Course Descriptions - Hong Kong Baptist University - Academic ...

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354Course Descriptionsa healthy lifestyle and means to apply fundamental sports scienceknowledge to analyse and enhance performance of Latin Danceof DanceSport. Upon completion of this course, students will beable to perform the basic routines of the selected types of LatinDance of DanceSport; and adopt an active healthy lifestyle.GCPE 1016 DanceSport—Standard Dance (1,2,0) (C)This course aims to acquaint students with the fundamentalknowledge and motor skills in Standard Dance of DanceSport. Italso provides students with an understanding of the principles ofa healthy lifestyle and means to apply fundamental sports scienceknowledge to Standard Dance of DanceSport. Upon completionof this course, students will be able to perform the basic routinesof the selected types of Standard Dance of DanceSport; andadopt an active healthy lifestyle.GCPE 1017 Exercise and Sport for People with (1,2,0) (C)Special NeedsThe course is offered to students whose mobility/sensory/healthneeds require special teaching and learning attention. It aims toprovide students with an understanding of the benefits of exerciseand sport for persons with mobility/sensory/health needs, skillsto participate in exercise/sports, and knowledge in selecting andperforming exercise and sport.GCPE 1025 Fitness and Body Building (1,2,0) (C)This course aims to acquaint students with the scientific basesand techniques in fitness training in the sports of body building,including weight training machines, free weights, calisthenics,fitball, body bar, and thera-band exercise. It also provides studentswith an understanding of the principles of a healthy lifestyle andmeans to apply fundamental sports science knowledge to analyseand enhance the effects of fitness training.GCPE 1026 Flag Football (1,2,0) (C)This course aims to acquaint students with the basic knowledgeand motor skills in flag football, including the rules, scoring,terminology and equipment of flag football. It also providesstudents with an understanding of the principles of a healthylifestyle and means to apply fundamental sports science knowledgeto analyse and enhance flag football performance.GCPE 1027 Flying Disc (1,2,0) (C)This course aims to acquaint students with the basic knowledgeand motor skills in Flying Disc, including the rules, scoring,terminology and equipment of Flying Disc. It also providesstudents with an understanding of the principles of a healthylifestyle and means to apply fundamental sports science knowledgeto analyse and enhance Flying Disc performance.GCPE 1035 Folk Dance (1,2,0) (C)This course aims to acquaint students with the fundamentalknowledge and skills of folk dance. It also provides students withan understanding of the principles of a healthy lifestyle and meansto apply fundamental sports science knowledge to analyse andenhance folk dance performance. Upon completion of the course,students will be able to perform selected types of folk dance;develop a sense of rhythm and confidence in dance performance;improve physical fitness; and adopt an active healthy lifestyle.GCPE 1036 Golf (1,2,0) (C)This course aims to acquaint students with the basic skillsand techniques of golf. It also provides students with anunderstanding of the principles of a healthy lifestyle and meansto apply fundamental sports science knowledge to analyse andenhance golf performance. Upon completion of the course,students will be able to perform proper swinging techniques;understand etiquette and competition rules of golf; and adopt anactive healthy lifestyle.GCPE 1037 Gymnastics (1,2,0) (C)This course aims to acquaint students with the fundamentalknowledge and skills of gymnastics. It also provides studentswith an understanding of the principles of a healthy lifestyle andmeans to apply fundamental sports science knowledge to analyseand enhance gymnastics performance. Upon completion of thecourse, students will be able to develop awareness and competencyin performing the Dominant Movement Patterns of gymnastics;establish a sense of rhythm and confidence in gymnasticsperformance; improve physical fitness; and adopt an active healthylifestyle.GCPE 1045 Handball (1,2,0) (C)This course aims to acquaint students with the knowledge ofthe scientific bases of handball. It also provides students withan understanding of principles of a healthy lifestyle and meansto apply fundamental sports science knowledge to analyse andenhance handball performance. Upon completion of the course,students will be able to perform basic skills of handball andvarious types of offensive and defensive strategies, understand therules and regulations of handball; and adopt an active healthylifestyle.GCPE 1046 Jazz Dance (1,2,0) (C)This course aims to acquaint students with the basic steps andmovements of jazz dance. It also provides students with anunderstanding of the principles of a healthy lifestyle and meansto apply fundamental sports science knowledge to analyse andenhance jazz dance performance. Upon completion of thecourse, students will develop a sense of rhythm and confidence inperforming jazz dance, develop an appreciation of different stylesof the dance form, understand the importance of physical fitnessas it relates to jazz dance, and adopt an active healthy lifestyle.GCPE 1047 Korfball (1,2,0) (C)This course aims to acquaint students with the basic skills andsimple tactics of korfball. It also provides students with anunderstanding of the principles of a healthy lifestyle and meansto apply fundamental sports science knowledge to analyse andenhance korfball performance. Upon completion of the course,students will be able to perform techniques in shooting, passingand catching in korfball; understand the competition rules andscoring method for korfball; and adopt an active healthy lifestyle.GCPE 1055 Soccer (1,2,0) (C)This course aims to acquaint students with the basic knowledgeand motor skills of soccer. It also provides students with anunderstanding of the principles of a healthy lifestyle and meansto apply fundamental sports science knowledge to analyse andenhance soccer performance. Upon completion of the course,students should be able to improve physical fitness throughparticipation in soccer; become familiar with the rules, scoring,terminology and equipment of soccer; perform the basic skills,offensive and defensive strategies of soccer; and adopt an activehealthy lifestyle.GCPE 1056 Softball (1,2,0) (C)This course aims to acquaint students with the basic skills andtechniques of fast-pitch softball. It also provides students with anunderstanding of the principles of a healthy lifestyle and meansto apply fundamental sports science knowledge to analyse andenhance softball performance. Upon completion of the course,students should be able to perform throwing, fielding, batting andrunning techniques for softball; understand the official rules andregulations of softball; and adopt an active healthy lifestyle.GCPE 1057 Swimming (1,2,0) (C)This course aims to acquaint students with the basic skills andknowledge in swimming. It also provides students with anunderstanding of the principles of a healthy lifestyle and meansto apply fundamental sports science knowledge to analyse andenhance swimming performance. Upon completion of thecourse, students will be able to perform basic swimming strokes,such as front crawl stroke and breaststroke; understand the rulesin swimming competition; improve physical fitness throughparticipation in swimming; acquire water safety knowledge andthe survival skills in water, and adopt an active healthy lifestyle.

GCPE 1065 Table Tennis (1,2,0) (C)This course aims to acquaint students with the basic skills andtechniques of table tennis. It also provides students with anunderstanding of the principles of a healthy lifestyle and meansto apply fundamental sports science knowledge to analyse andenhance table tennis performance. Upon completion of thecourse, students will be able to perform different grips, servesand strokes of table tennis; understand the competition rulesand scoring method in table tennis; and adopt an active healthylifestyle.GCPE 1066 Tai Chi (1,2,0) (C)This course aims to acquaint students with the basic knowledgeand skills of Tai Chi. It also provides students with anunderstanding of the principles of a healthy lifestyle and meansto apply fundamental sports science knowledge to analyse andenhance Tai Chi performance. Upon completion of this course,students will be able to perform the 24-form Tai Chi Chun andadopt an active healthy lifestyle.GCPE 1067 Tennis (1,2,0) (C)This course aims to acquaint students with the basic skillsand knowledge of tennis. It also provides students with anunderstanding of the principles of a healthy lifestyle and meansto apply fundamental sports science knowledge to analyse andenhance tennis performance. Upon completion of this course,students will be able to perform ground strokes, volley, smashes,and serves for tennis; understand the rules and scoring method intennis; and adopt an active healthy lifestyle.GCPE 1075 Track and Field (1,2,0) (C)This course aims to acquaint students with the scientific basesand techniques of track and field events. It also provides studentswith an understanding of the principles of a healthy lifestyle andmeans to apply fundamental sports science knowledge to analyseand enhance performance of the selected track and field events.Upon completion of this course, students will be able to performand understand the rules of shot put, high jump, short distancerunning, middle distance running and relay races; and adopt anactive healthy lifestyle.GCPE 1076 Volleyball (1,2,0) (C)This course aims to acquaint students with the basic skills andtechniques of volleyball. It also provides students with anunderstanding of the principles of a healthy lifestyle and meansto apply fundamental sports science knowledge to analyse andenhance volleyball performance. Upon completion of the course,students will be able to perform techniques in passing, serving,blocking and spiking for volleyball; understand the competitionrules and scoring method in volleyball; and adopt an activehealthy lifestyle.GCPS 1005 Public Speaking (3,1,2) (E)The aim of this course is to help students develop their abilityto prepare and present informative and persuasive speeches fordelivery before a variety of social and professional audiences. Itis expected that enhancing their skill in structuring their ideas andcommunicating them to others will contribute to their personaland professional effectiveness. To help accomplish this goal, thecourse will introduce the key concepts of the public speakingprocess and show how to apply them to construct and deliver highquality informative and persuasive speeches. Also supporting thegeneral goal, the course will help students assess, critique, andappreciate the speeches of others by teaching them the standardsof evaluation that apply to effective public speaking.GCVM 1005 Christian Faith and Humanistic (3,2,1) (E)ValuesBoth in the West and in contemporary Chinese societies, there isa perceived tension between humanistic values and the Christianfaith. Some mount a critique of the Christian faith on the basisof humanistic values, such as human rights and equality, whereassome Christians consider humanistic values deviating from genuinefaith. The course will begin with putting this “quarrel” in a largerhistorical context, namely the interaction between Christianityand humanism in the course of western history. The course will:(1) uncover the spiritual roots of modern Western humanism inthe ancient, medieval and modern Western culture; (2) explainand assess the critique of Christianity by secular humanism;(3) explore the possibility of an integration of Christianfaith with humanistic values in Christian humanism; and(4) conduct an assessment of the rivalry and reconciliationbetween Christianity and modern humanistic values in theChinese context (ethical and political issues of Hong Kong, inparticular).GCVM 1006 Dao and Good Life: Laozi and (3,2,1) (E)ZhuangziWhat is good life? How should I live my life? What values andethics should guide me? This course will explore the answers thatthe Daoist philosophers Laozi and Zhuangzi have offered to thesequestions. Students will be introduced: (1) the major conceptsand views of Laozi on the principles of Dao and the way of lifein the Dao De Jing, including the notion of the constant Dao ofemptiness, the idea of weakness, and the concept of reversion; (2)how these principles can be employed to tackle problems in life inorder to achieve a good life; and (3) major concepts and views ofZhuangzi’s ethics and philosophy of life, including the notion ofthe Dao of transformation, the authenticity of the true self, theequality of things and opinions, etc.GCVM 1007 Dao, Ch’an and Personal Freedom (3,2,1) (E)What is freedom and what are the possibilities of humans actingfreely? This course is designed to acquaint the student with anunderstanding of Daoism and Ch’an Buddhism in conjunctionwith the question of personal freedom. The course will explainhow Ch’an is a blending of Daoism and Buddhism, and how aform of other-worldly orientd freedom of early Buddhism hasbeen transformed into a form of this-worldly oriented freedom inCh’an Buddhism. Special attention will be given to contemporaryinterpretation of the texts related to the concept of freedom andthe traditional understanding of freedom related to other ethicalissues such as happiness, personal integrity, and responsibility inboth Daoist and Buddhist traditions.GCVM 1015 Ethical Controversies in (3,2,1) (C)Hong Kong TodayThis course is designed to provide students with an introductionto ethical theories and their applications to ethical issues inHong Kong in the last few years. The course will begin with anoverview of the major ethical schools, namely, utilitarianism,deontological theories and virtue ethics, which will providestudents with some basic concepts that can be used throughout thecourse to understand ethical problems. It will continue by lookingat selected topics of ethical controversies in Hong Kong society.Major areas may include topics such as life and death; love, sexand marriage; environmental ethics and business ethics. Withinthis format, we will give special attention to issues relevant tothese considerations in Hong Kong today.GCVM 1016 Ethics for Professionals in a (3,2,1)Multicultural WorldThis course examines a set of problems and dilemmas (e.g.deception, privacy and confidentiality, professional dissent, socialresponsibility and justice, professional virtue) that arise across abroad range of professions (e.g. business, medicine, journalism,social work, education, accounting), and discusses how they canbe approached in morally and culturally sensitive ways. Studentswill recognize that life in many professions involves grappling355Course Descriptions

GCPE 1065 Table Tennis (1,2,0) (C)This course aims to acquaint students with the basic skills andtechniques of table tennis. It also provides students with anunderstanding of the principles of a healthy lifestyle and meansto apply fundamental sports science knowledge to analyse andenhance table tennis performance. Upon completion of thecourse, students will be able to perform different grips, servesand strokes of table tennis; understand the competition rulesand scoring method in table tennis; and adopt an active healthylifestyle.GCPE 1066 Tai Chi (1,2,0) (C)This course aims to acquaint students with the basic knowledgeand skills of Tai Chi. It also provides students with anunderstanding of the principles of a healthy lifestyle and meansto apply fundamental sports science knowledge to analyse andenhance Tai Chi performance. Upon completion of this course,students will be able to perform the 24-form Tai Chi Chun andadopt an active healthy lifestyle.GCPE 1067 Tennis (1,2,0) (C)This course aims to acquaint students with the basic skillsand knowledge of tennis. It also provides students with anunderstanding of the principles of a healthy lifestyle and meansto apply fundamental sports science knowledge to analyse andenhance tennis performance. Upon completion of this course,students will be able to perform ground strokes, volley, smashes,and serves for tennis; understand the rules and scoring method intennis; and adopt an active healthy lifestyle.GCPE 1075 Track and Field (1,2,0) (C)This course aims to acquaint students with the scientific basesand techniques of track and field events. It also provides studentswith an understanding of the principles of a healthy lifestyle andmeans to apply fundamental sports science knowledge to analyseand enhance performance of the selected track and field events.Upon completion of this course, students will be able to performand understand the rules of shot put, high jump, short distancerunning, middle distance running and relay races; and adopt anactive healthy lifestyle.GCPE 1076 Volleyball (1,2,0) (C)This course aims to acquaint students with the basic skills andtechniques of volleyball. It also provides students with anunderstanding of the principles of a healthy lifestyle and meansto apply fundamental sports science knowledge to analyse andenhance volleyball performance. Upon completion of the course,students will be able to perform techniques in passing, serving,blocking and spiking for volleyball; understand the competitionrules and scoring method in volleyball; and adopt an activehealthy lifestyle.GCPS 1005 Public Speaking (3,1,2) (E)The aim of this course is to help students develop their abilityto prepare and present informative and persuasive speeches fordelivery before a variety of social and professional audiences. Itis expected that enhancing their skill in structuring their ideas andcommunicating them to others will contribute to their personaland professional effectiveness. To help accomplish this goal, thecourse will introduce the key concepts of the public speakingprocess and show how to apply them to construct and deliver highquality informative and persuasive speeches. Also supporting thegeneral goal, the course will help students assess, critique, andappreciate the speeches of others by teaching them the standardsof evaluation that apply to effective public speaking.GCVM 1005 Christian Faith and Humanistic (3,2,1) (E)ValuesBoth in the West and in contemporary Chinese societies, there isa perceived tension between humanistic values and the Christianfaith. Some mount a critique of the Christian faith on the basisof humanistic values, such as human rights and equality, whereassome Christians consider humanistic values deviating from genuinefaith. The course will begin with putting this “quarrel” in a largerhistorical context, namely the interaction between Christianityand humanism in the course of western history. The course will:(1) uncover the spiritual roots of modern Western humanism inthe ancient, medieval and modern Western culture; (2) explainand assess the critique of Christianity by secular humanism;(3) explore the possibility of an integration of Christianfaith with humanistic values in Christian humanism; and(4) conduct an assessment of the rivalry and reconciliationbetween Christianity and modern humanistic values in theChinese context (ethical and political issues of <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong>, inparticular).GCVM 1006 Dao and Good Life: Laozi and (3,2,1) (E)ZhuangziWhat is good life? How should I live my life? What values andethics should guide me? This course will explore the answers thatthe Daoist philosophers Laozi and Zhuangzi have offered to thesequestions. Students will be introduced: (1) the major conceptsand views of Laozi on the principles of Dao and the way of lifein the Dao De Jing, including the notion of the constant Dao ofemptiness, the idea of weakness, and the concept of reversion; (2)how these principles can be employed to tackle problems in life inorder to achieve a good life; and (3) major concepts and views ofZhuangzi’s ethics and philosophy of life, including the notion ofthe Dao of transformation, the authenticity of the true self, theequality of things and opinions, etc.GCVM 1007 Dao, Ch’an and Personal Freedom (3,2,1) (E)What is freedom and what are the possibilities of humans actingfreely? This course is designed to acquaint the student with anunderstanding of Daoism and Ch’an Buddhism in conjunctionwith the question of personal freedom. The course will explainhow Ch’an is a blending of Daoism and Buddhism, and how aform of other-worldly orientd freedom of early Buddhism hasbeen transformed into a form of this-worldly oriented freedom inCh’an Buddhism. Special attention will be given to contemporaryinterpretation of the texts related to the concept of freedom andthe traditional understanding of freedom related to other ethicalissues such as happiness, personal integrity, and responsibility inboth Daoist and Buddhist traditions.GCVM 1015 Ethical Controversies in (3,2,1) (C)<strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> TodayThis course is designed to provide students with an introductionto ethical theories and their applications to ethical issues in<strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> in the last few years. The course will begin with anoverview of the major ethical schools, namely, utilitarianism,deontological theories and virtue ethics, which will providestudents with some basic concepts that can be used throughout thecourse to understand ethical problems. It will continue by lookingat selected topics of ethical controversies in <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> society.Major areas may include topics such as life and death; love, sexand marriage; environmental ethics and business ethics. Withinthis format, we will give special attention to issues relevant tothese considerations in <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> today.GCVM 1016 Ethics for Professionals in a (3,2,1)Multicultural WorldThis course examines a set of problems and dilemmas (e.g.deception, privacy and confidentiality, professional dissent, socialresponsibility and justice, professional virtue) that arise across abroad range of professions (e.g. business, medicine, journalism,social work, education, accounting), and discusses how they canbe approached in morally and culturally sensitive ways. Studentswill recognize that life in many professions involves grappling355<strong>Course</strong> <strong>Descriptions</strong>

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