The Girl-Child and Government Service Provision.pdf - Tanzania ...

The Girl-Child and Government Service Provision.pdf - Tanzania ... The Girl-Child and Government Service Provision.pdf - Tanzania ...
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3. What are the main reasons why boys are absent from classes? (List from most common to least common)Geographic and/or climatic difficultiesThey don’t like the schoolThey have to do house choresThey have to work in other production activitiesTheir parents don’t send them or don’t force them to goOther (specify):4. Which have the best school performance?Girls Boys Both the same5. Does class attendance decrease when the school lunchroom cannot serve all the children?Yes No6. What are the main limitations at the school? (You may mark more than one.)Lack of educational materialsInadequate infrastructureInsufficient lunchroom serviceInsufficient number of teachersOther (specify):7. What are the main concerns and/or complaints you receive from parents concerning their children’s education?What is the response of the school?Questionnaire for health centres, Stage II(according to the opinion of those interviewed)Community:Type of centre:Number of days per week it offers service to the population:Number of children received for examination during the last month (according to records)Name and role of the person who supplied record data:Name of the person interviewed:Role at the centre:Date:1. During the past month, have girls or boys been received more frequently?Girls Boys Both the same2. What are the main reasons children come to the centre?Girls:Boys:3. Who brings the girls to the health centre? (Number from most common to least common)MotherFatherBoth parentsOther relativesOther people (not related)The girls come by themselves4. Who brings the boys to the health centre? (Number from most common to least common)MotherFatherBoth parentsOther relativesOther people (not related)The boys come by themselves74 The Girl-Child and Government Service Provision

5. What are the main limitations for meeting the basic health needs of the children? (You may check more than one.)Lack of medicinesLack of medical equipmentLack of specialistsLimited capability for attentionOther (specify):6. Which are more often involved in activities related to health care—girls or boys? (e.g. prevention campaigns, vaccination,etc.)Girls Boys Both the same7. Have you ever felt that girls and boys are treated differently at the health centre?Yes Why?No Why8. What remarks can you make about the access and use of health services by girls and boys, in terms of frequencyof use, the limitations and the cultural factors that might lead that population to use or not to use a health centre?Questionnaire for residents in generalCommunity:Name:Date:1. How many people under 15 live with you?Girls Boys2. Do you have access to potable water?No YesIf yes, where? At home Somewhere else in the community3. Do you have electric power at home?Yes No4. Near your home (at a reasonable distance to walk or with easy access by bus), is there aPrimary school? Yes NoSecondary school? Yes NoHealth centre? Yes NoPark? Yes NoPublic sports grounds? Yes NoPublic library? Yes No5. Do your children (or the children who live with you)Attend school (primary or secondary)? Yes NoUse or have used the community health services? Yes NoParticipate in sports activities (at school, in teams, etc.)? Yes NoParticipate in art groups (of the school or otherwise)? Yes NoParticipate in the programs of other entities (specify):6. What do you think are the main problems concerning the health centre that serves your community? (You maycheck more than one.)How infrequently they serve the populationHealth personnel do not relate well to people (bad treatment)Unable to care for problems beyond the basic onesSlow serviceLack of medicinesOther (specify):The Girl-Child and Government Service Provision 75

3. What are the main reasons why boys are absent from classes? (List from most common to least common)Geographic <strong>and</strong>/or climatic difficulties<strong>The</strong>y don’t like the school<strong>The</strong>y have to do house chores<strong>The</strong>y have to work in other production activities<strong>The</strong>ir parents don’t send them or don’t force them to goOther (specify):4. Which have the best school performance?<strong>Girl</strong>s Boys Both the same5. Does class attendance decrease when the school lunchroom cannot serve all the children?Yes No6. What are the main limitations at the school? (You may mark more than one.)Lack of educational materialsInadequate infrastructureInsufficient lunchroom serviceInsufficient number of teachersOther (specify):7. What are the main concerns <strong>and</strong>/or complaints you receive from parents concerning their children’s education?What is the response of the school?Questionnaire for health centres, Stage II(according to the opinion of those interviewed)Community:Type of centre:Number of days per week it offers service to the population:Number of children received for examination during the last month (according to records)Name <strong>and</strong> role of the person who supplied record data:Name of the person interviewed:Role at the centre:Date:1. During the past month, have girls or boys been received more frequently?<strong>Girl</strong>s Boys Both the same2. What are the main reasons children come to the centre?<strong>Girl</strong>s:Boys:3. Who brings the girls to the health centre? (Number from most common to least common)MotherFatherBoth parentsOther relativesOther people (not related)<strong>The</strong> girls come by themselves4. Who brings the boys to the health centre? (Number from most common to least common)MotherFatherBoth parentsOther relativesOther people (not related)<strong>The</strong> boys come by themselves74 <strong>The</strong> <strong>Girl</strong>-<strong>Child</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Government</strong> <strong>Service</strong> <strong>Provision</strong>

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