Supervision and teaching - Lunds universitet

Supervision and teaching - Lunds universitet

Supervision and teaching - Lunds universitet


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Associate Professor Jana Holsanova, Cognitive Science Dept., Lund University<strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>teaching</strong>Post-graduate supervision (degree earned)• Philip Diderichsen, ”One of a kind: the processing of indefinite one-anaphorain spoken Danish”, Lund 2008 (second supervisor)Current post-graduate supervision• Roger Johansson, ”Mental imagery <strong>and</strong> eye movements”, Cognitive ScienceDepartment, Lund university (main supervisor)• Richard Andersson, ”The interaction of language <strong>and</strong> vision”, CognitiveScience Department, Lund university (second supervisor)Current Master student supervision• Johan Ek: Master thesis KOGP11, spring 2011.• Stina Gestrelius: Master thesis KOGP11, spring 2011.• Layla Husain, ”Analysis of Graphic Symbol Sets Used in Augmentative <strong>and</strong>Alternative Communication (AAC)”, project paper KOGP07, 7.5p, Mastercourse in cognitive science HAKOG, spring 2010.• Johan Ek: "Multimodal analys av elevers interaktion med läromedel", projectpaper KOGP07, 7.5p, Master course in cognitive science HAKOG, spring 2010.• Stina Gestrelius: "Hur kognition och kommunikation återspeglas i istidensbilder, project paper KOGP07, 7.5p, Master course in cognitive scienceHAKOG, spring 2010.External supervisionNiels Heie, Karen-Margrethe Österlin, Frank Christensen, ”Hur olika grafiskaprodukter som inkluderar text och bild tas emot av läsare”, Den grafiskeHøjskole, Köpenhamn, 2004-2005.

Associate Professor Jana Holsanova, Cognitive Science Dept., Lund UniversityExpert consultations• PhD students, Cognition group (Cengiz Acarturk, Christian Graf, PatrickMcCrae), International Graduate Research Group on Cross-Modal Interaction inNatural <strong>and</strong> Artificial Cognitive Systems, Hamburg university, 2008• PhD students, SFB/TR8 Spatial Cognition: Reasoning - Action - Interaction(Inessa Seifert), Bremen, 2008• PhD. students, Medienwissenschaft, Trier University, Germany, 2008• PhD. student Peter Kaderka, Charles university, Prague, 2007- 2009• PhD. student Maria Larsson, Cognitive Science dept., Lund university, 2008-2009• PhD. student Veronica Burcar, Sociology dept., Lund university, 2005• PhD. student David Wästerfors, Sociology dept. Lund university, 2004TeachingPost-graduate courses• Lectures at LETA course in eye tracking, Humanities laboratory, 2011• Lectures on ”Det nya läs<strong>and</strong>et. Myter och sanningar”, PhD. Course Language<strong>and</strong> text structure (Språk- och textstruktur), Smdi forskarskolan, Malmö 2009.• Lectures on ”Cognition <strong>and</strong> technology supported communication” at theGraduate school for PhD. students in Technology (Forskarskola förteknologidoktor<strong>and</strong>er inom Sverige som arbetar med trådlös kommunikation),Snogeholms slott, 2005.• Course module ”Interplay between text <strong>and</strong> pictures”, (Samspelet mellan textoch bild), PhD. course in Communication, Medical faculty, Pedagogicalacademy, Lund university (30 hours), 2002• Course module ”Discourse, attention <strong>and</strong> vision”, PhD. course in Language<strong>and</strong> cognition (Språk och kognition), Linguistics Dept., Lund university, 2001• Lectures on ”Conversation analysis”, PhD./D-course on Pragmatics, CognitiveScience dept., Lund university, 1994 – 1995

Associate Professor Jana Holsanova, Cognitive Science Dept., Lund UniversityMaster courses• Course Language, Cognition, <strong>and</strong> Communication 5 ECTS, Block 3,Introductory Course in Cognitive Science KOGM01 (15 ECTS), Masterprogram in Cognitive Science HAKOG, Lund university, 2009 –• Course Cognition <strong>and</strong> Communication KOGP04, 7.5 ECTS, Master programin Cognitive Science HAKOG, Lund university, 2010 –• Course Språk, kognition och kommunikation, 5 ECTS, Magisterkurs iKognitionsvetenskap (61-100) KOG 200, Cognitive Science Dept, Lunduniversity, 2005 – 2008• Course Technology supported communication (Teknikstödd kommunikation)TEK 280, 7.5 ECTS, <strong>Lunds</strong> Tekniska Högskola/ Cognitive Science Dept., Lunduniversity, 2003–• Course module ”Interaction with multimodal interfaces” (teacher <strong>and</strong>examinator), D-course Language <strong>and</strong> graphic design (Språk och grafisk design),Helsingborg, Multimediautbildningen 1998• Lectures on ”Pragmatics <strong>and</strong> communication”, D-kurs/ Magisterkurs ikognitionsvetenskap (KOG 100), Lund university, 1994-2004• Lectures on ”Multimodal communication”, course in Human-ComputerInteraction, Language Technology Program (MMI kurs, Språkteknologiprogrammet),Linguistics Dept., Lund university, 2004-2006• Lectures on ”Language, cognition <strong>and</strong> vision”, Magisterkurs ikognitionsvetenskap (KOG 100), Lund university, 2001–2004Undergraduate <strong>teaching</strong> <strong>and</strong> supervisionCourse Text och textdesign, Institutionen för nordiska språk, Stockholmuniversity, lecture on Myter och sanningar om läsning, September 2010.Course Texter i samhället, Växjö university, lecture on Läsares interaktion medkomplexa texter - på papper, på nätet, på digital läsplatta, December 2009.Course Text och textdesign. Stockholm university, lecture on Interaktion medkomplexa texter, September 2009.Course Text och textdesign, Stockholm university, lecture on Läsares möte medmultimodala texter, February 2009.

Associate Professor Jana Holsanova, Cognitive Science Dept., Lund UniversityCourse Text och textdesign, Stockholm university, lecture Läsvägar på denmultimodala layouten, February 2007.Course Språk och grafisk design at Högskolan Helsingborg, lectures on Läsaresinteraktion med den multimodala layouten, May 2007.Course Text och textdesign, Stockholm university, lecture on Läsvägar på denmultimodala layouten, September 2007.Course Text och textdesign, Stockholm university, lecture on Med blick pånätnyheter, February 2006.• Course Graphic design, Campus Helsingborg, lectures on ”Readers’interaction with the multimodal layout”, 2005.• Lectures on ”Conversation analysis”, Sociology Dept., Lund university 1995–1996.Course administration• Programme manager, Master program in Cognitive Science HAKOG, Lunduniversity, spring 2010• Coordinator Master program in Cognitive Science HAKOG, Lund university,spring 2010• Course coordinator, teacher <strong>and</strong> examiner, Cognition <strong>and</strong> CommunicationKOGP04, 7.5 ECTS, Master program in Cognitive Science HAKOG, Lunduniversity, 2010 –• Course coordinator, teacher <strong>and</strong> examinator, Block 3: Språk, kognition ochkommunikation, 5 ECTS, Magisterkursen i Kognitionsvetenskap (61-100) KOG200 <strong>and</strong> also Block 3 in the Introductory Course in Cognitive Science KOGM01(15 ECTS), Master program in Cognitive Science HAKOG, <strong>Lunds</strong> <strong>universitet</strong>,2005 –• Course coordinator, teacher <strong>and</strong> examinator, Technology supportedcommunication (Teknikstödd kommunikation) TEK 280, 7.5 ECTS, <strong>Lunds</strong>Tekniska Högskola/ Cognitive Science Dept., Lund university, 2003–

Associate Professor Jana Holsanova, Cognitive Science Dept., Lund UniversityCourse planningCourse planning <strong>and</strong> restructuring of the one-year Magisterkursen in CognitiveScience KOG 200, 2005Course planning of the two-year Masterprogramme in Cognitive Science,Course planning: Communication <strong>and</strong> cognition, 7,5 ECTS, 2009Course planning: Technology supported communication (Teknikstöddkommunikation), 7,5 ECTS, 2005Course planning: PhD course in Pragmatics, 1995Teaching materialsBelow, I enlist those of my articles, book chapter <strong>and</strong> books that are used (orhave been used) as course materials for university students in Sweden,Germany, Finl<strong>and</strong>, Norway, Czech Republic, Slovakia <strong>and</strong> USA:• Holsanova 2010 (book)Course Språkpsykologi, 8 ECTS credits, Stockholm university, Språkkonsultprogrammet,Kurs 4, 30 ECTS credits, vt 2011Course Textproduktion at Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Biblioteks- ochinformationsvetenskap, vt 2011• Holsanova & Nord 2010Course Cognition <strong>and</strong> Communication KOGP04, 7.5 ECTS, Master program inCognitive Science HAKOG, Lund university• Johansson, R., Holsanova, J. & Holmqvist, K. (fothc.)Course Cognition <strong>and</strong> Communication KOGP04, 7.5 ECTS, Master program inCognitive Science HAKOG, Lund university• Holsanova, Holmberg & Holmqvist 2008aCourse Cognition <strong>and</strong> Communication KOGP04, 7.5 ECTS, Master program inCognitive Science HAKOG, Lund university• Gärdenfors & Holsanova 2008a,bCourse Presentationsteknik, Nordic language Department, Uppsala universityCourse in the Swedish Language Consultancy Programme, Stockholmuniversity, 30 ECTS credits.Course Technology supported communication (Teknikstödd kommunikation)

Associate Professor Jana Holsanova, Cognitive Science Dept., Lund UniversityTEK 280, 7.5 ECTS, <strong>Lunds</strong> Tekniska Högskola/ Cognitive Science Dept., Lunduniversity,Course Cognition <strong>and</strong> Communication KOGP04, 7.5 ECTS, Master program inCognitive Science HAKOG, Lund university• Holsanova 2008 (book)Course Cognition <strong>and</strong> Communication KOGP04, 7.5 ECTS, Master program inCognitive Science HAKOG, Lund university• Holsanova, Holmberg & Holmqvist 2008aCourse Svenska/ svenska som <strong>and</strong>raspråk, Institutionen för språkdidaktik,Stockholm universityCourse Text och textdesign vid Stockholm university• Scheiter, Wiebe & Holsanova 2008Course Cognition <strong>and</strong> Communication KOGP04, 7.5 ECTS, Master program inCognitive Science HAKOG, Lund university• Holsanova, Johansson & Holmqvist 2008Course Cognition <strong>and</strong> Communication KOGP04, 7.5 ECTS, Master program inCognitive Science HAKOG, Lund university• Holsanova 2007Course SVEA 21, Nordic languages, Lund universityCourse Att presentera och popularisera vetenskap, Uppsala universityCourse Texter i samhället, Linné<strong>universitet</strong>et, VäxjöCourse Text och textdesign vid Stockholm universityCourse Svenska språket, k<strong>and</strong>idatkurs med inriktning på språkrådgivning ochtextvård, Växjö university 2009• Holmqvist & Holsanova 2007Course Technology supported communication (Teknikstödd kommunikation)TEK 280, 7.5 ECTS, <strong>Lunds</strong> Tekniska Högskola/ Cognitive Science Dept., Lunduniversity,• Holmqvist & Holsanova 2006Course Technology supported communication (Teknikstödd kommunikation)TEK 280, 7.5 ECTS, <strong>Lunds</strong> Tekniska Högskola/ Cognitive Science Dept., Lunduniversity,

Associate Professor Jana Holsanova, Cognitive Science Dept., Lund University• Holsanova, Rahm & Holmqvist 2006Course Analysing Multimodal Documents, Bremen, Germany, 2006, 2007Courses at the Psychology Dept. in Santa Barbara, USACourses at the Human Factors Division <strong>and</strong> Beckman Institute for Advanced Sci& Tech, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USACourse Text och textdesign vid Stockholm universityCourse Medier, kurs i Visuell analys, 5p, Åbo university, Finl<strong>and</strong>.Course Cognition <strong>and</strong> Communication KOGP04, 7.5 ECTS, Master program inCognitive Science HAKOG, Lund university• Johansson, Holsanova & Holmqvist 2006Course Human Factors Division <strong>and</strong> Beckman Institute for Advanced Sci &Tech, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, USABlock 3: Språk, kognition och kommunikation, 5 ECTS, Magisterkursen iKognitionsvetenskap (61-100) KOG 200, 2005-2008Block 3: Language <strong>and</strong> Communication, Introductory Course in CognitiveScience KOGM01 (15 ECTS), Master program in Cognitive Science HAKOG2009–• Holsanova 2006Course Cognition <strong>and</strong> Communication KOGP04, 7.5 ECTS, Master program inCognitive Science HAKOG, Lund university• Holsanova 2005Block 3: Språk, kognition och kommunikation, 5 ECTS, Magisterkursen iKognitionsvetenskap (61-100) KOG 200, 2005-2008Block 3: Language <strong>and</strong> Communication, Introductory Course in CognitiveScience KOGM01 (15 ECTS), Master program in Cognitive Science HAKOG2009 –• Holsanova & Holmqvist 2004Course Text och textdesign, Stockholm university• Holmqvist, Holsanova, Johansson & StrömqvistCourses for the staff at the Talking Books <strong>and</strong> Braille Library, Enskede (TPB)Course for staff at the Lesesentret Stavanger, Norway 2003–2005

Associate Professor Jana Holsanova, Cognitive Science Dept., Lund University• Andersson, Dahl, Holmqvist, Holsanova, Johansson, Karlsson, Strömqvist,Tufvesson & WengelinCourse for staff at the Lesesentret Stavanger, Norway 2003–2005• Holsanova 2001 (book)Course at the Linguistics dept., UC Santa Barbara, USA.Courses for the staff at the Talking Books <strong>and</strong> Braille Library, Enskede (TPB)Magisterkursen i Kognitionsvetenskap (61-100) KOG 200, Kommunikation ochpragmatik 2002-2004Block 3: Språk, kognition och kommunikation, 5 ECTS, Magisterkursen iKognitionsvetenskap (61-100) KOG 200, 2005-2008Block 3: Language <strong>and</strong> Communication, Introductory Course in CognitiveScience KOGM01 (15 ECTS), Master program in Cognitive Science HAKOG2009–• Holsanova 1999bCourse at the Department of Nordic languages, Stockholm university, SwedenCourse at the Department of Nordic languages, Tampere university, Finl<strong>and</strong>• Holsanova 1999aCourses for the staff at the Talking Books <strong>and</strong> Braille Library, Enskede (TPB)• Holsanova 1995, Holsanova 1998, Holsanova 2005, Holsanova 2006Courses at the Sociology dept., Lund university.• de Léon & Holsanova 1997Course Cognition <strong>and</strong> Communication KOGP04, 7.5 ECTS, Master program inCognitive Science HAKOG, Lund university• Holmqvist & Holsanova 1997Block 3: Språk, kognition och kommunikation, 5 ECTS, Magisterkursen iKognitionsvetenskap (61-100) KOG 200, 2005-2008Block 3: Language <strong>and</strong> Communication, Introductory Course in CognitiveScience KOGM01 (15 ECTS), Master program in Cognitive Science HAKOG2009 –

Associate Professor Jana Holsanova, Cognitive Science Dept., Lund University• Holsanova 1996Course Technology supported communication (Teknikstödd kommunikation)TEK 280, 7.5 ECTS, <strong>Lunds</strong> Tekniska Högskola/ Cognitive Science Dept., Lunduniversity,• Nekvapil & Holsanova (1991) Book translation: G. Helbig: "Entwicklung derSprachwissenschaft seit 1970"Course Metodologia a matodika v jazykovede, Univerzita Mateja Bela vBanskej Bystrici, Fakulta humanitných vied, SlovakiaPhD. Course, Obor český jazyk, Filozoficka fakulta Univerzity Karlovy, Praha,Czech RepublicCourses in university pedagogy• Course ”Röst- och talteknik”, UPC Lund university• Högskolepedagogisk introduktionskurs, 2p, UCLU, Lund university 2003• Högskolepedagogiskt seminarium, 2p, Filosofiska institutionen, Lunduniversity, 2005-2006• Presentation av det pedagogiska projektet ”Kommunikativa dagböcker ochexamination i undervisning. Case study från TEK 280”, Högskolepedagogisktseminarium, Filosofiska institutionen, 4:e april 2005• H<strong>and</strong>ledarmöte om forskarutbildning i ett arbetsmiljöperspektiv, lett av S<strong>and</strong>raBergsten från kansli HT, Filosofiska institutionen, 2005.• Högskolepedagogisk fördjupningskurs inom HT området, 3p, UCLU (fullgjortkursåtag<strong>and</strong>en)• H<strong>and</strong>ledning av doktor<strong>and</strong>er, seminarium ledd av prof. Eva Österberg(historiska inst.), vid Filosofiska inst., 4:e september 2006.• Course in PhD. supervision (Kurs i forskarh<strong>and</strong>ledning), 2 days, Centre forEducational Development, Lund university, 2009Updated, February 2011

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