RDML McManamon SNA 11 Jan - Navsea

RDML McManamon SNA 11 Jan - Navsea

RDML McManamon SNA 11 Jan - Navsea


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Surface Ship Maintenance<br />

S Sustaining t i i Th The Current C t Fleet Fl t<br />

<strong>RDML</strong> <strong>McManamon</strong><br />

<strong>11</strong> <strong>Jan</strong>uary 20<strong>11</strong><br />



OFFICE<br />






Team Ships Organization<br />





<strong>RDML</strong> DAVE LEWIS <strong>RDML</strong> JAMES McMANAMON<br />

DEPUTY<br />





PMS 400D<br />

DDG51<br />

PMS 500<br />

DDG 1000<br />

PMS 501<br />

LCS<br />

PMS 502<br />

CG(X)<br />

DPM<br />

DPM<br />

DPM<br />

DPM<br />

PMS 377<br />

LHD8 / LCAC / LHAR / AADS<br />

PMS 317<br />

LPD-1 7/ JCC(X)<br />

PMS 325<br />



PMS 385<br />



DPM<br />

DPM<br />

DPM<br />

DPM<br />





SEA 21A<br />





(SURFMEPP)<br />

PMS 400F<br />

CGs / FFGs / DDG51s<br />

PMS 470<br />


PMS 333<br />



PMS 326<br />



PMS 333/336<br />



DPM<br />

DEPUTY<br />

DPM<br />

DPM<br />

DPM<br />


DPM<br />


DPM<br />


Bridge to the Fleet<br />

� SEA 21 is the ‘bridge’ bridge<br />

linking requirements and<br />

acquisition commands to<br />

the waterfront and the<br />

Navy’s operating forces<br />

Alignment<br />

� Operating within the<br />

integrated framework of<br />

the Surface Warfare<br />

Enterprise (SWE), our<br />

strategic strategic objectives are<br />

Accountability<br />

� Surface Combatants<br />

� Amphibious Ships<br />

� Special Mission / Boats &<br />

Crafts / Mine Warfare<br />

SEA 21A – Surface Warfare - Readiness<br />

Ensuring Surface Ships are Ready for Tasking<br />

Increase Operational Availability (A o) and reduce Total Ownership<br />

Costs (TOC) by adhering to time tested, combat proven, standards of<br />

performance performance, reliability reliability, and effectiveness<br />

Deputy Commander,<br />

Surface Warfare<br />

Our vision is clear<br />

We are dedicated to building and<br />

sustaining a culture of readiness<br />

iin the th Navy’s N ’ surface f fforces tto<br />

ensure surface ships are ready<br />

for tasking<br />

challenging Our mission is of critical<br />

importance to the nation<br />

SEA 21 is responsible for the<br />

maintenance and modernization of non-<br />

nuclear l surface f ships hi that th t are currently tl<br />

operating in the Fleet<br />

Commander,<br />

Naval Surface Forces<br />

Fleet Readiness<br />

Fleet Maintenance<br />

Surface Training<br />

Fleet Logistics<br />

Planning Yard<br />

MSMO Contracts<br />

Fleet Technical<br />

3<br />


Surface Single Training Integrator (SSTI)<br />

• Created a single, centralized NAVSEA division responsible for developing,<br />

managing, executing, standardizing and evaluating all aspects of Fleet<br />

Introduction and Manpower, p , Personnel, , and Training g (MPT) ( )<br />

• Readiness Deep Dives / MPT Support<br />

• Crew Swap Coordination<br />

� TEAM SHIPS Fleet Introduction Team<br />

� Surface Warfare Enterprise Personnel Readiness Team<br />

• Manages and coordinates MPT initiatives across the lifecycle to increase and<br />

maintain surface ship readiness<br />

• Planning: Crew scheduling and phasing plans, Training Planning Process Methodology<br />

(TRPPM) Boards, Training System Installation Plans (TSIPs)<br />

• AAcquisition: i iti MPT management t of f new construction t ti ships hi ttransferring f i tto th the Fl Fleet, t CCrew<br />

Scheduling & Phasing Plan (CSPP)<br />

• Modernization: Mid-life/modernization manpower analysis, review and update of Ship Class<br />

Navy Training System Plan (NTSP)<br />

• Maintenance: Crew swap coordination, Surface Warfare Enterprise Personnel Readiness<br />

Team, Human Performance Readiness Reviews (HPRRs)<br />


Take Away: SEA 21A Is…<br />

• The single point of entry into NAVSEA for resolution of Fleet<br />

readiness issues<br />

• The preferred provider for Fleet readiness answers<br />

• Ensuring a balance of lifecycle management and responsive,<br />

Fleet readiness issue resolution<br />

• Increasing and maintaining operational availability<br />

• The provider of complete lifecycle answers, recommendations<br />

and decisions<br />

• Integrator of technical guidance and program priorities<br />

• The policy setter, process owner, and coordinator for Fleet<br />

readiness metrics for NAVSEA<br />

• Governing body ensuring readiness is achieved efficiently and based on analytical<br />

rigor<br />

• Bridging the gap between platform acquisition and Lifecycle<br />

Management<br />

• Reduce Total Ownership Cost to the Fleet<br />

Readiness is a Result of Good Lifecycle Management Practices<br />


Carrier - Submarine – Surface<br />

Engineering Life Cycle Support Comparison<br />

Carriers Subs Surface<br />

FY <strong>11</strong><br />

FY <strong>11</strong><br />

FY <strong>11</strong><br />

$ / Hull H ll $5M $721K $246K<br />

Service Life 50 years<br />

Prognosis<br />

33 years SSN<br />

40 years SSBN<br />

�� ��<br />

30‐50 years<br />

NAVSEA Recommended Actions increase this to $636K / Hull<br />

Thi This iis part t of f th the cost t of f Ownership<br />

O hi<br />

?<br />

6<br />


Surface Ship End-to-End Process Map,<br />

Maintenance & Modernization Process Gaps<br />

Assessment<br />

Plan/Policyy<br />

Sustainment<br />

Program<br />

• Need for Integrated Assessment Program<br />

• Need for Integrated Sustainment Program<br />

• SSLCM scope limitations<br />

• No Maintenance Material Management<br />

• Need for sufficiently “Engineered” Work Packages<br />

• Availability Schedule Milestones<br />

• Maintenance and Modernization Integration<br />

• Establish appropriate Avail Type, Schedule and<br />

Duration<br />

• Insufficient IT support systems<br />

• WWork k Package P k Development, D l t Logistics L i ti<br />

• Lack of QA oversight<br />


IMA<br />

Capacity/<br />

Capability<br />

Avail<br />

Execution/Wor<br />

k Certification<br />

• Reconstitution of IMA Capacity/Capability<br />

• “I” Level<br />

• No Existing Avail Completion/Work<br />

Certification Process<br />

Gaps p Identified f<br />



Developed from Proven Carrier & Submarine Processes<br />

SURFMEPP is “Getting the Maintenance Requirement ‘RIGHT’”<br />

• Technical Foundation Papers (TFP) by CLASS)<br />


• Baseline Availability Work Packages (BAWPs)<br />

Integgration<br />






Timeline<br />

Other<br />

NSA<br />

Ship<br />

E xecuting Activity<br />

Ships Force<br />

SURFM EPP "P lann ing Activity"<br />

TYC OM<br />

PEO / PARM<br />

S YSCOM<br />

Fle et<br />

OPNAV<br />

MSM O<br />

RM C<br />

Deli ve ry A-7 Yea rs<br />

Initial Class<br />

M ain tena nce<br />

Plan identifies<br />

l ife-cycl e<br />

m ain tena nce<br />

requirements<br />

(deli ve ry)<br />

Refi ned Class<br />

Mai nten ance<br />

Pl an i den tifie s<br />

Life Cycle<br />

Mai nten ance<br />

Requirements<br />

(cont inuo us)<br />

Fleet<br />

Sche dul ing<br />

Co nfe rence @<br />

A-7 years. Sy<br />

first identi fied,<br />

wo rkloa d first<br />

iden tifie d,<br />

Capability Plan<br />

revised<br />

(Au gust ) (A-7<br />

ye ars)<br />

Up dated<br />

End End- to – End<br />

Process<br />

A-30<br />

A-29<br />

(A-900 )<br />

(A-87 0)<br />

SRA<br />

1-1<br />

Surface Ship End-to-End<br />

Maintenance Process<br />

01 Octo ber 200 5<br />

A-28<br />

A-26<br />

A-27<br />

(A-8 40)<br />

(A-7 80)<br />

(A-810 )<br />

SRA<br />

1-2<br />

SRA<br />

1-3<br />

Scen e Set ter - POM 0 8<br />

IRGA - POM 08<br />

OPNAV N4 3 presen ts "cu rren t FAST Team reviews workload,<br />

st ate " of p lann ing all orga nizati ons n ego tiat es re vise d workload<br />

o ffer fee dba ck (Octob er)<br />

guid ance (Novem ber)<br />

(A-2 7 m ont hs)<br />

(A-26 months)<br />

0 1 <strong>Jan</strong>u ary 20 06<br />

A-25<br />

A-23<br />

A-22<br />

A-21<br />

A-20<br />

A-19<br />

A-18<br />

A-17<br />

A-24<br />

(A-730)<br />

(A -690 )<br />

(A-6 60)<br />

(A-630 )<br />

(A-60 0)<br />

(A-570 )<br />

(A-5 40)<br />

(A-5 10)<br />

(A-7 20)<br />

DSRA<br />

1<br />

SRA<br />

2-1<br />

A-650<br />

50% ICMP<br />

Screened<br />

Sh ip Co ntin uou sly Asse ssing Cond itio n, wri ting 2Ks a nd e nte ring int o Shi p Sp eci fic<br />

C5 MP<br />

NCM C provides l ong -ran ge<br />

Progra mm ing Review (FYOP<br />

an d be yo nd)<br />

(A-24 )<br />

Spo nsor P rogram Propo sal (SPP) - P OM 08<br />

Th ird itera tive re vie w of worklo ad prog ram min g<br />

p rocess OPNAV Sp onso r N43<br />

(February)<br />

(A-23 mo nth s)<br />

SRA<br />

2-2<br />

A-60 0<br />

80% ICM P<br />

Screened<br />

SRA<br />

2-3<br />

A-5 30<br />

Fina l<br />

BAWP<br />

A-5 30<br />

10 0% ICMP<br />

Screened<br />

P lann ed basel ine review focus<br />

o n stri ke fo rce an d<br />

Quart erly Me eti ng NCM C to<br />

interoperability, i ntegration, review C5 1 M ode rnizat ion Plan,<br />

ca pab ility an d b alan ce issues<br />

EM I assessm ent<br />

NCM C, EM I assessm ent<br />

(A-18 )<br />

DoN Bu dge t Sub mit tal - POM 0 8<br />

Flee t sub mit s prop osed Ma inte nan ce Type b udg et t o Do N<br />

(Jun e)<br />

(A-1 9 m on ths)<br />

01 Octob er 2 006<br />

A-16<br />

A-14<br />

A-15<br />

(A-48 0)<br />

(A-42 0)<br />

(A-450 )<br />

EDS RA<br />

Instal l certification<br />

re adi ness re vie w<br />

(SEA 62)<br />

(A-18 to A-15)<br />

S cen e Se tter<br />

PR 09<br />

(Octobe r)<br />

(A-1 6 m ont hs)<br />

OSD Bu dge t Sub mit tal - POM 0 8<br />

DoN su bm its propo se d M ain tena nce<br />

type bud get to OSD (Septe mb er)<br />

(A-16 mo nths)<br />

ESRA<br />

Quarterly Meeting NCMC to IRCA - PR 0 9<br />

review C51 Modernization Plan, (Novem be r)<br />

EM I a sse ssmen t<br />

(A-14 mo nth s)<br />

Surface Ship Maintenance n Modernization Future State_v2.igx<br />

01 Ja nua ry 200 7<br />

A-13<br />

A-<strong>11</strong><br />

A-10<br />

A-9<br />

A-8<br />

A-7<br />

A-6<br />

A-5<br />

A-12<br />

(A-3 90)<br />

(A-3 30 )<br />

(A-30 0)<br />

(A-2 70)<br />

(A-240)<br />

(A-2 10)<br />

(A -180 )<br />

(A-1 50)<br />

(A-36 0)<br />

SRA<br />

3-1<br />

SEA 6 2 cond ucts fin al<br />

ce rtificat ion read ine ss<br />

review (FCRR)<br />

(A-15 to A-12)<br />

SPP - PR 09<br />

(Octob er)<br />

(A-16 months)<br />

PresBud get Subm itta l - POM 08<br />

DoN su bmi ts pro pose d M ain tena nce<br />

Type b ud get to Pre side nt's Budg et<br />

(<strong>Jan</strong> uary)<br />

(A-12 mo nths)<br />

SRA<br />

3-2<br />

SYSCOMs<br />

con duct<br />

Wea pon s<br />

System<br />

Inte gra tion &<br />

Operability<br />

Te st (WSIIT)<br />

(A-12 to A-9)<br />

DSRA<br />

2<br />

A-2 40<br />

Pre-AWP<br />

#1<br />

A-2 40<br />

50 % D<br />

Lev el M aint.<br />

Locked to $<br />

Flee t id enti fies m ain tena nce fu ndi ng Pla nne d ba selin e re vie w<br />

Quarterly Meeting NCMC to allocation, availability, in shi p specific focus o n i nterope rabi lity,<br />

re vi ew C51 M ode rnizatio n M aint ena nce & M od erni zat ion Busine ss inte gra tion and ma turi ty<br />

Pl an, EMI assessme nt<br />

Plan (MMB P)<br />

issues<br />

(M arch; A-10 )<br />

NCM C, EM I asse ssm en t<br />

(A-9 )<br />

DoN<br />

Su bmi t - PR 09<br />

(Jun e)<br />

(A-8 months)<br />

SRA<br />

4-1<br />

SYSCOMs<br />

conduct initial<br />

Pl atfo rm<br />

Certification<br />

Decision (PCQ)<br />

(SEA 06 2)<br />

(A-5 )<br />

C5I MP d ead line for<br />

M ode rnizati on, late<br />

pro posa ls use<br />

Ele ct roni c Ch ang e<br />

Co nfig ura tion Board<br />

NCMC<br />

(A-6)<br />

0 1 Octobe r 20 07<br />

A-4<br />

A-2<br />

A-3<br />

(A-120 )<br />

(A-60 )<br />

(A-90)<br />

SRA<br />

4-2<br />

NSA (RM C actin g) review wo rk<br />

package with Executin g<br />

Activitie s an d AITs a t Work<br />

Packag e In teg ratio n<br />

Co nfe rence (WFIC)<br />

(A-4)<br />

SRA<br />

4-3<br />

A-1 20<br />

A-85<br />

80 % D<br />

Pre-AWP<br />

Lev e l M aint.<br />

#2<br />

Lock ed to $<br />

A ppro ve d C5 IMP i nstal latio ns no t<br />

cert ified re quires SYSCOM requ est<br />

risk assessment approval from the<br />

co gni za nt TYCOM<br />

(A-4)<br />

OSD<br />

Submit - PR 09<br />

(September)<br />

(A-4 months)<br />

A-75<br />

10 0% D<br />

Level Maint.<br />

Lock ed to $<br />

01 Ja nua ry 2 00 8<br />

A-1<br />

A+1<br />

A-0<br />

(A-3 0)<br />

(A+30)<br />

SA00<br />

DSRA<br />

3<br />

A-4 5 A-30<br />

A-0<br />

Final<br />

AWP WPE R<br />

Av ail<br />

Start<br />

A-35<br />

A-14<br />

WP<br />

Send<br />

Definitized<br />

"Ready to<br />

Start" MSG<br />

NSA (RMC a ct ing)<br />

d efin itizes (fi nali ze s<br />

t erm s and cond ition s of<br />

cont ract) wit h M SMO<br />

(A-35 da ys)<br />

PresBudg<br />

Submit - PR 09<br />

(<strong>Jan</strong> uary)<br />

(A-0 m ont hs)<br />

CA00<br />

C+1<br />

C+2<br />

C+3<br />

A+2<br />

(C+3 0)<br />

(C+60)<br />

(C+9 0)<br />

(A +60 )<br />

MSMO<br />

MSMO<br />

MSMO<br />

com pl etes p lan ning<br />

co mpl etes plan nin g<br />

co mp lete s plan nin g<br />

an d e stima ting of work<br />

a nd e stim atin g of work<br />

a nd e stim atin g of all<br />

assign ed by A-8<br />

assig ned by A-4<br />

work a ssi gne d<br />

tim ef ram e<br />

time fram e<br />

MSM O repo rts<br />

(A-5 5 da ys)<br />

(A-55 da ys)<br />

(A-5 5 d ays)<br />

closeo ut d ata<br />

P lann ing Start<br />

(cost) in NM O<br />

(A-1 2)<br />

(C+1 )<br />

Port<br />

Port<br />

Port<br />

Port<br />

E ngin eer Eng ine er Engi nee r<br />

Eng ine er<br />

Maintenan<br />

(RMC) (RM C) (RM C)<br />

(RM C)<br />

ce T eam<br />

Executin g<br />

Po rt En gin eer<br />

Ma inte nan<br />

screen s / scre ens / scree ns /<br />

scre ens /<br />

cond ucts<br />

Activity<br />

(RMC) scre ens<br />

ce Team<br />

au thorize s aut hori ze s authorizes<br />

au thorize s<br />

Wor k<br />

Mai nten an<br />

Maintenance<br />

establishes<br />

/ au tho rize r<br />

80% of D- 1 00% of O- 1 00% of I-<br />

1 00% of D-<br />

Packag e<br />

Co mp<br />

issues<br />

ce Team<br />

Team M onth ly<br />

Avai labi lity in<br />

50% of D-level<br />

levellevellevellevel<br />

Executio n Start of Do ck Undo c Prod. Avail<br />

de part ure<br />

con ducts<br />

Pla nnin g<br />

Navy<br />

re pair work<br />

re pai r work re pair work repa ir wo rk<br />

re pai r work<br />

Re vie w Avai l Ship k Ship Work Com pl.<br />

repo rt<br />

hot wash<br />

Me etin gs<br />

M ain tena nce<br />

pa cka ge;<br />

pa cka ge; pa ckag e; p ackage ;<br />

pa cka ge;<br />

(WPER) (SA00) (DD00 ) (DD0 0) (WC0 (CA00 )<br />

ide ntifying<br />

(C+ 1)<br />

(PB4 M)<br />

Data base<br />

MSMO i nitiates<br />


MSM O<br />

fi nali ze<br />

0)<br />

final Avail<br />

(NMD)<br />

pl ann ing<br />

co sts (C+2 )<br />

initiates initiates initiates initiates<br />

funding (A-<br />

(A-12)<br />

(A-8)<br />

pl ann ing (A plan nin g (A p lan ning (A<br />

pla nnin g (A<br />

1)<br />

-4 )<br />

-4)<br />

-4)<br />

-4)<br />

RM C Req uests<br />

Port Eng ine er<br />

Avail abil ity fun ding<br />

Review<br />

(R MC) clo se s<br />

from TYCOM for<br />

Defe rred Item s<br />

Execute<br />

ou t Avail, clo se<br />

initial planni ng of<br />

wit h CR<br />

Assessm ent s<br />

ou t d ate to<br />

repa ir wo rk<br />

Review<br />

an d Do cu men t<br />

NM D<br />

(A-345 days)<br />

Deferred Item s<br />

Re qui red<br />

(C+2)<br />

with CR<br />

Re pai Action s<br />

on<br />


(Review<br />

De ferral I tem s<br />

Submit Final<br />

P lann ing Act ivi ty (PEO / PARM )<br />

Plan ning Activity<br />

Plan ning SEA 05 Begins<br />

Plan ning Activi ty issues sh ip<br />

BA WP/AWP<br />

with<br />

Pl anning Activity (PEO / PARM)<br />

Plan ning Activi ty deli ve rs<br />

BAWP/AWP<br />

Technical<br />

Issue Form Formal al<br />

pro povides desincre ceme ental ta fun u dding gfo or<br />

Maainte tenan a ce ce WP<br />

requ equ ests fu u nding d g fo o r<br />

Activity ct t y Ch C aange ge<br />

integ tegato ratio n da d rawin gs(S gs (SIDs) s)to to<br />

Close-Out CoseOut Li fe Cycle<br />

TYCOM/CR)<br />

id iden tifi tifies iinitial i ti l li list t of f HHea ddqu arters t<br />

materia t i l l (LLTM (LL TM and d Kitt Kitte dd<br />

Cl Closeout t<br />

Foun dat ion<br />

Pl ann ing<br />

acquisi tion of He adq uarters Co ntro lled<br />

Req uireme nts to<br />

development of Ship<br />

com pl etes a ll De ferra l<br />

NSA for u se b y Executi ng Y ard<br />

Verifi ca tion &<br />

Plan ning<br />

Co ntro lled & Pro cu red Ma teria l (HCPM )<br />

Ma teri al)<br />

Repo rt<br />

Paper<br />

Schedule<br />

& Procured Material (HCPM)<br />

Cont rols<br />

Insta llat ion Drawin gs<br />

ship checks Re que st Le tter<br />

an d AI Ts<br />

Assessme nt<br />

Conference<br />

(A-22)<br />

(A-1 )<br />

Co mp lete<br />

Le tte r<br />

(A-20 )<br />

All 2ks Brand ed<br />

(A-16 )<br />

(A-9 ) Ad judi ca tion<br />

(A-6)<br />

Me etin g<br />

Su bmi t Bud get<br />

CSMP Review<br />

De fer/ Adju dicate<br />

Turn over Pre-<br />

Review Review<br />

I npu t (Sh ip<br />

Up dat e BAWP a nd B rand ing Upd ate BAWP<br />

Continuous<br />

AWP to<br />

Ch ang e Ch ang e<br />

Sheet) TSO<br />

Up load BAWP<br />

ICMP Tasks<br />

With<br />

ICMP Tasks<br />


De fferal De ferra l<br />

Up date AWP<br />

En d of Cycle ne xt PR/POM<br />

Life Cycle<br />

Wi th<br />

TYCOM/CR &<br />

Wit h<br />

Conduct BAWP<br />

Re que st Re que st<br />

I CMP Ta sks<br />

Analysis<br />

Review<br />

ICM P Ta sks t o<br />

Assessment<br />

MT<br />

Assessm ent<br />

Finalization<br />

Lett ers L ette rs<br />


(Def erra ls/<br />

Wit h<br />

RMAIS<br />

Result s/ New<br />

Resul ts/New<br />

Meeting<br />

Assessm ent<br />

LRM S)<br />

Requirements<br />

Req uire men ts<br />

Resul ts/New<br />


Requirements I ssu e Final<br />

RM C/SPM<br />

AWP<br />

L RMS Upda te<br />

n ego tia te<br />

Issue Pre-AWP<br />

by hul l<br />

MMBPs with<br />

#1<br />

Final BAWP<br />

TYCOM<br />

(Hand Off to<br />

(M ar prio r FY)<br />

TYCOM)<br />

Pre AWP<br />

Ship deployed<br />

Shi p<br />

TYCOM ide ntifi es<br />

Re vie w.<br />

w/ initial M ode rnized &<br />

CNO/CM Availa bilit y<br />

Approves AWP<br />

Review and<br />

Revie w<br />

Operatin g<br />

Maintained to<br />

S che du le a t Ann ual<br />

f or RM C/M T.<br />

Ap prove<br />

Ch ang e<br />

Re vie w an d<br />

Capability<br />

Curre nt<br />

Fle et Sche dul ing<br />

Issue s<br />

BAWP/AWP<br />

Operating<br />

Co nfe ren ce (A-24 )<br />

Modernization<br />

Review<br />

De ferral<br />

App rove<br />

Clo se-Out<br />

Capa bili ty (A-7<br />

LOA<br />

Ch ang e<br />

Requ est Issue Pre-AWP<br />

Al tera tion /<br />

Re port<br />

De ferra l<br />

Lett ers<br />

#2<br />

M ode rnizati on<br />

ye ars)<br />

Fi nal Risk<br />

Re que st<br />

Risk<br />

Assessm ent<br />

L ette rs<br />

Assessme nt<br />

Let ter<br />

Le tter. Subm it<br />

Review<br />

and Im plem en t<br />

Cha nge<br />

Alt erzatio n/<br />

Sen d "Rea dy<br />

Defe rral Ite ms<br />

M ode rnizati on<br />

with RM C<br />

Mo dern iza Mod ern iza<br />

Risk<br />

to Sta rt"<br />

Technical<br />

tion &<br />

tio n<br />

Modernization<br />

Assessme nt<br />

M essage<br />

Re pair Sponsor<br />

Authority<br />

& Repa ir<br />

L ette r<br />

(Continuous)<br />

M ode rnizat ion<br />

Spon sors (AIT<br />

Mo derniza<br />

Spon sors<br />

Sponsors<br />

sub mit Ma nag er)<br />

Moderniza<br />

tio n Sp on<br />

Mo dernizatio n Modernization<br />

pro vid e<br />

tio n S pon<br />

provide fund ing<br />

a nd i den tifie s<br />

sor<br />

Sp onso rs<br />

Spon sors lo ck<br />

to Pl ann ing<br />

increm ent al<br />

receive AIT,<br />

so r (AIT<br />

provid es<br />

pro vid e fu ndi ng work package SEA 2 issues initial Hull<br />

f und s for<br />

Activity for Ship<br />

app roval sup port /<br />

Pl ann ing Acti vit y (P EO) issues Man age r)<br />

Avai lability<br />

to Plan nin g to su ppo rt Sh ip M ode rnizati on P lan /<br />

acq uisit ion of<br />

In st alla tion<br />

on all sched ule /<br />

fin al Hu ll M ode rnizati on P lan / awards AIT<br />

Fund ing for<br />

Advanced pla nnin g le tter<br />

Activity for Ship<br />

Ch ecks Le tter of Au tho rizatio n<br />

l ong lea d-tim e<br />

SEA 21 LOA<br />

Drawin g (S ID)<br />

Mo dern iza im pact<br />

L ette r o f Auth orizat ion (LOA) co ntra ct for<br />

Upload<br />

Mo derniza<br />

(A-18)<br />

Ch ang e De sign<br />

(A-1 3) (LOA) (includ ing AITs)<br />

m aterial b y<br />

Ch ang e 1<br />

development<br />

t ion Risk re qui rem e<br />

Cha nge 2, Certi ficatio n Pla ns work n ot<br />

BAWP/AWP<br />

tio n to<br />

(A-14)<br />

(A-12)<br />

(A-6) Locks<br />

Executi ng<br />

(A-14 )<br />

Assessme nts<br />

ap proved<br />

be ing don e<br />

Ma nda tory<br />

RM C<br />

Activity<br />

by prime<br />

nts<br />

(A-13 5<br />

(A-4 )<br />

ICM P Ta sks<br />

(A-45<br />

(A-9 )<br />

(A-5 ) da ys)<br />

co ntra ct or<br />

days)<br />

(A-3)<br />

DoDD<br />

/ D o N<br />

(A 16 (A 8 (A 4 (A 0 m mo nths) (<strong>Jan</strong> uary)<br />

months) months) ont hs)<br />

A-765 C+90<br />

Maintenance and<br />

Modernization<br />

Integration Single POC<br />

for ALL<br />


Material History<br />

SRA<br />

5-1<br />

SYSCOMs<br />

Con solid ated<br />

Software<br />

Del ive ry NSWC<br />

Port Huen em e<br />

(A+2 )<br />

SRA<br />

5-2<br />

C+60<br />

Av ail<br />

Clos e Out<br />

SYSCOMs<br />

co ndu ct Fin al<br />

Platfo rm<br />

Certification<br />

Decision<br />

(IPCD) (SEA<br />

062 )<br />

(C+4)<br />

INACT<br />

Tying It All Together<br />

• LRMS (by hull)<br />

• CMP Strengthening<br />

• CDM<br />

• Modernization<br />

• Planning Yards<br />

• Ship Life Cycle Health<br />

• Cost Wise Readiness Risk Assessments<br />

War Ships Ready<br />

for Tasking Now and<br />

In the Future<br />

Cross – Enterprise<br />

Alignment<br />



CPA<br />


SSLCM to SURFMEPP Transition<br />


Covered by ISEAs at NSWC<br />

2S COG Discussion<br />

SHAPEC / Planning Yard Integration �<br />

Included<br />

Plan includes integrated waterfront support<br />

SURFMEPP w / continued Support from<br />


Increased due to functional complexity & Scope<br />

Increased due to PMS & Modernization<br />

Integration<br />

Increased to improved System and Hull level<br />

requirements<br />

�<br />

�<br />

��<br />

�<br />

�<br />

�<br />

�<br />

SSLCM<br />

9<br />


Surface Force<br />

Corrosion Challenge<br />

• PROBLEM: “Annual Cost of Corrosion for Navy Ships” study estimated<br />

25% of surface s rface ship maintenance bbudget dget is eexpended pended maintaining and<br />

correcting corrosion/structure issues<br />

Significant g surface force maintenance cost driver<br />

• SOLUTION SOLUTION: WWaterfront t f t surface f force f organizations i ti will ill lleverage all ll<br />

existing efforts - including submarine force material preservation and<br />

corrosion control methodologies (Spruce Program) - to develop and<br />

execute a standardized preservation plan to maintain and sustain the<br />

highest level of surface force preservation across asset lifecycles<br />

Develop and execute ships force corrosion prevention and control program<br />


Corrosion Control<br />

Corrosion Control Assistance Teams (CCAT)<br />

Expand<br />

In NFLK<br />

• Training<br />

• Tools<br />

Envelop Anti-Corrosion Covers<br />

• Significant<br />

reduction in<br />

corrosion<br />

related<br />

maintenance<br />

maintenance.<br />

• Technical Expertise<br />

• Technology Insertion<br />

All ships<br />

by FY <strong>11</strong><br />

Integrate<br />

Paint Teams<br />

Establish<br />

In MYPT<br />

Water Tight Doors<br />

• Fluidized Bed<br />

Coating provides<br />

complete coverage in<br />

gaps g p and cracks.<br />

FY <strong>11</strong> Pilot<br />

(23 on LSD-43<br />

(10) On DDG-51<br />

<strong>11</strong><br />


Pilot Ships & Survey Timeline<br />


(EDPMA, 03 Dec 08 - 12 Aug 09, San Diego)<br />

• DDG 67 USS COLE<br />

(DSRA, 15 Apr 09 - 28 June 09, Norfolk)<br />

• CG 53 USS MOBILE BAY<br />

(EDSRA, June 09 - April 10, San Diego)<br />


(DSRA ( 10 Apr p 09 - 6 July y 09, , Mayport) yp )<br />

Material Condition Pilots<br />

Timeline/Products<br />

Pilot Products<br />

• Finite Element Model<br />

• Survey Process Checksheets<br />

• Hull Maintenance Model<br />

• Initial Survey Reports<br />

• SafeNet Doc Documentation mentation<br />

• Ship Life Assessment Booklet<br />

Update<br />

• Hull Maintenance Model Update<br />

• Periodic Survey Plan<br />

#<br />

1.<br />

2.<br />

3.<br />

4.<br />

5.<br />

66.<br />

7.<br />

8.<br />

9.<br />

WB #<br />


Naval Vessel Hull Assessment Check Sheet<br />

VESSEL:DDG-55<br />

SYSTEM: N/A<br />

TANK: Fuel Tk GP-4<br />

STATUS:<br />

5-300-2-F<br />

Compartment Findings<br />

DATE:<br />

10.<br />

LOCATION: INNERBOTTOM (Fr.300-338) Tk 5-300-2-F<br />

Status<br />

Any RED r esponses should be brought to the attention of the Surveyor -in-C harge prior to sur vey / process being considered complete.<br />


Baseline Material Condition<br />

Surveyor<br />

<strong>11</strong><br />

ABS Assessments<br />

FY <strong>11</strong> Ships<br />

USS New Orleans<br />

USS Bonhomme Richard<br />

USS Chosin<br />

USS Winston Churchill<br />

USS Sampson<br />

USS Benfold<br />

USS Ashland<br />

USS Mesa Verde<br />

USS Shoup<br />

USS Barry<br />

USS Sterret<br />

USS Bulkeley<br />

USS Germantown (Revisit)<br />

USS LLake k Ch Champlain l i<br />

USS Port Royal<br />

USS Stout<br />

• Utilizing ABS commercial experience & tracking software<br />

• Focus is Hull Structure & Key Distributed Systems<br />

– Hull, Scantlings, Deckhouse, Tanks<br />

– A/C A/C, El Electric i Pl Plant, CHT CHT, Fi Firemain, i Chill Chilled d WWater<br />

• Finite element models produced<br />

• Risk assessment enables targeted maintenance activity<br />

• Way y ahead – Integration g w/SURFMEPP & RMCs, , CLASSRONs<br />

– Included in ICMP updates<br />

USS GERMANTOWN Survey Summary<br />

WB Tank 6-56-1-W - Severe corrosion breakdown, stiffeners with thinned edges. Recommend blast, renewal of<br />

wasted steel, re-coat tank.<br />

WB Tank 6-43-1-W - Thinned and wasted stiffeners. Recommend renewal.<br />

WB Tank 6-52-1-W 6 52 1 W - Wasted overhead stiffeners stiffeners. Recommend renewal renewal.<br />

WB Tank 6-70-2-W - Heavily wasted overhead stiffeners, transverse bulkhead stiffeners, longitudinal bulkhead<br />

stiffeners, poor coating condition, poor outfitting condition. Recommendations have been<br />

addressed during availability.<br />

WB Tank 6-74-1-W - Tank blasted and coated, holes in stiffeners and plating coated over.<br />

Recommend repair wasted structure.<br />

WB Tank 6-85-4-W - Tank blasted and coated, holes in stiffeners and plating coated over.<br />

Recommend repair wasted structure.<br />

WB Tank 6-101-1-W - Fair coating condition with thinned and wasted transverse bulkhead stiffeners and wasted<br />

overhead longitudinal stiffeners. Recommend repair structure.<br />

WB Tank 3-93-1-W - Poor coating condition, thinned and wasted bulkhead stiffeners and poor condition of the<br />

outfitting in the tank. tank Recommend repair structure structure.<br />

WB Tank 2-107-3-W - Fair coating condition however rated poor due to wastage in way of the<br />

overhead longitudinal stiffeners, holed out deck plating in way of the longitudinal bulkhead<br />

vertical stiffeners and poor condition of the outfitting within the tank. Recommend repair<br />

structure.<br />

WB Tank 5-<strong>11</strong>5-1-W - Fair coating condition, however rated poor due to wastage in way of the overhead<br />

longitudinal stiffeners, after transverse bulkhead vertical stiffeners, and holed out<br />

overhead plating. Recommend repair structure.<br />

WB Tank 5-125-1-W - Poor to fair coating condition however rated poor due to wastage in way of the overhead<br />

longitudinal stiffeners. Recommend repair structure.<br />

Foundations Under - Severely wasted. Renewal required.<br />

A/C Plants<br />

AC Machinery – Tank tops with holes and thinned plate, only minor repairs made in way of holed tank top.<br />

Recommend wasted tank top be renewed.<br />

If this were a commercial vessel and these critical deficiencies were corrected,<br />

ABS would feel confident classing the ship 16<br />

Germantown Initial Results<br />

� Outstanding support from Crew, CLASSRON<br />

and RMC<br />

� Survey identified areas requiring attention<br />

� Analysis demonstrated the following:<br />

• Initial structural design well-conceived<br />

• Structured survey plan necessary to achieve expected<br />

service life<br />

� Developed tools will facilitate analytically-based future<br />

maintenance planning<br />

12<br />

5<br />


ABS Assessments<br />

Example of SSLCM / SURFMEPP Impact<br />

Baseline Material Condition<br />

• Utilizing ABS commercial experience & tracking<br />

software<br />

• Focus is Hull Structure & Key Distributed Systems<br />

• Hull, Scantlings, Deckhouse, Tanks<br />

• A/C, Electric Plant, CHT, Firemain, Chilled Water<br />

• Finite element models produced<br />

• Risk assessment enables targeted maintenance<br />

activity<br />

• Way ahead – Integration w/SSLCM & RMCs,<br />


• Included in ICMP updates<br />

FY10 Ships<br />

•USS Philippine Sea<br />

•USS Roosevelt<br />

•USS Paul Hamilton<br />

•USS Antietam<br />

•USS Fort McHenry<br />

•USS John Paul Jones<br />

•USS Rushmore<br />

•USS Arleigh Burke<br />

•USS USS Hue City<br />

•USS Boxer<br />

FY<strong>11</strong> Ships<br />

•USS New Orleans<br />

•USS Bonhomme Richard<br />

•USS Winston S. Churchhill<br />

•USS Chosin<br />

•USS Sampson<br />

•USS Benfold<br />

•USS Ashland<br />

•USS Mesa Verde<br />

•USS USS Shoup<br />

•USS Barry<br />

•USS Sterret<br />

•USS Bulkeley<br />

•USS Stout<br />

•USS Lake Champlain p<br />

•USS Port Royal<br />

•USS Germantown (Revisit)<br />

Ex. of Findings on LSD 43: Excessive corrosion and metal loss – ballast tank 6-103-0-W<br />

Conditions found and documented on Ship CSMP: Repairs in progress<br />


Phase1: Establish<br />

Readiness Task<br />

Force<br />

• SPY SPY-AWS AWS Task Force (Phase 5)<br />

Tackling Wholeness Issues across all<br />

Stakeholders<br />

Phase 2: Capture &<br />

Analyze Current<br />

State Readiness<br />

Data<br />

Phase 3: Develop<br />

Actionable<br />

Recommendations<br />

• Significant Sustainment Recommendations Identified<br />

Phase 4: Final<br />

Report & POA&M<br />

Development<br />

Phase 5: Manage<br />

Recommendation<br />

Execution<br />

• Ship's Self Sufficiency, Shore Support, Enhanced Periodic Assessments<br />

• Next Steps:<br />

• $12M in FY10 sweep-up funds identified to apply to FY10 and FY<strong>11</strong> recommendations, and<br />

acceleration of many FY12 recommendations<br />


• MCM Readiness R di Task T k Force F (Phase (Ph 5)<br />

• Completed Actions: Recommendation prioritization & Final Report signed out by SEA 21–<br />

• 28 Dec 2010<br />

• Next Steps: POM -13 13 issue papers developed for each recommendation and POA&M<br />

• LPD-17 Readiness Task Force (Phase 3)<br />

• Completed Actions: Assessment Team Deep Dive followed by Class Wholeness TF Update Dec 2010<br />

• Next Steps: MP&T IWG/ Assessment Team Workshop Phase III + Final Recommendations<br />

• BMD Readiness Task Force (Phase 2)<br />

• Completed Actions: Up to Deep Dive on Detailed Recommendations<br />

• Next Steps: p Japan p Ship p visits followed by y Review of initial inputs p for Draft report p<br />

14<br />


Back Up<br />

• SSRI Process<br />

• SSRI Pilot Ship Progress<br />

• Total Ship Readiness Assessment (TSRA)<br />

• Sustainment Program<br />

• SSLCM to SURFMEPP Transition<br />

•IMA Capacity p y / Capability p y<br />

• Availability Execution & Work Certification<br />

• A Global RMC Organization<br />

• Wholeness Task Forces<br />

• SPY-AWS<br />

• MCM<br />


SURFMEPP Stand Up Status<br />

Building on success of SSLCM, SURFMEPP will synergize benefits of HQ and waterfront alignment<br />

PRODUCTS FY09 RESULT FY 10 RESULT FY <strong>11</strong> PLAN<br />

�PR<strong>11</strong> technical “quick-look”<br />

and d parametric t i studies t di �LSD �LSD-41/49 41/49 complete. l t 127 127,000 000 man-day d<br />

Engineering Studies / complete<br />

requirements increase per LSD over<br />

Technical Foundation<br />

Paper (TFPs)<br />

�DDG-51 class complete:<br />

74,000 man-days of<br />

remaining service life per hull<br />

�Completed CG-47 and LHD-1 Class<br />

understated requirements<br />

per DDG<br />

TFPs<br />

�DDG -51, and LSD 41/ 49 SHIPSHEETs<br />

based on TFP<br />


�Supported TYCOM with all<br />

SHIPSHEETS for FY 12 & FY13<br />

Availabilities. (Unfunded Technical<br />

Requirements (UTR) and high value<br />

targets incorporated)<br />

�BAWP: Business Rules established and<br />

BBaseline li Availability<br />

A il bilit<br />

Work Packages<br />

(BAWPs) /<br />

SSRI (Surface Ship<br />

Readiness Initiative)<br />

�28 �28 of f 28 DDG DDG-51 51 ships hi with ith<br />

FY12 CNO avails being<br />

managed by rigorous and<br />

disciplined process<br />

implemented p by y USFFC/CPF<br />

�SSRI: SURFMEPP is integration node<br />

for End – to –End Surface Ship<br />

Maintenance Process Map<br />

�Initial individual ship transition s from<br />

BAWP to AWP in progress (A-360<br />

milestone)<br />

Corrosion<br />

Control/ABS<br />

�4 ships<br />

�Initiated automated process<br />

to captu capture e ABS S repair epa<br />

recommendations to BAWP<br />

development process<br />

�SURFMEPP leadership for management<br />

of all Surface Ship corrosion initiatives<br />

�Integration teg at o oof ABS S results esu ts in<br />

requirements definition and budgeting<br />

process<br />

�Complete Complete LPD-17 LPD 17 and LCS<br />

TFPs<br />

�Complete Long Range<br />

Maintenance Schedules<br />


& LHD individual ships<br />

�Complete SHIPSHEETS<br />

for all Surface Ships to<br />

support POM 13 (Oct / Nov<br />

10)<br />

��<br />

Execution of Business<br />

Rules for FY12<br />

availabilities for<br />

LSD/CG/LHD Class ships.<br />

(70 total ships)<br />

�FY <strong>11</strong>-16 plan ISO<br />

assessing (148) surface<br />

ships<br />

�C �Complete l t automation. t ti<br />

ABS to be a tool, not a<br />

separate program<br />


THE PLAN – BAE San Diego:<br />

Pilot Phase 1: DDG 53 EDSRA (23 Jun SOA)<br />

– Limited to 4 BAE trades & 1 Subcontractor<br />

Pilot Phase 2: DDG 76 SRA ( 8 Sep SOA)<br />

– Expanded to all trades and all workers to include subcontractors<br />

MSMO M-Curve<br />

Pilot Implementation – BAE SDSR:<br />

Pilot Phase 1 Timeline<br />


End JPJ Monitoring<br />

• Funding in place 3 May<br />

• Purchase Order processed 5May 5 May<br />

• Equipment Delivered to BAE 28 May<br />

• Install and Test 9-16 June<br />

• Start of Availability DDG 53 EDSRA 23 June<br />

DDG 76 (HIGGINS) SRA<br />

Goal: Demonstrate capability to track ingress and<br />

egress of shipyard personnel onto ships pier side or<br />

into drydock y areas in a pprivate ship p repair p yyard.<br />

The<br />

Proof of Concept is limited in scope and duration.<br />

Post Analysis<br />

6/10 7/10 8/10 9/1 10/1 <strong>11</strong>/1 12/1 1/<strong>11</strong> 2/<strong>11</strong><br />

Pilot Phase 2 Timeline<br />

• Equipment qu p e t Delivered e e ed to BAE 28 8 May ay<br />

• Start of Availability DDG 76 SRA 8 Sep<br />

Pilot Phase 1 Complete; Phase 2 Underway…<br />

3/<strong>11</strong><br />


Pier #1<br />

Antenna<br />

Installation<br />

(HIGGINS)<br />

MSMO BAE SDSR Pilot<br />

Proof of Concept: p<br />

Drydock<br />

Antenna<br />

Installation<br />

(JPJ)<br />


“RAP” = Resource<br />

Allocation Program<br />

(headcount)<br />

21 October 2010 Report<br />

BAE SDSR Pilot<br />

All Departments p & Contractors:<br />


Findings<br />

• Software issues<br />

– Cribmaster support was required to resolve software issues<br />

– Manual head count was very close to manning expectation;<br />

electronic data shows manpower shortages.<br />

– We preformed manual head counts several times that<br />

showed h d actual t l manning i vs. projected j t d manning i results lt within ithi<br />

10%. Electronic data showed 50-60% shortage<br />

• Structural placement<br />

– Location of receiver important. Cribmaster verified location<br />

and installation of antenna<br />

• Excellent Management tool<br />

– Time on task clearly displayed, even with limited data<br />

collection<br />

BAE Systems Proprietary Information<br />

BAE SDSR Pilot<br />

Mid-Term Findings: g<br />

4<br />

M-Curve Implementation – San Diego Ship Repair LPR Pilot<br />

Recommendations for improvement<br />

• Research the possibility of having the RFID tag embedded into the hard<br />

hat by y the manufacturer. Ship p Yard work environment ( (i.e. inclement<br />

weather, hydro blasting, etc.), can render the RFID tag inoperable.<br />

• Standardized placement of antennas on brows would prevent<br />

reconfiguration for each pier side availability and erroneous data.<br />

Reporting Process<br />

• BAE SSystems t has h collected ll t d data d t on a daily d il bbasis i ffor all ll ddepartments t t by b<br />

shift. The reports are available to various departments within BAE<br />

Systems. On a weekly basis, SDSR provides SWRMC and SEA 21 with<br />

a PDF snapshot of the M-Curve report, reflecting one day’s activity with<br />

verification back up information.<br />

BAE Systems Proprietary Information<br />

5<br />


M-Curve Implementation<br />

Way y Ahead:<br />

Goal: Implement M-Curve tracking in all MSMO (prime) private yards.<br />

• Socialize M-Curve requirement with all MSMO Primes<br />

• Plan is to provide equipment, services and software as Government Furnished<br />

(GFE/GFM)<br />

• Mod existing MSMO contracts and ensure future contracts include:<br />

• New CDRL/DID requirement<br />

• Award Fee Evaluation Board (AFEB) criteria to evaluate “Management”<br />

actions based on demonstrated cost reductions attributable to productivity<br />

enhancements derived from M-Curve analysis<br />

• Continue working closely with SEA 04X to document lessons learned & best<br />

practices ti from f public bli and d private i t yard d pilots il t<br />

Other Considerations<br />

• Equipment/Software Configuration Baseline, Baseline Varies by Facility<br />

• Union Buy-In<br />

• Overall Procurement & Installation Cost<br />

• Reporting Formats & Analysis<br />


Phase1: Establish<br />

Readiness Task<br />

Force<br />

Tackling Wholeness Issues<br />

Across All Stakeholders<br />

Phase 2: Capture &<br />

Analyze Current<br />

State Readiness<br />

Data<br />

• SPY-AWS Task Force (Phase 5)<br />

Phase 3: Develop<br />

Actionable<br />

Recommendations<br />

• Significant Sustainment Recommendations Identified<br />

Phase 4: Final<br />

Report & POA&M<br />

Development<br />

• Ship's Self Sufficiency, Shore Support, Enhanced Periodic Assessments, Policy Updates<br />

• Next Steps:<br />

Phase 5: Manage<br />

Recommendation<br />

Execution<br />

• $12M in CPF EOY FY10 sweep-up funds identified to apply to “must do” recommendations; Request support in<br />

POM 13 required to affect long term fixes<br />

• MCM Readiness Task Force (Phase 4)<br />

• Completed Actions: Survey, Assessment Interviews, IWG Draft Recommendations, Recommendation Prioritization<br />

• Next Steps: Final Report Development and Submission – ECD 31 Oct 2010<br />

• LPD-17 Readiness Task Force (Phase 3)<br />

• Completed Actions: Charter & POA&M promulgated promulgated, Survey Results Analyzed Analyzed, Historical Studies analyzed analyzed,<br />

Assessment Team completed Fleet and Organizational deep dive interviews and analysis in Norfolk, VA<br />

• Next Steps: Assessment Conducting Site Assessments in San Diego – ECD 31 OCT 2010; IWG Draft Recommendation<br />

Development – ECD 1 <strong>Jan</strong> 20<strong>11</strong><br />

• BMD Readiness Task Force (Phase 1)<br />

• Completed Actions: Initial Tasking Letter approved by CNSF, Charter / POA&M promulgated, IWGs Established<br />

• Next Steps: Survey Development – ECD 25 Oct 2010, System Component Reviews – ECD 20 Dec 2010<br />


CNRMC Lines of Report<br />


BSO 70 BSO 60<br />


CPF PEO CV<br />

SEA 00 FFC<br />

SEA 21 SEA 09 SEA 04<br />

SEA 07<br />





CPA<br />

PHNSY +<br />

IMF<br />

C400<br />


and EXECUTION<br />

PSNS +<br />

IMF<br />

C101<br />

SEA 04X<br />


RQQMT<br />

GEN<br />

SUB<br />

MEPP<br />

CNSL<br />

ECH II<br />


IV<br />

BRAC 2005<br />

ECH<br />

III<br />


CNRMC Intentions<br />

�CNRMC to Engage Key Surface Community Initiatives:<br />

�Surface Team One (ST1)<br />

�Life Cycle Management Group<br />

�Surface �Surface Ship Readiness Initiatives<br />

� Transition to SURFMEPP<br />

� Assessments (TSRA)<br />

�� Sustainment<br />

� RMC Manning / “I” Level Manning<br />

� Availability Execution and Work Certification<br />

�P �Performance f Agreement A t / Improvement<br />

I t<br />

�Industry Relationships<br />


ST1 & LCMG Status<br />

Efforts in Progress<br />

• CContinuing SSupport of f the SSurface f Ship S Fleet Readiness Initiative (C (Carrier and SSub S SMEs involved where appropriate) )<br />

• Surface Ship Sustainment Program<br />

• Integrated Assessment Program<br />

• Transition from SSLCM Activity to SURFMEPP<br />

• Availability Execution and Work Certification<br />

• RMC / I-Level manning<br />

• Establishing LCMG (Carrier best practice)<br />

• Analyzing Fleet and subject matter experts’ feedback and performance metrics.<br />

• Gaining insight into existing resources and action plans<br />

• Cataloguing sustainment resources/plans so as to mitigate duplication and maximize efficiencies<br />

• Prioritizing resources, including Sustainment<br />

• Implementing “Global RMC” Practices<br />

•Coordinating the Global RMC Annual Budget and Requirements Planning Process<br />

•Implementing a Global RMC Consistency and Commonality Initiative<br />

•Implementing a Global RMC Performance Measurement Plan<br />

• Developing p g Strategic g Approach pp for Availability y Planning g and Execution<br />

• Developed and implementing a unifying Availability Project Team Handbook. (Carrier and Sub best practice)<br />

• Strategy Development Underway (Carrier and Sub best practice)<br />

• USS ARLEIGH BURKE (DDG51) FY10 Mod Avail: 7 Specific Execution Strategies in development (including Risk Management, Hull Access,<br />

Work Integration, etc.)<br />

• USS CHOSIN (CG 65) MMod d FY<strong>11</strong> AAvail: il 12 Pl Planning i St Strategies t i ddrafted, ft d EExecution ti St Strategies t i under d ddevelopment l t<br />

• Continuous Hot Wash Process on LSD 41 Mid-Life Program allows for strategic collection of lessons learned throughout avail<br />

execution.<br />

• Leveraging Hot Wash / Super Hot Wash Program<br />

• Align with ST1 and “Global Global RMC” RMC approach<br />

• Serve as input to Availability Planning/Execution Strategies, Avail Project Team Handbook, Project Team Development,<br />

Knowledge Sharing Networks<br />


Fleet<br />

Intro<br />

Surface Ship Readiness Initiative (SSRI)<br />

Expected Expected p Service Life<br />

Assess Ship<br />

TSRA<br />

Contin Continuous o s SSustainment stainment<br />

Process<br />

Maintain Readiness<br />

Readiness<br />

Sustainment<br />

Execute<br />

Avail.<br />

Avail Ex. & Work Cert<br />

Pl Plan Maintenance<br />

M i t<br />


Decom<br />

Assessments:<br />

• Skilled techs performing<br />

documented procedures<br />

• Utilize NMD & other tools<br />

• Mission specific focus<br />


• Class Maint. Planningg<br />

• Availability Planning<br />

• Maint. Planning Data Systems<br />

• Cost Engineering<br />

• Material Management<br />

Avail Ex. & Work Cert:<br />

• Technical Adjudication of work<br />

• Event Readiness<br />

• Test & Certification of work<br />

Sustainment:<br />

• Maintenance Engineering<br />

• Performance Monitoring<br />

• Fleet Engineering Support<br />

• Training & Tech. Docs<br />

• Obsolescence<br />


Shipp<br />

Hommeport<br />

Avaail<br />

Type<br />

SSRI Pilot Ship Progress<br />

14 October 2010 Update<br />

Starrt<br />

Date<br />

Endd<br />

Date<br />

Endd‐to‐End<br />

Proocess<br />

Possition<br />

LSD 43 Norfolk EDPMA 5/10/2010 3/7/20<strong>11</strong> Begun<br />

LPD 17 Norfolk CMAV 5/31/2010 6/18/2010 Begun<br />

LSD 47 San Diego EDPMA 7/21/2010 6/15/20<strong>11</strong> Begun<br />

DDG 51 Norfolk EDSRA 8/4/2010 1/28/20<strong>11</strong> Begun<br />

DDG 105 San Diego PSA 9/8/2010 12/13/2010 Begun<br />

CG 66 Mayport DSRA 9/29/2010 3/23/20<strong>11</strong> Begun<br />

LPD 18 San Diego g PMA <strong>11</strong>/2/2010 // 1/9/20<strong>11</strong> // A‐27<br />

LHD 6 San Diego DPMA <strong>11</strong>/3/2010 7/13/20<strong>11</strong> A‐28<br />

FFG 54 Puget Sound SRA <strong>11</strong>/15/2010 2/4/20<strong>11</strong> A‐40<br />

DDG 67 Norfolk SRA 1/5/20<strong>11</strong> 4/5/20<strong>11</strong> A‐90<br />

MCM 2 Japan DSRA 1/12/20<strong>11</strong> 4/13/20<strong>11</strong> A‐97<br />

MCM 3 San Diego DSRA 1/12/20<strong>11</strong> 3/16/20<strong>11</strong> A‐97<br />

CG 65 Pearl Harbor DSRA 1/19/20<strong>11</strong> 7/13/20<strong>11</strong> A‐104<br />

MCM 13 Bahrain DSRA 1/31/20<strong>11</strong> 5/2/20<strong>11</strong> A‐<strong>11</strong>6<br />

DDG 81 Norfolk DSRA 2/9/20<strong>11</strong> 5/25/20<strong>11</strong> A‐124<br />

DDG 65 San Diego EDSRA 2/16/20<strong>11</strong> 8/3/20<strong>11</strong> A‐131<br />

FFG 38 San Diego DSRA 5/4/20<strong>11</strong> 8/5/20<strong>11</strong> A‐209<br />

Full Test, 0 “gaps”<br />

Partial Test, significant “gaps”<br />

Asssessment<br />

Proogram<br />

Avaail<br />

Ex &<br />

Woork<br />

Cert<br />

Susstainment<br />

Proogram<br />

Partial Test, minor “gaps”<br />

No Yield, major “gaps”<br />

Enhance ESL & Improve Readiness on Every Hull<br />

RMMC<br />

Manning<br />



TSRA<br />

Continuous Assessment During FRP<br />

• TSRA I - Baselining systems material condition to support end-ofavailability<br />

integrated test phase<br />

• Pre-Availability (A-240)<br />

• Identify all Depot level worthy items<br />

• RReduce d llate di discovery<br />

• Reduce growth and new work (Premiums)<br />

• TSRA II - Tanks, voids, structures and selected HM&E/C5I systems<br />

• Concurrent with CNO Availability<br />

• Integrated Test Plan (CNRMC instruction)<br />

• TSRA III - Get ship ready for successful deployment<br />

• Pre-deployment (D-90 to D-180)<br />

• HM&E, Combat Systems & C4I systems (assess, repair and train)<br />

• BMDRA - Mission Specific<br />

• Initial phase of BMDRA (D-90 to D-180)<br />

• Pre-Deployment (D-30 to D-45)<br />

• TSRA IV - Get ship ready for special events<br />

• Pre-INSURV (I-90 and I-120), TYCOM directed, etc.<br />


TSRA (Cont’d)<br />

Status<br />

• DRAFT TYCOM Instruction<br />

• CNSL lead, Joint CNSP/CNSL Instruction<br />

• DRAFT CNRMC Policy Instruction<br />

• NNotional ti l bbudget d t projections j ti bbeing i ddeveloped l d ffor POM POM-13 13<br />

• Ship class assessment matrices developed<br />

• Assessment procedures p 95% completed p development p<br />

• TFBRs submitted for non-ICMP tasks (incorporate into ICMP)<br />

• Position descriptions developed for RMC Assessment Directors<br />

• TSRAs commenced on Pilot ships<br />

• CHOSIN TSRA I – 85% complete<br />

• BENFOLD TSRA IV – In progress<br />


• Aggressive management of Pilots to improve<br />

effectiveness/efficiency of TSRA policy & execution<br />


Sustainment Program<br />

• The Sustainment Program received end of year funding from USFFC and CPF<br />

• Fully funded HM&E and C5I for ISEAs to support the SSRI pilot program across 16 + 1 ships<br />

(USS COLE added) dd d)<br />

• Supports CASREP / DFS / TSO reviews<br />

• Funds PMS / EOSS / TM deficiencies<br />

• Naval Maintenance Database Sustainment ($4.75M)<br />

• Provides NMD software maintenance and upgrades<br />

• Funds troubleshooting and discrepancy resolutions<br />

• HM&E sustainment ($13.1M)<br />

• Supports pp shortfalls in pperformance monitoring g ( (MRDB) )<br />

• Technical Document deficiencies<br />

• Obsolescence management<br />

• Distance Support<br />

• Other Sustainment Functions ($8.4M)<br />

• Supports Surface Team 1 & Lifecycle Management Group<br />

• Critical Spares Procurement ($ $ TBD)<br />


• Transition to SURFMEPP<br />

SSLCM to SURFMEPP Transition<br />

• SURFMEPP shore-based command establishment at Under Secretary of the Navy for approval<br />

• Additional FY10 funds received from CPF and USFF to support further acceleration of core products<br />

• Technical Foundation Papers (TFP) and BAWPs<br />

• Class Maintenance Plan Strengthening<br />

• Corrosion Control Management<br />

• ABS Management g 16 ships p scheduled for FY<strong>11</strong> survey y / Providing g direct oversight g of for all FY<strong>11</strong> dry-dock y surveys y<br />

SURFMEPP – TYCOM BAWP / AWP / TFP Management<br />

CLASS<br />

FY FY‐10 10 FY FY‐<strong>11</strong> <strong>11</strong> FY FY‐12 12<br />

28 55<br />

DDG 87<br />

CG 8<br />

16<br />

LSD<br />

5<br />

9<br />

LHD<br />

2<br />

4<br />

LHA 0<br />

LPD<br />

LCC 1<br />

MCM<br />

PC<br />

FFG<br />

LCS<br />

TOTAL<br />

28 70 134<br />

3<br />

5<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

• Additional ship classes receive BAWPs,<br />

AWPs and TFPs every year<br />

• All ship classes will have BAWPs,<br />

AWP AWPs and d TFPs TFP by b FY 14<br />

• Production schedule is dependent upon<br />

resources in place at SURFMEPP<br />


IMA Capacity / Capability<br />

• Staff RMCs with appropriate skill-sets to execute the Navy’s maintenance<br />

efforts and train future Sailors to be Journeyman engineers<br />

• Return Journeyman training at I-Level organizations<br />

• Increase I-Level capacity by 385 CIV and 1584 MIL<br />

• Re-establish capabilities in the following areas:<br />

• HM&E (Inside/Outside) (Propulsion, Electrical Repair)<br />

• Services (Weight Test Test, Rigging Rigging, Cranes, Cranes Corrosion Control, Control Small Boats/Rhibs Boats/Rhibs, Lagging Lagging,<br />

Tool Issue)<br />

• Combat Systems (VLS, Nav, Sonar, Fire Control, Chain Gun, CIWS, Int/Ext. Comms)<br />

• QA, Tech Library, y Planning, g Safety y<br />


Department Name Civ. Mil. Civ. Mil. Civ. Mil. Civ. Mil. Civ. Mil. Civ. Mil.<br />

Current RMC Manning<br />

Proposed RMC Manning<br />

324 <strong>11</strong>6 1,025 430 73 33 1,430 546 89 13 2,941 1,138<br />

Increase<br />

Total Required RMC<br />

72 320 0 539 30 <strong>11</strong>1 262 569 21 35 385 1,584<br />

Manning 396 436 <strong>11</strong>,085 085 <strong>11</strong>,000 000 103 135 <strong>11</strong>,692 692 <strong>11</strong>,<strong>11</strong>5 <strong>11</strong>5 <strong>11</strong>0 13 33,386 386 22,734 734<br />


Availability Execution & Work Certification<br />

• Tasking sent to RMC Commanders 17 Sept 2010:<br />

• Pilot Implementation Letter<br />

• DRAFT IInstruction t ti and d PPolicy li ffor Pil Pilot t Shi Ships<br />

• 5 focus areas for improvement:<br />

• Technical Adjudication of work identified in execution<br />

• Integrated Test Plan management<br />

• Availability Certification<br />

• Event Readiness<br />

• Availability Closeout<br />

• Actions to Date:<br />

• Commenced Pilots (RMC ( ownership) p)<br />

• Teams commissioned for rapid process improvement:<br />

• Identify resource shortfalls to execute availabilities<br />

• Plan to Institutionalize changes to standard items: updates to JFMM etc.<br />

• On glide slope for Full implementation in FY12<br />

• Preliminary Results:<br />

• Trained CHOSIN, ARLEIGH BURKE & FORT MCHENRY project teams on new processes<br />

• Collecting survey feedback on current state & new processes<br />


A Global RMC Organization<br />

•…of a Global RMC Organization that operates in a consistent<br />

manner utilizing increasingly common processes.<br />

• …of a Global RMC Organization that will have an effective<br />

centrally monitored business, manning and operations plan<br />

that supports the entire organization.<br />

• …of a Global RMC Organization that enables each RMC to be<br />

responsive to their assigned ships with regard to the planning<br />

and d execution ti of f maintenance i t and d modernization d i ti AND th that t our<br />

collective performance measures will show that responsiveness.<br />


Phase<br />

Action Iteems<br />

Next Steps S<br />

Phase1: Establish<br />

Readiness Task<br />

Force<br />

SPY-AWS TF Current Status<br />

Phase 2: Capture &<br />

Analyze Current<br />

State Readiness<br />

Data<br />

Phase 3: Develop<br />

Actionable<br />

Recommendations<br />

Phase 4: Final<br />

Report & POA&M<br />

Development<br />

Phase 5: Manage<br />

Recommendation<br />

Execution<br />

Action Description Status Date<br />

FY10 / FY<strong>11</strong> / FY12<br />

Recommendations<br />

$12M in FY10 sweep-up funds received; initiated TPSs to<br />

apply funds to remaining FY10, FY<strong>11</strong> and discrete FY12<br />

recommendations.<br />

08 SEP<br />

SWE BOD <strong>RDML</strong> <strong>McManamon</strong> briefed SWE BOD on TF Status. 15 SEP<br />

FY<strong>11</strong> Periodic Assessment (PA)<br />

Plan<br />

Completed FY<strong>11</strong> PA schedule – majority of Fleet EOY Funding<br />

supporting PA’s.<br />

Status Updates Per request: provided a status of current funding and<br />

recommendations to ADM Harvey staff for input to VCNO.<br />

POM 13 Issue Papers Developed and coordinated papers with N1, N86, N43, and<br />

NETC N4.<br />

24 SEP<br />

04 OCT<br />

04 OCT<br />

N86 Recommendations N86 briefed N86 owned recommendations in developed POM<br />

13 issue papers.<br />

08 OCT<br />

N1 Recommendations N1 owned POM 13 issue papers briefed to Admiral Pandolfe. 18 OCT<br />

• 26 OCT: Task Force to begin tracking recommendations and associated funding execution in<br />

implementation model and dashboard<br />

35<br />


Phase<br />

Actionn<br />

Items<br />

Neext<br />

Steps<br />

Phase1: Establish<br />

Readiness Task<br />

Force<br />

MCM TF Current Status<br />

Phase 2: Capture &<br />

Analyze Current<br />

State Readiness<br />

Data<br />

Phase 3: Develop<br />

Actionable<br />

Recommendations<br />

Phase 4: Final<br />

Report & POA&M<br />

Development<br />

Phase 5: Manage<br />

Recommendation<br />

Execution<br />

Action Description Status Date<br />

Recommendation Task Force Leadership met with each working<br />

Review<br />

group g p ( (MPT, , ILS, , Sustainment) ) and provided p<br />

additional feedback on each recommendation.<br />

Recommendation Final actionable recommendation including cost,<br />

Submittals<br />

funding sponsor, and implementation plan<br />

submitted by each working group group.<br />

1st Draft of Final Report Draft of Task Force final report developed and<br />

submitted to SEA 21A Leadership for review.<br />

4 OCT<br />

8 OCT<br />

15 OCT<br />

Reading Session Reading session held by SEA 21A Leadership<br />

with key stakeholders. Recommended edits and<br />

feedback were provided to the writing team.<br />

18 OCT<br />

• 31 OCT: All recommended edits and feedback incorporated and report finalized.<br />

36<br />


Phase<br />

Items<br />

Action<br />

Neext<br />

Steps<br />

Phase1: Establish<br />

Readiness Task<br />

Force<br />

LPD 17 TF Current Status<br />

Phase 2: Capture &<br />

Analyze Current<br />

State Readiness<br />

Data<br />

Phase 3: Develop<br />

Actionable<br />

Recommendations<br />

Phase 4: Final<br />

Report & POA&M<br />

Development<br />

Phase 5: Manage<br />

Recommendation<br />

Execution<br />

Action Description Status Date<br />

Endorsement of Charter and<br />

POA&M<br />

Norfolk Assessment Deep Dive<br />

San Diego Assessment Deep<br />

Dive<br />

Task Force Status<br />

COMPACFLT endorsed, with USFF for signature and<br />

then to be returned to NAVSEA .<br />

AAssessment t Team T completed l t d deep d dive di iinterviews t i<br />

with ESG 2, NSSA, Port Engineers, INSURV, PMR,<br />

CNE, ATGLANT, SURFLANT, LPD 17, LPD 19, and<br />

LPD 21 communities.<br />

AAssessment t Team T deployed d l d tto SSan Di Diego tto conduct d t<br />

deep dive interviews. To date, the Assessment Team<br />

has met with LPD 18, LPD 20, CLASSRON, and Port<br />

Engineers.<br />

Task Force status and preliminary findings briefed to<br />

<strong>RDML</strong> Murdoch.<br />

17 AUG –<br />

(Ongoing)<br />

8 OCT<br />

<strong>11</strong> OCT – 1 NOV<br />

13 OCT<br />

• 18 OCT – 1 NOV: Assessment Team to continue PACFLT / West Coast deep dive interviews with SWRMC,<br />

ESG3, CS Port Engineers, CNSP (N6, N7, N43), ATG, SPAWAR, EA-PAC, and NSWC PHD.<br />

• Ongoing: IWG developing preliminary findings and recommendations leveraging assessment team and<br />

historical data data.<br />

37<br />


Phase<br />

Actionn<br />

Items<br />

Neext<br />

Steps<br />

Phase1: Establish<br />

Readiness Task<br />

Force<br />

BMD TF Current Status<br />

Phase 2: Capture &<br />

Analyze Current<br />

State Readiness Data<br />

Phase 3: Develop<br />

Actionable<br />

Recommendations<br />

Phase 4: Final<br />

Report & POA&M<br />

Development<br />

Phase 5: Manage<br />

Recommendation<br />

Execution<br />

Action Description Status Date<br />

Charter / POA&M Charter and POA&M submitted to <strong>RDML</strong><br />

<strong>McManamon</strong> for signature.<br />

28 SEP –<br />

(Ongoing)<br />

04 OCT<br />

WWeekly kl OOutbrief tb i f DDeveloped l d standardized t d di d weekly kl outbrief tb i f schedule h d l 04 OCT<br />

for the Task Force to review detailed issues, begin<br />

development of recommendations, and update<br />

schedule as needed.<br />

Survey Comprehensive BMD survey distributed to the<br />

Fleet.<br />

System Component Analysis Task Force conducted system component analysis<br />

on AWS AWS, 400 Hz Hz, ECW ECW, and APC-1A APC 1A to understand<br />

associated Readiness concerns with these<br />

components.<br />

• 22 OCT: Final determination of Assessment Team site visits / travel schedule.<br />

• 26 OCT: System component analysis of CDLMS complete.<br />

• 29 OCT: Surveys returned from the Fleet, and commencement of Survey analysis.<br />

•15 •15-19 19 NOV: Task Force Deep Dive Interview #1: NSWC Corona Corona.<br />

13 OCT<br />

19 OCT<br />

38<br />


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