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220 RAINBOW <strong>VALLEY</strong>with four children.It had been only the glamour ofthe manse that had temporarily blinded Emmeline'syes to the better part.A sled with three shrieking occupants sped past Mr.Meredith to the pond.Faith's long curls streamed inthe wind and her laughter rang above that of theothers.John Meredith looked after them kindly andlongingly. He was glad that his children had suchchums as the Brythes glad that they had so wise andgay and tender a friend as Mrs. Blythe. But theyneeded something more, and that something would besupplied when he brought Rosemary West as a brideto the old manse. There was in her a quality essentiallymaternalIt was Saturday night and he did not often go callingon Saturday night, which was supposed to be dedicatedto a thoughtful revision of Sunday's sermon.But he had chosen this nightbecause he had learnedthat Ellen West was going to be away and Rosemarywould be alone.Often as he had spent pleasant eveningsin the house on the hill he had never, since thatfirst meeting at the spring, seen Rosemary alone.had always been there.He did not precisely object to Ellen being there.EllenHeliked Ellen West very much and they were the best offriends. Ellen had an almost masculine understandingand a sense of humour which his own shy, hiddenappreciation of fun found very agreeable. He likedher interest in politics and world events. There was no

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