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330 RAINBOW <strong>VALLEY</strong>stay all night and was compelled to breathe the spareroom atmosphere.There was a closet in the spare room and far back inthe closet a gray silk dress was hanging. Una wentinto the closet and shut the door, went down on herknees and pressed her face againstfolds. It had been her mother's weddingwas stillthe soft silkendress. Itfull of a sweet, faint, haunting perfume, likelingering love. Una always felt very close to hermother there as if she were kneeling at her feetwith head in her lap.while when life was too hard.She went there once in a long"Mother," she whispered to the gray silk gown, "1will never forget you, mother, and I'llalways loveyou best. But I have to do it, mother, because fatheris so very unhappy.I know you wouldn't want himto be unhappy. And I will be very good to her,mother, and try to love her, even if she is like MaryVance said stepmothers always were."Una carried some fine, spiritual strength away fromher secret shrine. She slept peacefully that night withthe tear stains still glistening on her sweet, serious,littleface.The next afternoon she put on her best dress andhat. They were shabby enough. Every other littlegirl in the Glen had new clothes that summer exceptFaith and Una. Mary Vance had a lovely dress ofwhite embroidered lawn, with scarlet silk sash andshoulder bows. But to-day Una did not mind her

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