The Girl-Child and Government Service Provision.pdf - Tanzania ...

The Girl-Child and Government Service Provision.pdf - Tanzania ... The Girl-Child and Government Service Provision.pdf - Tanzania ...
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Annex 2: Questions forinterviews with teachers1. Name of school?2. How many male teachers? How may females teachers?3. How many boys in the school? How many girls?4. What problems does the school face at the momentand how do those problems affect enrolment, performanceand attendance of the children in the school?5. Does disparity occur in enrolment, attendance andperformance between boys and girls?6. What should be done to increase the enrolment, attendanceand performance of girls in this school?7. What do you think could/should be done to help girlsif more resources were available?8. What resources are needed to make schools betterplaces to help more girls?9. Who are the actors in supporting your local initiativestoward improving education in the community (community,government, NGOs, private, other)?10. What roles have been played by actors in improvingthe situation of education in the school and community(separate roles per actor)?11. What more should the government do to improveeducation within the community?12. What should parents do to improve the education oftheir children, especially girls?13. What should girls in particular do to improve theireducational performance?14. What should NGOs do differently to improve educationin the community?Annex 3: Question forinterviews with healthworkers1. Name of the health centre?2. Number of male staff? female staff?3. What are the main problems and/or challenges facingthis facility that cause it to fail to deliver required serviceto community members, especially children?4. Do you record the gender of children attending (orvisited), and do these figures show any significant disparitybetween the number of boys and the number ofgirls accessing the service?5. Have you observed any disparity that does not showup in the statistics?6. What reasons might account for disparity in accessand/or use of services by the girls and boys in thecommunity7. What are some of the costs that parents incur for thehealth care of their children?8. Do you think parents are able to meet these costs?9. How do you think that access and/or use by girls couldbe increased?10. What do you think should/could be done to help girlsif more resources were available?11. What harmful traditional practices have you observedin the community that affect girls’ health?12. What should be done to promote primary health carefor children within the community? What should bedone by government? by parents? by NGOs?50 The Girl-Child and Government Service Provision

Annex 4: Questions forfocus-group discussionswith children at schoolAnnex 5: Questions forfocus-group discussionswith village leaders1. What social services for use by children exist in thiscommunity?2. Are there any problems associated with governmentservices in education or health?3. Does the family receive any regular visits from governmentworkers connected with the children or anyother form of help?4. Do/did all girls at your village attend school? (If not,why?)5. Are there any children working or living outside theirhome? (What do they do? Their ages and sex?)6. What roles are filled by girls at home?7. What roles are filled by boys at home?8. Have there been times when a child was sick and thefamily failed to take the child to the health centre? (Ifyes, why? What was the age of the child? the sex?)9. Who is given attention by the family when sick, a girlor a boy? Why? Are there signs of discrimination?10. What keeps many girls out of schools (primary, secondaryand college)? What keeps girls performing wellin this village?11. What opportunities exist for girls after school?12. Do families believe that their daughters have the opportunityto achieve as much as their sons? (Do parentsexpect girls to perform well? Do they motivatetheir girls?)13. Do families think girls can contribute to the future oftheir country? In what ways?1. Name of the village?2. As community leaders, how do assess the well-beingof children in this community (health, education, moraland so forth)? Is their condition good? bad? Why?3. What social services exist in the community for use bychildren? Who provides which services?4. What are the main problems in the community as faras health services and/or facilities for children are concerned?5. Are there any practices in the community that indicategirl children are discriminated against by parents? Ifyes, what practices? How do they lead to discrimination?Why do they continue?6. Does the community have any child-protection facility(against exploitation, abuse and so on)?7. Are there any bylaws in the community that protectchildren? What are they?8. What more should the government do to improveprimary health care for children within the community?9. What are the main education problems facing childrenin the community?10. What are the main problems in the community as faras education services and/or schools are concerned?11. What needs to be done to solve these problems?12. What more should the government do to improveeducation for children within the community?14. In what ways do parents and/or the community expressdiscrimination against girls? (Hint: birth preferenceof boys vs. girls, inheritance patterns and so on)15. In order to improve the condition, environment anddevelopment of children, especially girls, what shouldbe done?The Girl-Child and Government Service Provision 51

Annex 2: Questions forinterviews with teachers1. Name of school?2. How many male teachers? How may females teachers?3. How many boys in the school? How many girls?4. What problems does the school face at the moment<strong>and</strong> how do those problems affect enrolment, performance<strong>and</strong> attendance of the children in the school?5. Does disparity occur in enrolment, attendance <strong>and</strong>performance between boys <strong>and</strong> girls?6. What should be done to increase the enrolment, attendance<strong>and</strong> performance of girls in this school?7. What do you think could/should be done to help girlsif more resources were available?8. What resources are needed to make schools betterplaces to help more girls?9. Who are the actors in supporting your local initiativestoward improving education in the community (community,government, NGOs, private, other)?10. What roles have been played by actors in improvingthe situation of education in the school <strong>and</strong> community(separate roles per actor)?11. What more should the government do to improveeducation within the community?12. What should parents do to improve the education oftheir children, especially girls?13. What should girls in particular do to improve theireducational performance?14. What should NGOs do differently to improve educationin the community?Annex 3: Question forinterviews with healthworkers1. Name of the health centre?2. Number of male staff? female staff?3. What are the main problems <strong>and</strong>/or challenges facingthis facility that cause it to fail to deliver required serviceto community members, especially children?4. Do you record the gender of children attending (orvisited), <strong>and</strong> do these figures show any significant disparitybetween the number of boys <strong>and</strong> the number ofgirls accessing the service?5. Have you observed any disparity that does not showup in the statistics?6. What reasons might account for disparity in access<strong>and</strong>/or use of services by the girls <strong>and</strong> boys in thecommunity7. What are some of the costs that parents incur for thehealth care of their children?8. Do you think parents are able to meet these costs?9. How do you think that access <strong>and</strong>/or use by girls couldbe increased?10. What do you think should/could be done to help girlsif more resources were available?11. What harmful traditional practices have you observedin the community that affect girls’ health?12. What should be done to promote primary health carefor children within the community? What should bedone by government? by parents? by NGOs?50 <strong>The</strong> <strong>Girl</strong>-<strong>Child</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Government</strong> <strong>Service</strong> <strong>Provision</strong>

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