Annual Report 2004/2005 - ICAR

Annual Report 2004/2005 - ICAR Annual Report 2004/2005 - ICAR


ICAR’s Understanding theStranger programme nowhas its own mini-site, withdistinct branding andhomepage‣ Addition of Glasgow, Cardiff and Lambeth to the ‘Mapping the UK’ section‣ New navigation guide to public opinion on asylum and refugee issues - written by DrNissa Finney, to give an overview of knowledge, ideas and debates relating topublic opinions on asylum and refugee issues. Kim Ward has also written a vastlyupdated navigation guide to regional protection zones and transit processing centresoffering a comprehensive overview of these plans by the UK government.‣ UK in a global context – a new area of the website focusing on how events andprocesses in other parts of the world affect asylum and refugee issues in the UK.Existing web productsAll the developments to the website build on a number of successful existingresources and products.ICAR operates three onlinesearchable directories ofdigests of relevantpublications, resources andlinks‣ Navigation guides - giving detailed information and analysis of particular refugeeand asylum issues and communities in the UK. These are written by experts inan accessible and comprehensive format.‣ Statistics section - highlighting newly available statistics on asylum and migrationwith summaries and analysis, listing sources of asylum statistics and referring toother relevant ICAR products.‣ Mapping the UK - providing information about asylum and refugees in specifictowns and cities across the UK. An interactive map allows the user to select atown or city which then opens up links to historical, statistical, resource, projectand real lives information about the area, along with contact details.‣ Media pages - offering guidelines for journalists, reference to media research onasylum and refugee issues, and listing ICAR’s own contributions to the media.‣ Making better use of data and information - to assist the research capacity ofagencies working with and for refugees and asylum seekers, by offering aninformation pack of ideas and guidance for the effective collection and use ofdata and information by refugee and related agencies. It includes the full text ofthe publication “Doing case studies for the refugee sector: a DIY handbook foragencies and practitioners”.‣ About refugee research - explaining how and why research is commissioned,conducted and disseminated in the academic, government and NGO sectors.This is accompanied by two searchable databases of resources and web links.‣ Digests of relevant publications - summarising reports, books and otherpublications of interest to professionals and others working with asylum seekersand refugees in the UK. These are written to a standard format and includeinformation about subject coverage, methodology, aims, findings andrecommendations of each publication as well as details about ordering andonline availability.ICAR 4th year report August 1 st 2004 to July 31 st 2005 12

‣ Resources Directory – nearly 2000 records of resources relevant to asylum andrefugees in the UK‣ Links Directory – over 350 links to other websites offering national, regional andlocal coverage, organised by type of information provider, subject andgeographical area‣ Real Lives section - linking to electronic narratives of refugees’ own experiencesof forced migration and accounts from people working and living with them‣ Programmes section - providing detailed information about ICAR’s past andongoing work‣ Administrative section - containing information about ICAR’s funders, consultativecommittee, staff and operational policiesUser statistics and feedbackOver fifty new userssubscribed to ICAR’swebsite in the first monthof its re-launch – totalnumber subscribed is 385Detailed website user statistics are tracked on a daily basis and, prior to the relaunchof the site, these stats reflected a steady growth in the number of users. Thenew site went live to users on 1 st September and the number of visitors to our siteincreased dramatically during this month, with substantially more users than everbefore visiting ICAR’s site. Previously, the site’s most visited month was April 2005,receiving 11,764 visits as the general election campaigns reached their climax. InSeptember 2005 the site received 16,254 visits, nearly 40% more than in April 2005.This is also a substantial increase on September 2004 when the site received 5,141visits (see chart 1).chart 1 - user statistics18,0006visitsno. of visits16,00014,00012,00010,0008,0006,0005432pages per visitpagespervisit4,0002,000Document ends100SeptemberAugustJulyJuneMayAprilMarchFebruaryJan-05DecemberNovemberOctoberSeptemberAugustJulyJuneMayAprilMarchFebruaryJan-04ICAR 4th year report August 1 st 2004 to July 31 st 2005 13

<strong>ICAR</strong>’s Understanding theStranger programme nowhas its own mini-site, withdistinct branding andhomepage‣ Addition of Glasgow, Cardiff and Lambeth to the ‘Mapping the UK’ section‣ New navigation guide to public opinion on asylum and refugee issues - written by DrNissa Finney, to give an overview of knowledge, ideas and debates relating topublic opinions on asylum and refugee issues. Kim Ward has also written a vastlyupdated navigation guide to regional protection zones and transit processing centresoffering a comprehensive overview of these plans by the UK government.‣ UK in a global context – a new area of the website focusing on how events andprocesses in other parts of the world affect asylum and refugee issues in the UK.Existing web productsAll the developments to the website build on a number of successful existingresources and products.<strong>ICAR</strong> operates three onlinesearchable directories ofdigests of relevantpublications, resources andlinks‣ Navigation guides - giving detailed information and analysis of particular refugeeand asylum issues and communities in the UK. These are written by experts inan accessible and comprehensive format.‣ Statistics section - highlighting newly available statistics on asylum and migrationwith summaries and analysis, listing sources of asylum statistics and referring toother relevant <strong>ICAR</strong> products.‣ Mapping the UK - providing information about asylum and refugees in specifictowns and cities across the UK. An interactive map allows the user to select atown or city which then opens up links to historical, statistical, resource, projectand real lives information about the area, along with contact details.‣ Media pages - offering guidelines for journalists, reference to media research onasylum and refugee issues, and listing <strong>ICAR</strong>’s own contributions to the media.‣ Making better use of data and information - to assist the research capacity ofagencies working with and for refugees and asylum seekers, by offering aninformation pack of ideas and guidance for the effective collection and use ofdata and information by refugee and related agencies. It includes the full text ofthe publication “Doing case studies for the refugee sector: a DIY handbook foragencies and practitioners”.‣ About refugee research - explaining how and why research is commissioned,conducted and disseminated in the academic, government and NGO sectors.This is accompanied by two searchable databases of resources and web links.‣ Digests of relevant publications - summarising reports, books and otherpublications of interest to professionals and others working with asylum seekersand refugees in the UK. These are written to a standard format and includeinformation about subject coverage, methodology, aims, findings andrecommendations of each publication as well as details about ordering andonline availability.<strong>ICAR</strong> 4th year report August 1 st <strong>2004</strong> to July 31 st <strong>2005</strong> 12

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