High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering (HiPIMS)

High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering (HiPIMS) High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering (HiPIMS)

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High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering (HiPIMS)HiPIMS - Deposition rateOne explanation is that the sputteredmaterial is ionized close to the target andmany of the metallic ions will be attractedback to the target surface by the cathodepotentialA reduction in the deposition rate wouldoccur mainly for metals with a lowself-sputtering yieldThe deposition rate in the self sputteringmode is lower than when argon sputtering isdominatingHorwat and Anders (2008) JPD 41 135210

High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering (HiPIMS)HiPIMS - Deposition rateIt has been claimed that the magneticconfinement influences the deposition rateBohlmark et al. (2006) TSF 515 1928, Bugaev et al. (1996)A significant fraction of the ions of thesputtered material are transported sidewaysLundin et al. (2008) PSST 17 035021Also when comparing dcMS and HiPIMSdischarges at the same average power thenon-linear scaling of the sputter yield withthe applied voltage is not taken into accountEmmerlich et al. (2008) Vacuum 82 867The reduced deposition rate observed in theHiPIMS discharge is likely to be acombination of these factors

<strong>High</strong> <strong>Power</strong> <strong>Impulse</strong> <strong>Magnetron</strong> <strong>Sputtering</strong> (<strong>HiPIMS</strong>)<strong>HiPIMS</strong> - Deposition rateIt has been claimed that the magneticconfinement influences the deposition rateBohlmark et al. (2006) TSF 515 1928, Bugaev et al. (1996)A significant fraction of the ions of thesputtered material are transported sidewaysLundin et al. (2008) PSST 17 035021Also when comparing dcMS and <strong>HiPIMS</strong>discharges at the same average power thenon-linear scaling of the sputter yield withthe applied voltage is not taken into accountEmmerlich et al. (2008) Vacuum 82 867The reduced deposition rate observed in the<strong>HiPIMS</strong> discharge is likely to be acombination of these factors

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