MAG 2-06.indd - Wayne State College

MAG 2-06.indd - Wayne State College

MAG 2-06.indd - Wayne State College

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1963Les Seiler, Hastings waschosen by the Nebraska <strong>State</strong>Bar Foundation as a memberof the 2005 Class of Fellows.The selection is based upondedication to improvingjustice in this state, leadershipin the legal profession, civicservice and integrity. Les isan attorney at Seiler, Parker &Moncrief, PC, Hastings.1969Susan (Ahrens) Williamsontaught for 32 years in Fremont,Tekamah and Bellevue PublicSchools prior to retiring in2002. She and her husband,Guy, now reside near Tekamahin the Northridge Golf Coursearea.1970Randy Carlson, North Platte,president of Carlson FinancialGroup is listed in “Who’s Whoin the World.” He has beenappointed to the five-memberexecutive board of the NationalManagers Council for LifeInvestors Insurance Company.Kenneth Vanourney, London,Ky., retired in 1995 after a23-year career in the U.S.Navy. For the past 11 years hehas served as a Navy JROTCinstructor at North Laurel HighSchool in London.Jeanne (Given) Willerth isa certified flight instructorinstrumentand a consultant inaviation safety. She finished14 th in the All Women’s CrossCountry Air Race Classicflown over 2,000 miles fromJune 21-25.1978Joyce Arlene (McGill) Hullretired from teaching. Shetaught second, third and fourthgrades in Lynch for 25 years,seven years in Holt Countyrural schools and one yearin Knox County. She and herhusband, Jerry, reside in Lynch.1979Dianna Carda, Omaha signed acontract with Team Mannatechjoining top athletes across theU.S. promoting overall fitnessand wellness. She begancompetition with the DwarfAthletic Association of America(DAAA) Games in 2001. Shewas a world record holderin swimming competition in2001and 2003. Diane becameDAAA World record holderat the France World Games in2005. She has been teachingphysical fitness and nutritionworkshops at Little People ofAmerica National Conventions/Workshops designed for the littleperson.Bernard J. Minarik retiredafter 21 years as an agentwith the Drug EnforcementAdministration.1986Dan Stalp has accepted aposition as sales coach withBrooks Associates/Sandler SalesInstitute. He and his wife, Lisa,reside in Overland Park, Kan.,with their four children.Dean Jacobs, Fremont and RoseBenbouaou of Paris, Francewere united in marriage Dec. 1in Fremont where they reside.The couple met while both weretraveling in Egypt in 2002.AlumniMini-FeatureMilton Harrison'65 Honored byCity of Newark,New JerseyMilton Harrison, a 1965 <strong>Wayne</strong> <strong>State</strong> graduate, was recentlyhonored by the City of Newark, N.J., where he has led the localYWCA since 1988. On Nov. 28, 2005, the intersection of RectorStreet and Park Place in Newark was dedicated as MiltonHarrison Plaza "in tribute to this outstanding executive andleader, who is responsible for transforming the local Y into oneof the top organizations in the national YMCA family."As president and chief executive officer of the YMWCA ofNewark andVicinity, Harrison has led the organization to be theonly one of more than 200 independent urban YWMCA’s nationwideto be self-sustaining. The 3,500-member organizationhas a $6 million annual operating budget, two percent of whichis garnered through donations.When Harrison took over the Y in 1988, it was $5 millionin debt, had only 93 members and no income. At that time,Harrison was advancing rapidly up the YMCA of USA corporateladder. He worked in the King of Prussia, Penn. field officeoverseeing 550 northeastern YMCAs."It was supposed to be a nine-month assignment: figureout a recovery plan, help hire a new CEO and return to the fieldoffice," Harrison said of his move to Newark. When he had tochoose to either stay in Newark or return to his position as atroubleshooter, he chose Newark."He was the miracle the Y needed," said Gene K. Shaffer,his former boss, who said he believes Harrison’s dedication andcommitment, ability to envision the big picture while handlingminutiae, is what turned the Newark YMWCA around. "WhateverMilton does, he does well."Harrison, a Brooklyn, N.Y. native, attended <strong>Wayne</strong> <strong>State</strong>on a cross country and track scholarship. He won the BrooklynMarathon, running in more than a dozen marathons before theywere in fashion. He earned a master's degree at the Universityof Minnesota, where he taught boxing on Saturday mornings.Following a career in real estate in Minneapolis, Harrisonsold his business in 1988 and went to work for the national fieldoffice of the YMCA. The rest, as they say, is history."Milton Harrison has done a remarkable job in both enhancingthe physical attractiveness of the Newark Y and infusing anew sense of vitality in the organization," said Donald Payne,Newark congressman. "Through his hard work and creativeideas, he has put the Y on a sound financial footing and made ita welcoming place for members of the community."<strong>Wayne</strong> <strong>State</strong> Magazine 21

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