PicC 9.50 dsPIC Manual.pdf

PicC 9.50 dsPIC Manual.pdf

PicC 9.50 dsPIC Manual.pdf


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Library FunctionsSTRCHR, STRICHRSynopsis#include char * strchr (const char * s, int c)char * strichr (const char * s, int c)DescriptionThe strchr() function searches the string s for an occurrence of the character c. If one is found, apointer to that character is returned, otherwise NULL is returned.The strichr() function is the case-insensitive version of this function.Example#include #include voidmain (void){static char temp[] = "Here it is...";char c = ’s’;}if(strchr(temp, c))printf("Character %c was found in string\n", c);elseprintf("No character was found in string");See Alsostrrchr(), strlen(), strcmp()Return ValueA pointer to the first match found, or NULL if the character does not exist in the string.199

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