
unipro unipro


UNIPRO450Thank you for buying this product, our company is sure that you will be morethan satisfied with its performance.This product is supplied with an “Instruction Manual” which should be readcarefully as it provides important information about safety, installation,operation and maintenance.This product complies with recognised technical standards and safetyregulations. We declare that it is in conformity with the following EuropeanDirective: 89/336/EEC (amended by RL 91/263/EEC, 92/31/EEC and 093/68/EEC).WARNINGSWhen wiring UNIPRO to the devices to be programmed or checked, makereference to the instructions given in the present manual as well as themanuals related to the products you connect the programmer to.1) GENERAL OUTLINEUNIPRO is a terminal used to program and check the devices belonging tothe EElink product line. All these devices can be programmed and checkedin terms of configuration by means of the present programmer. The EElinkprotocol allows the programmer to recognise automatically the parametersmanaged by the device connected. UNIPRO will therefore also be able tooperate on devices belonging to the same product line which will bemarketed in the future.2) COMPONENTS (Figure 1)1) UNIPRO Programmer2) UNIDA Interface for control units and receivers3) UNIFLAT Multipolar cable4) UNITRC Interface for transmitters5) FEEDER for programmer (optional)6) EEDBASE software on CDROM for PC interface (Win 95-98-2000-NT)7) 9pin serial cable for connection to a PC(optional)3) TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSPower supply: .................................... 9Vdc (only 6LR 61 storage battery)Interface “A”: ............................................... according to RS232 standardInterface “B”: ................................................. according to EElink protocolDisplay: ................................. alphanumeric with 4 lines for 16 charactersKeyboard: ........................................................ alphanumeric with 16 keysMax no. transmitters per list: .............................................................. 3084No. receiver lists: 6 blocks as standard (+32 blocks with memory expansion)No. control unit lists: ................................................................................ 9Degree of protection: ......................................................................... IP 20Dimensions: ............................................................................ see figure 2Weight: ......................................................................................... 350g ca.4) CONNECTIONSInterface “A”Interface in accordance with the RS 232 standard for connection to apersonal computer or other accessories. Connection to a personal computercan only be activated when the computer has been suitably configuredand is performing programs included in the EEdbase pack.UNIPRO automatically recognises when connection to the serial interfacehas taken place. Therefore you only need to start the appropriate EEdbaseprogram and connect the serial cable to interface “A” in order to begincommunicating with the personal computer.Interface “B”Interface with a 14-pole connector in accordance with the EElink proprietaryprotocol. Connection to the device to be programmed takes place dependingon the suitable accessory which is selected from UNITRC, UNIDA andUNIFLAT. For connection methods and choice of the suitable accessory,refer to the instructions given for the device to be programmed.Power supplyThe device is activated by means of the “C” switch positioned on the righthandside of the programmer. Fig. 2 shows the position of the switch foractivation. The device can be connected to the mains adapter by means ofthe “D” jack which can be found near the switch.The EElink protocol makes it possible for the UNIPRO programmer to besupplied by means of the programmed device power supply. In this case,UNIPRO can also be used without the battery and the mains adapterdevice. Note: this type of supply can only be used with devices which areable to support UNIPRO absorption. Refer to the instructions for the deviceto be programmed.The EElink protocol also makes it possible for the programmable device tobe supplied through UNIPRO; this way the devices can be programmedeven before they are installed on site. This saves a considerable amount oftime and makes work easier.5) KEYBOARD USEThe keyboard features 16 keys, 10 of which are alphanumeric (black) whilethe other 6 are functional (red).• The alphanumeric keys are used to enter one of the characters availablein the grey box, which is changed each time the key is pressed. If the timebetween one pressing action and the next exceeds 2.5 seconds, thecharacter is accepted and the cursor automatically moves to thesubsequent position. The cursor can also be moved by means offunction keys > and allows the cursor to be moved to the right when typingtexts and parameters. It is also needed to enter blank spaces whentyping texts.• Function key < allows the cursor to be moved to the left when enteringtexts and parameters. When entering texts, this movement to the leftalso allows the text already typed to be cancelled.6) MENU ORGANISATIONThe order of the menus on the UNIPRO display is organised as a treestructure, beginning with the welcome menu which includes the devicedescription, as well as the software version, serial number and record listin use both for the radio control devices and the control units. Afterapproximately 4 seconds, the programmer automatically moves to the mainmenu where the activity to be carried out can be chosen from.Each subsequent menu is marked by the letter M followed by a number. Thenumber indicates the tree structure level. For example, menu M123 isreached by choosing the first item from the main menu, the second itemfrom menu 1 and the third item from menu 12. Each menu can be directlyreached by means of item go to menu No. from the main menu. To get amenu numbering list ordered according to the description of obtainablefunctions, refer to paragraph “Function index”.7) CONTROL UNIT CONFIGURATION7.1) How to configure a parameterBy parameters we mean the control unit configurations which require anumerical value (for ex. operation time, automatic closing time, etc.)To configure a parameter, first connect the control unit to UNIPRO using theaccessories and methods shown in the instructions referring to the controlunit itself. Then switch UNIPRO on, wait for the welcome masks to bescrolled on the display, from the main menu move the cursor to item controlunits by means of keys " " and press ENTER. When menu M1 is shownon the display, move the cursor to item parameters using keys " " andpress ENTER. When menu M11 is shown on the display, use keys " " toselect the parameter to be configured and press ENTER. The display willshow the menu related to the parameter chosen, with the indication of thecurrent value. Use the keyboard to set the new value, or the ENTER key toconfirm the value already set. The programmer and the configured boardexchange a few pieces of information by means of the EElink protocol andthe parameter is memorised. If the parameter has been set to a value whichis incompatible with the board to be programmed, an error message isdisplayed, and the parameter is set to the default value predefined for thatboard. When a parameter is set which is not available in the board to beprogrammed, an error message is displayed.Menu M119 “Other parameters” contains another list of parameters available.Menu M1195 “Additional parameters” contains an additional list ofparameters available.Menu M1195 “Advanced parameters” contains an additional list ofparameters available. For their use or programming mode, refer to thecontrol unit instruction manual. Menu M1195 cannot be selected from item>go to menu n°.7.2) How to configure a logicBy logic we mean the configuration of the control unit operation mode.Basically, the configuration of a logic coincides with the setting of a dipswitch. O configure a logic, first connect the control unit to UNIPRO usingthe accessories and methods shown in the instructions referring to thecontrol unit itself. Then switch UNIPRO on, wait for the welcome masks tobe scrolled on the display, move the cursor to item control units from themain menu by means of keys " " and press ENTER to show menu M1 onthe display. Move the cursor to item logics by means of keys " " andpress ENTER to show menu M12 on the display, use keys " " to selectD811280_02CONTROL UNITS

UNIPROD811280_02the logic to be configured and press ENTER. The display will show themenu related to the logic chosen with the indication of the logic set. Use thekeyboard to change the choice or the ENTER key to confirm the choicealready set. The programmer and the configured board exchange a fewpieces of information through the EElink protocol and the logic is memorised.When a logic is set which is not available in the board to be programmed,an error message is displayed. Menus M129 and M1299 “Other logics”contain another list of logics available. Menu M12997 “Advanced logics”contains an additional list of logics available. For their use or programmingmode, refer to the control unit instruction manual. Menu M12997 cannot beselected from item >go to menu n°.7.3) How to perform self-diagnosisSelf-diagnosis is used to show which inputs of the board to be checkedshow a condition other than normal rest. By rest we mean a condition whereno command signal is active and no safety device has been triggered.To perform self-diagnosis, first connect the control unit to UNIPRO usingthe accessories and methods shown in the instructions referring to thecontrol unit itself. Then switch UNIPRO on, wait for the welcome masks tobe scrolled on the display, move the cursor to item control units from themain menu by means of keys " " and press ENTER to display menu M1.Move the cursor to item self-diagnosis by means of keys " " and pressENTER. UNIPRO will send a command through the EElink protocol to thecontrol unit to be checked, the latter will carry out self-diagnosis, and adiagnostic message will be displayed to show whether all inputs are in a restcondition or which inputs are active.7.4) How to read statisticsStatistics indicate some of the parameters available for checking the typeof system operation. Some of these statistics are automatically updated,others need to be updated during maintenance.To read statistics, first connect the control unit to UNIPRO using theaccessories and methods shown in the instructions referring to the controlunit itself. Then switch UNIPRO on, wait for the welcome masks to bescrolled on the display, move the cursor to item control units from the mainmenu by means of keys " " and press ENTER to show menu M1 on thedisplay. Move the cursor to item statistics using keys " " and pressENTER to show menu M14 on the display. Move the cursor to the itemwhich needs to be read or updated by means of keys " " and pressENTER. Through the EElink protocol, UNIPRO will send a command to thecontrol unit connected, the latter will send the data, and a diagnosticmessage will be displayed to show the required value.Here follows a brief description of the statistics available.Board version: the name and version of the board connected willbe displayed.List description: the description assigned to the system will be displayed.This description can be entered or modified at any time by simply writing onthe display line. To memorise the description in the current list press ENTER.Number of manoeuvres: the number of manoeuvres carried out by thecontrol unit since the time of installation will be displayed.Number of maintenance manoeuvres: the number of manoeuvrescarried out since the time of the latest maintenance operation will bedisplayed; by maintenance we mean any board configuration operations,including self-testing.Maintenance date: the date of the latest maintenance operation carriedout can be manually entered using the keyboard.Maintenance update: allows the number of manoeuvres since the latestmaintenance operation to be updated without carrying out any furtheroperations on the control unit.Menu M147 “Advanced statistics” contains an additional list of the statisticsavailable. For their use or programming mode, refer to the control unitinstruction manual. Menu M147 cannot be selected from item >go to menu n°.7.5) How to transfer the control unit configuration from and for thecontrol unit internal databaseUNIPRO incorporates an internal database which can contain the completeconfiguration (parameters, logics and statistics) of 9 different control units.Each memorised control unit takes up a list and each list is identified by anumber included between 1 and 9.To choose the list to work on, switch UNIPRO on, wait for the welcomemasks to be scrolled on the display, move the cursor to item control unitsfrom the main menu by means of keys " " and press ENTER to showmenu M1 on the display. Move the cursor to item control unit lists using keys" " and press ENTER to show menu M15 on the display. Move the cursorto item change list by means of keys " " and press ENTER to displaymenu M151 with the indication of the list currently selected, then indicatethe new list using the keyboard and confirm with ENTER.Having connected the control unit to UNIPRO using the accessories andmethods described in the instructions referring to the actual control unit,you will now be able to transfer the control unit configuration to the currentinternal database list of the control units (command: read M15 menu controlunit), transfer the data available in the current internal database list of thecontrol units to the control unit memory (command: write M15 menu controlunit) or return the configuration of the connected control unit to factorysetting (command: write M15 menu default).8) RADIO CONTROL MANAGEMENTThe presence of an internal database allows you to prepare the receiverlists before proceeding to installation on site, either by using the UNIPROprogrammer on its own or together with the personal computer equippedwith the EEdbase software. This saves a considerable amount of time,makes it possible to program several operations (uploading just as manydifferent lists) and to check the data available in the systems at the time ofmaintenance. The internal database allows a certain number of lists to bememorised. Such number depends on their dimension and the UNIPROmodel you own. STANDARD UNIPRO can contain a series of lists accordingto the following table.Number ofmemory blocksavailable123456Number oftransmitters whichcan be memorised(see receiverinstructions)163264128256512Number ofblocks usedper listAll the list combinations are allowed (ex.: 2 with 64 transmitters + 2 with128 transmitters), as long as you do not exceed the memory capacity of6 blocks and, when more than 1 memory block is needed, the otherblocks are adjacent.EXPANDED UNIPRO (with 32-block expansion), in addition to thepreceding lists, can memorise major lists according to the following table.Number of Number ofexpanded memory transmitters whichblocks available can be memorised(see receiverinstructions)10243220483084All the list combinations are allowed, as long as they do not exceed thecapacity of 32 blocks and, in the case of multi-block lists, the blocks areadjacent. For the 2048 and 3084-unit lists, make sure that minor lists do nottake up the expanded memory.A list which takes up several blocks can only be memorised when the blocksare adjacent. Therefore, to obtain the space needed in UNIPRO, you mayneed to eliminate some of the minor lists as they break up the memory blockadjacency. The lists can be saved on a PC, eliminated from UNIPROand later, when there is any adjacent space, re-entered in theUNIPRO programmer.A list capacity must be equivalent to that of the receiver to be programmed.Let us assume that the receiver instruction manual states that it can containa list of 128 transmitters. The list we create with UNIPRO must be definedfor 128 transmitters even if we only have to enter 1 transmitter. It isindispensable to derive the required list dimension from the instructionmanual of the receiver device to be programmed.There are 2 types of lists:STANDARD - Only including non-customised transmitters.CUSTOMISED - Only including customised transmitters (see paragraphon transmitter customisation).WARNING! The customisation of a transmitter is an IRREVERSIBLEprocess.8.1) How to define a standard receiver listTo define a new standard receiver list, switch UNIPRO on, wait for thewelcome masks to be scrolled, select item receivers from the main menuby means of keys " " and press ENTER to display menu M2. Move thecursor to item change list using keys " " and press ENTER to displaymenu M24. Move the cursor to item change list using keys " " and pressENTER to display menu M241. Indicate the number of the list to be definedand press ENTER. If the list has not been defined yet, the wording “virginlist will be displayed and then menu M24 will be newly displayed. Move thecursor to item define list using keys " " and press ENTER to display menu111236Number of blocksused per list112232Number oflists whichcan bememorised666321Number of listswhich can bememorised211451CONTROL UNITS

UNIPRO452M243. Select item standard by moving the cursor with keys " " andpressing ENTER which will display menu M2431. Indicate the maximumnumber of transmitters which must coincide with the maximum number oftransmitters programmable in the receiver that the list relates to.Press ENTER to define the list.8.2) How to define a customised receiver listProceed as for the definition of a standard receiver list, except for theselection of the type of list which must not be standard but customised(menu M2432). As a result of this choice, the programmer will request thesystem code which must be a number ranging from 00 to 62.8.3) How to modify the activation mode of receiver list outputsFor each receiver output three types of activation can be used: monostable(impulse), bistable (step-by-step) and timed (one activation for eachimpulse with delayed deactivation). All the lists are defined with the outputsset in monostable mode; if you wish to modify this setting, select itemchange outputs from menu M243, then the output to be modified and therespective mode. Each choice is to be confirmed with the ENTER key.8.4) How to add a description to a receiver listSelect item description from menu M243 to display menu M2434; use thekeyboard to enter or modify the description of the current list. Press theENTER key twice to memorise the present description.8.5) How to change the current listSelect item change list from menu M24 and confirm with ENTER to displaymenu M241. Indicate the number of the list to be defined and press ENTER.Note: If the list chosen has already been defined, the display will show thetype of list and the respective maximum number of transmitters; if the listhas not been defined yet, the wording “virgin list” will be displayed.8.6) How to eliminate the current listSelect item eliminate list from menu M24 and confirm by pressing ENTERtwice. Note: If the list to be eliminated is not the current one, you must firstmake it current and then follow the instructions given above.8.7) How to find out the number of transmitters which can still beincluded in the current listSwitch UNIPRO on, wait for the welcome masks to be scrolled, by meansof keys " " select item radio controls from the main menu and pressENTER to display menu M2. Move the cursor to item database managementand confirm with ENTER to display menu M23. Select item listanalysis by means of keys " " and confirm with ENTER. The list ischecked in the database, after which the following message is displayed:Used: 10 – Free: 118. This means that the current list concerns a receiverhaving 128 transmitters, and can contain another 118 transmitters.8.8) How to scroll the current receiver listThe current list scrolling operation allows all the transmitters memorised inthe actual list to be displayed in sequence. To activate this function, selectitem scroll list from menu M23 and confirm with ENTER. To scroll from onevalue to the next, press key " ", to scroll from one value to the previousone, press key " " .8.9) How to check if a transmitter is available in the current listTo check a transmitter, switch UNIPRO on, wait for the welcome masks tobe scrolled, by means of keys " " select item radio controls from the mainmenu and press ENTER to display menu M2. Move the cursor to itemtransmitters using keys " " and press ENTER to display menu M21.Select item read code by means of keys " ". After pressing a transmitterkey when the transmitter is already memorised in the current list, the displaywill show either the abbreviation “STD”, if the transmitter has a standardcoding, or the abbreviation “CST”, if it has been customised; it will also showthe transmitter serial number and the key pressed with the respectivename. If the transmitter is not available in the current memory table, theword “new” will be displayed.Note! In the case of double or four-channel transmitters, only the first keyis displayed even though all the others are also memorised. To see all thememorised keys and their respective functions, you need to download thelist to the personal computer using the EEdbase software.8.10) How to customise a transmitterWARNING! The customisation operation entails an irreversible change tothe transmitter operational parameters. A transmitter which has beencustomised can be newly customised with a different code, but can neverbe returned to the standard type.The system customisation code is a number comprised between 00 and 62.When a transmitter is customised, it can only be learnt by receivers whichhave been customised with the same system code; for receivercustomisation, reference should be made to menu M222.To customise a transmitter, access menu M21 (see previous point) bymeans of keys " ", select item customise, the programmer will requestthe system code which must be a two-digit number between 00 and 62.Connect the transmitter by means of the UNITRIC adapter and UNIFLATcable, following the instructions given for the transmitter itself.When the ENTER key is pressed, the procedure automatically carries onwith customisation. For the description of diagnostic or error messageswhich appear on the display, reference should be made to therelevant paragraphs.8.11) How to modify the activation mode of receiver outputsFor each receiver output three types of activation are available: monostable(impulse), bistable (step-by-step) and timed (one activation for eachimpulse with delayed deactivation). All the receivers are preset in thefactory with the outputs set in monostable mode. If you wish to modify thissetting, connect the receiver by means of the UNIDA adapter and UNIFLATcable, following the instructions given for the transmitter itself; select itemreceivers from menu M2 to display menu M22, use keys " " to select itemoutput configuration, then the output to be changed and the respectivemode. Each choice is to be confirmed with the ENTER key.Note! Avoid memorising transmitters in outputs which are not available onthe receiver device. These would unnecessarily take up memory space.8.12) How to customise a receiverA receiver can be customised by entering a customisation code, which isa number included between 00 and 62. When a receiver is customised, thememory it contains is set back to zero, and the receiver will only be able tolearn from transmitters that have been customised with the same systemcode; make reference to menu M212 for transmitter customisation.To customise a receiver, access menu M22, select item customise bymeans of keys " " and press ENTER. The programmer will request thesystem code (which must be a number between 00 and 62). Connect thereceiver by means of the UNIDA adapter and UNIFLAT cable, following theinstructions given for the receiver itself. When the ENTER key is pressed,the procedure automatically carries on with customisation. For the descriptionof diagnostic or error messages which appear on the display, referenceshould be made to the relevant paragraphs.8.13) How to eliminate customisation from a receiverWhen customisation is eliminated from a receiver, the memory it containsis set back to zero, and it will only be able to learn from transmitters that havenot been customised. To eliminate customisation from a receiver, accessmenu M22 by means of keys " ", select item delete customisation andpress ENTER to display menu M223; then connect the receiver and pressENTER. The receiver must be connected by means of the UNIDA adapterand UNIFLAT cable, following the instructions given for the receiver itself.When the ENTER key is pressed, the procedure automatically carries oneliminating customisation and the related transmitters. For the descriptionof diagnostic or error messages which appear on the display, referenceshould be made to the relevant paragraphs.8.14) How to read the memory available in a receiverReading the memory of a receiver means copying the codes available in thereceiver onto the current receiver list of the UNIPRO internal database. Ifthe current memory list already contains some data, only those which arealso available in the receiver memory will be kept. The names associatedwith the transmitters which are available in the current list before thereceiver is read will remain associated with the related transmitter evenafter the memory is read. To read the memory of a receiver, access menuM22, use keys " " to select item read memory and press ENTER todisplay menu M224; then connect the receiver and press ENTER. Thereceiver must be connected by means of the UNIDA adapter and UNIFLATcable, following the instructions given for the receiver itself. When theENTER key is pressed, the procedure carries on automatically. For thedescription of diagnostic or error messages which appear on the display,reference should be made to the relevant paragraphs.8.15) How to write the memory of a receiverWriting the memory of a receiver means copying the codes available in thecurrent receiver list of the internal database onto the receiver itself. Thisoperation deletes all the data already included in the receiver memory, byoverwriting the data contained in the current list. To write the memory of areceiver, access menu M22, use keys " " to select item write memoryand press ENTER to display menu 225; then connect the receiver and pressENTER. The receiver must be connected by means of the UNIDA adapterD811280_02CONTROL UNITS

UNIPROand UNIFLAT cable, following the instructions given for the receiver itself.When the ENTER key is pressed, the procedure carries on automatically.For the description of diagnostic or error messages which appear on thedisplay, reference should be made to the relevant paragraphs.Note! The writing procedure of a UNIPRO current list is the same either forstandard or customised mode.8.16) How to delete the memory of a receiverDeleting the memory of a receiver means zero setting all the informationrelated to the codes of the transmitters available. To delete the memory ofa receiver, access menu M22, use keys " ", to select item delete memoryand press ENTER to display menu M226; then connect the receiver andpress ENTER. The receiver must be connected by means of the UNIDAadapter and UNIFLAT cable, following the instructions given for thereceiver itself. When the ENTER key is pressed, the procedure carries onautomatically. For the description of diagnostic or error messages whichappear on the display, reference should be made to the relevant paragraphs.8.17) How to add a name to the current receiver listAdding a name to the current list means entering a transmitter andassociating it to a denomination. To add a name to the current list, selectitem database management from menu M2 and confirm with ENTER todisplay menu M23. By means of keys " ", select item add name andconfirm with ENTER to display menu M231, which offers a choice betweenadding via cable or via radio. To add a transmitter via cable, you mustconnect it to the programmer using the UNITRC board and UNIFLAT cable.The programmer will automatically carry out the operations needed fortransmitter storage. This operation is particularly convenient in the case oflists with customised coding; in fact, in this case the customisation andstorage operations are carried out simultaneously. To add a transmitter viaradio, you only need to press the keys in the sequence indicated on theprogrammer display. Having selected the required item and confirmed itwith ENTER, you will need to indicate which receiver output the specific keymust be added to. Having completed the transmitter code learningphase, you will be able to enter the denomination to be associated withthe transmitter by means of the UNIPRO keyboard or the personalcomputer connected.unit in order to establish later whether the unit has been modified using adifferent UNIPRO programmer. Enter the serial number and press ENTERto confirm the choice made.During controller maintenance, if a UNIPRO programmer with a differentserial number from the previous one is connected, the system gives thefollowing message: Warning! UNIPRO non authorised: or ”, where: by pressing you come out of programming and you can setthe correct serial number in the UNIPRO device; by pressing youforce the system to accept a UNIPRO device with a different serial number.This way you can see if a modification has been made with anotherUNIPRO programmer since the latest maintenance operation.9.3) LightSelect this item to access menu M6 for setting the display lighting operation.When the light is turned off, battery life is increased. Press ENTER toconfirm the choice made. If you choose to have a lit display, the light stayson for 5 seconds since the latest command. Each time a new input is given,the light comes on for about 5 seconds.10) FUNCTION INDEXThe UNIPRO programmer is provided with a quick menu search function.With this function, you only need to indicate the number of the menu to bedisplayed for the terminal to show it directly on the display. The list of thenumbers related to the menus which can be searched and displayedthrough this function is given in table 1.11) ERROR MESSAGE LISTWhenever an operation carried out by UNIPRO does not give the expectedresult, an error message will be shown on the display. Table 2 gives a listof the error messages available and their respective meaning.12) DIAGNOSTIC LISTIn the course of many operations, UNIPRO provides a series of diagnosticmessages in order to keep the user informed about the status of the processunder way and of the devices involved in the actual process. Table 3 givesa list of the diagnostic messages available and their respective meaning.8.18) How to change the name of a transmitter in the currentreceiver listTo change a name associated with a transmitter which is included in thecurrent list, select item change name from menu M23 to display menuM232; type the memory allocation number for the transmitter to be changedand press ENTER. The data included in the database for the selectedtransmitter will be displayed, after which you will be able to change thename associated with the transmitter by means of the UNIPRO keyboardor the personal computer connected.Note: To find out the memory allocation for the transmitter in the current list,refer to the scroll list or read code operations.4538.19) How to delete a transmitter from the current receiver listTo delete a transmitter included in the current list, select item deletetransmitter from menu M23 to display menu M233; indicate the position ofthe transmitter to be eliminated and press ENTER. The transmitter will betotally eliminated from the current list.Note: To find out the position of the transmitter in the current list, refer tothe scroll list operation.8.20) How to delete the content of the current receiver listTo completely delete the content of the current list from the receiverdatabase, select item delete list from menu M23 and confirm it by pressingENTER twice.9) UNIPRO PROGRAMMER CONFIGURATIONThree menu items relating to the UNIPRO programmer configuration areavailable from the main menu.9.1) Language changeSelect this item to access menu M4 for choosing the language to be usedby the terminal. Enter the relevant number for the language chosen, whichhas been defined as follows: corresponds to Italian, correspondsto French, corresponds to German, corresponds to English, corresponds to Spanish and corresponds to Portuguese.Press ENTER to confirm the choice made.D811280_029.2) Serial number changeSelect this item to access menu M5 for setting the terminal serial number.This serial number consists of 4 figures, and is memorised on the controlCONTROL UNITS

UNIPRO45413) TABLE 1Display descriptionAdd cableAdd radioUpdate maintenance dateAddOther logicsOther logicsOther parametersChange nameDelete memoryDelete nameDelete customisationDelete all the listControl unitsReceiver customisation codeTransmitter customisation codeOutput configurationMotor torqueMotor torque on openingMotor torque on closingLast maintenance dateDatabaseList definitionEliminate current listBrakingEnter system codeRead codeRead memoryLanguageListControl unit parameter listControl unit listsReceiver listsLogicsAdvanced logicsLightSerial noName of list in useDatabaseNumber of cycles from lastmaintenanceNumber of cycles runParametersAdvanced parametersPreheatingRadio controlsReceiversChoose receiver listChoose max number of transmittersWrite memoryStatisticsAdvanced statisticsSwitch – Gate open/stair lightSwitch – Impulse lock on openingSwitch – Impulse lock on closingSwitch – Impulse lock in dwell timeSwitch – LockSwitch – Time countSwitch – Fast closingSwitch – Ram blowSwitch – PhotocellsSwitch – BrakeSwitch – 3-step logicSwitch – 2/4-step logicSwitch – Courtesy/zone lightSwitch - No. motorsSwitch – ClockSwitch – Pre-alarmSwitch – PreheatSwitch – Slow-downSwitch – 2nd radio channel/gate open warning lightSwitch – LockSwitch – Automatic closingSwitch – Hold-to-runAutomatic closing timeOperation timeClearance timePedestrian timeSlow-down timeOpening phase-difference timeClosing phase-difference timeTransmittersAdditional logicsAdditional parametersAdditional statisticsOutput 1Output 2Output 3Output 4Go straight to menuBoard versionMenu NumberM2311M2312M146M231M129M1299M119M232M226M233M223M235M1M222M212M221M116M117M118M145M23M243M242M1193M2432M211M224M4M234M151M15M24M12M12997M6M5M142M2434M144M143M11M1195M1194M2M22M241M2431M225M14M147M1297M124M125M126M1295M1296M1293M1294M12992M12995M123M122M1291M12993M12991M127M1292M12996M12994M1298M121M128M113M111M1192M112M1191M114M115M21M1297M1195M147M2211M2212M2213M2214M3M141FunctionAdds a transmitter via cableAdds a transmitter via radioAllows you to update the last maintenance dateAdds a transmitter to the current listContinues with the logic list displayContinues with the logic list displayContinues with the parameter list displayAllows you to change the name of the owner of the transmitter included in the current listDeletes all the transmitters included in the receiver connectedDeletes a memorised transmitter from the current UNIPRO list (requests memory allocation number)Deletes customisation and memorised transmitters of the receiver connectedDeletes all transmitters included in the current UNIPRO listMain menu – control unitsAllows you to enter the customisation code of the receiver connected (from 00 to 62)Allows you to enter the customisation code of the transmitter connected (from 00 to 62)Allows you to configure the command mode of the receiver output channelSets the torque of both motors connected to the control unitSets the opening torque of both motors connected to the control unitSets the closing torque of both motors connected to the control unitDisplays the last maintenance dateManages the database of the list of receivers included in UNIPROCurrent receiver list definition menuTotally eliminates the list and its content from the UNIPRO databaseSets the motor braking valueCustomises the current list system code (code from 00 to 62)Allows you to read via radio the data of a transmitter memorised in the current receiver listReads the memory content of a receiver and writes it in the current listMain menu – Allows you to change the UNIPRO communication languageScrolls the list of the transmitters included in the current listChanges the current control unit list. Requests a number comprised between 1 and 9Menu allowing you to choose the current control unit list, read a control unit, write a control unit, and set the default values of the control unit connectedSelecting the current list, eliminating the current list from the UNIPRO database, and defining the current listAllows you to choose the logic of the connected control unit you wish to read or modifyAdvanced logics. Addresses from 11 to 15. See control unit instruction manual. No quick menu choiceMain menu – Allows you to enable/disable the UNIPRO display back-lightingMain menu – Allows you to set the UNIPRO serial numberDisplays the name of the connected control unit which may correspond to one of the control unit list numbers memorised in UNIPRODefines the name of the owner of the current receiver listDisplays the number of the control unit cycles carried out from the last maintenance dateDisplays the number of the control unit cycles, from the date of installationAllows you to choose the parameter of the connected control unit you wish to read or modifyAdvanced parameters. Addresses from 1 to 9. See control unit instruction manual. No quick menu choiceAllows you to read or modify the value given to the preheating parameter of the control unit connectedMain menu – Allows you to set the UNIPRO serial numberMain menu – Allows you to choose the submenusAllows you to change the current receiver listDefines the standard type of receiver listAllows you to download the current list to a receiverStatistic menu – Allows you to choose the submenus concerning the statistics of a control unit connectedAdvanced statistics. Addresses from 16 to 21. See control unit instruction manual. No quick menu choiceEnables output as gate-open warning light or stair lightEnables/disables impulse lock on openingEnables/disables impulse lock on closingEnables/disables impulse lock during dwell time (tca)Enables/disables lock hold on closing (hydraulic devices)Enables/disables automatic time adjustment in relation to preceding manoeuvresEnables/disables fast closing after photocell disengagementEnables/disables ram blow to release electric lockEnables/disables photocells, also on openingEnables/disables the motor electronic braking functionEnables/disables 3-step logic (with priority over 2/4-step logic)Enables/disables 2 or 4-step logicEnables output as courtesy or zone lightEnables the control unit to pilot 1 or 2 motorsEnables clock function all the time or on closing onlyEnables/disables blinking pre-alarm functionEnables/disables preheating function for the control units which support such functionEnables/disables slow-down function during the end-of-run phase on closing/openingEnables output as 2nd radio channel or gate-open warning lightEnables output to control a click or suction-type lockEnables/disables automatic closing functionEnables command as impulse start or hold-to-runSets dwell time in seconds. After that time, the controller closesSets motor operation time in seconds. In the case of electric limit switches, the time must be set for a few seconds more than the moment whenthe limit switches stopSets clearance time. Time count starts when the photocells are disengaged. Closes the controller and has priority over the TCASets the operation time in seconds for the motor controlling the pedestrian doorSets the time in seconds for slow-down needed by the motors during the end-of-run phaseSets the phase-difference time in seconds for the motor connected to the leaf which opens lastSets the phase-difference time in seconds for the motor connected to the leaf which overlaps on closingAllows you to read the data of a transmitters included in the current list or transmitter customisation listAdditional logics to be configured. Special logics identified through selection from “conf.11 to conf.15”Additional parameters to be configured. Special parameters identified through selection from “conf.1 to conf.9”Additional special statistics. Statistics identified through selection from “conf.16 to conf.21”Allows you to select the control mode for receiver output channel 1Allows you to select the control mode for receiver output channel 2Allows you to select the control mode for receiver output channel 3Allows you to select the control mode for receiver output channel 4Main menu – Allows you to get to the required menu when you know the numberAllows you to read the version of a control unit connectedD811280_02CONTROL UNITS

UNIPRO14) TABLE 2Error NumberE1E2E3E4E5E6E7DescriptionReading or connection errorAlready defined list errorPalm-top memory reading errorIncorrect choiceErrorErrorNon-compatible receiver errorReasonNo connected device has been found or else the connected device does not respond or is not compatibleAn attempt has been made to newly define an already defined list. In order to re-use the space of a list, the latter must be deleted firstThe UNIPRO memory does not respond in a correct way, due to an internal error or an external device connected in an anomalous wayThe choice or parameter entered using the keyboard is not compatible with the current version or does not make senseAn attempt has been made to upload or download data to/from a receiver having a memory capacity not compatible with the current receiver database list15) TABLE 3Diagnosis NumberD1D2D3D4D5D6D7D8D9D10D11D12D14D15D16D17D 18D19D 20D 22D23D 24D 25D 26D 27D 28D 29D 30DescriptionSelf-diagnosisAll OKClosing photocell errorAdmap photocell errorStop errorExternal start error/ Motor 2 Swo errorInternal start error / Motor 2 Swc errorOpen error / Internal start errorClose error / External start errorPedestrian error / Closing or opening slow-down sw errorClock errorOpening photocell errorParameter writingParameter check OKTransmitter check.Wait pleaseTransmitter programming under wayMotor 2 Swc errorMotor 1/2 Swc errorDeleteParameter not available for this control unitMotor 1 Swo errorMotor 2/1 Swo errorUnknown errorAttention value not admittedReceiver writing under wayPhotocell error / Receiver cancellation under wayOpening slow-down sw errorClosing slow-down sw errorReasonShows by means of a counter that the self-diagnosis process is under wayShows that the self-diagnosis process has been successfully completedSelf-diagnosis has found photocells obscured during closingSelf-diagnosis has found photocells obscured during openingSelf-diagnosis has found the stop contact openSelf-diagnosis has found the stop contact openSelf-diagnosis has found the internal start contact closedSelf-diagnosis has found the internal start contact closedSelf-diagnosis has found the internal start contact closedSelf-diagnosis has found the internal start contact closedSelf-diagnosis has found the internal start contact closedSelf-diagnosis has found photocells obscured during openingShows that the parameter writing process is under wayShows that the parameter checking process is under way and, if it is correct, it gives an OKWait please. Checks whether transmitter customisation is feasibleShows that the transmitter customisation process is under way. If OK, it returns to the “Customisation” menuSelf-diagnosis has found that the SWC contact of motor 2 is pressedSelf-diagnosis has found that the SWC contact of motor 1 is pressedShows that the control unit connected is not provided with this parameterSelf-diagnosis has found that the SWO contact of motor 1 is pressedSelf-diagnosis has found that the SWO contact of motor 2 is pressedError not cataloguedShows that the value being assigned is not included in the range of pre-established valuesA series of “###..” shows that the receiver writing process is under waySelf-diagnosis has found that the opening slow-down sw contact is pressedSelf-diagnosis has found that the closing slow-down sw contact is pressed455D811280_02CONTROL UNITS

UNIPROFig. 1Fig. 2456D811280_02CONTROL UNITS

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