Youth Leader Manual - 4-H Ontario

Youth Leader Manual - 4-H Ontario

Youth Leader Manual - 4-H Ontario

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4-H ONTARIO | YOUTH LEADER PROJECT | SELECTING ACTIVITIES132. ROLE-PLAYIn a role-play, three to six members act out a situation in front of the group. Thereis often no script; members make up their parts as they go.Examples:• Chairing an effective meeting• Planning the Achievement Program• Being a wise consumer• Saying no to drugs• Being bullied at school• Planning for a camping tripPROS CONS HOW-TO-DO• Actively involvesmembers• Freedom for membersto think and act likeanother person• Can be a dramaticway to present aproblem for discussion• Allows Members to becreative• Useful for showinghow to and how notto deal with certainsituations• Some people may betoo self-conscious toparticipate as actors• May be less effectivebefore largeraudiences• Needs to be fairly fastpacedto keep interestof Members• Situation must becontrolled to makesure key messagesare being conveyed• DEFINE thesituation clearly• SELECT playersand give them aminute to prepare• STOP once key pointsare demonstrated• DISCUSS key points

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