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8 RAINBOW <strong>VALLEY</strong>"Manila is eighty-five," said Anne with a sigh."Her hair is snow-white. But, strange to say, her eyesightis better than it was when she was sixty.""Well, dearie, I'm real glad you're all back. I'vebeen dreadful lonesome. But we haven't been dull inthe Glen, believe me.There hasn't been such an excitingspring in my time, as far as church matters go.We've got settled with a minister at last, Anne, dearie.' r"The Reverend John Knox Meredith, Mrs. Dr.dear," said Susan, resolved not to let Miss Corneliatell all the news."Is he nice ?" asked Anne interestedly.Miss Cornelia sighed and Susan groaned."Yes, he's nice enough if that was all," said theformer. "He isvery nice and very learned andvery spiritual. But, oh Anne, dearie, he has no commonsense!""How was ityou called him, then?""Well, there's no doubt he isby far the best preacherwe ever had in Glen St. Mary church," said Miss Cornelia,veering a tack or two. "I itsupposeis becauseso moony and absent minded that he never got ahe istown call. His trial sermon was simply wonderful,believe me. Everyone went mad about it and hislooks.""He isvery comely, Mrs. Dr. dear, and when all issaid and done, I do like to see a well-looking man inthe pulpit," broke in Susan, thinkingasserted herself again.it was time she

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