Workplace transport inspection pack

Workplace transport inspection pack

Workplace transport inspection pack


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1 Background information(NB: throughout this document, bold text is to aid scanning of the document when used as a memoryjogger).<strong>Workplace</strong> Transport (WT) covers the use of all types of vehicles and poweredmobile work equipment in workplaces. It does not include vehicles travelling onthe public highway. Vehicles are a part of everyday life, not only at work butelsewhere, and as a result the associated dangers are often overlooked -complacency is a real problem. WT is the second biggest cause of fatalaccidents in HSE enforced workplaces (after falls from a height).In 2004/5 there were 70 fatal and 2021 major injuries in HSE/LA enforcedworkplaces. The main cross-industry causes of WT fatals and major injuries are:- being struck by a moving vehicle (60% of WT fatals, 37% MI))- people falling off a vehicle or its load (17% WT fatals, 42% MI)- loads falling off vehicles (14% WT fatals, 10% MI)- vehicles overturning (9% WT fatals, 3% MI)It is likely that WT will be a significant hazard for many duty holders. Anyworkplaces where a fork lift truck is used or where large goods vehicles make or pickup deliveries certainly warrant detailed examination of WT control measures. Evenapparently low risk premises such as offices may well have associated staff carparking areas, and may receive deliveries by lorry or van. Risks from these WTactivities are easily overlooked by duty holders and inspectors alike, but may besignificant.WT is one of the most "multi-factoral" risk control issues duty holders have to copewith. Adequately controlling the risks from WT, especially the vehicle movementrisks, depends on duty-holders establishing and sustaining control over a widerange of matters which could contribute to accidents, broadly falling into the 3categories of safe site, safe vehicle and safe driver. These 3 categories arereflected in the 3 Risk Control Indicators (RCIs) for <strong>Workplace</strong> Transport :-Safe site: “Well defined traffic routes free from obstruction, firm and even surfaces.Every effort made to separate pedestrians from vehicles. Pedestrian crossingpoints. Effective one-way system for HGVs”.Safe vehicle: “Effective maintenance of steering, brakes and lights. ROPS and seatbelts fitted when appropriate. Reversing aids fitted when appropriate”.Safe driver: “Fork lift truck drivers trained and competent in accordance with ACoP,similar raining for drivers of other types of vehicle. Active supervision of driverbehaviour”.Neglecting any one of these controls may result in a fatality, even if most otheraspects of WT control are reasonable - even the best driver in the best laid outworkplace is likely to have a serious accident if his vehicle's brakes fail due to lackof preventative maintenance. Similarly, even if a workplace is well designed andlaid out, vehicles are properly selected and maintained, and drivers receive adequate

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