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Published by:Fleet DirectorateFisheries and Oceans Canada<strong>Canadian</strong> <strong>Coast</strong> <strong>Guard</strong>Ottawa, OntarioK1A 0E6Fleet Annual Report1st Edition - October 2007Available on CCG Internet site:www.ccg-gcc.gc.ca/Cat. No Fs151-11/2007ISBN 978-0-662-69790-9Cat. No Fs151-11/2007E-<strong>PDF</strong>ISBN 978-0-662-45853-1© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada 2007Printed on recycled paper

TABLE OF CONTENTS(Reporting period: April 1, 2006 to March 31, 2007)Message from the Director General, Fleet, <strong>Canadian</strong> <strong>Coast</strong> <strong>Guard</strong> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Serving <strong>Canadian</strong>s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41.1 Our Clients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51.2 Our Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61.3 Our Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Our People . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Our Vessels and Helicopters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 Our Services to Clients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164.1 <strong>Canadian</strong> <strong>Coast</strong> <strong>Guard</strong> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174.1.1 Aids and Waterways Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174.1.2 Icebreaking Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184.1.3 Search and Rescue Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204.1.4 Maritime Security Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214.1.5 Environmental Response Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234.1.6 Marine Communication and Traffic Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24i4.2 Fisheries and Oceans Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254.2.1 Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254.2.2 Fisheries and Aquaculture Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264.3 Other Government Departments and Agencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295 Measuring Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325.1 Safe and Secure Delivery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325.2 Effective Delivery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345.3 Efficient Delivery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356 Our Operational and Financial Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387 Looking Forward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 408 Management Contacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42F L E E T A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 7

Reference ListList of AcronymsACVAWSC&ACCGCCGCCCGSDFODNDERFAMJRCCMAMCTSAir Cushion VehicleAids and Waterways ServicesCentral and Arctic Region<strong>Canadian</strong> <strong>Coast</strong> <strong>Guard</strong>CCG CutterCCG ShipDepartment of Fisheries and OceansDepartment of National DefenceEnvironmental ResponseFisheries and Aquaculture ManagementJoint Rescue Coordination CentreMaritimes RegionMarine Communications and TrafficServicesMSMSETNAFONCCNLOGDPAQCRCMPROCSARSSMSMaritime SecurityMaritime Security Enforcement TeamNorthwest Atlantic Fisheries OrganizationNational Coordination CentreNewfoundland and Labrador RegionOther Government Departments andAgenciesPacific RegionQuebec RegionRoyal <strong>Canadian</strong> Mounted PoliceRegional Operations CentreSearch and RescueSafety and Security Management SystemList of FigureFigure 1: Fleet Regional Operations Centres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6iiList of GraphsGraph 1: Distribution of Fleet Clients, 2006-2007 (% of Operational Days) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Graph 2: Service to Aids and Waterways, 2002-2003 to 2006-2007 (# of Operational Days) . . . . . . . . 17Graph 3: Service to Icebreaking by Zone, 2006-2007 (% of Operational Days) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19Graph 4: Service to Maritime Security, 2004-2005 to 2006-2007 (# of Operational Days) . . . . . . . . . . 22Graph 5: Service by Science Programs, 2006-2007 (% of Operational Days) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25Graph 6: Service to Other Government Departments and Agencies,2002-2003 to 2006-2007 (# of Operational Days) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30Graph 7: Trend of Reported Incidents by 365 days, 2004-2005 to 2006-2007(# of Operational Days) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33Graph 8: Service Delivered versus Planned by Fleet Clients, 2006-2007 (%) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34Graph 9: Multitasking Trend, 2002-2003 to 2006-2007 (%) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36C A N A D I A N C O A S T G U A R DList of TablesTable 1: Snapshot of Seagoing Personnel Statistics as of October 2006 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Table 2: Number of Vessels and Helicopters by Type in 2006-2007 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14Table 3: Age of CCG Vessels in 2006-2007 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15Table 4: Days delivered and Percentage of Service by Search and Rescue Activity, 2006-2007 . . . . . . 21Table 5: Service to Fisheries and Aquaculture Management by patrol type, 2006-2007(% of Operational Days) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28Table 6: Top 5 of Reasons for Operational Delays, 2006-2007 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34Table 7: Operational State of Vessels, 2006-2007 (%) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35Table 8: Unplanned Maintenance of Vessels, 2002-2003 to 2006-2007 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35Table 9: Fleet National Budget, 2006-2007 ($000s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39

Reference ListList of Text BoxesText Box 1: Our Legislated Mandate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Text Box 2: <strong>Canadian</strong> <strong>Coast</strong> <strong>Guard</strong> National Coordination Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Text Box 3: Improving Ship-to-Shore Communications: E-mail at Sea Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Text Box 4: Improving Safety Aboard Helicopters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Text Box 5: Employee Awarded Cross of Valour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12Text Box 6: Bringing the Media Spotlight to the Arctic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18Text Box 7: Immediate Response Saves Lives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20Text Box 8: Responding to an Oil Spill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23Text Box 9: Discoveries in the Bay of Fundy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25Text Box 10: The CCGS Arrow Post Foils Poachers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27Text Box 11: Operation Lancaster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31Text Box 12: Becoming a Maritime Industry Leader in Safety and Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32iiiCCGS Cape Hurd, Specialty VesselPhoto: C&A RegionF L E E T A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 7

Breathtaking Arctic sunset

MESSAGE FROM THE DIRECTOR GENERAL,FLEET, CANADIAN COAST GUARDWelcome to the <strong>Canadian</strong> <strong>Coast</strong> <strong>Guard</strong> Fleet’sfirst Annual Report. Within these pages youwill find basic information about the <strong>Coast</strong><strong>Guard</strong> Fleet and its services. Our people arethe single most important element indelivering these services in some of theworld’s most difficult environmental andoperational conditions. Risk is the nature ofour business. This report is our attempt toaccount for the effectiveness of the serviceswe provide to our clients on behalf of<strong>Canadian</strong>s and the Government of Canada,and we hope it will provide a sound basis forcomparison in subsequent years.Due to the wide variety of clients we serve,the Fleet - by design - must be a highlyflexible organization. We operate in adynamic environment, adapting to tides andchanging weather conditions, andresponding to the maritime needs of ourclients. In recent years, faced with anincreasingly globalized economy, heightenedsecurity concern, and climate change, thebroader context in which we operate hasbecome ever more dynamic, making ourpresence on <strong>Canadian</strong> waters and the workwe perform that much more important.2006-2007Fleet StatisticsProvided 31,719operational daysSailed 1,178,186nautical milesor...Worked 87 yearsTravelled 54 timesaround the Earth’scircumferenceConsumed 56,202,000 Fuelled 1,124,040litres of ship fuel compact carsGary B. SidockDirector General, Fleet<strong>Canadian</strong> <strong>Coast</strong> <strong>Guard</strong>As much as <strong>Canadian</strong>s appreciate theimportant work of the <strong>Coast</strong> <strong>Guard</strong>, duringthe course of 2006-2007 the SpecialOperating Agency was the subject of somepointed criticism. The most important ofthese were made by the Auditor General ofCanada in a report tabled earlier this year.Other criticisms were in the form of concernsfrom the public, but the Agency alsoexamined itself closely, conducting anextensive A-Base Review to provide anin-depth assessment of the financial andoperating status of the entire organization.1F L E E T A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 7

2While such censure and self-examination aredifficult, it is being used constructively. Weare taking aggressive steps to transform the<strong>Coast</strong> <strong>Guard</strong> into a truly national institution,renewing our fleet, modernizing ouroperations and management practices, andensuring our resources are aligned with <strong>Coast</strong><strong>Guard</strong> and Government priorities and withinresource levels. We have already madesignificant progress on key fronts:• The implementation of our prioritiespresented in the Business Plan for 2007-2010 will improve the focus, efficiency andeffectiveness of our services;• We have received recent financialcommitments to begin the renewal of ourfleet through the Federal Budget 2007; and• A maritime security component, fullydeveloped and operational, is being addedto our services, with on-water armedpatrols for the Great Lakes and St.Lawrence Seaway, conducted jointly withthe Royal <strong>Canadian</strong> Mounted Police.During the past year, we have also establishedplans to participate in some key internationalefforts. In 2007, the <strong>Coast</strong> <strong>Guard</strong> Fleet willsupport seven on-water Arctic projects underthe auspices of the International Polar Year -the largest-ever international program ofscientific research focused on Arctic regions.The Fleet will also continue to supporton-water research in the Arctic Ocean beingconducted to document Canada’s submissionto the United Nations Commission on theLimits of the Continental Shelf to extendCanada’s sovereign rights, a fundamentalelement in re-affirming Canada’s Arcticsovereignty.I hope you will find this first Fleet AnnualReport an informative document. As we moveforward, we expect demand for our services toboth grow and change, as demonstrated bythe International Polar Year and enhancedmaritime security operations. We are preparedto adapt to the evolving needs of the peopleand the Government of Canada in thiscomplex and changing world. As always, ourpeople will be our key to success.Safety First, Service Always,Gary B. SidockDirector General, Fleet<strong>Canadian</strong> <strong>Coast</strong> <strong>Guard</strong>C A N A D I A N C O A S T G U A R D

3CCGC Cap Tourmente, SAR LifeboatPhoto: QC RegionF L E E T A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 7

SERVING CANADIANS4C A N A D I A N C O A S T G U A R DCanada is a coastal nation with a strongmaritime tradition and a reliance on maritimetransportation and resource-based industries.It has one of the longest coastlines in theworld; the world’s largest archipelago; inlandwater systems that stretch 3,700 kilometresfrom the Gulf of St. Lawrence to Lake Superior;and a 3.7 million square-kilometre <strong>Canadian</strong>Exclusive Economic Zone with its incumbentmanagement responsibilities. As such, theimportance to Canada of having responsiveand operationally ready federal maritimepresence, services and capabilities cannot beoverstated.The federal government is mandated to playa lead role in ensuring the sustainable useand development of the country’s oceansand inland waterways. The <strong>Canadian</strong> <strong>Coast</strong><strong>Guard</strong> (CCG) is the national institution bywhich Canada exerts its influence andpresence in much of Canada’s waters.CCG has a long history of deliveringmaritime services on behalf of theGovernment of Canada and has well-definedprograms and services. In a typical day, theCCG:• Saves eight lives;• Assists 55 people in 19 search andrescue cases;• Handles 1,127 marine radio contacts;• Manages 2,346 commercial shipmovements;• Services 55 aids to navigation;• Escorts four commercial vesselsthrough ice;• Carries out 12 fishery patrols, supportseight science surveys and threehydrographic missions;• Deals with three reported pollution events;and• Surveys five kilometres of navigationchannel bottom.Our Legislated MandateThe <strong>Coast</strong> <strong>Guard</strong>’s mandate is derived fromthe Constitution Act, 1867, which gives thefederal government exclusive authority overnavigation and shipping and over beacons,buoys, lighthouses and Sable Island. TheOceans Act and the Canada Shipping Actgive the Agency its specific mandate.The Oceans Act confers on the Minister ofFisheries and Oceans Canada responsibilityfor services for the safe, economical andefficient movement of ships in <strong>Canadian</strong>waters, through the provision of aids tonavigation, marine communications andtraffic management services, icebreakingand ice management services, and channelmaintenance. It also confers on the Ministerresponsibility for search and rescue,pollution response and support for othergovernment departments, boards andagencies through the provision of ships,helicopters, and other services.The Canada Shipping Act confers on theMinister of Fisheries and Oceans Canadaresponsibilities, powers and obligationswith respect to aids to navigation, SableIsland and St. Paul Island, search andrescue, pollution response and vessel trafficservices.

The Fleet Headquarters and RegionalOperational Services Directorates (Fleet)manage and operate the fleet which serves as avisible symbol of the <strong>Canadian</strong> identity. CCGvessels and helicopters, with their distinctivered and white hulls, and the uniformedofficers and crew, provide <strong>Canadian</strong>s with animmediate sense of federal presence andsecurity and safety on the scene, whether it isin the course of their regular duties andresponsibilities or when responding to afederal or other emergency. The operationallyready civilian fleet serves as the on-waterresponder supporting all maritime priorities ofthe federal government.1.1 OUR CLIENTSAs owner/operator of the government civilianfleet of Canada, the Fleet supports Canada and<strong>Canadian</strong>s on four equally important levels:• Providing CCG services related to aids tonavigation (Aids and Waterways),icebreaking, search and rescue (SAR),Maritime Security, pollution response(Environmental Response), and marinecommunications and traffic services (MCTS);• Supporting Fisheries and Oceans Canada(DFO) programs by providing vessels andmaritime professionals to support thedepartment’s science activities (DFOScience) and to help manage and protectfisheries resources (DFO Fisheries andAquaculture Management (FAM));• Supporting non-military activities of OtherGovernment Departments and Agencies(OGDs); and• Serving the broader <strong>Canadian</strong> interest byresponding to federal maritime prioritiesand natural or man-made emergencies.Graph 1 illustrates the relative use of fleetassets according to client usage. Close to threequarters of our services are delivered in supportHelicopter C-GCHW tasked to Icebreaking and SAR PatrolPhoto: NL Regionof CCG services; 51% for the provision ofsearch and rescue services (arguably the mostimportant of the services that the CCGprovides), and 5.9% for Maritime Security.Services to DFO represent one quarter of allservices delivered by Fleet, while the OGDsrepresent just over 2%.The services dedicated to each client isfurther analysed in Section 4.Graph 1: Distribution of Fleet Clients,2006-2007 (% of Operational Days)DFO Science12.7%OGDs2.3%DFO FAM12.5%MaritimeSecurity5.9%EnvironmentalResponse0.2%Aids andWaterways5.7%MCTS0.1%Icebreaking5.7%SAR50.6%5F L E E T A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 7

61.2 OUR OPERATIONSThe Fleet effectively manages its diverse andnumerous responsibilities by being versatileand highly adaptable. It operates out of fiveregions (see Figure 1), with RegionalOperations Centres (ROCs) tasking anddeploying vessels and maritime professionalsto meet service needs, with a NationalCoordination Centre (NCC) facilitatingnational Fleet management and anintegrated national response when needed.The Fleet has established national operatingprocedures and policies for all aspects of itsoperations, including the implementation ofits Safety and Security Management System(SSMS). On a daily basis, professionals in thefield and at sea respect this nationalframework and perform on-the-sceneanalysis to make the most appropriateoperational decisions in any givencircumstance. At this level, the key is inbalancing the needs of the clients with safeoperations and other factors, such as weatherand risk.<strong>Canadian</strong> <strong>Coast</strong> <strong>Guard</strong> NationalCoordination CentreThe terrorist attacks of 9/11 and naturaldisasters such as Hurricane Katrina in 2005emphasize the need for an integrated,multidisciplinary government response.CCG operations are managed andcoordinated primarily in the regionsthrough the ROCs.In the event of a major emergency or anational security incident, centralizedcoordination helps ensure that <strong>Coast</strong> <strong>Guard</strong>Senior Management has prompt, accurateinformation upon which to base decisions,and support high level Government ofCanada decision-making.It is in this context that the CCGestablished the NCC.Figure 1: Fleet Regional Operations CentresC A N A D I A N C O A S T G U A R DPacific RegionVictoria, BCCentral & Arctic RegionSarnia, ONQuebec RegionQuebec City, QCNewfoundland & LabradorRegionSt. John’s, NFNational Coordination CenterOttawa, ONMaritimes RegionDartmouth, NS

In the case of search and rescue, CCG vesselsare tasked directly from a Joint RescueCoordination Centre (JRCC) or a MaritimeRescue Sub-Centre, in line with internationalpractice. These situations are managedjointly by the <strong>Canadian</strong> Forces and the CCG,which dictate the mission and response,resulting in the tasking of any availablevessel or helicopter. In order to provideadequate SAR, other mission coverage andresponse preparedness, <strong>Coast</strong> <strong>Guard</strong> vesselsare assigned areas of patrol by the ROCs.The ROCs and the NCC are connected to theoperations centres of OGDs with similarresponsibilities, such as the Royal <strong>Canadian</strong>Mounted Police (RCMP), the <strong>Canadian</strong>Forces, and national/regional/municipalemergency preparedness officials. Regulardrills and exercises involving memberorganizations help ensure an effective,coordinated response when incidents do arise.In recent years, maritime security concernshave underscored the importance of suchcoordination and integrated command andcontrol. In 2006-2007, the CCG worked toimprove its structure for better analysis anddecision making in support of these activities.These efforts have enhanced CCG’s ongoingcollaboration with partners, improving andleveraging overall Government of Canadaeffectiveness.The Maritime Security Enforcement Teams(MSET) Program is a prime example ofeffective interagency cooperation, with theFleet and the RCMP conducting joint armedpatrols of the Great Lakes - St. LawrenceSeaway system, enhancing Canada’s maritimesecurity and border integrity.Improving Ship-to-ShoreCommunications: E-mail at SeaProjectMost <strong>Canadian</strong>s take e-mail access forgranted. Not so for ship officers and crewaboard CCG vessels. The e-mail at sea projectbegan with a pilot installation on the CCGSSir William Alexander during the summer of2006. The installation was successfullycompleted on 12 vessels this year.The project was primarily designed tofacilitate personal communications from thevessels and has increased morale amongcrews at sea for extended periods of time.While the system was never intended ascomplete administrative system for the CCGvessels, the system does speed up thedelivery of ice charts and allows vessels tooccasionally provide shore staff publicinformation, providing better situationalawareness. Due to the success of this project,it will be expanded to include the installationon a total of 38 vessels.CCGS Edward Cornwallis, High EnduranceMultitasked Vessel/Light IcebreakerPhoto: MA Region7F L E E T A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 7

1.3 OUR ENVIRONMENTThe pace of change has accelerated over the lastdecade and did not abate in 2006-2007.Demand for CCG services overall has continuedto increase, due to the following factors:• Rising levels of global ship traffic, leadingto greater risk of maritime accidents andoil spills;8C A N A D I A N C O A S T G U A R D• Climate change, notably in the Arctic,which may extend the duration of thecommercial shipping season, and mayintensify the demand for marine scienceactivities support;• Growing awareness relating to maritimesecurity activities and monitoring;• Increased potential for migrant smugglingand the need for border integrity; and• Enhanced awareness of environmentalissues and growing concern for cleanwater and a clean environment.In addition, <strong>Canadian</strong>s have raised theirexpectation for Government’s readiness torespond, quickly and effectively, in the eventof natural or man-made disaster, nationalemergency, maritime priority, or security orenvironmental threat.The future is likely to place increasinglydiverse demands on the CCG, thusincreasing the need for a safe and secure,effective, efficient, adaptable, andoperationally ready fleet, with maritimeprofessionals capable of responding toincidents and crises, and providing servicesto a wide variety of clients and partnersacross government, as well as to public andprivate institutions.CCGS Martha L. Black, High Endurance MultitaskedVessel/Light IcebreakerPhoto: QC RegionImproving Safety AboardHelicoptersThis past year, a CCG/Transport Canadaworking group was established to improvehelicopter passenger safety aboard our CCGhelicopters.The working group introduced a number ofstandards that greatly exceed regulatoryrequirements and are now standardoperating procedures for the CCG Fleet.These include:• Helmets for front-seat passengers for theduration of all flights;• Mandatory personal flares on personalflotation devices;• Mandatory Personal Locator Beacons inaddition to the locator beacons installedon the helicopters;• Suggested wearing of helicopterimmersion suits for flights over water;• Available in-depth safety training for“frequent flyers”; and• Available increased safety training inevery region.

9CCGS Terry Fox, Heavy IcebreakerPhoto: MA RegionF L E E T A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 7

There are a number of circumstances thatinfluence both current operational humanresource needs and longer term strategicplanning. These include:• A high percentage of Fleet’s most experiencedpersonnel are eligible to retire or are nearingretirement eligibility;• Canada’s marine industry is highlycompetitive. Trained Fleet personnel can belured to the private sector and recruitmentcompetition has heightened in recent years(although our attrition rate of only 2.4% isvery low by industry standards);The Fleet and the <strong>Coast</strong> <strong>Guard</strong> College areworking together to develop a national Ships’Crew Recruitment Framework to meet futurecrewing requirements. The present and futurechallenges in workforce recruitment, retention,and training will require ongoing collaboration,and must be guided by a framework based onlong-term needs assessment and effectiveplanning and delivery, while continuing tomeet training needs as they arise.• Fleet continues to strive to meet itsemployment equity and official languagestargets among seagoing personnel;• For the average <strong>Canadian</strong>, there are manyother options than a career at sea. The Fleetneeds to be seen as a professional workplacethat is committed to staff development; and• Seagoing personnel must adapt to theevolving role of the Fleet as it responds tochanging client needs, new technologies andenvironmental changes.In the context of these challenges, Fleet isfocusing its human resource efforts in threemain areas: recruitment, retention and training.The <strong>Coast</strong> <strong>Guard</strong> College in Sydney, Nova Scotiais instrumental in helping CCG develop theprofessionally trained staff needed to satisfyprogram and service requirements. It deliversthe <strong>Coast</strong> <strong>Guard</strong> Officer Training Program,which is the primary source of ships’ officersrecruits. In addition, it delivers a career programin MCTS Training, as well as highly specializedtraining in the areas of SAR, environmentalresponse, and marine maintenance andequipment training.Maritime professionals delivering equipment to LangaraIsland, off the Queen Charlotte IslandsPhoto: PA Region11F L E E T A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 7

Employee Awarded Cross of ValourIn 2006, First Officer Leslie Arthur Palmer was awarded the Cross of Valour by Her Excellency theRight Honourable Michaëlle Jean, Governor General of Canada. This award, which has beenpresented to only 20 people since it was created in 1972, recognizes “acts of the most conspicuouscourage in circumstances of extreme peril.”First Officer Palmer received Canada’s highest civilian bravery award for his courageous actions on thestormy night of December 27, 2004. Two fishermen were stranded along the shores of British Columbia’sGrenville Channel after their fishing trawler capsized. The CCGC Point Henry responded to the distresscall. The crew spotted a light flashing through the winter storm, and Palmer used a small rubber boat toreach the channel’s shore. The breaking surf and winds gusting up to a hundred knots (185 km/h) forcedhim to land a half-kilometre away from the survivors. Palmer braved the cold, ice, and wind, walking foran hour in the hip-deep snow until he reached the two men, who were huddled inside a life raft.After assessing the situation, Palmer retrieved vital survival gear and medical equipment from theCCGC Point Henry, and returned to the barely responsive victims. He worked courageously to keep thetwo fishermen warm and alive for another four hours, before medical help could reach them. Thiswas one of 700 rescues in which Palmer has been involved over the course of his career.12C A N A D I A N C O A S T G U A R DCCGS Samuel Risley, High Endurance Multitasked Vessel/Light IcebreakerPhoto: C&A Region

13Captain Lise Marchand and Helmsman Claudiu CaodaPhoto: QC RegionF L E E T A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 7

OUR VESSELS ANDHELICOPTERS14C A N A D I A N C O A S T G U A R DTo fulfil its role, the CCG needs an adaptablefleet that can deliver a variety of services in asafe and secure, effective and efficientlymanner. In 2006-2007, the Fleet operated 110vessels, four air cushion vehicles (ACVs) and22 helicopters (See Table 2). Many of theseassets are equipped to support the provisionof two or more simultaneous tasks(multitasked), allowing them to efficientlysupport multiple clients during a singlemission. Other assets have more specializedcapabilities required to satisfy particularclient or program requirements, such as DFOScience marine research requirements.Today’s fleet is significantly smaller than that of12 years ago, when 198 vessels were operating.In making the transition to a smaller, but morecapable, multi-taskable and mission-ready fleet,CCG developed a 25-year Fleet Renewal Plan,which guides investment decisions with an aimto ensure the CCG has a strong, modern,flexible fleet, capable of delivering cost-effectiveand reliable service to <strong>Canadian</strong>s well into thefuture. In order to remain current, the Plan isregularly reviewed and adjusted to changingpriorities and projected demands.Fleet Renewal Plan goals are to procure newvessels, to improve maintenance of existingvessels through life-cycle management, and tomanage the fleet more effectively throughbetter planning and management processes.Significant progress was made during2006-2007. Between February 2005 and March2007, funding of $669 million was provided tothe Fleet for the procurement of a total of 16new vessels: one offshore oceanographicscience vessel, three offshore fishery sciencevessels, and 12 midshore patrol vessels.Table 2: Number of Vessels andHelicopters by type in 2006-2007Vessel and Helicopter TypesNumberPolar Icebreakers 0Heavy Icebreakers 2Medium Icebreakers 4High Endurance Multitasked Vessels /Light Icebreakers 7Medium Endurance Multitasked Vessels 5Offshore Patrol Vessels 4Midshore Patrol Vessels 7Offshore Oceanographic Science Vessels 2Offshore Fishery Science Vessels 4Air Cushion Vehicles 4Special Navaids Vessels 2SAR Lifeboats 38Hydrographic Survey Vessels 5Channel Survey and Sounding Vessels 2Near-Shore Fishery Research Vessels 6Speciality Vessels 22Vessel Total 114Helicopter Total 22Overall, four of the new vessels are additions tothe fleet and 12 will replace existing vesselsnearing the end of their life expectancies. FleetRenewal Plan is a multi-year undertaking, withthe first vessels approved in Phases I and IIscheduled for delivery in 2010 and the last for2014. The CCG also plans to build a high-speedair cushion vehicle that will be used primarilyfor search and rescue, maintenance to navigationalaids, and icebreaking for flood controland St. Lawrence Seaway operations in theQuebec Region.

In the meantime, the existing fleet must bekept as operationally ready as possible.Additional annual funding has been allocatedfor vessel refits for existing vessels; however,this additional funding is being eroded overtime due to higher than anticipated repaircosts, especially since more than half of thelarge vessel fleet (vessels greater than 33m inlength) are more than 25 years old.Maximizing the use of capital funds forrepairs of these vessels will be a significantchallenge in the coming years and success inthis area is critical to optimizing theavailability and reliability of the aging fleet asa bridge to the arrival of the newlyconstructed vessels (see Table 3).B212, a twin engine helicopterTable 3: Age of CCG Vessels in 2006-2007Vessels Current Vessels Vessels VesselsNumber Over 15 to 25 Under 1525 Years Old Years Old Years OldLARGE VESSEL FLEETLarge Ships (over 88m)Design Life - 30 years7 5 2 0Medium Ships (48 to 87m)Design Life – 30 years28 13 15 0Smaller Ships (33 to 47m)Design Life – 15 to 20 years5 4 1 0TOTAL Large Fleet 40 22 18 0SMALL VESSEL FLEETSmall Vessels and ACVs (up to 33m)36Design Life – 15 to 20 years12 16 8SAR LifeboatsDesign Life – 15 years38 0 2 36TOTAL Small Fleet 74 12 18 44TOTAL FLEET 114 34 36 4415F L E E T A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 7

OUR SERVICES TO CLIENTSThe following sub-sections outline the services provided to each client in terms of the planned and actualdays provided. It must be kept in mind however, that the number of operational days that are planned anddelivered are as much a function of the available budget as they are of the availability of vessels.It must also be noted that the information contained in the following sections represents the supportprovided by Fleet to these clients and should not be interpreted as representative of the entire suite ofservices that a particular client receives. For example, in certain cases, it is more efficient for Aids andWaterways Services to be delivered by contractors. These contracted services are not monitored by Fleetand do not form part of the information illustrated in the following sections.16C A N A D I A N C O A S T G U A R DProviding SAR ServicesPhoto: QC Region

4.1 CANADIAN COAST GUARD4.1.1 Aids and Waterways ServicesAids and Waterways Services (AWS) ensuresthe safety and viability of shipping channelsand the protection of the public right tonavigation. The Fleet supports the AWS byplacing, lifting, checking, and maintaining anextensive system of floating and fixed aids tonavigation (both afloat and ashore).A variety of large and small multitaskedvessels and helicopters maintain thisnetwork. Some aids are year-round, whileothers are seasonal, which means the aids arelifted for the winter season to preventdamage by ice and are repositioned at thebeginning of the navigational season. Thefleet must be capable of:• Reaching aids in restricted, shallow andice-infested waters;• Serving as a platform to carry and servicebuoys and related equipment, and forconstruction of aids to navigational aids; and• Supplying air capability to reach aids notaccessible by boat or road, especially inremote areas of the Arctic.The success of this activity is highlydependent on competent maritimeprofessionals. Accurate navigation is key, asplacing aids often requires vessels tomanoeuvre close to shoals, rocks, and reefs.For this reason, extensive local knowledgeand specific training are required. Seagoingpersonnel also deploy, recover and maintainaids, verify the positions and operation offloating aids, keep records of operations,update data on positions and characteristicsof aids as required, and conduct maintenanceon fixed and floating aids.CCGS F.C.G. Smith, Channel Survey and Sounding VesselPhoto: QC RegionFleet’s PerformanceIn 2006-2007, some 3,154 operational dayswere delivered, of which 75% were in themain commercial maritime route in Canada,the Great Lakes – St. Lawrence Seaway.Graph 2 illustrates the service trend from 2002-2003 to 2006-2007. Over this period, the Fleethas delivered a level of service close to thatplanned, with an average of 91%. Also, theplanned operational days decreased by 33% andactual days delivered decreased by 28%.Graph 2: Service to Aids and Waterways,2002-2003 to 2006-2007 (# Operational Days)50004500400035003000250020002002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007Actual DaysPlanned Days17F L E E T A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 7

18C A N A D I A N C O A S T G U A R DThe key reason for this downward trend indemand for Fleet services related to thisactivity is a combination of reduced budgets,introduction of new technologies, and serviceefficiency improvements (including the useof contractors), all of which have combine toreduce the need for Fleet services over thistime period.4.1.2 Icebreaking ServicesCCG provides icebreaking and relatedservices to facilitate the safe and timelymovement of maritime traffic through andaround ice-covered and ice-infested<strong>Canadian</strong> waters, for the benefit of industryand the <strong>Canadian</strong> economy.The Fleet provides crews trained to operatespecialized and multitasked vessels in supportof this vital service. The icebreakers must beable to escort ships through ice-covered waters,free vessels trapped in ice, allow access to iceinfestedharbours, provide ice information andreduce the risk of flooding by both monitoringand breaking up ice jams. Icebreakers alsocarry helicopters which are forward deployedto conduct ice reconnaissance flights and tolocate open water and leads for effectiveicebreaking operations.Canada has two icebreaking seasons: fromDecember to April in the south, from theGreat Lakes to Newfoundland and Labrador<strong>Coast</strong>s, including the St. Lawrence Seawayand Gulf; and in the Arctic, both Westernand Eastern Arctic, from June to November.The Pacific <strong>Coast</strong> has no icebreakingactivities due to its clement weather.Beginning of June, seven icebreakers aredeployed from the southern regions, aftercompleting their winter season operation, tothe Arctic for the summer season.Fleet’s PerformanceDuring 2006-2007, some 1,813 operationaldays were delivered by the Fleet (or 78% ofthe planned service) for icebreaking,principally driven by:• In the Arctic, a significant increase indedicated as opposed to opportunityscience, particularly for OGDs, such asEnvironment Canada, and <strong>Canadian</strong>universities;Bringing the Media Spotlight tothe ArcticMedia interest in the Government ofCanada’s presence in the Arctic hasincreased recently, primarily as a result ofclimate change and Arctic sovereigntydiscussions.The CCGS Louis S. St-Laurent helped the<strong>Coast</strong> <strong>Guard</strong> showcase its involvement inArctic activities when the ship hosted thefirst live satellite broadcast ever done froma vessel. CBC’s The National was televisedlive from August 1 to the 4 , 2006, as theCCGS Louis S. St-Laurent made its waythrough the Northwest Passage.As Canada’s most powerful icebreaker andas its most versatile Arctic research vessel,the CCGS Louis S. St-Laurent was anobvious choice for the assignment.Throughout the CBC broadcasts, the shipdemonstrated its effectiveness as aninstrument of federal presence in the<strong>Canadian</strong> Arctic while continuing to deliverits full suite of routine on-water missions.

• In the South, lighter than expected iceconditions allowed more maintenancetime for the large icebreakers. For example,CCGS Louis S. St-Laurent preparation for theInternational Polar Year; and• Icebreakers responded to Search andRescue and Environmental Responseincidents.The two first reasons explain in part whyboth planned and delivered service decreasedby approximately 7% over the past threefiscal years.Graph 3: Service to Icebreakingby Zone, 2006-2007(% of Operational days)<strong>Canadian</strong> Artic23%NL <strong>Coast</strong>s19%Gulf5%Graph 3 illustrates time dedicated toicebreaking services by zone, with 42% ofservice delivered in the St. Lawrence Seawayand 23% in the <strong>Canadian</strong> Arctic.Great Lakes11%St. LawrenceSeaway42%19CCGS Des Groseilliers, Medium IcebreakerPhoto: QC RegionF L E E T A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 7

20C A N A D I A N C O A S T G U A R D4.1.3 Search and Rescue ServicesCanada’s Search and Rescue program is acooperative effort of federal, provincial,territorial, and municipal governments.The CCG’s SAR service, delivered inconjunction with its partner the <strong>Canadian</strong><strong>Coast</strong> <strong>Guard</strong> Auxiliary, is responsible forapproximately 5.3 million square kilometres,beginning 800 miles offshore in the Pacific,1,000 nautical miles in the Atlantic, andstretching all the way from the Canada –U.S. border in the south to the North Pole.The primary SAR service is delivered byvessels and maritime professionals dedicatedto this purpose, positioned at variouslocations across Canada. These vessels arespecially designed and constructed to meetthe rigorous demands inherent to providingmarine SAR capabilities and response in<strong>Canadian</strong> waters. In addition, the entire fleetis multitasked to provide SAR response inaddition to their other duties.Key SAR tasks conducted by seagoingpersonnel are:• Conducting visual and electronic searchesfor vessels and survivors, day and night,by air and by sea, in various weatherconditions;• Providing a platform for rescue personneland vessels to the scene and allowingsearch operations to be conducted;• Managing complex searches and acting asOn-Scene Coordinators;• Recovering survivors from other vessels,the sea or the shore;• Transferring injured persons to shore,helicopters, or to vessels;• Providing shelter, amenities and advancefirst aid to survivors.• Providing radio communication facilitiesfor emergency operations, and to enablevessels to communicate with shore-basedradio stations, other vessels and rescue craft;• Providing fire-fighting capability on boardvessels and at shore facilities to save life;and• Providing towing or other services tovessels in need of assistance when life isthreatened.Immediate Response Saves LivesShortly after midnight on March 22, 2006,B.C. Ferry’s Queen of the North ran agroundwhile en route from Prince Rupert to PortHardy. The Captain gave orders to abandonship, and issued a distress call. CCG MCTSrelayed the Mayday call and advised theJRCC in Victoria. Several resources wererequested to assist in the SAR operation, andthe CCGS Sir Wilfrid Laurier, the CCGC PointHenry, the CCGS Ricker, the CCGC Kitimat IIand the CCGS Vector were promptly tasked.When it received the distress call, the CCGSSir Wilfrid Laurier was only 18 miles fromthe sinking ferry. What could have been anenormous tragedy was, for the most part,averted, with 99 of the 101 passengerssafely recovered by local residents, and the<strong>Canadian</strong> <strong>Coast</strong> <strong>Guard</strong> Auxilary and CCG.Following the incident, the CCGS Sir WilfridLaurier headed toward Victoria forscheduled exercises. As it made its waysouth, the vessel responded to another SARcall, recovering 10 persons from anoverturned boat. In port, officers met withinvestigators to report on the massiveQueen of the North rescue effort.The Minister of DFO personally calledCaptain Mark Taylor to thank him, the crewof the CCGS Sir Wilfrid Laurier, and all CCGstaff involved for their efforts.

Fleet’s PerformanceDuring 2006-2007, some 105% of operationaldays were delivered to SAR compared toplanned days. Table 4 demonstrates that 92%of SAR time is for vessel availability in eachSAR Zone and readiness to respond/reactwithin a predetermined timeframe (30 minutesfor primary SAR vessels). This vesseloperational readiness is usually multitaskedwith another client. Other notable SARspecificactivities include 616 days on patrols,417 days on incidents response, and 168 dayson training and exercises.Over the past five years, planned service hasdecreased by 32% (driven primarily by ourability to multitask SAR), while actual serviceincreased by 7%. The Pacific Region accountsfor the highest proportion of SAR time at 34%.This can be explained by the region’s yearroundnavigation season and its largergeographical area.Table 4: : Days delivered andPercentage of Service by SARActivity, 2006-2007SAR Activities # %Available and Readyto Respond 14,851 92Patrols 616 4Incidents Response 417 3Training and Exercises 168 1Total 16,052 100CCGC Westport, SAR Lifeboat and DND Cormorant HelicopterPhoto: MA Region4.1.4 Maritime Security ServicesThe Fleet supports the Government of Canada’smaritime security priorities by providingplatforms and maritime expertise to securityand law enforcement agencies. For example,the CCG and RCMP have established the jointMaritime Security Enforcement Teams programwith armed on-water patrols on the Great Lakesand St. Lawrence Seaway, where the CCGmanages, maintains, and operates the vesselswhile the RCMP provides law enforcementexpertise and personnel on board.Four midshore patrol vessels are being builtspecifically for the MSET program on theGreat Lakes – St. Lawrence Seaway, the first ofwhich is expected to be operational in 2010.Until CCG takes delivery of the four midshorepatrol vessels, CCG has dedicated four vesselsto the program; in winter, teams operate fromicebreakers where and when required.21F L E E T A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 7

22C A N A D I A N C O A S T G U A R DCCGS Louis M. Lauzier, Mid-Shore Patrol VesselPhoto: QC RegionSeagoing personnel perform a variety of dutiesin support of Maritime Security services. Theseinclude:• Observing, reporting and recording onmaritime security events and organizedcrime activities;• Monitoring and patrolling vast areas ofocean, including the Great Lakes –St. Lawrence Seaway, coastal andinternational waters, and discouragingthreats and illegal activities;• Patrolling closed and boundary areas andconducting inspections at sea with ourpartners to ensure compliance with allregulations;• Serving as a command platform and securecommunications hub for officers in charge ofany marine enforcement activity;• Conducting routine intervention of vesselsfrom rigid hull inflatable boats carried onboard; and• Providing an operationally ready responsecapability for maritime security incidents.Fleet’s PerformanceIn 2006-2007, some 1,886 operational dayswere delivered, representing 92% of thenumber planned. For fiscal years 2003-2004through 2006-2007, additional funding tosupport this role was provided to the Fleet as aninterim measure. As a result of this additionalfunding, the security services deliveredincreased by 41%, in response to client demand(see Graph 4).Graph 4: Service to MaritimeSecurity, 2004-2005 to 2006-2007(# of Operational Days)2000175015001250100075050025002004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007

4.1.5 Environmental Response ServicesCCG is the lead federal agency for ship-sourceoil spill response; its role consists of mitigatingmarine pollution and oil spills, anddemonstrating due diligence by the <strong>Canadian</strong>and global marine community in theprevention of pollution.In Canada, south of 60°N latitude, the privatesector is responsible for environmentalresponse with the CCG providing federalmonitoring, oversight and inspection roles.If the CCG determines that the private sectorresponse is inadequate, CCG will assumecontrol, coordinate the response and, ifnecessary, conduct actual containment andrecovery operations. Above the North of 60°Nlatitude, CCG is the primary responder.Fleet’s PerformanceIn 2006-2007, some 155% of the planned Fleetservice was delivered. Even though thispercentage seems quite high, this representsonly 68 out of 44 planned operational days.Twenty-two days were dedicated toenvironmental response incidents and 18 daysto training and exercises. The demand forthese services has gradually increased since2002-2003.CCGS Sir Wilfrid Laurier, High EnduranceMulti-tasked Vessels/Light IcebreakerPhoto: PA RegionResponding to an Oil SpillFollowing a spill notification, a crew usesspecialized pollution countermeasureequipment in a response. A crane lowers anoil containment boom, as shown in thepicture of CCGS Sir Wilfrid Laurier. Made ofheavy gauge rubber, the boom is designedto float on one side while an underwirecurtain with small weights and heavy wireon the other side keeps the boom upright.The ship also has a small floating pod on aboom on the starboard side. This supportsone end of the oil containment boom awayfrom the vessel so that the ship can slowlymove through an oil slick and surround itwith the containment boom. Once the slickis surrounded, and oil dispersal isprevented, clean up can commence. “Slicklickers”mounted on barges reach over thecontainment boom, remove the oil, andtransfer it to barrels on board the barges.23F L E E T A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 7

244.1.6 Marine Communications andTraffic ServicesThe Marine Communications and TrafficServices provide maritime distress and safetycommunications, conducts vessel screenings,regulates vessel traffic movement, andprovides information systems and publiccorrespondence on a 24/7 basis. This serviceis delivered through a network of 22 centresand supporting communications towersacross Canada.Fleet has a generally limited role in supportof MCTS as reflected in the number ofoperational days below, since the majority ofMCTS sites can be accessed by land forregular maintenance and inspection.Seagoing personnel typically support MCTSby transferring materials and fuel from theship to the repeater sites.Fourteen of the British Columbia sites (intothe Queen Charlotte Islands and centralcoastal areas) are exceptions as they are inthe mountains and accessible only byhelicopter. Consequently, the CCGS SirWilfrid Laurier and one helicopter Bell 212-1are used most often. Fleet also supportsremote communications site activation anddeactivation in the Arctic.Fleet’s PerformanceIn 2006-2007, some 37 operational days weredelivered, representing 105% of theoperational days planned. Over the five yearsfrom 2002-2003 to 2006-2007, actualoperational days have tended to exceedplanned days.C A N A D I A N C O A S T G U A R DA Bell 212-1 supporting MCTS remote areasPhoto: PA Region

4.2 DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIESAND OCEANS4.2.1 ScienceThe Fleet supports the Science program ofFisheries and Oceans Canada, providingtrained crews on board both specialized andmultitasked vessels such as research trawlers,fishing vessels, hydrographic survey vessels,oceanographic vessels, and icebreakers.The crews support scientists and techniciansin a variety of specialized areas such as:• Fishing for a variety of commercial species;• Conducting surveys on acoustics,hydrography, geophysics, marine speciesstock assessment, and benthic habitats andorganisms;• Conducting marine mammal and seabirdenumeration, identification, tracking andbioassessment;• Collecting plankton, larvae andphytoplankton;• Collecting water samples for marinechemistry studies;• Taking bottom sediment samples andcoring;• Collecting data verifying empirical modelsfor water mass structure and circulation,currents and tidal propagation andprediction; and• Conducting remote camera studies ofbenthic habitats and organisms.Fleet’s PerformanceFrom 2002-2003 to 2006-2007, plannedservice decreased by 17%, while actual servicedelivered decreased by only 7%. Over thisperiod, Fleet delivered over 18,000 operationaldays in support of on-water science.During 2006-2007, most of the Scienceresearch supported fisheries (42%) and oceans(30%), followed by hydrography (18%), asshown in Graph 5.Discoveries in the Bay of FundyIn July 2006, the CCGS Hudson carried ateam of scientific experts on a voyage ofdiscovery that revealed new life in thedeepest reaches of the Gulf of Maine.A stretch of ocean approximately 400kilometres from Halifax and 200 kilometresoff Cape Sable Island was studied.The goal was to help scientists gain a betterunderstanding of the organisms thatinhabit various marine environments,particularly at deeper depths. As a result ofthe work done on the CCGS Hudson,scientists discovered deep-sea fauna thathad never before been observed. Even moreincredible was the discovery of a potentiallynew species that has yet to be identified.Graph 5: Service by SciencePrograms, 2006-2007(% of Operational Days)Environment4.3%MarineEcosystemsConservation1.8%HabitatManagement0.2%Hydrography18.0%Fisheries Research42.6%Aquaculture3.5%Oceans29.6%25F L E E T A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 7

Templeman, and the 2003 Gulf multi-speciessurvey was not carried out due to a fire on theCCGS Alfred Needler. In fact, during the sameperiod, 33 of the 90 resource surveys wereaffected by mechanical breakdowns, most ofwhich resulted in reduced sets and increasedstock assessment uncertainty.In order to stabilize the situation, CCG hasbegun the procurement process for threetrawlers, and, as a bridging mechanism, whileawaiting arrival of the new trawlers:• Commenced a vessel life extension refit ofone trawler;• Delayed the decommissioning of anothertrawler; and• Increased refit and maintenance spending,as well as planned maintenance periods,on all trawlers.26C A N A D I A N C O A S T G U A R DA Remotely-Operated Platform for Oceans Science (ROPOS) isused to explore the ocean floor as deep as 2,500 metersbeneath the surfacePhoto: MA RegionIn total, 96% of planned services in 2006-2007were delivered, compared to 76% in 2004-2005and 2005-2006, during which extendedequipment failures were experienced. Sincestock assessments can only be carried out fromdedicated trawlers, and three of these are in theprocess of being replaced 2 , lost time cannot bemade up for from other CCG Vessels.Of 90 resource surveys conducted during theperiod 2001-2006 in the Atlantic Zone, onlytwo were not done; the 2006 3Ps survey 3 wasnot carried out due to potable water problemson the CCGS Teleost and CCGS WilfredClearly, given that these unique vessels arebeyond their life expectancy, replacement is theonly real solution, as presented in Section Fisheries and AquacultureManagementThe Fleet provides significant support toDFO’s Fisheries and Aquaculture Managementprogram, consisting of enforcement andsurveillance activities in <strong>Canadian</strong> waters forthe Conservation and Protection Program.It also provides enhanced presence at sea inthe regulatory areas of the Northwest AtlanticFisheries Organization’s (NAFO), to stopillegal fishing by foreign fleets ininternational waters, on the 282,500 squarekilometreGrand Banks of Newfoundland.2 The trawlers, medium ships, are more than 25 years old (see Table 3 on Age of Fleet Vessels).3 The 3Ps survey consists of stock assessing fish (for example, cod or with founder) in the 3Ps sub-division of NorthernAtlantic Fisheries Organisation, off southern Newfoundland.

Specialized fisheries patrol vessels (includingarmed vessels) are used in the near-shore andoffshore areas of Canada. Multitasked vesselswith helicopter support are provided asrequired. CCG maritime professionalssupport fisheries officers in performingenforcement duties, including:• Monitoring and patrolling vast areas ofcoastline and providing a federal presencein <strong>Canadian</strong> waters, thereby deterringthreats and illegal activities;• Helping to ensure compliance with<strong>Canadian</strong> laws in <strong>Canadian</strong> jurisdiction;• Supporting fisheries interdiction activities;• Patrolling closed and boundary areas andconducting inspections at sea;• Serving as a command platform andsecure communications hub forConservation and Protection enforcementactivity;• Conducting general and covert surveillanceand monitoring various fisheries;• Recovering, seizing, storing andtransporting illegal fishing gear; and• Checking licenses, logbooks, catch, and gear.Activities may include inspections of fixedand mobile gear types, and disclosure ofpoaching and/or other means of illegalfishing.CCGS Leonard J. Cowley facing storm with winds of 70 knotsand seas of 47 feet.Photo: NL RegionThe CCGS Arrow Post FoilsPoachersOn the morning of February 17, 2006, theCCGS Arrow Post was conducting a Speciesat Risk Act patrol in the southern QueenCharlotte Islands. The crew conducted aninspection aboard a suspected abalonepoaching vessel.The CCG officers reported their suspicionsto DFO officials. Three days later, abalonewas transferred from the suspected vesselto a pick-up truck in Port Edward, B.C. Thevehicle was stopped and suspects arrested.With 11,000 endangered northern abalonescaught, this poaching arrest is the largestever in Canada for these primitive marinemolluscs, and the penalties handed down tothe three suspects is the stiffest for abalonepoaching in Canada’s history.Fleet’s PerformanceDuring 2006-2007, some 3,957 operationaldays were delivered. A consistent trend hasbeen maintained from 2002-2003, with anaverage of 85% of planned service beingdelivered. This shortfall can be explainedprimarily by almost 600 additional days inmaintenance and refit. Two offshore patrolvessels and three midshore patrol vessels,dedicated to Fisheries and AquacultureManagement, are more than 25 years oldand identified for replacement as a priority(see Section 3).27F L E E T A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 7

Table 5 indicates the various patrolsundertaken in 2006-2007, mostly in<strong>Canadian</strong> waters, and in NAFO regulatoryareas. The administrative category includesall the time taken for preparing court files,such as compiling data, preparingenforcement patrol reports, writtencommunications with crown counsel andcourt preparation and appearance. Thedemand for fleet support is intensifyingprimarily in support of NAFO patrols, with anincrease of the equivalent of one full yearover the past four years.Table 5: Service to FAM byPatrol Type, 2006-2007(% of Operational Days)<strong>Canadian</strong> Waters 57.8NAFO 34.1Other Patrol 5.4Administrative (includingcourt appearances) 1.8International Waters 4 0.8Aboriginal Fisheries 0.128C A N A D I A N C O A S T G U A R DCCGS Cygnus, an Offshore Patrol Vessel, with a European Union Vessel, the Jean Charcot, during a NAFO Patrol.Photo: NL Region4 Off Pacific and Maritimes <strong>Coast</strong>s

4.3 OTHER GOVERNMENTDEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIESThe Fleet provides maritime services (vessels,helicopters, expertise, personnel andinfrastructure) on behalf of, or in support ofOGDs in the achievement of their specificmaritime priorities. These include the CanadaBorder Services Agency, the Natural Scienceand Engineering Research Council (NSERC),Environment Canada (EC), Natural ResourcesCanada (NRCan), the Department of NationalDefence (DND), the Royal <strong>Canadian</strong>Mounted Police, the Department of ForeignAffairs and International Trade, TransportCanada (TC) and others.Client requirements dictate the type of vesselneeded. For example, EC, the NSERC andNRCan need scientific vessels to support theiractivities, while the RCMP uses a variety ofvessels, such as icebreakers and air cushionvessels. Fleet is responsible for on-wateroperations in the support of OGDs.CCGS Des Groseillers during the annual resupply mission toEC’s Eureka Weather Station, located on the west coast ofEllsemere Island, some 600 miles south of the North Pole29CCGS Teleost, Offshore Fisheries Science VesselPhoto: NL RegionF L E E T A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 7

Fleet’s PerformanceDuring 2006-2007, some 724 operationaldays delivered were 10% more than originallyplanned due primarily to urgent unplannedrequirements, at the request of the clients.Graph 6 shows that the service increasedannually from 2002-2003 to 2006-2007 by anaverage of 10%, with a sudden decline in 2006-2007. This decrease is due mainly to lowerdemand, particularly from the Natural Scienceand Engineering Research Council which, overfour years, reduced its requested operationaldays from 140 to 80. Service delivered toEnvironment Canada, the second highest user,remained stable at an average of 56 days.the St. Lawrence Seaway. In total, this groupreceived an average of 206 operational daysover the last five fiscal years.Graph 6: Service to OtherGovernment Departments andAgencies, 2002-2003 to 2006-2007(# of Operational Days)100080060040020030Other service categories include the CanadaBorder Services Agency, the RCMP, DND, TC,provincial and territorial governments, and02002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007C A N A D I A N C O A S T G U A R DFast Rescue Craft

Operation LancasterOperation Lancaster, a <strong>Canadian</strong> sovereignty operation, took place in Canada’s Eastern Arctic fromAugust 12 to 25, 2006. It was directed by DND’s Canada Command and executed by Joint TaskForce North, with the participation of other DND commands and OGDs. The combined land andsea operations included an integrated fisheries patrol in the Davis Strait that concluded in Iqaluitand was conducted by the <strong>Canadian</strong> Navy and Fisheries and Oceans Canada. The CCGS HenryLarsen played a major role in the operation, including serving as host ship for the Prime Minister,the Chief of Defence Staff and the Commissioner of the <strong>Canadian</strong> <strong>Coast</strong> <strong>Guard</strong>.31CCGS Henry Larsen with the HMCS Montreal, a <strong>Canadian</strong> Navy VesselPhoto: C&A RegionF L E E T A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 7

MEASURING PERFORMANCEWhether supporting the <strong>Canadian</strong> <strong>Coast</strong> <strong>Guard</strong>, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, or other governmentdepartments and agencies, or protecting broader <strong>Canadian</strong> interests, the goal of the Fleet is to provide safeand secure, effective and efficient services.While Section 4 examined the service by client, Section 5 looks at the overall performance of the Fleet, withmeasures endorsed by the Fleet Executive Board (the management and governance Board for the Fleet,consisting of the Headquarters Fleet Directors, Regional Directors, Operational Services, and led by theDirector General, Fleet).As new evaluation factors become further required, performance measures will also evolve to ensure thatFleet has meaningful, timely, and accurate information for decision-making and reporting to <strong>Canadian</strong>s.32C A N A D I A N C O A S T G U A R D5.1 SAFE AND SECURE DELIVERYThe Fleet operates in a significantly riskbasedmaritime environment with ourpersonnel, our vessels, air cushion vehicles,helicopters and boats conducting operationsin some of the world’s most remote locationsunder extreme environmental conditions.The safety and security of our seagoingpersonnel, supernumaries, support staff,scientists, and passengers is paramount. Fleetmanages these risks through its Safety andSecurity Management System. Twenty-fivefull time personnel work with seagoingpersonnel and shore-based fleet leadership topromote and operationalize a safety andsecurity culture on a daily basis.Becoming a Maritime IndustryLeader in Safety and SecurityCCG has positioned itself as a marineindustry leader by developing andimplementing its Safety and SecurityManagement System, which complies withthe International Management Code for SafeOperations of Ships and for the Prevention ofPollution. Created in 1998, the system isbeing expanded to include small vesselsand also includes an independent, externalaudit function.In 2006, it was expanded to include allvessels over 15 gross registered tons, all114 of CCG’s major vessels. An additionalsecurity requirement has also been addedin line with the International Ship and PortFacility Security Code – all vessels over 100gross registered tons must now developsecurity plans and comply with allinternational security requirements.

At the onset of the program, reportinghazards and incidents was the prime focus,with reported incidents rising steadily. Withthis understanding, Fleet’s focus shifted tomitigation and prevention measures. Sinceinception, a wide variety of programs andinitiatives have been put in place to improveoverall safety and security.10000010000Graph 7: Trend of Reported Incidentsby 365 Days, 2004-2005 to 2006-2007(# of Operational Days)30981 31755 31719Operational DaysWith increased acceptance by seagoingpersonnel, system sophistication improved asdid our analytical capability, allowing for agreater focus on behavioural analysis from amethodological perspective.While the total of hazardous occurrences(Total HO) has been slowly decreasing, Fleetleadership has been encouraging thereporting of preventable incidents by allseagoing personnel, referred to as‘unsatisfactory conditions’, as illustrated inGraph 7. It is hoped this initiative willfurther reduce hazardous occurrences andmitigate risks at sea. Hazardous occurrencesare comprised of disabling injuries, andothers incidents such as groundings,propulsion failures and pollution (Other HO).1000100101286309289214 210 19072 99 9938 55212004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007Disabling InjuriesOther HOTotal HOUnsatisfactoryconditions33In subsequent years, the SSMS will be used asa building block for human factordevelopment, focusing on unit andindividual capabilities (including competencyprofiles) crossing over into human resourcesmanagement areas.CCG Penac, an Air Cushion VehiclePhoto: PA RegionF L E E T A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 7

34C A N A D I A N C O A S T G U A R D5.2 EFFECTIVE DELIVERYEffectiveness is used to assess the extent towhich an organization is meeting itsexpected results.Fleet has developed different measures to assessits effectiveness, two of which are presentedbelow: the service delivered compared to theservice planned, and operational delays.Service delivered compared to the plan gives anappreciation of its effective delivery. Wherevalues exceed 100%, service demands in yearwere actually higher, and consequently moreoperational days were delivered than had beenplanned; where values are less than 100%,fewer operational days were delivered than hadbeen planned. The normal tolerance zone isplus or minus 10%, given operational andenvironmental fluidity.As illustrated by Graph 8, some 97% of all theoperational days planned were delivered.Clients such as Aids and Waterways Services,Search and Rescue, Maritime Security, MarineCommunication and Traffic Services, Science,and OGDs generally received a satisfactorynumber of operational days compared to planned,with results varying from 91% to 110%.Graph 8: Service Delivered versusPlanned by Fleet Clients2006-2007 (%)160%140%120%100%80%60%40%20%0%91%78%105%92%155%Target: 100%Tolerance Zone:+/- 10%110%105%96% 97%85%AWSIcebreakingSARMSERMCTSScienceFAMOGDAverageAs seen in Section 4, Environmental ResponseServices received 155% of the serviceplanned, which represent only 68 operationaldays. Also, the Icebreaking Services receivedless service due to lighter ice conditions, anincrease in dedicated scientific activities forOGDs aboard icebreakers, and response toSAR and ER incidents. Finally, Fisheries andAquaculture Management received 85% dueto extended maintenance and refit periods.Another means of assessing fleet effectivenessis to measure operational delays, and iscomprised of the time a vessel is available butdelayed for reasons such as weather, waitingfor equipment or personnel, equipmentbreakdown, administrative reasons, etc. Table6 shows the five main reasons for operationaldelays, including weather and environmentalconditions. Excluded from these figures arethe delays leading to long-term vesselunavailability, delays due to vessel orhelicopter breakdown, and delays inmaintenance and refit.Table 6: Top 5 of Reasons forOperational Delays, 2006-20071 Weather/tide2 Equipment Breakdown/Limitation3 Other Delay4 Waiting for Material and Equipment5 Ice ConditionsThere has been a steady year-to-year decreasein time lost, from 3.7% of all service deliveredin 2003-2004 to 2.5% this year (from 1,005 to790 lost days). The three clients are mostlyaffected by the delays are DFO Fisheries andAquaculture Management, DFO Science, andAids and Waterways Services.

With these two relative measures, we canconclude that the fleet was generally effectivein 2006-2007, with the service deliveredcomparing as close as 97% to the serviceplanned, and delay time represents less than2.5% of all service time, excluding long-termunavailability.5.3 EFFICIENT DELIVERYEfficiency is the extent to which anorganization produces outputs (in this case,operational days) in relation to resources used(i.e. vessels). To measure the fleet efficiency,performance measures have been developed,two of which are presented below: vesselavailability and multitasking.A vessel is available when it is ready to beassigned to a mission or client, andunavailable when it is in winterization andlay-up time, or in extended planned andunplanned maintenance. Table 7 shows theoperational state of vessels.Contributing to <strong>Canadian</strong> Sovereignty by re-supplyingremote communities.Photo: NL RegionIn 2006-2007, when available, vessels werepredominantly assigned to clients (67%) andrarely unassigned (1%). When vessels werenot available, they were mostly inwinterization (20%) in four of five regions,except in the Pacific Region, wherenavigation occurs year-round. The fleet alsospent time in maintenance, both planned(9%) and unplanned (2%). This table showsthe reality of an increasingly aging fleet andthe associated maintenance problems,unexpected breakdowns and consequentservice delivery shortfalls.Table 7: Operational State of Vessels, 2006-2007 (%)AvailableUnavailableAssigned Unassigned Planned Sub- Winterization Planned Unplanned Other Sub- TotalMaintenance total / Lay-up Maintenance Maintenance total67% 1% 0% 68% 20% 9% 2% 1% 32% 100%35F L E E T A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 7

Table 8: Unplanned Maintenance of vessels, 2002-2003 to 2006-20072002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007Number of Actual Days inUnplanned Maintenance(breakdowns) 427 472 675 593 533% of Planned Service 3.7% 4.6% 5.9% 5.6% 5.1%36The 40 largest vessels in the fleet are also CCG’soldest. These ships provide an average of 9,500operational days to clients each year, the vastmajority of which are at sea as a function ofclient and mission requirements. Unfortunately,breakdowns do occur, causing 4-6% of operationaldays planned lost, as shown with Table 8.Although it is too early to state definitelythat stabilisation in operational days lost isdirectly attributable to increased spending onrefit, maintenance and vessel life extensions,it is a hopeful sign and clearly an importantand appropriate investment.The second relative measure of efficiency ismultitasking, i.e., in which a vessel performstwo or more tasks simultaneously.Icebreakers, for example, can be tasked toIcebreaking while providing SAR coverage, orthey can perform Observe, Report and Recordfunctions, or support Maritime Security, orconduct pollution monitoring and/orresponse. Thus, with one vessel, within thelimits of geography, time, availability, andcapability, simultaneous missions can oftenbe conducted.Graph 9: Multitasking Trend,2002-2003 to 2006-2007 (%)C A N A D I A N C O A S T G U A R DNight-time marine species research16%Target of 15%14%12%10%8%6%4%2%0%2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007

37CCGS Louis S. St-Laurent , our largest icebreaker, near Cambridge Bay in NunavutPhoto: C&A RegionThis calculation is derived by comparing thetotal time a vessel was multitasked to thetotal time it was assigned. Graph 9demonstrates the multitasking trend over thelast five fiscal years. In 2006-2007, with13.7% of multitasking accomplished, the fleetis slowly approaching its target of 15%. Thismoderate change is due in part, to betterplanning and the migration towards moremultitaskable fleet configurations.Given the results of these two relativemeasures, we can consider our fleet generallyefficient with a high rate of assignment andan acceptable rate of multitasking, althoughbreakdowns remain problematic. A moresophisticated, multi-mission fleet, with fewervessel type configurations, as presented inSection 3, will result in increasedmultitasking ability, thus enhancing Fleet’soverall efficiency.F L E E T A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 7

OUR OPERATIONAL ANDFINANCIAL PLANNING38C A N A D I A N C O A S T G U A R DRecent experiences such as the response toHurricane Katrina and increased support tosecurity issues underscore the importance ofCCG’s ability to deliver on publicexpectations of operational readiness andintegrated contingency planning. Toaccomplish this, CCG employs a variety ofplanning methods to ensure it is prepared toconduct missions – with vessels in place, fuelon board, highly trained and adaptable crewsready – and strategic planning methods inplace to make sure that business andmanagement practices, as well as funds are inplace to operate, procure, and maintain thevessels and helicopters needed to satisfyexisting and future challenges.During 2006-2007, CCG developed theconcept of Fleet Operational Readiness as thefoundation for determining its longer termcapacity requirements. This reorientation willenable the CCG to evolve from a narrow shorttermapproach driven by client requirementsand funding to a more holistic long-termapproach in which the Agency is positioned asCanada’s “whole of government” civilianmaritime solution, ready to operationallyrespond in times of need. This new approachwill ensure the fleet is equipped and availablewhen needed and that it provides safe andsecure, efficient, and effective services. Thereadiness concept, and the development of acorresponding business framework, will makethe financial resources required to operate thefleet more transparent to clients, that is, thoseresources required to ensure an operationallyready fleet versus those resources only neededto deliver services at sea, so that more effectiveservice agreements and practices can beestablished and formalized.Each year, clients are required to define theirneeds that are used to develop the nationalFleet Operations Plan, which includes specificvessel schedules and missions, as well as thecost of delivering those services. The financialbasis for the planning of client needs is theNational Fleet Costing Model. CCG’s financialresources are fixed each year at the beginningof the budgetary cycle, while demand for someof its services is often variable andunpredictable, causing in-year adjustments.When unanticipated service demands ariseafter the annual planning cycle has beencompleted, efforts expended in other areas are,of necessity, modified accordingly after reviewof priorities and risks.

Table 9: Fleet National Budget, 2006-2007 ($000s)OperationsandSalaries Maintenance Minor(O&M) Fuel Sub Total Capital TotalFleet 141,611 26,071 39,016 206,699 0 206,699Helicopters * 14,020 ** 14,020 0 14,020Sub Total 141,611 40,092 39,016 220,719 0 220,719Shore 17,321 7,311 24,633 438 25,071Total 158,933 47,404 39,016 245,353 438 245,791Table 9 summarizes the Fleet’s national levelbudget for 2006-2007. During this fiscal year,the CCG began its move to activity-basedbudgeting under the Fleet OperationalReadiness concept, ensuring moretransparency, making the costs of serviceclearer to <strong>Canadian</strong>s, and improvingaccountability.A transitional CCG methodology was used toallocate the fiscal year 2006-2007 budgetutilizing primarily historical expenditureinformation. During the year, a new FleetFinancial Framework was produced that willguide the development of the Fleet FinancialPlan for 2007-2008. This framework uses theconcept of specially controlled and targetedbudget allotments for operational and nonoperationalexpenditures, and furtherintroduces standard and non-standardbudgetary items. This plan will become amodel for introduction CCG-wide.* Helicopters Pilots are Transport Canada employees and not CCG employees.** Fuel is included in O&M.As a consequence of this change, beginningin 2007-2008, CCG managers and employeeswill see more clearly defined links betweenthe way funds are appropriated fromParliament, internal planning and budgetallocations, and year-end reporting toParliament. It is also expected that activitybasedbudgeting will better facilitateoperational and financial performancereporting and monitoring.CCGS Leonard J. Cowley, Offshore Patrol VesselPhoto: NL Region39F L E E T A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 7

LOOKING FORWARD40We understand our challenges: responding toincreasing and evolving service demands;adapting ourselves in a changing andcomplex environment; providing a greatworkplace to our personnel; and managingour capital intensive assets in an appropriatemanner. We have also enjoyed solidrelationships with our internal and externalclients, and are focusing on trying to betterunderstand their particular needs and providethem with the best service possible.Through 2006-2007, Fleet has madesignificant improvements to its planning andbudgeting processes. As part of what it meansto be a national maritime serviceorganization, we will continue to focus on afull suite of management practicesimprovements, in effect operationalizingwhat it truly means to be an Agency.Fleet is proud to be part of the nationalinstitution that is the CCG and we lookforward to meeting, and exceeding, clients’needs and expectations in the years to come.We recognize that our role as Canada’soperationally ready civilian maritime serviceprovider has never been more important, ormore demanding. Again, we would like tostress the importance of our people, bothashore and afloat, who have dedicatedthemselves to serving our clients and<strong>Canadian</strong>s.Should you have comments or observationsregarding this first Fleet Annual Report, youare encouraged to contact any of the personsnamed in Section 8. We welcome yoursuggestions for improvement.C A N A D I A N C O A S T G U A R DWe believe that we are well on our way toincorporating the recommendations of theAuditor General’s report and the internal A-Base Review. In addition, Fleet has establishedperformance measures to regularly assess itssafety and security, effectiveness, andefficiency.

41Fast Rescue Craft at nightPhoto: C&A RegionF L E E T A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 7

MANAGEMENT CONTACTS42Headquarters RepresentativesGary B. SidockDirector General613-998-8348Marc-André PoissonDirector, Operational Support613-990-9640Miriam Van RoosmalenActing Director, Fleet Planning613-991-4844Mario PelletierDirector, Fleet Safety and Security613-993-1932Steve PeckDirector, Seagoing Personnel Management613-998-1662Ron MillerDirector, Fleet Transformation613-991-3478Regional RepresentativesStephen DeckerActing Director, Operational ServicesROC, Newfoundland and Labrador Region709-772-5202Anthony PottsActing Director, Operational ServicesROC, Maritimes Region902-426-6030Claude LangisDirector, Operational ServicesROC, Quebec Region418-648-7290Brian LeBlancDirector, Operational ServicesROC, Central and Arctic Region800-265-0237David SniderDirector, Operational ServicesROC, Pacific Region250-413-2800C A N A D I A N C O A S T G U A R D

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