Adam Was Not The First Man - The New Ensign

Adam Was Not The First Man - The New Ensign

Adam Was Not The First Man - The New Ensign


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where it says, "And <strong>Adam</strong> lived an hundred and thirty years and had a son" in his own likeness, after his image and called his name Seth." But toget back to Genesis 3:15--God said to Satan, "I will put enmity betweenthee and the woman, and between THY SEED and HER SEED."<strong>The</strong> same Hebrew word for "seed" is used in both cases. Satan was tohave just as literal "seed" or descendants as Eve did. God's own wordbeing pledged to this, we must expect to find it actually happening, andwe do.Jesus Christ, Himself, tells us of it.In Matthew 13 explaining the Parable of the Tares Among the Wheat,Jesus says, "<strong>The</strong> field is the world; the good seed are the children OFTHE KINGDOM, but THE TARES ARE THE CHILDREN OF THEWICKED ONE: THE ENEMY THAT SOWED THEM IS THE DEV-IL." Again, in John 6:70-71 Jesus had been talking with His 12 disciplesand we read: "Jesus answered them 'Have not I chosen you twelve andone of you is A DEVIL?' He spake of Judas Iscariot the son of Simon: forhe it was that should betray Him being one of the twelve." And again youshould read carefully the eighth chapter John where Jesus told those whohated Him, "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your fatherye will do." He was not being vulgarly abusive in either of these cases,for He never resorted to name calling for abuse. He did call some of them"hypocrites" ---which they truly were. His statement was precisely accurate.He did call some of them "serpents, children of vipers"--which,again, was accurate. Long before this they had adopted the serpent as asymbol of Satan, that is why their tradition mad given the word nawkhash"the translation "serpent", when it really means "enchanter". Jesus,therefore, was telling them that they were of their father the devil (orserpent, if they preferred that word). In this He was simply stating abiological fact with scientific precision, and identifying the persons ofthis ancestry.Whenever someone tells you that the Bible is in conflict with whatmodern science has proved true, don't you believe it. <strong>The</strong> things thatmany preachers teach are in conflict with scientific truth, as we all know;but these preachers are equally in conflict with the Bible. Go back to theBible not to any man made doctrines and double check it for accuracy oftranslation.( Page 6 )

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