PicC 9.50 dsPIC Manual.pdf

PicC 9.50 dsPIC Manual.pdf

PicC 9.50 dsPIC Manual.pdf


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INDEXINDEXDB, 80DDW, 81DS, 81DW, 80ELSE, 81ELSIF, 81END, 77ENDIF, 81ENDM, 81EQU, 53, 80GLOBAL, 75IF, 81IRP, 84IRPC, 84LOCAL, 71, 83MACRO, 81PROCESSOR, 85PSECT, 73, 77REPT, 84SET, 80SIGNAT, 85SIGNAT directive, 62ASDSPIC operators, 73DSPICCpredefined macros, 54supported data types, 29DSPICC options–SUMMARY=type, 62-C, 61-G, 24-S, 61ABS, 118abs PSECT flag, 77absolute object files, 96absolute psects, 77, 78absolute variables, 40, 59ACOS, 119addresseslink, 91, 96load, 91, 96addressing unit, 78ALIGN directive, 83alignmentwithin psects, 83ANSI standardconformance, 21implementation-defined behaviour, 23argument passing, 41ASCII characters, 32ASCTIME, 120ASDSPICdirectives, 75ASDSPIC directivesorg, 79ASDSPIC options, 67-A, 67-C, 67-Cchipinfo, 67-E, 67-Flength, 67-H, 67-I, 67-O, 68-Ooutfile, 68-Twidth, 68-V, 68-X, 68-processor, 68ASIN, 122asm() C directive, 52asname directivesGLOBAL, 73asname options-Llistfile, 67assembler, 65accessing C objects, 53comments, 68328

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