Youth Leader Manual - 4-H Ontario

Youth Leader Manual - 4-H Ontario

Youth Leader Manual - 4-H Ontario

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4-H ONTARIO | YOUTH LEADER PROJECT | INTRODUCTION7most of the time you meet with them. As well, phone calls and e-mails areeffective ways of communication.• Share your ideas on how you would like to be involved• Listen to your leader’s ideas on how he/she would like you to be involved• Make a decision about what type of involvement will suit you and your clubleaders and will benefit your Club Members• Communicate regularly with your club leaders so they know what you aredoing and vice versa2. BEFORE EACH MEETING ASK YOURSELF THE FOLLOWINGQUESTIONS:• How will you present your activity?• How much time do you have on the agenda?• When is the optimal spot on the agenda for your activity? (e.g. getting themembers to run around is not the best way to start a meeting as they maynot settle down and focus)• What supplies or equipment will you need?• Does the activity involve all club members?• Do you need to take into account any special needs any of the clubMembers may have? (e.g. Does someone have food allergies? Is there aclub Member who may not be able to physically participate in the activity?)Practice your activity so you are ready to deal with any difficulties you mightencounter and brainstorm variations in the case that the activity does not proceedas initially planned.Talk to your club leaders if you have any questions while planning.

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