Real estate newsletter with articles (Photoscope, 2-pp., mailer)

Real estate newsletter with articles (Photoscope, 2-pp., mailer) Real estate newsletter with articles (Photoscope, 2-pp., mailer)

SWE Dept Newsletter—Fall 2012—Issue 3Editors: Amal Aboaziza, Dr. Samia LoucifS W E D E P T A R T M E N T N E W SSWE Students Participation in National CompetitionsLast Spring, our studentstook part of two nationalcompetitions: 2012 IEEEMIU Competition and theMobile A<strong>pp</strong>lication Contest(MAC). Mohamed Sobhi andHussein Al Bloushi under thesupervision of Dr. Adel, participatedin 2012 IEEE MIUCompetition <strong>with</strong> their workentitled Mobile Software A<strong>pp</strong>licationfor Water Consumpti o n A w a r e n e s s(SAWACAE).In the MAC event, two teamsparticipated under the supervisionof Dr. Samia and Mr.Murad. The first team, composedof ALHOSN Universitymale students: MohamedSobhi, Mohamed Khaled,and Ahmed ElMugtaba, presentedtheir work entitled ‘M-GAD’. The second team,composed of Lama Daoudand Maryam AlKaabi, presentedtheir a<strong>pp</strong>lication ‘GoM-Bus Abu Dhabi’. Althoughthe students had less than amonth to prepare for the competition,they successfullysearched for ideas, presentedpapers and developed theira<strong>pp</strong>lications. Even thoughtthe students put forth a modestparticipation, they not onlygained great experience participatingin such a grandevent on the National scale,but also learned more aboutmobile a<strong>pp</strong>lications. The competitionprovided a valuableo<strong>pp</strong>ortunity to meet studentsfrom other universities, inaddition to gaining awarenessof the current trends oftechnologies and research inthe context of mobile a<strong>pp</strong>lications.Finally, the studentswere provided the chance toidentify their strengths andweaknesses, strengthen theircommunication skills and self-confidence through this experience.–Dr. SamiaSWE Dept Participatesin ALHOSNUniversity OPENDAYThe SWE Dept successfully participatedin what was a very excitingday to meet new prospectivestudents to introduce to them allthey need to know about our department.Gifts were given to our visitors andmany new students have enrolledin our Department this new semester.Good Luck to all!-AboazizaS W E R E L AT E D T O P I C SPhishing and the Trustof E-banking Business3Phishing is a relatively new Internet crimein comparison <strong>with</strong> other forms, e.g., virusand hacking. More and more phishingWeb pages have been found in recentyears in an accelerative way. Its impact isthe breach of information security throughthe compromise of confidential data, andthe victims may finally suffer losses ofmoney or other kinds. A phishing websiteis an attack that attempts to defraud peopleof their personal information includingcredit card number, bank account information,social security number in order to usethese details fraudulently against them.Phishing has a huge negative impact onorganizations’ revenues, customer relationships,marketing efforts and overall corporateimage.Phishing attacks can cost companies hundredsof thousands of dollars per attack infraud-related losses and personnel time.Even worse, costs associated <strong>with</strong> thedamage to brand image and consumerconfidence can run into the millions of dollars.Phishing websites can severely hurt Internetbusiness, because people lose theirtrust in Internet transactions for fear thatthey will become victims of fraud. For example,many people believe that usingonline banking increases the likelihood thatthey will become victims of phishing websitesand identity theft, even though onlinebanking provides more secure identity protectionthan paper mail based systems.The trust will be eroded gradually <strong>with</strong>outeffective countermeasures to deal <strong>with</strong>the fraud, and everyone participating innetwork transactions will be harmed inthe end. Trust is one of the most importantdeterminants of successful e-banking. Many researchers have arguedthat trust is essential for understandinginterpersonal behavior and is relevant toe-banking.Falling victim to phishing websites couldsteal a customer’s proprietary informationsuch as their account information andpasswords, trade secrets or other intellectualassets. Theft of a customer’s confidentialinformation could have a disastrouseffect on the banks using electronictechnology and could damage the trustbetween them and their clients. Even indeveloped countries, many people areworried that their credit card details willbe misused or hacked into and are concernedabout online fraud, such as phishingwebsites that offer imaginary servicesor items.Dr. Maher Aburrous

S W E D E P A R T M E N T F I E L D T R I P SEnd of semester gatheringThe famous quote,“Self-trust is thefirst secret of success“ , by RalphWaldo Emersonwas the theme tothe Software EngineeringDepartment’sEnd of theyear (2011-2012)lunch gathering thattook place onT h u r s d a y31/5/2012 at MurjanAsfar ResortsRestaurant. The majority of the Software Engineering Facultyand Students attend the convivial gathering. Mrs. AmalAboaziza inaugurated the event <strong>with</strong> a friendly welcomespeech commending the students on a job well done whichwas possible in part of the hard work of the SWE Faculty.Dr. Adel, the department chair, then gave a warm messagestating how the SWE department prides itself on the comradelyand team work between the Faculty and students which makesit a truly unique part of the ALHOSN University. Afterwards,Mrs. Amal and Dr. Adel presented certificates of a<strong>pp</strong>reciationto distinguished students for their excellent performancethroughout the year 2011– 2012.Concluding the certificate presentation, a surprise was presentedby the event organizers, Mr. Murad and Mrs. Amal,which was certificates of a<strong>pp</strong>reciation on behalf of the studentsto the SWE Faculty members (Dr. Adel, Dr. Samia, Dr. Maher,Dr. Hassen, Mrs Haifaa, Mrs Amal, & Mr. Murad) for their outstandingachievements, hard work and great contributions tothe department.Software Engineering Trip to twofour54On Thursday March 15, 2012, the ALHOSN Software EngineeringDepartment faculty and students had a wonderful visitto twofour54 , a famous Media Company in Abu Dhabi. Theyreceived a warm welcome by the twofour54 team, headed byMs. Nada Al Midfa.The trip started byvisiting the GreenBuilding, where thevisiting team attendedan informativeand excitingpresentation aboutthe aims and servicesof twofour54, and howthey are related tothe Software Engineeringfield. Thespeaker emphasizedthe importance of Software Engineers, even stating theyare the new ‘doctors’ of our technology era. Later, the studentswere taken to twofour54 Tadreeb Building and Laboratories,where they saw how graphics and animations were accomplishedin media, similar to the well-known Cartoon Netwo r k s C h a n n e l .Subsequently, students visited the 3D Lab, where they wereintroduced to the 3D technology in media, and the software andhardware associated <strong>with</strong> it. They also viewed a short, unique3D film created by a local talent. Students were also escorted tosee the Vintage room and an On Air studio where twofour54staff thoroughly explained the process of recording and broadcastingon air. Afterwards they visited by the Sound and MontageLab, where they witnessed how to add the sound effectsover videos through cutting-edge software and equipment.At the end, a group photo was taken and the tour guide of twofour54was presented <strong>with</strong> a token of a<strong>pp</strong>reciation from theALHOSN University SWE Department. Students left twofour54enlightened about the media field and how it is closelyrelated to Software Engineering. Students were accompanied byDr. Samia Loucif, Ms. Haifaa Kattan, Ms. Amal Aboaziza, andMr. Murad Al-Rajab.The SWE Department visited IBM HeadquartersThe Software Engineering Department male and female studentsvisited IBM Headquarters in Abu Dhabi on Thursday, November24th, 2011 supervised by Dr. Adel Khelifi, Ms. AmalAboaziza and Mr. Murad Al-Rajab.After a warmwelcome fromthe IBM team,Mr. Denny Punnoose,fromIBM MiddleEast deliveredan illuminatingp r e s e n t a t i o nwhich sparkedthe interest ofboth studentsand facultymembers. Thep r e s e n t a t i o nstarted by introducingan enthralling video of the Centennial celebration ofIBM. Mr. Denny explained why IBM is still running strong incomparison to other IT companies. The main reason is IBM’sslogan “THINK”, which encourages their employees not only towork but to “listen”, “observe” and “think”.The presentation concluded <strong>with</strong> Mr. Punnoose explainingwhere IBM is now, its current position in the market place, andthe management strategies which keep IBM running strong andbeating the competition. The trip concluded <strong>with</strong> the ALHOSNSWE Department presenting a gift as a token of a<strong>pp</strong>reciation tothe IBM team for their exceptional reception and kind hosting.4

E X T R A C U R R I C U L A RDid you know?Top 10 Billionaires and Millionaires under the age of thirty! Software Engineers whomade their business on the InternetFree hair cut of Software EngineerThere was a good old barber inHyderabad . One day aflorist goes to him for a haircut.After the cut, he goes to pay thebarber and the barber replies:I am sorry, I cannot accept moneyfrom you; I amdoing a Community Service.Florist is ha<strong>pp</strong>y and leaves theshop.The next morning when the Barbergoes to open hisshop, there is a "Thank You" Cardand a dozen roses waiting at hisdoor.A Confectioner goes for a haircutand he also goes topay the barber he again refuses totake the money. The Confectioneris ha<strong>pp</strong>y and leaves the shop.The next morning when the Barbergoes to open hisshop, there is another "Thank you"Card and a dozen Cakes waiting athis door.A Software Engineer goes for ahaircut and he also goes to pay thebarber again refuses the moneysaying that it was a communityservice.The next morning when the Barbergoes to open hisshop, guess what he finds there......A Dozen Software engineers waitingfor a freehaircut... <strong>with</strong> PrintoutsofForwarded mail mentioningabout free haircut.-Mr. Murad Al-RajabAnswer to Quiz inIssue 2:De Morgan wasborn in 1806 andJenkins was born in6

E X T R A C U R R I C U L A RComicsContributions by: Mr. Murad Al-Rajab and Mrs. Amal AboazizaH O W T O B E C O M E A S O F T W A R E E N G I N E E RSoftware engineers, alsoknown as systems analysts,a<strong>pp</strong>ly computer science andmathematical analysis principlesto the development, designand assessment of computersystems and a<strong>pp</strong>licationsthat enable computers to performspecific tasks.Software engineers are dividedinto two specialties: computera<strong>pp</strong>lication engineers andcomputer systems engineers.Computer a<strong>pp</strong>lication engineersanalyze the needs of theuser to design, create andmaintain broad-focused computera<strong>pp</strong>lication software orspecific use programs.Computer system engineersbuild, develop and maintaincomputer systems for largeorganizations, such as payrollor internet companies. Let'sfind out how to become a softwareengineer.1. Take advanced mathcourses, such as calculus, aswell as any computer coursesyour high school may offer.2. Familiarize yourself <strong>with</strong>computer word processingprograms, internet searchengines and computergames. This will help you gaina basic understanding of whatsoftware engineers do.3. Earn a bachelor's degreein computer science, computerinformation systems orsoftware engineering. Althoughsome people manageto land jobs as software engineers<strong>with</strong>out a bachelor'sdegree in a computer-relatedarea, these people are fewand far between.4. Gain experience by gettinga part-time internship <strong>with</strong>a software company whilepursuing your bachelor's degree.This will enable you tolearn about the various systemsavailable and combineyour theoretical knowledge<strong>with</strong> a<strong>pp</strong>lied practice. It willalso help you gain a footholdin the job market.5. Earn a master's degreein computer science.While not absolutely necessary,this will help you advancein the field.Seek employment as asoftware engineer. Softwareengineers are employedin diverse areas,such as finance, consulting,information and communication,etc.Contributed by:Mr. Murad Al-Rajab fromHowStuffWorks.comInteresting Websites:TOP 10 COOL WEBSITES:WHAT’S INTERESTING SOFAR IN 2012The most interesting websitesthat are either just fun sites,games sites, news sites, videoones, great pages for sho<strong>pp</strong>ing,artists, design… literally anything,check it out! Amal Aboaziza7

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