Letters of Anton Chekhov (Tchekhov) - Penn State University

Letters of Anton Chekhov (Tchekhov) - Penn State University

Letters of Anton Chekhov (Tchekhov) - Penn State University


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<strong>Letters</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Anton</strong> <strong>Chekhov</strong> to His Family and Friends with biographical sketchAnd so my horse-journey is over. It has lasted two months (I setout on the 21st <strong>of</strong> April). If we exclude the time spent on the railwayand the steamer, the three days spent in Ekaterinburg, the weekin Tomsk, the day in Krasnoyarsk, the week in Irkutsk, the two dayson the shores <strong>of</strong> Lake Baikal, and the days wasted in waiting forboats to cross the floods, you can judge <strong>of</strong> the rate at which I havedriven. My journey has been most successful, I wish nothing betterfor anyone. I have not once been ill, and <strong>of</strong> the mass <strong>of</strong> things I hadwith me I have lost nothing but a penknife, the strap <strong>of</strong>f my trunk,and a little jar <strong>of</strong> carbolic ointment. My money is safe. It is not<strong>of</strong>ten that anyone succeeds in travelling a thousand versts so well.I have grown so used to driving that now I don’t feel like myself,and cannot believe that I am not in a chaise and that I don’t hear therattling and the jingling <strong>of</strong> the bells. It seems strange that when I goto bed I can stretch out my legs full length, and that my face is notcovered with dust. But what is stranger still is that the bottle <strong>of</strong>brandy Kuvshinnikov gave me has not been broken, and that thebrandy is still in it, every drop <strong>of</strong> it. I have vowed not to uncork itexcept on the shore <strong>of</strong> the Pacific.I am sailing down the Shilka, which runs into the Amur at thePokrovskaya Stanitsa. The river is not broader than the Psyol, it iseven narrower. The shores are stony: there are crags and forests. It isabsolutely wild …. We tack about to avoid foundering on a sandbank,or running our helm into the banks: steamers and barges <strong>of</strong>tendo so in the rapids. It’s stifling. We have just stopped at Ust-Kara, where we have landed five or six convicts. There are mineshere and a convict prison.Yesterday we were at Nertchinsk. The little town is nothing toboast <strong>of</strong>, but one could live there.And how are you, messieurs and mesdames? I know positivelynothing about you. You might subscribe twopence each and sendme a full telegram.The steamer will stay the night at Gorbitsa. The nights here arefoggy, sailing is dangerous, I shall send <strong>of</strong>f this letter at Gorbitsa.… I am going first class because my companions are in the second.I have got away from them. We have driven together (three inone chaise), we have slept together and are sick <strong>of</strong> each other, espe-188

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