iG5A, product manual - H2flow

iG5A, product manual - H2flow

iG5A, product manual - H2flow


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• Function group 2LEDdisplayAddressforcommunicationParameternameMin/MaxrangeDescriptionFactorydefaultsAdj.duringrunPageH 0 A300 [Jumpcode]H 1 A301 [Faulthistory 1]H 2 A302 [Faulthistory 2]H 3 A303 [Faulthistory 3]H 4 A304 [Faulthistory 4]H 5 A305 [Faulthistory 5]H 6 A306 [Resetfaulthistory]H 7 A307 [Dwellfrequency]H 8 A308 [Dwelltime]H10 A30A [Skipfrequencyselect]H11 1) A30B [Skipfrequencylow limit 1]H12 A30C [Skipfrequencyhigh limit1]H13 A30D [Skipfrequencylow limit 2]H14 A30E [Skipfrequencyhigh limit2]H15 A30F [Skipfrequencylow limit 3]H16 A310 [Skipfrequencyhigh limit3]0~95 Sets the code number to jump. 1- Stores information on the types of faults, nOnthe frequency, the current and the- Accel/Decel condition at the time of fault.The latest fault is automatically stored innOn-the H 1- [Fault history 1].nOn- nOn-0~1 Clears the fault history saved in H 1-5. 00.1~400[Hz]0~10[sec]nOnWhen run frequency is issued, motorstarts to accelerate after dwell frequencyis applied to the motor during H8- [Dwelltime].[Dwell frequency] can be set within therange of F21- [Max frequency] and F23-[Start frequency].5.00 XSets the time for dwell operation. 0.0 X0 ~ 1 Sets the frequency range to skip toprevent undesirable resonance andvibration on the structure of the machine.0.1~400[Hz]Run frequency cannot be set within therange of H11 thru H16. The frequencyvalues of the low numbered parameterscannot be set above those of the highnumbered ones. Settable within therange of F21 and F23.1) : only displayed when H10 is set to 1. # H17, H18 are used when F2, F3 are set to 1 (S-curve).O-----O0 X10.00 X15.00 X20.00 X25.00 X30.00 X35.00 X4-59-48-77-225-9

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