From antenna radiation pattern acquisition to a system ... - SEE

From antenna radiation pattern acquisition to a system ... - SEE From antenna radiation pattern acquisition to a system ... - SEE
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From antenna radiation pattern acquisition to a system emission andimmunity characterisationA. Menard Gilles 1 B. François Cyrille 1 , C. Korsakissok Joël 11: SILICOM, 1, Imp. Louis PUEYO, 31700 BLAGNACAbstract: SAMS is an Antenna Pattern Acquisitionsystem which can be adapted for various area. Theobjective of this article is to detail the integration ofSAMS on a application for test the electromagneticcompatibility.Keywords: Electromagnetic compatibility, antennameasurement, test bands.The electromagnetic compatibility test stand is specific toeach system under test. It is necessary to customize bothgeneration and acquisition chain. First the software allows1. IntroductionSAMS is a product family in the area of antenna radiationpattern acquisition and processing system. It has beendeveloped and is commercialised since 1998, bySILICOM, in partnership with the CNES (French SpatialAgency).The CNES expertise in antenna measurements togetherwith SILICOM’s proficiency in software developmentand in hyper-frequency studies led to producing a modern,reliable and user adapted software system, both in its usermodes and in its parameter setting, maintainability, speedand measurement accuracy.Beyond the innovation included in this system we canpromote the automatic measurement speed calculation inorder to optimise the compromise velocity/precision, butalso a separated data analysis module that allows tocompare data issued from any simulation code and theone from experiment.This document presents the characteristics and thetechnical innovations of our system and describes how weapplied the SAMS technical innovations to another fieldof expertise : the electromagnetic compatibility.The new application is based on the simulatordevelopment and exploitation platform, available as afreeware. It is based on the free API Juzzle( and may be used in many domains(telecommunication, electronics, network, signalprocessing, vulnerability,...).2. From antenna radiation pattern acquisition to asystem emission and immunity characterisation2.1 Customizes your Generation and Acquisition teststandsto define the experimentation close behind the physicaltest stands.Figure 1 : Generation and acquisition chainsThe “figure 1” describes the configuration of connectionsbetween devices.2.2 Define the generation chain and control measurementson the acquisition chainOne of the major improvement of our system is apermanent control of the level of the generation chainwith a customable control loop function.The application can pilot a complex system of axessupporting the element to be measured. In SAMS, the axisnotion is very general, and can represent dimensionalvariables (translating or rotating mechanical axes),electrical variables (frequency, radio-frequency power,polarisation…) and time. The axis are built from thecustomization of the Generation and Acquisition testsstands. The test band configuration is stored in theWindows register or into readeable files. So the user doesnot know the high level notion of axes and it can focuseupon its experimentation.An acquisition consists in defining one sweep axis(mechanical, electrical or temporal). Then all or part ofthe other axes are considered as section axes. As well asto customize the test stands, the user does not matter todefine a sweep axis. So the SAMS acquisition system isETTC 2005 – European test & Telemetry Conference

<strong>From</strong> <strong>antenna</strong> <strong>radiation</strong> <strong>pattern</strong> <strong>acquisition</strong> <strong>to</strong> a <strong>system</strong> emission andimmunity characterisationA. Menard Gilles 1 B. François Cyrille 1 , C. Korsakissok Joël 11: SILICOM, 1, Imp. Louis PUEYO, 31700 BLAGNACAbstract: SAMS is an Antenna Pattern Acquisition<strong>system</strong> which can be adapted for various area. Theobjective of this article is <strong>to</strong> detail the integration ofSAMS on a application for test the electromagneticcompatibility.Keywords: Electromagnetic compatibility, <strong>antenna</strong>measurement, test bands.The electromagnetic compatibility test stand is specific <strong>to</strong>each <strong>system</strong> under test. It is necessary <strong>to</strong> cus<strong>to</strong>mize bothgeneration and <strong>acquisition</strong> chain. First the software allows1. IntroductionSAMS is a product family in the area of <strong>antenna</strong> <strong>radiation</strong><strong>pattern</strong> <strong>acquisition</strong> and processing <strong>system</strong>. It has beendeveloped and is commercialised since 1998, bySILICOM, in partnership with the CNES (French SpatialAgency).The CNES expertise in <strong>antenna</strong> measurements <strong>to</strong>getherwith SILICOM’s proficiency in software developmentand in hyper-frequency studies led <strong>to</strong> producing a modern,reliable and user adapted software <strong>system</strong>, both in its usermodes and in its parameter setting, maintainability, speedand measurement accuracy.Beyond the innovation included in this <strong>system</strong> we canpromote the au<strong>to</strong>matic measurement speed calculation inorder <strong>to</strong> optimise the compromise velocity/precision, butalso a separated data analysis module that allows <strong>to</strong>compare data issued from any simulation code and theone from experiment.This document presents the characteristics and thetechnical innovations of our <strong>system</strong> and describes how weapplied the SAMS technical innovations <strong>to</strong> another fieldof expertise : the electromagnetic compatibility.The new application is based on the simula<strong>to</strong>rdevelopment and exploitation platform, available as afreeware. It is based on the free API Juzzle( and may be used in many domains(telecommunication, electronics, network, signalprocessing, vulnerability,...).2. <strong>From</strong> <strong>antenna</strong> <strong>radiation</strong> <strong>pattern</strong> <strong>acquisition</strong> <strong>to</strong> a<strong>system</strong> emission and immunity characterisation2.1 Cus<strong>to</strong>mizes your Generation and Acquisition teststands<strong>to</strong> define the experimentation close behind the physicaltest stands.Figure 1 : Generation and <strong>acquisition</strong> chainsThe “figure 1” describes the configuration of connectionsbetween devices.2.2 Define the generation chain and control measurementson the <strong>acquisition</strong> chainOne of the major improvement of our <strong>system</strong> is apermanent control of the level of the generation chainwith a cus<strong>to</strong>mable control loop function.The application can pilot a complex <strong>system</strong> of axessupporting the element <strong>to</strong> be measured. In SAMS, the axisnotion is very general, and can represent dimensionalvariables (translating or rotating mechanical axes),electrical variables (frequency, radio-frequency power,polarisation…) and time. The axis are built from thecus<strong>to</strong>mization of the Generation and Acquisition testsstands. The test band configuration is s<strong>to</strong>red in theWindows register or in<strong>to</strong> readeable files. So the user doesnot know the high level notion of axes and it can focuseupon its experimentation.An <strong>acquisition</strong> consists in defining one sweep axis(mechanical, electrical or temporal). Then all or part ofthe other axes are considered as section axes. As well as<strong>to</strong> cus<strong>to</strong>mize the test stands, the user does not matter <strong>to</strong>define a sweep axis. So the SAMS <strong>acquisition</strong> <strong>system</strong> isETTC 2005 – European test & Telemetry Conference

integrated in<strong>to</strong> an application based upon the Juzzleframework that provides graphic controls <strong>to</strong> define andcontrol the test band according <strong>to</strong> the user requirements.2.3 Instrument drivesIf the <strong>system</strong> is user centric around the user requirements.During the experimentation, the <strong>system</strong> shall be closed <strong>to</strong>devices fonctionnalities.The application defines an interface for each kind ofdevices (genera<strong>to</strong>r, spectrum analysor, power meter, …);Some of these devices can be controlled by several driversaccording <strong>to</strong> the number of axes defined for the device.The <strong>system</strong> allows <strong>to</strong> save and retrieve a great quantity ofdata provided by different experimentations. This isallowed <strong>to</strong> compare and analyse some experimentations <strong>to</strong>each other.These analyses depend on the <strong>system</strong> under test an can bevery different. For an <strong>antenna</strong> <strong>radiation</strong> <strong>pattern</strong><strong>acquisition</strong>, SAMS DA allows <strong>to</strong> display the <strong>antenna</strong><strong>radiation</strong> <strong>pattern</strong>.The number of implemented drivers represents more than100 different devices, among the most spreadconstruc<strong>to</strong>rs: HP, ROHDE & SCHWARZ , SA, MI,…and is in constant progression.3. Managed dynamickly the configuration of all yourstest stands3.1 An experimentation data baseOne of the main objectives <strong>to</strong> a test stand is <strong>to</strong> check thata <strong>system</strong> under test has the same characteristics thanduring a previous experimentation.The previous experimentation configuration and resultsare imported <strong>to</strong> the application and the user can modifiedparameters (devices setting, set of valid axies positions)before a new run.All mesured data of an experiementation are saved withtheir test stand configuration.3.2 Management of a stand configurationAt each experimentation, measurements are different butthe test stand configuration shall also be changed (a newdevice, new parameters for a chain).To ensure the reused of a previous experimentation, thechain configuration shall be managed using a versioncontrol <strong>system</strong>. The juzzle framework allows <strong>to</strong> do that. Itbecomes possible <strong>to</strong> save and retrieve all configurations ofall chains and also all configurations of all devices usedby those chains.3.3 Management of devices’ driversA device is defined by its characteristics (immuable), a se<strong>to</strong>f parameters and some drivers. Drivers use the SAMSinterface <strong>to</strong> communicate with the earth of the <strong>system</strong>.But if the software allows <strong>to</strong> manage all experimentations,it shall also manage the revision of devices drivers. This isa major requirement <strong>to</strong> test the evolutions of all testbands.4.1 Data analysis4. Processing measurementsFigure 2 : A <strong>antenna</strong> <strong>radiation</strong> <strong>pattern</strong>4.2 Data conversionThe application shall produce synthesis results <strong>to</strong> createreports. Each experimentation can be diferent. So it isnecessary <strong>to</strong> define processing <strong>to</strong> convert measurementdata in<strong>to</strong> useful information.4.2 Export dataThe application data shall be able <strong>to</strong> export some of theseresults <strong>to</strong>wards external applications for simply buildreports (Word, openOffice, Excel, …) or for othertraitements.5. ConclusionExtend the features of SAMS for <strong>antenna</strong> radiated <strong>pattern</strong><strong>acquisition</strong> <strong>to</strong> the electromagnetic compatibility leads <strong>to</strong>focuse the application on the user and its goal.The challenge is <strong>to</strong> improve the software and keep itsmain characteristics of reliable, user adapted software<strong>system</strong>, maintainability, speed and measurement accuracy.The goal is reached using new sotwares technologies ofintegration and inter-communication betweenapplications.We have merged the world of simulation, with theframework Juzzle, and the world of experimentation withthe software SAMS. The result is a user centricapplication who can easily evoluate with the user’s needs.ETTC 2005 – European test & Telemetry Conference

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