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CHAPTER XVMORE GOSSIPON the evening after Mrs. Myra Murray of theover-harbour section had been buried Miss Corneliaand Mary Vance came up to Ingleside. Therewere several things concerning which Miss Corneliawished to unburden her soul.The funeral had to beall talked over, of course. Susan and Miss Corneliathrashed this out between them ;Anne took no part ordelight in such ghoulish conversations. She sat a littleapart and watched the autumnal flame of dahlias inthe garden, and the dreaming, glamorous harbourof the September sunset. Mary Vance sat beside her,knitting meekly. Mary's heart was down in RainbowValley, whence came sweet, distance-softened soundsof children's laughter, but her fingers were under MissCornelia's eye. She had to knit so manyher stocking before she might go to the valley.knit and held her tongue, but used her ears.rounds ofMary"I never saw a nicer looking corpse," said Miss Corneliajudicially. "Myra Murray was always a prettywoman she was a Corey from Lowbridge and theCoreys were noted for their good looks.""I said to the corpse as I passed it, 'poor woman, Ihope you are as happy as you " look,' sighed Susan."She had not changed much. That dress she wore was

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