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MISS CORNELIA INTERVENES 85watched that bed in the graveyard allSaturday afternoon.I never thought there was so much in bugs.Say, but they're quarrelsomelittle cusses some of'em like to start a fight 'thout any reason, tar's wecould see. And some of 'em are cowards. They gotso scared they just doubled theirselves up into a balland let the other fellows bang 'em round. Theywouldn't put up a fight at all. Some of 'em are lazyand won't work. We watched 'em shirking. Andthere was one ant died of grief 'cause another ant gotkilled wouldn't work wouldn't eat just died itdid, honest to Go oodness."A shocked silence prevailed. Every one knew thatMary had not started out to say "goodness." Faithand Di exchanged glances that would have done creditto Miss Cornelia herself. Walter and Carl lookeduncomfortable, and Una's lip trembled.Mary squirmed uncomfortably."That slipped out 'fore I thoughtit did, honest toI mean, true's you live, and I swallowed half of it.You folks over here are mighty squeamish seems tome. Wish you could have heard the Wileys whenthey had a fight.""Ladies don't say such things," said Faith, veryprimly for her."It isn't right," whispered Una."I ain't a lady," said Mary. "What chance've Iever had of being a lady?But I won't say that againif I can helpit.I promise you."

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