ISSN: 2250-3005 - ijcer

ISSN: 2250-3005 - ijcer

ISSN: 2250-3005 - ijcer


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International Journal Of Computational Engineering Research (<strong>ijcer</strong>online.com) Vol. 2 Issue. 84. Release priority actions of the appropriate prevention;5. Seek appropriate solutions by using the Ishikawa diagram (7M);6. Establish an action plan for implementation;7. Evaluation of recommended results.5. ConclusionSafety is a priority of any industrial activity. It is a positive cultural element that allows further improvements in thefactory. Hence, the well-being at work is everyone’s business [9]. That is why, if a better protection of employees is to beattained, a change of perspective is needed, who should know what is happening and can happen to organize their lives andhave good reflexes in case of emergency. Once, the responsibilities are clarified and understood by all, many improvementswould be so easier to achieve. In fact, it is to increase transparency and develop a common language and common vocabularyfor professionals and their representatives on matters relating to risk all partners and establish and disseminate thiscommunication tools. As a result, many university officials, teachers and industrial representatives hav e understood the neednecessity and the opportunity to teach general safety issues and with its specific rules.References[1] R. Chaib, M. Benidir and I. Verzea, Risks evaluation in a company: Case of engines and tractors factory, World Journal of Engineering.Vol.3, N°.4 (2006), Pp 88-94. Sun Light Publishing, Canada. <strong>ISSN</strong> 1706-5284.[2] Jean Bufferne, La TPM : un système de production, Techno méca, Technologie 155, Avril 2008, Pp24-31.[3] Jos C.M. Mossink, Pourquoi et comment procédés à des évaluations économiques au niveau de l’entreprise ? Série protection de la santédes travailleurs N°2, Bibliothèque de l’OMS : Publié sous la direction de Deborak Imed Nelson, 2004, <strong>ISSN</strong> 1729-3502.[4] Rachid Chaïb, Ion Verzea, Mohamed Benidir and Ahmed Bellaouar; for sustainable development as regards prevention, safety andhealth at work in a company; international symposium in knitting and apparel – iska 2010, iasi, november 19 – 20, 2010.[5] ACFCI, Guide pour la mise en place par étapes d’un système de management de la santé et de la sécurité au travail, I.S.B.N. 2-85723-466-X, Dépôt légal : Octobre 2007 ;[6] Monique Legault Faucher, Vous avez dit présentéisme ? Prévention au travail Hiver 2009, Pp 34-38.[7] S. Auduberteau et K. Ganino; La prévention des risques professionnels : hygiène et sécurité au travail, collection "les diagnostics del'emploi territorial" hors série N°5, Direction Recrutement et Protection Sociale, octobre 2003.[8] Bellilet. G et Benyounes. M, Contribution à l’amélioration de la sécurité industrielle dans les entreprises, PFE (DEUA) université deConstantine, Département de génie mécanique, juillet 2006, 136p.[9] Aour. S, Laacheche. A et Meloul. N, Contribution à l’optimisation de la sécurité industrielle dans l’entreprise, PFE (DEUA) universitéde Constantine, Département de génie mécanique, juillet 2007, 128p.AnnexesRelative questionnaire of work accidents in a cement plant: Elma Labiod cement plant, Tebessa, Algeria.1- Lack of experience and motivation ;2- Important rotation of workers and work ;3- Ephemeral work relationships;4- Complex situation on work site ;5- Lack of communication, information and sensitization ;6- Insufficient practices;7- Insufficient safety of machine ;8- Certain rashness ;9- Well work pace;10- au stress,11- Total absence of safety prevention strategy ;12- Lack of clear strategy in a subject of health and security at work;13- Lack of responsability conscience ;14- Insufficient means and resources to display and live the solutions of health and security at work;15- Insufficient implication of workers and general direction ;16- A discount in question of existing organizational processes;17- Consequences less-evaluation of d’une lésion Professional injury (AT and MP) ;18- Weak conscience of given perspectives of health and security at work;19- Few human resources, financial means and information to manage health and security at work;20- Burn-in Presence or interior resignation at level of all activity sectors : be body present at work, but absent minded or be sickphysically;21- Some people insist to work even when it does not work, even when a doctor recommended some rest days ;22- Lack of hygiene, organization and work atmosphere;23- Potential advantages often unrecognized of better management of health and security at work ;24- Other causes.Note: This questionnaire has to be filled up at least by 70% of workers in each cement plant.||Issn <strong>2250</strong>-<strong>3005</strong>(online)|| ||December||2012|| Page 321

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