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MORE GOSSIP 157"We'll miss Myra terrible in church," said MissCornelia. "She was such a worker. Nothing everstumped her.If she couldn't get over a difficulty she'dget around it, and if she couldn't get around it she'dpretend it wasn't there and generallyit wasn't. Tilkeep a stiff upper lip to my journey's end,' said she tome once. Well, she has ended her journey.""Do you think so?" asked Anne suddenly, comingback from dreamland. "I can't picture her journeyas being ended. Can you think of her sitting downand folding her hands that eager, asking spirit ofhers, with its fine adventurous outlook? No, I thinkindeath she just opened a gate and went throughon on to new, shining adventures.""Maybe maybe,"assented Miss Cornelia. "Doyou know, Anne dearie, I never was much taken withthis everlasting rest doctrine myself though I hopeit isn't heresy to sayso. I want to bustle round inheaven the same as here. And Ihopethere'll be acelestial substitute for pies and doughnuts somethingthat has to be made. Of course, one does get awfultired at times and the older you are the tireder youget. But the very tiredest could get rested in somethingshort of eternity, you'd think except, perhaps,a lazy man.""When I meet Myra Murray again," said Anne, "Iwant to see her coming towards me, brisk and laughing,just as she always did here.""Oh, Mrs. Dr. dear," said Susan, in a shocked tone,

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