iG5A, product manual - H2flow

iG5A, product manual - H2flow

iG5A, product manual - H2flow


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• Function group 2LEDdisplayAddressforcommunicationParameternameH88 A358 [2 nd motorElectronicthermallevel for 1min]H89 A359 [2 nd motorElectronicthermallevel forcontinuous]H90 A35A [2 nd motorratedcurrent]H91 1) A35B [Parameterread]H92 A35C [Parameterwrite]H93 A35D [Parameterinitialize]H94 A35E [Passwordregister]H95 A35F [Parameterlock]Min/Maxrange50~200[%]50~150[%]0.1~100[A]Description0 ~ 1 Copy the parameters from inverter andsave them into remote loader.0 ~ 1 Copy the parameters from remote loaderand save them into inverter.0 ~ 5 This parameter is used to initializeparameters back to the factory defaultvalue.0 -1 All parameter groups areinitialized to factory defaultvalue.2 Only Drive group is initialized.3 Only Function group 1 isinitialized.4 Only Function group 2 isinitialized.5 Only I/O group is initialized.0 ~FFFF0 ~FFFFPassword for H95-[Parameter lock]. Setas Hexa value.This parameter is able to lock or unlockparameters by typing passwordregistered in H94.Factorydefaults150 O100 O26.3 X0 X0 XAdj.duringrunPage8-320 X 8-320 O 8-330 O 8-33UL (Unlock) Parameter changeenableL (Lock) Parameter changedisable1) H91,H92 parameters are displayed when Remote option is installed.5-17

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