PicC 9.50 dsPIC Manual.pdf

PicC 9.50 dsPIC Manual.pdf

PicC 9.50 dsPIC Manual.pdf


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DSPICC Compiler OptionsDSPICC Command-line Driver2.4.16 -V: Verbose CompileThe -V is the verbose option. The compiler will display the full command lines used to invoke eachof the compiler applications or compiler passes. This option may be useful for determining the exactlinker options if you need to directly invoke the HLINK command.2.4.17 -X: Strip Local SymbolsThe option -X strips local symbols from any files compiled, assembled or linked. Only global symbolswill remain in any object files or symbol files produced.2.4.18 --ASMLIST: Generate Assembler .LST FilesThe --ASMLIST option tells DSPICC to generate an assembler listing file for each module beingcompiled. The list file shows both the original C code, and the generated assembler code and thecorresponding binary op-codes. The listing file will have the same name as the source file, and a filetype (extension) of .lst. Provided the link stage has successfully concluded, the listing file will beupdated by the linker so that it contains absolute addresses and symbol values. Thus you may use theassembler listing file to determine the position of, and exact op codes corresponding to, instructions.2.4.19 --ASOPT: Control Assembler optimizationsThis option provides an advanced level of control over assembler optimizations. The presence ofthis option will turn on all assembler optimziations. Use this option only if the –opt option doesn’tprovide the optimization control that you require. Use of this option will override any setting madevia the –opt option.2.4.20 --CHAR=type: Make Char Type Signed or UnsignedUnless this option is used, the default behaviour of the compiler is to make all character values andvariables of type signed char unless explicitly declared or cast to unsigned char. This optionwill make the default char type unsigned char. When using this option, any signed characterobject will have to be explicitly declared signed char.The range of a signed character type is -128 to +127 and the range of similar unsigned objectsis 0 to --CHIP=processor: Define ProcessorThis option defines the processor which is being used. To see a list of supported processors that canbe used with this option, use the --CHIPINFO option.12

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