Letters of Anton Chekhov (Tchekhov) - Penn State University

Letters of Anton Chekhov (Tchekhov) - Penn State University

Letters of Anton Chekhov (Tchekhov) - Penn State University


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<strong>Anton</strong> <strong>Chekhov</strong>I would gladly have spent six months over the “Party”; I like takingthings easy, and see no attraction in publishing at headlong speed. Iwould willingly, with pleasure, with feeling, in a leisurely way, describethe whole <strong>of</strong> my hero, describe the state <strong>of</strong> his mind while hiswife was in labour, his trial, the horrid feeling he has after he isacquitted; I would describe the midwife and the doctors having teain the middle <strong>of</strong> the night, I would describe the rain …. It wouldgive me nothing but pleasure because I like to rummage about anddawdle. But what am I to do? I begin a story on September 10thwith the thought that I must finish it by October 5th at the latest; ifI don’t I shall fail the editor and be left without money. I let myselfgo at the beginning and write with an easy mind; but by the time Iget to the middle I begin to grow timid and to fear that my storywill be too long: I have to remember that the Syeverny Vyestnik hasnot much money, and that I am one <strong>of</strong> their expensive contributors.This is why the beginning <strong>of</strong> my stories is always very promisingand looks as though I were starting on a novel, the middle is huddledand timid, and the end is, as in a short sketch, like fireworks. Andso in planning a story one is bound to think first about its framework:from a crowd <strong>of</strong> leading or subordinate characters one selectsone person only—wife or husband; one puts him on the canvas andpaints him alone, making him prominent, while the others one scattersover the canvas like small coin, and the result is something likethe vault <strong>of</strong> heaven: one big moon and a number <strong>of</strong> very small starsaround it. But the moon is not a success because it can only beunderstood if the stars too are intelligible, and the stars are not workedout. And so what I produce is not literature, but something like thepatching <strong>of</strong> Trishka’s coat. What am I to do? I don’t know, I don’tknow. I must trust to time which heals all things.To tell the truth again, I have not yet begun my literary work,though I have received a literary prize. Subjects for five stories andtwo novels are languishing in my head. One <strong>of</strong> the novels was thought<strong>of</strong> long ago, and some <strong>of</strong> the characters have grown old withoutmanaging to be written. In my head there is a whole army <strong>of</strong> peopleasking to be let out and waiting for the word <strong>of</strong> command. All thatI have written so far is rubbish in comparison with what I shouldlike to write and should write with rapture. It is all the same to me93

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