only 20 groms , two from each of the five previous regional events(Lombok, Sumatra, Sumbawa, Java, and Bali) will be competing for the ultimate prize of a spot in theRip Curl GromSearch World Finals at Bells Beach in Australia next year.For the Under 14’s, it was their chance to get recognition and admiration from their friends and familyas well as to come home with a trophy and prizes from the many GromSearch series sponsors.The Rip Curl GromSearch Series <strong>2009</strong> is sponsored by: Fren, Skull Candy,Eat Sleep Surf (ESS), Light Surfboards, Yayasan Gelombang Udara Segar(GUS), Trax Magazine, Surf Time Magazine.The Rip Curl GromSearch Series <strong>2009</strong> is sanctioned by the Coca-ColaIndonesian Surfing Championship Tour, and the participants are given pointsthat add to their tally in their run for the <strong>2009</strong> Coca-Cola ISC Junior DivisionChampionship.Results:Under 161 – Ahmad Kamal2 – Putra Hermawan3 – Putu Anggara4 – Komang ArifExpression SessionBest Wave – HermanBest Trick – Muklis AnwarText and Photos: Tim Hain - Coca-Cola ISC TourUnder 141 – Jeren Kiring2 – Koko Mitsuandara3 – Blacky4 – Abi Azwar Anas28 <strong>MAGIC</strong> <strong>WAVE</strong> _<strong>November</strong> <strong>2009</strong> <strong>MAGIC</strong> <strong>WAVE</strong> _ <strong>November</strong> <strong>2009</strong> 29

News....News...BS!News....News...Balinese surfer, Asian beach games goldmedalist and one of Indonesia’s best knownchargers Made “Garut” Widiarta has justsigned with Rip Curl for another 4 excitingyearsSelamat buat terobosan anak-anak skateboardingBali, ditunggu event besarnya diFebruari 20103rd IOXC makassar17.18.19 oktober <strong>2009</strong>@ Lapangan Karebosi MakassarBS! INDONESIAPREMIERE, KUTA-BALIBp. Suwanda, ketika di persidangan padatanggal 26 <strong>November</strong> <strong>2009</strong>. Ia terjeratsengketa kasus Billabong Indonesia denganBillabong Internasional, yang sekaliguskasus pertama yabng terjadi dalam industrisurfing di Indonesia.UnlockPameran bersama mahasiswa, alumnidan dosen program studi fotografi InstitutSeni Indonesia Denpasar.26 September – 24 Oktober <strong>2009</strong>Lokasi :Pengosekan Commnunity of ArtistsPeserta :Dosen – 6 orangAlumni – 5 orangMahasiswa – 22 orangJumlah karya – 75 karyaBeranjak dari pemikiran mahasiswatentang ketidaknyamanan berkarya yangdibatasi oleh aturan-aturan eksak dariinstitusi maupun lembaga lainnya, makamuncul konsep unlock.Unlock berarti takBS! Movie PremierBy. Veeco ProductionFeaturing Dusty Payne, Mitch Coleborn,Alex Gray, Nate Tyler, AndrewDoheny and moreOctober 24th <strong>2009</strong> at WarungBeach Clubterkunci. Dengan ini diharapkan kebebasanmahasiswa dalam berkarya dapat terwujud,sehingga tidak ada lagi imajinasiyang dikekang oleh aturan –aturan eksak.Dalam pameran kali ini, setiap pesertapameran dibebaskan berkarya, sesuaidengan ciri khas masing-masing, sehinggatak ada pembatasan dalam pembuatankarya fotografi, sesuai dengan konsep“fotografi adalah seni”.Diharapkan, ajang pameran ini bisamenjadi wadah berkarya seni, khususnyadalam seni fotografi itu sendiri. Karyayang ditampilkan termasuk karya fotografijurnalistik, seperti portrait, human interest,foto essai. Ada pula foto “art” yangdibuat sesuai dengan konsep masing-masingfotografer.Text : yogi antariFoto : budiwijayaText & Pfhoto : meQTurn The TV Off : ‘Budaya itu nggak Kaku…’I Gst Pt Hardana P, alias Wiss baru saja ‘mematikan TV dan mulai berpameran’dari tanggal 3-11 Oktober di Art Centre. Pameran bertajuk“Turn the TV Off” ini setidaknya mampu menyadarkan kita tentangrealitas sosial Bali dari kacamata berbeda . Berikut interview singkatMW dengan Wiss seputar Turn the TV Off..!!Wiss, Ceritain dikit donk tentang pameranmu ?Hmm.., sebenenya sih kasian donk kalo kita bikin karya nggakdi pamerin. Heheee untuk pameran kali ini aku pake tinta Cina,karena lebih murah dan alami ketimbang dengan tinta minyak.Kamu ngambil tema Turn The TV Off, ada apa dengan TV?Awalnya aku sering dengar, “awas ada budaya barat”. JadiTurn the TV off itu, biar orang itu bisa tahu diluar TV sudah adabudaya barat dalam kehidupan sehari-hari masyarakat Bali.Seperti salah satu lukisanku tentang Putu Liong yang menggambarkantentang anak muda bali yang berdandan ala Punk, tapikarena dia anak muda Bali, dia masih tetap ke Pura, Banjar danlain sebagainya..Apa misi yang kamu bawa dalam pameran ini ?Ya..biar kita lebih terbuka aja, karena kebudayaan itu kan nggakkaku. Cepat atau lambat ditempat kita ini akan ada budaya‘antara’( barat dan timur).Cerita dong tentang lukisan ‘Tut Ayu Monalisa’ ?Kenapa Monalisa, ya karena aku banyak orang yang menganggapmonalisa itu eksotis. Aku hanya melukis monalisa sebagaijembatan penghubung saja, kan dia udah terkenal hehe. Danjuga karena selama ini para turis hanya melihat Bali dari bukubukuguide yang hanya memperlihatkan Bali yang eksotis, tanpamenjelaskan bagaimana situasi rumah-rumah, individu, dan keluargadi Bali. Terutama bagi perempuan di Bali, yang setiap harihanya melulu membuat banten. Coba aja kalau Monalisa lahir diBali pasti lukisannya megang atau lagi buat banten..hehehee2 Oktober <strong>2009</strong>, Taman 65 berhasil“menculik” Sam Cutler (former tour managerRolling Stones and Grateful Dead)untuk ngobrol di Forum Jumat’an di Taman65. Dimeriahkan oleh anak-anak Bali BluesCommunity dan juga beberapa teman dariTaman 65. Acara malam itu seperti biasapenuh kekeluargaan, makanan ringan, danminuman yang memabukan. Yeah it’s onlyrock n roll but i like it.Telah ditemukan sebuah Skate Park barudi Kedonganan Jimbaran, buka dari jam08.00-20.00. So, para sk8 yang belumtau, selamat anda baru saja kami kasihtahu.. Tunggu liputannya di magic wave edisiDesember.Now pacitan have a new secret surf point...One coconut point right..Or with original name “urug urug beach” perfectpointright,chalenge tube’s..Congratulations Jun ,Moy and Karbit!Rock’n Royalty is sponsoring the winnersfrom the age group 14 and under of the2nd annual Canggu Surf Community contestby giving them clothing and paying for ayear of their schooling. Selamat juara satuuntuk Jun dan Moy! Dan juga selamat untukKarbit yang mendapat sponsor clothingdari Rock’n Royalty.Dengan ini kami informasikan kepadasemua rekan-rekan ISC-Indonesiasurfing championship bahwa terhitungsejak tgl 01 October <strong>2009</strong>.saudara :RADEN DWI YANTO BAWONO (INDRO)Sudah tidak bekerja lagi untuk CV.Selancar Indonesia (ISC). Segala halyang berhubungan dengan operasionalakan digantikan oleh Bp. NgurahDwiyuda.Demikian informasi yangdapat kami sampaikan, terimakasihatas perhatian dan kerjasamanya.Thanks and Best RegardsAni. SuandewiRiz’d lagi menyiapkan karya-karya surfboardspainting untuk persiapan surf artexebhition yang lokasi masi menunggu danriz’d dngan senang hati menerima boardboardlama yg sudah tidak dipakai untukdijadikan art board seperti foto diatas.hub: riz’d 081374235127rizaldsurf@gmail.comRabu 28 Oktober <strong>2009</strong>, BALAWISTABADUNG merayakan ulang tahun yang 37(1972 - <strong>2009</strong>)Tunggu foto dan ceriita ulang tahun merekadi Magic Wave edisi DesemberKid’s Day at the PoolBali-based humanitarian swimmer MonteMonfore and Australian swim instructorGlenn Schapel teamed up for their secondannual Kid’s Day at the Pool for physicallyand mentally challenged children. Thisyear’s fun fest was hosted by Holiday InnResort Baruna Bali located in Kuta.15 children from Yayasan Pembinaan AnakCacat (YPAC) enjoyed swimming, splashing,fun and games at the beachside pool. Followingthe swim the resort treated the kidsto lunch at Palms Restaurant.If you would like to visit the children’s homeor sponsor a child or project to improvethe lives of these special children pleasecontact:Yayasan Pembinaan Anak CacatJalan By Pass Ngurah Rai, Nusa Dua 30 KmJimbaran, Bali (0361) 771718Rencana pameran kedepan kapan..??Rencananya bikin pameran Agustus 2010. Doain ya…Ok, sukses Wiss…Last word ?Kalau udah seneng berkarya, dilanjutin aja, jangan setengahsetengahand Keep Cool.Text : IkhaPhoto : meQ11 October <strong>2009</strong> The Hydrant Rockin’SMAN 4 Denpasar Anniversary.Sayang crew MW gak ada yang bisadatang, karena bertepatan dengankontes MSC seri ke 5 di Halfway, Kuta.contact us: sales@api-magazine.com30 <strong>MAGIC</strong> <strong>WAVE</strong> _<strong>November</strong> <strong>2009</strong> <strong>MAGIC</strong> <strong>WAVE</strong> _ <strong>November</strong> <strong>2009</strong> 31

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<strong>MAGIC</strong> LISTSURF SHOP-SURF INFOIconic Hawaiian Surf labelTown & Country is now gracingthe shores of Indonesia witha range of boards born of theprogressive Hawaiian surfingheritage. T&C’s line up isdesigned by renowned shaperGlenn Pang. You can pick upone of his creations at thefollowing stores in Bali : Toke,Toke2, Bali Bale, Half way,Papaya, Banana, Avocado,Tomato, MariaDaidukJl Melasti Lebak Bene LosmenAdusKuta Bali. Tlp. 0361 751060Surf Culture club IndonesiaJl Nusantara Raya no. 44Tlp. +628161656016surfer_boysz@yahoo.comNarukiJl.Poppies II Lane II Kuta BaliTlp. 0361 765772Freedom Surf shop BaliJl.Pantai kutaGg. Bene Sari No.45Tlp. 0361 7867717freedomsurfshop_bali@yahoo.comESP (Ego Surf Photographer)Tlp 081 55785736Email : egobingin24@yahoo.comDoggy (Boat trip Surfing Tour)Address : Br. KauhPecatu uluwatu-BaliTlp. 081 834 9032Moken surf(surf photography andocean images)Tlp : 081 236 705 881Email : travis@mokensurf.comIndodreamsJl poppies line II / 5aa LegianKuta BaliTlp. 0361 758650The Board ShopJl poppies II,kuta baliTlp. 0361 758506RPM Surf ShopJl Benesari Gg.poppies line 2Kuta- BaliTlp. 0361 765908Email : bali@rpm-surf.comDragon IndonesiaJl legian 350 kuta-bali. Tlp :0361 752419dragonindonesia@dragonalliance.comBali BarrelTlp. : 0361 767238, 767240Email : bali_barel@hotmail.comRiz’d Surf ArtJl.Benesari 27 Kuta Bali.Tlp. 0361 750058Made To Order :T-shirt Painting,WavePainting, Surfboard Painting, Surfgifts, Sumatra & Indo Surf Guide,Surf School.Email : rizaldsurf@gmail.comSurfers ParadiseJl by pass I Gusti Ngurah RaiNo. 210 Kelan,Bali. Tlp : 0361 705385SIXTH SENSE Surfpoppies 2 beside bagusKuta BaliTlp. 0818 356553RESTAURANT & BARYEYES Warung & Gift Shopjl lebuansait.pecatu – Bukit, BaliTlp. 0361 7424761E-mail : yeyebali@indosat.net.idJiwa JuiceJl melasti labuan salt # 108pecatuTlp : 0361 8470736Email : jiwajuice@me.comTekor Balijl double six – Legian kaja– Kuta,BaliTlp. 0361 735268Email : tekor@dps.centrin.net.idAromas Café & restaurantJl legian,kuta,bali,IndonesiaTlp. 0361 761113Balcony Restaurant & BarTlp : 0361 750655Email : info@balconybali.comWaroeng AsiaTlp. 0361 7420202tradewindsbali@hotmail.comTj’s Californian Mexican RestoPoppies Lane I Kuta-BaliTlp : 0361 751093SURF SCHOOLRIP CURL school of surfjl Arjuna-Kuta-BaliTlp : 0361 735858Email : lisa.salisa@ajhackett.comOmbak Legian Surf AcademiJl melasti legian denpasar, BaliTlp : 0361 751711, 755460Website : www.ombaklegian.comPro Surf SchoolJl. Pantai KutaTlp : 0361 7441466,Fax : 751 200email : info@prosurfschool.comDouble D Learn to SurfJl. Double Six - BaliTlp : 0361 7806124+62 81 7067 0046Quiksilver Surf School BaliJl.Pantai Legian Kaja+62 361 791 2220+62 81 338 790 992HOTELLegong Keraton Beach HotelJl Pantai Brawa str.canggu,northkutaTlp : 0361 730280-8446330Email : juliette@legongkeratonhotel.comTATTO STUDIORudi’s Art TattooGg.Benesari50meters from Kuta beachPh : +62 81338 091 299Bali Blondie Tattoo StudioJl. Benesari 10 Legian-KutaPh : +62 81 2360 42324Surf Tour(Lembongan-Lombok-Sumbawa)Tlp : 081 239 43606Email : coconut_lembongan@yahoo.co.idThe Pit Surf ShopAddress : legian Street no 642Fl Kuta BaliTlp : 0361 763357Email : thepit100@hotmail.comOmbak CaféJl pantai pererenan mengwi-badung-baliTlp : 0361 8482631Email : info@balismartliving.comwww.balismartliving.comemail : wayan@magicwave.orgPh : 0361-263 569Addres : Jl. Swakaya Baru no. 2x34 <strong>MAGIC</strong> <strong>WAVE</strong> _<strong>November</strong> <strong>2009</strong> <strong>MAGIC</strong> <strong>WAVE</strong> _ <strong>November</strong> <strong>2009</strong> 35

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