4N6 forensic flocked swabs - Interpath Services

4N6 forensic flocked swabs - Interpath Services

4N6 forensic flocked swabs - Interpath Services

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A FULLYINTEGRATEDCOMPANYRESEARCHCopan laboratories and technical team work in close relation withkey opinion leaders and reference laboratories in order to continuallyimprove the currect products performance and standards as well asstimulate the development of novel solutions according to the actualneeds of the market.DEVELOPMENTCopan designs and develops anatomic and ergonomic geometriesfor the realization of new collection tools necessary to optimize thesample recovery both from the human body and from the crimescene environment.TECHNOLOGYCopan team of engineers optimizes the manufacturing process toensure efficient, reliable, consistent and standardized manufacturing,through automations and custom designed production solutions.DNA-FREECopan <strong>4N6</strong>FLOQSwabs line is certified DNase, RNase-Free andHuman DNA-Free, as well as free of any PCR inhibitors.QUALITYCopan is fully dedicated to ensure the compliance with the highestquality standards; in addition to internal QC, external evaluationsof the products are done and results published. GMP manufacturingstandards and ISO 9001 certification are garantee of Copanquality policy.COPAN’S MISSION IS TO CONTINUALLY IMPROVE THE QUALITYOF THE PRE-ANALYTICAL PHASE WITH A QUANTITATIVE APPROACH.Copan, the acronym for “COllection and Preservationfor ANalysis”, is a worldwide leading manufacturer ofcollection and preservation systems for microbiologyand <strong>forensic</strong> applications.Its innovations in pre-analytics include patentedFLOQSwabs, which have been proven to advance thequality and sensitivity of traditional and contemporaryanalytical assays through improved fluid-dynamics.Commitment to innovation in sample processing led tothe development of a dedicated product line for Forensicand Human Identity Applications.Copan is a fully integrated company.All functions - product R&D, design, prototyping, manufacturing, assembling, validation and quality control - areall done in-house.Copan’s competence with its internal laboratories:bacteriology, virology and molecular biology and ateam of scientists fully dedicated to run extensive qualitycontrols, e.g. DNA-free certification, to verify Copanproducts’ compatibility with various analytical methodsand directly involved in the development of innovativesolutions, provides the guarantee to have an expertand competent partner. Copan QA and R&D laboratoriesparticipate yearly to the GEDNAP ProficiencyTests for DNA typing.

FLOQSWABS[ HOW IT WORKS]Patented* FLOQSwabs comprise of a solidmolded plastic applicator shaft with a tip that canvary in size and shape, coated with short Nylon®fibers that are arranged in perpendicular fashion.FLOQSwabs have no internal absorbent core todisperse and entrap the specimen - as traditionalfiber <strong>swabs</strong> - but the entire sample stays close tothe surface for fast and complete elution.Copan FLOQSwabs represent a breakthrough toguarantee that even minute amounts of DNA canbe collected and are available for testing.BETTERSAMPLE COLLECTIONBy simple contact with the swabtip, liquid samples are rapidlyabsorbed between the theperpendicular fibers thanks to theactive absorption capacity andhydraulic capillary propertiesof the device. Cellular Material iscollected easily and efficientlybecause the brush-like texture of<strong>4N6</strong>FLOQSwabs is more effectiveat dislodging and removing cells.Cells are easily collectedbetween the fibers[ ]Traditional fiber<strong>swabs</strong>: the samplestays entrapped inthe fiber wadFLOQSwabs have noinside: the sample isinstantly and entirelyreleased.THE BREAKPOINTA convenient and safe breakpoint ispre-moulded on the swab shaft and allowsan easy and smooth breaking of the swab.The breakpoint is designed to be compatiblewith standard cuvettes (i.e. Eppendorf ® andother brands). Different and customized breakingpoints can also be designed on request.DNASE, RNASE-FREE ANDHUMAN DNA FREE<strong>4N6</strong>FLOQSwabs are free of PCR inhibitors andinterference. They are certified DNase,RNase-Free as well as Human DNA-Free.<strong>4N6</strong>FLOQSwabs TMPLUS FEATURES• Stringent controls and automatedmanufacturing process• Use of only selected and inhibitory-freecomponents• Validation of a dedicated EtO treatment• Profiling of Copan workers involved inproduction and quality controlENTIRE SAMPLE RELEASEThe entire sample is instantaneously and automaticallyreleased when <strong>4N6</strong>FLOQSwabs are mixed with assaysreagents, placed in buffer solutions or onto solidabsorbant substrates, e.g. Copan NUCLEICard.Copan <strong>flocked</strong> <strong>swabs</strong> demonstrated a sample releasecapacity of more than 90% of the collected sample.ng/ul20151050DNA collected and released by each swab type<strong>4N6</strong>FLOQSwabsrayon <strong>swabs</strong>polyester swabHUMAN DNA-FREEDNASE AND RNASE-FREEFREE OF INHIBITORS TO MOLECULARAMPLIFICATION AND STR ANALYSIS* Worldwide Patent No. WO 2004/086979, European Patent N°1608268, CanadianPatent N°2515205, Australian Patent N°2004226798, New Zealand Patent N°541560,Japanese Patent N°2007-523663 and Chinese Patent. US Patent Pending.IMPROVED ASSAYS SENSITIVITY,CONSISTENCY, ROBUSTNESSSamples collected using <strong>4N6</strong>FLOQSwabs have beenshown to improve the sensitivity of various analyticaltests.SCIENTIFIC STUDIESPublished scientific studies show that CopanFLOQSwabs significantly improve the quantity andquality of samples collected and released into variousassay systems.www.copaninnovation.com/studies

GENETICSTARGETED SAMPLESAPPLICATIONSBuccal cellsEpithelial cellsSalivaSkinSemenBlood StainsOthersSTR AnalysisHuman IdentityForensicsGeneticDNA-based testsDNA-Paternity TestsDOA (Drugs of Abuse)Others[ HOW TO COLLECT BUCCAL CELLS]Rinse your mouth with water and do not drink coffee ortea for at least 30 minutes before sample collectionInsert the swab tip in the mouth and firmly rub theswab 10 times against the cheeks close to thegingival wall. Repeat the same steps on the other side ofthe mouth.Remove the swab from the mouth and process immediatelyas per laboratory standard procedures or usetransport kit provided.DNASE, RNASE-FREEAND HUMAN DNA FREERAPID ABSORPTIONSprayed-on Nylon® fibers arranged in a uniformperpendicular fashion results in tremendoushydraulics to rapidly absorb the sample andoptimize the collection of epithelial cells.SUPERIOR SAMPLE RELEASEOpen fiber structure means no sample entrapment asit occurs with traditional fiber <strong>swabs</strong>, thus leading toIncreased Assay Sensitivity. <strong>4N6</strong>FLOQSwabs line isproven to elute more than 90% of the original samplerapidly and easily resulting in improved assay sensitivity.[ FORMATS]IN PEEL POUCH<strong>4N6</strong>FLOQSwabs with moulded breakpointis available in a convenient peelpouch format.IN DRY TUBEAfter collection, the regular size <strong>4N6</strong> FLOQSwabs canbe inserted back into the transport tube and sent to thetesting laboratory.The plastic tube guarantees the swab integrity andavoids risks of sample contamination during transport.WITH EPPENDORF CUVETTEA regular size <strong>4N6</strong>FLOQSwab is packed andsterilized in a peel pouch with a 2ml LoBind®Eppendorf® cuvette.Product reference: 3520CS01Product reference: 3508CAfter collection, insert swab intothe cuvette and snap the <strong>swabs</strong>haft at the moulded breakpointpositionSwab Break Point at 20mm,compatible with 2ml LoBind Eppendorf® cuvetteDiscard the applicatorshaft and closethe cuvette capProduct reference: 3520CA, 3520CFWITH ACTIVE DRYING SYSTEMCopan <strong>4N6</strong>FLOQSwabs are available also in a specialplain tube with an integrated active drying system:molecular sieve particles contained in the tube stopperactively absorb water molecules and dry out the collectedsample.Active Drying System:Ensures the sample drying in thetube and therefore preventsmicrobial growth.Aluminum Foil Barrier Packagingto ensure molecular sieve dryingaction is activated upon peel pouchopening only.Product reference: 3500C, 3504C

CRIMESCENEFORENSIC FLOQSWABS[ WITH ANTIMICROBIAL ACTION ] [ ANATOMIC AND ERGONOMIC DESIGN ]pg/ulThe ability of a sample collection device to prevent orneutralize microbial contamination while preserving nucleicacids integrity is essential: contaminations can affectthe genetic analysis and compromise the reliability of theresults.Copan has developed a unique and revolutionary productline <strong>4N6</strong>FLOQSwabs crime scene, specifically designedfor sample procurement of evidence such as: sweat, semen,blood stains, skin and any environmental trace found at thecrime scene.ABILITY TO NEUTRALIZE MICROBIALCONTAMINATION<strong>4N6</strong>FLOQSwabs crime scene are specially treatedwith agents that exert an antimicrobial effect on a widespectrum of microbes deriving from the environmentalcontamination of the sample.NO MORE NEED TO DRY OUT THE SAMPLEThanks to <strong>4N6</strong>FLOQSwabs crime scene strongantimicrobial action, the sample can be transferred intoa transport tube or vial, without any need to dry out thesample. DNA collected will be maintained stable also inhumid conditions.COMPATIBILITY WITH DIFFERENTDNA EXTRACTION METHODS<strong>4N6</strong>FLOQSwabs crime scene have been validated withnumerous DNA extraction methods and complete profileswere obtained by sequencing the DNA extracted.OPTIMIZATION OF DNA PRESERVATION INCRITICAL ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS<strong>4N6</strong>FLOQSwabs crime scene, preserve DNA integrityalso after 7 days storage at 37°C in heavily contaminatedenvironment.PROFILED WORKERS ONLY ARE INVOLVED IN<strong>4N6</strong>FLOQSWABS CRIME SCENE PRODUCTION600,00500,00400,00300,00200,00100,000,00HUMAN DNA PRESERVATION AT 37°CT=0time 36 htime 3 daystime 7 days<strong>4N6</strong>FLOQSwabscrime scenerayon swab<strong>4N6</strong>FLOQSwabs withActive Drying SystemREGULAR, ANATOMICALLYAND ERGONOMICALLYSHAPED COLLECTION DEVICESALLOW TO COLLECT SAMPLESFROM CHALLENGING SURFACESAND IN SITUATIONS WITH LCN(LOW COPY NUMBER) DNA.<strong>4N6</strong>FLOQSwabs crime scene are available withanatomic and ergonomic geometries in order toensure the maximum amount of sample can becollected also from the most challenging surfaces.A complete range of special geometries is available forcollection from: subungual (under nails) ,bottle or capborders, dip corners, flat surfaces or regular size <strong>swabs</strong>for multi-use.100% SAMPLE COLLECTION[ AND RELEASE ]<strong>4N6</strong>FLOQSwabs crime scene rapidly absorbs traceseven where the amount of sample is limited.The superior release of the <strong>4N6</strong> line compared totraditional fiber <strong>swabs</strong> becomes critical when thesample is limited (LCN). By recovering over 90% of theevidence using Copan unique <strong>4N6</strong>FLOQSwabs, assaysensitivity increases and DNA recovery is maximized.DNASE, RNASE-FREEAND HUMAN DNA FREEFORENSICS FORENSICS FORENSICS FORENSICS FORENSICS

ORDERINGINFORMATIONSAMPLEPRODUCT DESCRIPTIONBREAK POINTDISTANCE*(from tip end)PRODUCTCODEPACKAGINGBuccal cellsSalivaBlood StainsSemenSkinEnvironmental SamplesOthers<strong>4N6</strong>FLOQSwabs Regular size tipIn peelpouch<strong>4N6</strong>FLOQSwabs Regular size tipIn plain tube<strong>4N6</strong>FLOQSwabs Regular size tipplus 2ml Eppendorf® Cuvette in peelpouch<strong>4N6</strong>FLOQSwabs Regular size tipplus 2ml Eppendorf ® Cuvette with evaporation ductIn peelpouch<strong>4N6</strong>FLOQSwabs Buccal shape tipIn plastic tube with Active Drying System20mm 3520CS01 10x100pcs20mm 3508C 10x100pcs20mm 3520CA 6x100 pcs20mm 3520CF 6x100pcsN/A 3500C 6x50pcsDNASE,RNASEFREEANDHUMANDNA-FREECERTIFIED<strong>4N6</strong>FLOQSwabs Regular size tipIn plastic tube with Active Drying System20mm 3504C 6x50pcscrime scene<strong>4N6</strong>FLOQSwabs Regular mini head tipin plain tube20mm 3507C 10x100pcsEvidence samplesi.g.: sweat, semen, blood,blood stains, skin, etcEnvironmental traceevidenceNot for Use on LivingHumans<strong>4N6</strong>FLOQSwabs Scalpel Shape tipIn plain tube<strong>4N6</strong>FLOQSwabs Mini Shape tipin tube with Active Drying System<strong>4N6</strong>FLOQSwabs Flat Surfacesin tube with Active Drying System20mm 3506C 10x100pcs20mm 3501C 6x50 pcs20mm 3502C 6x50pcsUndernails/Subungual collection<strong>4N6</strong>FLOQSwabs Subungual Shapein tube with Active Drying System20mm 3503C 6x100pcsBottle Collar /Steering Wheel Collection<strong>4N6</strong>FLOQSwabs Round Shapein tube with Active Drying System20mm 3505C 6x100pcsNAO BASKET – Nucleic Acid Optimizer BasketN/A NAO Basket N/A 3002C 5x50pcsN/ABuccal cells, SalivaBlood Stains, Environmental,Others* Additional breakpoint distances may be available.NAO Basket + 2ml Eppendorf® CuvetteIn peelpouchNAO Basket + 2ml Eppendorf® Cuvette +<strong>4N6</strong>FLOQSwabs Regular Size, in peelpouchN/A 3002CS01 6x100pcs20mm 3003CS01 6x100pcsBesides the general product listing, Copan offers a variety of customization[ CUSTOMIZED SOLUTION]and engineering services in order to manage identification, chain-of-custody,traceability and packaging specific requirements.CUSTOMIZED COLLECTION KITSUpon request and according to the customer requirements, samplecollection kits can be customised and assembled to includeall components required for sample collection, preservation, transport,identification and traceability.Collection kits for buccal DNA collection and crime scene sampleprocurement can be designed, projected and realized with achoice of multiple configurations in terms of:• Packaging solutions• Components to be included in the kit, such as: <strong>4N6</strong>FLOQSwabs,gloves, mask, envelope, tamper proof evidence tape, barcodelabels, sterile water vials, instructions for use, etc• Labelling• BarcodingCHAIN-OF CUSTODY AND TRACEABILITY<strong>4N6</strong>FLOQSwabs and/or collection kits can be univocally identifiedwith customized labelling and barcoding that guarantee the mostsecure and effective way to trace the product and ensure chain-ofcustodycontrol. Copan can implement different technologies forproducts identification and tracking with uniquely assignedsequential barcodes, bi-dimensional barcodes or RFID tags.

COPANFLOCK TECHNOLOGIESwww.copanflock.comVia Perotti 16/1825125 Brescia, Italyinfo@copanflock.comTel: +39 030 3666100Fax: +39 030 265 9932KC07A R.1 2011.09

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