RDML McManamon SNA 11 Jan - Navsea

RDML McManamon SNA 11 Jan - Navsea RDML McManamon SNA 11 Jan - Navsea

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SURFMEPP Developed from Proven Carrier & Submarine Processes SURFMEPP is “Getting the Maintenance Requirement ‘RIGHT’” • Technical Foundation Papers (TFP) by CLASS) • SHIP SHEETS • Baseline Availability Work Packages (BAWPs) Integgration ASSESSMENTS AVAIL WORK CERT SURFMEPP SUSTAINMENT RMC MANNING Timeline Other NSA Ship E xecuting Activity Ships Force SURFM EPP "P lann ing Activity" TYC OM PEO / PARM S YSCOM Fle et OPNAV MSM O RM C Deli ve ry A-7 Yea rs Initial Class M ain tena nce Plan identifies l ife-cycl e m ain tena nce requirements (deli ve ry) Refi ned Class Mai nten ance Pl an i den tifie s Life Cycle Mai nten ance Requirements (cont inuo us) Fleet Sche dul ing Co nfe rence @ A-7 years. Sy first identi fied, wo rkloa d first iden tifie d, Capability Plan revised (Au gust ) (A-7 ye ars) Up dated End End- to – End Process A-30 A-29 (A-900 ) (A-87 0) SRA 1-1 Surface Ship End-to-End Maintenance Process 01 Octo ber 200 5 A-28 A-26 A-27 (A-8 40) (A-7 80) (A-810 ) SRA 1-2 SRA 1-3 Scen e Set ter - POM 0 8 IRGA - POM 08 OPNAV N4 3 presen ts "cu rren t FAST Team reviews workload, st ate " of p lann ing all orga nizati ons n ego tiat es re vise d workload o ffer fee dba ck (Octob er) guid ance (Novem ber) (A-2 7 m ont hs) (A-26 months) 0 1 Janu ary 20 06 A-25 A-23 A-22 A-21 A-20 A-19 A-18 A-17 A-24 (A-730) (A -690 ) (A-6 60) (A-630 ) (A-60 0) (A-570 ) (A-5 40) (A-5 10) (A-7 20) DSRA 1 SRA 2-1 A-650 50% ICMP Screened Sh ip Co ntin uou sly Asse ssing Cond itio n, wri ting 2Ks a nd e nte ring int o Shi p Sp eci fic C5 MP NCM C provides l ong -ran ge Progra mm ing Review (FYOP an d be yo nd) (A-24 ) Spo nsor P rogram Propo sal (SPP) - P OM 08 Th ird itera tive re vie w of worklo ad prog ram min g p rocess OPNAV Sp onso r N43 (February) (A-23 mo nth s) SRA 2-2 A-60 0 80% ICM P Screened SRA 2-3 A-5 30 Fina l BAWP A-5 30 10 0% ICMP Screened P lann ed basel ine review focus o n stri ke fo rce an d Quart erly Me eti ng NCM C to interoperability, i ntegration, review C5 1 M ode rnizat ion Plan, ca pab ility an d b alan ce issues EM I assessm ent NCM C, EM I assessm ent (A-18 ) DoN Bu dge t Sub mit tal - POM 0 8 Flee t sub mit s prop osed Ma inte nan ce Type b udg et t o Do N (Jun e) (A-1 9 m on ths) 01 Octob er 2 006 A-16 A-14 A-15 (A-48 0) (A-42 0) (A-450 ) EDS RA Instal l certification re adi ness re vie w (SEA 62) (A-18 to A-15) S cen e Se tter PR 09 (Octobe r) (A-1 6 m ont hs) OSD Bu dge t Sub mit tal - POM 0 8 DoN su bm its propo se d M ain tena nce type bud get to OSD (Septe mb er) (A-16 mo nths) ESRA Quarterly Meeting NCMC to IRCA - PR 0 9 review C51 Modernization Plan, (Novem be r) EM I a sse ssmen t (A-14 mo nth s) Surface Ship Maintenance n Modernization Future State_v2.igx 01 Ja nua ry 200 7 A-13 A-11 A-10 A-9 A-8 A-7 A-6 A-5 A-12 (A-3 90) (A-3 30 ) (A-30 0) (A-2 70) (A-240) (A-2 10) (A -180 ) (A-1 50) (A-36 0) SRA 3-1 SEA 6 2 cond ucts fin al ce rtificat ion read ine ss review (FCRR) (A-15 to A-12) SPP - PR 09 (Octob er) (A-16 months) PresBud get Subm itta l - POM 08 DoN su bmi ts pro pose d M ain tena nce Type b ud get to Pre side nt's Budg et (Jan uary) (A-12 mo nths) SRA 3-2 SYSCOMs con duct Wea pon s System Inte gra tion & Operability Te st (WSIIT) (A-12 to A-9) DSRA 2 A-2 40 Pre-AWP #1 A-2 40 50 % D Lev el M aint. Locked to $ Flee t id enti fies m ain tena nce fu ndi ng Pla nne d ba selin e re vie w Quarterly Meeting NCMC to allocation, availability, in shi p specific focus o n i nterope rabi lity, re vi ew C51 M ode rnizatio n M aint ena nce & M od erni zat ion Busine ss inte gra tion and ma turi ty Pl an, EMI assessme nt Plan (MMB P) issues (M arch; A-10 ) NCM C, EM I asse ssm en t (A-9 ) DoN Su bmi t - PR 09 (Jun e) (A-8 months) SRA 4-1 SYSCOMs conduct initial Pl atfo rm Certification Decision (PCQ) (SEA 06 2) (A-5 ) C5I MP d ead line for M ode rnizati on, late pro posa ls use Ele ct roni c Ch ang e Co nfig ura tion Board NCMC (A-6) 0 1 Octobe r 20 07 A-4 A-2 A-3 (A-120 ) (A-60 ) (A-90) SRA 4-2 NSA (RM C actin g) review wo rk package with Executin g Activitie s an d AITs a t Work Packag e In teg ratio n Co nfe rence (WFIC) (A-4) SRA 4-3 A-1 20 A-85 80 % D Pre-AWP Lev e l M aint. #2 Lock ed to $ A ppro ve d C5 IMP i nstal latio ns no t cert ified re quires SYSCOM requ est risk assessment approval from the co gni za nt TYCOM (A-4) OSD Submit - PR 09 (September) (A-4 months) A-75 10 0% D Level Maint. Lock ed to $ 01 Ja nua ry 2 00 8 A-1 A+1 A-0 (A-3 0) (A+30) SA00 DSRA 3 A-4 5 A-30 A-0 Final AWP WPE R Av ail Start A-35 A-14 WP Send Definitized "Ready to Start" MSG NSA (RMC a ct ing) d efin itizes (fi nali ze s t erm s and cond ition s of cont ract) wit h M SMO (A-35 da ys) PresBudg Submit - PR 09 (Jan uary) (A-0 m ont hs) CA00 C+1 C+2 C+3 A+2 (C+3 0) (C+60) (C+9 0) (A +60 ) MSMO MSMO MSMO com pl etes p lan ning co mpl etes plan nin g co mp lete s plan nin g an d e stima ting of work a nd e stim atin g of work a nd e stim atin g of all assign ed by A-8 assig ned by A-4 work a ssi gne d tim ef ram e time fram e MSM O repo rts (A-5 5 da ys) (A-55 da ys) (A-5 5 d ays) closeo ut d ata P lann ing Start (cost) in NM O (A-1 2) (C+1 ) Port Port Port Port E ngin eer Eng ine er Engi nee r Eng ine er Maintenan (RMC) (RM C) (RM C) (RM C) ce T eam Executin g Po rt En gin eer Ma inte nan screen s / scre ens / scree ns / scre ens / cond ucts Activity (RMC) scre ens ce Team au thorize s aut hori ze s authorizes au thorize s Wor k Mai nten an Maintenance establishes / au tho rize r 80% of D- 1 00% of O- 1 00% of I- 1 00% of D- Packag e Co mp issues ce Team Team M onth ly Avai labi lity in 50% of D-level levellevellevellevel Executio n Start of Do ck Undo c Prod. Avail de part ure con ducts Pla nnin g Navy re pair work re pai r work re pair work repa ir wo rk re pai r work Re vie w Avai l Ship k Ship Work Com pl. repo rt hot wash Me etin gs M ain tena nce pa cka ge; pa cka ge; pa ckag e; p ackage ; pa cka ge; (WPER) (SA00) (DD00 ) (DD0 0) (WC0 (CA00 ) ide ntifying (C+ 1) (PB4 M) Data base MSMO i nitiates MSMO MSM O MSMO MSM O fi nali ze 0) final Avail (NMD) pl ann ing co sts (C+2 ) initiates initiates initiates initiates funding (A- (A-12) (A-8) pl ann ing (A plan nin g (A p lan ning (A pla nnin g (A 1) -4 ) -4) -4) -4) RM C Req uests Port Eng ine er Avail abil ity fun ding Review (R MC) clo se s from TYCOM for Defe rred Item s Execute ou t Avail, clo se initial planni ng of wit h CR Assessm ent s ou t d ate to repa ir wo rk Review an d Do cu men t NM D (A-345 days) Deferred Item s Re qui red (C+2) with CR Re pai Action s on SHOREFILE (Review De ferral I tem s Submit Final P lann ing Act ivi ty (PEO / PARM ) Plan ning Activity Plan ning SEA 05 Begins Plan ning Activi ty issues sh ip BA WP/AWP with Pl anning Activity (PEO / PARM) Plan ning Activi ty deli ve rs BAWP/AWP Technical Issue Form Formal al pro povides desincre ceme ental ta fun u dding gfo or Maainte tenan a ce ce WP requ equ ests fu u nding d g fo o r Activity ct t y Ch C aange ge integ tegato ratio n da d rawin gs(S gs (SIDs) s)to to Close-Out CoseOut Li fe Cycle TYCOM/CR) id iden tifi tifies iinitial i ti l li list t of f HHea ddqu arters t materia t i l l (LLTM (LL TM and d Kitt Kitte dd Cl Closeout t Foun dat ion Pl ann ing acquisi tion of He adq uarters Co ntro lled Req uireme nts to development of Ship com pl etes a ll De ferra l NSA for u se b y Executi ng Y ard Verifi ca tion & Plan ning Co ntro lled & Pro cu red Ma teria l (HCPM ) Ma teri al) Repo rt Paper Schedule & Procured Material (HCPM) Cont rols Insta llat ion Drawin gs ship checks Re que st Le tter an d AI Ts Assessme nt Conference (A-22) (A-1 ) Co mp lete Le tte r (A-20 ) All 2ks Brand ed (A-16 ) (A-9 ) Ad judi ca tion (A-6) Me etin g Su bmi t Bud get CSMP Review De fer/ Adju dicate Turn over Pre- Review Review I npu t (Sh ip Up dat e BAWP a nd B rand ing Upd ate BAWP Continuous AWP to Ch ang e Ch ang e Sheet) TSO Up load BAWP ICMP Tasks With ICMP Tasks CLAS SRON De fferal De ferra l Up date AWP En d of Cycle ne xt PR/POM Life Cycle Wi th TYCOM/CR & Wit h Conduct BAWP Re que st Re que st I CMP Ta sks Analysis Review ICM P Ta sks t o Assessment MT Assessm ent Finalization Lett ers L ette rs AVAILABILITY (Def erra ls/ Wit h RMAIS Result s/ New Resul ts/New Meeting Assessm ent LRM S) Requirements Req uire men ts Resul ts/New EXECUTION Requirements I ssu e Final RM C/SPM AWP L RMS Upda te n ego tia te Issue Pre-AWP by hul l MMBPs with #1 Final BAWP TYCOM (Hand Off to (M ar prio r FY) TYCOM) Pre AWP Ship deployed Shi p TYCOM ide ntifi es Re vie w. w/ initial M ode rnized & CNO/CM Availa bilit y Approves AWP Review and Revie w Operatin g Maintained to S che du le a t Ann ual f or RM C/M T. Ap prove Ch ang e Re vie w an d Capability Curre nt Fle et Sche dul ing Issue s BAWP/AWP Operating Co nfe ren ce (A-24 ) Modernization Review De ferral App rove Clo se-Out Capa bili ty (A-7 LOA Ch ang e Requ est Issue Pre-AWP Al tera tion / Re port De ferra l Lett ers #2 M ode rnizati on ye ars) Fi nal Risk Re que st Risk Assessm ent L ette rs Assessme nt Let ter Le tter. Subm it Review and Im plem en t Cha nge Alt erzatio n/ Sen d "Rea dy Defe rral Ite ms M ode rnizati on with RM C Mo dern iza Mod ern iza Risk to Sta rt" Technical tion & tio n Modernization Assessme nt M essage Re pair Sponsor Authority & Repa ir L ette r (Continuous) M ode rnizat ion Spon sors (AIT Mo derniza Spon sors Sponsors sub mit Ma nag er) Moderniza tio n Sp on Mo dernizatio n Modernization pro vid e tio n S pon provide fund ing a nd i den tifie s sor Sp onso rs Spon sors lo ck to Pl ann ing increm ent al receive AIT, so r (AIT provid es pro vid e fu ndi ng work package SEA 2 issues initial Hull f und s for Activity for Ship app roval sup port / Pl ann ing Acti vit y (P EO) issues Man age r) Avai lability to Plan nin g to su ppo rt Sh ip M ode rnizati on P lan / acq uisit ion of In st alla tion on all sched ule / fin al Hu ll M ode rnizati on P lan / awards AIT Fund ing for Advanced pla nnin g le tter Activity for Ship Ch ecks Le tter of Au tho rizatio n l ong lea d-tim e SEA 21 LOA Drawin g (S ID) Mo dern iza im pact L ette r o f Auth orizat ion (LOA) co ntra ct for Upload Mo derniza (A-18) Ch ang e De sign (A-1 3) (LOA) (includ ing AITs) m aterial b y Ch ang e 1 development t ion Risk re qui rem e Cha nge 2, Certi ficatio n Pla ns work n ot BAWP/AWP tio n to (A-14) (A-12) (A-6) Locks Executi ng (A-14 ) Assessme nts ap proved be ing don e Ma nda tory RM C Activity by prime nts (A-13 5 (A-4 ) ICM P Ta sks (A-45 (A-9 ) (A-5 ) da ys) co ntra ct or days) (A-3) DoDD / D o N (A 16 (A 8 (A 4 (A 0 m mo nths) (Jan uary) months) months) ont hs) A-765 C+90 Maintenance and Modernization Integration Single POC for ALL REQUIREMENTS & Material History SRA 5-1 SYSCOMs Con solid ated Software Del ive ry NSWC Port Huen em e (A+2 ) SRA 5-2 C+60 Av ail Clos e Out SYSCOMs co ndu ct Fin al Platfo rm Certification Decision (IPCD) (SEA 062 ) (C+4) INACT Tying It All Together • LRMS (by hull) • CMP Strengthening • CDM • Modernization • Planning Yards • Ship Life Cycle Health • Cost Wise Readiness Risk Assessments War Ships Ready for Tasking Now and In the Future Cross – Enterprise Alignment SURFMEPP SUBMEPP CPA 8

SSLCM to SURFMEPP Transition SURFMEPP & PRE / PRL SUBMEPP Covered by ISEAs at NSWC 2S COG Discussion SHAPEC / Planning Yard Integration � Included Plan includes integrated waterfront support SURFMEPP w / continued Support from NAVSEALGOCEN Increased due to functional complexity & Scope Increased due to PMS & Modernization Integration Increased to improved System and Hull level requirements � � �� � � � � SSLCM 9 9

SSLCM to SURFMEPP Transition<br />


Covered by ISEAs at NSWC<br />

2S COG Discussion<br />

SHAPEC / Planning Yard Integration �<br />

Included<br />

Plan includes integrated waterfront support<br />

SURFMEPP w / continued Support from<br />


Increased due to functional complexity & Scope<br />

Increased due to PMS & Modernization<br />

Integration<br />

Increased to improved System and Hull level<br />

requirements<br />

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SSLCM<br />

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