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looRAINBOW <strong>VALLEY</strong>repentantly. "Of course, your father's so absentmindedhe mightn't happen to think of getting marriedagain.But it's better to be prepared."Long after Mary slept serenely little Una lay awake,her eyes smarting with tears. Oh, how dreadful itwould be if her father should marry somebody whowould make him hate her and Jerry and Faith andCarl ! She couldn't bear it she couldn't !of the kind MissMary had not instilled any poisonCornelia had feared into the manse children's minds.Yets&e had certainly contrived to do a little mischiefwith? the best of intentions. But she slept dreamlessly,while Una lay awake and the rain fell and the windwailed around the old grayJohn Meredith forgot to gomanse. And the Rev.to bed at allbecause hewas absorbed in reading a life of St Augustine. Itwas gray dawn when he finished it and went upstairs,wrestling with the problems of two thousand yearsago. The door of the girls' room was open and hesaw Faith lying asleep, rosy and beautiful. He wonderedwhere Una was.Perhaps she had gone over to"stay all night" with the Blythe girls. She did thisoccasionally, deeming it a great treat. John Meredithsighed. He felt that Una's whereabouts ought not tobe a mystery to him, Cecilia would have looked afterher better than that.If only Cecilia were still with him! How prettyand gay she had been! How the old manse up atMaywater had echoed to her songs! And she had

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