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<strong>CV</strong>: <strong>MICHAEL</strong> K. <strong>RICHARDSON</strong>PERSONALFull nameDate of BirthCitizenshipMichael Keith Richardson30th December, 1963 (London, England)BritishCONTACTProf. dr. Michael K. RichardsonInstitute of Biology, Leiden University, Kaiserstraat 63, 2311GP Leiden, The NetherlandsPhone 003171 5275215Fax 003171 5274900E-mail m.k.richardson@biology.leidenuniv.nlEDUCATIONSCHOOLINGCrown Woods Secondary School, London SE9UNIVERSITYJune 1985 Basic Medical Sciences with Certificate of Merit inAnatomyThe Middlesex Hospital MedicalSchool, University of London1 August 1986 B. Sc. Cell pathology, with First Class Honours The Middlesex Hospital MedicalSchool, University of London16 May 1990 Ph. D. in Developmental Biology. Supervisor:Professor L WolpertUniversity College London (UCL)Medical School, University ofLondon,POSTDOCTORAL EMPLOYMENTMay 1990 -November 1991November 1991-Postdoctoral Fellow:in vitro clonal analysis of quail embryonic neural crestResearch Assistant:Hox gene expression in chick embryo recombinantMedical College of Wisconsin, USA;M. Sieber-Blum labUniversity College London MedicalSchool, University of London, UK;1

September1993October 1993 –19991999 –July 2000August 2000 –July 2004(4-yearappointment)August 2004 –presentlimbsLecturer in Anatomy and Developmental BiologySenior Lecturervan der Leeuw Professor of EvolutionaryDevelopmental Zoology, and Department head,Integrative ZoologyProfessor and head of department, IntegrativeZoologyWolpert LabSt. George's Hospital MedicalSchool, University of London, UKUniversity of Leiden, TheNetherlandsInstitute of Biology, University ofLeiden, The NetherlandsGRANTS2009 €25,000 Winner, NGI Venture Challenge2008-2011 €255,411 Developmental mechanisms of body plan evolution in a morphocline ofsalamanders. NWO ALW 817.02.2072007 -2014 €14,000,000 Head Applicant and Scientific Director, Netherlands Government SmartMix consortium grant: A New Generation of Biomedical Research Tools2005 -2006 €25,000 STW Valorisation Grant (MKR, Freek Vonk, Bryan Fry): Nature's NewMedicine Cabinet: Transgenic Snake Venom Glands as a Unique ProteinSecreting Factory2000 -2004 Dutch guilders1,400,000Van der Leeuw Fonds, Leiden University and The NetherlandsGovernment1999 -2002 £88,000 Leverhulme Trust (MKR and M I Coates) Vertebrate embryology andevolution1998 £3119 NATO (MKR and K. K. Smith) Collaborative Award for research onMarsupial Development and Evolution1997 £550 Wellcome Trust (MKR) Visit to the Hubrecht Laboratory EmbryoCollection1996 -1999 £139,000 British Heart Foundation. (with P. H. Francis-West, N. Brown) Theregulation of heart development by bone morphogenetic proteins and2

msh-class homeobox genes1996 £600 Wellcome Trust. Visit to the Hubrecht Laboratory Embryo Collection1996 £1,080 Wellcome Trust (MKR) Endothelins and the neural crest1995 -1996 £56,286 BBSRC. Monoclonal antibodies and the analysis of cell lineage in theembryonic neural crest: a pilot study, 1995-19961995 £3,850 Royal Society. Heterochrony in Evolution1995 £9,089 Royal Society. Neural crest cell lines1994 -1997 £132,356 BBSRC. Factors controlling the survival, differentiation and proliferationof neural crest precursor cells in the quail embryo, 1994-1997TALKS AND CONFERENCE CHAIRS2009 23-26-Sept-2009. Invited speaker, Society for Vertebrate Palaeontology 69 th AnnualMeeting, Bristol, UK. Symposium: ‘Molecular tools in paleobiology: trees, clocks and linkinggeno- with phenotype’2009 28.06.09 Keynote speaker, 25th Annual Meeting of the European Society of HumanReproduction and Embryology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.2009 09.06.09. Invited talk: ‘Evolution and development of snakes’. National Museum of NaturalHistory (Naturalis) Leiden, The Netherlands.2008 Invited talk, Life Sciences Institute, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. Host:Joy Richman.2009 17.04.09 Invited speaker, Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Portugal. ‘Evolution andDevelopment’. Host: Elio Sucena2009 16.04.09 Invited speaker, University of Lisbon, Portugal, Faculty of Sciences. ‘Heterochronyand Evo Devo’. Host: Elio Sucena2007 20-04-07, Invited talk, Department of Biology, University of Konstanz, Germany. 'Evolutionof developmental mechanisms'. Host: Prof. Axel Meyer.3

2007 02-05-07, Invited talk, Paläontologisches Institut und Museum Universität Zürich,Switzerland. 'Evolution of Developmental Mechanisms', host: Prof. Marcelo Sánchez2007 06-06-07, Invited speaker, Lorentz Center Workshop: Designing the Bodyplan:Developmental Mechanisms.2007 13-06-07, Invited talk, University of Cambridge, UK (Laboratory for Development &Evolution, University Museum of Zoology, Department of Zoology) University ofCambridge), 'Evolution of developmental mechanisms', host: Dr. Johannes Jaeger.2006 05-06, Invited talk, First European Exploratory Workshop on Evolutionary DevelopmentalBiology, Venice. (Host: Prof. A Minelli). Heterochrony in Development.2006 11-06, Invited Keynote talk, International Congress on Regenerative Biology and Bio-Nanointerface, Stuttgart, Germany.2006 24-07-06, Invited talk, Natural History Museum, London. 'Heterochrony', host: Prof. PhilRainbow.2006 06-11-06, invited speaker, Evolution conference, Dutch Royal Academy of Sciences (KNAW),Amsterdam: 'Embryos and Evolution".2006 17-10-06, Invited talk, Dutch Government Technology Foundation (STW) Innovation Market.The talk was themed on knowledge transfer in scientific research.2005 18-05-05, Invited talk: Fourth Triannual Conference, Evolution of Aquatic Tetrapods, May16-20, 2005, Akron, Ohio, U. S. A. 'Development of the Flippers and Tail Fluke in the SpottedDolphin'. Host: Prof. H. Thewissen.2005 26-08-05 Keynote speaker, First Congress of Italian Evolutionary Biologists, University ofFerrara, Italy. 'Heterochrony'. (Host Prof. Giorgio Bertorelle)2005 20-10-05, Plenary Speaker, Fourth Biennial Conference on the Developmental Basis ofEvolutionary Change at the University of Chicago. 'Heterochrony: old idea, new data'.2005 24-10-05, Invited talk, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Ontario Veterinary College,University of Guelph, Canada. 'Developmental Evolution: From Genome to Phenotype'.Host, Dr. Keith Betteridge.2005 25-10-05, Invited talk, Dept. Zoology, University of Toronto. 'Developmental Evolution:From Genome to Phenotype'. Host, Susannah Varmuza, Ph. D.4

2004 18-07-04, Eighth International conference on limb development and evolution. . Invitedtalk: 'Comparative and functional genomic approaches to limb development and evolution'(Host Prof. Cheryll Tickle).2004 01-07-04, Invited talk, Equipe "Developpement Compare" Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris.'Evolution and Development'. Host, Dr. Nadine Peyrieas.2004 28-09-04, Invited talk, Sixth International Meeting of the Society of Avian Palaeontology andEvolution. Quillan, France. 'Gene expression and digit homology in the chick wing' (Host:Paul Maderson).2003 17. 04. 03 University of Chicago, United States of America. Evolutionary Morphology group.Invited talk: 'From lampreys to dolphin flippers'. Host: Paul Sereno.2002 5. 07. 02 Symposium: (Shaping up, the Evolution of Animal Form). 'Shaping up: newdirections in comparative embryology'. EEW, Leiden University.2002 26. 09. 02 Biosciences Initiative of the Technical University of Delft and Leiden Univeristy.Clusius Laboratory, University of Leiden. 'Developmental Biology: Bridging the gap betweengenes, form and function'.2002 12. 12. 02 Platform for Research on Reproduction of Farm Animals, and ID-Lelystad coorganisedsymposium on the occasion of the retirement of Dr. Theo Kruip. place: ID-Lelystad, The Netherlands. 'Quantitative Comparison of Developmental Sequences inVertebrate Embryos'.2001 16. 02. 01. Institute for Ecology and Evolution, Leiden University. DevelopmentalConstraints. (Host: Hans Metz)2001 24. 04. 01 Anatomy Dept, Leiden University Medical Centre. Comparative cardiacdevelopment. (Host: Dr. Beerend Hierck).2001 4. 05. 01 Klinikum der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt. Comparing embryos(Host: prof. Dr. Helmut oelschlaeger)2001 7. 6. 01 94th Annual Meeting of the German Zoological Society. [94. Jahresverammlung derDeutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft], Universitat Osnabruk, Germany. Symposium onComparative Methods in Morphology and Phylogenetics. Methods in ComparativeDevelopmental Biology (Host: Prof. G Purscki).2001 19. 10. 01 Embryology Today. 'Basic and Applied Aspects of Prenatal Development: a Onedaysymposium of the NOADD-platform on reproduction in farm animals'. Faculty ofVeterinary Medicine, University of Utrecht (Host: Dr. Theo Kruip).5

2001 14. 10. 01 Evolution and development of vertebrates. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,University of Utrecht. Host: Dr. Bert Nederbragt.2001 14. 12. 01 Comparative Approach to Developmental Anatomy. Wellcome Trust-funded 1day meeting at the Hubrecht Laboratory, Utrecht, The Netherlands. Host: Dr. F. Verbeek.2000 17. 12. 98. Institute of Zoology and Evolutionary Biology, Friedrich-Schiller-Universitaet,Jena, Germany. Embryology and Evolution (Host: Matthias Starck)2000 16. 11. 00. Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics, University of Amsterdam.Uncovering Evolutionary Patterns in the Development of Tetrapods (Host: Prof. FrederickSchram).2000 15. 12. 00. Hubrecht Laboratory, Utrecht. Uncovering Evolutionary Patterns in theDevelopment of Tetrapods. (Host: Dr Tony Durston).1998 14. 5. 98. University of Warwick, UK. Heterochrony and Vertebrate Evolution. (BBSRCWorkshop on Forced and Natural Molecular Evolution). 28. 10. 98. Sheffield University, UK,Centre for Ecology and Evolution (Host Prof. W. Arthur). Embryos and Evolution: Haeckelrevisited1998 8. 12. 98. Netherlands Institute for Developmental Biology, Utrecht, The Netherlands.Evolution, Embryology and the Hubrecht Lab (Host Dr. F. Verbeek)1997 6. 10. 97. Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London, Dept. Anatomy.Evolution and Development (host Dr. Leslie G. Robson)1997 20. 10. 97. University College London, Dept. Anatomy & Developmental Biology. DoVertebrate Embryos Evolve? (host Prof. Cheryll Tickle)1997 11. 11. 97. Wageningen Agricultural University, The Netherlands, Dept. Experimental AnimalMorphology and Cell Biology Evolution of Vertebrate Embryonic Stages (host by Dr. M.Müller)1997 9. 12. 97. University of Padua, Italy, Dept. Biology. Somitogenesis and Limb Development InVertebrate Evolution (host Prof. Allessadro Minelli)MEETINGS ORGANISED2010 26-31 July 2010, 9 th International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology, Punta del Este,6

Uruguay; Symposium on morphology of venom delivery systems (with Freek Vonk).2007 07-07, Session chair and organiser (with Lynne Selwood): 'Trends in Evolution of AmnioteEmbryos', 8th International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology (I<strong>CV</strong>M-8), Paris France.2007 07-07, Session chair and organiser (with Frietson Galis: 'Digit Identity'), and speaker, 8thInternational Congress of Vertebrate Morphology (I<strong>CV</strong>M-8), Paris France.2006 Organizing committee, First European Evo Devo conference (2006).2006 17-08-06, Session chair and organiser (Limb Evo-Devo session), First and founding meetingof the European Society for Evolutionary Developmental Biology (EED), Prague,Czechoslovakia.2005 Plenary session on Integrative Developmental Biology, 26 - 28 October 2005, Wageningen,The Netherlands2005 26-10-05, Session chair and Organiser of the Symposium on Evolutionary developmentalbiology, part of the 12th Benelux Congress of Zoology. Wageningen.2003 25. 04. 03 Chariman: "Shaping the Embryo", a one day symposium at WageningenUniversity, The Netherlands.2002 5. 07. 02 Symposium: (Shaping up, the Evolution of Animal Form). Chair of session. EEW,Leiden University.2001 Symposium on Haeckel, embryology and evolution, for the I<strong>CV</strong>M6 meeting in Jena, 2001.Joint organiser with Dr. J. Jeffery1996 Neural Crest Development symposium at the 1996 Winter Meeting of the AnatomicalSociety of Great Britain and Ireland, St. George's Hospital Medical School. Joint organiserwith D Bennett.TEACHINGAWARDBest teacher in biology, University of Leiden, 2005Nominated, best Teacher in the University of Leiden (all faculties), 2006CURRENT TEACHINGCo-ordinator of the developmental biology teaching at the University of Leiden7

Co-organiser of the M. Sc. course in Animal Biology at the University of LeidenAdvanced scientific English for M. Sc. students, Leiden UniversityCo-organiser of undergraduate Zoology teaching, Leiden UniversityPAST TEACHINGCoordinator of the developmental biology course at St. George's Hospital Medical SchoolResponsible examiner, 2nd year medical course, St. George's Hospital Medical SchoolHuman anatomy and histology at St. George's Hospital Medical SchoolADVISORY ROLESPrincipal Editor (Embryology) The Scientific World 2001-2007Editorial board member (Embryology and Development) The Scientific World 2001 - presentEditorial board member, Evolution and Development, July 2002 – presentMember of scientific grant review panel for the Dutch Government (NWO-ALW), 2004 - presentReviewer of grant applications for The Wellcome Trust, NFS-USA, The BBSRC, The German Israeli Foundation.Adviser for faculty search panel, Harvard University.Manuscripts reviewed for: Nature, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Canadian Journal of Zoology,Journal of Theoretical Biology, Development, Evolution and Development, Anatomy and Embryology, AmericanZoologist, Journal of Anatomy, Zoology, Netherlands Journal of Zoology, European Journal of Morphology,Contributions to Zoology, Life & Environment, Journal of Experimental Zoology.Reviewer of Life Histories chapter in: Vertebrates: Comparative Anatomy, Function, Evolution. by K. Kardong.Member, Advisory Committee for new professorship in developmental biology, University of Wageningen, TheNetherlands, 21st February, 2008Co-editor (with CM Chuong) of Special Issue on Pattern Formation, International Journal of DevelopmentalBiology: (2009, in press).Co-editor (with D. Blackburn) of Special Issue on Early Amniote Development, Journal of Experimental Zoology,Molecular Evolution and Development (2009, in press).Co-editor (with J. Jeffery) special issue theory biosciences 2002.PHD PROMOTIONSAS PROMOTERHendrik Müller, University of Leiden, 8 th November, 2007Arjan Palstra, University of Leiden, 24 th October, 2006Richard van Heeswijk, University of Leiden, 25 th September, 20058

Carlo (H. A. ) Rutjes, University of Leiden, 24 th October, 2006AS EXAMINERNils Offen, University of Konstanz, Germany, 9 th December, 2008Jenny Smirthwaite.Wout Abbink, Radboud University, Nijmegen,21 st June 2007Marie-Jeanne Holveck , 28 th February, 2008Joost Woltering, 29 th November, 2007Elisa Alvarez-Curto 26 th September, 2007Hans Janssen 25 th March, 2009Danielle NabineMark Huising, 16 th February, 2006MISCELLANEOUS APPOINTMENTSTemporary Curator of the Embryo Collection, Tornblad Institute for Comparative Embryology, University ofLund, Sweden. 21-28 July, 1999.PUBLICATIONSBertens, L. F. M., Richardson, M. K., and Verbeek, F. J. (2010). Analysis of Cardiac Development in the TurtleEmys orbicularis (Testudines: Emidydae) using 3-D Computer Modeling from Histological Sections.Anatomical Record In press.Blackburn, D. G. and Richardson, M. K. (2009). Preface to the symposium "Trends in the Evolution of AmnioteEmbryos". J Exp.Zool.B Mol.Dev Evol. 312, 525.Brittijn, S. A. et al.. (2009). Zebrafish development and regeneration: new tools for biomedical research. Int JDev Biol 53, 835-850.Chuong, C. M. and Richardson, M. K. (2009). Pattern formation today. Int J Dev Biol 53, 653-658.Chuong, C. M. and Richardson, M. K. (2009). Preface to pattern formation special issue. Int J Dev Biol 53, 651.Richardson, M. K. (2009). Molecular tools, classic questions - an interview with Clifford Tabin. Int.J.Dev.Biol.53, 725-731.Richardson, M. K. (2009). The Hox Complex - an interview with Denis Duboule. Int.J.Dev.Biol. 53, 717-723.Richardson, M. K. (2009). Diffusible gradients are out - an interview with Lewis Wolpert. Int.J.Dev.Biol. 53, 659-662.9

Richardson, M. K. and Chuong, C. M. (2009). Regeneration and pattern formation - an interview with SusanBryantInt. J. Dev. Biol. Int.J.Dev.Biol. 53, 827-833.de Jong, I. M., Witte, F., and Richardson, M. K. (2009). Developmental stages until hatching of the LakeVictoria cichlid Haplochromis piceatus (Teleostei: Cichlidae). J Morphol. 270, 519-535.de, J., I, Colbert, M. W., Witte, F., and Richardson, M. K. (2009). Polymorphism in developmental timing:intraspecific heterochrony in a Lake Victoria cichlid. Evol.Dev 11, 625-635.Richardson, M. K. (2009). Book review: On the Nature of Limbs: A Discourse. Q.Rev.Biol. 84, 199.Richardson, M. K., Admiraal, J., and Wright, G. M. (2010). Developmental anatomy of lampreys. BiolRev.Camb.Philos Soc. 85, 1-33.Richardson, M. K., Gobes, S. M., van Leeuwen, A. C., Polman, J. A., Pieau, C., and Sanchez-Villagra, M. R.(2009). Heterochrony in limb evolution: developmental mechanisms and natural selection. JExp.Zoolog.B Mol.Dev Evol.Schaaf, M. J., Champagne, D., van, L., I, van, W., Meijer, A. H., Meijer, O. C., Spaink, H. P., and Richardson, M.K. (2008). Discovery of a functional glucocorticoid receptor beta-isoform in zebrafish. Endocrinology149, 1591-1599.Vonk, F. J. et al.. (2008). Evolutionary origin and development of snake fangs. Nature 454, 630-633.Vonk, F. J. and Richardson, M. K. (2008). Developmental biology: Serpent clocks tick faster. Nature 454, 282-283.Woltering, J. M., Vonk, F. J., Muller, H., Bardine, N., Tuduce, I. L., de Bakker, M. A., Knochel, W., Sirbu, I. O.,Durston, A. J., and Richardson, M. K. (2009). Axial patterning in snakes and caecilians: evidence for analternative interpretation of the Hox code. Dev Biol 332, 82-89.Woltering, J. M. , Vonk, F. J. , Muller, H. , Bardine, N. , Tuduce, I. L. , de Bakker, M. A. , Knochel, W. , Sirbu, I.O. , Durston, A. J. , and Richardson, M. K. (2009). Axial patterning in snakes and caecilians: evidencefor an alternative interpretation of the Hox code. Dev. Biol. (In press) .de Jong, I. M. , Witte, F. , and Richardson, M. K. (2009). Developmental stages until hatching of the LakeVictoria cichlid Haplochromis piceatus (Teleostei: Cichlidae). J Morphol. 270, 519-535.Vonk, F. J. et al. . (2008). Evolutionary origin and development of snake fangs. Nature 454, 630-633.Vonk, F. J. and Richardson, M. K. (2008). Developmental biology: Serpent clocks tick faster. Nature 454, 282-283.Schaaf, M. J. , Champagne, D. , van, L. , I, van, W. , Meijer, A. H. , Meijer, O. C. , Spaink, H. P. , andRichardson, M. K. (2008). Discovery of a functional glucocorticoid receptor beta-isoform in zebrafish.Endocrinology 149, 1591-1599.Bininda-Emonds, O. R. et al. . (2007). Forelimb-hindlimb developmental timing changes across tetrapodphylogeny. BMC. Evol. Biol. 7, 182.Richardson, M. K. , Crooijmans, R. P. , and Groenen, M. A. (2007). Sequencing and genomic annotation of thechicken (Gallus gallus) Hox clusters, and mapping of evolutionarily conserved regions. Cytogenet.Genome Res. 117, 110-119.10

Fry, B. G. et al. . (2006). Early evolution of the venom system in lizards and snakes. Nature 439, 584-588.Corredor-Adamez, M. , Welten, M. C. , Spaink, H. P. , Jeffery, J. E. , Schoon, R. T. , de Bakker, M. A. ,Bagowski, C. P. , Meijer, A. H. , Verbeek, F. J. , and Richardson, M. K. (2005). Genomic annotationand transcriptome analysis of the zebrafish (Danio rerio) hox complex with description of a novelmember, hox b 13a. Evol. Dev 7, 362-375.Jeffery, J. E. , Bininda-Emonds, O. R. , Coates, M. I. , and Richardson, M. K. (2005). A new technique foridentifying sequence heterochrony. Syst. Biol 54, 230-240.van der Meer, D. L. , van den Thillart, G. E. , Witte, F. , de Bakker, M. A. , Besser, J. , Richardson, M. K. ,Spaink, H. P. , Leito, J. T. , and Bagowski, C. P. (2005). Gene expression profiling of the long-termadaptive response to hypoxia in the gills of adult zebrafish. Am. J Physiol Regul. Integr. Comp Physiol289, R1512-R1519.Welten, M. C. , Verbeek, F. J. , Meijer, A. H. , and Richardson, M. K. (2005). Gene expression and digithomology in the chicken embryo wing. Evol. Dev 7, 18-28.Bininda-Emonds, O. R. P. , Jeffery, J. E. , and Richardson, M. K. (2004). Is sequence heterochrony an importantevolutionary mechanism in mammals? J. Mammalian Evol. 10 , 361.Richardson, M. K. , Jeffery, J. E. , and Tabin, C. J. (2004). Proximodistal patterning of the limb: insights fromevolutionary morphology. Evolution and Development 6, 1-5.Richardson, M. K. (2003). A naturalist's evo- devo. (Review of the book The Development of Animal Form by A.Minelli). Nature Genetics 34, 351.Richardson, M. K. and Verbeek, F. J. (2003). New directions in comparative embryology and the nature ofdevelopmental characters. Animal Biology (formerly Netherlands Journal of Zoology) 53, 303-311.Richardson, M. K. and Brakefield, P. M. (2003). Developmental biology: hotspots for evolution. Nature 424,894-895.Richardson, M. K. and Wright, G. M. (2003). Developmental transformations in a normal series of embryos ofthe sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus (Linnaeus). J Morphol. 257, 348-363.Webb, S. , Qayyum, S. R. , Anderson, R. H. , Lamers, W. H. , and Richardson, M. K. (2003). Septation andseparation within the outflow tract of the developing heart. J Anat 202, 327-342.Richardson, M. K. and Chipman, A. D. (2003). Developmental constraints in a comparative framework: a testcase using variations in phalanx number during amniote evolution. J Exp. Zoolog. B Mol. Dev Evol. 296,8-22.Bininda-Emonds, O. R. , Jeffery, J. E. , and Richardson, M. K. (2003). Inverting the hourglass: quantitativeevidence against the phylotypic stage in vertebrate development. Proc. Biol Sci 270, 341-346.Richardson, M. K. and Jeffery, J. E. (2002). Editorial: Haeckel and modern biology. Theory in Biosciences 121,247-251.Wilkinson, M. , Richardson, M. K. , Gower, D. J. , and Oommen, O. V. (2002). Extended embryo retention,caecilian oviparity and amniote origins. Journal of Natural History 36, 2185-2198.11

Richardson, M. K. and Oelschlager, H. H. A. (2002). Flipper development in the dolphin embryo. Integrativeand Comparative Biology 42, 1300-1301.Bininda-Emonds, O. R. P. , Jeffery, J. E. , Coates, M. I. , and Richardson, M. K. (2002). From Haeckel to eventpairing:the evolution of developmental sequences. Theory in Biosciences 121, 297-320.Jeffery, J. E. , Bininda-Emonds, O. R. P. , Coates, M. I. , and Richardson, M. K. (2002). New methods fordetermining heterochronic change. Integrative and Comparative Biology 42, 1250-1251.Richardson, M. K. and Oelschlager, H. H. (2002). Time, pattern, and heterochrony: a study of hyperphalangy inthe dolphin embryo flipper. Evol. Dev 4, 435-444.Richardson, M. K. and Keuck, G. (2002). Haeckel's ABC of evolution and development. Biol Rev. Camb. PhilosSoc. 77, 495-528.Jeffery, J. E. , Bininda-Emonds, O. R. , Coates, M. I. , and Richardson, M. K. (2002). Analyzing evolutionarypatterns in amniote embryonic development. Evol. Dev 4, 292-302.Richardson, M. K. (2001). Developmental sequences. In McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science & Technology. (ed.M. D. Licker), 120-122. New York, McGraw-Hill.Richardson, M. K. , Jeffery, J. E. , Coates, M. I. , and Bininda-Emonds, O. R. (2001). Comparative methods indevelopmental biology. Zoology. (Jena) 104, 278-283.Webb, S. , Kanani, M. , Anderson, R. H. , Richardson, M. K. , and Brown, N. A. (2001). Development of thehuman pulmonary vein and its incorporation in the morphologically left atrium. Cardiol. Young. 11,632-642.Hanken, J. , CARL, T. F. , Richardson, M. K. , Olsson, L. , Schlosser, G. , Osabutey, C. K. , and Klymkowsky, M.W. (2001). Limb development in a "nonmodel" vertebrate, the direct-developing frogEleutherodactylus coqui. J Exp. Zool. 291, 375-388.Qayyum, S. R. , Webb, S. , Anderson, R. H. , Verbeek, F. J. , Brown, N. A. , and Richardson, M. K. (2001).Septation and valvar formation in the outflow tract of the embryonic chick heart. Anat Rec. 264, 273-283.Shakil, T. , Richardson, M. K. , Waldron, E. , Conde, G. , Wood, S. , Bland, Y. , Reynolds, G. , Murray, P. G. ,and Nelson, P. N. (2001). Generation and characterization of monoclonal antibodies to the neuralcrest. Hybridoma 20, 199-203.Allen, S. P. , Bogardi, J. P. , Barlow, A. J. , Mir, S. A. , Qayyum, S. R. , Verbeek, F. J. , Anderson, R. H. , Francis-West, P. H. , Brown, N. A. , and Richardson, M. K. (2001). Misexpression of noggin leads to septaldefects in the outflow tract of the chick heart. Dev Biol 235, 98-109.Richardson, M. K. and Keuck, G. (2001). A question of intent: when is a 'schematic' illustration a fraud? Nature410, 144.Richardson, M. K. (2000). Historians Need Scientists. Natural History , 10.Webb, S. , Brown, N. A. , Anderson, R. H. , and Richardson, M. K. (2000). Relationship in the chick of thedeveloping pulmonary vein to the embryonic systemic venous sinus. Anat Rec. 259, 67-75.12

Richardson, M. K. and REISS, M. J. (1999). What does the human embryo look like and does it matter? Lancet354, 246-248.Richardson, M. K. , Minelli, A. , and Coates, M. I. (1999). Some problems with typological thinking in evolutionand development. Evol. Dev 1, 5-7.Richardson, M. K. and Narraway, J. (1999). A treasure house of comparative embryology. Int J Dev Biol 43,591-602.Richardson, M. K. (1999). Vertebrate evolution: the developmental origins of adult variation. Bioessays 21,604-613.Richardson, M. K. , Hanken, J. , Selwood, L. , Wright, G. M. , Richards, R. J. , Pieau, C. , and Raynaud, A.(1998). Haeckel, embryos, and evolution. Science 280, 985-986.Richardson, M. K. , Minelli, A. , Coates, M. , and Hanken, J. (1998). Phylotypic stage theory. Trends ecol. evol.13, 158.Richardson, M. K. , Deeming, D. C. , and Cope, C. (1998). Morphology of the distal tip of the upper mandible ofthe ostrich (Struthio camelus) embryo during hatching. Br. Poult. Sci 39, 575-578.Richardson, M. K. (1998). Haeckel's embryos, continued. Science 281, 1289.Hanken, J. and Richardson, M. K. (1998). Haeckel's embryos. Science 279, 1288.Richardson, M. K. , Allen, S. P. , Wright, G. M. , Raynaud, A. , and Hanken, J. (1998). Somite number andvertebrate evolution. Development 125, 151-160.Richardson, M. K. , CARL, T. F. , Hanken, J. , Elinson, R. P. , Cope, C. , and Bagley, P. (1998). Limb developmentand evolution: a frog embryo with no apical ectodermal ridge (AER). J Anat 192 ( Pt 3), 379-390.Richardson, M. K. (1997). The forgotten fraud. Physiological Society Magazine (UK) No. 29, 30-31.Richardson, M. K. and Bennett, D. C. (1997). Symposium on Neural Crest Development. J Anat 191, 481.Richardson, M. K. , Hanken, J. , Gooneratne, M. L. , Pieau, C. , Raynaud, A. , Selwood, L. , and Wright, G. M.(1997). There is no highly conserved embryonic stage in the vertebrates: implications for currenttheories of evolution and development. Anat Embryol. (Berl) 196, 91-106.Stone, J. G. , Spirling, L. I. , and Richardson, M. K. (1997). The neural crest population responding toendothelin-3 in vitro includes multipotent cells. J Cell Sci 110 ( Pt 14), 1673-1682.Duprez, D. , Bell, E. J. , Richardson, M. K. , Archer, C. W. , Wolpert, L. , Brickell, P. M. , and Francis-West, P. H.(1996). Overexpression of BMP-2 and BMP-4 alters the size and shape of developing skeletal elementsin the chick limb. Mech. Dev 57, 145-157.Francis-West, P. H. , Richardson, M. K. , Bell, E. , Chen, P. , Luyten, F. , Adelfattah, A. , Barlow, A. J. , Brickell,P. M. , Wolpert, L. , and Archer, C. W. (1996). The effect of overexpression of BMPs and GDF-5 on thedevelopment of chick limb skeletal elements. Ann. N. Y. Acad Sci 785, 254-255.Richardson, M. K. (1995). Heterochrony and the phylotypic period. Dev Biol 172, 412-421.13

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