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MISS CORNELIA'S NEW VIEW 273on either side. Susan was already on her second pairof stockings for Faith. Susan never worried overpoor humanity. She did what in her lay for its bettermentand serenely left the rest to the Higher Powers."Cornelia Elliott thinks she was born to run thisworld, Mrs. Dr. dear," she had once said to Anne, "andso she isalways in a stew over something.I havenever thought 7 was, and so Igo calmly along. Notbut what ithas sometimes occurred to me that thingsmight be run a little better than they are. But it isnot for us poor worms of the dust to nourish suchthoughts. They only make us uncomfortable and donot get us anywhere.""I don't see that anything can be done now " saidAnne, pulling out a nice, cushiony chair for MissCornelia. "But how in the world did Mr. Vickersallow that letter to be printed?Surely he should haveknown better.""Why, he's away, Anne, dearie, he's been away toNew Brunswick for a week. And that young scalawagof a Joe Vickers is editing the Journal in his absence.Of course, Mr. Vickers would never have putit in,even if he is a Methodist, but Joe would just think ita good joke. As you say, I don't suppose there is anythingto be done now, only live it down. But if Iever get Joe Vickers cornered somewhere I'llgive hima talking to he won't forget in a hurry. I wantedMarshall to stop our subscription to the Journal instantly,but he only laughed and said that to-day's issue

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