SOCIAL STUDIES 9 - St John Brebeuf

SOCIAL STUDIES 9 - St John Brebeuf

SOCIAL STUDIES 9 - St John Brebeuf


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2012-2013<strong>SOCIAL</strong> <strong>STUDIES</strong> 9Mrs. Kitteringhamtkitteringham@stjohnbrebeuf.caCourse SummarySocial studies nine provides the opportunity for us to understand the development and origins of Canadiansociety. We will engage in topics such as political and social unrest, revolution, economic and industrialdevelopment, colonialism and settlement in order to understand the influences the past has on what weexperience today. Through critical analysis and evaluation we will be able to consider such questions aswas revolution justified? Or, were the Aboriginal people disadvantaged by colonialism? Or, how does thediverse geography of Canadian’s regions affect their economic, social and cultural characteristics. Throughthese approaches, we will have a comprehensive grasp of our past to help us build a better future.Course Objectives<strong>St</strong>udents will be able to…1. Analyze roots of present-day regional, cultural, and social issues within Canada2. Identify and clarity a problem, an issue, or an inquiry3. Select, summarize, and asses information from primary and secondary print and non-print sources4. Plan, revise, and deliver formal oral and written presentations5. Defend a position or a controversial issue after considering a variety of perspectives6. Assess how identity is shaped by a variety of factors including family, gender, belief systems,ethnicity, and nationalityCourse UnitsUnit 1: Regional Geography of North America<strong>St</strong>udents will be able to…1. Construct, interpret, and use graphs, tables, grids, scales, legends, contours, and various types ofmaps2. Describe and compare North America’s diverse geographical regions3. Asses the role of geographical factors in the development of trade and settlement in Canada andother countriesUnit 2: The Aboriginal People of Canada<strong>St</strong>udents will be able to…1. Demonstrate understanding of the ways in which Aboriginal people interact with their environment2. Analyze the relationship between Aboriginal people and Europeans3. Explain the role of each in the development of CanadaUnit 3: Arrival in Canada<strong>St</strong>udents will be able to…1. Analyze reasons for the initial exploration and settlement in North America2. Analyze the effects of colonialism on trade and conflictUnit 4: Canada Moves West1. Assess the impact of the fur trade on explorations and settlement2. Explain the roles of Aboriginal people in the fur trade and in the exploration of North AmericaUnit 5: The Modern Age<strong>St</strong>udents will be able to…1. Analyze factors that contribute to change in the Modern Ages2. Evaluate the effects of the contributing factors in the Modern Ages3. Relate the effects of change towards the Modern Ages to relevant issues in present day Canada

2012-2013<strong>SOCIAL</strong> <strong>STUDIES</strong> 9Unit 6: The Fight for Democracy and the English Civil War<strong>St</strong>udents will be able to…1. Analyze contributing factors to the English Civil War and Glorious Revolution2. Analyze contributions of the English Revolution in the development of democratic concepts3. Investigate the roots of Canada’s political and legal system4. Evaluate the changing nature of law and its relation to social conditions of the timesUnit 7: Revolution in France<strong>St</strong>udents will be able to…1. Analyze contributing factors to the French Revolution2. Analyze contributions of the French Revolution in the development of democratic concepts3. Investigate the roots of Canada’s political and legal system4. Evaluate the changing nature of law and its relation to social conditions of the timesUnit 8: Industrial Revolution<strong>St</strong>udents will be able to…1. Analyze contributing factors to the Industrial Revolution2. Identify factors that influenced growth and development of industry3. Evaluate the effects of the Industrial Revolution on society and the changing nature of workEvaluationApplications of Socials <strong>St</strong>udies 20% Current Events 0.5Trials 0.3Presentation delivery and skills (First Nations, FrenchRevolution) 0.2Society and Culture 15% First Nations Project 0.6First Nations Unit Test 0.4Politics and Law 25% French Revolution Project 0.5English Civil War Book 0.2ECW/FR Unit Test 0.3Economy and Technology 10% Fur Trade Assignment 0.2Industrial Revolution Paper 0.4First Contact Unit Test 0.4Environment 10% Map of Canada 0.2Geography Vocab 0.1Courier de Bois Letter 0.2<strong>St</strong>. <strong>John</strong> <strong>Brebeuf</strong> 0.1Geography Unit Test 0.4Final Exam 20% Comprised of all of the Units mentioned above

2012-2013<strong>SOCIAL</strong> <strong>STUDIES</strong> 9Our Classroom ExpectationsAttendanceIt is the student’s responsibility to make up missed work and to collect class notes from the teacher or aclassmate from the day they were absent.Missed tests and quizzesWith a legitimate reason and note from parents, students will have the opportunity to schedule a time andday to write the test or quiz within 2 days of their return. If a student is aware that they will be away for aschedule test or quiz, he/she must inform the teacher, in advance.Late or missed assignments or homeworkAll assignments and homework are expected to be handed in at the beginning of the class. Missed work isexpected to be handed in the day after a student returns to class.RespectWe treat others how we would appreciate to be treated. Listen to others as they speak and we will listen toyou. I will always value what you contribute to this class; please show that same respect to yourself, yourpeers and your teacher. Everybody has the right to be respected and the responsibility to be respectful.Parents Signature: ______________________Date: ________________________

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