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256 RAINBOW <strong>VALLEY</strong>she had pulledthe stockings over her scrawny littlelegs and slipped Faith's shoes over her thick littleankles."I'm obliged to you," she said, "but won't yourfolks be cross?""No and I don't care if they are," said Faith. "Doyou think I could see any one freezing to death withouthelping them if I could? It wouldn't be right, especiallywhen my father's a minister.""Will you want them back? It's awful cold downat the harbour mouth long after it's warm up here,"said Lida slyly."No, you're to keep them, of course. That is whatI meant when I gave them. I have another pair ofshoes and plenty of stockings."Lida had meant to stay awhile and talk to the girlsabout many things. But now she thought she hadbetter get away before somebody came and made heryield up her booty. So she shuffled off through thebitter twilight, in the noiseless,shadowy way she hadslipped in. As soon as she was out of sightof themanse she sat down, took off the shoes and stockings,and put them in her herring basket. She had no intentionof keeping them on down that dirty harbour road.NotThey were to be kept good for gala occasions.another little girl down at the harbour mouth had suchfine black cashmere stockings and such smart, almostnew shoes.Lida was furnished forth for the summer.She had no qualms in the matter. In her eyes the

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