PicC 9.50 dsPIC Manual.pdf

PicC 9.50 dsPIC Manual.pdf

PicC 9.50 dsPIC Manual.pdf


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HI-TECH C Assembly LanguageMacro Assembler4.3.9.8 NOXREFNOXREF will disable generation of the raw cross reference file. See also the XREF control in Section4. PAGEPAGE causes a new page to be started in the listing output. A Control-L (form feed) character willalso cause a new page when encountered in the source. SPACEThe SPACE control will place a number of blank lines in the listing output as specified by its parameter. SUBTITLESUBTITLE defines a subtitle to appear at the top of every listing page, but under the title. The stringshould be enclosed in single or double quotes. See also the TITLE control in Section TITLEThis control keyword defines a title to appear at the top of every listing page. The string should beenclosed in single or double quotes. See also the SUBTITLE control in Section XREFXREF is equivalent to the driver command line option --CR (see Section 2.4.24). It causes the assemblerto produce a raw cross reference file. The utility CREF should be used to actually generate theformatted cross-reference listing.88

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