ISSN: 2250-3005 - ijcer

ISSN: 2250-3005 - ijcer

ISSN: 2250-3005 - ijcer


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International Journal Of Computational Engineering Research (<strong>ijcer</strong>online.com) Vol. 2 Issue. 8platform and technology independent standard.It reduces paper work & uses cost effective approaches. It facilitatebetter patient care.It reduces labour and time.It gives you flexibility as it can be implemented using a variety ofsoftware technologies to suit your information needs.The availability of information is the expected value of an EHRas DSS that is agreed upon by all end users i.e. early prevention is the foundation of digital health care system forcommunity health service.5. Conclusions & Dis cus sio n sIn this paper we discuss how decision support system is useful for both doctor and patient.First werepresent this DSS as patient-centric system.Then we further divided into two modules i.e. first from patient pointof view & second from doctor point of view.First one based on decisions made by patients by clicking onsymptoms of their disease.Then from graphical decision support system, various preventive measures are provided& even in case of emergencies contact number of specialist is also provided.Basically first module is based on contentmanagement.Second one represent all kinds of EHR data as clinical acts under unified structure.This provide somefundamental visualisation forms for each kind of EHR data.This depicts overall situation of patient.It just not onlyhelp the clinicians in their daily work but also useful during emergencies. Clincians & Patients told us that itwas very useful and helpul for them to view overall health status of any particular patient.However theystill have many more requirements[1].They need an integrated viewer which provide more information and moreflexible visualization.Also the need artificial intelligence approach instead of graphical approach in contentmanagement.We will make more detailed analysis of all clinical acts and on neural and finger-print systems anddesign more visualization forms to satisy these new requirements in the future[9].Ref eren ce s[1] DeWar,C.,Bring the EHR to life. Nursing Management,2006(January):p.31-35[2] Faber, M.G.,Design and Introduction of an Electronic Patient Record: How to involve theUsers? Methods of Information in Medicine,2003,42(4): p.371-375[3] HL7 Reference Information Model,Health Level Seven, Inc.http:// www. hl7.org. Accessed at August 18, 2012[4] Powsner SM, Tufte ER.Graphical summary of patient status. TheLancet,1994,344:386-389.[5] BOOTSTRAP: Health Tools,Health Information For Whole Family,Inc.,http:// familydoctor.org . Accessed at September 1,2012[6] Powsner SM, Tufte ER.Graphical summary of patient status. TheLancet,1994,344:386-389.[7] The state HIPAA privacy and security compliance.AHIMA.Apr.2005.[8] Institute of Medicine.2003.Key Capabilities of an Electronic HealthRecord Syste m. L etter Report.[9] Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise Expands Strategy on Interoperabil- ity & Standards Implementation, November1,2006Issn <strong>2250</strong>-<strong>3005</strong>(online) December| 2012 Page 73

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