Lissa Rankin, M.D. - Truly Alive Magazine

Lissa Rankin, M.D. - Truly Alive Magazine Lissa Rankin, M.D. - Truly Alive Magazine
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JULY/AUGUST 2013Through her research, Dr.<strong>Rankin</strong> discovered that thehealth care she had beentaught to practice was missingsomething crucial: recognitionof the body’s ability to selfrepairand an appreciationfor how we can control theseself-healing mechanisms withthe power of the mind.Using extraordinary casesof spontaneous healing, Dr.<strong>Rankin</strong> shows how thoughts,feelings and beliefs can alterthe body’s physiology. Shelays out scientific data provingthat loneliness, pessimism,depression, fear and anxietydamage the body, whileintimate relationships,gratitude, meditation, sexand authentic self-expressionflip on the body’s self-healingprocesses.In the book, you’ll beintroduced to a radical newwellness model based on Dr.<strong>Rankin</strong>’s scientific findings. Herunique six-step program willhelp you uncover where thingsmight be out of whack in yourlife so that you can create acustomized treatment plan tobolster the health-promotingaspects of your life.2 Classes and Workshops---------------------------------------------------------------3 Community Events---------------------------------------------------------------6 From the Publisher---------------------------------------------------------------7 Take a Bite Out of Your Dental Billby Sandi Ganshaw, RDH, BS---------------------------------------------------------------8 Breaking the Worry Habitby Camille Scielzi, Certified Life Coach---------------------------------------------------------------8 Put More Life into Your Petsby Tanya Santistevan---------------------------------------------------------------9 A Beautiful Summer Yardby Rhonda Owen---------------------------------------------------------------9 A Return to Youth with FaceliftMassageby Ludmila Reina---------------------------------------------------------------10 Adrenal Fatigue — Getting YourBody Back in Balanceby Janet L. Hall, ND, CKP, CMI, CHt, CBT---------------------------------------------------------------11 MyoRehab – Expect A Miracle!by Victoria L. Magown---------------------------------------------------------------12 A Float to Release Your Pain andTensionby Sunil Pai, MD & Maureen Sutton, LMT---------------------------------------------------------------13 Understanding The Neurotoxicity ofLead: A Path to a Healthier Brainby Pamela Costello, MD, PhD, HolisitcNeurological Surgeon, Neuroscientist---------------------------------------------------------------14 How Can You Accelerate Your Abilityto Embody Unity Consciousness?by Wendy Foxworth, MML---------------------------------------------------------------15 A Spectacular Invitation fromPhaeryn SheehanAscended Masters Foundation---------------------------------------------------------------16 True Happiness: The Workshopby Lara LaVonne Jordan, RScp---------------------------------------------------------------17 Do You Desire Brain Transformation?by Louise Swartswalter, ND, CBS, CNHP---------------------------------------------------------------18 Profound, Deep Healingby SanRa Alworth, CHt---------------------------------------------------------------18 Attention, Focus Are NOT theProblem: Your Child CAN Learnby Regina Coffman---------------------------------------------------------------19 Fluoride and Dentistry: How MuchPoison is in Your Toothpaste?by Bill Wolfe, DDS, NMD20 TRULY ALIVE FEATURE SECTIONA Delightful Interview with Dr. <strong>Lissa</strong><strong>Rankin</strong>, MD about her new book MindOver Medicine by Karen Larré, Dr. CarlaGarcia and Mary Anne Weaver---------------------------------------------------------------23 Waking Up in the Matrixby Lisa Braun Dubbels---------------------------------------------------------------24 Stress...How it Affects Our Livesand Hormone Balance, Part 2by Tom White, RPh, PhC & Frank Latino,RPh, MS, PhC---------------------------------------------------------------26 Pain Relief Acupuncture (NO Needles)by Dr. Carla Garcia, DOM---------------------------------------------------------------27 Special Events at High Desert Centerby Rev. Jac Blackman---------------------------------------------------------------27 Earthing Worksby Ellen Santistevan, LMT, APP---------------------------------------------------------------28 Avoiding Mastectomyby Dr. Carla Garcia, DOM---------------------------------------------------------------29 Artistry of Creationby Rev. Kylie Renner---------------------------------------------------------------30 Breathing Disorders — ImproveYour Quality of Life with Exercise!by Michelle Morath---------------------------------------------------------------31 Healing is Not for Sissiesby Bill Haggard---------------------------------------------------------------32 Short Sales — An Exercise in Patienceby Nancy Bowers, Realtor®---------------------------------------------------------------33 Let Go! Move On! Be Happy!by Betsy-Morgan---------------------------------------------------------------34 Earth Mother Creations, Financialand Moreby Marshall Estner---------------------------------------------------------------35 What’s In a Concept? Clint Bridges---------------------------------------------------------------35 Nourishmentby Joy Lynn of Joyous Creations---------------------------------------------------------------36 Astrological Forecast for Jul/Augby John Clinton---------------------------------------------------------------38 Resource Directory---------------------------------------------------------------40 Advertising RateRead more articles online:<strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> | July/August 2013 1

Breaking theWorry HabitBy Camille Scielzi, Certified Life Coachhave the worry habit? Are fear,doubt, anxiety, shoulda, coulda,Doyouwoulda all constant companionswhen you need to make choices and decisions?Would you rather be friends with inner peace, calmness,clarity, and confidence?Mindful Practice: I Choose Peace of MindPrinciple 1, Acknowledge the worry: The worry you feel is ahabit that was formed based on experiences you had and arestill holding on to as your possible future. It is very real toyou, even when others tell you it is not the truth. To diminishworry’s power, it needs to be seen and named appropriately.Principle 2, See the worry in all its Truth: Acknowledge theworry, and experience it for what it truly represents. We useworry as a stalling technique to avoid the pain of possibleoutcomes and consequences. Does worry actually preventyou from being hurt, rejected, etc.?Principle 3,: Be willing to let worry go: Be willing to letworry go by stating out loud, “The past is past, the futureunknown, and I am ok with the unknown because I cantake care of myself in any circumstance.” Repeat it until youbelieve it.Principle 4, Choose one action to move forward: Once youfeel centered in knowing you will be ok, list your possibleoptions to move forward and pick one to do. Studies showjust choosing will decrease worry by 50%.Principle 5, Act on your choice doing your best: You willremove another 40% of worry by doing what you said youwould, even if it takes all the courage you possess to do it!Have questions on the method? Email me at or by calling 505-350-4116.www.takeactionguru.comPut More Lifeinto Your PetsBy Tanya SantistevanAtEarthwise Pet Supply, we take thehealth of your pets seriously. Weknow how much you love them andwant them to be with you as long and as healthyas possible. So we take great care in selecting the foods wesell. Earthborn Holistic dog food is a great example ( Earthborn selects nature’s finestdigestible proteins, fruits and vegetables and combines themwith specific vitamins and minerals that support immunity.Every ingredient is carefully balanced to provide nutrition toevery part of your dog’s system —naturally.Before conventional dog food, your dog’s ancestors reliedon their instincts and hunting capabilities to capture raw,protein-rich food. Today, your dog relies on you for good food,but dogs still crave animal nutrition. Earthborn offers fourgrain-free dry formulas and five grain-free canned formulasthat provide the taste your dog will love and the nutrition yourdog needs to be healthy longer. Earthborn also uses cage-freeanimal protein in its variety of food choices.Earthborn also cares deeply (as Earthwise does) about theenvironment and the earth we inhabit and will plant a tree forevery UPC code you submit! Bring your UPC codes into thestore. We mail them to Earthborn regularly.EarthWise Pet Supply also offers natural, healthy treats, avariety of supplements including pro and pre-biotics, a full lineof environmentally-friendly pet accessories including leashesand collars, treats and toys, beds, food and water bowls, petwarmers and outfits and more. Try out our easy-to-use selfwashstation—fully equipped with a variety of pet shampoos,conditioners and affordable in-store grooming services. Weare happy to assist with a special order (see coupon offer forfood and a free wash!). Open 7 days/week: Monday-Friday,10a-7pm; Saturdays, 10am-6pm and Sundays, 12 noon to 5pm.Stop in and visit: 2801 Eubank NE, Ste. D (next to Albertsons @Eubank/Candelaria). 505-332-8005, Please like us on Facebook <strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> | www.trulyalive.netRead more articles by both authors online:

A BeautifulSummer YardBy Rhonda Owen, Perpetual LandscapeThere is much to love about gardening inthe southwest, and it has its challenges. It isalways good to plant plants that enjoy ourclimate. Water evaporates quickly in the heat ofJuly, August and September. These are the months to increasewatering, but please do it wisely as we are in a drought year.Drought-intolerant plants are susceptible to root rot inwarm, soggy soil. For most non-drought tolerant trees andshrubs, a deep watering every 10-14 days is sufficient. Applyingmulch about 4-6 inches thick around annuals, vegetables andlandscaping plants helps hold in moisture.July is filled with beautiful colors, flowering perennials,shrubs and trees. Some trees and colorful shrubs include crepemyrtle, desert willow, yellow bird of paradise, butterfly bushesand rose of Sharon. Drought-tolerant plants also need TLC whenfirst planted. They become drought-tolerant after their rootsystems are established.Hot weather provides the ideal environment for spider mites,which frequently attack cypress, roses and juniper. Signs of aspider mite infestation include stippling on upper leaf surfacesand webbing under leaves and along stems. A strong stream ofwater can often dislodge mites and not harm beneficial insects.Lightweight horticultural oil (sometimes called summer oil)controls garden pests such as aphids, mites and scale. Whenusing summer oil, it is best to water plants well first, then makesure to coat the underside of leaves thoroughly.As a woman landscaper, you may find that I am more meticulousand gentle with your project. My team and I will take the timeto do your project right; communicating with you every stepof the way. We are hard working, polite and experienced. Myrates are very reasonable and reflect more my love of this workthan my desire to get rich doing it. In business for eight years,I have many satisfied customers and references. Call me toschedule your free estimate today! Landscaping That Lasts aLifetime! Rhonda Owen, owner: 505-720-6950.A Return to Youthwith Facelift MassageBy Ludmila Reina, #4497busy society, stress affects all of us,and it can show up in facial muscle andInourskin. As time progresses, each expressionthat crosses our features accelerates the agingprocess, leaving us with fine lines, wrinkles, a sagging brow, anda dull complexion.The ancient Chinese found that by using certain acupressurepoints on the face, remarkable results were achieved in improvingand retaining youthfulness. Facial massage was popular inHollywood in the 1950’s and 1960’s before plastic surgery cameinto vogue. Movie stars used to have weekly facial massagesto enhance and maintain their beauty. Now facelift massage isbecoming popular once again.Facelift massage is a pampering, relaxing massage that improvesthe appearance of the face, while rejuvenating the facialmuscles and skin. Using gentle firming, lifting, and contouringstrokes, acupressure points, and lymph drainage, facelift massagecan restore the skin’s radiance while toning the muscles. Massagepenetrates the deepest layer of connective tissue (collagen andelastin), and underlying muscles, increasing circulation and stimulatinga metabolic process which tones and tightens the face.Facelift massage can “iron out” small wrinkles, removepuffiness and swelling, and reduce water retention. For clients intheir 40’s and 50’s, after just a few treatments, a contouring of thecheeks, a minimalization of the nasolabial folds (“laugh lines”),and a less saggy and puffy jaw line can be seen. Facelift massagehas a deeply relaxing and therapeutic effect that can even countersome medical conditions. For example, clients who suffer fromsinus problems or TMJ-type issues will often notice some relieffrom their symptoms.Bellanina Facelift Massage, (which I use in my practice),is a proven technique since 1989. It includes a home self-careprogram of self-massage, face exercises, proper skin care, andspecific products. This program helps to maintain a client’s skincondition and supports the facelift massage treatment.Call for more information and to schedule your appointment,505-349-1491, LandscapeCreating Beautiful Outdoor EnvironmentsWhile Caring for Mother EarthRhonda Owen OwnerServing the Community for 7 Years | Excellent References505.720.6950 | Call for your free estimate today!8201 Golf Course Rd. NW, C-2A • ABQ 87120www.ludasmassage.massageplanet.comRead more articles by both authors online:<strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> | July/August 2013 9

Adrenal Fatigue – GettingYour Body Back in Balance!Part 1 By Janet L. Hall, ND, CKP, CMI, CHt, CBTDo you feel stressed out? You could be suffering fromAdrenal Fatigue. Fatigue is the most common complaintof adult patients. If you have symptoms such as chronictiredness, reduced memory, difficulty concentrating,insomnia, fearfulness, anxiety, depression, andinability to lose weight after extensive effort—you may be sufferingfrom adrenal fatigue (hypoadrenia).Your adrenals are your body’s built in mechanism to deal withstress. With chronic stress, poor health, or over consumption ofcoffee or sugar, your adrenals can become fatigued and weak.You may feel “burned-out”. Over time, your adrenals can becomeinoperable, such as in Addison’s disease.Work pressures, the death of a loved one, moving, changingjobs, illness, relationship problems, worry, fear, a fast-paced life oranything that causes recurrent stress can cause adrenal fatigue.Skipping or eating meals too far apart creates an imbalancein blood sugar (which affects the adrenals). Late hours/sleepdeprivation, toxic exposures, gluten intolerance, food allergies,excessive exercise, anxiety, anger issues, an infection in the body(causing an inflammatory response) and chronic pain…all add tothe issue.Adrenal fatigue can begin a domino effect causing a myriadof symptoms. Your adrenal glands produce over 50 different typesof hormones in your body, including sex hormones and cortisol, themost important anti-stress hormone. When you do not have enoughcortisol, your body is unable to cope with stress.These are the three stages of adrenal fatigue:1 Flight or fight response—your body tries to keep up with thehigh demand for cortisol.2 Exhaustion—your body is unable to produce enough cortisol,and goes in the “crash” stage.3 Failure—cortisol has been called “the hormone of death,” asexcessive stress can and does kill. In adrenal failure, peoplehave a high chance of cardiovascular collapse and death.Additional results of adrenal fatigue include hair loss, hotflashes, reduced insulin sensitivity (that can lead to diabetes),osteoporosis, viral infections, yeast overgrowth and herpes. It alsocauses an increased fat accumulation around the waist and proteinbreakdown that leads to muscle wasting and the inability to reduceweight AND creates high blood pressure and estrogen dominance.Kinesiology identifies the problem at its beginning stages;whereas blood tests may be misleading. For example, your bodywill continue in the progression until Addison’s disease can be fullydiagnosed through complete failure of your adrenal glands.Janet L. Hall is a Certified Naturopathic Doctor, MedicalIntuitive, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Kinesiologist andBiofeedback Specialist. Her center is dedicated to healing andpreventative health, life change and empowerment…helpingpeople to “rise above!”,(505) 294-WELL (9355).10 <strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> | www.trulyalive.netRead more articles by Janet Hall online:

Expect A Miracle!By Victoria L MagownMyoRehab treats all pain, whether it is relatedto a Motor Vehicle Accident, WorkersCompensation, Sports Injury, Chronic or Acuteissue. Did you know that in a car accident, the lap seatbeltcan impact the abdominal muscles so hard that you canexperience constipation or cramps during menses or maycompletely stop your monthly cycle? The impact of thelap seatbelt can cause acid reflux or chest pain like a heartattack with pain down your left arm.When you call MyoRehab, you can expect exceptionalservice with people who are caring, considerate andinformative in their conversations with you. You will firstmeet Joni, our admin, who will slowly, carefully walk youthrough the necessary steps. She will explain MyofascialTherapy, our fees, go over your insurance, the variousforms which need to be completed to begin as well aswhat to wear for therapy treatments. She will also answerany questions you might have.Once you are scheduled, EXPECT A MIRACLE. Thatis our motto. We help people get their lives back everyday. We help you return to a functional life that you canmanage on your own so you don’t have to be treatedforever. We give you the tools you need to take care ofyourself; so if you do have a flare-up, you will know howto handle it.How are we different? We do a thorough HistoryIntake back to when you were born and record all of thetrauma your body has had up to this point. MyofascialPain is an accumulation of all the injuries you have hadin the past, plus all the “funny” ways you sit, sleep andstand. The goal is to return you to your correct, neutralposture—pain-free.We do a complete Orthopedic and PosturalExamination to find all the fascia/muscles that arerestricted and can no longer stretch to their full, normallength. Sometimes, you will be amazed at “why” yourshoulder still hurts. You know it really started to hurtafter the car accident and may not understand why weare asking you about an old knee injury. During the caraccident, you braced with your right foot on the brakeand now your knee is hurting as well.So, subconsciously, your brain is telling your rightarm/shoulder to help you sit and stand so you do not putfull weight on the right knee. Consequently, you are notaware of any restriction in the right knee, but your rightshoulder was whiplashed with your neck and is now doingthe work that your right knee should be doing. That’s whywe check and evaluate your entire body, so that all of thefascia/muscles are released and the joints are allowed toreturn to correct alignment.During each treatment, we discuss what PerpetuatingFactors could be complicating matters and keeping youin pain. Normal postures while sitting, sleeping andstanding that you used to do all the time are now causingthe fascia/muscles to retighten and the pain returns. Weteach you new postures so the body remains in a neutral(straight) position as much as possible. This makes all thedifference in the world.Though we are not nutritionists or dietitians, wediscuss the basics of good nutrition to help the fascia/muscles repair. Also, certain foods cause inflammation ofthe body and inflammation will cause the fascia/musclesto reactivate with restriction and pain. It makes themache and hurt all the time. Our job is to help you figureout what you can do to stop the inflammation.And last but not least, after we have released the fascia/muscles, we give you specific, gentle stretches for yourHome Exercise Program to retrain the fascia/musclesto stay at their full normal length. These exercises areperformed in the “No Pain Zone” so you “Stretch to thePull, Not to the Pain”.Sometimes, we need to network with otherpractitioners to help you fully recover. We have multiplepain practitioners we network with, and coordinatetreatment with them so you can fully recover. Examplesinclude dentists we coordinate treatment with if youhave Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction. Or if youare suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome andhaving anxiety or nightmares after your car accident, wewill suggest a counselor you can see to relieve these issues.We also network with multiple chiropractors so you canfind the one that works best for you.Come to MyoRehab and EXPECT A MIRACLE!Call 505-872-3100, talk to Joniand make an appointment now.Read more articles by both Victoria authors L. Magown online: online:<strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> | July/August 2013 11

A Float to Release YourPain and Tension!By Sunil Pai, MD and Maureen Sutton, LMTIfyou suffer from chronic pain, fibromyalgia, arthritis,muscle tension or have anxiety, depression, orinsomnia, the Sanjevani REST Pod will bring youfabulous relief!The zero gravity environment of the Sanjevani REST(Restricted Environmental Stimulus Therapy) Pod allowsthe body and mind to genuinely rest. With the warm, supersaturatedsolution of saline water with 1,200 pounds of Epsomsalt (magnesium), your body becomes buoyant and floatson top of the water as if you are floating on air. Without anyeffort, the REST Pod relieves pain, accelerates healing, relaxes,improves sleep, and is incredibly enjoyable.Here’s what the American Academy of Pain Management’sThe Pain Practitioner had to say...Integrative Pain Management for Optimal Patient Careshowed therapeutic and health benefits of using the RESTpod for:• arthritis• muscle tension• back injury/sports injuries• fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue• anxiety• depression• insomniaIf you areseeking profoundpain relief andimmediaterelaxation, atreatment in theSanjevani RESTPod is for you.The instant, deeprelaxation stateallows the bodyto recover fromstress and allows for deeper REM sleep following the session.Blood flow is stimulated through all the tissues, naturalendorphins are released, and the brain is brought into alphawaves associated with relaxation, meditation and healingresponses. Benefits carry over from one session to the nextwith progressive improvement. A recent Pain study using theREST Pod showed 70% of participants had FULL pain reliefduring a float session.Here is what some of our recent clients have experienced:I’m almost six months post-op for surgical repair of a badly brokenankle – three plates, 13 pins. Floating in the REST pod wasthe first time since the accident that I have been completely painfree.In fact, it was a strange sensation to have my foot and anklefeel normal because I had become so accustomed to low-gradepain that I forgot what it was like not to have pain. The wholeexperience was relaxing and blissful and I felt like all stress justdrained away. I was impressed by the large size of the sleek, hightechpod. This is not a claustrophobia-inducing tank; it’s morelike a giant egg with lots of room inside. I was reassured by themeticulous filtration and indeed the filter system kicked on at theend of my float. A great experience, I highly recommend.Susan, ABQMy first float was amazing! Initial tension in my neck andshoulders gradually lessened as I consciously let my muscles meltinto the warm water. I think as I have more treatments and getused to the enclosure and humidity, it will be of great benefit.Lovely memory!Molly, ABQAs seen in the Albuquerque Journal. Gift Certificates availablefor Sanjevani REST Pod Sessions. Come in see the REST Pod andwatch our instructional video, and visit our website for moreinformation at <strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> | www.trulyalive.netRead more articles by Sanjevani online:

Understanding The Neurotoxicityof Lead: A Path to a Healthier BrainBy Pamela Costello, MD, PhD, Holistic Neurological Surgeon, NeuroscientistObserve with concern how long a useful truth may be known and exist before it’sgenerally received and acted upon. (Translated from old English) – Benjamin Franklin, 1786Benjamin Franklin was aware of lead poisoning, as werethe ancient Romans, Phoenicians, and Greeks. In fact,there exists a multitude of historical references to leadneurotoxicity throughout the ages. Lead poisoning is probablyone of the most significant of the known toxic hazards incidentto the development of our civilization.Speed up to the 20th century. Our medical and scientificliterature is replete with research addressing the known risksof environmental exposure to lead, as well as the toxic effectsof lead on our nervous systems. Furthermore, our legal systemincludes strict laws mandating new controls of lead exposure.Although these more current efforts are noble, there still existsa general lack of awareness of the sources of lead, the increasinglevels of toxic lead exposure, and it’s deleterious effects onour bodies. My ongoing focus as an environmental, holisticclinician is to increase awareness of such neurotoxins andtheir adverse influence on our nervous systems, as well as offersafe and effective treatment options, along with preventionguidelines to minimize ongoing exposures.Both acute and chronic lead poisoning throughenvironmental exposure pose an increasing health concern.Exposure to lead can be through lead based paint, pigments (inpottery and cosmetics/hair dyes), plumbing, drinking water,brass, bronze, mining, roofing materials, caulking, petroleumby-products, ceramics, photography, solder, lead crystal,pesticides and fertilizers, etc. Although lead has been removedfrom some forms of paints and automotive gasoline in theUnited States, it still remains one of the primary environmentalhazards facing humans today.Much of the public continues to live their lives unawareof the dangers to the nervous system of this poison. Similarto mercury poisoning, environmental lead exposure hasboth acute and long-term effects on the developing andmature nervous systems, including Autism, developmentaldelay, and behavioral disorders such as ADHD. In adults,we see an increased incidence of neuroinflammatory andneurodegenerative diseases such as MS, ALS, Parkinson’sDisease, brain fog/cognitive difficulties, neuropathies, tinnitus,etc. Research reveals that people who have worked in jobs withhigh levels of lead exposure are up to 3-4 times more likely todevelop Alzheimer’s Disease.As our ingestion, inhalation, and skin exposure to leadincreases, so does the amount of lead trapped in our bodiesand our nervous systems. Such high levels readily surpassour natural abilities to clear these toxins, thus increasing theincidence of neuroinflammatory and neurodegenerativediseases to which lead contributes, from tinnitus andneuropathy to Alzheimer’s disease. Lead exposure for childrenincludes exposure in the womb, where the developing fetusextracts lead from the mother’s stores, incorporating it into it’sdeveloping skeletal and nervous systems. This initial exposurebecomes cumulative with the ensuing life-long exposure to theincreasing levels of lead in our air, water, and soil.The good news is that there exist objective, simple methodsof determining your lead burden and potential areas of pastand ongoing exposures, as well as safe and effective measuresto detoxify the lead in your nervous system. In doing so,you identify and minimize a known neurotoxin, therebycontributing to your brain and body’s highest health.If you are interested in a neurotoxic assessment & leadexposure evaluation, please contact our office at 505-503-8325.Read more articles online: by Pamela www.trulyalive.netCostello online:<strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> | July/August 2013 13

How Can You Accelerate YourAbility to Embody UnityConsciousness? By Wendy Foxworth, MML, Director, Center for Conscious LivingThe answer: Release, forgive and detach from selfcenteredconsciousness in every area of your life.As you raise your consciousness, your light body willvibrate at a higher frequency. Your higher frequency will thenprovide increased protection for the earth and the humanrace as they shift to anchor unity consciousness in new formsof social and relational systems and structures.From the talks of Neale Donald Walsh, Steven Farrell andBarbara Marx Hubbard at the Co-Creator’s ConvergenceConference in Loveland, Colorado in May 2013, the followingmessage was shared: The Human Race has five years toactively engage, support and nurture 8% more of humanityto take actions needed to embody unity consciousnessin their lives. Only an increase in “unity” consciousnessin humanity can lower the rising tide of human suffering,specie’s extinction and environmental devastation that growsdaily due to the self-centered consciousness still dominantin 80% of humanity.ARE YOU ONE OF THE 8% THAT IS NOW READY TOTOTALLY EMBODY UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS 100%?“Growing in consciousness to createa sustainable Albuquerque,to end poverty and relational violence!”Please join us Sundays11am to 1pmCommunityConsciousnessStudyWendy FoxworthCenter Director2825 Broadbent Pkwy NE, Suite E • ABQ505.343.8001 • consciouslivingnm.comIf so, join us in co-creating the needed 10% tipping point!The Center for Conscious Living exists to providepractical tools and methodologies you can use to make ashift in consciousness. A vibrant community of volunteerteachers and students are involved in offering educationalclasses and giving support to as many people as possible toembody a collective shift into “unity” consciousness. Pleasejoin us at any of the following classes in July and August(Donations are always appreciated but no fee is required):Thursdays, beginning July 11–August 15, 6:30 to 9 PM,“What Does Your Consciousness Have to do with the Shapeof Your Relationships?” with Wendy Foxworth. Learn howclashing stages of consciousness are the source of humanconflict in your relationships at home, work and in spiritualcommunity. Each stage of consciousness manifests in whatyou think, believe, say, do and specifically in how you interactin your relationships with people. Get the tools you needto increase integrity, respect, intimacy, trust, goodwill andproductivity in all your relationships and in our world.Fridays ongoing, 12:00 to 1:30 PM, “Do the Work of ByronKatie” with Lana Wheeler. Learn about who you are withoutyour thoughts. Know what it feels like to understand life fromthe perspective of unity consciousness.Saturdays, July 20 & 27, 9:30 AM TO 1 PM, “What DoesYour Consciousness Have to do with You? Everything!Your capacity to help create a sustainable planet and loving,respectful and productive relationships depends on the stageof consciousness you are exhibiting. Learn what choices youhave in dealing with this new consciousness 101 information!Sundays, July 7–August 25, 11 AM to 1 PM, “ServingHumanity: What’s Your Calling?” with Wendy Foxworth.Alice Bailey, in her book Serving Humanity shares the wordsof the Tibetan Master, Djwhal Kuhl, “Each person is called tospecialize in group work and to fulfill the Law of Service”. Theidea that some “great man or woman” will save us is a figmentof our imagination. The future is now in the hands of eachone of us. Learn about or re-affirm your unique calling andreceive support to fulfill it in this lifetime.Mondays, 6:00-7:00pm, July 8–August 26, “TUNE UP:Body, Mind AND Spirit” with Body Therapist and T’aiChi Chih Instructor, Gregory Goodson and Co-Facilitator,Paula Getz. Get your body in shape without hurting yourself,while continuing to “mind your mind” and “feed your Spirit”.Remember —You are blessed to be a blessing!Namaste.14 <strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> | www.trulyalive.netRead more articles by Wendy Foxworth online:

A Spectacular Invitation fromPhaeryn Sheehan, Ascended Masters FoundationSpiritual Director and Channel of theAscended Masters Foundation Community, IAsthewarmly welcome you to participate in our new,divinely designed program of Spiritual Service.Beginning in September and October of this year, we willoffer sincere spiritual seekers and devotees the opportunityto learn the powerful, ancient spiritual practice and traditionof Seva. (Seva is the Sanskrit wordfor Selfless Service.)For thousands of years, thisjewel of a spiritual practice haselevated, healed and catapultedmany into their true consciousnessof full Enlightenment. In thebeginning of this spiritual practice,individuals tended to engage indoing acts of service forv others inorder to:• Get out of their personal innerand outer suffering• Discover some of their true self• Find various levels and intensities of inner peace andcontentmentHowever, just like all good things that happen on ourearthly planet, once one would achieve whatever theydesired by “doing Seva for their own selfish benefit”, theywould surprisingly discover that their newly achievedstate of consciousness had its own set of problems andcircumstances to solve. Lo and behold, a new state ofdesiring would begin just as before!Once the Devotee, however, learned to practice Seva;not just for personal self interest, but to serve the very realneeds of others, their spiritual growth began to expand anddeepen. This opened them to the highest form of Seva calledGuru Yoga or service to a Spiritual Master. It placed themdirectly in a pure-hearted relationship with a Guru or anAscended Master Overseer.Many in the western world (and those who embodywestern mentality) seriously question the value of Sevabecause this spiritual practice requires one to be willing todo humble tasks such as cooking, cleaning, playing musicalinstruments, gardening, building housing and caring forchildren with the attitude and spirit of unconditional love.This love is meant for the disenfranchised; for those whohave not been well served and, ultimately for the spiritualseeker’s Spiritual Master, Teacher and Guide. Ironically, themore one practices Seva, the more love for oneself unfoldsbecause the habit of consistent, humble, selfless givingcauses us to feel more love for ourselves as we are giving.“Doing Seva” provides us with a direct connection to DivineLove and Divine Love’s Plan. That Love, flowing through ushas proven to purify, and protect us constantly.Our Western mentality alsochides at the thought of beingdominated or dependent on anyMaster other than the deitiesour religious traditions honor.But in the Eastern and MiddleEastern Worlds, Seva, practicedrightfully is never forced upon anAspirant or Devotee. It can onlybe considered true Seva when thepractitioner serves from a sincereand surrendered heart.All of the results Seva provides deeply nourish oursoul, cause world healng and reward us with personalgifts, donations and unexpected blessngs we never couldhave dreamt would come to us! Some of the outcomes weexperience constantly nourish us. These include personalgifts, donations and unexpected blessings we haven’t felt wereally earned.Now that we’ve had substantial experience and success in thisbest spiritual practice of all, we are guided to share it with you.If you feel drawn by what this article has expressed, pleasecontact me, Phaeryn Sheehan, at 505-206-6139.www.ascendedmastersfoundation.orgThe Ascended Master Foundationof the New TimesDivine Mother Sunday Channelings • Sacred JourneysChannelings with The Ascended MastersWorld Service & The Path of The MotherPhaeryn Sheehan, Spiritual Director505•247•0495for private channeled readings & coachingwww.ascendedmastersfoundation.orgRead more articles by Michelle Phaeryn Morath Sheehan online: <strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> | July/August 2013 15

True Happiness:The WorkshopBy Lara LaVonne Jordan, RScPThe Invitation: You are warmly invited to theworkshop, “Surrender into True Happiness:Leaving Limitations Behind” at the High DesertCenter for Spiritual Living. The Practitionersof the Center are presenting this mind- and heart-openingworkshop on September 28, 2013 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.The Event: We could have easily named the workshop,“Surrender into Love” or “Surrender into Joy, Peace orAbundance.” Our intention is to show the way beyond merehappiness, which is a more or less temporary experience. “TrueHappiness” is a state that encompasses all the blissful spiritualqualities that aren’t dependent on transitory conditions.What is Surrender? And how does it help us reach TrueHappiness? That’s what we’ll explore in the workshop. Buthere are some hints: Surrender doesn’t have anything to dowith “giving up” or “resigning yourself ” or “submitting” toa distasteful status quo. In fact, it’s all about cultivating yourconsciousness in such a way that love, peace, wisdom, beautyand prosperity can blossom in your life. When you surrender,you let go of the thoughts, emotions, and beliefs (hidden oron display with a big red button) that have hampered youfrom reaching True Happiness. When you let go, you LeaveLimitations Behind.How do you surrender? The High Desert Practitioners havemany wonderful techniques and approaches to share withyou. However, you won’t find heavy-handed lectures andintense effort. Instead, in this experiential workshop, you’llfind humor, music, sharing and general liveliness. As spiritualcounselors, it is our joy to present this workshop for you.The Particulars: Cost: Love Offering. Refreshments: Snacks,coffee, tea and water available during breaks. Lunch: Bringyour own sack lunch or sign up for a box lunch from CateringAbode—a sandwich (choose from 3 types), fruit salad, agourmet dessert and a drink for $12.50. Registration: Call505-922-1200 to register for the workshop and indicate yourlunch preference by September 20th.Powerful,PositiveHealingfor Life!Most ComprehensiveAlternative Health Care:n Board Certified Biofeedbackn SCIO-Indigo, CoRe, Life Systemn Naturopathy | Kinesiologyn Medical Intuitive | Life Coachingn Nutrition, Herbs, Homeopathyn Hanna Kroeger Productsn Ionic Cleanse Detox Footbathn ADD | ADHD, Autism, Addictionsn Advanced Sound Therapyn Structured Music for Brain HealthLouise Swartswalter, ND, CBT, CNHPKerry Ann Foster, Office ManagerTrudy Charlton, Sound Therapist5341 Wyoming Blvd. NE, Suite B | Albuquerque505.797.0540 | 408.981.6130 – Trudy Charltonwww.abqnaturalhealthcenter.comWITH THIS COUPONWITH THIS COUPON16 <strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> | www.trulyalive.netRead more articles online:

As seen on KOB-TVDo You Desire Brain Transformation?Biofeedback & Naturopathy CombinedBy Louise Swartswalter, ND, CBS, CNHP — www.abqnaturalhealthcenter.comHealing the brain is not just accomplished byusing nutrition alone. Complete transformationis accomplished by addressing the physical,mental, emotional and energetic fields. AtANHC, we go further and are looking for folks who wantit ALL! If you are one of those people call us. IntroductorySpecial: Beautiful Balanced Brain session in July only $85for 45 minutes! (new clients only.) Call now: 505-797-0540.This amazing offer is available in person or long distance.I am often asked, “How did you develop the BeautifulBalanced Brain Program, (BBB)?” In the past ten years, Ihave worked with five different biofeedback/bioresonanceprograms and use them in my practice coupled withnaturopathy, Hanna Kroeger’s work and energy work.We are the only center in the southwest (perhaps thecountry) incorporating many biofeedback programsand techniques that weave together, allowing for quickertransformations. Several years ago, I began to see that whenI balanced the neurotransmitters everything changed;hormone balance, digestion, pain tolerance, ADD, Autism,allergies, fibromyalgia, sleep issues, allergies and anxiety.So I created the BBB to address the brain to specificallybalance neurotransmitters, brain nutrition, cervical spinecorrelations and more.There are two parts to the program: Reconnections andFrequency Medicine. The frequency medicines include thesolfeggio frequencies and customized frequencies to zappain, pathogens, stimulate the brain waves, lymph, andvirtually anything out of balance.The first part of the program reconnects with yourholographic field, identifies an item and puts you back inbalance. For example, you might be deficient in dopamineand the part of the brain out of balance is the Limbic system(processes memory and emotional reactions). The programbroadcasts the energy of dopamine to you in real time. Itcan be set to continue to pulse for a number of minutes,weeks, even months. You receive the benefit long distancelike you might receive a text message. It is like receiving ahomeopathic signature that pulses 24/7. WOW!This program is cutting edge (truly the future ofmedicine) and is the piece missing in conventional andalternative treatments for the brain. In fact, Dr. WilliamWalsh, author of Nutrient Power: Heal Your Biochemistryand Heal Your Brain stated, “What is needed is therapiesto rebuild new brain cells and the neural pathways calledsynaptic connections in the brain. We have the treatmentsto reduce symptoms and help the children as in the caseof Autism.” Beautiful Balanced Brain is this missing piecein BRAIN TRANSFORMATION! I love the results!Read more on Autism treatment in our Blog at www.abqnaturalhealthcenter.comHere are some examples of the results:A four year old Autistic boy (in just three sessions) islistening better and according to Mom, understands more.She said his cognitive abilities are changing and she andher husband notice the difference. He more easily completestasks, has calmed down and is focusing better. Yes!A sixteen year old girl suffering with seizures, migraines adacne is now balanced, happy and living her life. We detoxedheavy metals, dioxin and radiation while balancinghormones, digestion and her brain. The combination ofbiofeedback, BBB program, herbs and energy work changedher life in 8 sessions!Dr. Louise is a Naturopathic Doctor, Biofeedback Specialist,Certified Natural Health Professional and health educator.If you have tried many modalities with minimal results, youcan experience whole health with the use of the QuantumBiofeedback, integrations, naturopathy, trauma release work,homeopathy, herbs, kinesiology and ionic cleanse footbaths.We work with YOU to accomplish your health goals and correctimbalances in the least number of sessions possible. Call todayfor your appointment: 505-797-0540 or visit us more articles by Louise Swartswalter online:<strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> | July/August 2013 17

Profound,Deep HealingBy SanRa Alworth, CHtThe New Lemurian Healing Chamber isa living, conscious, etheric chamber thatassists us with physical healing, spiritualgrowth and expanded awareness, joy andhappiness, and restoration of our original DNA.How can it help you?• Improved joint, neck, shoulder and other physical pain• Relief of tension and pain and improved sleep• Increased spiritual growth and insights• Breakthroughs in financial abundance• Clarity with goals and intentions• Awakening of Self• Releasing old beliefs, thoughts, memories• Feeling more peaceful• Healing of inner children• Energized and improved mental alertness• Increased feelings of worthiness and self-loveThe Chamber was brought to us by the Lemurian PriestessCircle of 13 in February of this year and the energy thispowerful Circle brought to group and individual channellingrecipients has been amazing. With the New Lemurian HealingChamber, they have “stepped up” the healing available to us.Our DNA holds some “corrupt code” (as computerssometimes have). Being in the Chamber allows for the repairand re-writing of the code which affects transformationalchanges. It allows us to reconnect with our original DNAblueprint, which holds the highest capacity of how to live inhuman form with light codes activated. JUST WHAT WEHAVE BEEN ASKING FOR!Here is what 1 participant has to say about the Chamber:This is a very powerful healing chamber. I know I can doanything and change anything. I use the Chamber for all of myintentions. S.M., ABQPlease join us for the next New Lemurian Healing Chambergroup beginning July 10 for 6 consecutive Wednesdays. Youwill be glad you did!Attention, Focus AreNOT the Problem: YourChild CAN LearnBy Regina CoffmanAchild’s brain is developing until their early20s. Poor focus or concentration isn’t dueto the child’s inability to sit still; becausethey are just too young; because they have someinsurmountable learning problem; or because they just aren’tsmart enough. A child’s ability to learn is directly related tohow clear their brain pathways are between sensory (intake)and execution (performance).Most children we work with experience learning problemsbecause their network is somehow stuck or imbalanced.Imbalances are caused by the brain’s need to adapt totrauma. The more intense the trauma (physical, emotionalor psychological), the more likely the child will have focus,learning, concentration, and/or issues of self-control. Traumacan occur in utero, at birth or after.Brainwave Optimization shows the brain how to movebeyond stuck patterns into healthy patterns. Once the brain isbalanced, the child overcomes previous challenges; happiness,self-awareness and success are the result.My son’s school issues were first brought to our attention whenhe was in the first grade so we had him tested. We were told, “Hismind seems to wander; he is easily distracted and has troublefocusing on the task at hand”. By the fourth grade, his teacherhad a real concern. I heard about this new technology and signedhim up for ten sessions of Brainwave Optimization. Within a fewweeks, his teachers were noticing a difference in his class behaviorand immediately his grades improved. He became an “A student”and with this came an improvement in his self esteem. He seemedto just blossom as a person. I am grateful we found a method thatwas safe for children and that really worked. I highly recommendit for any child struggling with attention and focusing issuesC.D., ABQ, NMSummertime Assessment special $49, AND a 20% discounton a 10 session package booked during July and August.Give your child a gift that will last a lifetime!18 <strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> | www.trulyalive.netRead more articles by both authors online:

Fluoride and Dentistry:How Much Poison is in Your Toothpaste?By Bill Wolfe, DDS, NMDThesecond fastest way to deliver a drug,next to an IV, (intravenous delivery), issublingually (under the tongue). It is veryimportant, therefore, what chemicals we place in our mouths.Over 95% of toothpastes now contain fluoride, and manyyoung children swallow over 50% of the toothpaste added totheir brush—if they are not supervised during brushing. Asingle strip of toothpaste covering the length of a child’s brushcontains between 0.75 to 1.5 mg of fluoride. This exceeds theamount of fluoride in most prescription fluoride supplements(0.25 to 1.0mg). A 2-ounce tube of prescription “ControlRX”contains 282 milligrams of fluoride, a nearly-lethal dose toswallow for a 2 year old child.At high doses, fluoride is a potent poison that rivals thetoxicity of arsenic. Fluoride’s potency explains why it wasused for years as a rodenticide (to kill rodents) and why it isstill being used as a pesticide. It also explains why the Food& Drug Administration (FDA) now requires that all fluoridetoothpastes sold in the United States carry the followingwarning: “WARNING: Keep out of the reach of childrenunder 6 years of age. If more than used for brushing isaccidentally swallowed, get medical help or contact a PoisonControl Center.”Fluoride toothpastes carry a poison warning for goodreason. A tube of fluoride toothpaste, including bubblegumflavored varieties with child-friendly cartoon characters onthe packaging, has enough fluoride to kill an average-weighingchild under the age of nine. Although fatalities from toothpasteingestion are rare, poisoning incidents are not. A young childcan receive an “acutely toxic” dose of fluoride (the dose capableof inducing toxic responses such as gastric pain, nausea, orheadache) by ingesting a mere 1 gram (1000 mg) of fluoridatedtoothpaste. Each year there are over 20,000 calls to PoisonControl Centers as a result of excessive ingestion of fluoridetoothpaste. Many poisoning incidents from fluoridatedtoothpaste, however, likely go unreported, as parents may notnotice the symptoms associated with mild fluoride toxicity.Such symptoms may be attributed to colic or gastroenteritis,particularly if they did not see the child ingest fluoride.The National Institutes of Health encourages parents to callthe American Association of Poison Control Centers (800-222-1222) anytime they have a question about fluoride poisoning.Parents are advised to take extra care to lock up these typesof prescription dental products, as well as any fluoridesupplements, which can easily place a child at such risk.The obvious question is, why even have fluoride products inthe house at all? The fact is, fluoride is not an essential nutrient.No biological process in animals or humans has been shownto depend on it. On the contrary, it is known that fluoride canBill Wolfe, D.D.S.interfere with many important biological processes and vitalcellular constituents. This makes fluoride potentially toxic evenat low doses.It is known that fluorides are general protoplasmic poisons,likely related to their capacity to modify the metabolism of cellsby changing the permeability of the cell membrane, therebyinhibiting basic enzyme functions. According to The ClinicalToxicology of Commercial Products, fluoride is more poisonousthan lead and just slightly less poisonous than arsenic, and thePDR (Physician’s Desk Reference) states that fluoride can causevarious skin eruptions, gastric distress, headaches, and generalweakness. In addition, JAMA (The Journal of the AmericanMedical Association) has published three articles relating hipfractures in the elderly to areas of water fluoridation.I am proud to say that I have never incorporated fluorideinto any of my dental products, and I that my practice has beenfluoride-free for 41 years. I haven’t missed it at all.Practical politics requires an ability to ignore the facts.Henry BanksEnergizedToothpasteFLOURIDE FREERead more articles by Phaeryn Bill Wolfe Sheehan online: www.trulyalive.netonline:<strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> | July/August 2013 19

TRULY ALIVE FEATURE SECTIONA Delightful Interview withDr. <strong>Lissa</strong> <strong>Rankin</strong>, MDabout her new bookMind Over Medicineby Karen Larré, Dr. Carla Garcia and Mary Anne Weaver<strong>Lissa</strong> <strong>Rankin</strong>, MD is a mind-bodymedicine physician, founder ofthe Whole Health Medicine Institutetraining program for physiciansand other health care providers, andthe New York Times bestselling author ofMind Over Medicine: Scientific Proof ThatYou Can Heal Yourself. She is on a grassroots mission to heal health care, whileempowering you to heal yourself. <strong>Lissa</strong>blogs at www.<strong>Lissa</strong><strong>Rankin</strong>.com and alsocreated two online communities— and She is also the authorof two other books, a professional artist, anamateur ski bum, and an avid hiker. <strong>Lissa</strong>lives in the San Francisco Bay area with herhusband and daughter.Intrigued but skeptical that the mindcould heal the body, Dr. <strong>Rankin</strong> (a traditionallywestern-trained physician) poredover hundreds of objectively evaluated,peer-reviewed studies from medical journalsto find proof (not just thoughts andfeelings) to substantiate that the mindcan heal the body and, that there are clearphysiological mechanisms that explainhow this happens.She learnedthat the body isequipped withnatural self-repairmechanismsthat the mindhas the power toflip on or off. InMind Over Medicine,Dr. <strong>Rankin</strong>explains how thisprocess works(proves through20 <strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> | www.trulyalive.netmedical literature that is does work) andteaches practical techniques to activate thebody’s natural self-healing mechanism,while shutting off the processes that predisposeus to illness.<strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong>: Why are both doctors andpatients afraid of the idea that we have thepower to heal our own bodies?Dr. <strong>Lissa</strong> <strong>Rankin</strong>: It’s a narcissistic woundfor physicians: I went to school for 12 years,and practiced for 8 years, ostensibly so thatI would know the body better than youwould know the body, and so that I wouldhave the power to cure. I think the sameis true for patients in some ways. It can bescary for patients to embrace and expectthat they can heal their bodies, becausethat then places the responsibility onthemselves for their healing. So we have thisagreement in modern medicine where thepatient gets to hand their power over to thedoctor, and then the doctor is responsiblefor “fixing” the patient. Yet, if we start toshift how both doctor and patient think,then it starts to shift the entire paradigm.For example, I came to realize duringmy own healing journey (and in medicalresearch) that patients know their bodiesbetter than any doctor. While I may knowanatomy and physiology, and I may have abetter knowledge of how to wield a scalpelthan a patient, when it comes right down toit—we each have within us this inner doctorthat is our North Star…that is our guidingcompass back to health. We’ve been provingthis in the medical establishment for over50 years. In the 1950’s we discovered that allclinical trials needed to have placebo armsbecause usually between 18-80 percent(average about 30 percent) of patients inclinical trials would get better from beinggiven nothing but sugar pills. So the mindcan heal the body.TA: Please explain the “stress response” andthe “relaxation response”, and why stressreduction is so important in the healingprocess.LR: We know that the body has naturalself-repair mechanisms. In our physiologytexts, it’s well known that the body knowshow to repair broken proteins, kill cancercells, fight infections, retard aging, andmore. Yet this was the big “aha” for me anda true epiphany for me in studying all ofthis. There are two operating systems ofthe nervous system. One is the sympatheticnervous system (or what Walter Cannon atHarvard called the stress response). Thisis the fight or flight emergency responsewhich kicks in when the body is at risk;when life and limb are at risk, and it’s thereto protect you in case you’re getting chasedby a tiger.The opposite is the parasympatheticnervous system, or what Herbert Bentonat Harvard called the relaxation response.This is the homeostatic state of the body.What I didn’t realize is that, while the bodyhas these natural self-repair mechanisms,those self-repair mechanisms only functionwhen the body is the relaxation response.They are not supposed to be, but our bodiesare in stress response more than 50 timesper day in modern life, and so every timewe’re in stress response, our bodies areunable to heal themselves.TA: What sparked your interest inspontaneous remissions?LR: My curiosity about spontaneousremissions began when I was working inan integrative medicine practice in MarinCounty, California, which is one of thehealthiest places on the planet if you look atthe health behaviors of the residents here.My patients from the inner city of Chicagowere sick; and I understood why they weresick. They were eating poorly, weren’t

exercising, were smokers or drinkers andwere not taking their medication. However,my patients in Marin County weredrinking their green juice, eating a vegandiet, working out with personal trainers,taking 20 supplements a day, seeing thebest health care providers at Stanford andUSCF and a variety of alternative healthcare providers. And some of them werethe sickest people I’d ever met! This didn’tmake any sense to me. Based on what I hadunderstood about nutrition and exerciseand that sort of thing, Marin Countyresidents should have been the healthiestpeople on the planet, and yet they weren’t.So I started revamping my intake formand asking my patients different types ofquestions. I asked about their romanticlives; their creative lives and their spirituallives, their sex lives, and how financiallystable they felt, and whether or not they feltlike they had found their calling and werehappy at work (those sorts of questions). Istarted asking people things like: if yourillness showed up to instruct you about howto live your life more in alignment with yourtruth, what would it be telling you? Andthen the mother-lode question was this one:what does your body need in order to heal?What I started discovering was that,people had very intuitive answers to thosequestions. My patients started sayingthings like “I need to quit my job” or “Ineed to leave my husband”, or “I need to goto art school and pursue that dream I had.”Some of my patients got really brave andthey started actually doing what they hadprescribed for themselves. Then they startedhaving spontaneous remissions that madeno sense to me. I hadn’t done anything.I hadn’t fixed them. I hadn’t given themany treatment. However, it led me to startinvestigating spontaneous remissions.TA: Please speak to what you learned aboutspontaneous remissions in your research.LR: I came across “The SpontaneousRemissions Project” database, whichcontains over 3500 case studies in themedical literature of patients who had“incurable” or “chronic” or “terminal”illnesses. These were case studies writtenup by doctors that were considered medicalmysteries. Doctors couldn’t explain whythese patients suddenly got better. Casesincluded everything from stage 4 cancersthat went into remission, to an HIVpositive patient who became HIV negativeto heart disease that went away, to kidneyfailures that disappeared, to more commonillnesses like thyroid disease or high bloodpressure or diabetes that vanished. I mean,you name it—and it was in there! It wastotally paradigm-shifting for me.TA: Do both the conscious and subconsciousminds play active roles in the healingprocess, and if yes, how?LR: As long as you believe that you’ve gota chronic illness, that you’re incurable,that you’re gonna have to take medicationfor the rest of your life, that will manifest.You will be incurable and chronic as longas you believe you will be. The challengeis that many of us have been programmedwith negative beliefs about our health fromthe time when we are very young. Most ofus get downloaded a program from ourparents by the time we are 6 years old.By the time I was 33 years old, I wastaking medications for a whole varietyof illnesses that my doctor told me werechronic and incurable. I believed them.And, when I started doing my research andinvestigating the kinds of case studies thatI found in “The Spontaneous RemissionsProject” and elsewhere in the medicalliterature, I suddenly realized that therewas a case study out there, at least one forevery illness I was facing. Physiologistsused to believe that the human body wasincapable of running a mile in less than4 minutes, as no athlete had ever doneit. So, Roger Bannister ran the mile in 3minutes and 59 seconds. All of a sudden,athletes all over the world started breakingthe 4 minute mark. Now, almost everyworld-class runner has run a sub 4-minutemile. The belief in the subconscious mindis very important because, even if yourconscious mind says “I believe I can healmyself”, you’re only operating from yourconscious mind about 5% of the time;95% of the time, when you’re not reallythinking about thinking, you’re operatingfrom that subconscious program (thatwas downloaded when you were 6 yearsold), when you might have been told,“you’re a sickly person,” or “cancer runsin our family,” or whatever other negativehealth belief—like “I’m always going to bestruggling with my weight.”So the trick is not just to change ourconscious beliefs, but to change oursubconscious operating programs. There area bunch of tips in the book about how youcan go about shifting your subconsciousbeliefs. Because, until you believe you canget well, you can’t.TA: How do our social connections/support,friendships, relationships and spiritualcommunity, affect our health?LR: Essentially, the health of the body isthe sum total of our rich, precious innerexperience. It’s important that we’re notDr. <strong>Lissa</strong> <strong>Rankin</strong> and her family.just healthy in what we eat, or whether ornot we exercise. It’s also important thatwe have healthy relationships; a healthyprofessional life, creative life, spirituallife, sex life, financial life; that we live ina healthy environment, and that we havehealthy thoughts and beliefs. Let’s sayyou’re in a romantic relationship and it’sgoing really well. That’s going to be veryhealthy for the body because it calmsthe amygdala (which puts the body intorelaxation response), and bathes everycell with healing hormones like oxytocin,dopamine, nitric oxide, endorphins. All ofthese things flip on the body’s natural selfrepairmechanisms.However, if you’re in a relationship that’stoxic, then it’s going to trigger the amygdalato feel threatened, and the amygdala isgoing to turn on the stress response. Thebody is then going to be bathed withpoisonous hormones like cortisol andepinephrine, which over time can harmthe body in a variety of ways—not the leastof which is turning off the body’s naturalself-repair mechanism. Each of thosefacets of who we are—our relationships,our work life, our financial life…can beeither stressors or relaxers—so it’s reallyabout looking at those various aspects ofour lives and identifying where we mightbe triggering stress responses, and makingan action plan to reduce them.We also want to make proactive decisionsabout how to increase our relaxationresponses. These things can be easy,fun and pleasurable. While it may bechallenging to get out of your soul-suckingjob, or consider leaving a relationship thatisn’t healthy, it’s very easy to add in thingsthat will activate your relaxation response.These can include adding a meditationpractice, laughter, playing with animals,continued on p26<strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> | July/August 2013 21

Dr. <strong>Lissa</strong> <strong>Rankin</strong>’s Interview cont’d from p21expressing yourself creatively, gathering in spiritual community,having sex, doing Tai Chi, Qi Gong, massage, yoga—all knownrelaxation response activators. One of my favorites is the healingact of generosity. We can be proactive.TA: Please speak a bit about how your research revealed the factorsinvolved in extending life expectancy.LR: There’s copious data demonstratingthat all of these factors —healthyrelationships, healthy work life, etc.,affects your longevity. There is a greatstory I tell in the book about the peopleof Rosetta, PA. These people werea group of Italian immigrants whocame over from the old country andre-created their lives here in the newcountry. They were living in this littlehillside town in Rosetta, PA. A cardiologistwas visiting the town and havinga drink with the local doctor at theDr. <strong>Lissa</strong> <strong>Rankin</strong> prayingbar, and the local doctor was saying,“It’s just strange; these people of Rosetta never die of heart disease.They seem to be dying of old age.”So the cardiologist sent in a team of researchers to find out why thepeople of Rosetta were so healthy. The researchers found it wasn’twhat the residents ate; they ate pizza and pasta and meatballs friedin lard; they were smokers, they drank wine every Sunday andthey weren’t consuming olive oil because it costs too much. Theythought it might be something genetic, but they looked at peoplewho came from the same village in Italy who settled elsewhere inthe United States, and those that were not in Rosetta had the samerate of heart disease as everybody else.Ultimately, they found that all regions where people live longer—like Okinawa in Japan, Ikaria in Greece, Loma Linda in CA, andRosetta in PA—had multigenerational homes, and people takingcare of each other. If somebody got sick, the community nurturedthem. If somebody was down on their luck financially, theywould give them money, etc. The researchers finally concludedthat the overwhelm that lonely people face in daily life triggersstress responses that turns off self-repair mechanisms that putthe body at risk.Longevity is a function of how strong your community is…howloved you feel…how much you love your work and how optimisticyou are. Optimists have a 77% lower risk of heart disease thanpessimists. Happy people live 7-10 years longer than unhappypeople. All of these things contribute to our longevity as much ormore, than what we eat or whether or not we exercise.The book provides a wonderful treatment Prescription andeveryone interested in healing should buy the book. Don’tmiss <strong>Lissa</strong> on her upcoming public television special airing inSeptember (check out: for more information)and consider attending an upcoming Hay House I Can Do Itconference Read <strong>Lissa</strong>’s blog at: www.<strong>Lissa</strong><strong>Rankin</strong>.com and show your commitment to putting the“care” back in health care at: can also listen to both of <strong>Lissa</strong>’s TEDx talks on YouTube: and <strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> | www.trulyalive.netRead more articles online:

Waking Up in the MatrixBy Lisa Braun DubbelsAn interview with Richard Bartlett and Melissa Joyof Matrix EnergeticsQ: Richard, you were a successful Chiropractor studyingfor a degree in Naturopathic Medicine when, in 1996,you experienced a life changing experience. Can youtell us what happened?A: I was obsessive-compulsive and thought I must havemissed something the first time. I spent a lot of time tryingto figure out what I could do if I just had the right degree.So, at age 42, I decided to go back to naturopathic medicalschool. I could not work as a chiropractor in Seattle at thetime, so I had to travel to pay for my family’s needs.I was stressed to the maximum,not sleeping, driving longdistances, sleep deprived and myreality bubble popped. I saw anarchetypal vision of what lookedlike Superman in full color, inthree dimensions—right therein my office, directing his x-rayvision into a child who was a patient of mine.This was a message from my sub-conscious to payattention that something new was in the works. In thatsession, that child was healed of their condition. I had thesame experience with the first patient in my office the nextday—when I touched them, their bones went into positionby themselves. I saw thirty patients that day and everyone of them had some strange new experience. My realitywas never going to be the same, and the phenomenon ofMatrix Energetics was born.Q: You say that Matrix Energetics is more than a technique—can you explain that to us?A: All techniques are based upon a set of beliefs orexperiences. When someone has had an experienceoutside of their normal encoded reference for what ispossible, they then try to recreate that experience. Inorder to make it teachable, they create a set of rules andprocedures delineating how to access the experience. Thiswould be called a technique. I strongly suspect and believethat all techniques are morphic fields, as Rupert Sheldrakecalls them. You will only get out of any technique theparameters that you have put in as your rule set. MatrixEnergetics was deliberately designed to transcend thelimited set of perceptual references that we call rules.Therefore it cannot be called a technique.Q: Melissa, when did you start working with Richard, andwhat were you doing at the time you met?A: Prior to finding Matrix Energetics, I spent over 13Read more articles online: www.trulyalive.netyears in the pharmaceutical industry, marketing severalblockbuster drugs. In the last few years of my careerthere, I became increasingly disillusioned by the ongoingoveruse of pharmaceutical medications to treat disease. Iwas convinced there was a better way to treat the wholeperson and this became the beginning of my journey intoalternative medicine. In addition, I had been sufferingfrom a very debilitating, incurable disease. I was unableto get the correct diagnosis or the correct treatment. Inmy quest to find a solution to what ailed me, I attendeda ME seminar in January of 2006. I noticed immediatelyfollowing the seminar that all of my symptoms haddisappeared and I had gained a new sense of clarityaround all of my experiences of reality and my sense ofself. Everything felt different.I proceeded to attend every seminartaught in 2006, and in early 2007 andbegan intensive training with Dr.Bartlett. I joined him on stage in early2008 and have been his teacher partnerever since. Additionally, Richard andI partner together in co-leading the organization that isMatrix Energetics International.Q: You are presenting Matrix Energetics Fundamentalsand Practitioner Certification workshops for the firsttime in London this June. What can beginners expectto gain from these events, and are they also suitable forpeople already trained in other healing modalities?A: The Matrix Energetics seminar experience speaks toall types of students, from the engineer to the energymedicine practitioner to the teenager to the physicistto the housewife to the lawyer and to the child. Thereis something available for everyone at an ME seminar.We tell our students to expect the unexpected to let goof any expectations. Matrix Energetics is a consciousnesstechnology that interacts with everyone in a uniqueway. The skillsets and tools that you will require as anxx of attending this seminar can be applied to healing,relationships, finances, jobs, anything in reality is up forgrabs. While ME can be used as a technique or a tool it ismuch more than a technique, it is a way of life. Attendingone seminar can transform all of your experience ofyourself that which is universal consciousness. Come justas you are—and leave transformed!Matrix Energetics will offer their introductory MEFundamentals seminar July 26-29 and Matrix Unpluggedon July 30 at the Embassy Suites Albuquerque Hotel &Spa. To register, call 800-269-9513 or online at<strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> | July/August 2013 23

Stress…How it Affects OurLives and Hormone BalancePart 2 – By Tom White, RPh, PhC and Frank Latino, RPh, MS, PhCFormer Highland Pharmacy employees Pharmacists Tom White and Frank Latino strike out on their ownwith “The Hormone & Anti-Aging Center of New Mexico”(HAAC) a compounding Pharmacy and Clinic.Understanding that everything seems to be a stressor,which affects hormone balance, which affectsthyroid balance, which affects almost every majorthing that happens or doesn’t happen in our bodies, onestarts to wonder “where do I stand”. Stress is something that Idon’t think most people completely understand. In my manyconsults with patients, regardless of the type and origin,stress has become a major topic of discussion.In this article, I will discuss “complete Adrenal ShutDown or Adrenal Fatigue”, and some of the manyways to recover. Also included is information aboutthe necessity to support the body in conservingand controlling that precious hormone called“Cortisol” or “Hydrocortisone”.I will start by saying that until you have experiencedcomplete “adrenal shut down”, you may not fully understandwhat I am about to tell you. In the past, when people toldme that they “just couldn’t get out of bed”, I truly couldn’tunderstand a situation where someone could not get out ofbed; as I (personally) had not had that experience. I thoughtthat what they were saying must be a gross exaggeration.How could someone not get out of bed unless they hadexperienced a stroke or something of that magnitude? Icould not comprehend…until the day when I personally,“just couldn’t get out of bed”.I was working 2 jobs, putting in about 20 hours a day 5days a week. This had gone on for several years. I would work12 hours in a pharmacy during the day, go home eat dinnerwith the family, immediately go to bed, sleep 2 hours, get uptake a shower and prepare to go to work at the hospital at11pm until 7am the next morning. Then I would go to thepharmacy at 7am and work until approximately 7pm; then gohome, eat dinner and start the whole routine all over again.I was setting myself up for complete adrenal exhaustion.With sleep deprivation, hormone balance is completelyupset; cortisol and thyroid balance is also completely upset.Nothing is balanced and nothing is correct.During this time, I had committed to giving a talk on“Thyroid Balance” and “Cortisol”. Being a double-triple type“A” personality, I just couldn’t say “no” to anyone. Sense ofaccomplishment was my game. Give me more and I willalways ask for more. Stupid, Stupid…if I only knew thenwhat I know now.I had taken a couple of days off in final preparation forthis talk. I will never forget. One day prior to this talk, thealarm went off at approximately 7am. I was very drowsy andgroggy—unable to focus. I started to reach for the alarm,when I realized that I “could not move”. I literally could notmove. At first, I thought I had had a stroke. I couldn’t evenlift a finger. It scared the heck out of me. I couldn’t imaginewhat was going on. I was so drowsy and tired that I wentback to sleep and woke up in about 3 hours. The alarm musicwas still playing, this time I was able to move and turned thealarm off. I got up, got something to eat and realized thatwhat I had just experienced was exactly what I was goingto speak about, “Complete Adrenal Shutdown”. I had runout of fuel. I had no cortisol. Due to my self-inflicted stress,I had consequentially run out of cortisol and glucose. Ourbodies run on glucose (sugar). Without it, we do not move.Stress is a very benign thing…meaning that we becomevery accustomed to our stress without realizing how much24 <strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> |

stress we have and the tremendous impact it has on ourbodies. Until that day when our withdrawal of cortisolexceeds our production and our cortisol reserve becomescompletely depleted, do we really start to understand whatthis is all about. Simply stated, when we are out of “gas”,we have no more fuel. Cortisol is responsible for giving usglucose, “fuel”. When we are out of cortisol, we are out of fuel.There are many degrees of “adrenal fatigue”. The primarysymptom is fatigue. When we are out of fuel, we just don’thave any energy to do anything. Physically fatigued, mentallyfatigued, emotionally fatigued, we are just tired all the time.It is thought that adrenal fatigue will affect 90-95%of all Americans at one time in their life. How does onerecover from adrenal exhaustion or adrenal fatigue? Rest,supplements designed to support adrenal function, hormonesupport, lifestyle changes all become very important to theslow recovery of adequate adrenal function.Adrenal fatigue, (depending on the individual) may takeweeks, months or even years for proper healing to occur.Common sense plays a big role here. Even though I thoughtI had good common sense, obviously in this area, I had nosense at all. It has been years and even though currently Iaddress adrenal support through hormone replacement(testosterone), many supplements on a daily basis and arenewed appreciation for adrenal fatigue (lifestyle changes),I struggle for good adrenal function.What is good adrenal function? One of the first things Ilook for is an adequate AM-cortisol. I test for AM-cortisolin every patient. I want to know what their capability is toproduce cortisol. An individual’s cortisol level should be thehighest at 8:00 AM sharp. With knowledge of symptomsand an AM-cortisol level test, a practitioner can judge thecondition of the adrenals and the patient’s ability to handlestress. In short, an adequate AM-cortisol level is your fuelfor the day. It provides glucose. I look for an AM-cortisollevel to be in the range of 18-24 for proper functioning. Irarely see a patient who is in this range. Personally, I testin the 10-13 range. The accepted range for “normal” AMcortisollevels is approximately 5-24. How ridiculous. Let megive you an analogy: If you were preparing for a road trip inyour car, one of the first things you would do is to FILL upyour gas tank with fuel. One of the first things we need forour daily journey of life is a full tank of gas. This means asubstantial amount of AM-cortisol.How do we fill up our tank? There are many ways.Sometimes conservation and control through lifestylechanges, such as diet, exercise and behavioral modificationscan play the biggest role. Supplements such as vitamin C andadaptagens (to control the excess release of cortisol) can playa significant role.Adaptagens are supplements which tend to normalize,Read more articles HAAC articles online: online: www.trulyalive.netor control a function in the body. Holy Basil, Aswagandah,Cordicepts, and Bicopia are some of the most significantadaptagens to improve cortisol levels. Stress is stress tothe limbic system (the ancient survival part of the brain).Adaptagens tend to control the excess response, andconsequentially the excess release of cortisol, thus producinga conservation effect.Remember those famous words that every mothersays,”Every growing boy or girl needs a good night’s rest”.Proper, good, deep, restful, hormone-producing sleep isabsolutely necessary to our health…Tom White.Tom White and Frank Latino have long established themselvesas experts in the field of Bio-Identical Hormone ReplacementTherapy for both men and women in New Mexico, with 50years of combined experience with a previous pharmacyin Albuquerque. In addition to superior compounding andpharmacy services, HAAC offers Live Blood Analysis, FREE VisiaFacial Computer Analyses, Professional “World Renowned”Cosmeceuticals, a full-time Esthetician offering “Sheerwave”RF Technology, Professional, UNIQUE Supplements, BMI/BMRAssessments with “INBODY 520”, plus a Doctor of OrientalMedicine and a Nurse Practitioner on staff. We invite you tocome see us at the Hormone & Anti-Aging Center. Knowledgeand experience count. EVERY BODY IS MAKING A CHANGE.We offer a 15% discount on all Transferred compoundedprescriptions from another pharmacy.<strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> | July/August 2013 25

Pain Relief Acupuncture(NO Needles!) By Dr. Carla Garcia, DOMMicrocurrent electro-acupuncture can relieve yourpain quickly without the use of drugs, needlesor uncomfortable stimulation. This is a “hightech”acupuncture system getting amazing results for manyconditions. It has helped thousands of people experiencerelief from chronic pain without any discomfort.Many people have a fear of needles. They avoidacupuncture because they are afraid it will hurt. Traditionalacupuncture uses needles that “puncture” the skin. Theneedles are very thin, but those of us afraid of needles stillthink they are painful. Sometimes when we are in pain theidea of doing something that might hurt is more than wecan bear.“Microlight Therapy”is a highly effective formof microcurrent electroacupuncture.It uses gentlemicrocurrent with variouscolors of light. Gentleand tiny pulsed electricalcurrents are deliveredthrough moistened cottonq-tips on special wands. The colored light amplifies the effectsof the microcurrent and is especially effective when appliedthrough acupuncture points. It works on the principleof resonance which is the basis of all energy medicine. Acupunctureharmonizes the movement of energy in the body.Energy blockages or energy deficiencies cause symptoms ofdisease and pain. Treatment along the meridians and acupuncturepoints removes blockages and deficiencies andencourages the even flow of energy that helps to dissipatesymptoms and heal the body. Microcurrent therapy mayalso be applied through pad electrodes and is getting raveA Younger Looking YouAwaits at AcupunctureSpecialists• Protandim• True Science Anti-Aging Cream• Energy Light RejuvenationTreatments (ELR)505.271.66084550 Eubank NE #105, ABQ 87111reviews for relief of pain in the low back, knees, hips andshoulders.Our bodiesare electrical. Ourbrain waves, thesteady beat of ourhearts and muscularmovement,are examples ofthe many electricalprocesses going onin the human body every minute of every day. Microcurrentuses a fraction of the amps used in TENS units or conventionalelecto-acupuncture and is very compatible withthe body’s own bioelectrical activity. Conventional electroacupunctureuses high-intensity milliamp current applieddirectly to needles and can feel uncomfortable.Microcurrent is so gentle that you may not feel it all. Itis based on the principle of “less is more”, instead of on theprinciple of “no pain means no gain”.Check out testimonials on YouTube for microcurrent’sresults in the treatment of chronic neck and back pain, kneepain, bell’s palsy, and depression, just to name a few! Here’sone about severe osteoarthritis: Electro-Acupuncture Can Relieve/Improve:AcneBack painCarpal tunnel syndrome ConstipationCosmetic acupuncture Depression & anxietyDigestive issuesFacial rejuvenationFrozen shoulderHeadachesHip painKnee pain and injurLumbosacral painMenstrual pain & discomfortMigrainesNeck painOsteoarthritisPeripheral neuropathyPlantar fasciitisRheumatoid arthritisSciaticaSinus pain and congestionShoulder painSports injuriesTennis elbowResults can be immediate and long-lasting. Because it ispainless; children can be treated easily and effectively. Call formore information today: The Thermography and AcupunctureCenter, 505-271-6608 www.therographynm.com26 <strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> | www.trulyalive.netRead more articles by Carla Garcia online:

Special Events atHigh Desert CenterBy Rev. Jac BlackmanLooking for a venue for your next event? HighDesert Center for Spiritual Living invites you totour our newly remodeled facility and considerour reasonable rental rates for your next event.Weddings, showers, graduation parties, awardsdinners, bar mitzvahs, teas, luncheons, memorial services,conferences, celebrations, and meetings of all kinds—whateveryour event, we will be happy to accommodate you.Our Sanctuary has seating for 100+ with comfortablepadded chairs, a raised platform, and an audio-visual system,as well as an area for registration and general socializing. TheSocial Hall has tables and chairs to seat 50-55 people, and can berented alone or in conjunction with the Sanctuary. The Hall alsohas tables for serving beverages and food. Coffee, tea and waterare included free of charge with any event, but all food mustbe catered (your choice of caterer). Our private Board Roomwith a seating capacity of 15 and smaller meeting rooms arealso available. We have a well-furnished nursery and children’splay area also available at no charge.In addition, we are offering a special wedding packageand discounted rates for weekly and monthly meetings. Pleasecontact the church at 505-922-1200 to set up a tour and formore details. of Rev. Jac Blackman: August 17, 6-8pm,join us for a night of food and fun as Ted Dale and others honor,(and roast), the long-time HDCSL minister, Jac Blackman, witha dinner, roast and tribute. $17.50/person, $30/couple. PleaseRSVP in advance, 505-922-1200.True Happiness, The Workshop: The High DesertPractitioners invite you to attend Surrendering into TrueHappiness: Leaving Limitation Behind, a mind and heartopeningworkshop at the High Desert Center for SpiritualLiving on September 28, 2013, 9am-4pm.High Tea: Saturday, November 16, 2013, 1-3pm. A Fairy Teafor children will happen at the same time. For information onthis highly popular event, contact HDCSL at 505-922-1200.EarthingWorksBy Ellen Santistevan, LMT #6535, APPThere is an inevitable way that life comes into give us lessons when we need them…like a good smack on the head. We canforget everything we know when we are or oneof our family members is hurt. Western medicine is superb attrauma care; however, there are other helpful things we cando once we are out of danger.Recently, my son broke his leg very badly. Of course,the first thing that happened was the ambulance ride to theemergency room. He was given excellent medication for pain,and was blessedly knocked out before the orthopedists set hisbones. He went home in a splint to wait for the swelling todiminish before receiving a cast, took prescriptions for painreliefas well as anti-inflammatories. Two days later, we wereback in the emergency room because his ankle had swollen somuch that he lost feeling in his foot.Our family doctor emphatically told me that he had to lieflat with his leg 18” over heart-level and to keep up with theanti-inflammatory drugs. Although the orthopedic surgeongave us the good news that my son would not need surgery,the inflammation was still too severe to cast the leg. Finally,I remembered what I know about earthing: that the primaryeffect of earthing is to reduce inflammation. In my distress overthe whole situation, I had forgotten the easy availability ofcare that I had right in my own home. I asked my skepticalson to wear an Earthing wrist band for 20 minutes, just tosee what would happen. And in 20 minutes, his splint wasactually looser. The next day, the feeling began to return tohis foot.Earthing works.Call for more information about Earthing products: 505-250-4483, Also, catch me at theUNM Curanderismo Class (extracurricular presentations)and the UNM/NHCC Health Fairs in July. (See the TA websitefor more details.)(505)922-1200www.hdcsl.orgSunday 10:00 – 11:15 amParadise Hills Mercado5621 Paradise Blvd N.W.Albuquerque, NMRead more articles by Pamela both authors Costello online: online:<strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> | July/August 2013 27

ody, mind & spirit$45PER 1 HOUR1st session onlyfreeconsultationsChakra/aura balancingNegative energy/entity removalFears/emotional blocksreleased from current & past livesLong distance energy healingHolistic KinesiologyHypnotherapyReiki I & IIcharlene lewisIntuitive Healer, Holistic Kinesiologist,Energy Worker & Hypnotherapist505.933.2938www.timetohealnm.comEmpowering theHealer Within!Empowering Energy Medicinecan help with:• Anxiety & Stress• Hormones• Chronic fatigue• Depression• Digestive issues• Pain management• Sleep issues• Weight lossAnd much more listed on website!Empowering Energy MedicineAngela T. Melton, EEM-CP, CNHPEden Energy Medicine Certified PractitionerCertified National Health Professional505.310.1790www.EmpoweringEnergyMedicine.com1420 Carlisle Blvd NE, #107, ABQFREEConsultationNew Client DiscountSave 20% on sessions& gift certificates(90 minutes - Regularly $90, only $72!)AvoidingMastectomyBy Dr. Carla Garcia, DOMof this year, we learned theshocking news that beautiful megastarInMayAngelina Jolie had undergone a doublemastectomy. This humanitarian and mother of 6removed her two healthy breasts because she carries genesthat indicate a tendency to develop breast and ovarian cancer.Doctors told Ms. Jolie that the BRCA genes she testedpositive for, placed her at an extremely high risk of developingbreast cancer. As a woman who lost her own mother toovarian cancer, the actress decided to undergo a radicalprocedure to spare her own children the possible loss of theirmother. Her decision to go public was made in hopes that heractions would raise awareness about this genetic condition.Angelina Jolie made a brave and difficult decision but it isnot the only choice women who carry the BRCA gene have.Women have the power to influence their health. Simplechanges in lifestyle and diet can have profound effects onlowering the risk of breast cancer and other diseases.Making sure your vitamin D levels are sufficient canreduce the risk of breast cancer by as much as 30%. Limitingthe number of hours you wear a bra reduces the risk ofbreast cancer and avoiding the use of anti-perspirantsallows the body to eliminate toxins from lymphatic tissuein the underarm. Avoiding radioactive radiation can reducethe risk of cancer. Medical X-rays, radiation therapy andmammograms all deliver a dose of ionizing radiation whichstudies overwhelmingly show increase the risk of cancer witheach exposure. View the video: for breast cancer can lead to prevention thatsaves breasts and saves lives. Breast Thermography is ascreening procedure that is 100 percent safe and does not useionizing radiation or compression. It is available right herein Albuquerque at the Thermography Center, 505-271-6608,www.therographynm.comExperience the best in earlydetection with an amazing,pain-free Thermography ScreeningBreast & Whole Body ScreeningDR. CARLA GARCIA4550 Eubank NE, #105 • 505.271.6608 • www.ThermographyNM.com28 <strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> | www.trulyalive.netRead more articles by Carla Garcia online:

Artistry of CreationBy Rev. Kylie RennerYou are an artist of your own life. Your choices,attitudes, and beliefs are the creative forces thatare building your experience, and you have theimaginative energy to form your most extraordinary liferight now.We sometimes think that only people with special talentand skills are creative, forgetting that creative energy isn’tlimited to those who paint, sculpt, dance, or sing. Thatenergy is within all of us, and we are using it whether we areconscious of it or not.Our lives are a reflection of our creativity. For many of us,we can see in certain parts of our lives where we have usedour creativity in negative, destructive ways that no longerserve us. The power of this awareness is the rememberingthat we have choice in what ways we want to use our creativepower, and changing our experience is as simple as makinga new choice.In fact, if we are paying attention, it is hard not to beamazed by how creative we actually are…really amazed. Weare amazing at creating and recreating ourselves, and we arealso really amazing at getting stuck. The funny thing is that,no matter what, we are using the same creative energy, andwe get to choose if we want to be really amazing at makinglife magnificent, or really amazing at making it suck.You may think that there are outside factors, pastexperiences that are determining what choices you can make,but believing this is just another choice. As a great teachersaid, “principle isn’t bound by precedent” which means thatour choice isn’t bound by anything that has ever been before.Everything is possible.Clarissa Pinkola Estes, said “it’s not the failure that holdsus back, but the reluctance to begin over again that causes usto stagnate.” Every artist knows that every creative pursuitwill require us to begin over again, and we can see our ownneed to begin again—not from a sense of failure, and thatsomething has gone wrong, but from the amazing power wehave to choose, and choose, and choose again.Using our creative power to create our most extraordinarylife only requires us to remember that we have this power.One practice to help us remember is to simply get creative. Dosomething that creates a renewed sense of remembering youramazing artistic energy, even if you don’t like what you create,and don’t show or tell anyone about it. Do it for yourself, sothat you remember that you are an artist creating your life,and that you have choice about what you are creating.Another practice of remembering our creative poweris to surround ourselves with people who are themselvesartists, who have taken the time to have honed their craft, inbrush, note, movement and beyond, and with their art. Wemay not have any desire to be able to paint, sing, dance, orsculpt like a master, but being present to the energy of thosewho consciously practice being connected to their creativepower can remind that part of ourselves that seeks to createmastership over the art of creating our lives.Rev. Kylie Renner is the Senior Minister at the AlbuquerqueCenter for Spiritual Living, located at 2801 Louisiana NE,between Menaul & Candelaria. Call 505-881-4311 or visitonline: www.abqcsl.orgThe Albuquerque Center for Spiritual Living is hosting anopportunity to participate in this creative flow this July. Pleasejoin us on July 19 & 20 for our annual Art Show, which willinclude original art, pottery, jewelry, photography, cards &sculpture. The Artist Reception is Fri, July 19th, from 6-9pm &the Show is Sat, July 20 from 10am- 7pm. For information aboutsubmissions please visit more articles by Rev. Kylie Renner online:<strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> | July/August 2013 29

Breathing Disorders – Improve YourQuality of Life with Exercise!By Michelle Morath, NM FitOne of my clients was diagnosed with ChronicObstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) two and ahalf years ago. People with COPD typically are ableto breathe air in but have difficulty in expelling the air out oftheir lungs. COPD includes emphysema, chronic bronchitisand asthma. According to the National Heart, Lung, andBlood Institute, COPD is most commonly caused by cigarettesmoking. My client was a long-term smoker, almost thirty years.He abruptly quit smoking when he received his diagnosis. Heknew that making additional lifestyle changes would improvehis quality of life. He contacted me to guide him in becomingmore physically active. After receiving clearance from hisdoctor, he started a custom, progressive exercise program Icreated. His program started at his current fitness level andover time, his workouts progressed to challenge him. Now, inaddition to experiencing a decrease in his COPD symptomsand being able to breathe better, he has released weight, loweredhis blood pressure, increased his energy, improved his sleep,increased his strength, and significantly enhanced his mentaland emotional outlook.Many people who have COPD are afraid to exercise or justA Holistic Foundation fora Fuller Life!• Personal Training• Group Fitness• Nutrition• MassageTalk to Michelle!505.550.8322www.NewMexicoFIT.com6001 San Mateo Blvd NEAlbuquerque, NM 87109don’t feel like it. Some attempt to exercise but easily become outof breath and feel they must stop. The lack of exercise gives riseto a more sedentary lifestyle which worsens COPD symptomsand greatly increases the risk of more serious health issuessuch as chest infections, obesity, diabetes and heart disease.This vicious downward spiral can quickly cause an individualto become isolated and experience a severe decline in quality oflife. With appropriate exercise, people with COPD can becomemore physically active, reduce their risk of disease, and restoretheir functional independence.The Cleveland Clinic recommends the following exerciseguidelines in COPD:• Talk to your health care provider first.• Gradually increase your activity level, especially if you havenot been exercising regularly.• Remember to have fun. Choose an activity you enjoy.Exercising should be fun and not a chore. You’ll be morelikely to stick with an exercise program if you enjoy theactivity.• Wait at least 1½ hours after eating a meal before exercising.• Dress for the weather conditions and wear protectivefootwear.• Take time to include a five to ten-minute warm-up and afive to ten-minute cool down after the activity.• Schedule exercise into your daily routine. Plan to exercise atthe same time every day.• Exercise at a steady pace. Keep a pace that allows you to stilltalk during the activity.• Stick with it. Regular exercise will help you integrate it intoyour lifestyle.• Keep an exercise record.In addition to exercise, nutrition is vitally important inmaintaining lung function and avoiding infections. Chestinfections in people with COPD can be a major complication.By adding more fresh fruits and vegetables to your regular diet,you can greatly improve your immune system and your body’sability to heal. An easy way to get on the right path with goodnutrition and get more fruits and veggies into your regular dietimmediately is taking Juice Plus+®—a whole food nutritionalsupplement made from vine ripened fruits, vegetables, grapesand berries. It’s like a salad bar in a capsule! Not only does itdecrease inflammation, but it helps improve your immunesystem, supports heart health, and offers many other healthbenefits: rates begin at $75 per month. Get started with a freeconsult. To learn how you can improve your lung function,contact Michelle Morath, New Mexico Fit: 505-550-8322, www.newmexicofit.com30 <strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> | www.trulyalive.netRead more articles by Michelle Morath online:

Healing is Not for SissiesBy Bill Haggard, All About HealthDear Bill;I’m confused and concerned. I have cleaned up my act so much.I am eating mostly plant-based foods, taking good, high qualitysupplements and probiotics. However, some days I feel so bad. I haveheadaches, low level nausea and body pain. I feel worse than before Istarted cleansing. There have been times when I feel like something isterribly wrong and I get highly irritated or weepy. It seems the betterI do, the more constipated I get. WHY DO I FEEL SO BAD WHENI’M DOING SO MANY GOOD THINGS?Confused and ConcernedDear Confused & Concerned;I can empathize with you. I have been cleansing, working onmyself and healing for about 28 years and I’ve learned a lot alongthe way. My health began its decline soon after leaving Viet Nam.Being exposed to Agent Orange was killing me…slowly. I wasdischarged in 1975 and by 1985 I was barely able to work. At 37,I couldn’t blame my extreme exhaustion, chronic fatigue, bodyaches, heart palpitations, etc., on old age. I got on my knees andsurrendered—it was a powerful come to “Jesus” moment. I turnedmy life over to Him asking Him to “take control”.Seeking help (in the traditional way first), I went to the VAHospital and received the usual battery of tests. They couldn’tfind anything wrong with me (this was before the diagnoses ofChronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Epstein Barr Syndrome, Lyme’sdisease and Agent Orange poisoning were commonly recognizedand treatment protocols in place). Since I insisted that somethingwas wrong and since they could not confirm anything throughdiagnostic testing, I was referred to a psychiatrist. It was at thispoint, that I said, “exit western medicine, stage right!” and neverlooked back.My journey from dysfunction and despair to discovery andwellness through spirituality and natural medicine began. I wasin Tucson at the time and they had a significant and lovely naturalhealth community, as we do in Albuquerque. Since that momentof surrender to Jesus, and for the past 28 years, I have felt guided,directed and protected. I made basic dietary changes and washappy to be feeling pretty good again. From there, I sensed I couldfeel even better. I started reading and made the commitment tofully restore my health. I started doing “good things” for myself;juicing, exercising, herbal cleanses, massage, chiropractic,acupuncture and mercury removal from my teeth; emotionalhealing work and fasting. Then, I crashed. My energy and vitalityflat lined. The more “good things” I did for myself, the worse I felt.Combining the commitment to restore my health with the healingmomentum created by the “good things” created a tidal wave of ahealing crisis—stirring up layers of toxins that had been stored inmy body and stimulating my body to release them. My organs andelimination system became overloaded, hence the “feeling so bad.”We accumulate toxins a day at a time…breathing in pollutedair, drinking less than pure water, eating chemical-laden foods,ingesting harmful substances. Generating negative thoughts,which create negative emotions, also create a toxic internalenvironment. Over a lifetime, the accumulation will usually (at onepoint or another) cause a break down. That’s why cleaning up themess isn’t always easy (or quick). Take a good look at your historyof diet, mental and emotional states and your environment. Thiswill give you a glimpse of what you are working with to recoveryour health.Then chart a course for return to vitality. Slow and steadywins the race. Try backing off of some of the “good things”. Takethings more slowly. And continue with colonics and considersupplementing with enemas. You will help your body eliminatethe overload and eventually—experience the radiant health youdesire. Trust me. This works!Bill Haggard owns All About Health where colon hydrotherapyand cleansing is a specialty. Our five highly trained therapistshave combined experience of more than 50 years in colonhygiene, natural therapeutics, and nutrition. All are verypassionate about helping you on your cleansing journey andare willing to counsel you along the way. We offer weekendand evening hours for your convenience. Give us a call andlet us help you make your cleansing journey easier and moresuccessful: 505-888-5858, www.allabouthealthinc.comRead more articles by Bill Haggard online:<strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> | July/August 2013 31

Short Sales – An Exercisein Patience By Nancy Bowers, Realtor®estate, we often hear the term “short sale,” butI’m asked constantly what that means. It meansInrealthe owner of the house couldn’t sell the house forenough to cover the liens (mortgages) against the property,so the funds will be “short” and the owner is not in a financialposition to make up the deficiency. The process is generallyanything but short (time-wise), and buyers must be preapprovedand patient to secure a home on a short sale. Thelist price of a house can have little to do with the price thebank will accept and realtors often price homes as short salesto stimulate interest and jumpstart the process. The sellermay accept the offer but the bank must approve the price.The first thing to understand is that the lien holders willnot accept a short sale until they’ve determined there is afinancial hardship. If the homeowner simply owes more thanthe house is worth but can’t prove financial hardship, thendoing a deed in lieu of foreclosure may be a better choice.(Sometimes selling the house on a real estate contract canwork instead but it is one of those things that must be accessedon a case by case basis). Secondly, the bank may discount theprice, but not for more than a maximum of 84-88% of thevalue (depending on the lien holder and the condition of thehouse). They usually base their determination of value oneither an appraisal or a broker’s price opinion. So, you canget a good deal but not necessarily as good as the listing agentwould like you to believe.The other thing I hear all the time is that the auction isa week away so it’s too late to do anything. If there is a validoffer on the table, there is no reason to allow the auction totake place, but it requires persistence and the willingness tospend the time and energy to speak with the right person. Ionce saved a client’s house from the auction block on fourdifferent occasions, once only fifteen minutes before it was setto be auctioned off (I had two valid offers at the time). Shortsales are not for the faint of heart on the buyers’, sellers’ (orthe realtor’s!) side. Plus, sellers usually don’t have money forrepairs or (often) inspections and banks are already taking ahit, so buyers need to be prepared to accept the house “as-is.”A short sale can be a good choice for sellers who can’tqualify for a loan modification. But, be prepared: the processtakes patience and persistence and can frustrate even socalledexperts.Nice Homes for All!Let us help you make yourdreams come true.• Creative Solutions• Buying & Selling• Cash or TermsSinging BowlsWater FountainsMetaphysical BooksTapes, Jewelry & GiftsClasses & Sessions by Ingainga.crystaldove@gmail.comNancy Bowers, Realtor ® Solution SpecialistRealtor/Partner, The M Real Estate Group505-247-0507 ext 112 • 505-681-4744 cellnicehomesforall.comCRYSTAL DOVE525 Central NE / 505.842.5265www.crystal-dove.com32 <strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> | www.trulyalive.netRead more articles by Nancy Bowers online:

Let Go! Move On! Be Happy!By Betsy-MorganIfyou’ve been holding onto an old relationship, nowis the perfect time to let go. The stars and the last3 eclipses are all assisting this process happening!Here’s how you can start moving on:1. Release Regrets. When a relationship ends, it’s temptingto dwell on what you did wrong or what you could havedone differently. This might seem productive—like youcan somehow change things by rehashing it. You can’t.All dwelling does is cause you to suffer. When you startrevisiting the past in your head, STOP! Pull yourself intothe moment. Focus on the good things in your currentsituation: the friends who are there for you and the lessonsyou’ve learned that will help you with future relationships.2. Forgive yourself and your Ex. You might think you madethe biggest mistake of your life, and if only you didn’t doit you wouldn’t be in pain right now. Don’t go down thatroad—there’s nothing good down there! Instead, remindyourself you have learned lessons that will improve yourlife! If you want to feel love again in the future, the firststep is to feel love toward yourself.3. Remember the bad as well as the good. Scientistssuggest about 20 % of us suffer from “complicatedgrief ”—a persistent sense of longing for someone we lostwith romanticized memories of the relationship. Thesescientists also suggest this is a biological occurrence;that the longing can have an addictive quality to it. As aresult, we tend to remember everything with reverie, as ifit was all sunshine and roses. Let’s get real—everyone hasstrengths and weaknesses. “It’s easier to let go of a humanthan a hero.”5. Reconnect with who you are outside a relationship. Oddsare you lived a fulfilling single life before you got into thisone. You were strong, satisfied and happy—at least on thewhole. Remember that person you were. Reconnect withold friends or interests. That strong, happy, passionateperson that attracted your Ex… that person will get youthrough.6. Create separation. Hope can be a terrible thing if it keepsyou stuck in the past. It’s not easy to end all contact whenyou feel attached to someone. Breaking off the friendshipmight feel like ruining your chances. But, it helps tochange hopes into broader terms. For instance, insteadof wanting that specific person to re-enter your life, wantlove and happiness instead—whatever that may look like.9. Replace fearful thinking. When you’re holding onto arelationship, it’s usually more about attachment than love.Love wants for the other person’s happiness. Fear wantsto hold onto whatever appears to make you happy so youdon’t have to feel bad. Some examples of the habitualthoughts I had include: “I’ll never love like this again.I’ll always be sad.” Replace those thoughts with: “All painpasses eventually. It will be easier if I am aware of mythinking. I can control how I respond to life.” And chooseto appreciate the people who are in your life like there’s notomorrow!It took me 2 years to work through my feelings about mylast relationship and let go; and, I am happy to report, Idid. But—I know now I could have hurt less and createdeven more possibilities for myself if I put more effort intoletting go sooner. I hope you’ll make that choice.A $10 Tele-Conference (telephone) Class on “Letting Go”is scheduled for Tuesday, July 30th at 6PM Mtn. The ClassIncludes: Channeled Information from Archangel Requiel (TheAngel of Letting Go), Exercises to cut negative energy patternsfrom Archangel Michael. See: www.AskBetsyMorgan.comto register NOW. You CAN move forward in your life with easeand joy!Channeling & More!Your One-StopPsychic CenterChanneling Classes • Private ReadingsTeleconference Classes • Support Group MeetingsYouTube videos • Books on AmazonPsychic Radio Show on SedonaTalkRadio.comevery Friday at 10AM Mountain$10 TeleConference Class6PM July 30th (One Hour) =“Releasing Old Relationships& Moving Into Joy!”See AskBetsyMorgan.comto register orcall 505-275-4746.Betsy-MorganRead more articles by Betsy-Morgan online:<strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> | July/August 2013 33 <strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> ArticlesNow Available Online!July/August OnlineArticle Titles include:nReality Follows ChoiceBy Nina BrownnHiking Toward Heaven, Part 4By Ian PalmernHypnosis: Timeless & Ever ChangingBy Charlene Lewis, CHt, CWK, CQTPnHungry For Change An Overview of the Book byColquhoun and Bosch, producers of Food MattersnFrom Confusion to Clarity, Part 2By Michelle HarveynBeing the Powerhouse that You AreBy Dr. Judith PentzCheck back often. More added everyday. Deadlinesare flexible, costs are minimal!Contact: Karen Larré, Publisher505.828.3430 or info@trulyalive.netEarth Mother Creations,Financial and MoreBy Marshall Estnerfeel the energy moving intoand through Earth Mother? AreDoyouyou taking the time to see heractively blossom and grow? Earth Mother waspreparing herself during the quiet time of Winter.Her creations popped through the surface in the Springtime.Now, she has moved into the birthing process of her everevolving blessing that is Summer.Are you ready to surrender to what is truly being calledforth for you to experience this Summertime? Are youwilling to move into action, call forth your dreams, and createabundance in your life? Earth Mother offers assistance withfinancial abundance, yes, and so much more…abundancein every area of life. Earth Mother is offering us deeperconnections to family, friends, new relationships, joy, healthand happiness everyday as well.Choose to co-create with Earth Mother. Connect withher and actively be in relationship with her and other realmsof consciousness. Let her grace you with her love so youcan release old belief systems of not being worthy enoughto receive, not being good enough, or whatever flavor yourmind likes to manipulate you with to stay limited. Lettinggo of these thoughts in our current time of evolution canbe extremely difficult to do by ourselves. We are stepping into a New World Consciousness that embraces the conceptsof Oneness, Love for Ourselves and Others; Creating andWorking as a Community Consciousness. If you would liketo learn to co-create abundance (particularly financial sincethat is my area of expertise) with our Earth Mother, pleasecall for a free consultation.When Used with Wisdom, Money is the Energy of Love…andCan Bring Balance in Receiving and Giving. You can learn tocreate: (1) a new way of being around money (2) a financialbudget to bring order to your daily life, (3) a financial plan (4)a system to organize your financial and tax records. MarshallEstner, 505-850-2132, EarthMother’s Cycles to CreateFinancial AbundanceBy Marshall EstnerAccounting, Bookkeeping,Counseling, Financial & Tax Planning1325 Park Avenue, SW, ABQ, NM 87102505-850-2132 • www.MarshallEstner.comServing Corporations & Individuals for over 30 Years34 <strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> | www.trulyalive.netRead more articles by Marshall Estner online:

Photo © by J. WycheWhat’s in a concept?Everything.By Clint BridgesThe concept you hold about yourself in yourmind equals your beliefs about yourself. Youare that concept (whatever it may be), andit is the reality you are experiencing in this worldright now! Be it rich, poor, happy or sad.If a man believes he is poor, he may be a beggar standing onthe corner looking for a handout. This is his concept of himself.It has hardened into his reality, and the riches of his mind havebecome lost to him.If a woman is battered and she believes she deserves to bemistreated, abused and powerless to do any thing about it, thatis her concept of herself, and therefore, that is her reality.If a man behaves like a criminal and believes there is noother way to survive other than by violating others in society;that is his concept of himself, and consequently it becomes hisreality.On the other hand, a man may be a physicist who holdsthe concept that by using his intelligence he can understandthe working of the universe and the nature of physical reality.Because that man holds a higher concept of himself, the worldexperiences an Einstein or a Hubble.If you desire to improve your lot in life, all you need to dois change the concept you hold to a higher concept. When youhave become the new concept of yourself, (and if you hold itlong enough you will become it), seek still a higher concept ofyourself. You will also become that.The highest concept I can see is this: God made me in Hisown image and likeness. I have been perfected in God’s Love. Iam a loving Human Being, and that’s the energy that guides mybehavior and creates the world I live in. His wisdom flows to allof us, because the same God made every one of us.In the business world, I’m a mortgage broker. Honesty appliesto every thing I do in business as well as my personal life. If youor anyone you know is seeking a mortgage, I am here to helpyou, and it will be my privilege to serve you. Clint G. BridgesNourishmentBy Joy Lynn of Joyous CreationsTransformational nourishment means that ourbodies, hearts, minds, and spirits are open andwilling to take in the nourishment that’s offered.To do this, we have to believe that we are valuableand worthy to receive.— From the book The Buddha Cameto DinnerI have committed to the regular, daily practice of payingattention. I realize how essential it is to feed myself witha sense of purpose, focus, love, and passion for my life.First and foremost I need to feed my spirit in order to payattention to feeding my body.Transformational nourishment is a way of deeplylistening and responding. Each bite of food is an opportunityto connect with my “self ”; it is a spiritual practice. Eachtime I put something in my mouth, I have an opportunityto practice awareness. Each morsel of food, each sip ofwater is an invitation to take care. You may find practicingmindfulness a useful exercise while nourishing your body(mind and spirit too).At Joyous Creations, we create food that nourishes andcares for your body. Creating food that tastes good and meetsyour dietary needs is our top priority. Meals are weighed,measured and packaged to your specification: family style,individual items are packaged separately, or one meal percontainer. Your food choices can be cooked and/or raw;low carb, low fat, vegan, gluten free, dairy free to meet yourneeds. Our clients are families and professionals who needhelp creating fresh, tasty, nutritious meals.It will be our pleasure to cater your next function orevent. Weddings are our specialty.With Love and Deep Appreciation, Joy LynnJoy Lynn is a Spiritual Practitioner with the Rio GrandeCenter for Spiritual Living.Read more articles by both authors online:<strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> | July/August 2013 35

Astrological Forecast: July/AugustJohn Clinton | Psychic Astrologer | 505-489-112230+ Years Experience Interpreting Stellar EventsAries (3/21-4/19) JULY opens with fiery displays ofpatriotism. This symbolizes the Aries-like need to expresspride and loyalty to country. Things feel differentafter the 12th. Actually, it’s “feelings” that are different.You are suddenly drawn into the world of emotional floods. Thereare tasks now, which require serious reflection. Inside, you find thatsmall spark at your core. The Rams have the right gear ratio to generategreat energy from that small central spark. The 20th is thebest day to manifest your dreams. Respect your superiors to reachgoals this month. AUGUST: You like action? August has it for you.The 2nd is a day when both sexes actually get along, smoothly. Youare caught up in this love tornado and carried away to the land ofbliss. Unless this new Moon on the 7th makes bad angles to yourpersonal planets, you will be happy, loving, and playing like a kid inthe sandbox. Changes go on in the world around you, but you floatmerrily along on life’s river. If you are affected, the turmoil startson the 7th and isn’t resolved until the last 3 days of the month. Itshouldn’t cut into your fun-stuff too much.Taurus (4/20-5/20) JULY opens with the endingof certain structures in your life. After a few adjustments,most of your discord can be turned to harmonyby the 7th. You also begin the month with a veryhappy and optimistic mind-set. It’s like your brain is being tickledwith butterfly wings. Changes come with the full Moon on 7/22.Your optimism has now created a glow about you which attractsromance. You will need to monitor that glow. The month endswith a clash like the beginning, but you float above it all like creamon a latte. AUGUST starts with you at full speed. The 2nd createsa strong desire at work. Watch those cameras. The bovines are inclinedto social events at home. After the 21st, you regain a sense ofharmony. First, however, there will be four very challenging daysfrom 8/24-8/27. Then, just a little bump in the road, now and thenis all. We are all being tested this month in different ways. Loveand romance seem to be your solution. Your past-lifetime karma isbrought to the table this month. Your philosophy needs updating.Gemini (5/21-6/21) JULY could be filled withfinancial promises, like: “I’ll pay you back, Tuesday” or“This is a sure thing!” or “Save Big”. However, you maynot be able to afford situations like these, and others,in the legal tender realm. It’s all about Mercury retrograde untilthe 20th. Your best money-maker is work from the past. Thoughrestrictive, it can still pump out a few more barrels of cash. On the20th, you will begin to break free of those chains. Jogging to catchup with the “movers and shakers” can cause losses on many levels.Use prudence. AUGUST brings a gust of financial good fortune.Except for any possible bad aspects, Jupiter seems to pour wealthinto your life for several months. This month, short trips withothers seems likely. Love may draw you away this month, but youneed time at home after the 22nd. You will be meeting some veryimportant people during the final 7 days of August. Therefore, youneed to stay close to home. Home projects go well on the 30th. It’sa good starting time for any large projects. Watch for deception onthe 7th. The 14th is great with friends.Cancer (6/22-7/22) JULY has a new Moon in yourSign on the 8th. Saturn also turns forward in its apparentmotion that day. This is a constructive and solidifyingforce for good in the life of all Moon Children.Those Crabs in a love drought can construct new socializingtechniques. Whatever needs improving or replacing is where yourenergy is best applied for the next year. The full Moon is on the22nd as the Sun is changing into Leo. Though, you are saddenedby world violence and abuse this last week, the “new you” standsstrong. AUGUST is a time for the Crabs to gain financially. It’s atime to express your mind as well. Clack your claws to the beatof life’s music. Showing off is not unusual during the happy timesof summer. Soon you will scuttle home to prepare for the seasonchanges, but for now, live it up! Others may resent your happinesson the 7th. Don’t pay any attention. It’s two weeks of outrageoussocial activity, then, it’s two weeks of domestic bliss. The full Moonon the 20th is intense, as an ending is likely. Such is life.Leo (7/23-8/22) JULY starts dramatically enoughfor the Lions…just keep your head down the firstfour days. Peace will be restored on the 5th. The restof the first 3 weeks are made for secluded seductionsand surrenders. Aloneness does not exclude love when you canbe alone with who, or what, you love. A new yearly cycle beginsfor you on the 22nd. It’s also the full Moon. To me, this shows anenhanced awareness of your innate powers. You have backers andyou have detractors. You have many secret options. Truth andfairness becomes your sword. AUGUST opens with your swordbringing changes in the areas of work and health. Happy Birthday,by the way. The 4th is a good day to celebrate your Sign. You loveto see justice done. That seems to be what’s happening from 8/7-8/21. Religious zealots create serious problems those two weeks.However, the real winner is truth, so enjoy the show. Friends willshare in your celebrations during the 2nd half of August. Your“knight in shining armor” could appear in the full Moon light ofthe 20th. A sadness comes near month’s end, but home is bliss.Virgo (8/23-9/22) JULY might feel like waiting atthe airport for your lover to arrive. It seems that Flight00Fine has been delayed by Mercury retrograde. Gohome ‘til the 20th. Then both Mercury and Venuswill be in your favor. There is a friend connection with a new loveinterest. The full Moon on the 22nd implies a past lifetime withthis person. There’s a lot of noise in the world around us, but youhave a chance to find quietude where occasionally, you can processall your latest facts and figures. You may feel like a drifting boatthis month. Adrift, but not abandoned. AUGUST has some rainyweather and you are making progress with your goals. Home andfriends make life just adorable. You would pinch life’s cheek if youcould. Add in an upcoming birthday and life really is cute. Oh,sure there are some major upsets in the world, but you don’t havetime for all that. Near the 25th, you can rope in your dreams withthe help of a friend. Like team-roping a calf, you can place yourbrand on that dream. Some of your Sign will be honored in someway on the 30th because of your “contribution”.36 <strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> |

Libra (9/23-10/22) JULY: Your amazing goodluckkeeps the party going this first 3 weeks. As theturmoil unfolds in your life, you become the greatpeacemaker. By the 7th, it’s time to celebrate a feelingof friendship. There is a new sense of stability about you and yourwork now. People are stubborn on the 9th. After the 17th, youdeserve a raise, or at least, some high self-esteem. Your trademarkability to balance things could be used to break up a log jam toyour prosperity. Let the river flow freely. Your charm can changethe course of history. AUGUST is calling, but you refuse to answer.Friends want you out with them, but you seek solitude. AnotherLibran dilemma. Flip a coin. The 2nd is hard to resist, isn’t it?You love peace and harmony (unless you’re in a bad mood) so letothers deal with conflicts from the 7th-21st. Then you can anchoryourself enough to deal with angry opposition on the 26th and27th. Keep your balance. It could be like walking a tight rope withbombs going off beneath you. Stay close to a mentor. Don’t let thechanges upset you. You’ve had it good for a long time.Scorpio (10/23-11/21) JULY can be a joyful timefor the Scorpions. It’s a good reminder to keep ona higher path, or better still, to be the high soaringeagle above the fray, yet seeing all. On the 1st, try toavoid confrontations with women of power. It could cost you. Thisis an action-packed month. Some good, some bad. Your faith orphilosophy should smooth out the bumps easily. The 26th and27th are earth shaking days in more ways than one. And still yourneeds arise despite the destruction all around. The last four daysare very “earthy”. Use caution the night of the 31st. AUGUST isgood for your job or career. It also puts your character under amicroscope this first 3 weeks. You hate that. Your natural fears andpersecution issues will keep you poised and smiling through it all.The 7th brings a spiritual message for all of us, but especially toyou. Signs can be seen in changes around you. You can benefit fromknowing what these signs mean. There is a chance for permanencein a relationship by month’s end. By making agreements, you cansolidify and clarify your needs in all forms of partnerships.Sagittarius (11/22-12/21) JULY is a fascinatingtime for the Archers. The warm nights allow moreoutdoor time to study the hidden mysteries of life.It’s a time for sharing your deepest emotions andwonderings with another. Something usually ends at this timeof year. It’s like sending your soul to the cosmic dry cleaners. Itcomes back like new. The 17th is your best day. If you’ve beengood, as usual, this can bring true love or true achievement toyour life. The full Moon on the 21st and 22nd is dynamic. Youcould be in a march this month. AUGUST aligns with yoursoul, your personal energy, or your “effect” in the world. You feelUniversal as you explore the highest peaks of understanding. Youknow? You could join with others on the 4th when deep thoughtsand positive actions are likely. You are feelings of activism areactivated. There will be enough challenges to challenge yourfondness of challenges. You always seem to have the solution toa given problem. You can express that concisely on 8/24. Yourcrusade continues on the 26th and by sheer will power, you endthe month victorious.Capricorn (12/22-1/19) JULY brings an endto current delays in your life. Progress and successreturns after the 8th. The 19th is like a visit to theEmerald City plus a ticker tape parade. You standat the doorway of your dreams. If you have listened to me, youhave prepared for this great day over the past 5 months. You willhave met the great wizard this month and he will be you. Onlya bad day on the 27th can mar this pleasure cruise you are on.Authoritarian frustration hits you like a mini-tornado. The monthends socially gratified except for the night of the 31st. Assumingyou survive that, AUGUST promises opportunities for yourentrepreneurial spirit. Pluto (the mighty one) is retrograde inyour Sign. It’s a psychologically harmonious time. You don’t feelthe pressure to change yourself due to changes around you. It isa time for introspection. Partnership issues arise on the 7th. Thatgoes on a couple of weeks. You will finally pull yourself up to yourproper level. The 27th has you waking with a brilliant solution toa problem. You will deserve a raise, but no more raze, and onlywarm Sun rays. The full Moon (8/20) brings you cash.Aquarius (1/20-2/18) JULY continues therocketing into new dimensions of adventure andexploration. The 7th has the right energy to bringlove and sharing into your life. The 17th - 22ndis incredible for all of us. You are the right one to take actionduring that time. The 27th is another edgy day. The unexpectedhappens. This once again involves your Sign taking action.Thanks to you, there can now be a few days of peace until thelast few hours of the month. That’s when someone could verballyattack you. Your safety could be at risk that day. AUGUST isusually socially involved, or dealing with a partner, or fightingopenly with an arch enemy. You seem to be tied up with legalmatters, too. The 14th brings you the words to deal with thecyclone of events around you. Somehow, as usual, you havestirred up some trouble. It’s always a learning experience foryou, and I believe that to be your motive. This time, your partneris stirring the pot. Bubble, bubble, toil and trouble. It lookspossible that you’ve gone too far this time and a relationshipcould end, but it’s your choice.Pisces (2/19-3/20) JULY is a very compatiblemonth for the Fish. Even real fish feast on an insectbanquet during July. Life is good. Just a few bumpsalong the way are meant to keep you focused on thereal world. There is a chance to travel as well as a chance to expressyour personal philosophy. Your successes and breakthroughs addcredibility to your words. Everything builds to a five-day plateauof incredibility starting on the 17th. The Moon seems to fill untilfull on the 22nd with an intense magic. The 27th is disruptive,but you just keep grinning. AUGUST is a time to look back overyour life. OK, just the good memories, then. All experiencesare for the good, as you know. There is a purpose to your recent“togetherness”. Your special kind of helpfulness will be the perfectenergy to bring positive change this month. Speak up this month,but keep your philosophy hidden. Authority gets in your face,annoyingly, around the 26th. Your partner is making secret plansto make you happy near month’s end. Come out and play. Therewill be friends galore to cement their love for you.For a personal consultation call John at 505-489-1122<strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> | July/August 2013 37

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Changing impaired patterns usingenergy medicine and essential oils is a veryefficient, non-invasive and holistic way toimprove health. Private sessions, classes, giftcertificates. Angela Melton, Donna EdenCertified Energy Medicine Practitioner:505-310-1790, 20% new client discount!www.EmpoweringEnergyMedicine.comEdgar Cayce StudiesLearn about Edgar Cayceand how his prophecies canenhance your life experienceright now and in the comingtimes. Free Study Group: 7-9pm Weds.Call Wanda Barrows 505-890-0878.www.edgarcayceabq.orgEmpathic HealingTransform your unhealthyblocked energy state into a freeflowing balanced healthy statewith Empathic Energy work,Reiki and Life Coaching. JeanineGabbei, & Healing, Reiki, Life Coaching.505-908-9266, www.holisticnm.net38 <strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> | www.trulyalive.netAdditional Resources online:

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Cassandra Noël:health/healing facilitator, minister, masterprosperity teacher, MBA. Individual sessions,classes, groups. See July-August offerings, 505-818-1078.Holistic MedicineSTEPHEN P. WEISS, M.D.Blending the Best of Western &Alternative MedicineVOTED ONE OF ABQ’S TOP DOCS2006 505-872-2611www.holisticmedicineheals.comBoard Certified in Family Practice/Clinical AssistantProfessor, UNM School of Medicine, Dr.Weiss effectively treats children & adults with awide range of medical conditions using classicalhomeopathy, herbs, supplements, spiritualcounseling, lab tests & when necessary, conventionalmedications. He has appeared onnational television & radio discussing varioustopics in Alternative Medicine.Holistic Counseling/HealingDelasaria Lihon is a licensedcounselor, energetic healer, &professional intuitive utilizingholistic approaches to therapy &healing, including: Angel Readings,Ascended Energetic Balancing, EgyptianHealing Rods. Affordable sliding scale, freeconsultation. Enchanted Healing of NM, inNob Hill. 505-362-5847,www.enchantedhealingnm.comHypnotherapy/ReikiBe your true self. Clear limiting ideas,behaviors, thoughts and patternsthat no longer serve you. Learnhow to live a happier & healthierlife. I work on Anxiety, ADHD, SleepDisorders, Self-Esteem, Accelerated Learning& Healing, Performance/Goals, PTSD, Phobias,Traumas, Weight Mgmt, Smoking Cessation& more. Free Consultation. David B Fisher,CMS-CHt, MBA, Clinical Hypnotherapist/Reiki Master, 505.463.7392, CHT #709-287,www.DavidBFisherHypnotherapy.comIntegrative MedicineSanjevani IntegrativeMedicine Health & LifestyleCenter • NEW LOCATION: 9001Holly Ave, ABQ,, www.bosmeric-sr.comwww.allergydropstherapy.comwww.sanjevanistore.comSanjevani is Albuquerque’s premier specialtycenter for your complete Integrative andHolistic health care and the home of Bosmeric-SR TM . Dr. Sunil Pai, MD and the Sanjevaniteam specialize in authentic IntegrativeMedicine using the best of Western andEastern Medicine. 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Evolve Yoga, 505-873-0614,www.yogawithjody.comYou Can Channel TooDr. Judy Vavrek channels theGolden Ascension • Mon. 6-7 pm •$10 • 616 Isleta SW. Pranic Healingfor: radiation, fear, grief, trauma,anxiety, ADHD. 505-873-0606Your Highest SelfRelieve your pain, release unwantedweight, reduce blood pressure& cholesterol, manage diabetes &so much more. The new TherapeuticLifestyle Change Program will produce body/fat loss & muscle mass gain. Weary of losing thelast 5 lbs. over & over? Tired of your medications?TLC can be your answer. Services include:acupuncture, herbal therapy, ELR, chakra balancing& psycho-neuro emotional balancing.Dr. Gail Drane, Healing Light Acupuncture,215 Gold Ave. SW, 87102, 505-331-0168,www.AcupunctureClinicABQ.comAdditional Resources online:<strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> | July/August 2013 39

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