High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering (HiPIMS)

High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering (HiPIMS) High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering (HiPIMS)

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High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering (HiPIMS)HiPIMS - Ionization fractionThere have been conflicting reports onthe fraction of ionized metal flux70 % for Cu Kouznetsov et al. (1999) SCT 122 29056 % for Cu Vlček et al. (2007a) JVSTA 25 4299 % for Ti Kudláček et al. (2008) PSST 17 02501040 % for Ti 0.5 Al 0.5 Macák et al. (2000) JVSTA 18 15339.5 % for Al DeKoven et al. (2003) 46th SVC p. 1584.5 % for C DeKoven et al. (2003) 46th SVC p. 158The degree of ionization90 % for Ti Bohlmark et al. (2005) JVSTA 23 18The fraction of ionized metal fluxdepends on applied power, pulsefrequency and pulse length, and distancefrom the targetFrom Bohlmark et al. (2005)

High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering (HiPIMS)HiPIMS - Ionization fractionThe ion flux versus timemeasured by a massspectrometer (20 µswindows)The gas pressure was 3mTorr, pulse energy 8 Jand the target made of TiHighly metallic ion fluxduring the active phase ofthe dischargeFrom Bohlmark et al. (2006) TSF 515 1522

<strong>High</strong> <strong>Power</strong> <strong>Impulse</strong> <strong>Magnetron</strong> <strong>Sputtering</strong> (<strong>HiPIMS</strong>)<strong>HiPIMS</strong> - Ionization fractionThere have been conflicting reports onthe fraction of ionized metal flux70 % for Cu Kouznetsov et al. (1999) SCT 122 29056 % for Cu Vlček et al. (2007a) JVSTA 25 4299 % for Ti Kudláček et al. (2008) PSST 17 02501040 % for Ti 0.5 Al 0.5 Macák et al. (2000) JVSTA 18 15339.5 % for Al DeKoven et al. (2003) 46th SVC p. 1584.5 % for C DeKoven et al. (2003) 46th SVC p. 158The degree of ionization90 % for Ti Bohlmark et al. (2005) JVSTA 23 18The fraction of ionized metal fluxdepends on applied power, pulsefrequency and pulse length, and distancefrom the targetFrom Bohlmark et al. (2005)

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