Course Descriptions - Hong Kong Baptist University - Academic ...

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330Course DescriptionsENGL 3075 Single Author Forum: Drama (3,3,0)Prerequisite: ENGL 2007 Literary and Comparative StudiesThis course will (1) assess a single prominent dramatist in English;and (2) examine the chosen dramatist’s plays in light of relevantbiographical, political, social, historical, and cultural contexts.ENGL 3076 Single Author Forum: Poetry (3,3,0)Prerequisite: ENGL 2007 Literary and Comparative StudiesThis course will (1) analyse in depth one distinguished poet inEnglish; and (2) examine poetry in light of a poet’s biographical,historical, and cultural contexts.ENGL 3077 Single Author Forum: Prose (3,3,0)FictionPrerequisite: Any one Literary and Comparative Studies courseThis course will (1) examine the works of a single prominentfiction writer in English; (2) analyse the major themes, style,and techniques characteristic of the chosen author; (3) evaluatethe chosen author in his/her biographical, historical and criticalcontexts; and (4) assess the author’s contribution to fiction writingas a genre and his or her position with regard to national traditionsand world literary contexts.ENGL 3085 Special Topic in Comparative (3,3,0)LiteraturePrerequisite: ENGL 2007 Literary and Comparative Studiesor others as may be required depending upon thetopic offeredThis course will provide advanced students with an opportunity toexplore selected topics in comparative literary studies in depth.ENGL 3086 Special Topic in Literature (3,3,0)Prerequisite: ENGL 2007 Literary and Comparative Studiesor others as may be required depending upon thetopic offeredThis course will (1) provide advanced students with an opportunityto study and discuss selected topics in literary and critical studies;and (2) prepare students for further study in the same (or related)special topic.ENGL 3087 Special Topic in Western Critical (3,3,0)TheoryPrerequisite: ENGL 2077 Western Critical Approaches toLiteratureThis course will (1) provide the in-depth study of a specific areawithin modern literary/cultural theory; and (2) sharpen students’analytical and interpretive skills through an engagement withbasic questions about literary/cultural practice using a particulartheoretical perspective.ENGL 3095 Styles and Structures (3,3,0)Prerequisite: ENGL 2005 Introduction to the Study of Languageor ENGL 2007 Literary and Comparative StudiesThis course will (1) convey the concept of style; (2) analyselinguistic structures and how they affect the meaning andreception of texts; and (3) view differences in style in texts ofvarious genres and periods.ENGL 3096 The Child and Literature (3,3,0)Prerequisite: ENGL 2007 Literary and Comparative StudiesThis course will (1) introduce students to a wide variety ofliterature for and about children; (2) enable students to identifyand articulate currents of thought in the texts they encounter, toexplore the manner of their expression, and to make comparisonswhere appropriate; and (3) encourage students to view thestudy of literature from an educational point of view, regardingliterature not only as literature but as a medium of instruction aswell.ENGL 3097 The Short Story (3,3,0)Prerequisite: ENGL 2007 Literary and Comparative StudiesThis course will (1) examine representative short stories written inor translated into English; (2) demonstrate knowledge of differenttypes of short stories, and different writers’ styles and literarytechniques; and (3) evaluate the production of short stories in aninternational and inter-cultural context.ENGL 3105 Twentieth-Century Literature (3,3,0)Prerequisite: ENGL 2007 Literary and Comparative StudiesThis course will (1) examine short stories and novels written inEnglish whose diversity of styles and subjects demonstrate thechanging perceptions of literature and life during the last century;(2) explore significant twentieth-century works of fiction includingnovels and/or collections of short stories; and (3) encouragestudents to consider literary works in a historical context, inrelation to a given author’s wider canon, and with regard to thework of her/his contemporaries.ENGL 3106 Twentieth-Century Poetry (3,3,0)Prerequisite: ENGL 2007 Literary and Comparative StudiesThis course will (1) investigate twentieth-century poetry as a modeof thought and expression; and (2) introduce students to the styles,subjects and poetic imperatives that emerged in the twentiethcentury.ENGL 3107 Acquiring and Learning a (3,3,0)LanguagePrerequisite: ENGL 2005 Introduction to the Study ofLanguageThe course familiarizes students with central issues in the areaof language acquistion and language learning. It also introducesmajor theories concerning the central issues and enables studentsto interpret data on first or second language acquisition againstthe background of theoretical insights.ENGL 3205 Components of a Word (3,3,0)Prerequisite: ENGL 2005 Introduction to the Study ofLanguageThis course will provide students with analytical knowledge ofmorphology, familiarize students with the various dimensions inthe notion word and the relationship between words.ENGL 3206 Critical Discourse Analysis (3,3,0)Prerequisite: ENGL 2005 Introduction to the Study ofLanguageThe course will focus on introducing analytical techniquesof critical discourse analysis and developing students’ criticalawareness of how ideologies position discourse.ENGL 3207 Language and Intercultural (3,3,0)CommunicationThe course will give students the opportunity to explorethe interrelationship between linguistic and communicativephenomena on the one hand, and cultural phenomena on theother.ENGL 3305 Studying Meaning (3,3,0)Prerequisite: ENGL 2005 Introduction to the Study ofLanguageThis course will provide analytical knowledge of word-level andsentence-level semantics.ENGL 3306 Understanding Phonological (3,3,0)PatternsPrerequisite: ENGL 2016 Sounds of English around the WorldThis course will enable students to have an in-depth understandingof phonological theorizing and analysis. It will familiarizestudents with phonological patterns in languages beyond English,and relate phonological properties across languages.ENGL 3307 Architecture of Grammar (3,3,0)The focus of the course is to provide students with a fundamentaltraining in English syntax and to inform students of the bases ofgrammaticality through empirical studies.

ENGL 4005 Advanced Topic in Comparative (3,3,0)LiteraturePrerequisite: Two Level III courses from the Literary andComparative Studies ConcentrationThis course will (1) provide students with in-depth knowledgeof a selected topic in comparative literary studies; (2) enablestudents to engage with issues from a cross-cultural and/orinterdisciplinary perspective; and (3) enhance students’ criticalthinking and analytical skills necessary for cross-cultural studies.ENGL 4006 Advanced Topic in Language (3,3,0)Prerequisite: Two Level III courses and any addition courses tobe specified by instructor(s)This course will provide an in-depth study of a specific themepertaining to language. Specific themes may be selected accordingto the need of the students and developments in linguistics.ENGL 4007 Advanced Topic in Linguistic (3,3,0)TheoryPrerequisite: Two Level III courses and any addition courses tobe specified by instructor(s)This course will provide an in-depth study of a theoretical issue,theme or model in linguistics. Topics vary from semester tosemester.ENGL 4015 Advanced Topic in Literatures in (3,3,0)EnglishPrerequisite: ENGL 2077 Western Critical Approaches toLiterature, ENGL 3086 Special Topic in WesternCritical Theory, or ENGL 3087 Special Topic inWestern Critical TheoryThis course will (1) provide advanced students with in-depthknowledge of a selected topic pertaining to a given literatureor literatures written in English; and (2) enable an in-depthunderstanding of a specific topic pertaining to students’ advancedresearch.ENGL 4017 Advanced Seminar in Language (3,3,0)and GenderPrerequisite: ENGL 2005 Introduction to the Study ofLanguageThis course will introduce a range of current issues in theacademic field of language and gender, and explore differentapproaches to analysing the impact of gender in both spoken andwritten texts. Student will be encouraged to appreciate culturalvariations on gendered language and identities. The course willalso develop the students’ awareness and critical thinking ofgender in their own experiences of language use and learning, andstudents’ analytical skills to analyse data collected by students invarious contexts by using the theoretical frameworks acquired inthe course.ENGL 4025 Analysing Multimodal (3,3,0)CommunicationPrerequisite: ENGL 2005 Introduction to the Study ofLanguageThis course will introduce the different frameworks ofmultimodality and examine the interactions of words and visuals.It will also examine how linguistic tools can be utilized in thestudy of visuals and how a multimodal corpus can be built.ENGL 4026 Exploring Intercultural (3,3,0)Communication through Filmsand LiteraturePrerequisite: ENGL 2005 Introduction to the Study ofLanguageThis course will introduce students to the linguistic andcommunication theories underpinning intercultural understanding.It will evaluate the different paradigms of interculturalcommunication and the different data sources of interculturalcommunication, that is, the advantages and disadvantages ofusing authentic data and creative productions.ENGL 4027 Exploring Bilingualism and (3,3,0)Bilingual EducationPrerequisite: ENGL 2005 Introduction to the Study ofLanguageThis course will familiarize students with the variety of interdisciplinaryperspectives on bilingualism and bilingual education.It will give students exposure to major concepts and theoriesconcerning bilingualism and bilingual education. It will alsoenable students to apply the concepts and theories introduced tothe analysis of important issues in the Hong Kong situation.ENGL 4035 Functional Grammar (3,3,0)Prerequisite: ENGL 2005 Introduction to the Study ofLanguageThis course will introduce relevant theorems within functionalgrammar and familiarize students with the explanatory aims ofeach module. This course will also create awareness of the majorfunctional patterns of the English language.ENGL 4036 Language, Communication and (3,3,0)AdvertisingThis course will introduce students to different approaches tothe study of advertisements, including semiotics, grammar ofvisual design, discourse analysis and multimodality. It will alsointroduce students to the whole range of communicative featuresin advertisements and commercials, including text (linguistic andparalinguistic features), image, composition, colour, and sound,and illustrate how and what they communicate. Students willbe able to apply their knowledge of advertising to analyses ofdifferent types of advertisements and commericals.ENGL 4037 Language and the Workplace (3,3,0)Prerequisite: ENGL 2005 Introduction to the Study ofLanguageThis course will introduce the functions of language in theworkplace and examine the different linguistic frameworks tostudy the texts and conversations in the workplace. It will alsoexamine the ideologies of work in creative productions such asfilm and literature, appreciate the use of the workplace in creativeproductions and compare the meaning of work in differentcultures.ENGL 4045 Language in Education (3,3,0)Prerequisite: ENGL 2005 Introduction to the Study ofLanguageThis course will help students grasp the essential characteristicsof children’s developing communicative competence at home andschool. It will demonstrate the variations in the level and profileof language development depending on home conditions. Thecourse will familiarize students will the basic policies on languagein education.ENGL 4047 Perspectives on Universal Themes (3,3,0)Prerequisite: ENGL 2005 Introduction to the Study ofLanguageThis course will help students relate at a philosophical level thethemes in linguistics that cut across disciplines. It will broadenstudents’ perspectives on the properties of their discipline byplacing it in the large context of academic inquiry, and cultivatecourage in students to approach issues outside their field oftraining as well as rigour in attempting to understand issues thatlie beyond their field of training.ENGL 4055 Stories of English (3,3,0)Prerequisite: ENGL 2005 Introduction to the Study ofLanguageThis course will provide students with an understanding of thehistorical development and of the present state of the Englishlanguage around the world. It will familiarize students withboth the internal and external principles of language change andlanguage diversity.331Course Descriptions

330<strong>Course</strong> <strong>Descriptions</strong>ENGL 3075 Single Author Forum: Drama (3,3,0)Prerequisite: ENGL 2007 Literary and Comparative StudiesThis course will (1) assess a single prominent dramatist in English;and (2) examine the chosen dramatist’s plays in light of relevantbiographical, political, social, historical, and cultural contexts.ENGL 3076 Single Author Forum: Poetry (3,3,0)Prerequisite: ENGL 2007 Literary and Comparative StudiesThis course will (1) analyse in depth one distinguished poet inEnglish; and (2) examine poetry in light of a poet’s biographical,historical, and cultural contexts.ENGL 3077 Single Author Forum: Prose (3,3,0)FictionPrerequisite: Any one Literary and Comparative Studies courseThis course will (1) examine the works of a single prominentfiction writer in English; (2) analyse the major themes, style,and techniques characteristic of the chosen author; (3) evaluatethe chosen author in his/her biographical, historical and criticalcontexts; and (4) assess the author’s contribution to fiction writingas a genre and his or her position with regard to national traditionsand world literary contexts.ENGL 3085 Special Topic in Comparative (3,3,0)LiteraturePrerequisite: ENGL 2007 Literary and Comparative Studiesor others as may be required depending upon thetopic offeredThis course will provide advanced students with an opportunity toexplore selected topics in comparative literary studies in depth.ENGL 3086 Special Topic in Literature (3,3,0)Prerequisite: ENGL 2007 Literary and Comparative Studiesor others as may be required depending upon thetopic offeredThis course will (1) provide advanced students with an opportunityto study and discuss selected topics in literary and critical studies;and (2) prepare students for further study in the same (or related)special topic.ENGL 3087 Special Topic in Western Critical (3,3,0)TheoryPrerequisite: ENGL 2077 Western Critical Approaches toLiteratureThis course will (1) provide the in-depth study of a specific areawithin modern literary/cultural theory; and (2) sharpen students’analytical and interpretive skills through an engagement withbasic questions about literary/cultural practice using a particulartheoretical perspective.ENGL 3095 Styles and Structures (3,3,0)Prerequisite: ENGL 2005 Introduction to the Study of Languageor ENGL 2007 Literary and Comparative StudiesThis course will (1) convey the concept of style; (2) analyselinguistic structures and how they affect the meaning andreception of texts; and (3) view differences in style in texts ofvarious genres and periods.ENGL 3096 The Child and Literature (3,3,0)Prerequisite: ENGL 2007 Literary and Comparative StudiesThis course will (1) introduce students to a wide variety ofliterature for and about children; (2) enable students to identifyand articulate currents of thought in the texts they encounter, toexplore the manner of their expression, and to make comparisonswhere appropriate; and (3) encourage students to view thestudy of literature from an educational point of view, regardingliterature not only as literature but as a medium of instruction aswell.ENGL 3097 The Short Story (3,3,0)Prerequisite: ENGL 2007 Literary and Comparative StudiesThis course will (1) examine representative short stories written inor translated into English; (2) demonstrate knowledge of differenttypes of short stories, and different writers’ styles and literarytechniques; and (3) evaluate the production of short stories in aninternational and inter-cultural context.ENGL 3105 Twentieth-Century Literature (3,3,0)Prerequisite: ENGL 2007 Literary and Comparative StudiesThis course will (1) examine short stories and novels written inEnglish whose diversity of styles and subjects demonstrate thechanging perceptions of literature and life during the last century;(2) explore significant twentieth-century works of fiction includingnovels and/or collections of short stories; and (3) encouragestudents to consider literary works in a historical context, inrelation to a given author’s wider canon, and with regard to thework of her/his contemporaries.ENGL 3106 Twentieth-Century Poetry (3,3,0)Prerequisite: ENGL 2007 Literary and Comparative StudiesThis course will (1) investigate twentieth-century poetry as a modeof thought and expression; and (2) introduce students to the styles,subjects and poetic imperatives that emerged in the twentiethcentury.ENGL 3107 Acquiring and Learning a (3,3,0)LanguagePrerequisite: ENGL 2005 Introduction to the Study ofLanguageThe course familiarizes students with central issues in the areaof language acquistion and language learning. It also introducesmajor theories concerning the central issues and enables studentsto interpret data on first or second language acquisition againstthe background of theoretical insights.ENGL 3205 Components of a Word (3,3,0)Prerequisite: ENGL 2005 Introduction to the Study ofLanguageThis course will provide students with analytical knowledge ofmorphology, familiarize students with the various dimensions inthe notion word and the relationship between words.ENGL 3206 Critical Discourse Analysis (3,3,0)Prerequisite: ENGL 2005 Introduction to the Study ofLanguageThe course will focus on introducing analytical techniquesof critical discourse analysis and developing students’ criticalawareness of how ideologies position discourse.ENGL 3207 Language and Intercultural (3,3,0)CommunicationThe course will give students the opportunity to explorethe interrelationship between linguistic and communicativephenomena on the one hand, and cultural phenomena on theother.ENGL 3305 Studying Meaning (3,3,0)Prerequisite: ENGL 2005 Introduction to the Study ofLanguageThis course will provide analytical knowledge of word-level andsentence-level semantics.ENGL 3306 Understanding Phonological (3,3,0)PatternsPrerequisite: ENGL 2016 Sounds of English around the WorldThis course will enable students to have an in-depth understandingof phonological theorizing and analysis. It will familiarizestudents with phonological patterns in languages beyond English,and relate phonological properties across languages.ENGL 3307 Architecture of Grammar (3,3,0)The focus of the course is to provide students with a fundamentaltraining in English syntax and to inform students of the bases ofgrammaticality through empirical studies.

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