ISSN: 2250-3005 - ijcer

ISSN: 2250-3005 - ijcer

ISSN: 2250-3005 - ijcer


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International Journal Of Computational Engineering Research (<strong>ijcer</strong>online.com) Vol. 2 Issue. 8More over denotecjbbAnd assume that c n-1 = c n-2 = . . . = c n-k+1 = 0But c n-k ≠ 0 then we may writejn( i 12... n),c 01bnk1f ( z) bn(1 cnk cnku cnk1u... c0uk)Ifcn kukp(cos isin) & ue(cos sin)Thenkcnkupen(cos k) isin( k)By Demorvie‟s identity choosingcc1 we get &u pekk kn k& can make the estimatenk1uk 1... c0uncnk1ek 1...c0cncnk1...c0ek 1Rek 1Where R is constantLet now i p min k 1, .we obtain p 2Rf( z) b 1npekhuf( z)bn1pekh(u)f( z)bn1pekRek1bn1ekpRp2Rb2nbnf(z 0)Which results is impossible since │f(z) │ was absolute minimum. Consequently the antithesis is wrong & the proof is settled.13. Another Proof Of Fundamental Theorem Of AlgebraThe proof depends on the following four lemmasLemma1: Any odd-degree real polynomial must have a real root.Proof:We know from intermediate value theorem, suppose p( x) R x with degree p(x) = 2k +1 andsuppose the leading coefficient a n > 0( the proof is almost identical if a n > 0). Then||Issn <strong>2250</strong>-<strong>3005</strong>(online)|| ||December|| 2012 Page 314

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