ISSN: 2250-3005 - ijcer

ISSN: 2250-3005 - ijcer

ISSN: 2250-3005 - ijcer


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International Journal Of Computational Engineering Research (<strong>ijcer</strong>online.com) Vol. 2 Issue. 8REFERENCES :[1] J.W Chen, R.H Yao, and W.J Wu, “Efficient 2n + 1 Modulo Multipliers,” IEEE T ransactions on Very Large ScaleIntegration (VLSI) systems, V. 19, NO. 12, 2011.[2] Yuan-Ho Chen, Chung-Yi Li, and Tsin-Yuan Chang, IEEE, “Area-Effective and Power-Efficient Fixed-WidthBooth Multipliers Using GeneralizedProbabilistic Estimation Bias,” IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected topicsin Circuits and Systems, V. 1, NO. 3, 2011.About the Authors:(1) HARILAL.J,M.tech, srikottamtulasireddy memorial college of engineering(2) K. DURGA PRASADM.tech,(Phd) Associate professor,Sri kottamtulasireddy memorial college of engineeringIssn <strong>2250</strong>-<strong>3005</strong>(online) December| 2012 Page 38

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